Ugly AmericanChapter 2 free porn video

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I tried to open my eyes, but my vision would not focus. It felt like the worst hangover in the world. My head was throbbing, my face felt stiff. Someone must have worked over my body with a sledgehammer, even my hair hurt.

"About bloody time you woke up you lazy bastard." Someone said in a thick Scottish accent.

As I turned my head, my vision cleared. Mac was sitting beside me in a chair. I was in a bed, but it sure as hell wasn't in my tiny contractor cabin. I was in a massive bed; the room was huge with paintings on the wall. I even saw a grand piano reflected in the large sliding glass patio doors that led to a balcony overlooking the sea.

Mac saw my confusion, and grinned. "Not bad ah Darrin? After your little Texas barbeque stunt the passengers in the Royal suite insisted you stay here to recover. They moved to another cabin."

"I told you, I'm not from Texas. Although I do man a mean grill."

I looked around again. "Mac, this is ... I don't know really too much. I just got lucky, that's all."

Mac got up, rubbing his hands. "I'd rather be good then lucky any day Darrin my boy. The whole ship is talking about that cowboy feat you pulled off. Last I heard they got you drinking the fuel while lighting fire out your ass, shooting flames from your backside at them bloody pirates."

I tried to smile, but the sides of my cheeks burned in pain.

Mac got a solemn look on his face as he said. "Seriously Darrin, that deed took quick thinking, coupled with a big brass set of balls to back it up." Mac paused again before a smile returned to his face. "That exploit was almost Special Boat Service worthy, now don't you be getting a big head. I said ALMOST."

I touched my face, it hurt like hell.

Mac started pacing the room. "Never thought of ducking for cover Darrin? My instructor used to say to be sure of hitting the target, shoot first, then call whatever you hit the target."

I tried to sit up in bed. "Mac, I thought I was a goner when that blast hit me."

Mac grabbed a mirror off the dresser, shoving it in my face. "You fool, you're too ugly to die."

I gasped, putting a hand to my face confirming it was really my reflection in the mirror. My eyebrows were gone, with a lot of my hair singed away. Some white salve was on my nose, and lips. The rest of my face had the look of a bad sunburn. To top it off, the left eye was swollen, ringed with three different shades of red, purple, and yellow".

Just then Zoie came out of the bathroom, ever the profession in her Medical garb with a stethoscope hanging around her neck.

"Mac, I going make you leave if you upset my patient." Zoie then shoved a digital probe into my mouth that was attached to a monitor. At the same time she wrapped a blood pressure cuff around my bicep.

Mac ignored Zoie. "I got more good news Darrin. Because the ship dumped most of its standard fuel frying them pirates, the ROYAL VIKING has been running on our biofuel for the better part of two days." He got up, and clapped his hands. "Been running great too! Even that hard headed Nordski Chief Engineer is happy!"

Zoie turned, pointing toward the door. "That's it Mac, out. Don't make me have the Captain call security on you."

"OK Lassie, I'm going, I'm going." Mac threw me a salute as he left.

Zoie turned to me, I was surprised to see tears in her eyes that she wiped away with the cuff of her sleeve. "Darrin. what am I going to do with you."

In between the ship Doctor looking me over, the rest of the day was a steady parade of visitors, with Zoie keeping visit time to a minimum. She was watching over me like a mother hawk, ushering even the Captain out, when Zoie felt my strength was waning.

My favorite visitor was the passengers who had given up this massive suite for me. I was surprise to see it was the elderly Scot who had first dropped his pants "mooning" the pirates. He and his wife were quite the couple, refusing to accept my thanks for use of their accommodations.

"Think nothing of it Darrin." The old man said with a smile. "Didn't think you would recognize me with me pants on."

His wife swatted him. "Oh hush you." She turned to address me. "You have given us quite a story to tell our grandchildren when we get home"

"Ah yes," her husband broke in. "and mightily bored they'll be by the tale!"

We chatted a bit longer until Zoie ushered them out. I was really feeling exhausted, so when Zoie closed the blinds I was out like a light.

A moment of panic came over me as I fought to recognize the surroundings. It was dark, hard to make things out. A soft, but firm naked form, was wrapped around my body. I knew it was female by the perfume smell.

"Anita?" My heart jumped, as my eyes adjusted to the dim light while conscious thought returned. Then disappointment spread, it could not be my former wife Anita. This lady had dark hair, Anita was blond. As my fingers traced the nape of her neck I felt rough skin. I recoiled a moment before it hit me.

My mind screamed. "Damn it's Zoie!"

I felt Zoie stiffen when I pulled my hand away. I tried to pretend it was to stretch out a stiff muscle.

"It's OK Darrin." Zoie said softly. "I know what it feels like, and how I look. That's why I left the lights off."

