Apprehensive HeartsChapter 2 free porn video

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For the next two days, John kept thinking about that night. He wondered if he should buy the painting or not; he wasn’t sure if he really wanted it. He was also thinking about Carol and whether he should call Rita. It didn’t make sense to him that he would be attracted to a woman he’d only seen for a couple of minutes, but he was. He tried to understand what Rita had seen that night that made her so sure he was interested in her roommate. He wondered if he really was interested or if it was just a thought that Rita had put into his mind. He decided he was wondering too much. That evening he picked up the phone and dialed Rita’s number. After several rings he heard her familiar voice.


“Rita, it’s John Drake, from the other night.”

“Yes, John, what’s up?”

“I’ve been thinking about that Dempsey’s painting, I can’t spend the money for the painting, but I would like a photograph of it, like you said.”

“Oh sure, not a problem. Let me check at the gallery to see if we had any copies made already. If we do, you can get it any time you like, if not, it’ll take a couple of days. Anything else?”

“Yeah, I’ve been thinking about what you said about Carol.”

“Yes and...”

“I think I might like to take her out, you know, get to know her a little better. I was just wondering if you think she’d go.”

“Probably would, I don’t see why not.” Then in a distracted tone, “John, just wait a minute please.”

He heard the sound of the receiver being set down, followed by silence. After a short wait, a different voice spoke.


“Hi, this Carol?”

“Yes it is.”

“It’s John Drake, I was at your apartment the other night with Rita.”

“Yes I remember. How are you?”

“Fine, good,” it occurred to him Rita hadn’t talked to her at all; instead she’d thrown them together on the phone cold turkey. “Look, I know we only met for a few minutes, but I kind of thought maybe we could, ah, you know, see each other again? Maybe, uh, over dinner or something?”

He heard a funny sound on the phone, then Carol’s voice heavily muffled. She’d apparently placed her hand over the mouthpiece to speak to Rita, however he could make out her words, sounding distant but distinct.

“It’s cute, he’s stammering.”

John felt a surge of humiliation wash through his brain. He actually wanted to hang up, or take his offer back. He knew, though, that would just make it all worse. He tried to make his voice sound as light hearted as he could.

“Yes I am.”

“Huh?” The grunted response was in normal volume.

“Yes, I was stammering.” Then in a Low voice, almost a whisper, “Carol, I could hear you.”

There was a short period of dead silence before she answered.

“Oh God, John, I didn’t mean anything, please, I wasn’t trying to offend, I just thought it was kind of sweet.” It was her turn to search for words, “It’s just that it’s been a long time since anyone was nervous about asking me out. Don’t be mad, I didn’t mean anything.”

“OK,” he felt as if he was back on equal footing with her, if not in control. “I’m not mad, but you still haven’t answered the question.”

“Yes, of course, I’d like to have dinner with you. You have any day or time in mind?”

“Free Saturday night?”

“I am.”

“How about around seven?”

“I’ll be waiting. Any idea about where we’ll be going. Just so I know how to dress.”

“Depends on what you like. You’re not a vegetarian or vegan or something, are you?”

“No, not at all.”

“Good, I feel like hitting a steak house. A strip steak and a couple of beers sound good to me. How about you?”

“I like steak, don’t get it that often, so yes. Sounds real good to me.”

“Well that’s it then. You don’t have to dress up too much to go to one.”

“I’ll be ready at seven then, and please, if I insulted you before, I’m really sorry.”

“Don’t worry, it’s ancient history, I’m well over it. I’ll see you Saturday.”

Saturday night he climbed up the stairs of their building and approached the apartment door. For some reason he was uneasy, possibly because in his brief dealings with them both women appeared to be unpredictable. He didn’t know what to expect, had not a clue. While this added a certain excitement to it all, it was also slightly unnerving.

He rang the bell, seconds later the door opened as far as the security chain would allow. Carol glanced out at him through the crack between the door and the jam.

“Just a sec,” she said, then closed the door enough to unhook the chain. She swung it open. “Come on in for a moment. I’m just putting on the finishing touches.”

