The DilemmaChapter 3 Bonnie Chancelor
- 2 years ago
- 23
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Skinny arms drew back the bowstring with strength that belied their weak appearance. The golden bow and red-fletched arrow didn't waver a millimeter as Clarence took careful aim. He was here, and she was here — now was Clarence's moment.
The bowstring twanged — the missile flying straight and true. Clarence smiled, watching her face for the telltale signs of love blooming within her heart. Unfortunately, her expression was something quite the opposite.
Thinking it must be an optical illusion caused by his nose getting in the way again, Clarence turned his head slightly. Not only did trying to refocus his cross-eyed gaze not improve the situation, it also made his head hurt badly.
With a disgusted squeal, Andra lurched into the wall and swung her purse at the dog grasping her leg. "Oh my god, get off me!"
The crowd on the street began to back away, many breaking out into laughter. Not a soul moved to help her, although quite a few people paused to watch.
Clarence's mouth fell open, and his eyes slowly lowered to the offending animal. Sure enough, protruding from its hindquarters was his arrow. "Oh, bugger," he muttered, fumbling over his shoulder for another arrow.
Andra continued to jerk away from the black and white dog, swinging her purse. Finally, she landed a solid blow right on the moon-shaped patch of white fur over the canine's right eye. The animal yelped, and scurried away from her. Almost immediately, the dog found another leg with which to amuse itself.
When the amorous animal approached Alan, as he exited the chocolate shop, he put his hand on the mutt's head, preventing it from wrapping its paws around him. "Whoa, boy. I think you're a little confused." Looking up at the retreating redhead, he thought, You've got good taste, though. Damn, she's beautiful. Too slow again, Al. Story of my life — missed another chance to play knight in shining armor to meet a beautiful woman.
Clarence finally managed to draw another arrow, but as he knocked it and turned back toward Andra, he found that she was no longer where he expected her to be. Quickly scanning the crowd with his cross-eyed gaze, he muttered, "No, no, no, no... You can't be gone. I'm going to be in so much trouble."
A flash of red hair on the next block revealed Andra's location, and Clarence sped off after her as fast as his wings could carry him. Invisible and intangible to the people around him, he hurtled over their heads, keeping bow and arrow both in hand. Unfortunately, he wasn't intangible to the world, most notably the awning that he misjudged in his skewed vision.
Caught in the chest by the awning, Clarence's momentum carried him forward, tumbling head over heels. With a painful smack, he hit a light pole, and slid slowly down to the sidewalk. If anyone could have seen him, the onlooker surely would have expected to see birds circling over his head after the cartoon-like misadventure. None could, though, and so they passed by — and even through him — without a single glance.
At least on Earth...
Andra wiped the dog drool off her leg, her face burning bright red with embarrassment. She only glanced back once, to make sure the canine wasn't coming after her again.
Tossing the handful of tissue into an overfull waste can, she turned and descended the steps into the subway. She was already running behind, and the episode with the dog had only delayed her more. She needed to get to her office before George did — or said — something that would derail his entire campaign. He was a wonderful man, with ambition and vision, but he was simply helpless in front of the press. The vultures from the media swarmed around the poor man constantly, hoping to draw another humorous quote from him, boosting their sales at his expense.
Reaching the platform, Andra breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the train pull up — she hadn't missed it. Filing in with everyone else, she took the first available seat. As the train lurched into motion, she noticed that an overweight man a seat or two up was doing his best to see up her skirt.
Cursing the rush that had caused her to select the shorter skirt during the whirlwind of activity this morning, Andra put her briefcase in her lap and pointedly stared the man down. He offered her a twitch of his eyebrows, and a smile. He then turned to leer at a woman across the aisle who was displaying ample amounts of cleavage.
Andra closed her eyes and shook her head for a moment, thinking that it was a toss up whether the lecher's stare or the dog earlier was the more disgusting.
Alan watched the beautiful redhead until she vanished from view in the distance, amongst the crowd on the sidewalk. Sighing, he patted the dog on the head once more. The dog looked up, its tongue lolling out in an expression that Alan thought looked almost like laughter, and then the animal took off running full tilt down the street.
