Wolves And Dragons Of The Blood - Book 2: A Spartan's WarChapter 8 free porn video

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"It is truly a blessing to finally meet you my Queen." The tall Hadarian spoke as he leaned over deeply at the waist.

Anja forced a small smile and nodded. "I ... ok ... I guess so." Anja spoke.

Prefect Zaniai straightened up and looked at her.

This woman before him was the image of her long dead mother in every way possible. The jade green eyes highlighted a deeply tanned skin tone, more so than the average Hadarian, but with her shimmering Persian red hair it fit very well. Anja was her mother's height Zaniai saw, however unlike her mother, whose figure was very shapely in its own right; Anja's figure was not only shapely but packed with muscle and exceptionally well defined even under the black and crimson Spartan armor she wore. She carried the helmet under her arm, the soft red hair of the crest moving in the slight breeze, and he saw her nose twitch several times ever so slightly. Zaniai smiled inwardly at this. He had seen enough Lycavorians in new surroundings to know that she was sniffing the wind, attempting to categorize scents and file them to her memory. Zaniai had always found this skill amazing in his Lycavorian friends, how they were able to file away scents like they did and remember and detect those same scents even centuries later. Perhaps he would ask the Queen this when they got to know one another better.

Her jade green eyes never stopped moving as she took in everything around her. Hadaria was not Apo Prime with its towering cities and kilometers of hover lift traffic. Hadaria was much more sedate and slower paced. The city all around them was built from centuries old stone and marble and had stood completed for four thousand years. There were few hover lift lanes in Unopa, the capital of Hadaria, though some of the outlying cities had larger traffic lanes due to their trading centers. Unopa was considered their most religious site, and traffic was kept to either small personal hover discs, or the six person Liftdarts.

Zaniai studied Anja for a few seconds longer and then glanced at her Handmaiden Seanna quickly. "How was your trip Milady?" He asked finally.

Anja turned to look at him and nodded. "It was fine." She replied, "A little long ... but fine. I ... didn't realize Hadaria was so deep into Union territory."

Zaniai nodded his head in agreement. "With the exception of the small Lycavorian Fleet corvettes you saw as you were arriving, we try to maintain calm scenery as much as possible. It allows those who come here to find some semblance of peace. We actually have four dedicated Fleets assigned to protecting Hadaria, but they maintain a discrete distance. You will find many of their crewmembers come here to relax when they have down time. I know the commanders of these fleets personally and will introduce you at some later time if you wish."

Anja nodded. "That would be fine. Where will I be staying?"

Zaniai motioned to the right in the distance, "The home of your parents if you choose Milady." Anja followed his motion and her eyes went a little wider when she saw the huge cathedral like home.

Anja looked back at him. "You're kidding right?"

Zaniai shook his head with a smile. "I realize the pageantry and opulence you see is overwhelming, especially on Apo Prime."

Anja nodded, "Just a bit." She said. "Martin and I ... Dysea ... Aricia ... we..." She stopped talking for a moment and closed her eyes. Zaniai may not have been able to Mindvoice but he was a very good reader of emotions, and the wave of sadness and pain that swept from his Queen was staggering. He watched her take a deep breath and with a great deal of inner strength she opened her eyes again. "We aren't used to it." She said simply.

"Trust me Milady ... you will not find a place of poverty or decline in the Union. While we are very wealthy, everyone gives back, even the largest of our corporations donate billions of Riyal to insure that no one wants for nothing. We have had too many years of slavery under the High Coven to neglect others." Zaniai spoke.

Anja nodded. "That's good to know." She spoke. "I was told my ... my grandfather was waiting?"

Zaniai nodded. "He is most pleased Milady. I have not seen Fuleos so animated in nearly eight hundred years."

"How ... how old is he?" Anja asked.

"Fuleos ... he is almost six thousand years old, one of the oldest of our people." Zaniai spoke. "We live long full lives ... but not nearly as long as you will now live Milady, thanks to the Lycavorian blood swirling through you."

"I understand that caused some issues." Anja spoke as politically as she could.

Zaniai nodded once more. "It did Milady, but it is not something we can not see worked out. All of us are quite happy you are among us, and whatever comes to past we will see it through together."