It was the first real look he had of her. There was tiredness about her eyes that he hadn’t noticed at their previous meeting. Her smile was the type one gives at a complaint desk, anxious and tentative. He realized she was as unsure of herself as he was. This put them on even terms footing, somewhere inside he began to relax, his self-assurance returning.

“Finishing touches? I don’t see where you need any; you’re looking pretty good to me.”

“Oh, thanks, that’s sweet.” Her smile returned to a more natural state, more genuine and less tense. “Trust me though, I’m at an age where I need all the help I can get.”

“I think you’re being a little hard on yourself, but if it makes you feel better, it’ll be worth the wait.”

It was one of those statements that sounded better in his head than it did when he spoke it. He meant it to be charming, but it sounded too him somewhat condescending. He hoped she took it in the spirit it was intended. Then he decided he was over-thinking the whole thing. The phrase “just be natural” ran through his head. He decided to stop worrying and just be himself.

He sat down on the sofa and waited while she disappeared into the bedroom. It was a brief reprieve, giving him time to regroup. He had hoped Rita would be there to act as an intermediary between him and this woman who he didn’t know at all, to help smooth things over. But then he remembered the way she’d thrown them together without warning on the phone. Apparently Rita believed in the sink or swim principle, just toss you into deep water and let you figure out what to do. Perhaps she was right, both he and Carol were adults and should be able to handle themselves without interference. She was probably right.

Finally Carol emerged from the bedroom. To be honest, he didn’t see any difference in her. He had no idea what the finishing touches she’d applied were, but if she felt she’d needed them and they made her feel better, it was well worth the wait. He was already developing a certain fondness for her. He found this surprising and somewhat confusing, while always outwardly polite, he wasn’t one to take to people this quickly.

“Sorry to have kept you waiting.”

“No problem, it was worth it. Now, somebody recommended a steak place that’s not too far from here, within walking distance, long walking distance, but I figured it was better than taking a cab or the subway uptown or me trying to find a place to park my car. We could drive somewhere if you don’t want to walk.”

“Oh no, it’s a good night for a stroll. I’m used to walking actually, I kind of like it.”

“You’re sure you don’t mind? I know all women’s shoes aren’t good for strolling in.”

“No problem here, these are pretty comfortable.”

So they set out, Carol was right; it was a good night for a walk. Neither too warm nor too cool, it was just comfortable. Moving through the city blocks, John had a deja vu feeling; a flashback to his days at NYU when he walked many of these same streets. He was also intensely aware of the woman at his side, the scent of her perfume, the sound of her heels hitting the pavement as they walked. He couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking.

“Where’s Rita tonight, having a big night on the town?”

“No, she’s working, Friday and Saturday nights are her big nights. The week end crowd.”

“Oh, you mean dancing?”

“Yeah, but we’re pretty honest about it; we’re strippers.”

“Oh, you too?” She nodded her answer. “I didn’t know. Weekends aren’t big for you?”

“Not really, I mostly pick up some time in the afternoons. The prime time I leave for the younger prettier ones like Rita. It’s a different, smaller crowd during the day. They don’t mind if the girls are a little older, a little shop worn. In fact, I think some prefer it.”

“Well, you’re not really that old, what’s the problem?”

“In that business, I’m an antique, a relic of past glory. Rita’s actually kind of old for prime time too, but she has that body that a lot of guys go for; kind of lush and full breasted. And her personality seems to come across too, that helps. I think she kind of enjoys it.”

“And you don’t?”

“Not really, it’s just a job. It’s a way to pay some bills, that’s all.”

“Are you an artist too?”

“No, I came to New York twenty some years ago to become an actress. That didn’t work out too well, but I stayed on.”

“That’s interesting, no success at all?”

“No, not especially. I went to a lot of cattle calls and did manage to get into the chorus line of a couple shows that didn’t last very long. It just wasn’t in the cards.”

