- 2 years ago
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The entire situation ought to have been resolved quickly, simply and relatively painlessly. But, since we're talking about my father, security and audacity ruled instead. As usual! I wouldn't normally argue or disagree, it had made him one of the richest corporate lawyers in New York City, where even the surgically placed rumor of a phone-call from his firm could raise or drop your stock value 25% percent overnight.
It's good to be the king - but there is sometimes the drawback of whom can the king really trust. In my father's case that was no one until after I graduated from Yale Law School and then the South Texas College of Law by age 24.
Just daddy's little girl following in his very large footsteps? Ha! I was already more like daddy's little pit bull. Within the first five years after I joined his law firm I was a perfect 20-0 in the courtroom and made a Full Partner without even a hint of protest and since his severe illness, I have hopped right into the Managing Directorship chair running the firm smoothly ever since.
Smart? Darn tooting! It also helped that I inherited my eidetic memory from my mother who had never forgotten a single thing ever, in her entire life. This let me race through a succession of elite and very private schools at an unusually early age. I was 15 when I graduated from my Prep School, an ultra-snobby private academy that catered only to New England's finest families. I think the bribe just to be able to submit an application for admission was nearly one million dollars.
My mother had been a former Miss Connecticut and fifth runner up in a Miss America pageant. Her talent act was to roll out a full shelf of encyclopedias, almanacs and other reference books and have each of the judges randomly select a book and a topic for her to recite back to them, repeating back perfectly what each book stated. She never missed a single word. She told me just before her death that she had began to consider her gift as more like a curse than a blessing, and now even as I hit the age of thirty I was starting to agree with her.
"There are many things in life that are meant and supposed to be forgotten." She told me from her hospital bed. "Careless words said in anger especially. If you can never forget, it makes even the smallest slights nearly impossible to forgive."
She was beautiful and more than a little odd when she met my father at a party in New York. He was handsome, brilliant and more than a bit odd himself. Together, they were a perfect match. Their marriage was constantly rocky but it somehow held together. Father never even considered remarrying after her death when I was about six. She was "absolutely irreplaceable", he said ... and he meant it.
I was already 'unusually pretty' even from a young age but my looks never won me any friends in school ... In fact I was resented as being altogether the prettiest, smartest and youngest girl of my classes and was shunned accordingly. Needless to say, I was never invited to any of the hen parties or late night discussions with the older girls where the 'important' lessons of school were learned, namely how to interact with your peers and learn the subtle lessons of bargaining and give and take. I missed most of the other slightly less important lessons that I should have learned there as well, how to smuggle in and smoke cigarettes and liquor without getting caught, how to apply makeup, how to fall in love with a boy and sneak out of the grounds at 1AM to meet him in his car and give him the perfect blow or hand-job that would leave him begging for more.
My mother would have been able to correct many or all of these deficits. I can remember her telling me once, when I was just a child, that she had been quite a 'woman of the world' in her day. My father did his best but without her as his anchor in life, he was soon quite morally adrift. He had made his reputation as one of the finest defenders of the underdog and within a few short years had turned it around 180 degrees and was now considered one of the lowest and meanest corporate raider sharks in an already very murky and bloody ocean. Once he had lived for justice — now he only lived for the kill.
We had never hurt for money. Even as a girl we had a big weekend house in Connecticut where I had my pony but soon money became his only measurement for success and he constantly sought even richer and fatter deals. Money is a decent way of keeping score but it's not very warm to snuggle up to on a cold night and all the money in the world won't replace your cancerous lung or restore your health after three heart attacks and a massive major stroke.
The first two heart attacks didn't even slow him down but a third massive one and the discovery of severe lung cancer left him either bedridden or confined to a wheelchair for good. He spent the next year enduring four operations, experimental chemo and other drug treatments for the cancer that just managed to stabilize his health enough that he could be released to a hospital bed at home. They couldn't cut out or kill all of the cancer but it had stopped spreading for now and seemed to be manageable. Managing corporate takeovers was now quite out of the question but that duty now fell to me and I found I had an aptitude for it.
In the words of an old Alan Sherman comedy song my father used to love,
"Now I have a big office at the end of the hall,
With very fancy carpeting from wall to wall.
I keep my mouth open and I keep my ears shut,
And I've got a little palace in Connecticut.
