I Won?Chapter 4 free porn video

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We loaded the baby gifts into the car. Sandy, Candy and Mandy helped. That’s why it took twice as long as it should have. They kept flirting with me and asking me when I was going to see them again. I had to assure them that I wouldn’t forget them and that I would see them again soon. I sighed in relief as we pulled away.

“Why did you do that?” I asked Elizabeth.

“Why did I do what?”

“You know what I’m talking about. Telling the twins and their mother they could be my sluts.”

“I didn’t tell them they could be your sluts,” Elizabeth protested. “Weren’t you listening? I just told them that you were interested in sluts and not girlfriends. I thought that would put them off you, but I guess I was wrong. All you had to say was that you weren’t interested in them. I can’t help it if you have trouble saying no. It didn’t help that you were drooling again.” Damn it. The girl was right. I could have just said no. Still, I had trouble believing Elizabeth was just being helpful. Not with that constant smirk on her face.

“I just won’t call them and uh, I wasn’t drooling.”

“They’ll call you. You were too drooling.”

“Fine! I was drooling. But they don’t have my number and I am not going to give it to them.” I was adamant about that. Even if Candy, Mandy and Sandy were oh so fuckable. Calm yourself, Dempsey. You’re letting little Jack do all your thinking. That’s another way to lose all your money.

“Sandy has your sister’s number and I’ll bet you anything she’s on the phone to Kristina right now.” Shit! I wasn’t going to take that bet. I’d lose for sure.

“Let’s just get back to the motel,” I said.

“Do you have hand tools; screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches and stuff like that?”

“No, why?”

“We’ll need a set of tools to put up the baby furniture while you’re picking up Kristina and Jackie. There’s a hardware store just on the right. We might as well get the baby seat set up while we’re here. They won’t allow the baby to be released without one.” I’m glad someone was using her head.

Unloading stuff at the motel went quickly. With Cynthia assembling baby furniture I took off for the hospital.

“I didn’t know you knew Candy and Mandy Davies, Jack,” Kristina said as soon as I entered her room. “I was just on the phone with their mother Sandy.”

“I just met them the other day.”

“Oh. I got the impression they were your girlfriends so I was curious. You never mentioned them before.”

I sighed and told my sister how the twins had introduced themselves and wanted to be my girlfriends about two minutes before that clown picked a fight with me. I then added all that had been going on in minute detail since the day before when I dropped her off at the hospital less than 24 hours before along with the misunderstanding I had with Sandy and her daughters just a while ago.

“Well, you certainly have been a busy little beaver since yesterday,” Kristina observed.

“That’s for sure,” I agreed. “So, as you can understand, I never intended to meet up with the twins again. Meeting them again this morning was a one in a million coincidence.”

“It certainly was a coincidence,” Kristina responded. “So, when are you going to call them?”

“Call who?”

“Who have we just been talking about? Sandy and her daughters, of course.”

“I wasn’t planning on calling them, Kris. I already have enough girlfriends.”

“If you already knew you had enough girlfriends you shouldn’t have been making any promises to call them.”

“Jeez Louise! You sound just like Elizabeth.”

“That’s because I happen to agree with Elizabeth. Listen, mister. Sandy has been my friend and moral support for a couple of years now. I’ve had it good compared to her and I’m not going let my little brother add to her disappointments by allowing him to break his promise to call them.”

“Fine. I’ll call them,” I said. “But calling them won’t make my girlfriends.”

“No,” Kristina responded with a grin. “But it might add to your stable of sluts.”

The discharge papers arrived and a hospital volunteer loaded Kristina and the baby into a wheelchair while I retrieved the car. We were soon back at the motel where Cynthia, Elizabeth and Carol went through the ritual of admiring and fussing over the newborn. Jackie wasn’t impressed by all the attention and was soon down for a nap.

“I hope I’m pregnant,” Carol stage whispered. “I want to have your baby so bad.”

“Carol!” Cynthia hissed and rolled her eyes toward Kristina.

“I don’t mind if Kris knows I’m one of her brother’s sluts.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Kristina said. “I already know about you guys agreeing to be my brother’s sluts and I don’t mind at all.”

“You don’t?” Cynthia responded. “I would certainly worry about it if John was my brother with a bunch of crazy females throwing themselves at him and wanting to have his babies.”

