Apprehensive HeartsChapter 4
- 3 years ago
- 29
- 0
Those were the memories that were running through his mind as the bus pulled into the Port Authority. Up until that moment he’d been sure of what he was doing. Even if it didn’t work, he thought of himself as being on a romantic quixotic mission. But now reality was setting in. As he got out of the bus, breathing in the diesel fumed air, the uncertainties all returned. He had no idea how she would react to him and the thoughts of their last meeting began to haunt him.
He remained resolute, however, determined to see it through. If she still didn’t want to see him again, so be it. At least he would know and could possibly put it all to rest. He’d come too far now to turn back, besides, he’d rather see an angry Carol then not see her at all and he did want to see her one last time. Once again, he took counsel in the thought that there had to be a reason for Rita to have sent him the picture.
He gathered up his baggage, a suitcase, an overnight bag, and a shopping bag full of presents, and went out to the street. He hailed a cab and rode over to Curt’s apartment. When he arrived, Marion greeted him at the door.
“Come on in, John. Curt said you’d be here this afternoon and I should set an extra place for supper. He’s at the office, he’ll be home later.”
“Thanks, Marion,” he went in and set his baggage down. He pulled three packages out of the shopping bag.
“I come bearing gifts.”
“John, you shouldn’t have. I’m afraid we don’t have anything for you.”
“You’re putting me up for a night or two, that’s more than enough, especially on such short notice.”
“Thank you,” she said taking the packages, “I’ll put these under the tree. I’m afraid you’ll be sleeping on a futon in the other room, it’s all we have.”
“It’ll be more than enough, beggars can’t be choosers.”
“John, if you don’t mind me asking, this is about the girl, isn’t it?”
“Yes it is.”
“You never did tell us just what happened between you two.”
“There’s a good reason; there’s nothing to tell, simple as that. We had a disagreement, she got mad and told me she never wanted to see me again. I have no idea what it was all about and I’ve wanted to find out ever since. The holiday break at school seemed like as good a time as any.”
“Well, I hope you do find out. Are you thinking about getting back together with her?”
“Only every day for the last four months. I guess it will all depend on what I find when I see her.”
“Good luck, then. I hope it works out for you, however you wish.”
“Thanks, it’s going to be all up to her. Now, I have to ask you if I can use your phone.”
“Of course, use the extension in the other room.”
He went into the room that would be his home for the next two days. He sat down on the futon and picked up the phone. He hesitated a few moments then dialed the number. Some part of him was wishing nobody would be at home to answer. Somebody was however; there was the clicking as the receiver was picked up and he heard Rita’s voice.
“Rita, hi; it’s John Drake. How’ve you been?”
“Oh, John, this is a surprise. I’m fine, how about you?”
“As good as can be expected. I’m in town for a few days, thought I’d come over and see you guys. Any chance you’ll be around tonight?”
“Yes and no, Andre has a thing going on at the gallery this week, he does it every year at Christmas time. I’ll be there and so will Carol. Why don’t you drop by? I’d love to see you again. Oh, and John, one other thing.”
“What’s that?”
“Carol; she’s missed you. She won’t admit it to you but she has, big time.”
“And I her. By the way, I got the picture you sent, thanks.”
“Think nothing of it, it just seemed like something you needed. So I’ll be seeing you tonight then?”
“I’ll be there.”
He had a pleasant meal with Curt and his family. They talked mostly about the holidays, past and present. He was thankful nobody pressed him about Carol; he simply wouldn’t have known what to say. He really didn’t want to explain to anyone about what may well prove to be a fool’s errand on his part. The little he’d told Marion was enough, possibly more than enough. Either way, it would have to do for now.
Later that evening he stood in front of the gallery, shopping bag in hand, steadying himself, bolstered by Rita’s revelation that Carol had missed him. The place was busy, people were coming and going, some leaving with wrapped artwork. Last minute Christmas shoppers, the reason for this pre-holiday shindig. John had to admire the marketing genius of it all.
Finally he stepped in and looked around. The buffet table was set up in the same place it had been last summer, only this time it was heavier with cookies and other holiday pastries than deli food. There were two urns one of coffee the other with hot chocolate. Christmas music was playing softly, loud enough to be heard without drowning out any conversation. Then he spotted Rita and made his way over to her.