Shaking his head and chuckling, Alan crossed the street to his building. Stepping into the elevator, he headed back up to his loft apartment to attack his current manuscript one more time. He was fighting a bad case of writer's block, and knew he was going to be in trouble if he didn't get this novel done soon.
Popping one of the chocolates in his mouth as the elevator doors opened, he sighed in pleasure and hoped the magical little treats would do the trick. He had no idea why it worked, but chocolate had pushed him through a brain freeze like this many times before.
Sitting down at his computer, he had another of the sweet confections, and then maximized his outline to look over it again.
Floating on a cloud, Lellor uncovered his eyes with a groan. The woman walked down the subway stairs, and the man walked into his building. Clarence lay on the pavement, unconscious from his fall.
"We're in so much trouble."
Clarence roused slowly, his eyes even more crossed than usual. For a moment, he swore each eye was looking directly at the other. The increasing heat of the day told him he'd been out for a while, and he knew that Andra wasn't likely to be anywhere near.
Picking up his bow and arrow, Clarence considered his problem. He knew Andra would be at campaign headquarters, and Alan would surely be in front of his computer. The only saving grace Clarence had at this point was the predictability of his two charges. He had to get them both in the same place again, in order to pop an arrow into Andra and get the two together.
An idea occurred to him, and Clarence smiled. Quickly speeding off, he opened his mind and searched for what he needed — a muse.
Andra swallowed hard as she turned the corner. Standing right in front of the building where George had set up shop for his campaign was the last person in the world she wanted to see.
For a second or two, she contemplated just calling the police and waiting until they told him to move along. Shaking her head, she decided to just confront him and get him out of her life forever. She wouldn't have really had a choice anyway, as he spotted her and started walking in her direction.
"Andra, Baby, I'm sorry. I was an idiot. I was drunk, I didn't know..."
"Go to hell, David. You slept with another woman, in my bed. I don't care if you were drunk. Just go away, I don't ever want to see you again."
Smiling, David reached out a hand toward her, "Come on now, you don't mean that. I found her for us. Remember how we've been talking about getting with another woman — about how hot that got you?"
Andra's face flushed red. "Shut up. I said that if that happened, we'd do it together. Get away from me, you bastard!"
"Is everything okay, Andra?"
Andra turned and smiled in relief upon seeing Emily standing in the doorway, scowling at David. "David was just leaving — permanently."
Emily put her hands on her hips and said, "He'd better be, because otherwise I'm calling the cops. The city police have endorsed George, so I'm sure they'll be glad to come right out and take care of this little problem."
David growled, "Fucking bitches. Probably licking her snatch aren't you, Andra? That's what your problem is, you're going fucking lesbo. Fucking sick bitch."
Emily flipped open her cell phone and started to dial.
"Fine, fucking lezzie whores, I'm leaving." David turned and stomped off down the street.
Andra sighed and hung her head, praying that nobody inside had heard the conversation, and that there weren't any of the vultures from the press nearby. If he went to the press, they'd just ignore him, but if they actually heard the exchange, it could be bad for George's campaign. She'd probably have to resign, and she had no idea how George would survive without her help.
"Come on, get in your office and calm down, Andra." Emily opened the door as she said it, holding it so Andra could walk through.
Fortunately, Emily was the only one in the office so far. They crossed the foyer and quickly closed the door to Andra's office behind them. As Andra moved to her desk, Emily fought to keep her eyes off the redhead's shapely behind. I wonder if she really is into women? God, I'd love to get in bed with her!
Andra sat down heavily, putting her head in her hands. Emily walked over and sat down in a chair in front of the desk, saying, "Maybe you should get a restraining order."
Looking back up, Andra shook her head. "That would just be potential bad press. I just changed the locks and stopped calling him after I threw him out. Now that I've told him to go away, he'll leave me alone."
"You sure?"
Andra shrugged. "No, but I have too much to deal with as it is. We have to get a press release out to counter that latest attack ad — quickly. Mattheson is such a scumbag."