Rolling over quickly, the sudden was pain shocking, and bolted me wide awake. It also reminded me to move slower next time. I found the bedside lamp, flickering it on. Zoie was on her side facing me. Reaching up she made an effort to cover the disfigurement with her hair.

I grabbed Zoies hand, pushing away her hair, so I could see her face in full. "You are beautiful the way you are. Please do not try to hide any part of you from me."

Zoie looked past me before she began speaking. "My parents were not high in the Party, so I could not get reconstructive surgery after the fire when I was eight. Many in our small town are superstitious, they felt my ... looks, were a punishment for something bad I had done, or my parents had done. Most would not allow their children to play with me, I never get used to the names, or taunts."

Zoie rolled onto her back looking at the ceiling. "I studied hard, first in all my classes. Got qualified for the University, I was to be an anesthesiologist." She paused. "My patients would be unconscious, never need to see my face. I had my first boyfriend there at University Medical School. I thought he saw past my scars. Then I heard him tell his friends the only way to fuck me was with a sack over my face, or in the dark. He said a sack interfered with me sucking him, so he was stuck with only screwing me at night."

Zoie took a deep breath but continued talking. "I forgot about him, concentrating on my studies. I was a very good anesthesiologist Darrin. Always first in my classes, and later in great demand by our government hospitals. Then my father did something to upset the Party. They took him, and my mother away. A patient warned me, so I fled the country ahead of the government police. I ended up in various parts of Europe. With no way to retrieve my qualifications, I could not practice medicine anywhere. I completed a nursing course while working nights as a cleaner."

Zoie turned to face me, propping herself up on an elbow. "That is my sad story Darrin. As I said this is a small ship, and am not a ... how you say ... slut. If you want me to leave I will."

I put Zoie's chin in my hand so she was looking directly at me. "YOU are without a doubt the most amazing lady I have ever met. I feel like a major league whiner, moaning about my little setbacks. Hell, I 've been leading life like a wimp compared to you."

I saw her eyes twinkle in amusement. "and Zoie, as for wanting you to leave..." I grabbed her hand putting it on my growing erection. "What do you think?"

Zoie smiled as she started to stroke me. "Darrin, can we turn out the lights?"

"I may be too ugly to die Zoie. But there is no chance I am turning out the lights. Not a Chance, hear that?" I said, pulling her toward me.

I wish I could say our lovemaking that night was magical. However if you ever tried to kiss someone with burnt lips, including painful bruises all over your body ... DON'T!

Like two porcupines having sex, it was quite an event, slow, and careful. The only magic that night, was that I was able to do anything at all, let alone the second time.

Alas nothing lasts forever, four days later Zoie and I said good bye. She promised to come stay with me at her contracts end. I was already looking for airfare on the dates when the ROYAL VIKING came to Florida.

The Pirate event got a good bit of airtime, but it was old news by the time I arrived home. My son and brothers family were a bit shocked by my appearance (although I had healed up a bit by then). All I could say was. "You should have seen the other guy."

When I returned to work, my coworker had a small party for me, complete with a Pirate themed cake. They decked out my work area with Buccaneer paraphilia. My bench was covered with a skull and crossbone flag, eye patch, stuffed parrot, and a toy cutlass. The machine shop even churned out a peg leg for me. The Blackbeard and Captain Jack jokes were fast, and heavy for the first few days. I took the ribbing good naturedly.

Which is why I thought it was a joke when I was brought into the Managers office to meet a stern older lady with a slight German accent.

"Darrin" my Boss began. "This is the corporate H.R. Manager. She is from HQ personnel to oversee your transfer to the South Florida division."

Then it got interesting. The lady from Corporate was aghast I would defy an edict from our company HQ. It seemed my old buddy Mac wanted me yesterday. He was willing to pay the price to get my happy ass down to South Florida ASAP. All my objections were shot down.

My home? No problem, the company gave you fair market value for the house, and put you up for a year, plus hired a realtor to find you a new place. Or if you did not wish to sell, the company would hire a management company, and help you find a renter.

Moving? The company moved whole families to different countries all the time. Just get on a plane. The movers will have everything sent to you, in any location, or in storage to move later.

Money/Position? The new position was a huge increase in pay, with perks I could only dream about, even real stock options with profit sharing.

That night I approached my son AJ about moving to Florida.

"Duh Dad!" AJ said. "Sunny Florida, or this frozen slush, plus a chance to see Grandma? When do we leave?"

Then I got a second surprise from my Brother, a day after I told him of the offer.

"Darrin, we are coming with you." My brother informed me. "A realtor has been bugging us to sell in this red hot market. You know my wife and I are both nurses, so we can get jobs anywhere. It will be great for the kids to be around their Grandmother. Besides we are tired of this cold weather where everyone has blond hair, and blue ears."