So I thank old Yale and I thank the Lord,
And I also thank my father who was Chairman of the Board!"
So, I had the big corner office with all of the trimmings and the fancy 'weekend' homes that I never managed to find time to ever visit and more money in my own personal bank accounts than I could ever spend. I was a 'success', right?
I had indeed won the genetic super-lottery. I had the beauty of a professional supermodel with the brains to be one of the very top lawyers in this ultra-competitive city but every night I slept alone in my huge bed surrounded only by law books for bedtime reading and my cats. I thought I had 'friends' but their lives were as screwed up and meaningless as mine was and our conversations utterly vapid. The cheapest article of clothing in my huge walk-in closet was still designer made and I had a choice of haute couture outfits for any formal occasion. There was a reserved seat with my name on it at every New York City fashion house show.
It still didn't help; I might have looked like a million dollars but inside I felt like a rusty war era steel nickel. I didn't even have a boyfriend. Heck, I couldn't even find a date that I could tolerate being with for a second time. My looks and fortune had put me on every Top 10 "Most Eligible" list and there was no shortage of men seeking to add me to their portfolio. I became very good at identifying the gold-diggers, mostly former frat boys looking for a rich heiress but I was less adept with handling men who had moderate fortunes of their own and might be willing to accept me as an equal partner in their lives. Mostly they were already banging their secretaries, or soon would be.
My sexual education had been a tad neglected. I graduated from Yale still a virgin and remained a technical virgin throughout both Law Schools. I might still be a virgin today if I hadn't drunk a bit too much at a wedding and had found the nerve to drag my paid escort back home with me. Yes you heard me right. I had to resort to having a paid gigolo take my virginity. I've done some embarrassing things in my life but that probably was my worst ever admission that my life was already screwed up nearly beyond repair. It didn't solve much — I still have to pay for an escort for my arm at most highbrow functions. If I show up alone too many times the word would get out and the rumor mill would start grinding and I'd much rather keep my privacy.
It was my father's own love of secrecy that got me into this entire mess in the first place. Now that he was getting slightly better, I found that I had inherited from him a lot more than his fortune and a job position. I now was in the position of starting to learn his darkest and most hidden secrets but they were revealed to me only in cryptic pieces and even those, gradually.
It started just after my father had been released home from being in the hospital for just over a year. His strength and energy, even to sit up let along to attempt to walk, was very limited and he tired extremely easily. He asked to be given some routine work to do but this was mostly forbidden by me. I suspect his longtime secretary gave him some simple stuff behind my back to keep him quiet and occupied. I worked 'okay' with her and she had no complaints about how I had managed things in his absence but her loyalty remained exclusively with him. During his long illness and convalescence, she had handled 99% of his personal affairs.
As I was about to find out, his own loyalty remained strictly with family and that remaining 1%, that no 'outsider' could ever be allowed to see, was now about to be entrusted permanently in my hands.
One rainy spring morning my father bade me to get him his key ring and then handed me two keys from it giving me these simple instructions: Take one key to a certain bank and open the safety box and bring him the contents. Then take the other key to a Post Office branch in New York City and collect up 'some personal mail' that he hadn't been able to get since his illness. This was quickly accomplished. The bank box contained a large and thick leather legal briefcase with a sturdy lock that I had no key for. The mail that had been saved for him mostly seemed to concern various County Tax notices, several of which obviously appeared to be of the 'Warning' and 'Final Notice' variety. As directed, I delivered all of these items to my father. I watched him open up the large leather case with another small key from his keychain and, after placing the mail into the case, he securely relocked it.
"Thanks, I'll attend to it all later." He said and had his secretary chain the case securely to the side of his hospital bed, locking it with yet another key. That night he had his major paralyzing stroke and it was over six months before he was well enough again to discuss any of the contents of this case with me.
He could speak now only very slowly and with great difficulty but his hands were mostly useless now and his handwriting was utterly indecipherable which made note writing pretty much impossible. It took several brief talks with him for me to fully understand my instructions.
I was given an old hand-written list of four addresses, all near Victoria, Texas that had been compiled some time before his illness. My father owned these properties but 'possibly' some of them were now past due and in arrears for payment of their annual County Property Tax. I was to go down to Texas and quietly check on the status of each of those properties and report back to him. If I could fix any of the past-due payments bringing them up to date, good. The first three properties were 'relatively less important' than the last one, which he insisted over and over was 'the most sensitive' and requiring careful tact.
