Devlin's StoryChapter 62A free porn video

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Sue called her two weeks later. "Danny's told you what's happening?" she asked.

"He told me he was promoted and that you're moving to Chicago. I'm really glad for both of you."

"Thank you." She sighed. "Devlin, this is the call you've been dreading, or at least I think you've been dreading. We have a buyer for the house in Toluca. We'll be moving next week. His last day at the office in Bloomington will be two weeks from this Friday. I can... I can give you that weekend, but after that..."

"I understand," Devlin said with a heavy heart. She'd known this day was coming, now she just had to make the best of it.

"I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you did for us, Devlin," Sue went on, "but it's time to start a new life, for all of us."

"I've been preparing myself for this day for some time," Devlin said. "It's not like it's unexpected."

"I know, but still, it's got to be hard. Look, if there's anything we can do, anything at all, don't hesitate to call."

She said some other things, but Devlin only partly heard them. She hung up the phone slowly, remembering the times with Danny, times that started with a very nervous 14-year-old girl undressing for the first time in front of a grown man. And now, a distant voice on the phone, and more than five years had come to an end. It was just as well. Her life was changing, and the old things needed to be put behind her.

"You look like you got some bad news," her roommate said.

"Yes... and no," Devlin replied. She had an idea of what to do for the next two weeks. "Look, I'm going to be house-sitting for the next couple of weeks. You won't see me much around here. I hope you don't mind."

"Wow. Must be something serious."

Devlin hauled out her overnight bag and began throwing things into it. "It's serious enough, but not entirely unexpected."

"Anything I can do to help? Is it something you can talk about?"

Devlin shook her head. "Not really. If anyone calls for me, tell them to call my cell instead. Don't give out that number; the ones who need to talk to me have it, and the rest..."

"Yeah, I know," she laughed. "Credit card offers and other crap. Yesterday we got an offer to put in a satellite dish."

"What? You told them that this was a student dormitory."

"I didn't have a chance. It was one of those automated systems. I think I told them to take us off their list, but I'm not sure."

"Well, I hope so." Devlin looked over the things in her closet. She'd have to come back and grab a few more things, but not right now. She pulled out her sweater and picked up some books. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah. Good luck, whatever it is."

Danny had moved into the studio apartment they had been using for their lunchtime get-togethers. She dumped her overnight bag in the closet, grabbed a couple of things from the Athletic Club—so she'd be wearing dresses instead of jeans to class—and otherwise began to settle in. When Danny got there after work he was a little surprised to see her.

"Sue called," she told him. "And so for the next two weeks this is where I'm living."

"I... see." He looked at the fresh bedclothes, the flowers on the small kitchen table, the grocery bags next to the kitchen counter, and her books next to the chair in the corner. "My libido likes it. The rest of me... ?" He shook his head. "I'm going to be exhausted by the time I leave here."

"So am I, but it's our last time together and I want to make the most of it."

She'd started dinner, and she solved what to talk about until it was ready by stripping and sucking him off. He pushed her onto the bed and returned the favor. One thing led to another, and they were both gasping for breath when she finally got up to tend to the spaghetti.

"This is going to be an interesting two weeks," Danny said from the bed, watching her.

"I intend them to be," Devlin said. She was only wearing a kitchen apron she'd bought earlier that day. She felt all light and fluttery, and she knew she looked a mess with her hair all tangled up and her skin sweaty, but she felt wonderful. It was too bad it wasn't going to last, but she was going to enjoy it while she could.

They settled into a domestic routine. In the morning she fixed him breakfast, though she ate at Linkins. She would get back from class at least two hours before he could get out of work, and used that time to study. She would fix them dinner—except for one night when they went to a barbecue place he knew of well outside of town—and then, after he did paperwork and she studied some more, they would fall onto the bed for an hour or three of passionate sex.

She liked feeling so domestic. She knew it was something she'd have to do after college, and this was good practice. The only thing that was different was the sex. It was like high school all over again: every night, several times a night.

"Are you sure you'll be all right," she asked one evening when he woke up groggily after only one time.

"I'd forgotten how insatiable you are," he murmured. "Most guys would think of this as a fantasy come true."

"I shouldn't tell you this, but most gals would, too."

"Well, yeah, I suppose." He glanced at his cock; it was lying limp across his leg. "The spirit is willing, but the flesh can only take so much."

"How did we manage to do this when I was in high school?"

"I don't know," he sighed. "Since Milt was born I haven't felt the... urgency."

"It's probably your subconscious telling you something," she said.

"I'm going to need these next three days to recover," he said. In the morning he was going up to Toluca to finalize the selling of their house, and then on to Chicago to help settle things there.

"I shouldn't admit this," Devlin said, "but so will I." She thought of the coming week. They would have seven days after he got back. She wasn't sure if she was dreading them, or looking forward to them.

"You know," she said, "I was surprised that you agreed to this little arrangement. Technically speaking it was statutory rape."

"Don't think I didn't know that." He sighed. "Sue suggested it, she can be damned persuasive at times, and left me to think about it when I was on a business trip. We both knew it would do something to my imagination. I wasn't prepared for what happened. Normally on these business trips it's a bunch of guys drinking in the evening, playing golf upon occasion, things like that. But the guy who was the head of our group liked to go to strip clubs. All those bare bodies had an effect on me."

"What did you do?" she asked when he didn't speak for several seconds.

"When I got back to my hotel room I masturbated. Normally I didn't, not on a business trip. But I did that night, and the next morning, and every morning and evening for the rest of the trip. It was an absolute nightmare. You have no idea how it is to be constantly horny."

She laughed. "Oh, I wouldn't agree with that. I've been a teenager for the last few years, and I've spent a good part of that time wanting to have sex." She ran her hand over his chest, tweaking his nipples. "The only difference between me and most teenagers is that I was able to have sex in a safe situation."

