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Still Susan's story:

We had as much of a blow-out as this family EVER had.

When Grandma and Grandpa showed up, she walked right past Mom and wrapped me up in a big hug. "MY baby girl's getting married," she said. "That 'Jason' guy."

Jason had met my grandparents a few weekends before, so his face and name were familiar. Grandpa was kind of like Dad about Jason. He was impressed that Jason was a college grad and had a good job, but he was a little unnerved by Jason's age.

Of course, when Jason actually sat down with Grandpa and Dad and carried on a real conversation, a lot of Grandpa's nervousness went away. Dad told me later that Grandpa was impressed.

At that meeting, though, Grandma just smiled. Grandma's seen her share of my previous boyfriends and they were pretty much what you expect from high school boys. Most of 'em could fake being decent and polite for a little while in front of my family, you know.

But today. Today was different. Grandma had me in a hug and Grandpa was shaking Jason's hand and I was looking at Mom for letting the cat out of the bag. Silly me. I thought I'd make a Big Announcement, you, standing there in front of everybody, holding Jason's hand, but once MOM knew, I should've known better. I felt Grandma's tears on my cheek.

"Gramma," I said, "you're s'posed to be HAPPY!"

"I am happy, Susie!"

"Really?!?!?" I asked. "Gramma, he's really great!"

"I'm glad for you, honey," Grandma said. "Your momma sounds happy. I'm happy."

I suppose that Jason was doing okay. He was grinning at Grandpa. Grandpa is totally capable of saying some embarrassing things to my boyfriends. He asked one if he'd ever read books that didn't have pictures in them. I thought I was gonna just DIE that day, but like most of the guys from high school that one turned out to be a jerk and Grandpa was right.

Me and Gramma just untangled when Mom let Uncle Pete and Aunt Lucy in. Uncle Pete's first comment told me that Mom hadn't told them yet.

"What's going on here? Is somebody real sick?" He asked. Aunt Lucy was hovering at his side.

Right on their tails was Mom's sister, Aunt Mimi. Aunt Mimi was, as Mom put it, the 'wild one' of the family. She didn't look like SHE knew, either.

"You wanna tell 'em, or you want me to, Mom?" I asked.

"You need to, baby," Mom said.

"Jason," I yelled, "C'mere!"

He walked in, stood beside me, eyes cast downward. "Yes, Mistress?"

"Stop that!" I said, punching his arm. "This is my Uncle Pete, Dad's brother, and my Aunt Lucy, his wife. And this is Aunt Mimi, Mom's sister..."

"Younger sister," Aunt Mimi interrupted."

"Hush, Aunt Mimi! I'm on a roll here." I turned to Jason, put my arms around his, and said, "This is Jason Ellerbee, who is going to be my husband."

Aunt Mimi squealed in harmony with Aunt Lucy and I thought Uncle Pete was going to rip Jason's arm off shaking his hand.

Dad got the next hand-shaking and we all trooped out the back door onto the patio. Jason sat by me like we're supposed to be together. You know? We are.

Alan and Tina showed up, too, and Tina and I squealed together for the benefit of all gathered, and then I introduced her and Alan to my family. Forty year old Alan and seventeen year old Tina, THEY raised some eyebrows, but Alan and Tina make friends easily. They're just good people, Dad says.

In front of everybody, Alan reiterated his offer to strangle Jason. "I didn't bring 'im up here to lead your daughter astray," he said.

Dad laughed. "I don't think she's quite 'astray' yet, and there's some question as to who led who."

Alan smiled at me and told my dad, "You're probably right."

We were sitting around talking and laughing and I had a soda can on the arm of my chair when Aunt Mimi passed by. She managed to knock it over into my lap.

"I cain't believe I did that," she said. "I'm not even drinkin'!"

"That's okay," I said. "I'll just run upstairs and change!" I stood up after I blotted as much of the liquid out of my pants as I could, and Aunt Mimi followed me to my bedroom.

"I'm gonna jump in the shower or I'll be all sticky," I told her, and I disappeared into my little bathroom with a change of clothes. When I came out a few minutes later, she was sitting on the bed.

"So, are y'all doin' the nasty?" she asked me, giggling.

I was shocked. I mean, Aunt Mimi's kind of got a reputation, you know, but she's never asked me about any of that stuff.