With copies of the deeds and all of the other relevant paperwork for those four properties in hand, off I went to Texas. I was licensed to practice law in both Texas and New York (as well as 8 other states) but it was, in fact, at the insistence of my father that I had attended South Texas College of Law in the first place. I had wanted to either stay at Yale or go to Harvard Law School for my advanced degrees but my father convinced me that 'someday it would be important' and apparently now was the time.
I could already tell that something very unusual was up. I didn't know more than 10% of the facts but I'm sure my father was hiding something. From childhood conversations I had overheard between my parents, I knew my father had done something as a young man in south Texas that he was very ashamed of and that he had tried to wash away his guilt as a Marine during the World War but the 'blood stains lingered' apparently. My father might not be quite ready to tell me everything but at least now I was in the position to gather some more of the facts for myself.
Resolving the issue of the first three lesser properties was actually quite simple. I probably could have handled each of these transactions over the phone from the city. Two of the properties, the ones in Calhoun and Refugio Counties, were still considered only as 'Past Due' for their taxes and I was able to make swift and complete payment. No problems and the County clerks barely blinked an eye.
"Times are hard." We all agreed.
Both properties were small ranches that consisted of little more than a barn and some pasture land and were registered under names other than my father's. My father apparently had also made long term grazing right agreements with nearby owners that generated some trivial profits after taxes.
The next property, an old long abandoned gas station/garage inside the city of Victoria was slightly more complicated. It had gone to foreclosure a few months ago but the winning bidder for the property now had 'financing problems' and was now trying to back out of the deal or find another buyer. The buyer had wanted the property solely for the old vintage 1936 Packard Twelve Dietrich Victoria car that had been locked up inside the garage untouched since the 1940's and really had no interest at all in the actual physical real estate. I phoned home for instructions and they were emphatic: "Must keep the car!" He croaked repeatedly until he was sure I had understood him.
It took a little doing but frankly the buyer was currently stuck in a corner. He had no financing now, couldn't take possession of the car without it and his final extension for full payment was due in less than two weeks. In the end, I paid him to release his claim back to me and I wrote him a check for most his prior earnest money payment. It helped that a phone call to my usual private investigators quickly revealed that the would-be buyer also had a long-term mistress that his wife (who had all of the money in the family) would not at all be pleased to find out about.
After writing a check out to the County for settling the deed to the property (and a minor bribe to the head County Clerk and equally modest 'campaign donation' to the County Judge), the status quo was restored. I had made a note to myself to try and get a good look at my father's car to see what all of the fuss was about but I got badly distracted dealing with the final property in a little town further south near the coast called Lovett.
All of the indications were bad from the very start. The property had been two years overdue on taxes and had recently been sold at auction. The buyer had paid promptly in full. No problems. Done deal - Thank you Sir!
No hint of any irregularities, none of the usual payments under the table. It was all legal and done step-by-step by the book. No obvious loopholes. Worse, the Courthouse staff was all-supportive of the new buyer, 'a handsome young fellow' who was wanting to restore the property, a 1940's era diner and a 1950's era drive-in motel, to its original condition.
Arriving at the Gare St. Lazare, you'll be tempted to hop into one of the omnipresent Parisian taxis to carry you and all your luggage straight to your hotel. But before you do so, why not do what les Parisiennes do? Take a quick walk over to Printemps or Lafayettes, the large department stores just around the corner from the train station, and pick out a selection of naughty French lingerie. It's one of my favourite activities when traveling to Paris, and this trip would be no...
TRAVELS WITH MY AUNT (LESBIAN) - PART 3 (Final)Standing at the door was a young blonde, probably my age, in a short summer dress. Her hair was drawn in a pony-tail like mine. I couldn’t see her face much as both her hands covered it. « Angela…I told you…ohhhhhh », Charlene said , her voice fading.My aunt put her hand on her mouth and fell on the bed in an uncontrollable fit of laughter.« Go ahead…laugh », Charlene replied, looking rather cross.« I’m sooooo sorry, I just forgot », the girl...