Anyway that is how we ended up with a rental house near the beach outside Fort Lauderdale. The place was a stately old manor. The house had plenty of room, which was good, as my brothers family was staying with us.

Life was fine. My Mother was thrilled to have her grandchildren near her. My new job with Mac as my boss was interesting. The cruise Industry was large, but a very small community centered near Miami. Everybody knew about the pirate attack, and wanted to hear about the event. Mac was a born salesman, trotting me out like a show horse at every occasion. He used the opportunities to push our products from biofuels, communication equipment, even the "Noise Toys" or Long Range Acoustic Device (called LRAD) used on the pirates that day. I was at a Cruise Port almost every day on a ship when not giving a Dog & Pony show at some company boardroom. On any one day, I was meeting with more people, from more nations, than I had in my whole life back up north.

AJ and his cousins got a chance to try out their conversational Spanish after years of lessons. This caused some confusion when AJ approached me after hanging out with some new Latino friends.

"Dad, these people here don't speak Spanish right." AJ informed me one day.

I chuckled. "Let's see if we can figure this out AJ. Is the Spanish taught to you by your teacher who spent a summer in Madrid correct? Or is it possible your buddies, and their families who have been speaking the language from birth is the right way?"

South Florida had a thriving Latin community. I even picked up a few words, but AJ and his friends laughed at my "Spanglish" conversation attempts.

Best of all about the Florida move, was I got to see Zoie every 10 days when the ROYAL VIKING came into port. I was nervous when Zoie and AJ met, it was unfounded. They were best buds after 10 minutes.

Look Dad." AJ exclaimed, holding up a piece of string Zoie had given him during a tour of the Medical Center. "Zoie taught me to tie a knot with one hand! Just like Surgeons do."

I looked over the knot. "Not bad AJ."

"Zoie, is like the bomb Dad! She speaks like a zillion languages!"

Zoie came up, giving me a hug." Now AJ, I only speak seven languages fluently."

"Listen to this Dad." AJ then spouted out some cryptic words. He looked at Zoie. "Did I say that right Zoie?"

Zoie patted AJ on the shoulder "Yes AJ, you pronounced that perfect." She had a mischievous look in her eye.

"What's it mean AJ?" I asked.

"It means 'Eat Shit and Die' in Uzbek!" AJ was beaming. "Dad, ain't that cool!"

"ZOIE!" I turned toward my laughing girlfriend.

Zoie gave me that beautiful smile. "Oh Darrin, it's OK. How many Uyghurs in South Florida does AJ know that are going to understand what he's saying."

After getting the proper security and port passes, I ended up taking AJ with me to the ROYAL VIKING every time I went to see Zoie. Various crew members were happy to keep AJ entertained, while Zoie and I had some "private time". AJ got to see every part of the ship from the engine room workings, TV Studios, Bridge, Galley and of course the Medical Center.

The only problem was everyone on the ship seemed to delight in teaching AJ to swear in their native tongue. To my horror, AJ soon was able to curse fluently in Norwegian, German, Creole, Dutch, Filipino, Finnish, Russian, even Hebrew.

But alas all good things must come to an end, the phone call I answered Monday morning was it.

"Hello Darrin."

After over a decade of marriage, I knew Anita's voice instantly.

"Yes this is Darrin. May I ask who is calling?" I could not resist yanking Anita's chain.

"Darrin, you damn well know this is, Anita!" She said calmly from the other end of the line.

"It cannot be Anita. I asked she not contact me unless it was an emergency concerning AJ." I switched my phone to the other ear. "What do you want?"

"Darrin, I thought you would be over this by now. I want to see my son."

"Anita, the lawyers told you the court gave me sole custody after you missed so many scheduled visitations with AJ."

"I know, and I am sorry. The travel with Wesley just made things so crazy. You know what they say, –Standing behind every successful executive boss man is a female secretary."

"Anita, is there a saying for a cheating married secretary on her knees in front of the executive boss man? Or spread eagle on her back under the executive boss man?"

"Darrin, stop being so crude. I want to see AJ. His is still my son."

"Anita, you cannot get AJ all excited, then not show up. He is your son, not a hair appointment."

"No need to bore me with a lecture Darrin. Wesley has a time share near you. We are going to be down next week. Can I take AJ for a long weekend? Wesley has a boat, AJ can go water skiing."

"Anita, this weekend AJ is planning to go the Marlins baseball game with my brothers family. I will be away doing some work on a ship." I looked at my watch.

"Yes I heard you are doing boat engine work. Little fishing charters, and stuff right? I am so happy for you." Anita said condescendingly

"Yea, something like that."

"Well can I have AJ this weekend, or not Darrin."

"Yes Anita, you can. The boy needs to know his mother cares about him. Don't screw this up if you promise to come, you better show up."