"No," I said. "Certainly NOT!"

"Oh, come on, kiddo," Aunt Mimi said. "That's a good lookin' guy. You know..."

"We HAVEN'T!" I told her. "We'll manage until we get married."

"When's that, baby doll?" she asked me.

"The Saturday after graduation."

"That's not enough time to get your plans together, sweetie," Aunt Mimi said.

"We're not doing a big wedding. We want to be together."

"That's what I'm sayin'," she said. "Y'all can still ... you know ... even move in together. He's got an apartment, I heard. And do the big wedding in a few months."

"Aunt Mimi," I said. I was a little exasperated. "The wedding's about me and Jason being MARRIED. It means something to Mom and Dad. That's why it means something to me an' Jason. I don't need a five thousand dollar dress and a thousand dollar cake and six bridesmaids to do that. I need me and Jason and our families and friends before God."

"Well, I was going to have so much fun plannin' your wedding..."

"You know lots of people. One of 'em's bound to get married sooner or later." I sighed. "I don't mean to sound offensive, Aunt Mimi. It's just that I have Jason, and things went 'click' and it's going to happen. Okay?"

"Okay, sweetie," she said. She hugged me. "Let's go downstairs."

My Jason was standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me. We linked arms and went back into the fray.

The next day was back to school. Tina and I met in the hall before the first bell. Yeah, she checked to see if I had my engagement ring on. Of COURSE I had my ring on. And PEOPLE noticed it.

I got to explain WHO gave me the ring and like ANY girl who gets engaged in high school, you know, answering the question, "Uh ... Are you PREGNANT?" Honestly now, are things so screwed up that people think the only reason a girl wants to get married is to give her baby a daddy's name? Worse than that, how many of 'em just go ahead an' have a baby and DON'T get married because either the guy is a massive turd or they don't even KNOW who the daddy is.

Jason and I talked. Babies are serious business. Tina and I talked, too, and I know about Cindy and I know about my Mom and Dad and Jason and I know that WHEN we have kids (a couple, we agreed) we want to do our kids like Mom and Dad did me.

But back to school. I smile and tell everybody 'No, I'm not pregnant. I'm in love. There's a big difference." And I whip out my cellphone and show pictures of me and Jason.

"Uh, he's like, uh ... OLDER!" Ashley, one of my friends blurted.

"Duh..." I said. "You and I are in the same AP math class. You KNOW I understand numbers and all. Thankyouverymuch!"

Then she looked at Tina. Everybody knows about Tina now. Tina was smirking. Ashley swallowed visibly. I mean, it was almost like a sit-com scene. She saw Tina looking at her. "But I guess if it's the right person, age isn't that big a deal, huh?"

"Excellent recovery, Ash!" Tina laughed.

Ashley smiled. "Y'all know what I mean! That whole 'old guy chasing young girl thing."

"Uh-huh," I said. "Like, 'I'm dating a college guy!" Ashley had uttered those very words a few months back, and then WE had to support her when she got dumped on her butt.

"Jason's past college. He works with Alan," Tina said. "But I think he's going back to get his engineering degree with us in the fall."

"He doesn't have a college degree?" Ashley asked. Then we had to go through that whole thing about Jason's degree.

"So are you inviting me to to the wedding?"

"You betcha," I told her. "But it's not gonna be one of those 'big deal, princess for a day, Dad's in debt up to his ears' things."

That was a whole other conversation. It was still going on when the bell rang for home room. That colored conversations for the rest of the day. Yeah, a few of my school friends already knew Jason. When you go out to eat in a small town like ours, there are only a few places to go, so it's inevitable that we'd run into the school bunch. The news of our engagement rounded out the supposition, conjecture and rumor. My life just got a lot more interesting.

Before, I was a smart, geeky girl. I'm pretty enough, you know, but I have some pounds I don't really need. Still, I never had a problem with finding boys interested in me. It's just it didn't take very long for me not to be interested in THEM. I don't let myself be ruled by my own hormones, so I darned sure aren't gonna be ruled by THEIRS. What Grandpa said: "Books without pictures."

Now, with people knowing I'm engaged to be married and the guy's NOT somebody everybody knows because EVERYBODY in this town has been through THIS high school, that made for a whole different spectrum of conversation. 'Spectrum'. One of Tina's words. And she got it from Alan, no doubt.