TRAVELS WITH MY AUNT (LESBIAN) PART II always thought my aunt Melissa was so cool. Since I was little, she always brought me gifts, nothing expensive but always something thoughtful, whenever she visited me and my mother. My mother always called her a “spinster” with a short nervous laugh whenever I asked her if aunt Melissa had once been married. She rarely mentioned her. When it was time for me to go to college, I chose a college which was located a short drive from my aunt. She had told me:...
TRAVELS WITH MY AUNT (LESBIAN) – PART 2While I watched Melissa’s asscheeks sway from side to side in her tight skirt, my aunt was herself delighting at the sight of Charlene’s elongated full buttocks jiggling in a skirt which seemed too large for her. In my excitement at the lingerie shop, I forgot to describe Charlene or maybe the whole thing was a blurr at the time. My aunt’s fling was an attractive, tall blonde, a real one, with a bony body, rather athletic with breasts you didn’t notice...
I gave a full report of everything Charlie had done so far and what he seemed likely to do in the near future. My father seemed slightly relieved by this and suggested that while I ought to keep a fairly close eye on things I should not to do anything 'radical' for the moment. He seemed especially interested in my personal descriptions and opinion of Charlie's general character and the fact that the strong and silent Charlie had very definitely gotten under my skin didn't escape my...
Paula was speaking. "Attention, Cal. Not just your penis, thank you. Listen, please. This is a hard day for Aunt Paula, a day she's been dreading for a long time." "But why, auntie? You've been teaching me beautiful, true things today." "I know that, darling. But words are not enough... " "That's good, Aunt Paula. I'm glad they're not. I want to show you... I don't know... what a good learner I am... , and how much I love you, auntie." "But do you understand what I've been...
Hello all, my name is Harry and I am a 26-year-old Indian man living and working in West London. Part of the reason I want to share my experience with you is to raise awareness of places like these and encourage all to use them. Before I talk about my experience I will freely admit that I have always been quite curious about touching and playing with erect cocks. I think the curiosity stems from gym locker rooms where men freely walk around naked. It was about midday and I was travelling...
Gay MaleLucy was playing with her pussy on top of the white leather sofa dressed only in her signature high heels and black leotard that was so tight that the fabric rode up into the crack of her ass and almost disappeared. Her pussy didn’t seem to mind the attention and it was purring like a kitten with all nine lives. She had a jet black pussy that was like a furry lump of coal with two glowing eyes right in the middle. The pussy’s name was Scotty and he was a he with a capital “H”. I knew his...
I awoke right when the first overly ambitious crack of sunlight entered the bedroom and I would have gladly dashed out of bed to close the curtains except even breathing seemed to hurt. A Lot. Crawling out of bed even sounded too painful despite the fact that I realized I really needed to take a piss badly. It was going to have to wait while I buried my head deeper under my pillow to wait for some of the pain to go away. "Dammit!" I heard a weak voice say next to me, "How much did you let...
I had reached a point in my relationship with Lucy to understand she was totally self-centered and was only allowing me sexual favors to keep me in line and ready to service her needs when she had no other option. In all honesty, I really didn’t mind because I was totally turned on by kissing her ass or her foot or any other silly shit she was into at the moment. The truth was that I got my hard-core loving from her clone Margaret and I was addicted to her ability to imitate Lucy so well...
The wedding took forever to get organized. Charlie wanted to see her in the best haut couture wedding dress Paris had and Charline wanted something simple and get married 'nude' on the beach. They compromised on having the Hanging Judge do the deed at the Courthouse with a 'clothing optional' reception later on the beach. Both the Governor of Texas and the Chief Judge of the State Supreme Court sent flowers. The never expected bachelor party that the firm threw for Charlie was legendary...
any of the actresses mentioned below. This story is written down for enjoyment purposes only. Reese witherspoon woke up with a headache. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel that she was blindfolded. Not only that, she was tied to the bed with duct tape, unable to move her hands and legs. She also noticed that she was nude. A duct tape covered her mouth so that she shouldn't shout. All she remembered was going to a producer's home for some script reading of a film they were...
The continent of Gildan is a strange place, it was once ruled by a race now simply known as 'The Sun People' it was said they had the powers of gods, but they disappeared from Gildan one day. Only the city of Sholl remains as a reminder of them, the city is now under the control of the elves. Their refusal to allow any human into the city ensures that humanity has practically no knowledge of who the Sun People were, and what happened to them. The rest of the world is no less interesting though....
