Rock'n'Roll LifestyleChapter 9 free porn video

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The door at the rear of the meeting room was open, and Amanda followed Cindy and Corey into the living room.

"God, it's huge!" Amanda said, looking around the room. "I mean, you don't really get a feel for it from the diagrams, but this is really big!"

"Biggest prop-driven cargo job I could find." Corey stated proudly. "Aren't you glad I didn't go for some piss-ass little executive jet?"

"Am I ever!" Amanda took two quick steps into a cartwheel into a back handspring. "Lots of room! Let's see 'em do that in a Lear jet!" she laughed.

Cindy was walking around the room making notes in a little notebook. Facing the rear of the plane, the bar/kitchen/studio control booth was in the left rear corner, the bathroom projected into the room in the right rear corner, and the door to the bedroom was in the middle of the rear wall. There were two large windows, two feet high by four feet wide on the left wall, and a row of porthole windows on the right. Like the rest of the plane except the cargo area, the floor was covered with deep pile harvest gold carpet. The walls were cream white, the ceiling covered with acoustic tile of the same color.

"It'll take a while getting used to the curved side walls, but God it's so beautiful!" Amanda stated, looking out the window.

"I'm glad you like it." Corey said with obvious pride.

Amanda went through the door to the bedroom. It had the same windows as the living room, a small door in the left side of the rear wall that opened into the huge walk-in closet, and a matching small door in the right corner that led back to the cargo area. Unlike the living room there was no flat ceiling, the curve of the side walls continuing up and over in a high arch, following the plane's contours.

"It seems like destiny that I met you both just as it was ready." Corey said from behind her. His arms slid around her and clasped just under her breasts, his body snuggling against her back. "You didn't have much time to decide what you were going to do in here. Think you'll have to make any revisions?"

"No" she said, laying her hands over his. "I'm even more sure now that I've seen it. And it was destiny. I can't wait to make love with you in here."

She turned around in his embrace, reached up to lace her fingers around his neck, and lifted herself up to wrap her legs around his waist.

"God I love you so much." she said, her face two inches from his.

He wrapped one arm around her waist, the other under her bum, and kissed her lovingly.

They heard the quiet whine and throb as the first engine started, the sound and vibration building as the second, third and fourth engines ignited and turned over, settling into a low roar of fire with a high turbine whine.

"God, that turns me on." Amanda whispered in his ear. "So much power... it's exciting."

"Get off him, you little nympho!" Cindy teased as she hugged them, then slid her hands between their legs, caressing Corey's balls and Amanda's pussy through their jeans. "We'll be taking off in five minutes!"

"Please be sure that all doors are firmly latched, and all objects secured." Maggie's voice asked over the hidden intercom speakers. "We'll be taxi-ing in three minutes."

"Told ya." Cindy giggled.

"Then stop playing with me down there, ya big tease!" Amanda responded.

She slid down from Corey and they closed the doors behind them on the way to the cockpit. When they reached the meeting room Markus was pulling up the counter-weighted stairs by the support cables. They swung upward and closed, becoming the door, and Markus latched it with a large lever.

The girls were going to sit on the couch and buckle themselves in when Corey said:

"Just a sec." He turned a lever on the back of the couch and slid it forward to just behind the pilot's chairs, and the girls realized it was on recessed rails. "There. Now we can see out the windows." he said as he took the middle seat. Markus came around the couch and took the co-pilot's chair, strapping himself in and settling a headset over his ears.

"Mandy, it is Mandy, right?" Maggie asked as she turned around in her chair.

"Amanda." she corrected.

"Sorry, Amanda, at least I was close. And... Cindy right?"


"Okay. Anyway Amanda, you should give Cindy the window seat." Maggie said.

"Why?" Amanda asked as she buckled herself into the other one.

"So she can see out the side window, and you can't." Maggie told her with an evil grin. "The extra disorientation adds to the rush when you can only see out the front."

"Cool!" Amanda enthused.

Maggie keyed her mike. "Tower, this is seven three three niner tango zebra charlie, requesting clearance for a thirty minute shakedown, over."

The tower responded promptly: "Roger that, seven three three niner tango zebra charlie. You're cleared on runway four. Over."

"Roger on runway four, tower. Requesting airspace for aerobatic manoeuvres, over."

The tower man gave her a list of co-ordinates for open airspace and added: "Have fun, Maggie! Over."

"Thanks Joe, I'm sure we will, over." Maggie eased back on the throttles, and the plane slowly moved, rolling out of the hangar at walking speed.

"Wanna taxi it out, Markus?" Maggie asked as they cleared the hangar doors. "Get a feel for how he handles on the ground?"

"Thanks." Markus said as he took the handgrips in front of him.

"You know where you're goin'?" she asked. He gave her a intense smirk with a raised eyebrow. "Sorry, stupid question." she admitted with a grin, raising her hands in the air. "I guess I'm not used to men who have their shit together."

"He?" Cindy asked. "I thought planes were referred to as 'she'."

"Most planes are 'she'." Maggie agreed. "Some are as male as your man sitting beside you. Most fighter planes are 'he'. Attack helicopters are all 'he'. And this over-muscled bad boy," she affectionately patted the side of her chair, "is definitely a 'he'!"

"How do you know?" Amanda asked.

"It's a feel thing." Maggie stated. "The male ones, when you push 'em to their limit and you're a woman, you get a feeling like they're fucking you. Pardon my language. What do you think, Markus?"

"Oh yah. I flew a Corsair once. You know, World War Two aircraft carrier fighter plane? Very male plane. Felt like an extension of my dick."

"I believe it." Maggie agreed. "Would you believe this thing's faster than that Corsair?"

"Really? I'm impressed!" Markus replied.

"What'll we name him, Corey?" Amanda asked.

"Rex." Corey answered with no hesitation, leaning back and lacing his fingers behind his head. "Makes me feel like a king."

Everyone chuckled at that.

Markus turned them onto the runway and gently applied the brakes. "This is where you take over." he told Maggie.