Anja nodded slowly. "Very well ... I'd like to go to see him now."

Zaniai nodded waving to several Hadarian men in light blue uniforms. "Your liftdart is not far. These two officers will see you to it."

Anja nodded and looked at Seanna, "Seanna?"

"I will be along very shortly my Queen. I just need to ask the Prefect some questions." Seanna answered.

Anja nodded and turned to follow the two men. Zaniai watched her walk away as he stepped close to Seanna.

"She carries a heavy heart with her Seanna." Zaniai spoke softly.

Seanna nodded. "The situation with Queen Aricia has taken a toll on everyone Prefect. Anja and Aricia were ... closer than most realize. They ... share of each other as well as the King."

Zaniai looked at her his eyes showing his surprise. "That was not in anyone's reports to me."

"I chose to leave it out of my reports Prefect, until I could tell you in person." Seanna spoke looking at him.

"You have seen this?"

"I have seen them touch each other in ways reserved for lovers, yes Prefect. All of them act this way actually, to include Queen Dysea." Seanna answered. "It comes almost naturally to them. They are all tied to the King in this way."

"What is your opinion of her?" Zaniai asked after a moment.

Seanna looked at him. "You received Ambassador Tezu's report Prefect." She spoke. "He told you what he saw."

Zaniai nodded as they turned and began to walk. "Yes ... and it was a typical politicians report; intelligence quotient, probabilities, causes and affects." He replied. "Now I want to know who our Queen is Seanna. And only you will know that."

"She is one of the most compassionate women I have ever met Prefect." Seanna told him honestly. "She is highly intelligent, exceptionally so; in superb physical condition as you can see. She is considered among the Spartans to be extremely lethal in combat. I have not seen this personally, but I have seen her training, and I suspect that information is very accurate. Yet she is also the first one they will go too in times of need." Seanna looked at him. "And without question she is behind only the King and Queen Aricia in terms of Mindvoice powers. I would say that she and Dysea are equal in skill and knowledge ... but Anja has the more sheer strength and willpower to project her Mindvoice powers. The King has blocked all contact with Anja and Queen Dysea. He normally allows part of himself to travel within each of them, but now..." She shook her head.

"He is that powerful?" Zaniai asked.

Seanna nodded, "Without question." She replied.

"What else Seanna, tell me everything." Zaniai spoke.

"I would recommend we inform the keepers of the estate to remain off the property until mid morning." Seanna looked at him. "She dearly enjoys running in her wolf form, and it would be safer if she wasn't frightening everyone. She mentioned this to me this morning on the way here. It helps her to focus her thoughts and mind." Seanna spoke.

Zaniai nodded. "I will make it so." He said. "Your message said you have something for me?"

Seanna pulled the small data pad and blood sample from inside her jacket. "Chetak left this with Prime Minister Deia. It is a sample of Queen Aricia's blood..."

"You still refer to her as Queen Seanna. Why is that?" Zaniai asked.

"Until I am told by the King himself or Milady Anja Prefect, she will remain Queen. The blood sample shows no known signs of mind altering substances. I checked it for that myself with my own kit Prefect."

Zaniai looked at it as she handed it to him. "Then why give it to me now?" He asked. "You realize what this represents is a crime? You took this from Prime Minister Deia."

"I do Prefect. I also know that while advanced and intelligent, Prime Minister Deia is more concerned with holding the Union together than anything. Incensed she may be that this travesty occurred, it is not her priority to discover anything in regards to this. I doubt she will even miss it." Seanna answered. "I was hoping Prefect that you would see fit to have the Oldest Ones review it?" Seanna spoke.

"I don't understand for what purpose Seanna? It is my understanding that she chose this man Joric freely due to the Lunmai Fever. It is contemptible that this branch of Lycavorians could even still exist, let alone do something like this, but the Prime Minister's office told me everything was very much within the law." Zaniai spoke.

Seanna met his dark eyes. "Prefect ... I have traveled with them for almost a month now." She spoke evenly. "I realize I still have several years of training to fulfill, and I am not as experienced as most but I am also a woman Prefect. Fever or not ... Aricia would not have chosen that man freely."

"Why do you say this?"