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GayNate Woods was happy to be at the Mediterranean Sea where the sun was hot and so were the mens speedos. He himself was perusing the selection at a local shop. He decided to go with the classic skimpy black speedo. Satisfied with his purchase, he returned to his hotel where he undressed, exposing his beautiful penis and ass of wonders and slid on his speedo. It was a tight fit as his huge, soft penis was eight inches long at his point and he had balls nearly the size of tennis balls. It created...
GayThe third person I ever had sex with was my husband so you couldn’t call me promiscuous. I lost my virginity aged 18 during a drunken student party and I was not at all impressed with the whole sex thing. The second man came along two years later; he was my first long term love, well a few months anyway. Then there was Paul, we dated; we got engaged and eventually married. I didn’t know and didn’t care if our sex life was good or not, it was good enough for me. We had and still do have sex...
So we went at a nice hotel in town, just a night away for a dinner and some fun. Away from home and the routine. We Rented a suite on the 10th floor and intended to just relax away the day and night We checked out the bar and took a seat in a leather ensconsed booth which was very cozy and private. I got a couple of drinks from, and made some small talk with the bartender. A nice guy about 25 yrs. old. It was early, about 4pm and we had the place to ourselves As I sat in our booth I noticed him...
We fade in in the middle of a quiet street, in the low-rise central area of a small midlands town, with one and two story buildings around us. To one side, a long flat warehouse/factory type unit, stocking and fitting tyres for local drivers, to the other, the town’s train station. Looking like a traditional old station, but rebuilt fairly recently. There’s a small car park between us and the station, and it’s almost full. We watch as a car drives down the road toward us, then turns into the...
As a construction supervisor I meet all sorts of subcontractors. Working on a Saturday is not uncommon and often the subs bring their teenage sons along to learn the trade. This was the case when I met Dillon. Now I am a straight male but even I have to admit this boy was cute. Small boned, brown wavy hair to his shoulders, blue eyes and an engaging smile. At lunch time Dillon found me in the construction trailer and asked if he could talk to me. “Sure,” I said pushing a chair towards him. He...
Part 1 I had already experienced a number of threesomes in the past with my wife, about four I think. They had always excited me, I’d always got harder and lasted longer than at any other time we had sex together. I never analysed it very much at the time, about why it turned me on so much. I just knew it was going to be one of the most arousing nights of sex I was likely to enjoy – apart from one time when Julie seemed to be interested only in the guy we were with and I felt very much...
He was looking forward to going to Verna. It could only be for a limited time but there would be other visits. Even traveling a considerable distance, he thought it well worth the time, there was no sacrifice. Eventually, Verna started to come into view, he slowed his approach and savoured the anticipation, smiling at the butterfly sensation in his stomach. With all the thoughts, feelings and emotions during his advance he neglected to observe one very crucial thing. A mistake was made, a major...
one day i visited my cousin s****rs house. my cousin s****r was three years older then me. all the people in her house went out for a tour. it was 10.00pm. myself and my cousin were alone and we were in one cousin went to change her night dress in bathroom. she came out she was too sexy.her boobs were so tight in the dress. her ass was so sexy.i became so horny.she bent down to take something down i saw her cleavage and i became so horny.we started talking.i thought of touching her...
August 7 th , 8:00 a.m. Los Angeles “Maggie, I want to go over what we have so far,” I said. “Beckey has a warehouse where she is importing dolls filled with pure cocaine from Bolivia. These dolls are not going through customs and are being delivered in small packages and probably to different locations. We don’t know how the money is being transferred but it’s probably cash all the way, and likely being transferred to the ship at the same time the dolls are picked up.” “Alan has gone to...
August 3 rd , 10:05 a.m. “Robert Eyestone, private investigations, this is Maggie, how can I help you?” “Is Mr. Eyestone in?” the voice on the phone asked. “He is not in at the moment, can I get your name and number and have him call you?” asked Maggie. “Please, this is Mrs. Beckwith, of Beckwith Importers. My number is 310-555-7600.” “He will call you as soon as he is able. Thank you Mrs. Beckwith.” “Hello, is this Mr. Eyestone?” asked Mrs. Beckwith. “Yes it is, how did you know it...
