- 3 years ago
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Under the careful guidance of Anita, Kalliste headed south. There was no specific destination in mind. One, or really any, of the islands on the South Georgia coast would do. Their goal was pretty simple. Tony and Anita were running away from home.
Tony had told his parents. He figured they wouldn't care one whit where he ran away to, but they probably should know he took their adopted daughter along with him. Besides, Kalliste was a handful even with two people. It would probably be possible for Tony to sail her alone, but he'd never tried and considered it an unreasonable risk.
He hadn't told the girls he was leaving. In fact he and Anita had just decided that morning. They grabbed a bit of food, their guitars, and some clothes and simply cast off. They intended to explore some of the islands to the south without actually crossing into Florida. The real reason was just to give Tony some time to sort his mind out. Well, that and to stay off the warpath of three teenage girls.
He had called the Harris home the night before. He hoped he hadn't sounded slightly tipsy, although he certainly was. Tina and Rebecca declined to talk to him, but Cheri came to the phone and told him that the girls were fine and she herself was OK and not anxious about anything. To Tony that was a good sign, at least as far as Cheri was concerned.
"I want to see Blackbeard Island!" Anita said seeing it on the charts.
"We'll take a look." Tony pointed over the starboard side of the boat. "I've no idea why it's named that. As far as anyone can figure Blackbeard was never there. I think they named it that just to get tourists. Not that there is any way to get there without a boat. There were pirates along the coast here in the day. Blackbeard even blockaded Charleston once and ransomed the city. Some say he repaired his ships here before he did that because there used to be plenty of timber on the island. No one can really find proof that it ever happened though."
"So no buried treasure?" Anita asked.
"I'm thinking myself that if there was an island here named 'Blackbeard's Island' for about two hundred years even if there was once buried treasure we aren't likely to find it."
"Probably not," Anita said with only a bit of disappointment in her voice. "Where are we going anyways?"
"Not sure, St. Simons and Jekyll are further south. There's like real civilization there. I figure we'll find somewhere to dock and go to dinner. Maybe see some sites or something. The good thing about running away from home is that you really have no real place to be."
"Running away huh?"
"Yeah, I told Mom we were just going to head south for a day or two. I'm pretty sure running away doesn't mean we don't have to be back at school on Monday."
Anita laughed. "So I guess that means Key West is out huh?"
Tony chuckled with her. "Eh, check the charts. Let's not go into or beyond that big red area there."
"Restricted on the chart, what is it?"
"Submarine races," Tony replied.
"Tony, I wasn't born yesterday."
"Really, it's a submarine base, King's Bay. They have those really big missile submarines there. I don't think the Navy would appreciate us anywhere near there. You do know where we are now, don't you? I've been trusting your navigation so far."
"We're not even close to the restricted area, another 50 miles to get anywhere near there. Play that again, the Allman Brothers' bit."
Tony wasn't just paying no attention to Anita's navigation, he was playing his guitar, accepting the fact that he had trained her. "You know that piece? Have you been spending time with Dewayne?"
"No Tony, but I practice. I can do anything you let me onstage with. I can do most of the band's songs really. Mom just won't let me go to the clubs."
"Rhythm or lead?"
"Mostly rhythm, I kind of practice what you or Tina play. What Dewayne does is, well, who knows? What the heck does he do?"
"Dewayne invents. He doesn't just learn anymore. He makes up new ways of playing guitar. If I could tell you what he does I might understand it myself," Tony replied.
"He and Tina exist on their own little musical planet. All the rules I know and we've tried to teach you don't apply. They make new rules as they go along. It's hard to explain if you aren't one of them."
"What about Rebecca then? I mean anyone knows she's special when she sings."
"True, but she doesn't break any rules. She sings by them so precisely and with such a huge range that almost no one has heard it before. Sure other singers can hit that same note she's singing, but they have to struggle to do it. For Rebecca it's effortless almost. That allows her the freedom to experiment a bit with it. She already does that quite well and she's only going to get better. She's really going to be famous. I don't mean just make a record and be on the radio. She will be long time famous for her voice."
"How do you know all this Tony?"