“It makes me feel like we have something in common.”

“Damn!” Elizabeth exclaimed. “Does that mean John is Jackie’s father?”

“No.” My sister grinned mischievously. “But the next baby I have will be.” There were gasps and giggles from the women. All I did was shake my head in disbelief. Women are crazy and Kristina is the textbook definition of crazy women.

Kristina was noticeably fatigued and so Cynthia, Elizabeth and Carol decided to leave after a lot of hugging and kissing. We were finally alone.

I said, “I’m not sure it was very smart telling the girls that you wanted to have my baby.”

“Well, it’s true.”

“Yeah, but still--”

“They would have figured it out pretty soon anyway. I think we can trust them.”

“You think so? Yeah, you’re right.”

“They’re certainly not going to say or do anything that will jeopardize their relationship with you. The three of them are crazy in love with you just like I am.” Kristina yawned and said she was going to try and get some rest before Jackie woke up and needed feeding and changing. As if on cue, we could hear Jackie start to cry.

“Nice try,” I said.

I slept alone that night. Kris slept alongside Jackie’s bassinet. I did offer to sleep in the same room with them and to help out any way I could. My sister declined. She said I would most probably be useless at this point unless I could breastfeed the baby. I couldn’t argue with that. I got up bright and early that Sunday morning. Kristina was already up and feeding the baby.

“How did you sleep?” I asked.

“About what I expected,” Kris said. “We got an email from Mom and I sent her Jackie’s delivery room picture. I also sent one to Rick’s mom.”

“That was nice of you.” I bent down and kissed her.

“So what’s the plan?”

“I dunno,” I responded. “I figured we’d just hang out here today and let you get used to being a mommy and me an uncle. Did you have something in mind?”

“We could get down to business and start making Jackie a little brother or sister.”

“Heh! You’re joking of course,” I said. “Aren’t you?”

“Only a little bit,” Kris responded with a giggle. “I guess we should wait until my postpartum checkup which will be about six weeks from now. I do want to take a break from actually getting pregnant again. I’ll see how I feel after raising Jackie for a while.”

“I’m willing to wait.” I was kind of relieved. I didn’t want Kris wearing out her body from too frequent or too many pregnancies. One more would be fine with me.

“In the meantime you’ll at least be getting plenty of pussy from the other girls.”

“That’s true.”

“In fact, why don’t you call Sandy and the twins over here?” Kris said. “You can break in the Davies sisters while Sandy and I gossip and then she can have her turn.”

“Heh! Uh, I don’t think I’m quite ready to call them, Kris. I’m still recovering from Cynthia and Carol.”

“Bullshit!” Kristina exclaimed. “That’s not what the bulge in your pants is saying.”

“This bulge is for you.”

“Why thank you for the nice compliment, kind sir, but I’m out of commission for a while.”

“I”m still not ready for the Davies family,” I insisted.

“You could always redeem that rain check you gave Elizabeth the other night.”

“It’s nice to know you’re watching out for my sex life.”

“I just know you’re not the type to sit around waiting to be useful,” my sister said. Kristina was right. I liked to be out and about. Out of people’s way. Even before I started living under the same roof with Rick I wanted to be somewhere else besides home as much as possible.

“It’s too early to call anyone. I haven’t even had breakfast.” The motel served a breakfast buffet from six to ten in the morning so I loaded up on some goodies and brought them back to our room. Jackie was back down for another nap when I returned so Kristina was able to sit down with me.

“I’m glad we’re out of the apartment,” I said. “But I’ll also be glad when we get out of this motel room.”

“You won’t get any argument out of me,” my sister responded. “Have you given any thought about our new home?”

“Not really. Assuming I get the lotto money without any further hassles from Rick, then the sky’s the limit. We could live in a huge mansion anywhere in the world.” Kristina made a face and I knew she had a different opinion on the matter.

“Big mansions are big hassles,” she said. “I don’t think you want to be spending tons of your money on something like that. Also, if you don’t put on a big display of your new wealth it’s more likely people will forget about you. There’s going to be another lotto winner soon and then you’ll be yesterday’s news.”

“Putting it like that I’d say you’re right. What kind of a home did you have in mind?”