""Oh Darrin..." Anita started.

"Anita, I do not wish to hurt you, but it is still on my list. So be here Friday. Don't be late." I hung up the phone.

Naturally Anita did not show up Friday, waiting until Thursday night to cancel.

Anita was unapologetic. "But Darrin, surely you can comprehend the situation. Wesley got a great last minute deal on a cruise. He knows the bar waiters brother, we could get upgraded. It will be my first time out of the country, a chance to use my passport."

"Damn it Anita, you cannot do this to your son!" I was pissed.

"I am not going to argue with you about this Darrin." Anita countered.

"I do not argue with idiots Anita. Idiots just drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience." I said to her. "You get AJ all fired up, now I have to clean up this mess."

"Darrin, do not be such a drama queen. AJ will understand." Anita replied. "I will make it up to him another time."

"Don't bother." I hung up the phone.

I should have been happy. The ROYAL VIKING was in port, I was going to be sailing on her for three days. My task was uploading a new engine control software, before she went into drydock. I would be staying with Zoie, in her cabin. But Anita's stunt with AJ had put me in a foul mood. Thank God my brother took his Godfather duties seriously. He was able to get the extra ticket back, so AJ could come to the Marlin baseball game with his cousins.

My attitude instantly improved when Zoie gave me a big hug, and kiss. She sensed my mood.

"Everything OK Darrin?" She asked running her fingers thru my hair. "Did I do something wrong?"

I explained the situation with Anita and AJ. Zoie was understanding.

"That is terrible Darrin. We must do something for AJ." Zoie said. "But I do have some good news. Actually two pieces of good news."

"I could use some good news Zoie. Come on don't tease me."

"Captain Sven heard you were coming. He wants us to join him tomorrow in the passenger dining room. I even got you a Tux. We can get a formal picture together." Zoie was almost beaming.

I tried to be excited for Zoie's sake, but spending the evening in a monkey suit, was not high on my bucket list.

Zoie continued. "Better yet Darrin, on the ten day drydock, I am not needed. So I can either stay on the ship doing fire watch or..."

I jumped right in. "No F'in way are you staying on the ship!" I picked Zoie up hugging her around the waist. "You are staying as a guest at Chez Darrin! AJ has been bugging me to see the sights. We are going to be do up the best South Florida has to offer!"

"Darrin, put me down!" Zoie squealed. As I returned her to the ground, she gave me a look, then said softly. "I'd hope you would say that."

The ships tailor did a great job, the tux fit perfectly. I did look damn good, if I do say so myself. Zoie was stunning in her evening gown, and I really was enjoying the night. Captain Sven was a fine host, plus the food was excellent.

Suddenly an angry male voice boomed out from behind me.

"What the hell is that Asshole doing here!"

The whole room went silent. Everyone at the table turned. I was astonished to see my ex-wife Anita standing there with a red faced Wesley.

Captain Sven rose from the table. He towered over Wesley. When Captain Sven spoke his voice was every inch the commanding Captain. "Excuse me sir, this man Darrin, is an honored guest of the ROYAL VIKING, and her crew. Now if you will be so kind, the waiter will show you back to your table. Have a good evening."

Anita face was pale white. She seemed to be more in shock at the sight of me in a tux at the Captains table, than I was at seeing her. Wesley however, must have had a few drinks, as he would not let it go.

"Fuck that! Listen up you Love Boat wannabe. We get stuck in some shitty table by the kitchen while this Prick!" Wesley pointed at me. "Gets to sit at the God Damn table of Honor! No Fucking way Sailor boy!"

Captain Sven stared down Wesley for a moment, who started to wilt. "Sir, I assure you the cuisine is just as fine on every table in this dining room. Now will you allow my staff to provide you excellent service, or shall I have security remove you?"

Anita looked like she wanted to shrink into her shoes. She tugged at Wesley's suit coat sleeve.

"Wesley" Anita said in a voice just above a whisper. "Everyone is staring at us. Let's just go sit down."

Wesley turned on her. "Screw you too bitch! I don't need your fat ass telling me what to do. You give me a half assed, world's worse blow job before dinner, and now this crap. I am going back to that tiny fucking shithole without a window they call a cabin." With that he stormed out of the dining room.

Anita stood there stunned with her hands at her face as all the diners stared at her. The room was still silent. I knew I shouldn't ... but I could not resist. I cleared my throat loudly. Everyone looked at me as I peered at my ex-wife.

"Hello Anita. It sure is a surprise to see you." I raised my wine glass at her. "Maybe we'll see each other on your travels about the ship. I'm in a suite, upper deck. Where are you and Wes bunking?"

Anita face burst into tears, as she bolted from the dining room. After a moment the buzz of conversation returned as diners turned their attention away from our table.