"Do you think we should comment on the reports he had an affair? Maybe we need to start fighting fire with fire," Emily suggested.
"No, we're going to run a positive campaign, no matter what. If anybody asks, we say that we have no comment, and that it's up to the voters to decide whether they think such allegations are relevant."
Emily smiled, "Okay, get started on that press release then. I'm going to call Joe and see if he can't put a man in the area to keep an eye out for that guy. I'm not quite as optimistic as you."
Andra's voice was full of resignation as she responded, "I wish we could have a police patrol to keep all men away from me. All I seem to be able to find are jerks. I'm done with it all — no more men for me. I have too much work to do anyway."
Emily seized the opportunity without even a second thought. "Well, then we'll have a girl's night out tonight. I know the perfect place, and I'll keep the guys away from you. You need to relax a little. Come with me when we close the office up?"
A half-smile crossed Andra's face. "I'll think about it. I probably could use a drink or two."
Emily stood up and said, "I'll go call Joe. Just yell if you need me."
Standing next to the hovering Clarence, Ambrosia the muse's expression revealed uncertainty. "I don't know. He certainly could use some inspiration, and your idea might work, but he's not mine to inspire. I don't know if I like the idea of inspiring someone for reasons other than pure creation, either."
"Come on Ambrosia, every inspiration has other motivations. They want to sell books, songs, win their true love, or something. Nobody creates just to create, really," Clarence suggested.
"You're wrong," Ambrosia disagreed. She sighed then, watching Alan stare blankly at his monitor. "It's so hard to leave him like this, though. Okay, I'll do it, but you owe me a favor, Clarence."
"Thank you! This means so much to me. I'm going to be in big trouble if I don't get these two together."
Narrowing her eyes, Ambrosia warned, "Don't make me regret this." She then walked over and whispered into Alan's ear.
Alan stared at the manuscript in front of him, absolutely nothing coming to him. Maybe I should just scrap this whole idea. I guess I just don't know enough about politics to really write this.
The story was simply too good to throw away, however, and Alan couldn't bear the thought of scrapping weeks of work because of a single scene that refused to congeal in his head.
Maybe I need to learn a little about politics. It's election season, I could go check out the bustle at some candidate's office. Maybe I could even volunteer or something. That will give me some experience with what goes on.
Feeling inspired, Alan stood up and rifled through the mail, looking for the campaign mailings that had been appearing in his mailbox, on his door, and everywhere he looked for the last several weeks. He'd just been piling them up, too busy trying to get his new novel moving to bother bagging them up for the trash.
One caught his eye, a flyer from a grass-roots candidate who had started to make big waves recently. He was polling high, causing both the incumbent Democrat and the Republican challenger to direct all their energy toward derailing his campaign.
Decision made, Alan looked into the mirror, ran his fingers through his wavy brown hair and then looked around for his keys and wallet.
Clarence whooped with joy.
Ambrosia rolled her eyes. "Remember, you owe me a favor, Cupid. I've got to go. If I don't give some people some ideas soon, they're going to make another awful incarnation of Star Trek, and Gene is beside himself in Heaven as it is, after the last one."
"Yeah, no problem. Whatever you want. Thank you, Ambrosia," Clarence muttered, keeping his off-focus gaze locked on Alan, as the author prepared to leave the house.
Shaking her head and looking to the heavens for a moment, Ambrosia vanished from the room.
Emily sighed, her nerve failing her already. Her initial plan upon suggesting Andra go out with her tonight was to take her to a lesbian bar, and see what happened. Most of the women in the bar were far too aggressive for Emily's tastes, but she'd had some fun with a couple of girls she'd met there before. Most of them balked when they found out she was only bi, and still dated men regularly.
Lamenting the lack of courage that was going to keep her from giving such an overt sign, Emily started thinking of other places they could go. Maybe she'd find the inspiration in a few drinks to hint that she found Andra attractive.
She doubted it, but she could always hope. Andra's conversation with the jerk outside earlier, and her current attitude toward men at least offered a slight chance that something might be possible between them.
Speaking of men — yummy! Emily thought when Alan walked into the office, looking around curiously at the people manning the phones, the posters on the walls, and the bustle.