He felt himself growing close to this strange woman. He didn’t understand it, but he had an urge to put his arm around her, to hold her, to reassure her she wasn’t so old, to give her some explanation as to why she didn’t make it as an actress. But it was too soon for that, and he didn’t have any answers anyway. They walked the rest of the way making only small talk; mostly about the weather and how much Manhattan had changed down through the years and about how much Manhattan hadn’t changed down through the years. John noted how odd it was that one place could change so much yet remain essentially the same. Then he glanced at Carol and thought to himself that perhaps it’s the same with people, perhaps inside she was the same innocent girl who’d come to the city with dreams of stardom. He really wanted to find out.

At the restaurant, seated across the table from her, John had an opportunity to study Carol. He saw once again the tiredness in her eyes and also saw there was more to it than that. Her whole general countenance seemed to be one of someone who has been beaten down by life; world weary. He understood why she had referred to herself as shop worn. Despite all that, she still had an attractive face, one that showed character. Actually he found her more interesting because of it.

They ordered drinks, beer for him, wine for her. Then as the studied the menus she lowered hers and looked at him.

“Look, you should know, Rita and I usually order heavy on dinner dates so we can take the leftovers home.”

He continued studying the menu almost as if he didn’t hear her.

“There’s a twenty four ounce strip steak on the menu that looks pretty good.”

“So, you don’t mind? I don’t want to take advantage of the situation.”

He looked at her and realized this was a woman who’d probably been taken advantage often in her lifetime, and wasn’t willing to do the same to others. The character he’d seen in her face was showing itself. He’d have been willing to buy her ten steaks if she wanted them.

“Hey, if you want the steak, go ahead and order it. Once you do, it’s yours, do with it what you want. It’s none of my business”

It seemed to him to be harsh statement, even though he hadn’t intended it to be. He had been trying to be flip but now was afraid he had come off as cynical or even patronizing. He looked at her, smiled and winked an eye, hoping that that would take any unintended edge off his words. He had the feeling he used to get as a teenager, when he would struggle around girls trying to get every word right, afraid even the wrong inflection would give them the impression he was a jerk.

She, however, returned his smile with one of her own. Looking dead into his eyes, her smile was actually quite beautiful. Open mouthed, showing her upper teeth, it had lost that lopsided look he’d noticed previously. It also put him at ease, at that moment he felt they’d become friends. He took a deep breath and exhaled. He could now relax with her and be himself; he could only hope she felt the same way.

As they sat waiting for their dinners, John decided he wanted to know more about her. He’d had enough of the chit chat.

“So tell me, when you came to be an actress, was there a specific genre you were interested in? You know, musicals, comedy, drama, or didn’t it matter?”

“No, I was game for anything. I could sing a bit and had taken dance lessons when I was a kid, but I would have taken anything. You know how it is when you’re young, you think anything is possible. I was no exception.”

“Yeah, I can relate to that.”

“That’s right; you wanted to be a writer. Tell me how that went.”

“About the same as you, I spent a couple of years trying to write, finished a novel; that was the start of my rejection slip collection. Had a couple of short stories published in some college quarterlies, a couple of articles in some very small magazines. I gave it up as a lost cause. I couldn’t even get an agent.”

“Well, we have that in common, I mean I did get an agent, but he wasn’t worth a good God damn. He kind of hinted I could sleep my way to the top. Once he got me in bed a couple of times, he moved on to the next wanna’ be starlet. I more or less got pimped out to a few of his contacts that he wanted favors from.”

“Damn, that was one rough lesson.”

“Yeah, unfortunately I didn’t learn from it. What’s the old cliché’ about learn from your mistakes or you’re condemned to repeat them? I was a slow learner.”

Their conversation was interrupted when their food arrived, but he was haunted by her last words. He remembered Rita’s warning that Carol came with baggage, that she was damaged, literally a soiled dove. He was beginning to understand, and oddly, the damage made her more endearing to him.

“Oh God,” she remarked looking at the slab of meat in front of her, “it’s the size of a small roast. I feel guilty for ordering it.”

“Don’t worry about it, I know how it works, remember, I’m the guy who helped Rita swipe a couple of pastrami sandwiches and a bottle of champagne the other night. Enjoy it.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to take some home with you?”

“No, do you think when I finish this,” he tapped the sixteen ounce streak in front of him with his knife, “I’m still going to want more? Besides, on a first date, a guy will do anything to impress a girl.”