"Okay." Maggie said, turning in her chair to address them all. "Little Amanda here wants me to freak her out. Any of you get airsick? No? Any motion sickness? Ever thrown up on one of the rides at the fair? No? Alright. If anyone starts to feel anything bad, let me know and I'll level it out. If I don't level it out fast enough, remember there's barf bags in a pocket under the front edge of the couch. Hold it tight to your mouth or you'll get stuff up your nose and stuff.

"This little maneuver is called 'Evasive Short Runway Take Off', amongst other things. It's what you do when you're leavin' someplace where people in the area on the ground are gonna shoot at you." She pushed the throttles smoothly forward to their limit, and they could feel the big plane straining against the brakes without moving. When she released the brakes the plane lurched forward, then accelerated powerfully, pressing them back in their seats. She pulled back on the yoke and they leaped into the air, climbing at an incredibly steep angle.

"Jesus!" Corey exclaimed.

"Yup. Not too many cargo units'll climb at fifty five degrees." Maggie stated happily.

They soon leveled off, then she banked left hard enough to put the plane on it's side, then leveled out.

"Okay. We've got ten minutes till we get to where we can have some fun. You can unstrap and have a drink and a pee if you want." Maggie told them. She put the plane on auto-pilot and turned to Corey.

"So what made you decide to install 1407's in this thing?" she asked.

"I just told him I wanted the best engines that'd fit. He started asking me if I wanted Pratt and Whitney this or General Electric that, and I told him to use what he would use if it was his plane and price was no object. Which it wasn't."

"What kind are they?" Amanda asked.

"Rolls Royce." Maggie told her with a smile.

"Wow! We live in a Rolls Royce!" Amanda laughed.

"Not really." Maggie smiled. "Just the engines are Rolls. The old man really got off on building this thing. He wrenched on it himself for ten hours a day for over a month. His restorations have gotta be perfect to the original specs, and he doesn't get many custom jobs where he can just go nuts and give it the royal treatment."

"Who built it originally? What company I mean." Cindy asked.

"Hughes Aircraft. This thing's a classic. You'll never see another one like it. It was one of the biggest transports going at the time it was built."

"Hughes Aircraft? Like Howard Hughes?" Amanda asked.

"Like his dad, actually. Howard inherited the company, then sold it. Now it's Hughes Aerospace, and General Motors owns it."

"It's so beautiful." Cindy marveled, admiring the view.

"If you look over there, you can see the snowstorm over Seattle." Maggie pointed out.

Amanda unbuckled and looked out the window on the other side.

"How high up are we?" she asked.

"Seventeen thousand feet." Markus answered.

"Man, I bet I can see clear to Idaho." Amanda marveled.

They enjoyed the view till the alarm on the autopilot went off.

"Okay, everybody strap in. We're there." Maggie advised. "You want to take a few turns before I get started? Get a feel for how he handles?" she asked Markus.

"I'd love to." he replied, and put his hands on the yoke.

"All yours." She told him as she snapped off the auto-pilot. He took it through some gentle banking 'S' turns, then some up and downs like they were flying over low hills.

"Thanks." he said, and she resumed control.

"You'll do." She told him with a grin. "Good touch on the rudder in that cross gust back there."

"Thanks." he said, obviously proud and relieved at her judgment.

"Okay people, check your pockets for loose objects, and cinch those belts up tight, and I do mean tight. This baby'll do all the maneuvers an F-15 can do, it just takes a while longer to get through 'em!" Maggie advised.

"We're ready." Corey replied after a few moments.

"Then hang on to your ass!" Maggie told them, and immediately did a roll to the left all the way around, then another to the right, up into a complete loop, then nosed down into an outside loop that didn't go all the way back to level. Instead when the nose was pointed straight up she let it stall with a sickening feeling as the plane came to a stop in the air. She played with the throttles with her right hand and the plane pinwheeled in the air and dove straight down. She let it accelerate until they could hear the air screaming past the windows.

"Yeeeeeeeehhaaaaaaaa!!!!!" Amanda yelled, holding her arms up in the air like a roller coaster rider.

"This is max speed, almost Mach one." Maggie stated calmly, then slowly brought it out of the dive into a shallow climb to scrub off some speed. Then she did eleven consecutive barrel rolls to the left, the plane rolling faster and faster, then leveled it out completely upside down.

"We havin' fun yet?" she asked with a grin.

"Oh God yes!" Amanda told her. "And Cindy and Corey look pretty funny with their hair like that!"

"You too, princess!" Corey laughed.

Maggie brought them back upside right and lifted the nose up to climb at the steepest angle possible for what seemed like a long time, then leveled out again.

"This is our ceiling, as high as you go without pressure or oxygen." she told them. "Now you get to feel the wildest thing you can do in a plane like this." She tipped the nose forward into a dive, let the speed build again, then lifted it skyward again and closed the throttles a bit. "We're now in a parabolic arc. I can give you almost two minutes of zero gravity. If you don't look outside, the illusion of being in space is incredibly powerful."

Corey unzipped a pocket and brought out a stick of gum, unwrapped it and popped it into his mouth, rolled the wrapper into a ball and set it floating in front of him. Cindy and Amanda watched it turning lazily in the air in rapt fascination.

"I wish I could make love in only two minutes." Amanda said in wonderment as Corey tapped the wrapper slowly back and forth between his widespread hands.

They all laughed, and Cindy said:

"I swear Amanda, you have the most one track mind in the world!"

"Maybe I do," Amanda agreed, "But think about it! Sex in zero gravity! Wouldn't it be great?"

"Yes it would." Markus said quietly, smiling at Maggie. To his surprise, she blushed crimson.

"Okay, I'm pulling out." she said. "Grab that loose object." Corey caught it and zipped it back in his pocket.

Maggie took them through another long and exhilarating series of rolls, loops, and stalls, did one final high bank turn, then leveled out.

"Well, I'd better head back if I want to get you back when I said I would." she said. "You can un-buckle for about fifteen minutes."

Amanda ripped her seat belt buckle open, then reached over and did the same for Corey's. She stood up, grabbed him by the hands and pulled him out of his seat with surprising strength.

"C'mere. I've gotta talk to you right now!" she told him. She threw open the door, pulled him through the meeting room and the door to the living room, slamming it behind them.

"Uh, Markus, do you think I could talk to Cindy for a minute?" Maggie asked, setting the auto-pilot.