“I dunno. Maybe a condominium in a nice neighborhood. You pay the monthly homeowner fees and someone else mows the lawn and maintains the swimming pool.

“I can look into that. I guess I should also look into getting you a set of wheels so you can get around easier. Have you given any thought to a make and model? When do want to go looking?”

“The last thing I want to do right now is shop for cars. Just get me something like you got Cynthia. That should do me.”

“Coming right up.”

“Gosh I love you, Jack.”

“And I love you, Kris.” My hormones started going full blast. The only thing I wanted to do is fuck Kristina right then and there, but I contented myself with a hug and a kiss. I decided to call and see if Cynthia and her daughters were up and about.

“Good morning, this is Sluts R Us. Our motto is ‘We spread our legs for you.’ This is Slut Elizabeth speaking. How may I serve you?” I heard a guffaw in the background. That must have been Carol. The shriek I also heard had to have come from Cynthia. I assumed she had caller ID. At least I hoped so.

“Hi,” I said. “Do you sluts make house calls?”

“We most certainly do make house calls, sir. Would you like a slut sent to you today?”

“I’ll take three of them. Bareback. No protection. Hold the mayo.”

“No problem, sir. Bareback only is company policy. Will there be anything else?”

“That’s all I can think of right now.”

“Slut Carol is offering her anal passage free of charge today only. Be sure to ask her. No lubrication needed.” I heard incoherent shouting in the background and another shriek.

“Heh! Sounds painful. I’ll pass,” I said. “I’ll see you guys in an hour or so.”

“Certainly sir,” Elizabeth responded. “We know you have many other options and we thank you for choosing Sluts R Us.”

“I would have liked to have heard both sides of that conversation,” Kris said.

It didn’t seem very long before I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Cynthia, Elizabeth and Carol standing there. They were dressed in floral print skirts like they were on their way to or just coming back from church.

“Sluts R Us I presume?”

“You got it,” Elizabeth said.

“I don’t do anal,” Carol growled.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I responded. “I guess I was misinformed. Please come in.”

“These two are going to be the death of me,” Cynthia murmured. I chuckled and took her in my arms. We kissed and I allowed my hands to slide down to her hips and squeeze them in full view of my sister and her daughters. All three of our spectators wore big grins. She blushed prettily. I’m not sure exactly why I wanted Cynthia to continue demonstrating her submission to me even though I was certain she was mine completely. I think it was because I saw the woman as an authority figure because of her age compared to me and her parental relationship to Carol and Elizabeth. Was it mean of me? Yes. Was it necessary? Probably not, but I was going to do it anyway. Perhaps I was being corrupted by my lotto winnings. If that was the case I certainly didn’t like the type of person I was turning into, but I could get used to it.

“You three look all dressed up. Were you going someplace?”

“We just thought we’d try to look our best for you,” Cynthia said.

“I told Mom it was a waste of time,” Carol said, “because we’d just be taking our clothes off when we got here.”

“Speaking of that,” Elizabeth said, “I have a rain ticket I’d like to redeem.”

“I’ll be right with you.”

“What about me?” Carol asked.

“You were the last one I was with,” I said. “So you have to wait your turn.”


“I’ll let you jump the line if you let me do your butt. How about that?”

“Um, uh, no, thanks,” the 14 year old responded. “Besides, it wouldn’t be fair to Mom and Elizabeth. May I get on the computer?”

“Of course you may,” Kris said.

“What about you,” I asked Cynthia. “Interested in any butt love?”

“I think I’ll pass,” the woman responded looking pale and scared. She tried to take a step backward, but I held her firm against me. “Um, wasn’t it Elizabeth the one who brought up this topic?”

“That’s right,” I said. “It was her.” I grinned evilly as I leered at Elizabeth.

“Me and my big mouth again,” Elizabeth murmured. “Can we talk about this first?” She looked ready to bolt for the door.

“No!” I let go of her mother and grabbed my prey by the arm. Elizabeth let out a squeak, but didn’t struggle as I pulled her into my bedroom. I pushed her onto the bed, joined her and started kissing her. I felt a lot of tension leave Elizabeth’s body as she returned my kisses. The bedroom door was wide open and I heard whispering going on behind me.

“Go away,” I said. “We’re busy.”