“If you put it that way,” she never finished the statement, merely cut into her steak and started eating.

Their conversation during the meal was sparse, consisting of the usual comments about the quality of the food or which side orders were best. John couldn’t help looking up occasionally to watch her eat. One time, while he was trying to steal a glance, she looked up at him. Their eyes met and she gave a shy closed mouth smile, then quickly looked down at her plate as if embarrassed. Though neither one realized it, at that moment his heart belonged to her. Things between them would never be quite the same.

Later, when they left the restaurant, as they walked down the street John reached down and took her hand. She looked over at him and flashed the smile. Then quickly she sidestepped, playfully bumping into him.

“Taking liberties there, aren’t you buddy?” she teased him.

“Damned right,” he laughed.

“What kind of a girl do you think I am?”

“The kind that I desperately want to take liberties with.”

“OK, just wanted to know.” With that she jostled him a second time.

“You in a rush to get home? I was thinking maybe we could go somewhere else and do something. I’m not sure what, a movie or just a couple of drinks somewhere where we could talk.”

“I like the talking idea. I know a place not too far from my building. It’s nothing fancy, just a neighborhood place, but it’s nice.”

“Sounds good to me, if you recommend it.”

The bar was exactly what she said it was; just what you would expect from a neighborhood place. Long and relatively narrow, the bar on one side with a low freestanding partition running part way down the other, hiding some small tables from view. Down the far end, past the partition, were several booths. The bar was busy; all but a few stools were occupied as were a couple of the booths. The bartender was a short heavy set man wearing a white short sleeved shirt and matching apron. The collar of his shirt was unbuttoned and a clip-on bow tie was hanging loosely from one lapel. He looked over-worked and unfriendly. Seeing Carol standing an open spot at the bar, he came over. Like many New Yorkers, his miserable demeanor hid a basically friendly mature.

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Annas AwakeningChapter 10

First Night — James I barely stifle the moan that escapes my mouth. Everytime I think I've pulled back from the edge I just get yanked back to it again. Anna has my arm pinned between her tits. I can feel their soft firmness brushing up against my wrists like pillows. Just a few inches away from my fingers are two gloriously perfect titties. What might be even worse is that by pulling my arm up there she has squirmed her body so that my aching stiff cock is almost pressing up against her...

1 year ago
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My First Experience

Hi, everyone this is Sree and I am going to explain you my very first experience about having sex without even knowing it fully at a very tender age. I have been reading indian sex stories site since many years and never thought of sharing my experience with all of you. Today I’m revealing my experience to everyone. I’m going to explain you every part in detail since I don’t want to miss anything from my very first experience. Hope you like it and some might have similar experiences like me....

3 years ago
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Whiskey JackChapter 9 New Healing

An hour later the four of them gathered in the living room. Zelda, Gordy and Melissa cleaned up the cluttered mess created by the pair of Creel's men. They had a garbage bag full of broken trash. Gordon waved his bottle of beer in the air. "Okay, now I've seen the DVD of your ambush. God, what a mess. What I don't understand is why Creel thinks you have that mini disc as well. You never were in contact with anyone who would have access to kind of material that clown said was on the...

4 years ago
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Trading Pussy for Dick

I've always been a pretty big horn dog when it comes to women. Since high school, I've tried every trick in the book to meet, bed, and enjoy the ladies. I got married in my mid twenties, screwed around mercilessly on my wife, and divorced in my early thirties, after my wife caught me fucking my secretary, bent over my desk at work. Problem was it was the third time my wife caught me cheating, and strike three was the last straw.I spend a lot of time in the gym, keeping my body in good shape. I...

2 years ago
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Going Greek

Going Greek By:Serenity (Usual disclaimers apply, please do not copy or repost without authors permission. The follow contains transgender themes, and other stuff your Christian neighbors would frown upon. Do not read if you are under 18, yadda yadda yadda, please enjoy!) Dan pulled his beat up F-150 into a parking space at the Galleria and turned off the engine. He sighed, and adjusted the rear view mirror. Looking at his own reflection he faked a smile or two and practiced...