Tony sighed. "Well for Dewayne it's obvious. I could play for probably ninety of the top hundred bands out there today. Dewayne isn't just better, he's a lot better. Dewayne will go down in history as one of the top guitar players ever. Not just as someone who's mastered the instrument, but as one of those who add something new that no one ever thought of before.
"Tina, she won't be all that famous. If she decided just to stick to flute or violin she would make it as one of the tops in the world, playing with big symphonies and all that. She's not satisfied with that though, she wants all music. Once she masters something she has to go onto the next thing. It all fascinates her. That's why I call Cobblestone her studio. She thinks of all the possibilities, of all the types of music that will come through there that she can work with, and it just fills her up inside."
"That's why you were so mad, right?"
"Yeah, you know me, I think I'm responsible for everything and I never knew how I was going to make Tina happy. Just playing in a rock band isn't it. I doubt even playing with a major symphony would do it. Having a recording studio where she can play with it all? Oh boy, that might just do it. I mean it's not money, god knows we have enough of that. No worries, we have it back, just a few months to rebuild is all."
"I learned yesterday. I bought it, the land and all where the studio was. The government put the land up for auction by secret bid and I bid the most. We're going to rebuild it right where it was and we can build it however we want to."
The two were silent for a minute or two. Tony wasn't just playing his guitar, he was assaulting it. It was part of Invisible Lover, one of their new songs for the album, and when he was done with the piece Anita commented on it.
"That is good Tony. I haven't heard you play it like that before." She threw in an offhanded comment. "It's like you play for Rebecca."
"What? What does that mean?"
"Tony, when you play in the band you play in the band. When it's one of Rebecca's songs there's only two people in the building."
Tony scrunched his nose up and looked back at Anita.
"You don't know do you?" she asked.
"Well no, why should I play different?"
"Tony the band plays and cues off of Jerry or Kyle. That's called the rhythm section I do believe. When Rebecca sings you cue off of her and the rest of the band cues off of you."
"Really? I never noticed that. I'll have to work on it."
"I do believe Tina would object to that. It's special."
"It's not fair to the rest of the band," Tony said. "I should be doing everything I can on every song."
"Well maybe you should start sleeping with Kyle then, I'm sure not."
"Really Tony, it's just there. I don't think you can change it. I don't think you'd want to change it. What is that classical bit called in one of her songs? Rachminov Concerto?"
"Yeah, whatever. You know that song, uh, concerto, backwards and forwards. If we put you with a symphony you'd suck. OK, that's not true. You would be very good, but not great. Put Rebecca onstage though..."
"Now you're making my head hurt. Let me take over, we have to be close to St. Simon's and I don't know this area very well."
The obvious result of their lack of planning was that there really was no place to secure Kalliste. The dock at the one marina that had enough room alongside was a bit flimsy. Tony was sure that the yacht could be made fast to the dock. The real question was how much of that dock would detach itself and try to follow the large yacht out to sea when the tide went out. When twenty-two tons of yacht decides to follow a five-knot current it's fairly important that it's tied to something other than the end of a floating dock, and this dock was right in the current. The comment "Wow, we've never had a boat this big before." was all he needed to hear to confirm that.
Tony was actually looking for a sheltered anchorage on the back side of Jekyll Island when they came across the restaurant. While its dock was not long it was most certainly hammered into bedrock on twenty-four inch piles. The two decided at the very least to tie up and see if the restaurant was any good; well Tony decided, Anita wasn't so sure.
"Will it fit there Tony?"
"Yep, she'll stick out a bit at each end, but it certainly looks solid enough."
Just approaching the dock brought several gawkers out onto the deck that was attached to the restaurant. Someone with a little boat sense saw Anita handling the lines and actually came down to lend a hand. Tony thought Anita could handle it just fine, but he wasn't going to refuse help. As usual Tony brought Kalliste to a dead stop within a foot of the dock, but she really didn't want to stay there until the lines were made fast then cranked down with the winches to pull her tight against the dock. There was a bit of current he wasn't used to here as well.