And there's still that 'smart' thing. I'm number three in my graduating class. Tina's grades would put her at the top of the class if she'd have been here for four years, but she transferred in. Still, she'll be standing on the stage beside me as an honor student. That's the way it SHOULD be.

Mister Graham, our physics teacher remembered Jason's presentation on the plant tour we took. "That's your new fiance', Susan?"

"Yessir. That's the one."

"He seems to be pretty confident in his arena," Mister Graham said.

"He's one of those guys that people chase down to get him on their jobs," I said. "Smart."

He smiled. "He's getting the smart one, you know."

I smiled. It's nice to be recognized by people you respect. Mister Graham is one of the reasons I even THOUGHT of engineering. "Thank you," I said. Dad said that I'll remember some good teachers from school. Mister Graham will be one of them.

At the end of the school day, Tina and I and a group of friends walked to the parking lot to drive home. Yes, I was still smiling. Yes, I'm still happy. And yes, Jason is coming over after school and we're gonna look at my sad bit of homework and then watch a movie with Mom and Dad.

Alan's turn:

Despite the niggling feelings in my gut over the possibility that the whole Susan 'n' Jason thing could go off the tracks and hurt somebody, when Tina and I showed up at Susan's house, things were pretty happy.

I got to meet a few new people, Susan's maternal grandparents and her dad's brother and sister-in-law and her mom's sister Mimi, who struck me as being just a little bit predatory. I played the game long enough to know when I'm being measured. She did an inventory of me. Jason, too, if you want to know. I think Tina caught it, too, because she moved into 'possession' range any time Mimi was around.

We had a good time. I get the idea that Susan's not exactly unfamiliar with being the center of attention, but she very happily shared it with Jason. I was actually a bit proud of both of them, even though I had little to do with their personalities. After all, it happened on MY watch.

Mike and I and Jason and Grandpa and Uncle Pete argued at great length over the preparation of meat over a fire, but at the end of the event, we had some darned good steaks, helped clean up the mess and finally big good-bye and headed home.

Tina was snuggled in beside me as tightly as seatbelts allow. "That was one, huh, baby?"

"One what?" I asked.

"Aunt Mimi. One of those women you talked about."

I was right. I knew my Tina. I didn't marry her because she was slow. "I think so, sweetness. She did a total visual inventory when we walked in."

Giggle. "I can understand her interest. I brought the best-looking guy in the place."

"Flattery'll get you everything, little one," I said.

"Good!" she said. "I want everything. Probably doing a period in the next day or two."

We'd been through a few of these now. First couple of times, she was apologetic. I kept telling her that it was part of life and she was still entirely adorable and desirable and we got through them okay. Tina's emotions tended to swing a bit more during this time, from her normally stable demeanor, so I just tiptoed a tiny bit. I was interested in how the events in Susan's life would look through the filter of a hormonal Tina.

"I know what you're thinking," she said.

I chuckled. "Okay, what am I thinking?"

"You're thinking about that 'fifty percent of marriages end in divorce" line."

"I'm just a bit concerned that two good friends are..."

"That two good friends met and figured out that they match up and want to leap into life together."

"You need to stop being poetic," I said.

"Yeah, Alan Addison. I need to deal with cold, hard facts." She rubbed her cheek against my shoulder. "Nope. Love. And a certain amount of analysis on the part of at least ONE of the parties involved. And I'm sure that the OTHER party is of similar tendency."

"Analysis?" I asked.

"Yep. Susan and I have talked at length about it. She asked questions. Not just me. Her mom. And even Cindy."

I snorted. "Pre-nuptial advice from a fourteen year old."

"Who's the only level-headed genius I know, and who is so darned analytical sometimes that it's scary. All I'm saying is that it's not a spur of the moment, air-headed 'Mommy! He's CUTE! Can I marry 'im?' thing for Susan. She's a lot more sane than she looks. Or acts, sometimes." Giggle.

When you punctuate a statement like that with a giggle, you have to lend extra weight to it. "Okayyyy," I answered. "Really, she and Jason are the LEAST weird of the bunch."

