Devlin's StoryChapter 61 free porn video

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When Danny slid his cock into her, Devlin hooked her heels on his butt and tried to pull him deeper. She grunted slightly as she opened for him; it had been nearly three weeks, and she had to get used to his girth all over again. He withdrew, and thrust again, harder and deeper. In seconds they were moving together, making the bed creak slightly. Danny shifted his weight, slipping his arms under her shoulders. She pulled him down for a brief kiss before concentrating on the wonderful feelings spreading through her.

She'd been burning up when she'd boarded the plane in Phoenix that morning. She'd squirmed all through the drive downtown, fanning herself at the thought of what was going to happen. Her panties, when she'd pulled them off halfway across the room, had landed on the floor with a splat instead of the usual soft whisper of sound. Her nipples had been so tight she'd thought they were going to poke a hole in her shirt, and she'd been grateful it was cool enough that the sweater she'd worn had hidden them. Goodness knew what her jeans were like; she should have followed her first instinct and worn a skirt.

Now she was caught up in the frantic pistoning of Danny's cock, the spreading heat in her middle, and the need, the frantic need to impale herself on his hardness. And Danny was matching her stroke for stroke, his face the image of concentrated lust.

She closed her eyes, biting her lip to keep from crying out. Each thrust seemed to touch some fiery little nerve deep inside her. Each touch sent a jolt through her, a wave of heat that was growing beneath her tummy. She clenched him, trying to drag him deeper, trying to find that one angle that would let her draw him all of the way inside her.

The thoughts of the last few minutes, the heated kisses they exchanged, the feelings of his body engulfed in hers, the rising tide of heat, it all came together as he shifted yet again, drawing his legs up to get a different angle. Everything concentrated on that one point so deliciously filled, and she squeezed through a wave of heat and pleasure that left her momentarily breathless.

Danny didn't stop moving, though, and it roused her from her momentary torpor. She shifted, heaving up at him in perfect time with his down strokes. He began to lift, to arch his back, trying to drive himself deeper. It seemed to open her up, touching places that had remained untouched. Every nerve was on fire as they were scraped raw. She felt him shift to shorter, harder strokes. She felt his arms tense, holding her in place as he fought the approaching moment.

She was there with him, riding the feeling as long as she could, fighting to hold it back, trembling on the brink until one last push, one last touch, and the feeling of his whole body shaking as he lost control... She felt a feather-soft touch deep inside her from his first offering, and spun away in a wild wave of pure pleasure, wave after wave sweeping her away in a wild tumult.

When she finally drifted back to earth Danny was just regaining his breath, finally smiling at her from just a few inches away.

"Welcome back," he forced out.

"Glad to be back," she said, and chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

"This just reminded me of a guy I was with at Emma's. We saw each other from across the room, and we knew. It took us about 30 seconds to make a connection, and in no time at all we'd ripped our things off and were going at it on the nearest mattress. He must not have gotten any for a while, because when he came he came in gobs. It was all over the place, on my butt, on my legs, and all over the mattress.

"Anyway, after we were finished, and were lying there trying to catch our breath, he holds out his hand and introduces himself, just like we'd met at a party."

"And he was still... ?"

"His dick was still in me, and it hadn't really softened very much. I gave him my name, and after we'd ripped off another piece he took me to meet his wife."

Danny burst out laughing. "Did you even get a chance to clean up?"

Devlin shook her head. "I had his stuff running down my legs, my hair was an absolute mess because somebody on the next mattress lost control and sprayed his come all over me, my skin was flushed and my nipples were sticking out a mile. In other words I looked absolutely the worst I could for meeting another woman."

"It happens at parties like that."

"Which is what I told myself. She gave me the once over, and then looked at her husband. He wasn't in much better shape. His dick was red and slick, and I'd left a few bite marks on his shoulders and scratches on his back. She took that in, and said 'I thought you liked blondes.'"

"'I also like big tits, '" he said, and she started laughing. I should add that her boobs were about as big as mine, and I found out later they were as natural as mine. Roxie and I later became pretty good friends, and I sold her and her daughter all of their bras."

"So it had a happy ending."