2 years ago
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Unlikely Partners

Mary had been my co-worker for just over a year. We worked together at the same software sales company, and spent 3-5 days a month on the road. When we were first teamed up together, nobody thought that it would work out. Now I was in my early 40s, while Mary was in her late 20s. I was of average height, with short brown hair and a better than average body (not ripped, but well toned). Mary was short and curvy, with what seemed to be a D cup, with nice hips and a firm bottom. And her red hair...

3 years ago
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The School Field Trip

I don't care what anybody says, deep down, there's a voyeur in all of us. If any of us were given the chance to secretly watch the intimate secrets and the dirty deeds of others, I think we'd all take that chance.My first experience of voyeurism takes me back to when I was a school girl, and about thirty pupils, including myself, and four teachers went to North Wales on a school field trip. I remember waking up in the middle of the night, desperately needing the toilet.On my way back from the...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Giselle Palmer Kayla Paige Aften Opal Business Audit

Aften Opal, a new masseuse, is manning the front desk when Kayla Paige, an auditor, struts in followed by her eager assistant, Giselle Palmer. Kayla is all business as she states that they’re there for a routine audit and that Aften should run along while they do their work. Not wanting to get in their way, Aften hurries away. When Aften leaves, Kayla grins to herself while watching after her. She LIKES what she sees… As Giselle hits the books, a mischievous thought crosses...

3 years ago
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Broken PromisesChapter 29

The Blue Boar Inn was a fairly upscale bistro, and it had the virtue of not being a place that her ex-fiancée frequented. And, it was also a tad further up the food chain than the Sand Bar. Marian Carton was in a wistful mood. She missed her man Julian Willis. But, throw away a half million dollars? Not happening. She just couldn’t bring herself to do it. And then it happened, a man, a man she knew plopped down on the bar stool next to the one she was sitting on. She couldn’t believe it. “I...

3 years ago
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Meri Mallu Mummy Leela 8211 Part 26 Mere Mature Teacher Ke Sath

Hello dosto, kaise ho aap log. Asha hai sab log thik honge aur jamkar lund hila rahe honge. Main aapka dost Kartik ek bar firse meri Mallu mummy Leela ki ek aur chudai story leke aaya hu jo ki mere mature teacher ke sath hai. To dosto aap log jaante hi hai ki meri Mallu mummy Leela ek mature south Indian maal hai. Unki size hai 36-34-38. Unke is size ko banane mein bohut logo ki mehnat lagi hai jo aap pichli stories mein bhi padh chuke hai. Meri Mallu mummy Leela jab bhi chalti hai to unke...

4 years ago
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The Molestation Of Miss Miyagi

By rutger5 An Original (& Twisted) Story (Copyright 2013) The pretty young woman finished what she was writing on the blackboard and turned to her students. Just as she was about to speak the bell sounded, signaling the end to the period. “Okay students, that is all for today. Remember we will be having a quiz on what we learned today in two days time. So be sure to all study hard the next two nights.” “Yes Miss Miyagi” the class said in unison. “You may go now” she...

3 years ago
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Cobra 4

Sunday, 08h Marcus woke up with a weird feeling, like he was laying over one of her lover's tail. He opened his eyes and saw that both of them were still lying in his chest and were both intertwined. When he put a hand bellow him, he felt something very wrong and got out of the bed in a jump. He looked at the mirror and saw a different person looking back at him, mimicking his every movement. His image had a woman silhouette. The hips were wide and the waist was thin. He felt his...

1 year ago
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Easydescent makes Sarahbeara obey

                                                          Hey guys!!!  A while ago i had come up with the idea to write a story with my good pal Easydescent. So, we put our two very different writing skills together and wrote this. So, not all the credit goes to me guys's.  All the parts that says Sarahbeara is what i wrote and all the parts that says Easydescent is what he worte.  I thought that maybe Lush needed a little bit of a change and i thought Why not have two authors come together to...

