Housewife BETH August 2011
- 2 years ago
- 52
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Take Me Out to the Ballgame
Eve had insisted that she drive Jesse and the two boys to the game at Kitsilano Park. She was delighted that Jesse had found something that would give him some enjoyment and a chance to meet new people. She recognized all the signs of anticipation in the young man. He was as keyed up as a kid at Christmas. This was much more important to Jesse than he was letting on.
“Jeeze, you brought a whole rooting section with you,” Chunky said as the foursome approached.
“I need all the support I can get,” Jesse grinned. “The boys want to play Little League next year, so I couldn’t keep them away. Eve volunteered to drive us here.”
“Hi, Eve,” Chunky smiled in familiar greeting. “You psychoanalysed this guy yet?” he kidded.
“Of course. Would you like to be next?” she laughed.
“No thanks. I’ve got too many secrets,” Chunky laughed in return.
The boys and Eve found seats in the meagre stands and watched as the team warmed up. Jesse was playing shortstop again, although his more familiar spot would have been second base. It really didn’t matter to him. He was playing his favourite game and that was enough.
It was the sixth inning and The Luckies were at bat. The Blue’s pitcher was obviously tiring and Jesse thought Chunky must have been thinking about taking him out for a relief pitcher, but saw no one warming up. In the meantime, a great big hulk of a guy slammed a ball into right field for a long single. He seemed a lot more fleet of foot, so Jesse moved to cover second base.
As events unfolded, the next batter hit a fly ball deep into left centerfield and Jesse moved to take a relay, intending to hold the batter to a double at best. He’d moved out to the edge of the infield, planning to take the outfielders throw and relay it to the second baseman to either tag the batter or hold him there. What Jesse didn’t count on was the over-eager hulk on first base rounding deep into the infield and heading for third base on the hit. As Jesse waited to receive the ball, he was hit full-on by the big man and knocked flying.
Jesse was groggy and his nose was bleeding from the impact. The runner had stumbled after the impact and been tagged by the third baseman for the out. At that point, the umpire called time out and they began to attend to Jesse.
“Are you okay, Jesse?” third baseman Doug Gallagher asked.
“I don’t know. Man, that guy hits like an elephant. Is my nose broken?”
“I don’t think so,” a woman’s voice answered.
Jesse’s vision was blurred, but what he could see was a very large-breasted woman leaning over him and attending to his nose.
“Hold still, Stud. This is going to sting,” she warned.
Jesse did as he was told, but flinched when the woman pinched his nose, checking to make sure it wasn’t broken. It made his eyes water even more and his vision was very blurry. The woman must have recognized that and pulled out a tissue from her kit bag.
“Aside from your nose, how are you feeling?” she asked. “Any headache, nausea, dizziness?
“I don’t think so,” Jesse groaned. “My nose hurts like hell, but I’m okay otherwise, I think.”
“Okay, just take it easy. Can you stand up?”
Jesse struggled to his feet with the woman’s help. He was a bit unstable and leaned against his helper, getting the full impact of her large breasts at that moment.
“Sorry ... just a bit woozy. I’ll be okay,” Jesse said, his face showing his embarrassment at the personal contact.
“Not a problem, Sunshine,” she said with a friendly smile. “Let’s slowly walk over to the stands and you can sit while I make sure that bleeding has stopped. I’m guessing you’re going to be sporting a couple of black eyes soon.
Eve, Mica, and Tony gathered around while the woman, Wanda Castellano, made sure the nose had stopped bleeding.
“Not too bad,” she said. “Not broken, just bloodied. It will be a little sore for a day or so, but otherwise, you’ll be okay.”
“Thank you, Wanda,” Eve said. “I’m glad you were here.”
“I try to be at all the games, Eve. My clinic hours are a lot more forgiving than my former hospital hours.”
“I know what you mean. No one likes twelve hour night shifts. I take it you’re enjoying working at the clinic?”
“Yes ... very much. I feel like I’m contributing more there. I like the staff and I love the hours,” she chuckled.
“I’ve been spoiled,” Eve said. “I haven’t had to work nights for two years now. It won’t be long before I’m finished my residency and on my own.”
“What then?” Wanda asked.
“Good question. Probably set up a private practice. The alternative is to work in a clinic environment like you do. I haven’t decided yet.”
Jesse was listening to the two women chat and Wanda Castellano continued to monitor his nose for bleeding.
“There you are, Jesse. The bleeding has stopped and as long as you don’t bump into something or someone else in the next couple of hours, you’ll be okay. I can’t do anything about the black eyes, however. They’ll show up tomorrow morning.”