"More or less. Vince and I still get together from time to time, and each time it's frantic and fast. I don't know why we can't do it slowly. It's like we've been starved for ages, and we're trying to make up for it in just a couple of minutes."

"Even at the end of an evening?"

She nodded. "That's what's so funny about it. One time we compared notes. I was his fourth partner of the night, and he was my fifth. You'd think we'd both be pretty tired, especially him. But no, we ran into each other in the hall, and barely made it as far as the living room."

"There's probably some deep connection between the two of you that you'll never figure out."

"Let's hope we never meet in public. That could get embarrassing."

"Yeah, somebody'd have to throw water on you, or use the jaws of life to pry you two apart."

"Or something," she laughed. "It'd be better if we just found some bushes to hide behind. We wouldn't be there long. We never take our time."

"That reminds me: are you happy you stayed in Phoenix instead of going to Florida?"


He raised an eyebrow in a polite question.

"I needed this," Devlin said. She clenched his softening cock with her tummy muscles.

"You still haven't slept with him?"

"No, but we got awfully close."

"How close is close?"

"A lot of groping." She shifted slightly. "You must have wanted this pretty bad, too. You're still in there, and haven't shrunk very much."

"Yeah, well some things are so nice you don't want them to end."

She squeezed him again, this time very gently. "Yeah, I'd agree with that."

"Anyway, you were saying?" He slipped his hand up and cupped her breast, nipping at her taut nipple with his lips.

"Keep doing that and I might forget what I was saying."

"And how would this be bad?"

"Oh... you!" She laughed, and as she did so she felt his cock slip out and slide wetly across her thigh.

"So... how far did you and Evan get?" He rolled off of her, cradling her against his shoulder, his arm beneath her head.

She sighed. "We got a lot of groping in. If I were to step back and look at things—"

"Something women are very good at even when caught up in a passionate moment."

"Well... yeah. I think we can't help that, it's just the way we are. But Evan and I made progress. He knows what my breasts feel like."

"All guys know what a woman's breasts feel like from hugging them. They're warm and soft."

"I let his hand get inside my bra. We're talking bare flesh to bare flesh."

"Like this?" He squeezed her breast again, trying to mold it to the shape of his hands.

"You'd have to put a sweater and a bra on over your hands to get the real feeling," she said. "He couldn't quite hold the whole thing..."

"They're big enough a guy'd need both hands to do that. Anyway, how long did it take the two of you to get that far?"

"Most of the time I was there."

"How was his cock? Or did you touch it?"

"No, but my hip and tummy got real used to it. It tented his pants out something fierce. It was a pretty good sized lump, too. I don't think I'll be disappointed on my wedding night."

"So you really are going to wait that long." He tongued her nipples again, drawing them up into aching, dark red points, and then kissing his way into the valley between her breasts.

"We'll probably have to get a room with a fire extinguisher built into the ceiling," she said. She stroked his hair, encouraging him to continue. "Otherwise all they'll find are two burned out husks locked in a passionate embrace."

"And you were so worked up you couldn't wait when you got back."

"I don't hear you complaining."

"Of course not, though I was a little surprised to get your message. Still, it's hard to ignore 30 seconds of heavy breathing, and a familiar voice that said 'the usual place and time.' What would you have done if I hadn't been in town?"

"Gone back to my room and worn out my vibrator. I almost did that in Arizona. It was the only thing that kept me sane. As it is, I had to get new batteries for it. Twice."

"I was sure you'd go to Florida for the last few days of Spring Break. And I was all set to tell you that if you did, you'd be making the biggest mistake of your life."

"Yeah, I figured that out on my own. Krissi was pretty annoyed when I told her."

"She'll get over it." He pushed her on to her back and began kissing his way down her tummy. "So what else did you do in Arizona besides teasing him unbearably?"

"I saw a lot of baseball games, that's for starters, we saw a lot of movies, and we attended a few barbecues. Those were always with the team and the team wives."

"It seems odd, that they're giving the guys a day off," Devlin said. She was standing next to Rose, one of the team wives. Rose's husband was a reliever, so she felt a connection with the woman.