Alan picked up the phone and called the front desk and told them he was checking out and asked if they could send someone up right away with the bill. He began throwing his things together almost frantically, his mind racing as he packed. “If they don’t know I’m on to them they won’t be expecting me to leave right away,” he thought. His plan was to pay cash when the bill was brought up and avoid the lobby when leaving the hotel. Then he remembered Savanna. He ran to the door, opened it...
Introduction: It begins Introduction: It begins … Part 1 I had already experienced a number of threesomes in the past with my wife, about four I think. They had always excited me, Id always got harder and lasted longer than at any other time we had sex together. I never analysed it very much at the time, about why it turned me on so much. I just knew it was going to be one of the most arousing nights of sex I was likely to enjoy apart from one time when Julie seemed to be interested only in...
I went back to the office to find out what Maggie had for me. I needed more pieces to the puzzle and without going to Mexico to talk to Alan, Maggie was all I had at the moment. It was not yet 5:00 and Maggie was still at her desk typing into the computer. Without looking up she handed me a folder. “The list of properties you asked for,” she said. I took the file into my office and began to look it over. I discovered that the condo that Alan lived in was owned by Beckwith Importers. ...
August 5 th , 8:20 a.m. I went into the office early the next morning, anxious to get to work on the Beckwith case. As I entered the office I found Maggie at her desk. “Maggie, I need you to do your thing for me,” I said. “Alan Jankowski, we need to find him. Check for arrests, the morgue, hospitals, etc. Check planes, buses, trains, cruise ships, even rental car agencies. I suspect he is not dead but don’t leave any stone uncovered. I’m going to be out most of the day checking...
When they walked in the unlocked door, I froze like a deer caught in headlights. Although Carol was my girlfriend and we had great sex, I still enjoyed my closet dressing. Well one afternoon when no one was around, I took a bubble bath and pampered myself. Then I dressed entirely in Carol’s lingerie and sexiest short skirt. I was feeling sexy when in through the unlocked front door, Carol and her sister walked in, I couldn’t say or move a muscle. Carol and her sister just casually...
I met Missy when we were paired up to study my nursing class and we immediately became friends. On Fridays some of the class would meet up for happy hour and she brought along her room mate Anna. They are both beautiful, dark haired girls with perfect athletic bodies that I envied, as I am more on the thin side. We would always have fun as we got to know each but when my boyfriend and his friends would arrive they would leave soon after. I was telling Missy one afternoon that a couple of BF's...
Growing up in the neighborhood we all had a thing for Mrs. Jansen. Besides the fact that she was unbelievably sweet, she was also drop dead gorgeous. I would often find myself staring at her sunbathe in the afternoon and would often fantasize about her before I go to bed.With Mr Jansen working many hours I would always offer to help Mrs Jansen with some things around the house like carry heavy boxes, rake the yard, and move her furniture around. During my junior year, I was eager to go to the...
Twin Switch Chapter 15 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction. It is recommended that you read the previous installments as they will provide important background information. This story features extreme female domination and if that offends you do not read. While there is no actual sex in these chapters' sexual activities may be described. Comments good or bad pertaining to the direction of the plot and grammar are welcome as long as they are NOT directed to the nature of this...
... pin drop silence. Ilona sat next to me and pulled my head over onto her lap and began to unlock and unlace my hood. "Excuse me, I need to use the washroom," said the candidate, whose identity I was about to learn. With excitement and a bit of anxiety I breathed in a comforting aroma of linen suit mixed with the dark mystery of Ilona's vagina mere inches and likely no more than two layers of cloth from my nose. To pull the hood off she had to push my face down onto that...
WEDDING BELLS - WITHDRAWL SYMPTOMS Note for Readers: This story continues the adventures of the characters previously featured in my story "Wedding Bells." That story was complete in its own right and, indeed, this one can be read without having to have read "Wedding Bells" first. (However, I naturally hope that some of you will want to read my earlier story!) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hi, my name is Brian Marchbanks and my wife Mary and I live in the hamlet of Tynewood Parva...
one day i visited my cousin sisters house. my cousin sister was three years older then me. all the people in her house went out for a tour. it was 10.00pm. myself and my cousin were alone and we were in one cousin went to change her night dress in bathroom. she came out she was too sexy.her boobs were so tight in the dress. her ass was so sexy.i became so horny.she bent down to take something down i saw her cleavage and i became so horny.we started talking.i thought of touching her...