3 years ago
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Fix Me

Starting to wonder what was left to do, Mimi continued to look around the room. She had tried to tidy up as best she could in the short time she had knowing that he would be here soon. Now he, of course referred to the cable repairman she had called. It was the only way she could get her work done from home and her new novel had to be finished that week. Figures that the internet would go out right before she needed to meet a deadline. The phone rings and Mimi runs to answer it. A strong male...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Slow Learner

Sex ed in school taught me the mechanics but fell short when it came to practicalities. Take orgasms, for example. They told us orgasms happen when you’re married to a woman and you want to make a baby. They never once mentioned masturbation, so the idea that I might make myself have an orgasm never occurred to me. They told me about intercourse, too, for all the good it did. They said you put your penis in her vagina, and you have an orgasm. I didn’t even know I’d have to rub it in and out....

3 years ago
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Do As Youre ToldChapter 8

“Lansing residence, Eric speaking,” Celeste’s father answered the phone, more than a little annoyed to be awakened on one of his few days off, especially the workload of late. “Hi, Daddy!” Celeste greeted her father. “Baby girl! How good to hear from you again! It’s been too long! To what do I owe the pleasure?” Eric naturally wondered if this was something to do with Celeste’s mother, Phoebe, his bitch of an ex-wife. “Daddy, there’s someone that I want you to meet, but it’s kind of...

4 years ago
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Bad Boy Experience Part 2

BAM! i was smacked to the floor again and hot tears ran down my face. Mason bent down and pulls my chin up to him. "Did i give you permission to closes your eyes'? I shake my head as the tears stream down. "Exactly slut you do what i say when i say and how i say it do you comprender"? "Si" I say as i feel my cheek swell up and my pussy get wetter. Jordan looks at me and walks out the room, when he comes back he bends down next to me and smiles. "were going to make this public so...

2 years ago
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Since the accident, mostly my husband Tony just watches while I'm having sex. With a couple of guys that we've known for a long time, and with the permission of the other guy, he likes to get closer to the action. Not just getting an eyeful of my pussy as I lower myself onto a cock; but getting closer to the action and helping to give me pleasure. This is a description of the last time that happened. Steve, the other guy, is a couple of years younger than me, and extremely fit - in both senses...

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The intervention

The cane resumed up Cindy’s thighs with a more even and less severe stroke. Cindy seemed to relax and let out low gasps after each stroke. She was losing her fear and started to take some weird pleasure in the situation. She thought to herself “I could take anything he could do, maybe even a little more”. Without thinking she arched her back down. She had always been self-conscious of her big puffy labia, but maybe God had given her them as a gift for such a situation. By arching her back...

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The Business pi

Introduction: A story of several young men and women, all across the globe, being k**napped and forced into sexual slavery by the infamous Master Munich, the gateway to the Alps, is one of the most well-known and spectacular cities in all of Germany. However, while the six million tourists who pass through this city see traditional architecture and enlightening museums, a select few see the other side of the city. A side where muggings and prostitution are the norm. It is an entire different...

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Welcomed VisitorChapter 12 Welcome Home

As I walked into the living room it was then that I got quite a surprise or more like a shock. Standing in the middle of the living room were two absolutely perfect visions of beauty stark naked and smiling. It was Janet and Susie. They, in unison, said "Greg we missed you so much we just had to come over here to greet you." I heard the front door close and lock. Turning around what did I find but Grace and Kimberly in the process of stripping down also. Janet and Susie each grabbed a hand...

2 years ago
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Sea Girls Part Two

So it wasn’t with any reluctance that, after saying goodbye to my parents, went back off to college. While sitting in the train, I gave thought to the condoms and cream that I had in my bag and the vision in my mind of the backside of Rosie. This gave me a massive hard on sitting there and had to really study the advertising panels opposite me to take my thoughts off of him and was fortunate enough to lose the tumescence before I had to get up to change trains. It was only four stations on...

First Time
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Blackshaft 101 Say Hello To The Black Guys p1

(Adults Only. Copyright@Rama. 2013) Eglin City. Lade and Ninth Street. Night Except for the dark blue tunic that flapped open, she was naked and her skin pale in the moonlight. Her nipples were perky in the cold night air and her recently shaved crotch still buzzed with the feeling of nakedness that her pussy lips now enjoyed. The white woman held herself up as she made her way along the wall. The cold didn’t bother her. The concrete under her naked feet didn’t bother her. Only...