"Sure." he replied with an easy smile. He unbuckled and went into the meeting room, closing the door behind him.

"Thanks." Maggie said, sounding relieved. "She's gonna fuck his brains out, isn't she? Amanda and Corey, I mean."

"Oh yah." Cindy agreed, laughing. She got up and took the co-pilot's chair.

"That's what I thought." Maggie said, nodding. "I thought you might want to join them, and I... well, the thought of being alone with Markus scared the hell out of me! I don't know what's got into me! I'm giddy as a school girl, and I'm not exactly a vestal virgin!"

"I can see it." Cindy said. "Markus is a hell of a man. If I weren't already in love with Corey, I'd be pretty attracted to him."

"You're in love with him? Aren't you jealous that they're back there fucking right now?"

"A bit." Cindy mused. "I wish she wanted me that bad."

Maggie looked flabbergasted, then grinned and nodded. "I see. You know you and Amanda look a lot alike, and you have the same last name. Are you cousins or something?"

"She's my sister." Cindy said, watching to see how Maggie would take that.

"Your sister? And you... Christ I'm sorry. I must sound like a prude."

"Yes, she's my sister, and my lover, since yesterday morning. But I've wanted her for a long time. And we're both in love with Corey. You think you can be comfortable with that?"

"Hell, I can be comfortable with anything that makes you happy: sisters, football teams, donkeys, whatever." Maggie laughed. "It just surprised the hell out of me for a second, that's all."

"Cool." Cindy replied. There was silence for a minute, as they were occupied with their thoughts.

"Hey, if you did want to join them, I'm sorry I kept you up here. Go ahead if you want." Maggie said.

"No, that's okay." Cindy laughed. "That roller coaster ride you gave us was a blast, but my stomach's still full of butterflies, so I'm not in the mood."

They shared another comfortable silence.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Maggie finally asked, wistfully.

Cindy laughed. "Hell, I was in love with Corey long before I ever met him! I believe in love before first sight!"

"Yah? How's that work?" Maggie asked.

"Well, Amanda started it. She was your typical obsessed fan. Masturbated to his videos for twelve hours a day, that kind of thing. I thought she was nuts. And him, I figured anyone that seemed that perfect must be an asshole underneath, so I figured if I could prove it to her, she'd get over it. So I investigated him thoroughly, and the more I found out about him, the more I found out how cool he really is. I fell in love with him and didn't tell Amanda, but I shared what I'd found out with her, and she went from being infatuated to loving him too. I snuck her into his dressing room night before last, but she didn't call to say she was okay and I got worried, so I broke in myself. Markus almost shot me, but that's his job, I guess. Anyway, we've been on this absolutely crazy joy ride ever since."

"Wow! That's pretty wild!" Maggie laughed.

"Isn't it though?" Cindy smiled, leaning back and sighing contentedly.

"You've only been together two days?" Maggie asked in amazement. "That's incredible! You guys act like you've been with each other for months!"

"I know. I feel like I've known him all my life. Of course, I have known Amanda all my life."

"So, you think I should go for Markus? I mean, do you think he likes me?" Maggie asked.

"Are you nuts? He's crazy about you!" Cindy laughed.

"Really? I mean you really think so?"

Cindy sat forward and put her hand on Maggie's shoulder. "Girl," she said, "You should grab that man with both hands and hang on tight. If you don't, you're being stupid as a post, and you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Trust me, I have a talent for these kinds of things."

"You're sure?" Maggie asked nervously.

"I'm sure." Cindy nodded confidently.

"Oh, thanks Cindy!" Maggie cried happily, and they hugged warmly.

Cindy leaned back and winked, and got up to go to the door.

"Oh shit! Give me a minute, okay?" Maggie said. She pulled her hair out of the ponytail holder and shook it out, letting her wavy, shoulder-length red tresses fall softly around her face. She stood up and kicked off her sneakers, unzipped the company coveralls, and stepped out of them to reveal tight jeans and an even tighter green T-shirt that read: U.S. ARMY. She put her sneakers back on, tossed the coveralls into the bathroom and shut the door. She turned to Cindy and asked: "How do I look?"

"Hmm. Bend down here a bit." Cindy said, and reached into an inside pocket for a tube of lipstick and some mascara. She applied them quickly and expertly, stepped back, and looked Maggie up and down. "Damn, woman, you're really beautiful. And you've got a body I'd kill for."

"Thanks." Maggie said, blushing. "I've never really been one for make-up. But then I've never felt like this about a guy before."

"I kinda figured." Cindy giggled, looking her up and down again. Maggie had bright green eyes and a sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her nose. Her firm breasts more than filled her C-cup bra, and her nipples showed plainly. Her torso tapered down to a slim waist, then flared out to medium-wide hips with a high and muscular ass.

"It's funny, I've spent my whole life wishing I looked like you and Amanda, all petite and cuddly." she said.

"The grass is always greener on the other side." Cindy said with a smile. "You know, I've never really thought this about another woman except Amanda, but if I wasn't already in love with her, I'd be really attracted to you."

"Oh God." Maggie said in embarrassment, blushing beet red and hiding her face in her hand.

"Alright, let's see some confidence there, soldier!" Cindy said in her command voice. Maggie took a deep breath, shook herself all over, and squared her shoulders. She gave her most confident smile and said: "Okay, I'm ready."

"That's my girl." Cindy said, and turned to open the door.

"Oh Markus, could we see you in here for a moment?" she asked sweetly.

"Sure." Markus said as he put his book back in his pocket and stood up. He walked through the doorway and stopped dead when he saw Maggie. His eyes opened wide in surprise and his cheeks puffed out in an appreciative exhale. Maggie smiled even wider, took two slow and sensuous steps over to him and held her body tight to his, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. For a second he just stood there in shocked surprise, then his arms went around her and he kissed her passionately.

Cindy let herself out of the cockpit and discreetly closed the door behind her.

When Amanda had dragged Corey into the living room and slammed the door she immediately kicked her shoes off and jumped up into his arms.