“John, you made it,” she quickly kissed him on the cheek, “I really wasn’t too sure you’d come, but I’m glad you did.”
“Yeah, well I’m here,” he held up the shopping bag, “and I brought you guys some stuff.”
“Oh, what have we got?”
“I’m not saying, that’s why they’re wrapped. I figure you can use the bag to raid the buffet table.”
“You’re learning, the only trouble is the table’s full of cookies and fruitcake. I don’t really need too much of them and you can’t fill a bag with hot chocolate. It was a good thought though.” She grabbed his arm and stared to lead him through the crowd. “Come on, they’ve got Carol working, she’s in the back boxing and wrapping whatever we sell.”
As they went towards the back of the gallery, he saw her. She was at a long counter wrapping a framed picture in a generic looking holiday wrapping paper. Her hair was down, like in the picture Rita had sent him, he was amazed at how perfectly she had captured her likeness.
“Yo, Carol,” Rita suddenly shouted, startling him, “Carol, look who’s here. And he brought presents!”
Looking up, she tipped her head to one side and smiled the one-sided half smile that he remembered from the first night. Then she raised her hand and gestured rapidly for him to come over. At least he knew she wasn’t hostile. When he got to the counter, her smile widened.
“What brings you here? Have you been in town long?”
He glanced at Rita and she gave him a mischievous little grin. He realized that once again, she hadn’t said anything to Carol. This seemed to be a habit of Rita’s, springing things on people unannounced.
“Just here for a couple of days, thought I’d drop by and say hello.”
She leaned forward over the counter and put a hand on his shoulder, pulling him towards her so she could kiss his cheek. It was the exact type of friendly kiss Rita had given him, friendly and warm, but giving no hint they’d been lovers a few short months earlier.
“Now, did I hear something about presents?”
“Yeah, something here for both of you.” He set the bag down, “All yours.”
“Looks like two apiece,” Rita said, looking into the bag. “This guy’s filled with the Christmas spirit. Should we open them now, or wait?”
“Doesn’t matter to me, whatever you usually do with Christmas presents.”
“Usually, ‘ Carol chimed in, “we say we’re going to wait until Christmas when we get them, but then open them that same night.”
“Well,” he said, “who am I to ask you to break with your traditions?”
“How did you know we’d be here, where you just wandering around the East Side with a bunch of Christmas presents on the off chance you’d bump into us?”
“I have to go back,” Rita said distractedly, “there are some people looking at one of my paintings.”
Carol watched her friend stroll away. She smiled and shook her head.
“I guess my question was just answered. So, what’s new, anything?”
“No, the school’s closed for the Christmas break, so I thought I’d come for a visit.”
“When did you get in?”
“This afternoon, took the bus.”
“You should have let us know.”
“Well, it was a spur of the moment decision, besides,” he looked at her steadily, “I wasn’t sure if you were still mad at me or not.”
He wasn’t sure if he should have mentioned it or not, but he’d seen no way around it. He saw a look of sadness in her face. She looked down, nervously and then shook her head.
“No, I’m not angry.” That was all she said on the matter. “So, what are you up to? Any plans?”
“Yeah, kind of. I’ve never been up to Rockefeller Center at Christmas, you know, to see the tree and the skaters. And I’ve never been inside St. Patrick’s. I thought maybe I’d go and check them out.”
“I’ve never been to them either. But why St. Pat’s? You never struck me as the religious type, at least you didn’t show it last summer.”
“I’m not overly religious, but I like the artwork and craftsmanship that went into churches. And there’s a majesty to the bigger cathedrals that impresses me. Besides that, people come from all over the world to see it and it’s sitting there right under our noses, so I figure I should see it. Anyhow, I don’t want to go alone, so, since you’ve never been, care to accompany me?”
“When are we talking about?”
“Tomorrow morning.”
“That means I’ll have to get up early. Well, why not? Yes, I’ll see you in the morning.”
John felt her accepting was a good sign. He was still wary, he’d been wrong about her before and wasn’t taking anything for granted.