“Thanks, Mrs. Castellano. I’m glad you were here, otherwise I’d have to have Chunky deal with me,” he joked weakly.
“I wouldn’t advise that,” she said with a scowl. “He’s only a student, not an intern. He has trouble with band aids. God knows what kind of a doctor he’ll make. By the way, everyone calls me Wanda.”
Jesse was perceptive enough to know that she was kidding him, especially since Chunky was right there beside her. It seemed his aunt didn’t cut him any slack.
“Take it easy, Jesse,” Chunky said. “Doug will take short stop and Willie will take over third. We’re almost finished anyway. We’ve got these guys right where we want them. They’re up four runs and ripe for the pickin’,” he grinned.
“Go get ‘em,” Jesse said with a smile. This was what playing ball with friends was all about, he thought. This was what he needed right now. It was his own inattention that got him into the collision. He’d have to remember to be more alert in future.
“I take it you know Mrs. Castellano from when she worked at the hospital,” Jesse said as they drove home.
“Yes, Wanda was a duty nurse for quite a few years before she got fed up with long hours and union politics. She took a job at one of the new clinics and has been much happier ever since. And ... it’s Miss Castellano. She’s never married.”
“Oh ... thanks for letting me know. It’s sure handy to have her around when accidents happen.”
“Yes ... it was good luck, although your injury wasn’t too serious. I could have handled it too, but she had the kit. She made sure it wasn’t any more than a bloody nose. I hope it won’t be too painful that you can’t get a proper night’s sleep.”
“I’ve had my nose bloodied before, but I have to admit, this was as hard a hit as I can ever remember,” Jesse admitted.
“Will you have a black eye tomorrow?” Mica asked from the back seat.
“Probably two of them,” Jesse answered. “I’ll look like a panda bear.”
Mica laughed.
“You played good,” Tony chimed in. “You caught all the balls they hit to you and you hit two yourself.”
“I was lucky to get a couple of singles,” Jesse said. “My swing isn’t back in form yet. Next game should be better.”
“Can we go to the next game, Mom?” Mica asked.
“Yes ... it’s on Sunday, so we’ll go. Besides, Jesse needs a ride to the ballpark. He can’t ride the bike all the way there.”
“Yay!” both Mica and Tony chimed in, giving each other a high five.
Sunday, August 7, 2011, Queens Park, 1:40pm
Jesse had quickly gotten to know all the players on the team. It was a mixed bag of young men with a couple of middle-aged ones as well. Several were students just looking for some organized recreation, while others were working men, several using baseball for a night out with the boys until bowling season started. There weren’t any of the group that didn’t get along or looked like misfits. Not all of them were equally skilled, but then, Jesse didn’t expect that. He knew he was probably in the upper half of the skills of the group, but it didn’t really matter. He just wanted to play.
Queens Park was one of the better fields they would use. The facilities were much better than their home field in Kitsilano, and the grounds were well kept, even the baseball outfield. The stands were triple the size of their home park as well. This facility was as good as any he had ever played on. To add to the good mood, it was a warm, sunny day.
Jesse’s eyes had started to turn from black to an ugly yellow and purple and Jesse chuckled when he remembered Kirsten’s reaction to him the morning after the collision when he showed up at his usual time in the exercise room.
“Jesse!” she said with an alarmed look. “What happened to you?”
“I got hit by a dump truck,” he chuckled. “A collision playing baseball last night,” he explained.
“Oh ... I thought baseball was a safe sport,” she said, examining him carefully.
“Usually it is, but I didn’t get out of the way of a runaway bull when I should have and got nailed.”
“Is it broken?” she asked, concern written on her face.
“No ... just a nose bleed and a bad bruise. I was lucky.”
“Oh ... that’s good,” she said with a sigh of relief. “Papa had his nose broken more than one time. You can tell when you look at it.”
“This will be gone in a few days and I’ll be back to normal, but thanks for your concern.”
Jesse was intrigued by the fact that Kirsten was actually worried about him and his injury. That was both a surprise and a delight. He tried not to read too much into it, but maybe ... just maybe.
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010 Only the calmness that Shannon had given him kept Jake from screaming out in horror. Jake turned on Greenlee. “What happened to her mind?” Jake watched as Greenlee recollected losing his temper when he couldn’t bring Ellen to consciousness for questioning. He had focused all his energy on her brain, dragging tracks across the surface, destroying swaths of brain cells. Jake activated Greenlee’s testicle pain circuit. Greenlee screamed. Jake gloried in his agony....