I signaled over the wine steward. "Anyone else like some more to drink?"

I had intended to sleep in the next morning, as my task was done, debark from the small Haitian island was not until the afternoon. However Zoie was tugging me out of bed at 7 AM.

"Darrin get dressed quick. You need to come to the Broadcast room. The Captain is going to throw your ex-wife, and that guy off the ship!"

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ugly duckling part 6

“Man! This just can’t be!” I thought. What the hell was I to do? Later that same week I took a day off and drove up to talk to Barbara. I figured that due to her medical condition, her caregivers would surely recommend that she abort the baby, and I wanted to talk to her and support her through the whole ordeal. I strolled into the room that Barbara shared with an elderly woman patient, her head jerked up to look at me and then she burst into loud sobbing and crying. I went to her, held...

2 years ago
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Ugly Duckling part 5

Back home, in the days to come, I found it difficult to think of anything other than Barbara. My fiancé noticed that I seemed to be aloof and my desire for her body had faded somewhat. I had taken to frequent masturbation sessions as I recalled what Barbara and I had done. To make a long story short, I caught the whore who was to be my wife out on the town with another guy. I was saddened, angry, and pissed. But at least now I knew that I could see Barbara again without fear of...

3 years ago
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ugly duckling part IV

Within a week of seeing Barbara unexpectedly at that distant town, I received a letter in the mail, postmarked from a rural town about 30 miles from where I had seen her. I could not believe it! But I guess it made sense, my name and where I was from was probably printed on the fight program, probably in the local paper as well, it would not be too hard to track me down from there. The letter was four and a half pages long, too much for me to recount entirely. She described how thrilled...

3 years ago
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Ugly duckling part III

I was comforted to know that the reasons I never saw her were beyond her control, and that she still kept watch to see me through her window. “It’s just as well” I thought, “I was going to have to stop seeing her any how”. But Barbara was always on my mind. At the restaurant where I worked some during the summer, a hot and cute waitress, two years older than me, was flirting with me. One day when no one was looking she grabbed my ass, whispered nasty stuff to me, and stuck her tongue in...

2 years ago
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Ugly duckling pt2

A few weeks passed and Karen seem to come out of her shell. Always wearing makeup and started dressing well I was actually shocked how good she looked. Mia ended up taking her virginity with a strap on. Hearing Karen crying from the fucking made me so hard. Mia had to go to a family reunion in another state. She was going to be gone for 6 days, I was really going to miss her.Mia why do you have to be away so long? It’s a family reunion Chris I gotta go. How will you survive without any pussy or...

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Ugly Clair

I walked into a place to have some blood work done. There was a woman in front of me signing in. After I signed in I went into the waiting room to wait and the only seat left was next to that woman.She looked to be in her late 60's. She was not good looking at all she actually had a man face. Her hair was auburn and it almost looked like a wig. She was about 5'-8" and wearing tight clothing which showed all her fat and lumps. Over all not attractive at all to me. She struck up a conversation...

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UglyBugs Bedplay

They talk about sink-schools, but not sink-colleges.We were a sink-college.When one of the Sunday papers published a Higher Education league-table, we were placed literally bottom - plum-spang bottom - of the whole of the East Midlands region.It was the nosedive moment. Parents took their teenagers off the applicants' list. Heads of Department resigned, one after the other. Anyone with anywhere to go, went. And it was painfully obvious that these included any woman remotely worth looking...

1 year ago
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Good News Bad News Part 3

Good News, Bad News, Part 3 By Pindick "Hello, April." I groaned inwardly. My personnel director was NOT the person I wanted to see at the Pink Pearl Spa, especially with me dressed in girly jeans, an embroidered T-shirt and four-inch heels and carrying a tiny little purse. My wife, Laney, had dropped me off a few minutes earlier, explaining out loud in matter-of-fact terms the young receptionist that I was being transformed into a female image because my penis was too small to...

4 years ago
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Anal Experimentation

I threw my keys and purse on the kitchen table, trying to be quiet. I wasn’t sure if you were asleep or not. I unlaced my dusty hiking boots and carefully laid my equipment in my office. I’m a freelance photographer, and I’d been up in the mountains all day shooting portfolio shots for some wanna-be model. It was hot, and had it not been for the bug repellent, I’d have been eaten alive. It was late; I couldn’t remember what shift you were on at the local hospital. I left all my dirty clothes...

4 years ago
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Sissy For a Year 4

I spent the day in near seclusion. I did not leave the house, and drew the curtains in all the rooms to create a more diffused atmosphere around our love nest. To dedicate my mind and my heart fully to Achref, I did not watch TV, read newspapers or books, surf the internet, or even play the radio or any music. In this way, I made sure I would not even by mistake come across a photo or even a mention of any other man. For the whole day, starting from the moment He woke me wishing me good...