Quickly flipping open a compact, she checked her blonde hair and makeup in the mirror. Crossing the room, she approached him and said, "Can I help you?" Her smile was radiant.
Alan smiled back and replied, "I hope so. My name is Alan. This is probably going to sound a little crazy, but I'm an author, and something I'm writing has an important scene revolving around a heated political campaign. Unfortunately, I've got writer's block. Actually, it's more like writer's Great Wall of China. I thought that maybe if I hung out here for a while, and maybe helped out a little, that I might get some inspiration to get me moving again."
"I don't think that would be a problem, provided you're not just with one of the other candidates here to spy on us." Emily gave him a questioning gaze as she finished speaking.
Alan laughed, "No, I'm not a spy. I haven't been paying too much attention — I usually don't until right near Election Day — but at this point, I'm in agreement with the polls. I like Kline's ideas, and he's not an insider. With all the indictments in this city recently, that sounds like a good thing to me."
"Well then, I sure could use a hand scanning all the papers. We have to make sure there's nothing we need to respond to in any of today's articles. Speed is critical when something comes out that we need to answer. I already have people locked on every TV channel, but it's just me dealing with all the newspapers." Emily gestured to a stack on her desk, most of the newspapers obviously as yet unread.
"Just tell me what to look for," Alan responded.
Clarence sat impatiently atop a shelf, an arrow knocked in his bow, waiting for Andra to make an appearance. He'd managed to get Alan here, and now she was nowhere to be found. The door to her office was closed, so he assumed she must be inside.
She'll come out eventually. You can do this Clarence. Get in nice and close, aim carefully, and get the job done. Show them all you're not an embarrassment.
Settling in, he kept his bow pointed at the door to Andra's office, determined that he was going to hit his mark this time.
A commotion outside caused Emily to look up from the newspaper she was reading. A quick glance outside prompted her to moan, "Oh no, not him."
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A Second Chance This story is a reboot of a storyline I had going on another site years ago, called "My Life. It was another story close to my heart, because most of the first part of it is autobiographical. The second part is how I wish it had gone. I am going to do it in one part, instead of multiple chapters last time, which I never finished. My name is Tanya. It wasn't always, and it almost never was, but sometimes life is funny. It can turn on the littlest moments. ...
I rolled out of bed fairly early, even though there was no real reason to. I wouldn't be starting college until the fall, so I could have slept in if I wanted to. The view out the window when I opened it was still strange to me. Born and raised in Iowa, the sight of the ocean off in the distance on a summer morning in Florida was a far cry from what I was used to. Mom had told me the story several times about her and my Dad - whom I'm named for - scheming a move to Florida as their ultimate...
Hi, Glad to meet you all again thru ISS. I have been reading stories in this site for 5+ years and I have written my experiences as well here. Today, I’m not going to write anything sexy but the missed out chances. If I had capitalized those chances, it could have led me to have sex with those girls/ladies. About me, I’m from South Tamilnadu and right now in Chennai. Year 1991: I don’t know when exactly I started getting addicted to sex. But I could still remember it started at the age of 6 or...
I am Rumi, six ft tall, average complexion and physical structure. I am changing the name and essence of the story for obvious reason. I was 20 yrs old that time. I used to live with my brother in a big city and study in a famous university. My brother was a top level executive of an MNC. He had a big bungalow from his company. There was a middle aged watchman(Darwan)for the house, who used to live at their house, with his wife. Komola was his 2nd wife, as his first wife died. She was pretty...
A chance by kittynor Note: Coming back to writing after a long time. The writing might seem rusty. Please leave your feedback as it would help me better myself. Thank you. "Mark, I am going out shopping. You want anything for yourself?" Cynthia asked. "No dear, I am fine. You enjoy your day, okay?" Mark said, as he kissed his wife goodbye. "Sure will. See ya later," Cynthia said and helped herself out. Mark...