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Note to Lush Stories editors: I have incorporated the changes you suggested in your e-mail of 18 Jan. A SWINGER'S NEW YEARS: 2010/2011 The Gold and Silver Restaurant (G&S) Last week I arranged dinner and clubbing date for New Years eve with a lady named Lee . She had suggested that we go to a local lifestyle club called D's. I told her that I would think about her recommendation and would let her know at dinner. Just a bit about Lee. She is a very adventurous female, in her mid 40's, about...
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Only diehards eat outside at Au Bon Pain in Copley Place on a hot August day, but hot days of any sort were going to go away real soon, so Lisa and I put our trays on the table and collapsed into the sauna. "So how was Maine?" she asked. "The usual." "No, come on. Tell me what you do up there while I'm sitting in the bowels of the library trying to read records written by semi-literate medieval clerks. I know what you do when Jack and I go up, but what do you when it's just family,...
The First Week of August I woke up to the worst day of the year. Not only was it a Monday, but school started that day. I was getting ready and still half asleep when I realized it might have been the best day of the year. I’d be picking Fallon up at seven thirty. I took a bit more care in choosing my wardrobe and chose a hunter green Hang Ten polo shirt, brown cords, and Topsiders. If you were a surfer, it’s what you wore. I grabbed the latest issue of Surfer magazine, stuffed it in my back...
Late on a hot August afternoon I boarded the subway at 14th Street, and sat down in the next to last available seat. At the following stop a black couple, obviously lovers, boarded and she took the seat next to me, with him standing in front of the two of us; leaving me staring at his right hip. I'd been kinda edgy all afternoon; knew my period was coming because I was as horny as a cat on a hot tin roof. I had been daydreaming about how I was going to have Stevie fuck me later after I'd had...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 “She’s already awake?” Jake asked. “She’s almost always the first up,” Harris said with a yawn. “I usually sleep until seven. Then I release them one at a time to use the bathroom.” “How are they enjoying their stay?” “What do you think? Except for bathroom breaks they spend all their time lying on their mattresses, paralyzed. They hate their lives. The only reason they don’t hate me, too, is because conversation with me gives them a break from staring at the...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 “Kate, this is going to be hard for your mother,” Jan said. “Why don’t you let me handle the introductions?” “Is that her?” Kate asked, nodding in the direction of the waitress. “Yes,” Jake said. “She looks so much older.” “These three years have been hard on her,” Jan said. It took a couple of minutes for Marie to find her way over. She wearily pushed herself away from the bar and walked over, frowning. “You are too young to drink,” she said to Jake. She looked...
Friday, August 13, 2010 “In the Matter of the Marriage of DeRizzo,” the judge called. Leanne and her attorney shuffled up to the bench, followed by Gus and his attorney. Gus didn’t need to be there, Leanne’s attorney had explained. The terms of the divorce were contained in an agreement filed with the divorce decree that he had already signed. When Jake scanned him, he saw that Gus regretted letting Leanne and the children get away. He had been told it wouldn’t do any good, but he had...
Sunday, August 22, 2010 The sound of the door opening woke Jake. When he opened his eyes he was confused for a second. Oh, yes, he was in Lizzie’s bed. He smiled at his recollections. He was lying on his back. Lizzie was pressed against him, her head on his shoulder, her breasts pushed into his side, a leg thrown over one of his. He felt her pubic hair against his thigh. It was all very nice. The squeak of hinges made Jake looked around. Emily was staring at him from the doorway, a broad...
My deepest thanks to SouthPacific for his editing skills, this story reads allot better with his help. I had some real trouble deciding on a category for this one. The first page or so will lead you to believe it should sit firmly in one category, but when you read it to the end you will think it could well sit in another. Just a shame that it can’t go into multiple categories! I do hope you enjoy your read. ***** I thought I had it all – before I walked into the Paradise Hotel. A loving...
Wednesday 23 September will live long in the memory of Michael Jenkins. It started as a typical day, he went to work at the bank, as usual, he had his lunch at the Metro Café as usual, finished work just after five pm as normal, and headed to the local adult education centre which was not normal. Wednesday evening was generally spent at number fifty-two Walton Terrace with Mr Smith. Not tonight, tonight he was heading for classroom fifteen, still to see Mr Smith though. Michael had been to his...