Cooking with My Boss My life changed one night when I was simply leaving work with my boss. It had been a good day. I even had a successful flirting session with two ladies, who I supposed where friends. One was an Asian woman, older than me, but very attractive. Her friend, a blond with short hair and pretty green eyes, seemed to be more around my age. My boss had been in one of her moods that day. She ran a small retail store and thought she was queen of the world. I...
Alan picked up the phone and called the front desk and told them he was checking out and asked if they could send someone up right away with the bill. He began throwing his things together almost frantically, his mind racing as he packed. “If they don’t know I’m on to them they won’t be expecting me to leave right away,” he thought. His plan was to pay cash when the bill was brought up and avoid the lobby when leaving the hotel. Then he remembered Savanna. He ran to the door, opened it...
Straight SexAugust 7 th , 8:00 a.m. Los Angeles “Maggie, I want to go over what we have so far,” I said. “Beckey has a warehouse where she is importing dolls filled with pure cocaine from Bolivia. These dolls are not going through customs and are being delivered in small packages and probably to different locations. We don’t know how the money is being transferred but it’s probably cash all the way, and likely being transferred to the ship at the same time the dolls are picked up.” “Alan has gone to...
Straight SexI went back to the office to find out what Maggie had for me. I needed more pieces to the puzzle and without going to Mexico to talk to Alan, Maggie was all I had at the moment. It was not yet 5:00 and Maggie was still at her desk typing into the computer. Without looking up she handed me a folder. “The list of properties you asked for,” she said. I took the file into my office and began to look it over. I discovered that the condo that Alan lived in was owned by Beckwith Importers. ...
Straight SexAugust 5 th , 8:20 a.m. I went into the office early the next morning, anxious to get to work on the Beckwith case. As I entered the office I found Maggie at her desk. “Maggie, I need you to do your thing for me,” I said. “Alan Jankowski, we need to find him. Check for arrests, the morgue, hospitals, etc. Check planes, buses, trains, cruise ships, even rental car agencies. I suspect he is not dead but don’t leave any stone uncovered. I’m going to be out most of the day checking...
Straight SexAugust 3 rd , 10:05 a.m. “Robert Eyestone, private investigations, this is Maggie, how can I help you?” “Is Mr. Eyestone in?” the voice on the phone asked. “He is not in at the moment, can I get your name and number and have him call you?” asked Maggie. “Please, this is Mrs. Beckwith, of Beckwith Importers. My number is 310-555-7600.” “He will call you as soon as he is able. Thank you Mrs. Beckwith.” “Hello, is this Mr. Eyestone?” asked Mrs. Beckwith. “Yes it is, how did you know...
Straight SexHey everyone! My name is Chandni and Im from Mumbai, India. I live by myself in Bandra, and am 27 years old. I am 5 ‘ 9, long brown hair, fair in skin, hazel green eyes, and my figure is 34A- 24 Waist – 36. I have a boyfriend whose name is Raj, and I have been with Raj for now almost 2 years. One night Raj called me, and said “Hey Chandni, Wanna go to a club tonight?” ” Uhm, I don’t know Raj, Im busy and really tired, but i’ll try” I said. I heard a little grunt from him, and I figured that...
IncestA couple or maybe three hours later from the ridge above George-town we could see the dark river, some glowing lamps and a few lighted windows. It must have been after midnight, and Billy had given me the job of counting people and finding Jim Griffith and Mike Ware. We huddled together to keep warm and smoked, chewed some food and stomped our feet. The wind had died down, but it was still very cold. We all breathed out clouds of steam like a herd of beeves. I found the men he wanted and...
Beckwith was putting together a bunch to go down to the bridge and waved to me, "Caleb, he said, "Gus Yore hain't quite thawed yet. Why don't you go with these men and take charge of that bridge." I hated to do it, but I pulled on my coat and wool hat and picked up my rifle. We went out and found our beasts, folded their blankets back over their rumps and clattered down to the creek without seeing a soul along the streets except for our own people. Seemed like the town was empty or...