Tony thanked the man and he and Anita went to do the few chores aboard needed for a short stay. The generator provided hot water for showers and both made themselves presentable for dinner at what appeared to be a decent restaurant. They figured it wasn't the first time someone had arrived for dinner by boat, but a fifty-five foot yacht was probably unusual. Probably very unusual actually.
They certainly did get some curious looks coming in the back door from the deck. The obvious question was where the adults were. Tony just acted like they did this every day and asked for a table for two. They found they were at BJ's Sunset Restaurant. The good news for Tony was that it was on the west side of the island. If the sunset were on the other side then his situation was even worse than he thought.
"Hey folks!" their server said. She was thirty-something with dark hair and a complexion that said she spent a lot of time out of doors. She handed them each a menu and asked if she could get them a drink. Tony opted for tea, and Anita a Coke.
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Nashville, Tennessee March, 1986 Track Life showed the project completion status at 98% on March eighth. Of the two percent left no original tracks remained, only overdubs and a re-take of Anita on a track that somehow picked up some noise. Tony had talked everyone into giving her one guitar track anchoring the rhythm to one of his 'boxes'. That would at least get her name on the album credits as a guitarist and not just a vocalist, something he knew she coveted after working so hard on...
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(1975) I loved the smell of the old Greyhound bus station, something about the exhaust from all those buses. But my Ma didn’t seem to like it there much; she seemed kinda nervous. Maybe I am confusing her disdain of the filthy bus station with the trepidation she must have felt with sending me, her thirteen-year old boy, off to Texas for a month. I dunno, but I did what I could to calm her, which meant doing what she said, promising to write and telling her how much I would miss her. Nearly...
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The Runaway by Mary Beth Sanford, Sep/15/2005 Players: Joey AKA John Doe, AKA John Dough, AKA Cindy; Julie Joey's Day Nurse; Nurse Tracy Tucker Joey's Night Nurse; Detective Beckman, Juvenile Division; Rose Partridge of Social Services; Dr. Sanders Joey's primary care physician: Helen Baker, Joey's Foster Mom; Carol, Helen's life long partner; Dr. Marcy, Transgendered Psychologist and Transsexual Transitions Synopsis: Joey's abusive uncle forces him, again, to run away. ...
Here is a true story, of a girl I had in high school. In the city I grew up in there were many parks, at the park we and my friends palyed in had a canyon next to with trees that came almost all the way to the ground, so in other words a great place to hide out. Me and my friends built this bad ass club house that had everything a teen would want. We had a toilet we found that we conected to a pipe that went into a storm drain, nobody could do #2 in there that was the only...
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A clinic visit turned unexpectedly sexual. Urology is a surgical specialty dealing with disorders of the urogenital system. Most doctors who choose this field do so because they like operating, but that's not all there is to it. We also treat conditions like stubborn urinary infections, and some of the most difficult involve the prostate. Antibiotics do not easily penetrate into the gland, so it is essential to have accurate information about what's causing the problem so that drug therapy can...
Medical"Yes! That's exactly what I meant! You look amazing!" Tony said to Tina. Tina blushed. She had spent the last two hours preparing for her date with Riley to the Savannah Press Club gala. It was one of those events in Savannah society. Except for Rebecca she would almost certainly be the youngest person there. Tony had no idea at what point he had become part of Savannah society. The only explanation he could think of for his invitation was Tammy's Wheels and the charity's involvement...
To the Harris family's credit there was no explosion in the room, but there was an awkward silence that followed Cheri's statement. Rebecca squeezed Tony's hand that was wrapped around her waist. He could almost hear her mind racing. "Oh god," Cheri said, tears beginning to flow freely. "I feel like an ungrateful bitch." With that she fled to Tony's side and awkwardly tried to bury her head in Tony's shoulder. "Unh-uh," Tony said, pushing her upright. "Rebecca can you get some...
Most men are used to having their prostate examined by a doctor as part of their physical exam and I am no exception. However, since my job required a prostate exam as part of their annual physical, I would have to say that I’ve had more than the average male. This is a short story of how one of those exams changed my curiosity of anal sex into a strong desire. Two years ago, my wife accompanied me to one of my visits with the urologist and on that visit, he gave me the exam in front of my...