"They only get two," Rose said. She was a tall, statuesque brunette. Tonight she was wearing designer jeans, sandals, and a tee-shirt she'd bought during a shopping expedition. She had a silver and turquoise bracelet on each wrist, and matching earrings. "You'll get so you welcome those days off, if they occur when the team is home. Sometimes they don't."

"I looked at the schedule," Devlin said. "They have games for the first eight days, get a day off, and then play six more on the road."

"That day off is a travel day. East Coast teams will actually spend off days at home. West Coast teams use them to travel."

Devlin sipped her punch. Evan was talking with Bo and a really young infielder who looked very nervous. "I also checked the River Rats' schedule," she said. "Their season doesn't start for a few more days, but it's just as full."

"Good move," Rose said. "I don't know if Evan will make the big club or not, at least this year. I'd say he's 50-50 right now."

"That's what he told me this afternoon," Devlin said. "I was hoping he'd make it, but..."

"It'd be as a long reliever," Rose said, "and the team already has someone for long relief. He might work as a set-up man, but he has too many pitches. A good reliever doesn't need the full range of pitches."

"That's what I've been learning."

Rose looked around and lowered her voice. "Then it's time to learn a few more things about life in the Majors. The guys are gone for half the year, at least, but even when they're at home they don't concentrate on 'home' things. They get home late after an extra-innings night game because the press wanted to talk to them, they leave the house early because they have a day game or they want to get in some extra hitting, and so on. God forbid if he gets injured, but if he does, that's almost the only time you'll have him around for any period of time. If he doesn't do well he'll be in a funk, and the same thing if they lose, or if something happened in the clubhouse or during the game. The list is endless."

"You almost make it sound like it's not worth it."

"Hardly," Rose said. "It's not a normal life, not until he retires. And if you have any kids, he won't be there when you really need him, you can almost count on that. Fortunately we all stick together." She sighed. "At times it seems like we're all we have.

"Major League Baseball has classes for the players, getting them used to living in the Majors. They really should have one for the wives. Instead we have to do it ourselves, just like we have to do so many things."

Devlin digested this. "I suppose I can get used to that."

"Have you two set a date?"

"He hasn't asked me... yet, though I've been hinting pretty strongly."

Rose chuckled. "Yeah, Brad mentioned something about that. We still laugh about what we went through. He finally got the idea when I stopped in front of a jewelry store and started pointing out engagement rings."

"I hope it doesn't come to that."

"Just remember that for the next six or seven months he's going to be obsessed with this game." She glanced across the patio. "I think Miz Perkins wants to see us. Don't be put off by her airs, she's from New York, and she's still stuck on how the Yankees want her husband."

"Do you think there's a chance her husband will get traded?" Devlin asked as she followed Rose around the grill.

"I think there's every chance. The A's are a small budget team, and they'll want to unload his contract. Now... time to be on your best behavior."

"She needs to work on her color palette," Devlin murmured softly. "And she needs a better bra."


"You shouldn't be able to see the top of her cups." She glanced at Rose. "Trust me on this. I sell lingerie."

"Ah, then you would know." Rose canted her head slightly, a small smile on her face. "I do believe you're right. And look at that skirt—VPL alert; Visible Panty Line."

"Granny panties, too, based on what I can see."

Rose hid a smirk with her hand. "I would say you're right."

"She needs a good bra fitter," Devlin said. "That thing's not providing any support."

"I bet she doesn't realize that." She paused, struck by a thought. "Is it true what they say: 60% of women are wearing the wrong sized bra?"

"More than that, actually, but close."

"But you aren't."

"When you're this big you see a bra fitter regularly."

"And you're one."

Devlin nodded.

"Am I... ?"

"I can't tell with your sweater on," Devlin said. "And this isn't the place to check."


"We can work something out. Tomorrow?"

"Sure," Rose said after a moment's thought. "My boobs have really headed south since the kids. I'm trying to firm things up, but..."

"All the more reason we should get together. Now about Miz Perkins and her fashion disaster... I wouldn't mention it to her."

"Perish the thought. Let her pay hundreds of dollars in New York to learn what she's doing wrong."