3 years ago
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One Lucky GuyChapter 30

I could hardly wait until I replayed the video we’d just finished. With everyone seated in the theater, I played it through once, with voice. We were having the wildest time, watching and laughing as the video played. Then, I started the editor and each time I would play a short clip, I would back it up and play it again. Rachel was holding the mic, and when I erased the dialog, she would hold the mic for the person to recite that part of the dialog. Sometimes, we had to run it back again...

4 years ago
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Thick As A Brick

My dad made me take the day off school to wait for the painters who were going to do our apartment. He couldn’t do it himself because he had a big client for personal training at his gym. I didn’t want to stay home because I’m not much good round people I’m supposed to boss around, and dad told me I’d have to crack the whip because these guys were being paid by the hour and so they’d try to stretch it out as long as they could. They didn’t turn up till ten when they were supposed to start...

1 year ago
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MomDrips Demi Nova Paying Off The Debt

Demi has been trying to get pregnant for a while but her husband just can’t seem to get it done so she figures she must look for someone else to fuck her the way she needs to be fucked. Suddenly she hears a crash outside and realizes some dude just crashed into her car. Oliver then tries to offer her 100 bucks to help with the repairs but she demands more money. Olives says he’s got bills and child support to pay, which is when Demi realizes he could pay her in another way. Next thing he knows,...

1 year ago
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My Little Temptation

There she goes again. Now I know she is doing it deliberately. She has been sent here from the devil himself just to tempt me. Why else would my wife’s 18 year old sister be doing cartwheels in front of the sliding glass door to my office, in a bikini no less? She graduated high school last week and her parents offered to send her wherever she wanted to go and she chose to come stay with her sister and me in Louisiana. Anywhere in the world she wanted to go and she chose here. She arrived late...

2 years ago
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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 8

Mark awakened with a smile late in the afternoon and warmly kissed his young bride. Enthused emotions of hope tremored inside Jean; she knew that he'd remembered and was looking forward to their planned evening of love. She toyed playfully with him for a few moments, her confidence growing, then left against his begging pleas, knowing he was in a state of hardness beneath the sheet. She didn't want anything to spoil their coming night of pleasure. She went to the kitchen to fix him a bite,...

1 year ago
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Brandi Backs Herself Into A Corner Chapter 8

100% fiction! Brandi was really having a hard time adjusting to not having her son living at home. What was killing her the most, she knew it was her fault. Something she did in the past came back to bite her (sleeping with a 18 year old high school boy, Craig). She came to me and asked if I would help her stop drinking. I told her, "While I was at home, there would be know problem, but when I wasn't there she better get Ellen to help her." People change when they are drinking, all Brandi could...

3 years ago
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Finding My Hot Wife Who Loves Foot Fetishes By Hap

I wanted to write about my beautiful, sexy wife. We have been together for 10 years now. Prior to meeting her, I was much like most of you who have foot fetishes. I was self aware of my foot fetish since I was 5 year old. It did not foster in to something more sexual for me until I was a teenager. I never told anyone about my foot fetish or expressed it in any way until I was about 19. When I did finally express it to girlfriends, they would entertain it to a degree, but it never had the same...

2 years ago
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My First Lesbian Experience

I was so excited about going to college, as I had never been away from home before. I was spreading my wings of independence and soaring away. I had my map of the college grounds and my dorm room number. I was meeting with a lady named Chelsea to help me find my room. I was a little nervous, but excited as well about this new adventure. After meeting up with Chelsea, getting my key and finding my room, I was on my own. I put in the key and opened the door to find my new roommate. She...

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 28 The Last Church in San Antonio

When the charter plane from Indianapolis arrived, Kay thought she knew what to expect. Three homesick priestesses and a spoiled goddess named Corrine. There were also some samples of a new steamless method of transformation. What surprised her, though, was the hundreds of boxes containing transformation serum. It filled the cargo hold and most of the passenger compartment, leaving just two rows of seats open for passengers. A note from Alice was attached to a box at the front. Dear...

3 years ago
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Well, since I don't have any real content to upload, I figured I'd share something on here. So I think I'll start posting stories of my past, my overly active, sometimes stupidly stupid past sexual experiences. They won't be regular posts, i.e. there won't be a schedule to them, and they probably won't be in any kind of order. I'll just post them as I'm inspired to recount them. All are true, some things have been changed to "protect the innocent". I'm in my early 40ies-ish so the vast majority...

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Best Laid PlansChapter 6

After another night of splurging on food and wine, the guys were informed about going to the country club the following evening. The two cowed troopers were getting restless but meekly acquiesced. The next afternoon after returning from their hairdressers, Sandy and Jan got their props together (silk scarves, perfumes, dainty handkerchiefs, ear plugs, and shower caps) and refined their plans. "I'm as nervous as the time I went on my first date," said Sandy. "It's going to be...