"Oh God Corey! I've never been this horny in my whole fucking life! That ride was incredible! Fuck me! Please say you'll fuck me!" she said as she showered his face with kisses and humped her crotch against him. "I know we've only got fifteen minutes, but I don't need any foreplay, I swear I don't! Just fuck me! Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me!!"

"Okay." Corey said with a grin.

"Alright!" Amanda exclaimed. She slid off him and hurriedly peeled her pants and panties off at once, revealing that the whole crotch of her panties was shiny with her juices. He'd started to undo his pants as she threw her coat off, and she grabbed his waistband and hauled them down to his knees with his briefs. She stuffed half his cock in her mouth and sucked it frantically for a few seconds till she figured it was hard enough to go inside her, then jumped back up into his arms and started to impale herself on it.

"Hold it, let's get the rest of these clothes off or we'll get completely sweaty." he told her.

"Shit!" she cursed in frustration as she dropped to the ground, literally ripping her shirt off, tearing one seam from the bottom to the armpit. "Shit fuck shit!" She unlaced his boots so hard she hurt her fingers a bit as he threw his coat to the ground and started un-buttoning his shirt. She rubbed her sopping wet pussy with both hands and hopped from one foot to the other in impatience as he kicked his boots off.

"Spread my coat on the floor and lay back on it." he told her as he pulled his pants and socks off.

She did, and he went to his knees to crawl between her legs. She wrapped her hands around the back of her knees and pulled her legs high and wide apart to receive him, whining a little in frantic anticipation.

He stopped, captivated by the sight of her sex. Her nether region was flushed red, fading to dark pink over the rest of her torso and upper thighs, a little darker on her breasts. Her nipples were completely hard, her breasts swollen, and her vulva were completely plumped up from sexual excitement. Her little clitoris was more swollen with passion than any he'd ever seen, so full and firmly erect that the skin was tight. He leaned down and sucked it into his mouth, licking it frantically with the tip of his tongue, as he nursed it with his lips.

"Aah!" Amanda yelled in surprise, jumping an inch off the floor in surprise at the sudden, intense sensation. Then she grabbed his head and pushed it away from her. "Corey! We don't have time for that! Just fuck me!"

"Sorry." he grinned as he moved up to guide himself inside her. "You just looked so delicious, I couldn't help myself!"

"C'mon, c'mon, fuck me, please fuck me." she said breathlessly as she held her legs open for him again and he rubbed his head over her soaking wet little muffin till it was well coated. He centered himself and pushed, adding pressure till he penetrated her tightness. She groaned and shivered as he slid into her, and he gloried in the hot, moist squeeze her body gave him. He pushed the last of himself inside her and held a moment, savoring the sensation.

"Uhhh, oh God that's good, so good, your cock is so fuckin' big..." she marveled. "I've never been so ready, it almost didn't hurt that time, it's so good, aaah, so good..."

"You're so beautiful, you feel so beautiful Amanda, oh God this is great..." he breathed as her body adjusted to the huge maleness filling her. He could feel her tissues squirming around him as he stretched them.

"Fuck me Corey, fuck me hard, please fuck me hard."

she begged.

"Alright, but you have to keep your legs high and take it on your bum. No letting my hips hit you on the inside of your thighs like last night." he said.



"I promise, I'll do everything I can to not let you hurt me! Just fuck me, now, please! Please!" she begged.

"Alright." he said as he pulled and pushed for the first stroke. He pumped her steadily, hard enough to shake her beautiful breasts. She started coming almost immediately, and just kept on coming, her legs spasming open and closed a bit uncontrollably, her chin pulled down to her chest, her face strained with tension and release. He caressed her face and neck with one hand, smiling down at her.

"I love your facial expressions when you come, Amanda. The way your little pussy contractions squeeze me even tighter. Like you said to me, I love feeling you come, 'cuz I know I'm making you feel great right now. The pleasure you're showing is undeniable. I wonder if you can even hear me. Sweet Amanda. Soft, warm, firm, sexy little Amanda. Coming on my hard cock like it's the source of everything that makes you feel good."

His hand strayed down to her breast, simply to enjoy the feeling of it's soft, firm roundness in his hand, and the feeling of her breath rushing in and out of her little chest.

His knees were starting to get sore from rubbing against the carpet, but he ignored it until her climax started to subside, then he drew his knees up to a kneeling position. He slid his arms under her legs, the back of her knees tucking into the inside of his elbows, and slid his hands under her back. He rocked back and lifted her, stood up, and carried her over to the rear wall, between the bedroom door and the bar. He leaned her against it a bit and resumed his spirited thrusting.

"Oh, my man. My great big beautiful man." she marveled, her voice bouncing from his thrusts. "I feel like I won the lottery with four tickets in a row. How could anyone be as lucky as me? I love you, I really love you. And I could hear you, I just couldn't answer you. Thank you, this is so good, thank you so much..." She stopped speaking to concentrate on squeezing his cock with her vagina, caressing his face and chest and smiling radiantly at him as he began the long drive to orgasm. After a few minutes he found the position uncomfortable, and turned around to lean his own shoulders against the wall. He bounced her into the air a bit with his thrusts, her ass making a slapping sound as she contacted his upper thighs.

Cindy came in and closed the door behind her.

"Well, how we doin' in here?" she asked brightly.

"Excellent, but I'll be glad when we've got furniture in here." Corey replied with a smile. "Amanda's gonna have to pick up the pace of my workouts pretty soon, I'm not in good enough shape to do this as long as I'd like."

"I'm giving you a workout right now!" Amanda laughed.

"You sure are!" he agreed, then went "Mmmmm..." as Cindy's hand flowed around his balls, and Amanda went "Mmfff!" as the index finger of Cindy's other hand slid inside her bum. Cindy kissed Amanda's back sensuously as she caressed Corey's balls and pumped her finger into Amanda's bum in time with Corey's thrusts.

"Oh God Cindy, that's nice." Amanda smiled as her ass clenched Cindy's digit. "What took you so long, anyway?"

"You'll see when you're finished." Cindy giggled mysteriously. "Let's just say I did my good deed for the day."

"I've gotta sit down." Corey said, and carried Amanda over to the nearest low-backed barstool, perching his ass on the edge of it. Cindy kept pace with them, continuing her stimulations as they moved.