The next morning he stood with her looking down at the crowd of skaters. It fascinated him that so many could be on the ice at the same time yet nobody seemed to be skating into each other. One girl in particular caught his attention. She was a very good skater, but that wasn’t the attraction. It was the way she went about doing jumps and spins seeming oblivious to the presents of the other skaters. It almost seemed to be a typical New York City thing; she’d go into a spin, one leg extended, blade slashing dangerously through the air, while other skaters paid no attention, ducking and dodging their way by her.
“It must be nice,” Carol said, “to be that young and carefree. None of them has been burned by life yet, they all probably think the rest of their days will all be as simple as this.”
“That’s a pretty deep thought. But we were young once too, and we saw things the way they do now. I wish them all well, hope they’re always on smooth ice and enjoying themselves.” For some reason they were both getting philosophical.
“Oh, don’t get me wrong,” Carol responded, “I’m not wishing bad luck on them or anything. I’m just jealous, I want to feel the way they do, I just can’t anymore.”
John had no response, he looked up at the huge Christmas tree, lost in his own thoughts. He did, however, feel the need to say something.
“It’s one hell of a tree. I think you’d have to see it at night to really appreciate it though.”
He turned and looked at Carol. The chameleon quality of her face constantly amazed him. At times she looked young and vibrant, other times, like now, she appeared older, tired, and frayed.
“Yes, I suppose so.” Then she hesitated, “John, why are you really here? You didn’t come all this way to watch people ice skate, now did you?”
“Sure I did, but I also came to see you. You know that, so there’s no reason to play these kid’s games. The way things ended last summer, that was God awful, I couldn’t let it go like that. Not a day’s gone by that I haven’t thought about you.”
“It was terrible,” she agreed.
“I had to come back, I had no choice in the matter. I had to see you and talk with you one last time. You have to understand, even if we’re no longer a couple, I still want to be your friend. I want more, but I’ll settle for that. I still love you, that hasn’t changed. I still want to be a part of your life, no matter how small a part it is.”
She stood silent, taking his words in. He wondered if he’d spoken out too quickly, putting her on the spot. The last thing he wanted to do was to make her uneasy. He turned and took her by the elbow and looked towards Fifth Avenue.
“Come on, let’s go to church.”
Crossing the street by the Cathedral they saw a bus in front discharging a tour group. A tour guide led them into the building.
“See what I meant? People from all over come here and neither of us has ever been inside. Now let’s go and see what we’ve been missing.”
Once inside, they couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by the size and grandeur of the interior. There were several groups of tourist wandering through, pausing to admire the statuary and the side alters. John led her to an empty pew in the back.
“Let’s sit for a couple of minutes.” His voice was low, slightly above a whisper.
He stepped aside gesturing for her to sit. He watched as she genuflected and crossed herself before side stepping in. She went far enough to leave a place for him before sitting down. He slid in next to her.
“You seem to be the one that’s been hiding their religious fervor.”
“Oh, that,” she whispered back. “I was raised a Catholic; old habits die hard I guess. Besides, when you’ve lived my life, you need all the help you can get. Hedge your bets and don’t offend anyone.”
“So, we’re both a couple of lapsed Catholics, something else we have in common.”
“It seems that way.”
“Look, Carol, we have to talk about last summer. Can we do it quietly, you know, no yelling, no anger, just an honest discussion?”
He looked at her waiting for an answer. This was the reason he wanted to talk with her in the back of the cathedral, hoping in such a place there would be little chance of any histrionics on either of their parts; no chance of it escalating into another full blown argument. She sat briefly quiet; her lips pressed tightly together, then bowed her head and slowly nodded.
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With seventeen-year-old Ian Patterson having cum on the bare arse of his twenty-year-old sister Sharon and causing her orgasm in the process, both siblings knew that further involvement was likely and desired.Over the next few days, they often had eye contact and Sharon would sometimes tease Ian by sticking her backside out as he went past or Ian would touch one of her buttocks as he moved behind her.They both knew that they should not be having such thoughts but both longed to get with the...