Same as Christina
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Delta Sodality Chapter 6 A Death in the Family

Chapter 6 - A Death in the Family Three months later "Kristina, hey it's Saoirse." "Hello Saoirse, how are you?" "Fine, I guess... Do you have time to talk?" "Sure, what's up?" Kristina asked, sitting up in her chair, her antennae up and alert. "It's my dad. He died of a heart attack at the mill today. Just dropped dead there in front of all his coworkers." "Oh my god, Saoirse! I... I'm so sorry!" "Holy hell that fucker Minos! How could he be so stupid? We...

2 years ago
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Afraid of Women Until

WARNING: Has fairytale elements and possibly unAmerican-like humor. ONE The popularity of Kevin MacLeod virtually went from zero to heaps in 48 hours. Lean and lanky, with teenager pimples on his 24-year-old face virtually devoid of character, eyes of near translucent blue and a flaring red nose and thin, turned down at the corner lips, the word ‘unattractive’ rather understated his woeful appearance. ‘A carcass ready for the mortuary,’ one young upset English woman was heard to remark in...

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Andy 3

Andy by Transbonder, translated by Leah from the German THREE Monday morning. Grrr. Need I say more? At least I was wearing a pair of pants. Although they felt strange in the absence of hair on my legs. And this pullover really did scratch. Or it was at least rough. The satin blouse from yesterday was something totally different. So soft. I shook my head. I had to get rid of these thoughts. How could anything ever be normal again, if I...

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Sexy Girlfriend Experiences BF8217s Rough Side While Fucking

Hi all, I am back with another story. This story is about my girlfriend. This story is inspired by true events. So, let’s begin. My girlfriend’s name is Rashi. She has an hourglass-like figure. 32C boobs, 28 waist, and around 34 hips. Her ass is the best part of her body. At least, I like it the most. My girlfriend Rashi and I used to meet frequently at weekends for sex and we also used to go out for dinner or some other place. So, the story begins when we were almost ready to go out for dinner...

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A Movie Night

I invite you over for a movie. You and I are cuddled against each other on a couch. Your head is resting on my shoulder. After the movie is finished you lay down with your head in my lap. I run my hands through your curls, eliciting a small moan of approval from your lips. I look down and see your eyes closed and a small smile on your face. I run my fingers from the roots to the tips of your curly hair as we talk about the movie. I slide my right hand tenderly along the side of your face,...

4 years ago
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Lately I’ve been shopping for a new vehicle. One of my favourite salesman is a 40 year old stud, I’ll call him Cam. He is 5’9”, 200 hundred pounds, muscular, heavily tattooed and a real cutie. I’ve seen him half a dozen times and he’s never questioned my impatience. Some sales people would get tired of me returning time after time. We were getting down to the short strokes of negotiating the dollar difference. I figured he had no more wiggle room but what the hay, I blurted out anyway, “Who do...

1 year ago
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My Brother The Geek

Note : This story is completely fictional! God, I hated this. I had my first accounting test Monday morning and all this liability and asset crap was driving me college and I hated it. I wanted to do well, but I don’t want to fail. I could ask my brother, but he was nothing but a damn geek. Yuck. Oh well. If I want to pass this test I guess I will have to ask him. Slowly I walked down the hall to his room. The door was open a little bit and I walked in. “Ron I ......” I stopped dead in my...

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Mom fantasy from a friend

Oh honey, I wanted to send this note to you because I've found myself thinking about what happened last Friday night when I came home from work. Your dad had just moved out a few weeks earlier. We hadn't had sex for months prior to his leaving. As I said, I was just getting in after spending a happy hour at week's end with some co-workers. I was a little high when I came in. You were just out of the shower and telling me about your plans for the weekend. I listened to what you were saying, but...

3 years ago
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Madhuri Aunty Ne Callboy Banaya

Hi doston mein charan (name changed) pune city se hazeer hoon mere dusre story ke sath,meri pehli story mein mene apko radhika ko kaise choda ye bataya tha ab iss story mein madhuri aunty(name changed) ke sath kaise majje kiye aur usne mujhe call boy banaya, mere pehle story ko bahot sare responses aur mail karne wale doston ko dilse shukriya…mera mail id hai jaha mujhe aap contact kar sakte ho … Ab jyada bore na karte hue story pe ata hoon,baat 10 mahine pehle ki hai jab mein mera event...