Danny kissed her bikini line, and then turned around so his cock was handy for sucking. Devlin immediately grabbed it and licked it clean. She was used to the taste of their combined fluids, but she still paused to savor them. The first time she'd done it she'd been startled at the taste. It'd taken her a while to realize that it was her own wetness she'd tasted.

That was years before, though. Now she was used to it, and the flat, slightly salty taste of Danny's juices. She finished with his cock and started gently sucking his balls. She liked how they moved in their little sack. She and Sue had once joked that Danny should have three balls, not two, even though he didn't produce that much semen in any one shot.

He was busy between her legs, burrowing into her wet heat, and making enjoyable noises while he did so. His tongue was touching her in all of the right places, and she wanted to squirm down and impale herself on his agile little digit. He concentrated around her clit, though, sending jolts of pleasure through her.

He slipped a couple of fingers into her, pulling up on the sensitive nerves of her channel while bearing down with his tongue. It felt like he was squeezing everything there, and in a rush of feeling she came, shuddering soundlessly through the waves of pleasure.

When she finally regained her senses she resumed licking his cock. He was stiffening nicely, and she imagined how it would feel if it was in its proper place. Evidently he thought the same thing, or perhaps he just knew them both too well. He pulled away from her, pushed her onto her back, lifted her legs, and guided himself into her molten interior.

Then he didn't thrust.

"You're going to drive me crazy," she murmured. She tried moving, but she couldn't get the traction. She could squeeze his hardness, though. That felt good, but she was a little out of practice and couldn't keep it up for very long.

"What else did you do?" Danny asked, rearranging himself over her to take more of his weight on his elbows. He moved slowly and gently, just enough to keep her aware of him—as if she wouldn't notice!

She wrapped her legs around his, squeezing with them so she could shove herself up on his length. "Well, we didn't do any of this."

"I already know that."

"I wanted to, but..."

"Not until after you're married. It's a good thing you're planning on getting married in the off-season. You'd wear him out, otherwise."

"I saw a picture of my great-grandparents after their wedding," Devlin said. "She was standing, and he was sitting. I decided he was too tired to stand, and she was too sore to sit. That's my goal."

"You'll probably achieve it, too. But what else happened?"

"We went to several movies, we took part in a charity softball game, and—"

"What? Softball?"

"For the Boys and Girls Clubs. It was a lot of fun, too. I was the pitcher, and he played in the outfield."

"I can see you pitching, I can't see you hitting or running."

Devlin squeezed her breasts so they stood up. "Because of these?"

Danny nodded.

"You're right. I tried to buy a sports bra, but the only one I found didn't really do the job. These things have just a bit too much mass. I ended up wearing as small a minimizer bra as I could squeeze into. Even so, I had to run with my arm under them so I wouldn't beat myself to death. And hitting..." She shook her head. "I could do much better if these things weren't in the way. Guys have it so lucky."


She ran her fingers over his chest, tweaking his nipples. "Not that men don't have nice chests, you just don't have anything that gets in the way.

"Anyway, we did the Charity Game, and, and afterwards there was a dance. I changed first, and I was so glad to get out of that bra. The dancing was fun, because the night we met we did a lot of dancing."

She slipped into Evan's arms as the music started. This was a slow dance, and it brought back memories of other slow dances. There'd been Jeff, and everything that had followed from that. There'd been the slow dances at Emma's—those were usually followed by a trip to the nearest vacant mattress—and the one or two times she'd danced with a guy at the dances organized by the dorm.

There was something about dancing with Evan, though, that was different. Their bodies seemed to automatically flow together as if they'd been dancing together for years. He didn't seem as awkward as a lot of the guys had, especially Jeff. Of course Jeff had had a log sticking down his leg, as she'd learned later that evening. Despite everything else that had happened, she'd cherish that night of discovery and hot sex.

The longer they danced the more she pressed into him. She wasn't going to sleep with him, but that didn't mean she couldn't tease him a little with the way her body felt. And she could feel his reaction: there was a lump at the base of his tummy, a large lump.