“Yeah,” Elizabeth chimed in. “Go away. We’re busy.”

I heard Kristina say, “I told you guys he wasn’t into anal. He was just teasing you.”

“You mean I should have called his bluff,” Carol asked.

“That’s right.”


“I can still change my mind,” I called. The door closed behind me and the voices faded.

“Don’t be mean,” Elizabeth whined and smacked me on the shoulder. She followed that with another kiss and started caressing my boner that I had going. I let her unzip my jeans fly and let little Jack out to play. The slut then scooted down and kissed his head.

“You don’t have to do that,” I said. I was thinking about my experience with Carol and didn’t want a repeat.

“I don’t mind,” Elizabeth responded. “It’ll be a new experience for me.”

“I’ve already had a bad experience with blow jobs.”

Elizabeth grinned. “Once bitten twice shy?”

“How did you know?”

“My little sister has already confided in me.”

“Oh,” I said only.

“Don’t worry. Carol wasn’t bragging.”

“I wasn’t thinking that.”

“But you;d rather use my breeding hole instead?”

“That’s right.” I grinned and nodded. We were finally on the same page.

“You’re in luck,” Elizabeth said. She pulled up her skirt revealing no panties. Her stockings were black lace top thigh-highs with elastic bands to keep them up. Her pussy hair had been trimmed back into a neat little bush.

“Nice,” I said. “Who’s your landscaper?”

“The regular apartment house gardeners.”

“It’s amazing what they can do with those hedge trimmers.”

“Actually, my mom and I helped each other and then she trimmed Carol’s pubes.”

I didn’t waste any more time by undressing and crawled in between Elizabeth’s legs with my dick sticking out of my jeans fly. My sex partner didn’t seem to mind. She sighed as little Jack nosed its way into her pussy and came to rest there.

Same as I Won?
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My job isn’t normally a very exciting one. I run and partly own a factory which makes belts and straps. These range from belts for trousers to straps for handbags. We cut the leather, style it where necessary, punch holes (for belts) and affix buckles. Some of the work, particularly handbag straps, is done for external companies, who order what they want and then they deal with selling it on. Some of the work, particularly some lines of belts, is sold to our distributors by own our company.  ...

3 years ago
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Cabin boy II

I sat in the bed and watched Tim and Bill. As Bill rubbed Tim's butt, Tim massaged Bills dick to life. Bill gave Tim a passionate kiss on the mouth. Bill motioned me to them. I stood beside them watching when Tim took my hand and put it on Bills dick. It was thicker than Tims and longer. As I stroked it Tim pulled my shorts down. Stepping out of them Tim pushed my legs apart and started kissing my butt. Bill smiled and said show me what you learned last night. I bent over and put the fat head...

3 years ago
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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex LifeChapter 18

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1990 HOMECOMING A new week had made life all good again. We played a freshman football game Monday afternoon. I dominated at defensive end with a pair of sacks and four solo tackles. I made a nice catch at tight end for twelve yards. We won 35-6. It was our first Homecoming Week, and my friends and I were learning the traditions. Monday had been White and Blue day. We dressed accordingly. Tuesday was 70s Day, and I raided dad’s closet for a wildly-printed polyester...

4 years ago
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My Exdaughter In Law Part 10

It was the day after, the night before and as I woke all I could think about was the surprise I had planned for Debbie tonight. As she laid at my side, still asleep, little did she know that tonight her wish would come true, not only of having sex with a black man, but also of having a threesome. To top it all, it secretly was something I fantasised about too. 7.30am came and the alarm went off, We quickly got up, had breakfast and Debbie showered first as she had to go out to help her Mam with...

4 years ago
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Vacation with my Daughter Day 4

“Honey,” I said, “we need to get up early tomorrow for the airport.You should start packing.” I only had myself to blame. This was our last night in Barcelona; after a fine fish dinner and a walk down to the statue of the Columbus by the Mediterranean, I’d let Ashley choose from the list of for-pay movies. Barely seventeen, she hadn’t yet acquired the notion of first finishing everything that must be done before playing or relaxing. I had expected her to pick a movie recently released, but...