"I saw the way they looked at each other Prefect, she and the King." Seanna spoke. "That is why. Please Prefect. I have never asked for anything before. I ask for this now."

Zaniai held her gaze for several moments before nodding slowly. "I will deliver it to them when I see them next week. I doubt they will find anything Seanna."

"Probably not Prefect. I may not believe this is the case, I know Queen Anja doesn't, but there is always hope Prefect." She replied. "At least I will know I have tried everything. And I would like to stay on as her Handmaiden permanently Prefect. I can finish my training in the time she will be required to return to Hadaria every year, but I want to stay with her, to serve her, to ... to be there for her." Seanna wasn't about to tell him that she found the Queen refreshingly truthful and blunt, a woman who was loyal and strong, and a woman that stirred feelings and thoughts in Seanna that she would never have contemplated before this day.

Zaniai nodded. "I don't believe your instructors will have a problem with that." He said. "I will bring it to Mage Council myself with my recommendation to make it so. Now the King Seanna, tell me of him."

Seanna looked to where she could see Anja in the distance. "He will not give her up. Nor will she give up him, that I can tell you with precise accuracy. Anything else Prefect, you can ask him yourself. He promised her he would be here in four months for the Zenith of the Nebula, regardless of what anyone wants and to my knowledge the King has never broken a promise to anyone."

Seanna began walking towards her Queen as Zaniai looked on in shock at her words.


Martin looked at her on the edge of the bed, studying the lines of her face and shape of her lips. She had been brought to his quarters on the LEONIDAS I at his order and Kmyla had attended to her here. The bruises had all but faded to nothing now, with almost three days of rest and full meals to aide her elf healing system in repairing the damage the Coven had done. Another hour or two and the Immortals on that planet would have been raping her continuously to destroy whatever resistance she had left. She was strong to have survived the beatings they had given her, constantly being fed on like an animal by the vampires. The dozens of vampire teeth marks had disappeared by now, but Martin had seen them dotting her body when he and Kmyla had brought her here, and that only served to fuel the rage that was building once more within him.

He didn't know where this power had come from within him. He had felt the anger, the uncontrolled rage when he had seen the two Immortals holding her like that. Everything had come together then, and when he had lifted his hand it was as if they reached out with all the fury that burned in his thoughts. The two silver diamond like pieces of psychic energy had punched through the armor of the Immortals as if it was tissue paper. When he released it, Martin had sent all of his fury focused in those two points, and it had been devastating.

And it had felt very good.

The sheet covered her naked form, and Martin found his dark eyes traveling down the contour of her hips and legs under the thin sheet. She was Dysea's height, in excellent physical condition with a healthy glow to her slim, defined body. She was no where near as muscular as Dysea or Anja, her breasts small and firm, with small pert nipples pressing against the fabric of the sheet that covered her, but as he gazed at her sleeping form, he found that this one would have enticed him above all others to taste her with his Queens permission. And he didn't know why. As with many elves, with the exception of her longer than shoulder length golden hair, she had no other hair on her body and even though she was a pilot, she had a very healthy tan to her skin. Martin had allowed no one but Kmyla to enter and see her until after he had helped her wash her body of the filth she had been forced to endure for almost a month. He shifted on the bed pulling his leg up as he continued reading the data pad. As usual when in his quarters he wore just his loose black pants and no shirt, the black flame tattoos covering his chest, swirling out from his abdomen, shoulders and back and almost alive in the glow of the dimmed light in his bedchambers. He didn't need it bright to read with his wolf eyes and he kept the level low so as not to shock For'mya when she woke.

For'mya stirred awake but didn't move, enjoying the feel of the soft, cool sheets against her naked flesh and the fact that pain no more lanced through her body at even the slightest movement. She opened her dark brown eyes slowly, noticing the room was lit but dimly so, and she turned her head to the spot he would be, as she had done every time she woke since she had been here. He was there again, as he had been for the last three days, never far from her side. When she had first awakened, the female elf had been in the room with her, studying her with the medical sensor. He had stood beside her the whole time, his unreadable dark eyes never wavering, never wandering over her body, which was fully exposed for his eyes to view. Those eyes had remained focused on her face and no where else.