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Tom ran the bow over the strings of the fiddle. The field slave’s instrument produced music with a quick tempo and a lively tone. There was much dancing, laughter, and drinking happening on the Duckworth Plantation in South Carolina. The master’s oldest daughter, Ann, had just wed a free man of color, Hubert Maynor. The crowd was going wild.The Duckworth Plantation was owned by one Columbus Duckworth. He had been born to a slave mother in 1816. It was understood by most everyone within a...
This story is dedicated to the great Elaine, who is bright and kind and generous. Disclaimer: This story is copyrighted by the author and may not be reproduced, reprinted or reposted without the express consent of Jane Howard. Although there is no sex in this story, it depicts a budding romantic relationship between two male teens, one of whom is transgendered. If such a premise offends you, please don't read it. RUNAWAY By Jane Howard copyright 2003 She had decided to...
HumorI’m the kind of girl who sees herself as someone who doesn’t take shit from anyone. Unfortunately, my mom thought she should be able to dish out a full ration of crap and I should just sit there mute. Finally, the feces hit the fan and I’m on the street. I’ve got on a dress with a scandalously short skirt. The top is tight, and although my breasts are small, the tightness makes it look like I’m more stacked than I am. I’m not wearing panties, and I’m unconsciously heading for a rough part of...
Gee went to the woods Saturday morning seeking both the camaraderie of his team and the peace of the Forest. The long day Thursday, waiting for Ben to die, followed by the long day Friday, dealing with the funeral and family, had been mentally and emotionally draining. The weather was crisp but the sky was clear. He thought it might make it above freezing by mid-afternoon. “We only have two crews today, Gee,” Jessie said. “Jonathan is sick in bed. That means I’ll probably be sick in bed...
The education system was deteriorating and something had to be done very fast, hence officials from the high office on the government met behind close doors to come up with a solution. Their education system were no longer yielding results, pupils failed their final exams in many numbers now. Number of college and university entrance was at its lowest. These was going to be an economical burden in not so distant future, as these c***dren were the future of the country. It was discovered that...
As he, Cheri, and Rebecca waited outside Dr. Li's office, Tony reflected back on the first half of the week. Some progress had been made, at least on the personnel front. They had interviewed two candidates for the wheelchair rehab position and settled on George 'Go-Go' Collins. George was quite the character and didn't exactly have a perfect arrest record. He assured Tony and Tina that his moonshining (from where he got the nickname, not a certain type of nightclub) days had been over...
A meeting with everyone involved, and that meant just about everyone, was held the next day. Tony deferred to Bea and Alice to run the meeting. "OK," Bea started off. "We have arrangements with Bell Tone studios in Nashville beginning this Saturday morning at seven o'clock. Twelve hours on Saturday and starting again at seven on Sunday mornings and running until four PM. Should we need them they are prepared to do a few hours of work on Fridays as well, but they advise, and we tend to...
Savannah, Georgia February 1986 Rebecca and Tony returned to the office having just come from visiting the base commander. Hunter wanted forty chairs this year and had pledged to raise $25,000 as well. Someone, they suspected the mayor's office, had already greased the wheels as it were. Or perhaps it was Tina and Riley's stunning success at Fort Stewart. After all, the base commander at Hunter worked for the commanding general at Fort Stewart. Having been left out the year before and...
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Rolling down I-20 out of Weatherford Texas, I was watching for a truck stop to take a bathroom break and get a cup of coffee. Then I remember from traveling this road before that the old time West-N-Go was up around exit 278 in Abilene. It wasn’t much of a truck stop but out in the middle of nowhere it would work. Swinging off the interstate and pulling up to the stop sign I could see the truck stop to my right. I waited for the one car coming and pulled around the corner and into the...
I sent her a quick message, “meeting was changed, I can meet you on Monday”. I sat at work waiting for her reply thinking about the last time we were together. My only hope was that this time would be just as memorable as the last. I headed up the interstate with her on my mind or at least what was going to take place when we met again. As the miles passed and our last night together replayed in my mind, I began to formulate items to take off the sexual bucket list! Once the meeting was over, I...