IncestHi to all iss readers I am Sohail again well friends let me tell you this ki agar aap main se koi iss story main honey wahey sexual relationship main bleave nahi rakhta to yeh story naa read karey kiyon ki yeh story mummy aur son ke sexual relationship ki srory hai aur iss story ka muqsad yeh nahi ki aap bhi yeh sub apni mummy key sath karine. So shell we start well friends as I have told you all that after that incident my desire to fuck my mother have reached to its peek but could not do this...
What I told Tonya about attacking was not braggadocio, because attacking the gaggle of Juicers before they could organize themselves was about the only choice I had. The odds were stacked against me as far as shear numbers were concerned, but I hoped my experience as a soldier and lawman would even the deck some. I had a thought and turned around to catch Tonya before she slipped out the back door. "Tonya, see if you can free any more of the normal women while you are out there. Peek in the...
Hi again everyone! I am back with another story about me and my cousin Saurabh. In my last story I told you how one night I was upset and my cousin Saurabh made me feel better and then we made love; this changed everything, I love him immensely now and I am not shy anymore. The next day, everyone was going out for shopping but me and Saurabh said that we didn’t want to go with them as we just felt like sitting at home and watching TV. So everyone left and we were all alone at home. We decided...
IncestThe innate ability to smell things others don't quite get, or before anyone else smells them has always been with me. It both blesses and curses me. In a crowded elevator, stinky crotches, smelly feet bad breath, unwashed sweaty bodies and clothes always smell stronger to me than to others, I have found. If I am on an bus with a friend and I say, "Oh, did you smell her shitty underwear?", after we get off. Invariably, my friend will deny smelling anything and think I am off my medication...
First off, let me be clear that i am not using the term faggot in a pejorative sense. One of the most effective ways of taking the sting out of a word is to re-appropriate it from the haters, and redefine it yourself. This must of course happen in a supportive environment, among those who accept you as you are. That enables you to defiantly and bravely own up to what you are. And to realize that there are appreciative Alphas/Men out there who would love nothing better than to have their own...
You Win Some, You Lose Some By TwoSpiritsTG ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you enjoy the story please leave a review! I love reading them and seeing what my fans have to say. It keeps me energized and going, and brightens up my day. Everytime I see a new review my heart leaps and my day gets a little brighter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ============= AUTHOR'S NOTE This story is G-rated, but...
Vicky woke into darkness. It should not have been completely dark. There were lights in the basement, even when every light was turned off. The DVD player, for one, always gave off a bit of light. At times, it seemed abnormally bright, when the eye was expecting darkness. So, why was she now... Ah. She had rolled over in the night, part of Kevin's sleeping bag covering her eyes. Rolling her body to the left, the familiar scene of her darkened basement came into view. Ceiling. That light...
I was around 24 years old when i had decided I wanted to have sex with a black female. I had always had an attraction and figured it was time. I started flirting with a sexy lady named Tanisha on a dating site. She was 34 and lived alone in a neighboring town. We chatted for weeks just getting to know each other and after agreeing that it would only be for sex because neither of us wanted to deal with the racist static you get from dating another race the time had come. Tanisha sent me a...
Introduction: This is a story of two friends that become more than that. Please leave your feedback for future chapters! Thanks! ENJOY!! Not So Innocent Love (Part 1) This story starts off with a girl as all good stories do. This girl though wasnt like any of the others. It wasnt her natural brown hair with perfect highlights that made her perfect, nor her impeccable sense of style. To this day I dont even know what made her perfect, all I know is she changed my life. I was the normal girl in...
"How is she?" Mark Blakely questioned, barging through his front door-way, only to be stopped by Steve Foster and Doc Emory, both immediately launching from their places on the couch to confront the big, young deputy sheriff. "Easy, boy, easy..." his red-bearded writer-friend stepped in front of him with engulfing arms. "She's okay, Mark... resting comfortably right now," Doc Emory added, coming close to put a hand on the younger man's broad shoulder. "Wh-What the hell happened?"...