I kept my brush wet, in case I walked around and saw touch-ups, or drips, but first I went inside and thoroughly washed my hands, washed up, washed my hands of the albatross of my summer-into-fall project. The poor house had had a couple crappy spray-on paint jobs over the crumbling and all-chalked-out century-old enamel. This summer I'd taken on the west side of the house, scraping every inch of it down to bare wood. I was intent on doing a very thorough job. I replaced the worst wood. I...
Toni went on vacation for a couple of weeks and came back with pictures that passed around the table. "Where is this, Toni?' Dana asked, looking up from the photograph. "That's Cabo San Lucas. Down at the end of Baja California. I go there often. There's not too many people and you get to see a lot of gray whales - they seem to hang out in the Gulf there.' "You speak Spanish?' Dana asked. "Yeah, some. Enough to get by when it comes to food and that stuff. Not to talk to the...
Editor’s Note: The next page is another extract from the journal of Mischa Doeple, dated Wednesday December 8th. Bec had a really bad dream last night. The way I know that is because she suddenly sat up and started gasping for breath. She didn’t scream or anything but she was totally panicking. Bec sitting up woke me because when she pushed herself upright, one of her hands pushed down on my chest. I was sleeping when that happened. Having someone suddenly push down on your chest like that...
When Millicent Met Maria One Wednesday. By Maria Ski Author's Note: This is not an autobiographical tale but a work of fiction. It was a Wednesday afternoon in March and like most Wednesday afternoons I was off. For some strange reason the college gave us Wednesday afternoons off. And I took advantage of it. As I lived at home it gave me the chance to indulge in my little hobby of cross-dressing. With the full knowledge that my mother was at home and that she approved. Well it...
Hi boys and girls.Today i want to tell everyone about a sexy thing i do almost every Wednesday. Every Wednesday after I have my lunch, I have my dessert of creamy sperm. Every Wednesday I participate in internship in local government building. In the same building, I know a very good friend that gives me sperm after we have lunch. He is an old friend and one of the first men I make experience with sex. He is much older and has a beautiful cock. We no fuck for a long time because of time. So...
I am going to refer to my sister son as Matt. Matt and my sister were met by me at the airport. They both spent the weekend with me while we got Matt settled into my guest room. Matt and I dropped my sister off at the airport Sunday afternoon. For the next week I would go to work and when I got home Matt would be either on the beach, or, in my basement playing video games. My basement is divided into to two rooms split with a wall that has a pass-through bar. On one side of my basement is...
Last Friday was my birthday, so I took the day off and slept in with Stsm. I was depressed and tired, so I opted to cancel my daytime plans and just stay in and try to get things accomplished. Later Stsm and I went out to dinner with Erma, Ke, Mira, and Nivagi. Afterwards we went to Maggie Moo’s for ice-cream, and sat around outside for a while talking about sex and Star Wars. When it got late Erma and Mira each headed home, and Ke, Nivagi and Stsm came over to my apartment to spend the...
This Halloween I bought myself a sexy cop costume. Real small that went just past my ass. Open buttons in front to show my small breast. Handcuffs for capturing bad boys. Bright pink G-string that can be seen when I bend. Fish net stocking and heel boots. The weather was mild so I was not worried about being cold either. Me and my gf (Susie) got dressed together and she choose the naughty maid dress. We both were headed to a Halloween party on Friday night that we knew will be full of hot guys....
Ah yes, the honey-do lists, never ending yet constantly expanding. I have come to loath and fear this reminder of how "days off" are never easy nor relaxing in preparation for the next week of work. Once again, the weekend begins and soon the list rears it's ugly head. The sink to fix, the tub to re-plumb, and the grass to be mown is only the beginning. As the alarm clock ticks to 6:00 a.m., the air raid warning wails from the tiny plastic box, so eager to interrupt my slumber. Groggily, I...
08:30 My sister didn't come home last night. I got myself aroused thinking about what she was getting up to with her boyfriend. Started chatting online again with my friend in America. I ended up feeling really horny. He gives me lots of useful, naughty advice. So instead of eating breakfast, I sat there in my bedroom without jeans or knickers masturbating furiously behind closed curtains. He's older than me, and I call him "Daddy".09:30 I just had to go and see Rose again. I wanted to tell...
09:30 Attended mass at church. Prayed really hard. But temptation has come to the church because a nice man, new to the area, has started to attend (on his own). Last Sunday, as we knelt to pray, I let my skirt ride up my legs to try to gain his attention. I have been having fantasies about him ever since. Last week, at the barbeque, I imagined having sex with him in the church garden behind the grotto. It looked so quiet and private. A naughty friend has suggested that I should use my body to...