"Here, let me do the work for a while." Amanda said. She put her feet on the seat of the barstool behind Corey's ass, reached under his arms to grasp the back of it, and began pumping her pussy up and down on his cock.

"Damn, that looks so hot..." Corey said, looking down at his maleness disappearing into and re-appearing from within her body.

"Doesn't it though?" Cindy agreed. "That's my baby, Amanda, fuck yourself nice and hard on him, that's a good girl." She'd had to remove her hand from Corey's balls to move around and see, so she played with Amanda's titties and kissed Corey's neck as she watched.

"Could you, put some, more fingers, in my, bum Cindy?" Amanda asked between impacts of her ass cheeks against his thighs, starting to breathe hard from her exertions. "I want, to be, able to, take Corey's, cock in-, side me, down there, some day."

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The next morning we were up early and sat down to a delicious breakfast. Alice told me that she really enjoyed her day off. I whispered, "Was Fitzroy good to you?" She blushed and replied, "Better than good." I smiled and so did she. Grace suggested that we take a ride around the estate since she had not yet seen it all. Kim and I were all for it so after breakfast we saddled up and headed out to explore. Kim was getting the hang of controlling her horse so we had a leisurely ride. As...

4 years ago
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When in RomeChapter 5

Day 73 Our three-day voyage finally found us docking in the small port town of Locri, located between two small rivers on the narrow coastal plain about twenty-five miles east of the toe of the Italian peninsula. Originally established as a Greek colony, Locri joined with Rome at the end of the Pyrrhic Wars. The city was prosperous, even minting their own coins. They were a bit nervous about nineteen mounted men arriving, seventeen of whom were heavily armed, but calmed down when we...

2 years ago
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When Geese Attack

author’s note: I don’t know if anyone realized this, but all my non-erotic stories are also non-fiction, and I have to say, this one was a little bit harder to write, but I had fun with it anyway ’cause it was one heck of an experience! ———————— For Denise it was the start of a normal day. She got up at her usual time, quickly got dressed and brushed her teeth, rushed downstairs to grab something to eat at the office and headed out the door. As usual she’d slept in as late as possible before...

2 years ago
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SLUTS 1 The New Games Mistress

Karen looked at the class of girls standing expectantly in the gym, waiting for her to speak. She could not help thinking how sexy the school uniform made them all look, consisting as it did of a tiny skirt that left buttocks uncovered, and an abbreviated top which tied at the bust. A thong completed the wardrobe.Her first class, in her first teaching job. She had spent the last week checking all the equipment and sporting facilities, made out wonderful, multi-coloured teaching schedules for...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Blue Angel Birthday Buttfuck And A2M BJ

Dirty blonde Blue Angel finds boyfriend Kai Taylor buried in his phone, checking crypto account balances and totally unaware it’s her birthday. Seeking attention, she soaks in the tub. Kai responds, ogling her and masturbating to erection. Angel slinks over to the bed to suck his boner. Kai climbs on top, shoving his meat deeply in her cunt and railing her from behind. Angel hops on his stiff prick, and they bounce together joyously on the soft mattress. Kai eats out her twat, making his...

1 year ago
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Testimony Of Hameeda 8211 Part 24

We washed ourselves, dressed in denims and t-shirts and started studying. I received a call from Omar during that. -hello?- -hello hameeda, how are you? I am still at field work here. Hope you are alright- Of course I was alright. With imad around, I am always alright. -hmm…are you coming back today?- -well…looks like I can but it will be dark by the time I come back. I guess you can manage till then- -mh…you know how much I miss you…- Oh god! Please forgive me for lying to him. -…but we have...

3 years ago
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The Watcher

You come back from class tired and feeling a little down. Despite the fact you are attractive with long brown hair, green eyes and an athletic body you seem to have a problem fitting in with others here at college. Perhaps it's because you're something good to look at that the other girls here seem to resent you and go out of their way to make you feel unwelcome. Your room mate seems to be the only one who can understand your problem. She isn't as pretty as you, but has an incredibly large...

1 year ago
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Sandy and Jos chocolate coated cum Part 2

The restaurant was downtown on Richmond Street, with its own parking lot right next to it. But the girls all insisted I park in another lot a couple of blocks away, because they wanted ‘a little exercise’. But I knew that they just wanted the fun of walking down downtown’s busiest street, as a red-pantied foursome at the busiest time of the day… 6:30. It still wasn’t dark yet, and the streets were well lit anyway, so there’d be no hiding them. And so the four of them confidently sauntered, all...

Group Sex
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Journeys West Chapter 7 The Games Afoot

LGBT existed a long time before the labels came into being. Bigotry and discrimination were there at the same time. This is a story how those attitudes can affect our descendants. Chapter 7 - The Game's Afoot by Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Editor: Qmodo They could see that the sheriff was seated at his desk at the back of the office as they passed by the front of the building. As a gentleman should, Pat held the door open and gestured for Mary to go first. She raised an...

2 years ago
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Beti ki cudai

Living in the tiny apartment was fine for a divorced man. A small single bed, computer, television in the main room, a small kitchen and even smaller bathroom with a stand alone shower. What more could I ask for? From time to time my thirteen year old daughter would come stay the night with me. She would always bring a friend or two along for company and I would give them the extra pillows and blankets that I kept in the small closet by the front door. They would curl up on the floor by my bed,...

1 year ago
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Sexy sister follows in Mothers footsteps

Note : This story is completely fictional! When I was growing up I always had the feeling that my sister was not the innocent little girl she made herself out to be. She used to hang out with some girls that were known to be a little frisky, and even stayed out too late one day and felt the wrath of . Sandy was a tall slim blonde throughout high school and grew into quite a hottie. At 5'8" and 125 pounds she was a looker in anyone’s book . Her long legs, curly blonde locks, grapefruit sized...

4 years ago
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Our Parents Are Falling in LoveChapter 10

We got the kit, there were three sets of buccal swabs, one for Stacy and me, and the third was for adding a parent to the mix. Since we think ... scratch that since Stacy thinks that Michael might be my father, we needed a method for getting his swab without his knowing it. Yes, that sounds incredibly stupid, but when you're in love, you do what you do. We swabbed each other, which was kind of fun and sealed those up tight. Stacy's idea for Michael was to get him over to our place, and get...