Arzoal had not touched her since he had rescued her from the Immortals in quite a shocking fashion, but what she had shown her was unlike anything she had experienced before. And those were just the surface thoughts of others and their feelings in regards to the King who they all worshiped to the point of near fanaticism, the King who now sat on the bed and safeguarded her. She had seen battles, countless battles unlike anything she had seen, before the comet had affected Earth and altered the future for all of them. Combat on the ground in a way that For'mya would never forget; images of bloody, broken and shattered bodies. She had seen how he had discovered who he was. How he had never known his father, his true nature, yet somehow he had gone through his life exactly how his father and grandfather had conducted themselves, and he did it without thought. She had seen how he had met all of his Queens and the deep abiding love he had for all of them, most especially the youngest Queen, Aricia.

I hope you are feeling better. His voice filled her thoughts and she turned her head to see him looking at her, his dark eyes still bright and very unreadable. You've been sleeping for nearly three days.

For'mya sat up slowly, pushing her body back against the head of the bed and wall, holding the sheet over her naked body and wondering why she didn't feel odd about that. Perhaps because he has already seen what you had to offer and found it not to his liking, she thought to herself. As she sat back she noticed the glittering coral red pendant he wore around his throat, tied with a simple leather and satin strap.

"How long have I been here?" She asked.

Martin reached up and tapped his head. Mindvoice please, I know you can, and I don't want anyone listening to what we speak of. I don't trust many and with very few exceptions none are on this ship, at least not yet. As I said ... you have been sleeping for three days.

For'mya looked at him strangely. I am ... I am not very good at Mindvoicing sire. Arzoal ... she only gave this skill to me recently.

Martin looked at her oddly. So we'll have to work on that, no problem. Who is Arzoal?

For'mya nodded. She was talking to me while I was a prisoner. I don't know how she found me or why. Or even what or who she is. She is very powerful however, to have found me like she did. It was Arzoal who helped to enhance my natural Mindvoice shields.

I will have to thank her when I see her. She gave you a very solid start it appears. May I touch you? Martin asked.

My ... my King... For'mya's eyes went wide.

Martin's smile held no humor in it, of that she was sure. I want to touch your head For'mya.

For'mya felt the heat of embarrassment rush through her and she lowered her eyes. Forgive me sire.

Martin set the data pad down and reached out with his two fingers of either hand to rub her temples briefly, closing his eyes as he did so. For'mya felt his Mindvoice touch within her thoughts, sensing and then seeing so many doors, but only one other was open at the moment. Everything else was an empty black void. The dull throb that had always been there with Arzoal began to fade away to nothing, until finally it was gone completely. He pulled his hands back after a moment, one hand picking up the pad again. That should help. He spoke.

For'mya looked at him quickly, amazed that the connection with him had become so much clearer and there was no strain on her thoughts. No dull throbbing in the back of her forehead. You did that.

He gave her that humorless smile again. Go figure ... I have a gift with this Mindvoice thing, so I'm told. The door I have opened is for us only. The only other door open right now, so to speak, is to Andreus my Captain. He is the only one I trust completely at this moment. He will not interrupt unless it is important.

Then why have you given this to me?

I trust you. He told her.

You don't ... you don't know me. For'mya said softly. Why would you trust me?

I know that you are to be my concubine. Martin spoke holding up his hand before she could retort to him. I also know it is not a position you want or desire. I am in the same position. You don't want to be my concubine, but are being pushed into it. I don't want a concubine, and I'm being pushed into it. We're in the same situation Commander.

Sire you...

My name is Martin, For'mya. I hate formalities more than anyone you will ever meet. I tolerate them because I have too. Considering that we now can communicate this way it seems silly to be formal. Don't you agree?

For'mya nodded slowly. I do.

So I can call you For'mya then? It means Scent of the Flower in Elven doesn't it?

For'mya looked at him surprised that he knew the meaning of her name in the elven language. Yes ... sire ... Martin. How did you know that? There are not many who know the elven language well enough to know the meaning of our names.

Martin looked at her and shrugged. I don't honestly know to tell you the truth. Your scent ... it is like a sweet Orchid. It seemed to fit.