She rested her head on Evan's shoulder, inhaling the mingled scent of dirt, grass and sweat. She'd danced with a basketball player and a football player. This had been at a dance organized by the dorm. The basketball player had smelled of sweat. The football player had reeked of Old Spice cologne. It was like he'd bathed in it. He'd had nice muscles, but she'd liked the ones she'd discovered on a wrestler. Those were muscles a girl could appreciate, not to big, but nice and firm.

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His cold hard eyes study the nubile girl laid prone across his thighs and he feels an intense jolt of arousal at having her like this, over his knee, her dignity stripped away. "If only he knew the truth..." she worried secretly to herself. "Not so cock-sure now are you, young lady?" he mocks, eyeing her pert round buttocks, still stained with the outline of his hand print. His fingertips are wet, a slick coating of her pussy's creaminess smothering them. Deliberately he rubs his...

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Life in the NeighborhoodChapter 7 Back to Normal

After we got back home from school I found a letter in the mail box with an English stamp and return address. I opened it and there was a check and letter inside. The letter read: Euro Railway System Sussex Station London, England Mr. Thomas, We at Euro Railway were sorry to hear about your inconvenience on our Paris to Barcelona train. We strive continuously to maintain the utmost in passenger satisfaction and safety. The incident which occurred on your trip was most regrettable and we...

1 year ago
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Transformation in Reno Part 3

Transformation in Reno, Part 3 - By: DeeWet John and Nina led me out of the main bar area. I could still taste the cum from the waiter and my diaper smelled. As we left the bar area I didn't look up because I didn't want to know who had just watched me as I had knelt and sucked another cock. What a strange thing. Before this vacation, I never thought about being gay and now I'm a cocksucker. Even stranger and surprising was that I liked the felling of a cock filling my mouth and...

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A Virgin Divorcee 8211 Part l

Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is Akash, yet-to-be-married, 24, Mysore. Wish could only be to share an experience of mine with you all. The story would be a detailed flashback, so i prefer writing the story in episodes, depending on the comments and responses. December, 2012, my 1st day at work. A bright winter morning it was. An unusual breeze rippling the leaves on the walk way, invited me to work. The day involved more of formal introduction of mine and the fellow colleagues. Nothing...

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Ben Nancy Ch 11

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy ‘Mom, there’s something I need to talk to you about,’ Dawn said when she and her mother were eating dinner the evening after Trish announced her intention to seduce Mr. Morris. ‘What’s that, Honey?’ Nancy asked. ‘It’s…it’s about Trish,’ her daughter said. ‘She…I think she’s gonna do something really stupid.’ ‘What is she planning to do?’ Nancy asked. ‘Well…I’m not sure I should be telling you this, because maybe it’s really nothing,’ Dawn said....

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Minister his wife are encourgaed by Jonnie t

Well to be accurate it was wife that was encouraged and Jonnie gave her the task of pursuading her husband the minister. She knew the consequence of failing would be too bad to face - so she had better succeed.The night after Jonnie had made the suggestion when they were in bed. She said "you know it is too bad that not everyone of your flock enjoy the gift of sex. Don't you think we should do something to help them?" "Oh I don't know about that. We are not qualified." "Not qualified? Do we not...

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Halloween Party Reunion

It was a dark and stormy night. Not really, I just wanted to start a story saying that. I'm Joe Friday, no relation to Jack Webb on the old series 'Dragnet', although I am a detective. I arrived home one evening and my wife Megan told me we received an invitation to my college reunion. They were going to make it a Halloween theme with everyone in costume. I wasn't exactly happy to hear this. Megan had met very few of my college friends. It wasn't a part of my life I wanted to share with...

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Sylvia and Alicia are the feast at a party

We were calling ourselves Brenda and Janet, though I was Sylvia and she was really Alicia. She and I were hugging and kissing on the pink bed. I had most of my clothes off, and Janet still had most of hers on. The guys at the party were standing around the bed , just looking at us. "Hi, I'm Brenda and this is Janet. Al got us to cut school today to come down here and make this party with you. I'm f******n and Janet is too. We are young, but trust me, both of us have been fucking for a while....