2 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVI 3 The Joys of Enslaving and Raping

Nathan and I took our freshly picked afternoon fucks to our usual spot and started fucking them, and I didn't bring up anal sex when Nathan didn't suggest it himself. Nathan was busily eating his girl out while I was just toying with mine, feeding her her juices with my fingers and watching her lick them off erotically. I was surprised when Nathan heard my sigh of discontent, but I was surprised even more by the realization I wasn't really enjoying myself anymore. "Do you wish to trade...

2 years ago
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A Good Night at the Bar

Who Am I kidding here? I suck at picking up women. This was my second night of a four day trip away from my apartment in Spokane, Washington. If I were in Spokane, I would be content in siting in my living room and feeling sorry for myself. But hanging around in a motel room is just not the same as hanging around a living room in your home. At least at home I could find a decent movie on cable and pop some popcorn. But here I am out of town headed into what I was assured was the very best...

1 year ago
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The candidate

"........and it my opponent wants to run on a platform of higher taxes, then the voters will have will have a clear choice in who they wish to represent them in Washington, because as you all know, I am categorically opposed to increasing the tax burden on the american people, so now if you'll all excuse me, it's very late and I have an early morning flight to catch," and so with a nod of her head, U.S. senate candidate Emily Howard stepped on to the elevator with her body guard and pushed the...

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The Sands of Destiny 2

*Letters * mean they're stressed. LetTers mean their tone of voice is raised. _Letters _ mean they're accented but not stressed. The Sands of Destiny, 2) Family Crisis By Ron Dow75 [email protected] [ Note: This story is only ? completed. I have published it in the hope that someone can help me kick-start it again. I know how the technology works, it's the action visuals I'm having trouble...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Yui Kyouno Newcomer Yui Kyouno has a fun day in the van giving handjobs to men

Yui Kyouno is going to get a vibrator shoved up her pussy. The vibrator has a remote so that it gets a signal and stimulates her pussy when her master wants her to get a jolt in her pretty little pussy hole. This is all part of the plan for this newcomer. Today is her initiation day to porn and adult videos so we have a whole day planned of sexual fun. We then get her suited up with some headphones that cancels out all outside sound and we put a blindfold on her so she has no wy of knowing...

3 years ago
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Meri Sexy Mausi Ki Chudai

Hello doston. Mai gandhinagar gujarat se hu. Mai ekbar fir haazir hu ek nayi story lekar. Ye story mere clg k last year ki hai. Meri college mere ghar se kaafi dur thi to last ek year ke liye mai apni mausi ke ghar rehne ke liye chala gaya. Aap ko bata du unki age shayd 28 thi aur wo thodi saavli thi bade bade boobs aur moti gaand k saath wo bohot hi sundar lagti thi. Mai hamesha use chodne ke bareme sochta tha. Unka ek beta tha pr wo sirf 11 mahine ka tha aur mausaji kaam ke silsile me...

1 year ago
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A week to remember Part 1

Ugh! I’ve had one helluvah week. My boyfriend left me for my roommate. She then, moves out sticking me with all the bills…bitch! And to top it off there’s pink slips floating around the office, so my job might be in jeopardy! I was beyond stressed and decided to take a soothing bubble bath/ After stripping off all my work clothes and pulling my hair up in a ponytail, I sank down in the tub to relax. As I was soaking in the tub I began to caress my supple 38 C breast, massaging my nipples...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 115 Healing wounded souls

John stretched as he awoke, feeling the familiar and comforting presence of two luscious female forms draped over him. Glancing down he was surprised to see that his bedmates had switched while he was resting, with Helene and Calara replaced by Rachel and Dana. The brunette was fast asleep with a serene expression on her face, but the redhead greeted him with a warm smile. “Good morning sleepyhead,” Dana whispered, leaning in for a kiss. He enjoyed the gentle tenderness as her wonderfully...

3 years ago
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More Than Expected

"Third partner needed. She 26, He 30 both athletic in build. Looking for someone to fill an empty spot in our bed in WV a couple of times a month. Reply with photo in order to be considered." Katie kicked back in her chair, "Do you think that will bring that will bring any replies." Before the internet and dating sites all we had were a few swinger magazines to try to make contact with others who were into the lifestyle. Katie had been in the "Hot Wife" lifestyle now for about 2 years....

2 years ago
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ME and MEN Part 4

Had a few more experiences with German friend Horst in Trier, West Germany in 1965 and 1966 and soon his lovely sister Ingrid was involved in a threesome, but by late 1966 Horst had found a steady boyfriend and Ingrid got engaged so we drifted apart. In 1967 I met my future wife Sarah whilst on leave in London so Wasn,t looking for any relationships with men at the time. Popped the question to Sarah in July, 1968 and we were engaged. The following month the Air Force transferred me back to the...

2 years ago
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My Sister Is My Wife

Sophie Dee: Sex: Female Age: 26 years Figure: Flawless, soft-contoured, buxom, hourglass type and perfectly feminine Complexion: White Voice: Musical and high pitched Face: Very pretty, rounding and innocent in looks Eyes: Heavy-lidded, large and blue Hair: Silken, soft, ample, brown and hangs down to ass Bust: 40DD, rounding, lopsided and firm Nipples: Pink and puffy Waist: 28 Hips: 40, wide-curved Ass: Soft and massive Thighs: Creamy-soft and fat Relation with Sunny: Elder Sister Sunny...

4 years ago
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Along the length of the moonlit rocky cliff, other tentacles also rose, twitching, seeking. The creature knew the competition would be fierce, and odds of individual success were slim. But onward it climbed, finding a gaping crack in the cliff and contorting its body to squeeze itself inside. Other creatures would find similar openings, but this one held a sense of promise. Surely this must be the one. Lashing out with a tentacle at a competitor that sought to encroach upon its tiny cave,...