Then things started happening pretty fast. Mr. Wainright said goodbye to the Swede; then I nodded a farewell to her and durn if she didn't get up on her toes and brush her soft lips against my stubbled cheek. Whooee. I went and called in the bridge guards, and they brought those four extra muskets with them. Somebody fetched the Foster women in their fancy pleasure carriage with the hickory-sprung seats, only one like it in town. Mrs. Foster was wearing a pelisse, plus a red hood with a...
Billy went out into the cold as a couple of farmers came in. Stud explained what was going on to them as people moved around, and the Foster women took up a sheltered position in the high-backed settle near the fire. The cat joined them, purring, and perched on the girl's lap, paws folded inward. Didn't anybody look like they was going to cause trouble so after a bit I asked Annie if she was interested in a quick one while we waited, and she elbowed me in the ribs hard enough to crack one...
The sun was setting behind some pink and gray clouds when we reached Mr. Peter's sturdy brick house. The first floor windows all showed candle light as Beall tied his horse to a weight and set it on the curbstone. "You plan to sit out here and wait?" he asked me. I couldn't figure if he wanted me to say yes so I said no, I'd rather get out of the cold. We went up to the door together and Beall knocked. A well-dressed, old black man answered and said, very polite, that Mr. Peter was at...
"Damn," Billy Beckwith cursed. He jumped up, grabbed Jimmy by the arm and hustled him outside. Some men rushed to the windows and a couple hurried out the back door, but most just stood talking to each other and waiting. In a minute Beckwith stuck his head back inside and yelled, "Caleb!" I went out as Judge Peter said, "Let's have a short recess" and stood up. "Be upstanding," I heard Alex Beall say as the door closed behind me. Griffith had ridden in from the Bladensburg road and...
The front door banged open again, and somebody stuck his head in and yelled, "Billy, they're here!" There was a loud scramble of men grabbing weapons and hurrying out the door while buttoning their coats one handed. Judge Peter said, "Let's take another brief recess. Mr. Morrison, a word, please" before Alex Beall could say anything about standing up. "I would appreciate it very much," Judge Peter said, standing at his desk with his feet planted wide apart and his hands clasped...
"Gentlemen," said Judge Peter. "Enough. I think we will take a short recess here." "All stand," Beall cried too late as there was a mad scramble for the doors. Soon every tree, clump of shrubs and back house in the neighborhood had a crowd of men near it. I helped Judge Peter, robe and all, to the front of the line at the tavern's two-holed jakes, and he emerged gasping. "Haven't been in one that bad in years," he said when he got his breath back. When court resumed, a keg of ale...
Zoe held Alison as she continued to sob quietly. The girl was so upset that her father could read in her thoughts that she would be incapable of following his instructions anytime soon. His connection to Zoe also informed him that she had no interest in him, in fact that was an understatement. His ghostly spirit departed, returning to his body which was lying on the sofa in the family room downstairs. Zoe comforted Alison, continuing to question her softly as to how her little body seemed to...
2006-12-20 5:20:00 (MSK) | weblogs | user: roughrider1532 | performer: Hannah | entry: 50 My head aches so bad. I move it to the side and the pain is splitting. I feel my pillow on my cheek and I feel like a wave of relief. I'm in bed at my Aunt and Uncle's! I think of them finding me there in the family room and feel a wave of embarrassment. Still, I'm out of that dream! I think I must have the flu, a high fever would like explain it all. My stomach convulses and I jump...
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Reddit NSFW ListWithdrawal By Cassandra Morgan Some nights are perfect. Some nights are carved out of heaven. This was one of those. It wasn't too cold, and it wasn't too hot. It wasn't rainy, and it wasn't snowing. There were no clouds, so the stars were out, mixing in with the firewood from the Riverfront. If you could order 359 nights a year like this one, life would be perfect. Tonya's eyes glistened like the new diamond ring on her finger. She was laughing, and her face was crinkling up,...
The light was very dim inside, the only illumination coming from the streetlight that seemed miles away down the street. The older, decrepit building had indeed been an apartment at some point, although since then had fallen into great disrepair. The front door inside was off it's hinges and lay against the wall at an angle, the wood of it long since rotted through by termites and was dotted in what appeared to be bullet holes. Heading towards the shaky looking stairs, I noticed the graffiti...