For'mya felt a small surge of heat through her when he said that. Thank ... thank you sire.

You're very welcome. You've fought this station that your father and people have expected you to take whenever the King returned; the station of Bounded Concubine to the King. You were brought up for this position from a small child. Whether you like it or not For'mya ... it is in your blood for some reason. And you hate that, am I correct?

For'mya looked at him before nodding after a moment. Yes. It is not the position so much as the fact it ... it takes away my choice.

Martin nodded as well setting the data pad aside and pulling his other leg onto the bed, sitting lotus style facing her. As it does mine.

Sire you ... Martin... She spoke when she saw his head cant to the side. You are a man. It is not the same thing.

Isn't it? I don't want anyone else to share my bed For'mya. I never have and at this point in my life, I don't want to even think about that. What I do not like is people telling me I must have you because it is part of some honorable pact made by your people to mine. Martin told her.

You ... you don't find me attractive Martin? For'mya surprised herself when she blurted that question out, for she didn't know why she asked it. Fully half of the men, almost all of the Lycavorian men she knew, had tried at one point or another to bed her.

Martin shook his head. Quite the contrary, I think you are the most beautiful female elf I have ever seen next to Dysea, and I mean that. Given different circumstances, with their permission and yours, I would have taken you in a heartbeat. I've known quite a few female elves in the last year or so, none of which smell as good as you or Melda Min. She too smells like flowers, Wildflowers in full blood if you're wondering.

You have known other elf females sire? Besides your Queen? For'mya eyes were wide.

Not in that way no. The three women I left in charge on Earth are elves. I had a relationship with one in the very beginning, but our lives drew us in separate directions and now we are like brother and sister. Martin spoke. She's in trouble ... someone has tried to kill my Oracle ... and apparently a Blood Oath sworn against my grandfather, whatever the hell that is, from someone I don't know has taken... For'mya saw the flash of great pain across his face and behind his eyes. She held back the gasp of breath at the force of that pain she saw in those few seconds and then it was gone and his eyes became unreadable dark orbs again. Someone has taken the woman who holds a part of me that I will now never get back. Or ever give again. A part of me, Anja and Dysea will never have. And she did it by her own choice, for whatever the reason, which hurts most of all.

For'mya could not hold back the horror in her eyes no matter how hard she tried and she saw him nod slowly.

Now you see what is happening. Someone else has discovered I fathered a child with the bitch of a woman who held you prisoner for so long. A child I did not even know about until just before I left Earth. Well ... someone has been spreading that information out pretty liberally, and if it ever becomes public knowledge ... it could very well tear apart all that my grandfather built. Your father is among the ones who have threatened to release that information.

My ... my father does this? For'mya hissed her outrage.

Martin nodded. He is your father and he loves you. He used the only thing he had in his possession to make me come find you sooner than I had intended. I'm actually glad I did though; the thought of what would have happened to you is not something I want to imagine.

For'mya looked at him stunned, Arzoal's words coming back to her. {He will come for you child}You were always coming for me?

Martin nodded. I let Yuri go. I should have killed her, but had I done that you would now be dead. I let her go, and she had you, which I didn't find out until later. I've never left anyone behind before and I won't start now. I've had people looking for you from the time I discovered you were taken. I need an ally For'mya, someone I can trust to find out who is trying to destroy what my grandfather built. Anja is on Hadaria learning what her people want her to learn in regards to the gift she has within her. Dysea and Isabella are heading to earth to find the fucker that hurt Helen ... the Oracle. I need help.

Why me?

Because we both don't want what is being forced on us. I hate being manipulated by others, as I'm sure you do.

And when you find this person or persons? What will you do?

Are you sure you really want to know? Martin asked her.

For'mya saw the image of the two Immortals and the way they had died in her mind and she shook her head slowly. No I do not.

The humorless smile again. Good girl.

What do you want of me?

Accept the position of concubine to me. Martin said simply.

For'mya looked at him horrified. I thought ... what you just said.

It's the easiest way for me to eliminate a potential disaster For'mya. If you accept the position openly, it takes your father out of the equation, and right now he is the bigger threat politically. I'm not a politician For'mya; I can't play this game as well as others. And I don't want to learn to either. This is my simple solution to the problem and it will give Deia and the others time to find out who has betrayed us. If you accept the position willingly Deia might be able to get your father to tell us where he got the information from to begin with. Martin spoke.