2 years ago
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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy part 13

A couple of days later I’m sleeping in bed with Katia. It’s a hot night. The aircon is blasting in our bedroom. Suddenly I’m hearing a knock on the bedroom door and it opens. “Mom?” It’s Nadine. “Mo-om?” Katia switches on the light on the bedside table. “Yeah, what is it Nadine?” “The aircon in my bedroom isn’t working properly. I can’t sleep. It’s too hot!” “Frank, can you go over to Nadine’s room and have a look?” Katia asks as she’s shaking me a little to make sure I’m awake. I’m propping...

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My Sexy MotherInLaw Ch 02

We barely had time to get dressed as John came in the door. “Hey Matt do you think we can get an early start tomorrow? The office is a mess. I really need to get organized.” “No problem, what time do you want me to get up?” “How about 6 am?” “Sure no problem. Well I am beat after all the traveling; I think I will head to bed. Goodnight guys.” “Goodnight Matt.” I climbed into bed exhausted physically and emotionally. What a roller coaster of emotions. I just finished fucking my beautiful mother...

1 year ago
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A First For him

I am easily intimidated, especially when I feel like I don't know what to expect. I only enjoy new things if I am with someone I trust completely, with them the vulnerability of trying something for the first time can be romantic and downright sexy. With a stranger or even a new relationship, new things make me uncomfortable, nervous, even afraid. I need to know they'll listen to me if I am not enjoying it, you know?Although, I have to confess ... I get off on being the more experienced one in...

3 years ago
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Lovers For a Short Time

Lovers for a short time only? This a short but torrid story – hope you enjoy. They met in a nightclub. It was an instantaneous attraction between the two of them. Carla looked at the man sitting at the bar and thought to herself, what I could do to him and I know he could get me really hot. In fact she already had a wet, hot pussy as she sat beside him. Richard also thought to himself – Wow! I am really turned on by this lady, she is so hot, hot, hot. He felt his erection beginning to tent...

4 years ago
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My Aunt Rebecca and My Sister Violet

This is the story about my Aunt Rebecca and my sister Violet. My name is Tim, but my family calls me Timmy. I'm eighteen years old. My Aunt Rebecca just delivered her first child. Her husband is in the military. She lives next door to our family. She's my mother's sister. Her husband is on a tour of duty overseas. Rebecca is alone and taking care of her new family. My mother sends myself and my sister Violet over to help our Aunt with things. Aunt Rebecca, sometimes will be in very...

2 years ago
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Trick Or Treat

It's Halloween night, a night full of custom and tradition. Yet amidst all the carved pumpkins and trick or treaters, there's only one tradition that this night brings that attracts your attention. That's the custom that dictates that every young woman, no matter how reliable or moral she is at any other time, must for this one night cast off her usual persona and adopt a new one as a sexual creature. Yes, for this one night they eschew their jeans and baggy sweaters in favour of skin tight...

4 years ago
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KingQueen Competition

my name is James, 25 yr old, 6’0 height and average body. After completed my bachelors from Australia, I was back to my dad’s business in India. After working for about 6 months, I knew this business is not for me. I deserve to do something better than this. A ‘not well prepared’ CAT was given, just to get an admission in a decent MBA institute. And then I landed up in this society. This society had 4 MBA institutes specializing in telecom management, international business, HRD and modern...

3 years ago
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Sharing a room

Back in the 80's we were invited to a wedding in Melbourne the bride was the daughter of my boss of the time, I don't really know why we were invited probably someone else couln't make it and we were there to make up numbers.Anyway we turned up and having been met at the airport we were taken to the hotel where we would be staying the weekend and where the reception was. Of course we found out too there had been a cock up and we would be sharing a room, no problem as it was a big room with two...

1 year ago
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Sensitivity Training

Sensitivity Training by DCRMaster had me chained up for the night. Today was surprisingly easy. I had to clean the house, and scrub the floors. Nothing unusual. Master spat on me, slapped me silly, and fucked me in the ass. All in all, it was a light day.I was chained to my bed completely naked. The chains were long enough, so I could lay on my back. Very comfortable for a bitch slave such as I.Today was wed, that meant sensitivity training.Master turned on an audio tape that played softly. The...