1 year ago
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Something for the weekend Chapter 1

Sodding budget airlines he thought as he looked up at the flight departure screen, all showed a blue colour except the last flight of the night to Glasgow. Every flight was on time or boarding except his, the display flashing, 'Please contact your airline service desk,' in an angry and taunting red. So much for getting home in time for a late dinner. He scanned the terminal and saw a queue of about twenty agitated people off to his right all trying to ask the same questions of the harassed...

2 years ago
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Organism X Ch 05

There was a rising pang of anxiety rising in Leah's gut as she walked down the hallway towards the boys' wing. Megan walked with her and Leah could sense the girl's own sense of foreboding, streaming into her brain like a staticky radio signal. Things were growing out of control. "Tell me again how you left them," Leah said. "They seemed out of it. Pale. Passed out. Not too different from how you described it." "When I did it, I didn't give birth to some monstrosity. Besides,...

3 years ago
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A Neighbour Comes to Complain

She knocks frantically at my front door. ‘Hello? Is there a problem?’ I ask, after opening the door. I already knew it was a neighbour. I had watched from my bedroom window as she marched over from her house across the road. ‘Yes, there is a problem.’ She places her hands on her hips and takes a large intake of breath. She is wearing a tight white vest and denim shorts. As she breathes in, her nipples poke through the cotton. ‘Can I help?’ ‘You are watching me!’ She exclaims. Blonde hair, blue...

4 years ago
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The House A Slave Training and Auction Chapter 5 6 Revised third post attempt

I look at the girls standing in my room they are both shaking and they should be this is going to be hard for them Jessica taken from her bedroom of her big house while her mommy and daddy slept. Kathy taken from a rich family in California outside of her house. Kathy- I want to go home I don’t want these people touching me so I tell him my father will pay to get me back call him. Master tells me to shut up before he puts his cock in my mouth so I shut up I don’t want that. Jessica is crying...

4 years ago
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Aditi And Me In Delhi

Hi, sex story readers, so a couple of months ago I was living in Delhi for work. I had a hectic schedule and was provided with an accommodation at a residential colony. A couple of days passed and I didn’t ever meet anyone apart from the landlord. I had a hint that there lived a couple of girls on my floor. One fine day, I was working in my apartment when I plugged in the A/C and the electricity went off. I had a hint that the switch from the electricity board must’ve tripped. I went out...

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The Motel

It started out at a bar with me and two friends, Rich ( my gay friend ) and Jerry ( ? ) his Dad was a Pastor. We were all shooting pool and if you missed your shot, you had to do a Shot of Whiskey. Well Rich and I found out that Jerry was not good at Pool. Well by the time it got time to leave, Jerry was pretty Drunk. Well, it got time to leave and we helped Jerry out to the car and put him in the back seat as we were driving away, Rich looked at me and said, "We can not take him home like...

4 years ago
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The New Job

"Something will turn up soon, I'm sure of it". That's what Sadie said when I came home after another bad interview. At that point I really felt like I'd never get another job. My last job had been as a regional manager for an engineering and manufacturing company. Looking back I guess it had been more luck than drive on my part. I'd been in the right place at the right time and felt like I couldn't do anything wrong and for a while I was getting promoted every year or two. The money...

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It was a Wednesday afternoon, the middle of August, in a rented country holiday house, miles from anywhere in the beautiful Cotswolds. Nine people were sat in the main lounge, all of them naked, and even the briefest of glances would have told any observer that most if not all of them had very recently had sex. There were four men and five women, of varying ages, ranging from the late forties to the late teens. A longer look would have told our observer that the four eldest, two men in their...

1 year ago
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A Princes Choice

Chapter 1 The knight rode quickly his horse huffing and puffing as he carried the child. He was tired and wounded. But he could not rest. This wasn’t supposed to happen. The roads were meant to be safe. They had brought a small party just because of that. But bandits, at least a hundred of them had come from nowhere. They were better armed then any bandits he’d ever seen before. And the twenty knights or so were so quickly overwhelmed. His horse buckled for a moment, “No time for rest,” he said...

3 years ago
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The Courts Of Pleasure

This story is set in a future where lusty love is forbidden and the characters seek secret satisfactions of their passions. All characters in this novel are over eighteen years of age. The Courts of Pleasure Ch 01 Passion flowers at The Gathering. ‘How I love it,’ Vivienne exulted. ‘How many times have I stood on this spot on my birthday and looked out upon this sight?’ She leaned against the wall of polished ivory colored stone and gazed fondly down the little street stretching out to the...