2 years ago
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Holy Smoke

Holy Smoke Chapter One: I Meet Ruth The clouds opened up and rain bucketed out of the sky as I ran for the first shop door I could find. I had come to Hayward because I had heard its town square was one of the most picturesque in northeast Ohio. It had been cloudy, but I bet myself I could get some good photos before the storm hit. I lost. My shirt was drenched, and my glasses were streaked with rain, as I turned the handle of the first door I reached. I pushed the door...

3 years ago
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LovingChapter 6 Homophobia

I glanced over at Gloria and Patty in a thrashing 69. Looked like they were having fun. Why is same gender sex so easy for women and so difficult for men? The evening progressed and after resting between each bout, the three of us guys serviced each of our ladies in a triple fuck. The ladies all obviously loved it a lot. Much later in the evening after lots had gone on among all six of us, I was seated alone, nude like everyone else, at the bar at one side of the pit having a drink. Carol,...

4 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 17 Thanks Albert

Next morning at work I got a call to come and see Brian. As I entered his office I thought he looked worried. "No calls," he told his secretary, and closed the door firmly. "How did it go last night?" he asked. "Fine, I thought," I replied guardedly. "Everyone had a good time. I gave George plenty of chances to tell us all how successful he is so he should have been happy." "Mmm," said Brian absently. "I've just got off the phone to him. We had a few bits of business we needed...

2 years ago
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My Brother BradChapter 2

After Rachel had left for school the following day, I began getting to grips with the housework. The place hadn’t been touched for a few days and I got stuck into the task with gusto. As I progressed through the day my thoughts kept dipping back into the colourful weekend I’d spent with Brad. When we had first caught sight of each other, the sexual attraction between us was evident; our eyes had sparkled at the sight of each other. We had both matured some, and fortunately it had been a...

2 years ago
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Justice At Last Chapter One

Georgina Minter was in the car park waiting for Amy to come out from school. Georgina was twenty-five years old and was looking after Amy who was her neighbours sixteen-year-old daughter.It was a hot summers day and Georgina was in a sleeveless floral dress with a short hem and bare legs.When Amy didn't come out, Georgina walked in to the school to look for her. Having walked through the back entrance she walked along the corridor towards her classroom. She hadn’t got very far when she saw Miss...

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 1

Suguna was 45 years old and she had recently got divorced as her hubby found out that he cannot handle her as was very demanding sexually, and he was contended simple man and he had found someone who matched his requirement, they had a son Ganesh who was 18 years old studying in engineering and staying in the hostel 300 kms away and a daughter Shruti who was 22 years old, who had gone abroad for higher studies. They had left enough money for both the children that they don’t have to worry about...

2 years ago
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Just a place to crash

I’d just moved into the apartment.   It was just a crash pad, a place to stay while I worked during my 7 day shift as an air ambulance pilot. I’d be commuting back and forth from Denver for my week off.   The job itself kept me pretty busy with 12 hour shifts but I was usually home by 6 or 7 and every other week I alternated working days or nights.   I’d usually read a book after making dinner or watch TV.   Sometimes I’d get online and read some stories or check up on the news.   ...

Straight Sex
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Kristin and Matts StoryChapter 4

So, when school started, we joined in with the other freshman class. We had taken similar, but not identical schedules, so we weren't in the same class all the time. But when we were, it was assumed that we were fraternal twins. We saw no need to correct them. Mom had warned us about showing any affection towards one another in school, which was really hard to do. It didn't take long, only a week or two before some of the other girls started to flirt with Matt. Bless his kind heart, he...

2 years ago
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393 Skool days

393 Skool daysThis all happened back in 1974 when Sue got caught smoking at dinnertime at school, she was sent to the school office, the teacher saying she would check she had reported herself after the break. Before I go on, I must explain her name is Sue and she`s a short chubby little maid of shall we say middle age, who I`ve known for a while on here, she has lesbian tendencies nowadays, though that matters not in this tale, and at the time this is set she was just14, and a naive puppy fat...

1 year ago
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TeenyBlack Loni Legend Black In Action

Loni Legend is back and looking more delicious than ever! She doused her purple bodysuit in oil leaving nothing to our imaginations. From there she worked her hands down from her tiny tits to her warm pussy and began to play. This girl was born to ride and it shows to be true when she hops on our studs cock. Her pussy creamed up super nice, and just the sight of her smothered pussy made our stud ready to cum. Loni took his seed like a true legend all over her cute little face! We love you Loni ????

1 year ago
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Suddenly Rich KidChapter 18 Lucky Bastard

The first thing to clue Danny in was when Lucy sent him a message, telling him that she would not need a pick-up at the airport. That was strange. It had been a four-weekly ritual for him to pick her up when her flight from Cleveland arrived, but this time she was flying in from Burbank of all places, and on a red-eye flight to boot, arriving just two hours before the planned shoot. Danny suspected that Lucy had been trying to find a representative, an agent, to get a foothold in the...

3 years ago
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I was at home on my day off and decided to ring karen up to see if she was free and up for some fun. I rang her up and the phone rang and went on to the answer machine. 'Dam it! she must be out' I thought to myself.I was feeling horny as hell, so I thought to myself that I would go round to karen's and go have a underwear and wanking session. I walked the short distance to karen's house and let myself in. I went up to karen's bedroom and opened her knicker drawer up and got myself undressed. I...

2 years ago
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Another Analslut is Born

Hi my name is Anna and today i’m gonna tell you the story of my first analsex experience. I was a Teenager and had lost my virginity a few weeks ago, I liked it much, but since then I had no sex with another man or the guy who took my virginity. Me and some friends of mine where on a party, I was a bit d***k and wanted realy to fuck… or at least suck a cock. Eventually I ended up with a guy in a room. After a few kisses it took of his pants and started too jerk his cock and it got realy...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Sasha Sparrow Ariana Shine Twisted Teens Swap Semen

Bi-curious teen cuties Ariana Shaine and Sasha Sparrow are the kind of kinky little sluts we’d all love to have as housemates. Willy Regal’s stamina is often put to the test by these two bi-sexual besties, and today is one of those days. Tune into the Hands On Hardcore premium glamour porn masterpiece as this raunchy FFM threesome eXXXplores and enjoys some seriously twisted sex. The all-natural babes worship and rock Willy’s shaft, riding it and sucking it from every angle...