4 years ago
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Robert Uses My Wife in a Variety of Ways

Submissive and domination were two words I knew very little about until a few years ago. It was then I met Robert at a party. We had talked about an array of things including my wife Ann. He found her to be extremely attractive and sexy, and he gloated about how lucky of a man I was. We spent the better part of the evening chatting before exchanging numbers with one another. Robert had two extra tickets to an upcoming sporting event, and I immediately told him I would take them.Robert and I...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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My Fiance get Blacken PT2

Harry tossed one last back handed kiss my way with his right hand before slipping out of sight down the gantry way to his waiting aircraft. It had been a fairytale sexual triathlon of bliss these last five days with Harry, and my fiancé Jim, and I was still floating on that clichéd cloud 9. My panties soaking wet with Harry's last discharge in the car on the ride to the airport were a steady reminder of our extra long weekend together as Jim held me gently in his arms more for support than for...

2 years ago
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Big Game Hunting in AlabamaChapter 9

We must have been the good luck charm because two weeks later we got a call from Mrs. Roberts that the other two sibling-pairs had been spoken for. Therefore, she wanted to know if we would like to keep Jim and Mary. It only took a short conversation for Jo and me to decide on the adoption. Jo called Mrs. Roberts and set up the final meeting to get some more paperwork done. At that time, the kids would come home with us and the court date would be finalized. Jo and I could hardly wait! The...

2 years ago
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Sexy Journey With Archana

Hello friends I am Ranjan here to share my real story with all the readers of ISS. 1st let me tell a small description of myself, I am 24 years old and working in a call canter near Velachary, Chennai. This is the incident happened few days back while I am coming to my home town Balasore from Chennai by Coromandal Express. I had reserved the lower berth in the train as usual train journey I was in my seat and waiting for the train to be started. After some time I saw one family with come to my...

1 year ago
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AssassinChapter 7

Anna straightened my collar and gave me a kiss on the cheek in front of her mother -- fooling around as though she were the doting mother instead. More privately I had been reminded that I could have my fun out or when I got home, but not both. I didn't point out that, if she wanted to accurately play act Hailey's role, anything I got from Hailey I would have to get from her as well. I had offers from both Ma and Doug to take me to Hailey's house and then drop me off at the club. Even...

2 years ago
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Maya 8211 Cousin Love 8211 Part 6 Surprising Her

I kept a pillow on my lap to cover my nudity. Maya was wearing at-shirt. It covered only her thighs. Maya asked me about dinner. I left the choice to her. She said either we can order it at home, or we can go out. We decided to go to her favorite restaurant for dinner. We completed the formalities of calling our respective families. Maya got ready. She was wearing a red-colored open shoulder top and a short black skirt. She looked radiant spicy hot in that attire. We booked a cab to the...

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Kentucky Home

The Roarks owned Kentucky Mountain Chalet Company. The business was focused solely on building Park Model homes - recreational park trailers on a single wheel-mounted chassis. The dwellings were no larger than 400 square feet and met strict national compliance guidelines. They could be towed, placed for long-term use, or permanently placed at a location where an RV or mobile home would be allowed.The Roarks were Danny and Sherry. At one time they were husband and wife. Now, they’d been divorced...

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Moonlits Midnight Fantasies

The dance 2 Well? I lead You into a private room lit only by candles, and as we are talking I cross the room to a window.  You take a seat in a soft leather chair in the middle of the room; sitting next to You on a table is a glass of wine.  I'm wearing a short black dress that has spaghetti straps with a low neckline and is made of a thin gauzy material.  I look out the window at a full moon as we are talking and then I turn a bit and turn the stereo on, you hear Type O Negative come on and...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Jade Jantzen Molly Mae Girls Behaving Badly

Jade and Molly are notorious for taking advantage of any situation they can, and their dads know this. Thats why before they leave for their weekend fishing trip, they lay down the rules heavily. No boys, no alcohol, and stay in touch at all times. The girls agree, but know they are just going to walk into the other room and plan out how to get around all the rules. After they relocate, the dads notice Molly left her phone out in the open, with naked pics right on the home screen that she sent...

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A few months after the German occupation of France in June 1940, Emilio Vargas, an émigré carpenter of Andalusian heritage who had moved to Carcassone in the early 1930s to seek work, decided to return to Spain with his French wife of two years, Elise, who was then eight months pregnant with their first child. Under cover of darkness, in late November 1940, they left their home and made their journey south in their rapidly deteriorating and unreliable Citroën Traction Avant, which finally gave...