2 years ago
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Young Age Saal Ki Pooja Ki Seal Todi

Hello dosto mera nam Suraj hai mein first time story likh raha hun isliye koi galati ho jaye to maf kariyega.Dosto ye meri pehli real story hai toh please mujhe reply dena , Mein mumbai kalyan ka rehne wala hu, meri umr 25 saal hai,lund motha hai, koi bhi ladki ya bhabhi mujhse chudwana chahe to mujhe mail kar sakte hai 100% satisfaction guaranteed, and ya sab rraj hi rahega meri mail id hai So dosto mein kaahani par aata hu ye kahani us samaya ki jab main 10th class main padtha tha us time...

2 years ago
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CEO Makes a Business DecisionPart IIIFinal Chapter

Still naked, Dani stood up and started to waddle to the bathroom. She cupped her right hand over her pussy to make sure the toy did not fall out while she was walking. Once in the bathroom, she started the water for a shower. As it was warming up, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was a complete mess. Her eyes looked tired and she had the string from the Ben-Wa balls dangling between her thighs. “You really do look like a whore,” she said to herself out loud. She was...

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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 18 The End

Hans due to his size and strength was often seen as a bruiser with tremendous strength but little else. This was not the case since he was with the Olafson gang. He was asked about his opinion about other things. The woman across him was about as opposite as a being could be to a Saturnian, she was a Delicate. While Brana was certainly not a member of the original gang, she like the rest became like family. She had just stepped into his security office and without any hesitation floated...

3 years ago
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Beautiful Indian lady with Nepali guy

I am 28 years old. This happened to me one year ago, in Katmandu, Nepal. Her name is Suman. She has two kids and even after bearing two babies. Still she was beautiful. They used to stay down to our floors with her husband who is a businessman. She is just a housewife. I like Indian ladies in a saree, they look very sexy. As my house on two units I could get a chance of looking at neighbor’s house. My next door neighbor had a perfect figure as I always blushed staring at her lower body part....

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Getting out of the Rut Chapter 17

Carol's StoryIf you’ve read the story so far you probably have very mixed feelings about me, I put Chris through a lot and there are days when I still feel guilty. It's taken a while toget to a place where I can write this. I haven't had sex with anyone other than Chris in six months but some things I did still play on my mind at dark moments. I’ve told Chris everything— sometimes with tears and sometimes with laughter. There isn’t a man or a woman, a flower or a painting that I’ve lusted...

3 years ago
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Hotel Main Gaand Maari

By : Jai Sharma Hi friends aap sab ka bhout bhout dhanywaad aap nay mujay es laayak samza aap sab nay meri story pasand ki bhout say mail aaye bhout dost banay roz main unsay chat kartaa hoon dosto aap ko meri last story pata hee hogi story ka naam lund ka piyasa gay story. Dosto main gay nahi hoon lakin kya karu lakin yah gaand hoti hee Aisi hai ki ek baar chaska lag jaaye bas or kya roz new khozni padti hai dosto main aap ko bata ki main Jai sharma age 24 ek dam smart hoon mai abhi tak...

3 years ago
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My boyfriend likes to expose me Part 26

Introduction: Why does he always do this to me? My Boyfriend likes to expose me or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans All characters involved in any sexual activities in this story were over 18 when the events took place. Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the earlier parts. They will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 26 Not all Ryans fault =================== First the bad news Tom and...

2 years ago
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Another Adventure as DD

Hi, My name is DD. This is another Adventure in my hopeful quest. The other night my Mistress had a very life altering possibly event. My Mistress told me that DD was coming out to play. We began the day texting each other, me expressing my desire to come out and play. My Mistress telling me that there would be a price I would play. I readily agreed with the passion I have at servicing my Mistress. My Mistresses first instruction was for me to go home take a shower and make sure I was all...

3 years ago
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Freiend, Gals, ab sab apne land aur bur ko hatho se sahlate huye meri yeh real chudai ki story padiye, yeh us samay ki bat hai jab maine nayi nayi service join ki thi to meri pehli posting ahmedabad mei hui. Waha mai ek kiraye ke makan mei rahne laga. Makan malik ki ek 20 year ki ek hot sex bom ladki thi. Uske mast chutad the mastani chuchiya thi uska size tha 36-28-38. Jab woh chalti thi uske chutad is tarah se swing karte the ki man karta tha ki abhi jau aur uske chutado ke beech land ko...

1 year ago
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Allisons New Life Ch 14

Allison arrived home with an armful of groceries, tired but happy that she’d managed to get all her shopping done. Inside the apartment was a trail of rose petals, which she attributed to Chad and Diana (although she couldn’t really imagine Chad being especially romantic.). She was about to put the groceries away and then leave so that the surprise wouldn’t be ruined when she realized that the rose petals led to her room. Roger?? Surely not… Quickly and curiously she stepped into her room and...

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