Office SexAs I barreled down the interstate, I realized I was fast approaching a point of no return. On one hand I was entering into something I wasn’t sure I was ready for, but on the other hand, I was drawn towards something I had no control over. It started innocently enough, casual conversation on an adult site. We quickly learned that we were both in the same position. We both had a need, a want, a desire to feel something; anything other than the day-to-day feeling of being a friend, instead of...
Straight SexRolling down I-20 out of Weatherford Texas, I was watching for a truck stop to take a bathroom break and get a cup of coffee. Then I remember from traveling this road before that the old time West-N-Go was up around exit 278 in Abilene. It wasn't much of a truck stop but out in the middle of nowhere it would work. Swinging off the interstate and pulling up to the stop sign I could see the truck stop to my right. I waited for the one car coming and pulled around the corner and into the parking...
Oral SexToday was no different. I was headed out of town on vacation to see some friends. They live a few hours away and the drive there gets particularly boring. My mind started wandering and soon enough I was thinking about stories I’ve read, videos I’ve seen, and various fantasies I’d had recently. See, I had never really done anything sexual, with anyone. I hadn’t had to many girlfriends in my time and growing up the way I did guys were out of the question. But it hadn’t stopped me from...
ESTATE SALE By Persephone Albert Brooks was out driving around aimlessly with no particular destination in mind. It was a typical Friday after work. He didn't have any plans, no place to go and nothing to do. He was fairly new to the area and hadn't made any real friends yet. He was bored and just decided to go out for a drive but once he pulled out of the driveway he didn't know where he wanted to go. He was stopped at the light on 122nd Avenue at the intersection of Market...
I have always thought, that to tape a girls night out, would be a ball-buster, for guys listening-in.I am talking about professional ladies, graduates with professions like doctors and lawyers, part-time actresses and models, hot blooded ladies who, with a few drinks, tell what it really is like and what goes through their minds when confronted with certain situations.Case:1 Amber, is a medical graduate who became a GP, after working 15 years in the city hospital. She is married to another GP...
"Savannah Ground this is Cessna one-seven-six-three-two-Whiskey. Request taxi instructions for take-off," Tony said into the headset. "Three-two-Whiskey taxi to runway one-zero and hold, no traffic." "Taxi to one-zero and hold," Tony replied. He then applied power to the Cessna's single engine and released his brakes. On the roll out to the runway he double-checked his preflight checklist. Eventually he was holding short of runway ten and made another call. "Tower,...
Sexy Sue, does she look too good to be true?Sexy Sue is incredibly pretty. The blonde beauty's boobs first thing which puzzled me.Too good to be real, was my first idea. I looked through all her galleries with photos.Puzzled by her lovely looks is only the sweet start of my bewilderment and seduction.I was amazed by her profile stating she works at high level at the Interior Ministry.I know that everyone with a public job only publishes photos of private parts, no facesI know pilots on long...
Fiona gives her an odd look and Erica says, “Today I found out our Ernie here owns a business. The same business that owns the deed to the house I rent. He’s our landlord and the landlord of the whole estate. He invested his entire fortune, ten million dollars, in buying this estate and building this house.” Fiona and the kids all gasp. I smile weakly at her, “I can understand your attitude, and I agree with it a lot. But unless you can convince me otherwise I’m going to tell everyone you’re...
Prostate cancer runs in my family so my wife had been pressuring me to go get checked. After reading how the procedure would go I was freaked out. While I've always been a bit curious I was nervous to go and let another man have me bend over a table and put his lubed finger in my ass. Finally, my wife found a doctor who was a female and said that if I went to her, she wanted to sit in on the exam. She finally said, "If you hate butt play as much as you say you do then it shouldn't matter." So I...
After Noah had been seen having sex with a buddy of his from school, things got very complicated in the small town where he lived. A blabbermouth had seen them in action and soon Noah’s friend was beaten up by a bunch of homophobic thugs. It was clear at this point that Noah would suffer the same fate very shortly. It was also obvious to Noah that his torment would be even more severe, because he had been the receiver in their sexual exchange.Having finished school the year before, Noah was...
Gay Male