1 year ago
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Female AnimalChapter 5

That night they talked about visiting the pride. "I want to see them, Evan. And I want another taste of a tiger fuck. It was absolutely incredible." Gina had said that about five times, and he was getting a little jealous. "You don't have to come if you don't want." But he had to see this. Both beauties getting it on with those animals. Shit. They turned in early, and Tawny made them both wear their pants and long sleeved shirts when they set off into the jungle the next morning,...

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a day in the life of of SissyZofen264

And the days had passed one after the other and now it was the day of my date.He sent me a txt at 8.30 on Saturday morning to say he was comingAnd you remember he was leaving his phone at home in case his wife calledYou know I had sent him my address, parking advice and left the gate ajar.I left the gate ajar so all he had to do was push it to enterI thought better that than me open the front door to the postman or otherIt's a big gate and when I say left ajar you can't tell it is...

3 years ago
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Little Brothers Big ThingChapter 8

He hardly looked at me while I was getting dressed. I might as well have been a punching bag. The sonofabitch. That's the trouble with most men; the only thing a woman's any good for is punching their dick into. When they've got their load off, they couldn't care less! I got out of there as fast as I could. My bra wasn't any good without the shoulder straps, and I carried it in my hand. There wasn't anybody in the hall and I just went down it to my apartment. I was inside but hadn't...

2 years ago
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Lottery WinnerChapter 19

I woke and cleaned up before going downstairs for breakfast. Just as I finished eating, I received a call from the carpeting company. The carpet had arrived and they could be at the house in an hour! I told them that that would be great. I said that I was at a hotel during the week but would be there within an hour. I got off the phone, paid the bill, and left for the house. I pulled around to the garage and parked inside it. I went into the house and turned on lights in the rooms to be...

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Dream Came True With Ashwini Aunty 8211 Part 1

Hiiee..! Its Madan here.. Ya the same Madan who had written 7 episodes of Dream came true with Mami. I always read your feedbacks and see 5 star rating to my previous writing which is motivating me to write another saga. Yes I am presenting another story now Dream came true with Ashwini aunty..! In the beginning I declare that as I told it will be a saga and for that I need time gap between episodes. Kindly be patient and enjoy the stories. I describe small points also to give you Yes. To the...

2 years ago
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A Vacation To Remember Ch 02

She couldn’t believe she was standing here in front of the restaurant at five to eight. She had dressed in her best clothes a long black gypsy skirt that had an embroidered belt at that waist a blue button down blouse that matched the blue flowers on the belt. She wore simple jewelry her class ring on her right hand, on her left wrist was a bracelet that was made up of gold silver and bronze threads braided and encrusted with semi-precious stones that she had bought earlier today. In here...

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Fantasy Cruise

Fantasy Cruise By Leslie Leigh I was totally burned-out. The feature project which I had been working on for the last six months was drawing to an end. Production was wrapping and the crew was saying its good byes. The production company was excited about the product, a futuristic action adventure film, shot in Atlanta, with two of the hottest box office stars in the world. Figuring that it would easily net in excess of $80 million in theatrical release alone, and grateful that we...

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The Education of Kim Chapter 3

By Kim The rest of my summer between high school and college flew by quickly with Jon and I screwing like rabbits at every available opportunity. The week before Labor Day we said goodbye and headed off to college. He left for a school in the Midwest and my parents drove me to Boston. I knew I would miss Jon on several levels – we were really good friends and he had been my only lover. During the trip to Boston I decided it would be fun to be a virgin again. I moved into the freshman...

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Hawaiian Wedding part 2

So my soon to be sister in law Lexy and I had come up with a plan to help my brother Mark become a better lover. He was according to Lex a good man but an average lover only twice has he given her an orgasm. So she asked me as a wedding present the night before to help her teach my brother how to not make love to her but fuck her stupid. I had my doubts it work but I was willing to try to help, personally I felt he would punch my lights out and call off the wedding but she really wanted him...

1 year ago
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Introducing Granny To Anal Sex

Introducing Granny to Anal SexI sat by Dawn’s luxurious backyard pool overlooking the city of Tucson. I looked down at my 66 year old granny lover Dawn as she emerged from the pool, she was dressed in a black two piece bikini swimsuit which highlighted her small breasts and supple thin body and long grey hair. I laid back on a chaise lounge as Dawn approached me and went down on her hands and knees and crawled to my awaiting cock. It was only three weeks ago that I had taught Dawn the fine art...