Straight Sex
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Doggie FarmChapter 6

It was more anger than guilt that had churned continuously inside Jeff since his infidelity with Aunt Claudia, not that he hadn't felt a good measure of remorse at his spineless betrayal of his beloved sweetheart, but the fact that the red-headed woman treated him like less than a serf ever since, made his blood hot. Worse still: in his transgressive wretchedness, he had unwittingly punished Toni in the chastisement of himself saying little to her since that romp in the hills one day ago....

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Adored 4

“That was quick,” Shayla said from the recliner in the den as Jason entered. “Did you and Susanna do it already?” Jason shook his head. “You need to tell me what’s going on, Shayla. You know I love you. Why is Susanna here?” “For you to love, Jason. I want you to love her like Kevin loves me. I think you two will find the magic that Kevin and I have.” Jason looked at the floor. “You’re setting me up with your sister.” “Susanna’s not my sister, Jason.” “Not genetically, I know. But, under the...

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 37

Tuesday, July 6, 2010 Jake decided he couldn’t put it off any longer. He sat at the desk in his bedroom and put on latex gloves. He brought out the stack of IDs of the girls that Harris had killed from a shoebox he had stored in his closet. He wiped the first card carefully with alcohol wipes to clean off fingerprints. When he was sure it was clean, he looked at the picture on the front, trying to memorize what the girl had looked like. Then he slid it into a large envelope he had bought at...

4 years ago
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Seven Fair Maidens Part Six

I didn’t go far from Sophie’s house; I went to the pub just on the edge of town. I needed a drink, something stronger than wine which had been the only alcoholic beverage I had for the longest time. I had never been kicked out of a woman’s house before. Alice doesn’t count because technically she left me and Raven doesn’t count because she was saving my ass so there. When I walked into the place something was different about it. The pub I went to back when I was still looking for bounty was...

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Mindy And Me Continued

As I was leaving Mindy’s home that first day we met when she had taken me to Melba’s grave site, Mindy said, “I hope we can stay in touch and see one another again soon”. I said, “I’d love to, but staying in touch may be difficult because I’m married and if you call me on the phone my wife will be able to see your name and phone number and wonder what’s going on between us.” Mindy said she understood, but that perhaps we could stay in touch through E-mails. Since my wife doesn’t even know how...

Group Sex
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SweetheartVideo Cherie Deville Brittany Light Deep Penetrating Education

Professor Cherie DeVille confronts sorority pledge Britney Light after finding out that Britney and her sorority sisters were behind a vicious prank at the school. Blonde, all natural Britney knows she’s in deep trouble and is eager to make amends any way she can, especially with the hottest professor on campus. Britney begins making out with Cherie on a desk before Britney dips down to devour Cherie’s slick pussy. Britney works Cherie’s clit to orgasm. Cherie quickly takes...

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Ghostly Love Ch 04

After ten minutes, Sheriff Wilkes was back at Mrs. Holmes door assuring Brenda that there was no one in her house and that there wasn’t any evidence that there had been anyone in there to begin with. But to be sure, he was going to have a patrol car come around every fifteen minutes or so just to be sure she wasn’t in any danger. Even with the Sheriff’s well meaning enthusiasm about there being no one present in the house, Brenda was still frightened to be there alone. Mrs. Holmes patted her...

3 years ago
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Growth SpurtMonth 4A

"Do ya wanna run the 5K or the 10K, buddy boy?" Jenny asked as the sun rose casting its morning light across the running track. "I don't think high schools run the 8K, at least that's what I figured from checking out record running times for high school track and field events on the Internet last night." "What are the records?" I asked. Jenny checked her notebook. "13 minutes 44 seconds for the 5K and 28 minutes 32.7 seconds for the 10K. Those are the best times for all the high...

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Bet with a friend

My friend Keith and her wife Kathy have completed a year of their marriage. They have been blessed with a beautiful baby girl recently. Since c***dhood my friend and I have been very close friends. We shared everything with each other. And have always been together when the other needed some sort of help.The story I'm about to tell you is a true one.Keith and I regularly go for gym in the morning and because of that we are very good in shape. Since c***dhood we compared each other cocks. His...

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