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The Love of Two Sisters

You stand there, excited as hell as you watch two girls making out in front of you. You can see their hands groping each other’s breasts and hear their moans of pleasure. You want to join in on the action, but at the same time you want to watch, fascinated as these girls continue with their foreplay. One of them glances your way and smirks at you. She does not say a word to you, but instead walks over to you. The other girl follows her lead. You get even more turned on. You can not believe that...

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Headmasters Punishment Part 1

There is a hesitant tap on the headmasters door."Come in" Mr Garvey repliesAndrea walked in, her head is slightly bowed a worried expression on her face as she steps forward to hand the headmaster a note. He takes it and quickly read the contents while she stands nervously beside the door. Andrea looks down at her black shoes before bringing her gaze upwards to her white knee length socks, bottle green skirt and pale green blouse. He sighs and look up at her "Let me have it then" he asks...

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ThesisChapter 7 Admissions Procedure

Course 8 / Day 1 Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Josephine: Fifty was somewhat surprised by her session with Celia after her admission, but took her initial challenge without protest. There is every sign is that she will quickly adapt to the Inward Bound regime. Jenny's Recollections We are taken into a rather well-appointed dining room. Our group of five is shown towards a separate table just for us. There are place cards at each seat with our names on. Mine has the...

4 years ago
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Betrayed Chapter Five

Betrayed Ch. 05 By Cherysse St. Claire (c) Chapter Five: All You Can Eat We slept until eleven Sunday Morning, made leisurely love, then showered. It was decided this would be a casual day for Dianna and Lisa; jeans, T-shirts, and athletic shoes. With Dianna's help, I still looked good enough to eat - at least, she thought so. Dianna looked... damn, no woman had a right to look so sexy in such a sexless outfit. She filled everything out to perfection, tying off the T-shirt...

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My Neigbours Kitchen Zink Getting Warmed Up

This Saturday morning I was in an exceptionally good mood. My leggy neighbour had hinted that she wanted me to take a look at her kitchen sink. Apparently the down pipe was somewhat blocked and the taps (faucet for the Yanks) were leaking. This she disclosed on the Thursday afternoon as we supported our kids playing an inter-school cricket game (our sons are the same age) The woman was starting to enjoy our neighbourly encounters (you’ll remember the first was a somewhat forced affair when her...

3 years ago
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Marathi Hot And Sexy Kattha

Hi iss i am very big fan of iss and write 4 story of my friend who is CA and he don’t know how to narrate and submite here that why i put ..let me know u like or not. For non maharastirian people i traslet in English also……/… He drive was pleasant. I started from Pune at 1 pm and in June weather the sky was cloudy. Monsoon breeze was drifting slowly from southwest, as it was beginning of a rainy season, making the summer seem cooler. Fresh green grass was coming up. I was heading towards...

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Controlling SisterChapter 2

After my sister Marie was found to be pregnant she came to my room one day. She and I were no longer hostile to each other, unlike the last few years, probably because she knew she needed all the support she could get. "JP, Mom said something weird when she found out I got knocked up," she said. "Yeah?" I replied. I was a real conversationalist in my teens, it seemed. She continued, "She said, 'Pregnant at 16, not again!' I figured she was referring to getting pregnant herself,...

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The Virgin Bride I

This is Huma with a new series of actions which, I hope you will like and enjoy as you have enjoyed many of my stories. This story revolves around a virgin bride and her fate. We human beings have our lives cut out and pre destined over which either the happenings of fate or the force of our own circumstances and weaknesses of our condition make us to do things which we have never even dreamt. Jai Raj Chopra aged 50 years, had built his business empire in a long time. His business was dealing...

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06 HomeChapter 31

Present – Byron – At Houston Intercontinental airport I look at Thom and question, "You know what this means?" He responds, "Hell yes! I need to call Jennifer." He takes out a throw-away phone and dials Jennifer... Present – Jens – At the cabin I destroyed the TV after thinking Ben knocked up Stacy and feel like hell. I look at everyone, swallow my pride and apologize, "Gee guys I'm sorry for overreacting." I expect to be blasted but Masha simply comments, "Jennifer your...