Hello, Dosto mai fir se hajir hoo Iss story ka 8th part ke sath…Jinhone meri agli story nahi padi wo pahele padh lijiye. Jesa ki aap sab jante hai ki Meri randi maa ko chudvana pasand hai aur wo pure din chudvane ke liye taiyar rehti hai apne aashiq se. Aaj aap sab ko bataunga meri randi maa ke naye aashique ke bare mai… Hussain jo ki mere papa ki company ka driver hai wo aksar hi mere papa ko pick-up karne ghar pe aata tha aur drop bhi karne aata tha. pi6li story mai aap logo ne padha ki jab...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It all started when I wanted to go to New York with my friend. It was the 4th of July and my best friend Jake asked me to go to New York with him and his mom. My parents we obviously not all for it see how Jake's mom is a heavy pot user. They told me I could go only if I took my little brother. I say little but in fact he is only a year younger than me. At 18 he is what kids at school would call a nerd. However I had to convince Greg (my brother ) to...
IncestIt’s monsoon now. I am back with an incident which happened during my college days. It was such a lovely rainy day which was equally romantic like this one. I was talking to the person involved. She wanted this incident of ours to be shared with you all horny fellas out there who might want a piece of her. However, that won’t happen literally, so don’t get your hopes to fly high and wide, lol! So, about the lovely girl Maera. She is about 5’4″, 34-28-34 and hails from north-east, that is...
Dear Visitors of Kerala Erotica. I am from Tamil nadu and I used to visit this site minimum twice a day and found most of the stories interesting. Here I just wanted to share an unforgettable experience with you all. I am working as a Director in a Garment export company, which paid me well and provided me with a accommodation, car, bike etc., It all so happened in 1996 and those days I was a bachelor and lived alone in the guesthouse provided by the company. Once my Chairman from Holland...
Saturday evening, June 3, 2028Adriana suggested I shower first since she’d probably take a little longer in the bathroom than I would. After I toweled off, shaved and brushed my teeth, Adriana had laid my clothes for the evening out on the bed. The shirt was a dark lavender, striped lavender tie, and black dress pants. They were nice, but not exactly the colors I would have picked. I laughed, looking at the bright shirt and told her, “I guess you want to be able to pick me out of the crowd in...
Wife LoversBoth women knew they were in no physical danger as neither Donald nor Terry had a violent nature, yet neither woman, as exciting as the affairs were, wanted to lose her marriage. On the other hand, Coming to grips intellectually with a dilemma was one thing, exhibiting the fortitude to act accordingly was another. Despite both women resolving to end their affairs, it took less than two weeks for Laura and Vivian to renew their adulterous relationships. LAURA Despite being aware that she...
By : Sexyboy1989 Hi friends this is sexy boy again here meri pichli story fucking a virgin in haridwar ko bahut accha response mila hai meri id hai aur ab aap mujhe orkut par bhi add kar sakte hai to ab main apni nayi story shuru karta hu. ye baat tab ki hai jab main jaipur apne dosto ke saath ghumne ke liye gaya hua tha hum log mere hometown se jaipur ke liye raat main nikle aur subha ko Jaipur pahunch gaye. Waha par jaakar humne ek hotel main room liya thodi der rest kiya aur ghumne...
When She arrived at the conference she saw Mr. Malone and as she walked by I reached out patting her on the ass. She kind of enjoyed the feeling, She stopped and we talked for a few minutes, I suggested we get a drink and we went to a near by bar. There she was making small talk with a older man and she could not look me in the eyes without staring at me. And then I looked at her and said "you are very beautiful and you are going to make some man very happy." She blushed and said " I was...
Having graduated high school I was looking forward to getting out on my own. I found an apartment I could afford in a neighborhood that was going through a “transition” which meant it wasn’t the most desirable place to live. The complex was large and old with half the buildings closed for renovation. I was in a third floor efficiency. It was small but it met my needs. The pool hadn’t been filled in years and the driveway needed repairs. But at least there was still a laundry room that was open...
Grandmother Dee, age 63 (average build for a 62 year old lady with 42DD breasts) Diane, grandmothers French friend, age 64 (slightly plump with 40 F breasts) Anna, grandmothers German friend, age 61 ("Well put together" with 44 DD breasts) Chapter one, I love my Grandma, and while I'msure most other people would say the same thing about their own, I mean it.... I loved her. Always have, and as I grew older,my love for her changed into something much more intense..., A love so strong that...