Alice’s Second Chance, Alice’s second childhood. PART 1 Mom was a good woman. Dad is a good man. Yet my little sister, Alice was, by age 18, a total spoiled brat and a delinquent. She could easily also have ended up being a killer. It is certainly arguable that she deserved to be sent to jail. Now Mom did not believe in hitting children and she did not. She did, however, understand that the word ‘NO’ needs to be...
SpankingSecond Chances By: Malissa Madison Denise wasn't sure who the strange man sitting down the street from the house was, or why he was watching her. But it made her nervous, was he some kind of molester or other kind of Pervert? It wasn't the first time she'd seen him either. She'd mentioned it to her older sister Patricia, who'd looked at the man curiously then said, "Don't worry Sis he's harmless," just before the bus arrived to pick them both up for school. This morning she stood...
Have you ever felt stuck? Felt like you were spinning your wheels? Like one mistake you made, so many years ago, set you on a path you never would have chosen? Have you ever wished you could have a second chance at life? I did. One wrong turn on my way home led me down a path that gave me that chance, that opportunity. It let me make that request to the ether, let me slip back through my timeline and take my second chance into my own hands and this time I'm not going to make the same mistakes...
TranssexualMature Gentleman seeks travel companion. Requires younger cultured woman as a travel companion for a trip to Europe and beyond. NSA. Applicants will be judged on personality and culture. All expenses paid and an end of trip bonus of $10,000 per month will be offered. Apply by Email to WethersfieldR@ giving a brief apercu of yourself. Only candidates judged suitable will be contacted.I insert the ad in the Globe Classified section to run for a period of a weekend and sit...
NovelsTokens: A Second Chance By Bashful What can you say about James and Lonny? They were best friends, they were nice guys but they were?losers. It wasn't their fault and maybe 'losers' is a harsh word. They were less than attractive, not ugly, just not good looking. Geeky was a word commonly associated with the pair. Had things gone differently, with a few more years to mature, maybe they would have been acceptable looking guys. But fate has a way of stepping in at times and...
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. Serge, Kid, all of 'em are owned by Squaresoft even if one of them is in an... altered... state. Nope, even she-Serge belongs to Squaresoft. (Though I doubt we'll be seeing her anywhere but here!) Even this story belongs to Squaresoft. You have no chance to survive make your reading time. Okay, bad Zerowing reference. Fans of Games/Anime as well as TG, there is a message for you at the very end of this fic even if you don't...
Fusion: A second chance By Rachel Saunders [email protected] Prelude: Lex He stared at the girl in front of him. For the life of him he could not work out how she had got there. She must have been 5 or 6, and her white dress was immaculate. She looked too perfect to be in this hell they called London. Picking her up he held her close as a shell exploded a...
Chapter 13 First Dance - Last Chance Friday after school, Kim returned home and charged up the stairs to her room without so much as a hello for her father who was waiting in the foyer to greet her. The better part of caution told him to just leave it alone. He returned to the living room. She would tell him what was wrong when she was ready. Tom had a good idea what the trouble was without having to be told, however. There had not been much he had been...
Second Chance, By Armond "I come bearing gifts," she said, holding up a white sack. "We had a bunch left over, and I hated to see them go to waste." "Chocolate chip scones? Gina Strega, you are sinful," Marita said, peering in the bag. She grabbed the one with the most chips and bit in; crumbs tumbled down her white blouse. "You don't have to stuff us with yummy bribes, dear, we ARE changing you back." "I wasn't trying to bribe anyone," Gina said, "I thought you might...
Christian was the boy I was into since 7th grade. And at the age of 16 Igave him my virginity. At least in my dreams...Reality had not been so kind to me. I even started to grow my hair (whichI was wearing rather short since I was a k**) in the vain attempt to makehim like me. Well, it didn't work out and a few years later when risinghormon levels had turned my dreams of intimacy into a real need for it Ihad finally given up. But with our graduation nearing I somehow felt that Icouldn't leave...
His head was spinning. His head was spinning and his vision was blurry. He tried to muster a low groan before he realized his mouth was gagged with a piece of cloth tied around his head with a string, and that's when he knew it was time to panic. Immediately, he regained total consciousness. His vision was back, his headache receded and he could finally see what's around and where he was. Though, that didn't exactly answer the questions he already had, but rather add more to confuse...