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How to Cope up with Womens Orgasm Time Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Do you often orgasm before your women? You probably have, most of the time. There could be two reasons for that. Either you are suffering from premature ejaculation or your woman is the kind who takes longer to orgasm. We will discuss about how to cope up with Women’s orgasm time but first thing first, let’s talk about premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation in men This is an extremely common problem in men, ejaculating sooner than the liking of him or his partner. One out of...

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Dressed and ready for school, fourteen-year-old Jody entered the sunny kitchen one Tuesday morning to find her mother Gail seated at the table, a concerned expression on her face. "Honey ... we need to talk," Gail said softly. Jody froze as she glanced down at the table, confronted by the well-worn erotic piercing magazines she had filched from her mother's adult book and sex toy store, which Gail operated downstairs from their apartment. Jody was frozen to the spot as she felt the blood...

4 years ago
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Amity 1 StormChapter 22 Meeting

It didn’t surprise me to find a mouth on my cock when I woke. Kim was happily licking me and sliding his mouth down my cock. My groan and tightening hips made him aware I was awake. He sucked me harder making my hips flex in time with him. Once he was happy that I was suitably prepared, he popped off my cock. “Fuck Lindell, so I can fuck you,” he asked. My wife removed her tit from my mouth where it had found itself and grinned at me. She moved on to all fours and wiggled her arse at me. I...

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Teenage BoysA Sleepover Surprise

We were all around 18 at the time. 5 guys crashing in the basement of a parents home one summer evening. After watching some Cable TV movies, and eating pizza....most of the guys had passed out....except for 2. Me and His name was John. He was an handsome boy and one all the girls giggled for during school. Both He and I were always getting the girls to giggle for us at school and we loved the attention. John lived around the block and just like me was as straight as it comes (no pun intended)....

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I could only choose one


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New Innocents Face

Die „New Innocent Face Nervenheilanstalt für straffällig Jugendliche“ gilt als der sicherste Ort der Gegend. Sogar darüber hinaus. Es heißt es sein noch schwieriger einzubrechen als auszubrechen. Kein Kamerateam konnte je Innenaufnahmen dieses alten Gebäudekomplexes machen. Kaum ein Mittarbeiter gab Interviews und die wenigen, die sie gaben, waren verwirrend und nichtssagenden. Und so war des einzige was es je nach draußen schaffte Gerüchte. Manche Zeitung schrieb, es handle sich um in Wahrheit...

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I Will Fuck You Part 2

"SO WHERE YOU WANNA PUT IT FIRST?"If it was at all possible, his dick got harder after my little pep talk and so I let gravity decide, where his dick would go as I slowly sat down. His cock brushed my ass hole and so I merely moved my hips and let the head find the centre.I started sucking his earlobe and his neck as I let his wet cock find my ass hole, his moaning started to get louder in anticipation.I slowly let the head go in."Ahhhhhh...You’re tight"I let a little more go in..."OOOOO my...

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WednesdaysChapter 28 Wednesday Toni

Summer was well begun, and on that Wednesday morning, I went off to the office, swinging along the shaded walks of western Pearl Street, past other buildings of condos like my own. I was wearing a new dress I'd just finished. It was a little shorter than usual, showed my legs, but tastefully I think. I was loving the feel of my breasts moving under the front, and now and then I'd look down to watch them sway. I thought about how I'm brown all over, though not many people know it. I was...

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My sexy 75 yo neighbour

I have always had this fantasy of having sex with a much older woman. I own a multi unit property near Georgian Bay by Wasaga Beach and the owner of the adjoining rental property is an older mature British widowed lady with a sexy Brit accent. She just lives two blocks away from her building. She is tall with nice big breasts and is an artist, she paints and her business is architectural designing. When I need to made changes or upgrades to my building I always call on her to discuss my plans...

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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 4 Daversquos Plight

mc, mf. voy. Dave worked his way back to the South Entrance by running around the mall’s exterior. It could hardly be described as the fastest route, but it did allow him to avoid a possible encounter with the mall cop hunting him. As the running teen neared his destination he could just make out the blurry silhouette of the Man in the Hoody standing near the mall’s south entrance. Dave charged right up to the man and excitedly blurted out in between labored gasps, “Excuse me? Can...