1 year ago
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Snow White

The blue sky shines with that late summer lazy heat, the sun hidden behind the big leafy trees. The still air echoes in the quiet forest, even the squirrels have had their energy sucked by the afternoon mood, and the seldom travelled tracks are randomly littered with sticks and leaves. Peace overshadows all, when footsteps are heard from down the path. A tall, almost thin twentysomething man walks into view, strolling happily along, whistling, his suit jacket slung over his shoulder, shirt and...

3 years ago
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Josies first bbc just a dream

It was the usual routine for a Saturday night. Hit up a local bar, drink, dance and mingle with new friends. My girlfriend Josie has a wild streak a mile wide and after a few drinks she gets flirtatious and a bit rowdy but I love her and trust her so I pay little attention to the endless stares and conversations she ends up having with random guys. She is tall and thin with a tight body despite having three c***dren has the body of a toned goddess. As we were having conversation with a random...

3 years ago
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How my BFF squirted for her first time

The shopping trip was totally unexpected, at least what happened while we were shopping was. To read all about the shopping trip, please read ‘How my BFF became a FWB’. We were so ecstatically and erotically high, and the drinks earlier during dinner didn’t help. We knew we were in no condition to drive, so we decided to call a cab. As we waited outside the mall for the taxi, I couldn’t keep my hands to myself. I kept stealing kisses from Linda and subtle, sexy touches and gropes that made the...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Skylar Snow Accidentally Fucking My Husbands Twin

Skylar Snow loves jogging and after a nice run one morning she returns home to who she thinks is her Husband and she wants to exercise more all over that big black cock so bad that she doesn’t even realize it is her Husbands twin brother who has been staying at their house! She sucks and fucks that hard cock and he can not believe that she came on to him; this is his brothers wife! All he wanted to do was stay at the house but how can anyone say no to big all natural tits getting put in...

2 years ago
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S is for Slippery

Patricia sat inside the tub. She had turned on the shower to scalding hot, letting it run for several minutes before turning it off once again, stepping in, then lying down. As was usually the case, she actually blushed when thinking about her private little ritual, her perhaps thought of 'perverted' or even 'kinky' little session. Her live in boyfriend Craig had left for work leaving her alone. And though they certainly had an active satisfying sex-life, there were some things Patricia,...

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The NeighborhoodChapter 7

On the flight home and the drive from the airport, Bret knew that he would be going back to Hawaii quite often. Maybe he would send Jessica an airline ticket for a round trip for her to visit him here. He was having these pleasant thoughts about how he could visit Jessica more often. As he was turning into his townhome subdivision, he observed an ambulance with its lights and siren on leaving the subdivision. He turned on to his street and noticed there was a police car parked across from...

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I let her touch it

Growing up there is always that one guy who has an unusually big one, right? Well with my friends that was the case with Jim. Although we didn't really have the typical locker room stories where we had seen his monster, and could tell the tales, it was certainly well known. I think it first came about when a high school girlfriend told people how large he was. This went to his head, and he would occasionally flash people when he had a few too many. When that happened, they would always gasp and...

4 years ago
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Enjoying With Aunty For Long Duration

My name is Keshav( name changed) I am 35 years old stay alone in Bangalore in a single bedroom house. Separate from my wife by 3 years. In my neighbor there is another 2 bedroom house aunty was staying with her 5 year old son. I had good acquaintance with her son and we used to play also. Due to this fact aunty slowly started talking to me generally. She is around 32 years and is very beautiful too. Since I stay alone I was cooking food for myself. During our conversation I came to know she is...

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Animal PartnersChapter 4

A few days had passed since Connie had surprised Mary in her bedroom before dinner, but both of the girls had been doing a lot of thinking since that afternoon. Connie had been surprised at how ripe a body her sister had, and had even jerked off to it once. She had tried to see her naked again, but now when Mary took her afternoon nap, the door got locked. That had disappointed Connie but she figured sometime she would get a chance to explore Mary sexually. Mary in her own way had some of...

1 year ago
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Dont Make Him Angry

Danny didn't think he was much different from any other boys on his street, true he had a secret gift, but it wasn't much. If he got really angry with anybody, he could, totally unconsciously, create a pain in their head. His family knew about this of course and made sure that no one ever got him that angry. As he grew up and reached puberty, things changed slightly, the control of his gift increase to a point that he could now create the pain at will. He could induce anything from a slight...

3 years ago
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Blood RoseChapter 2

1875 Annabelle breathed deeply as her eyes opened. With a level of vigor she never thought she would ever feel again, she sat up in bed. Impulsively, she began to laugh. She felt ... strong. Revived. Alive. The fever that had ailed her for days, that had already claimed the rest of her family, was gone. She was herself again. No, that wasn't quite right. She felt better, stronger now, but not necessarily like herself. It was more like she felt like someone else. It didn't matter. By all...

2 years ago
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The prude starts training

Chapter 5.I don't think where Marjory got herself into on that moment.. I had lots of plans for her, plans she could not even imagine... While I fucked my gf, I was looking at Marjory. The once so prude woman was now French kissing my girlfriend. She pushed her cunt upwards, trying to get some relief.. I withdrew my cock from my girlfriend and jammed it into Marjory's hot, wet cunt. I could hear a muffled scream.. I jammed my cock in a few times and went back to my girlfriend's. They seemed to...

3 years ago
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Hi... This is to thank those who have given me their advise and specially "9inofshmo" for my week-end.. Everything has gone well, in fact vry well, bkoz i've never enjoyed so much. I didn't ever imagine that those 2 guys loves me so much, they kept as a little princess.. Anyway i'll just tell in brief about my fabulous week-end..(i won't write their name, will just say A & B due to security reasons)It all started on saturday at noon, they picked me up from a secret place and went for lunch....

2 years ago
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Hard 1

Life here is weird.  They put me in this a fantastic apartment, with a fantastic view.  I have a really excessive expense account while I'm here, and have been eating and drinking like a queen thus far.  I still can't belive how badly they wanted me to take this assignment.  Even so, I would never have accepted if I didn't have to be away from you anyway.  I miss all of you so much.  This is really hard.I'm not sure why, but the distance is making it way worse for me.  Even if we were all...


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