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Dagger Of KijaChapter 3

Nestled in the corner of the Kugnae Palace grounds was a small stone building. Although less than half the size of the Library, almost everyone in the Kingdom thought it was remarkably large, considering that its building was entirely privately funded. The PteriDae Magic Research Facility or Pteri's School, as it was known amongst the students, was two small lecture halls and four tiny laboratories, separated by a row of offices. Tonight, the whole building was dark except for one lantern...

1 year ago
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Niece pleases Uncle

Note : This story is completely fictional! One day I had come home frome work early and thought I was home alone so I went into my bedroom and stripped down and layed across my bed and began to stroke my hard cock. After some time I happened to look over to the door and there standing in the door was my who had been living with us for about a year.At first I was a little startled to see her standing there but then I say that she had her hand down her shorts and she was playing with herself...

3 years ago
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Exhibitionist for trash collectors

So for those of you who have followed some of our stories are stories wrong real and you will see that we like to do a little exhibitionist whether it's in the car and adult bookstore or at hotel we moved about 3 years ago to a new subdivision that has about a hundred homes and has a few streets at Vero off the main road we happen to live on I'm one of the side streets that has 10 homes on it that is shaped like a j and dead-ends we happen to live in the middle of that street so when you drive...

1 year ago
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Maiden of RomeChapter 5

Two months later, Julius was convinced that this was indeed his son turned into a very young and beautiful woman. She knew too many things about Drusus' life. Things that his son would never reveal to anyone else. The time when he was thirteen and was found sleeping with Vipsania. Both were naked and after an exhaustive interrigation, they were convinced that they did not have intercourse. Their mother examined her daughter's vagina to make sure nothing was done. He was punished again. His...

2 years ago
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Meeting with Real Estate Agent

"Mr. Malone, it has been awhile" she said shaking my hand. "Yes, please call me John." "Well lets get started. I think you'll find this property of interest. Also I think you'll be an easy sell once I get you inside." Up the sidewalk we went, she fumbled around in her coat pocket and got the keys and opened the door. Upstairs in the master bedroom she said, "Please don't mind if I take off my coat, its awfully hot." Now I could get a better look at those beautiful tits....

3 years ago
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Craving My Life As A Bachelor

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. I’ve been married now for three years. What a nightmare, waking to a gorgeous ‘lump’ next to me every morning. Leaving work knowing I’m returning to a beautiful woman with a sexless life. Her girlfriends, described by a comic who said his girlfriends female companions were “haters”. My wife spends time with her friends as they always...

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Gym ClassChapter 2 The Test

The occupants of the bus were unusually quiet as the driver eased it into the flow of traffic headed downtown. It was a little past rush hour, but there were still a lot of cars going in the same direction. Matt had taken this duty last year and had gone for a retest on his birthday late in the summer break. Beverley had skipped testing on her 28th birthday, opting to wait until school started, knowing she would be making this trip to the Confederacy testing center with the freshmen who had...

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A Bond Beyond Years 8211 Part 3

“Guilt from what?” I asked my sister. I was expecting something else. “When Aman was born, I was a career woman. You knew, right. I had a high-ranking position at B&D Inc. back then. I did not want to give it up. I even returned to work early from my maternity leave. I thought I took care of all his basic needs. You know, like fresh food, clean clothes, a good nanny and proper care….” Her voice choked up in between words. I could hear her sniff. I knew she was crying. I felt bad for her. “I am...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 332 Archangel Michaels Press Interview

Thursday, April 5, 2007 (Continued) I suggested, "Before we start the Question and Answer session, I have some advice for you. I would like you to behave sensibly and maturely. You're all adults, so I'll assume you're all aware of what I'm asking for. If you behave in ways that annoy me, I will sensibly and maturely toss you into the ocean. At the risk of annoying all the reporters, I'll take the first question from the only non-reporter smart enough not to remove himself from the...

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