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Impregnated By Black Cock

I am a normal, everyday housewife, with a husband who loves me and a beautiful daughter. My name is Megan, and I still look very good at 32 years old, being 5'5" tall and weighing 125 pounds, with shoulder-length, natural blond hair and sparkling green eyes. My husband Ed is 35 years old and works as an editor for a book publishing house in New York City, and he always tells me how pretty and sexy I am. I am trim and fit from frequent workouts at the gym, and I have full and firm DD-cup breasts...

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How I learned I was bisexual

I had a gay friend I would hang out with sometimes. One night we were out drinking and after hitting a straight bar and a gay bar, neither of us got lucky. When we got back to my place, we had a few beers and decided to put on some porn. We compromised with Trans porn. After a couple of minutes, we both pulled our cocks out and were stroking them. He started pulling his clothes off. I asked what he was doing and he said that he didn’t want to shoot his cum on his shirt so it just made sense....

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Repetition Webster’s New World Dictionary defines ‘repetition’ as doing something again and again. My thesaurus adds duplication, redundancy, and repeating to the list. All I know is that my mother makes me do it over and over and over until I get it right. It doesn’t matter if it’s brushing my teeth, washing the car, or even butt fucking my sister. Yes! Butt fucking my sister! Well mom caught us doing it for the very first time and I though that she would kill us both. Not my...

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The Good YearsChapter 17

Our house in Lawrence was large, set back from the road with a driveway lined on both sides by trees. It was right off Iowa Street, near Centennial Park. Tucked away like it was, we'd have plenty of privacy. Mama had purchased the house from the estate of a railroad magnate who had valued his privacy. Situated in an area where houses were not large, or grandiose, this one was both, having nine bathrooms and seven large bedrooms. The master bedroom suite was almost fifteen hundred square...

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Happy Thanksgiving Uncle shh dont tell ur mom

all the family went to sleep over on night my uncles house for thanks giving(he has a huge house hes a cop) and all the girls slept in one room and all the guys on another. my uncle is he kind of guy that dosnt like sleeping with other ppl other than his wife so he slep in a separet room then it was late at night and i was soo horny at th time but couldnt masture bate cuz lots of pplm were around so i went to the room where my uncle was sleeping and lied next to him giving him my back the...

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TemptationChapter 4

It took the girls almost no time to get home. Surprisingly, no one else was there, and the girls took advantage of the situation. Maddie barely got her door closed and locked, before Yumi was undressing her. The blonde girl was also surprised when she was pushed down onto her bed, by a minimal amount of force. "You okay?" Maddie asked, and Yumi just nodded. "I just want to pay you back for the other night." Yumi said, in a slightly sultry voice. Maddie just blushed. She wasn't aware that...

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Time In Her Hands

This story is intended for the entertainment of adults only. Copyright (C) 1998 by Maryann. All rights reserved. Permission Is hereby granted for non-commercial use of this complete and unaltered text. Electronic storage of unaltered copies for personal use is also permitted. Any other use of this text is a violation of copyright. No hardcopies may be made without written permission from the author. TIME IN HER HANDS. By: Maryann It was one of...

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Uncle Gaston And NieceChapter 23

Annette's keen mind, once given the opportunity to function, surprised both Shannon and Madeleine. It was her plan of advising her father, Gaston Larreau, where and how to deliver the money that was the most acceptable, the less dangerous, and certainly quite ingenious. Shannon liked it from the beginning, for it was in the actual "pickup" of the ransom that he'd had qualms all along. This particular phase of the operation had always proven to be the most hazardous, according to...

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Oscar was the best man. Take that any way you want. He stood up there with the bride and groom, the bridesmaids, and the groomsman. He was the only one I had eyes for. He was dressed the same way as the other guys, black tails and white shirts. Their bow ties were different bright colours. Oscar's was red. The womenfolk looked stunning in black skirts with white blouses, some sort of ties hanging from their necks, the colours matching those of the guys. The bride, lest I forget to mention...

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