But I will be tied to you Martin. In the eyes of my people I will be tied to you in every way. I will need to eat with you, stay with you ... I will...

You get the bed. I'll sleep on the couch For'mya. He answered before she formed the question. My quarters become yours. Yes I know all this. When this is all done I'll release you from whatever binding thing this will be. You are also the finest STRIKER AT pilot in the Union For'mya. Where we are going, I'll need your skills.

And what if I don't agree to this?

Martin shrugged. Your father is waiting for you on Apo Prime. You can fly a STRIKER back from our current location in two days. Once we cross the border again it might get iffy. I'm not going to force you if that is what you are asking; you've already been through too much because of me. He got to his feet. I'm going to change. I had your things brought up from Apo Prime. I'll meet you in the corridor outside the lounge in thirty minutes, and you can give me your answer.

Wait ... cross the border? Where are we going Martin?

Martin's smile was now full of evil. We are going to Ukwav. He replied.



Joric ran his fingers along the scars on his face from the splinters the couch leg had left. The blast from the Firespitter had engulfed not only the balcony but the curtains and bed as well. Their servants had put the fire out quickly enough, and now he sat on one of the couches rubbing the soreness of his face and jaw. Even after three days it still hurt.

The bitch had hurt him badly, beaten him in a way that had not occurred since his father had beat him as a child. The four inch long sliver of wood had ripped open his perfect face, and deeply enough where he would carry the scar for the rest of his life. He looked up as his father walked into the room.

"The Firespitter was the female's daughter, I'm sure of it." Chetak spoke as he walked up to his son and held out the glass of ale. "The damage from below says a very large Heavyhorn was with her, probably her mate. They must have smelled you all over the wench and thought they were grabbing you."

"They've never been this bold father." Joric spoke.

"They were most likely circling over the ocean and when the breeze carried your scent to them they went into attack mode." Chetak said. "The Heavyhorn went after the balcony as the Firespitter targeted you. When he hit the balcony his weight tossed Aricia into the air directly into the path of the flame." Chetak laughed at that. "She saved your life and hated your guts! How poetic is that?"

"So she's dead?" Joric asked rising to his feet.

"If the Firespitter didn't incinerate her in the blast, they most likely ate her remains. They rarely let free food go to waste, you know that." Chetak said with a smile. "A pity really. A female of that strength would have sired strong children Joric."

"My ... my aura didn't affect her father." He spoke. "I hit her fully unshielded and it didn't faze her in the least."

Chetak looked at him, "Truly?" Joric nodded. "It's just as well. She would have been trouble." He walked to where Aricia's Shi Viska was imbedded in the wall nearly halfway. "We could not have kept her locked in here all the time with the power inhibitors on. And with this weapon she could have taken out the lot of us easily. Have you told anyone to remove this?"

Same as Wolves and Dragons of the Blood - Book 2: A Spartan's War
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 19

EARTH It has to be someplace high Isheeni. Aricia spoke as she leaned back against Isheeni's thick foreleg. A cave of some sort like your mother had on Enurrua. It was an amazing sight really, an azure blue scaled dragon and a gamboge yellow scaled dragon resting comfortably on the tarmac of the airfield. Their hind legs were drawn up under their powerful bodies, ready to spring into the air if needed. And sitting casually next to them were a male and female Lycavorian, dwarfed in size by...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 26

EARTH EDEN CITY Aricia stood next to Thr'won and Selene as they watched Talco pace the secure room restlessly like a caged animal, which fit with his feline nature and that of his species. Admiral Joarl stood just behind them, his dark eyes watching Talco's every move through the reinforced one way glass. "He has recovered far quicker than we had anticipated and the drugs had no real lasting effects on him. Unfortunately." Selene spoke with a cruel grin as she looked at Aricia, her...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 24

ELEAR Vonis moved deftly through the crowds in the market, carrying the small bag he had retrieved from Va'nimia's home. He had stuffed several different sets of clothes in the bag, as well as more of the items she had in her bathing room. He had spent more time in her home on this trip, noticing how neat and meticulous she was. There was nothing out of place, all of her items in a certain spot. His intelligence teachers had told him you could learn a lot about an individual just by seeing...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 3