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Funny small white dicks

I was your typical small short skinny long haired white boy i had a small 2 inch dick that I jacked off all the time, iv always wanted to get fucked by a black friend of mine but iv always been too nervous to tell him afraid of rejection. But one day while he was at my house just me and him:) we were on the couch watching tv when suddenly I had to go to the bathroom because I got super horny! I sat on the toilet jacking off my small 2 inch dick while watching gay porn. I tried not to be too...

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A Surprise Threesome

     It was a Thursday morning. It had been raining really hard and Mark had to leave early that morning for work around 5:30 a.m. . On Thursday's he gets off at 10:00 a.m. . Mark came home. I was still in bed asleep. So then Mark layed in the bed next to me. Mark then fell asleep and woke up around 10:40 a.m. . Mark got up and went outside then came back in about five minutes later, and woke me up from my deep sleep. He said that I should get up and get ready. Brush your hair and come out to...

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Just Good Friends Part 2

The plane touched down in the place I was born and raised: Los Angeles, California. Of course, I wasn’t thinking about being back home. I was thinking about E3. It has always been my dream to go there, and tomorrow it was about to come true. I was on Cloud 9, but at the same time, I had that lingering horniness that stayed around when you have sex and don’t finish. It was the type of hot feeling where, for us guys, you want to just whip your junk out and have at it. Although I could use a...

Cheating Wifes
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Encounter In Crowded Local Turned Out To Be Group Sex

Hello everyone, I am Nisha, a regular working class girl working in Panvel. I live at thane and commute every day to Panvel and back for work by local. I am a beautiful looking girl with vital stats of 32-26-34. In my profession, it is required that I should wear saree for most of the days. It is irritating as traveling after wearing a saree is hectic plus you have to endure all the lustful eyes around you at the train station. So I travel through ladies compartment each time. This incident...

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Tryst or Trust Another Cheating Wife StoryChapter 6

Several months later, and several thousand dollars poured into the “Attorney’s Fund For Straight Teeth And Higher Education” later as well, Annie and I were sprawled on our couch. The boys were off visiting their sister, and that left us alone for the evening in an unaccustomed quiet house. After much travail, the prosecutor had determined that my actions that evening, responding to the active assault of my bound wife, weren’t going to appear unreasonable nor imprudent to a jury. She figured...

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Buffy Catches Dawn

Disclaimer: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" & "Angel the Series" and their characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and 20th Century Fox. This story is for entertainment purposes only and no money exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author.Dawn walked in the front door after a long day at school. "Hello? Anyone home?" No answer, but it was what she had expected. Buffy was probably off on...

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Corporate Owned

My name is Jiffy, that’s not the name I was born with but more on that later on.  I am a 24 year old, and I am a male corp-owned secretary contracted to Linda Insurance Group.  My current boss is Ms. Priscilla, she’s twice my age, she picked me from the roster right after I graduated from Male Secretariat Academy and was contracted to LIG. My job consists of anything she/they say is my job.It was three years ago when a young man at a job convention offered me the brochure for the Male...

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Mallard HeirChapter 03

Wednesday morning Mort wakes up to find Jenny staring at him, he smiles, kisses her, and slides out of bed. Before he can stand up she’s beside him to help him limp to the toilet. They shower, get dressed, and go down for breakfast. While going down the stairs Jenny says, “I’m out of the work roster as of this morning. I’ll accept being paid to help you, but only until we’re married. After that I shouldn’t be paid.” Mort is too smart to argue about something so minor when Jenny has such...

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Asian Dream 2

There was a man in the middle of the street yelling. Linda and Kim were standing on Linda’s front porch. The guy was holding something in his hand, it was something metal and looked like a knife. He didn’t see me, I grabbed him from behind and threw him on the ground. Within a minute, the police were there. They hand cuff him, took a statement from me, and asked Linda to come to the police station. Kim hugged me and so did Linda, as they were getting into their car to go to the station, Kim...

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Showing Some Spirit

SHOWING SOME SPIRITT.S. FESSELNA Sequel to ?A New Haunt?, ?Coffin Duty?, and ?Invaded?Disclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depicting ones of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use. The author...

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