Hi, I am Suri and I’m just finish of my MCA from Hyderabad. This is the first time I m writing a story. I had no sexual experiences till date. But I’d like to share the most recent one which happened to me day before yesterday. When I fucked my sexy sister-in-law Siri (name changed). Let me explain from the start from where every thing begun. Two years back when I was in 1st year of mca she was in 10th class. I used to be stay with my parents. She is my mom brother’s daughter. She looks sexy...
Kaitlyn was always on my mind, wanting to see her, almost needing to see her, I continued to visit the Starbucks where she worked. There still seemed to be some tension and even though I tried to flirt with her, our interactions were strictly business. I really liked seeing her and maybe it was just me, but I sensed she was hiding her feelings. One day however, when I happened to visit, hoping to see her like always, Kaitlyn wasn’t there. I didn’t think anything at first, figuring it was...
Svetlana didn't even glance up when the doorbell rang. Despite the fact that he left her alone all but three or four days out of the month, Karl liked the illusion that she was completely helpless and, without him around, would soon starve or go mad due to her inability to perform even the simplest of tasks, like opening doors or turning on the television, for herself. For the most part, Sveta was happy to humor him. After all, he let her stay in this fairly posh apartment and asked so little...
I suppose I was alot like most boys growing up. My first sexual arousal came about when I had a crush on my mother. Not until I was older did I realize that this was a perfectly normal feeling. Of course, having a mother who was quite attractive helped the situation along considerably. The first time I masturbated, I jerked off thinking about her. As time passed, so did my fantasies about my mother, or so I thought. Mom aged very well and at the age of 61, she was still a beauty. She was 22...
Synopsis: They say portals to the past are everywhere. Especially where something terrible once happened. But what if it was still happening? Second Chances By LJ He collapsed, still reeling from the impossible sensation of feeling hot, male seed fill his belly. He tried to roll back onto his back, to make some effort at regaining a sense of normalcy, but found he could not move. Not an inch. Not a single muscle. Some force was holding him in place as surely as if he had been frozen...
Day 23 AJ and I have been screwing each other like bunnies. We would get a session in every morning and every night. Each day I would wake up use a bio sensor to see if I was pregnant and then go screw my husband's brains out. AJ kept telling me that I had to be patient. It could take a month or more for my body to find its own natural cycle and that coming down off birth control takes a little time. Well it took too long because I had to go through another one of my painful...
Lasting Impressions: Chapter 2 By: ASTRO Day 1 The next morning I felt like I was waking up from a dream. I reached over to wake up my wife only to find that no one was in bed with me. I looked at the clock after pulling my hair out of my face and looked at the time. I paused as my actions started to sink in. First of all the clock must be broken. The time read 9:28 AM, and second why is there hair in my face. I sat up in a panic and felt the weight of...
Lasting Impressions: Chapter 8 By: ASTRO Day 35 The alarm clock went off at 7 AM. I was my normal groggy self as I moaned and complained. AJ had to take the covers off of me so I would wake up. We had to be on the maglift by 10 AM if we were going to make our appointment. We had a little time and AJ knew exactly what to do to wake me up. My vision was just beginning to clear when I felt AJ grab my feet and pull them up in the air. I was flipped on my...
Lasting Impressions: Chapter 3 By: ASTRO Day 2 I woke up the next morning again with the surprise of finding myself in my wife's body, but I was quicker to calm down this time. AJ had set the alarm for me at 7 AM as he left for the gym before work. I was very out of it this early in the morning. I slid out of bed and walked into the bathroom. There was a note on mirror. Jess you are acting like an idiot. We had sex yesterday and you have not taken...
Lasting Impressions: Chapter 6 By: ASTRO Day 18 I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock. AJ was a work today and I had an appointment with the doctor this afternoon. Thankfully AJ was going to get off work early to watch the kids. I went about my day unchanged from before. I was dressing as conservatively as I could, considering my options. I really did not feel sexy today. I was also very fearful of going and seeing a doctor. As a nurse I had...