SPARTA "Handmaiden?" Anja snapped. "I don't need a babysitter! I've gotten along quite well these last few years without a nursemaid. I'm not going to stop now! You didn't say anything about this at breakfast two days Tezu!" Tezu nodded his head slowly. "Given what was happening, it didn't seem appropriate." "I'm sorry ... what was happening? We were having breakfast!" Anja spoke as she leaned forward on the couch. "Everyone has breakfast!" This morning had not begun well...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 7

ENURRUA DAY EIGHT She ached badly. Her whole body ached like it had never ached before; like she had fallen down the side of a very tall mountain, rolling the entire way, gaining bruises and bumps as she went. The insides of her thighs felt raw and battered the most, and her sensitive ass stung badly. What was wrong with her? She reached out with her mind in search of the warmth and the staggering aura of the one she so loved. He could always sooth her just by embracing her with his...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 9

JUMP GATE THREE FIVE LEONIDAS II-CLASS STRIKE CRUISER MJOLNIR'S HAND The cavernous landing bay of the United Lycavorian Union's Flagship was a beehive of chaotic activity that many would think to be quite insane. Very neat rows of T9E TEMPTEST Fighter Interceptors and the M4B DEVASTATOR Fighter/Bombers lined the bay as the dozens of ground crewmembers went about their duties with barely a pause. They were the crème de le crème of the Lycavorian Union Fleet; they knew it and it showed in...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 11

HADARIA DAY TWENTY-SEVEN Seanna sat to one side of the room in the palace and watched as Anja practiced calling for the healing pulses within her. She was practicing on the broken pieces of fruit and repairing the cellular damage made by knives and dropping the separate fruits onto the floor. She had a habit of lifting the pieces of fruit off the floor with her Mindvoice talents, frustrating her instructors who were telling her to focus on the healing pulses and try not to use both gifts...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 15

DAY THIRTY-SEVEN APO PRIME OFFICE OF PRIME MINISTER DEIA Deia insured the door was locked behind her and then turned to look at the men who had just entered her office. They had come in through a little used entrance of the main government building, further deserted by the hour of the evening. She had just spent the last five hours with Gorgo and Dasha in the sub-basement of the University sifting through mountains of scrolls and data pads and even some hand written documents dating...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 6

GALLAIS'S LODGE Tesand lowered the portable sensor device and turned to Aikiro and Yuri who stood by the doors onto the balcony looking through the glass out onto the city of Sparta. "Well, unless they have developed something our instruments can't detect, which based on what we've seen so far is entirely possible, the rooms are clean of anything we can pick up." Aikiro nodded slowly. "They were able to intercept our communications somehow. And we did not detect their shrouded ships...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 32

EARTH SPARTA Gorgo remembered nothing from her ride on Torma as they spirited her away from that prison on Lycavore. This ride however she would remember for the rest of her life. The moment they had climbed into the sky, Martin had slipped his hand under hers as she held a death grip on the two, eight inch long spikes protruding from his shoulders. Her eyes were tightly shut, and for the first few seconds she could feel the air whipping against her skin. The moment her son slid his hand...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 30

EARTH FOUR KILOMETERS WEST OF WICHITA The convoy of three large Heavy Lifters and half a dozen armored Lifters moved slowly along the transit path. This early in the morning and in this part of the country, other Lifter traffic was almost non-existent. Even though the reconstruction of Earth was proceeding better than anyone had expected, they had yet to reach out into the Wastes yet, mainly concentrating on rebuilding the many cities that had sprouted up, as well as building the defensive...

3 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 13

SPARTA DAY THIRTY-FIVE Admiral Jamerl sat with Dilios and Panos in the Senate library, the stacks of data pads and scrolls piled high on the table around them. They had been here for thirty six hours now, going through the mounds of information pertaining to disappearances of individuals from Sparta over the years. Several pitchers of water, tea and coffee dotted the table as well as half empty mugs and empty plates of food. Jamerl leaned back in his chair and rubbed his tanned face with...

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