He shook his head. "You're not a guy. You might have had the desires, but you didn't have a nearly constant erection. That can be a physical pain because people notice such a thing. And as sensitive as your clit is, a guy's cock is big and gets in the way of things. I was in physical pain when I got home."

"True, I didn't walk around all day with my pants tenting out in front of me, but my panties were soaked every day. I was always worried that other girls would smell my arousal. Tell me, were you as nervous as I was that first time?"

"I didn't know you were nervous. Sue told me that you'd already had some experience."

"That was with a boy, this was going to be with a man, a man who theoretically knew what he was doing." She laughed. "I was in such a frame of mind that day that I stuffed my panties full of sanitary napkins. It was either that, or leave a wet spot behind me every time I stood up. It was a combination of horniness and fear."

"Did you ever realize how close we came to getting caught?"

"A few times. That nosy Mrs. Witherspoon didn't help."

"Sue said she was the town's biggest gossip."

"She was," Devlin nodded. "But after we convinced her there was nothing going on, we were home free." She leaned back, smiling at a memory. "There was this one time she came over. I remember there was that one time you had to run down the back stairs and into the garage, and you didn't have a thing on. I managed to get into a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt."

"I remember that." He chuckled. "I found a pair of overalls we had in the garage, and a tee-shirt. I covered my hands with grease like I'd been working on the car, and came banging into the kitchen from the garage."

"And I ducked into the baby's room. Fortunately she'd just woken up, and started to fuss. When Mrs. Witherspoon found me I was in the middle of wiping your daughter's bottom clean with a baby wipe. Mrs. Witherspoon watched me for a bit, we talked about what was going on in school, and then she went back downstairs."

"Where I ran into her, an old carburetor in my hands." Danny chuckled. "I'd had that thing lying around for ages. At least I got some good use out of it. I still had the grease on my hands when your mother came over."

"Which surprised her. She didn't know you worked on things."

"I have an inherent bias against that sort of thing," Danny said. "When I was a kid I had to help my Dad work on the family car. We always seemed to work on it during the winter, in the dirt. I decided then that I wanted a job where I would be inside and warm."

"I think that describes banking."

"Except when I have to go investigate some property. Last week I spent the morning wading around a barnyard up to my ankles in mud and other things. Fortunately I always bring my boots with me."

"Fortunately. To change the subject, when are you due back here in town?"

"Tuesday afternoon. I'll give you a call."

Devlin grimaced slightly, but with her head turned away so he wouldn't see. "I want to do something special this next week," she said. "It'll be our last week together."

"I have something in mind," Danny said. He patted her hip. "Don't worry."


His 'something special' was a night on the town in Peoria, topped with a Broadway show. That was Saturday night. Before then, though, she teased him unmercifully, starting Tuesday evening when he got back from Chicago.

"I just realized," she said over dinner, "that after P.E. today I forgot to put on my panties."

"You did remember your bra," he said.

"When you have boobs as big as mine, it's hard to forget your bra. Besides, everyone would notice."

"Don't they notice you don't have any panties on?"

She snorted in amusement. "I'm wearing a skirt. The only way somebody would notice is if I lifted it and paraded around that way. But a bra..."

"I've always wondered about that."

"What, wearing a bra?"

"No, the panties. When Sue and I first started dating it didn't take me very long to discover she didn't wear any."

"All of the time? Or just on the date?"

"Just on the date. I usually found out because we'd get somewhere alone and her pants would come off."

"So would yours."

"True." He shifted slightly in his seat, studying her across the table. "So what you're telling me is that right now there's nothing protecting your maidenly virtue from a hard cock slipped up under your skirt."

"Nothing," she said, shaking her head.

"Shall we find out?"

They finished dinner later. But for the rest of the week she made a point of dressing where he could see, and leaving her panties in the dresser, at least when she was around him. After she got to class she would change.

Friday morning, as she was sucking him off in the shower, he pulled his 'surprise' on her. "When you get back from class today, get your best 'knock-em-dead' dress."

"Oh? Any particular reason? I'd rather stay naked and in bed with you."

"Yeah, but you can't see a Broadway show that way."

"Broadway show?"

"In Peoria. We'll get a hotel room afterwards, and come back tomorrow or Sunday."

"For that, I'll get dressed up." She eyed his cock, and redoubled her efforts. A couple of minutes later Danny stopped washing his hair. His hands went to the back of her head, and he groaned as he emptied his balls down her throat. After that, of course, it was her turn. She shuddered through a climax courtesy of his experienced tongue, and resumed half-heartedly soaping herself.

She had to go to the Athletic Club to find her really top-of-the-line sexy evening gown. She packed the dress and heels in a dress bag and headed back to the loft. She threw a few other things in her overnight bag, along with her make-up kit. She felt as ready as she was going to get, so rather than pace uselessly, she took out one of her textbooks and studied until Danny got back.

"That took longer than I thought it would," she said. She could smell alcohol on his breath, but he didn't seem drunk.

"I had a 'going-away' party," he said. "You'll have to drive; the last thing I want is to get pulled over and fail a breathalyzer test."

"We'll have to take my car, then."

"Fair enough." He took out a small suitcase and began packing. "The show is at 8:00, so we'll have to hurry."

"Will there be time enough to change?"

"There should be. I made reservations for us at the Residence Inn."

They pulled into the parking lot of the Residence Inn a little after 6:00. A few minutes later Devlin dumped her overnight bag across the bed. The room—it was really a suite—included a Jacuzzi, a walk-in shower, and a fireplace.

Danny hung up his suit. "The show is at the Apollo Performing Arts Center," he said. "I called them this morning, and they recommended being there at least 30 minutes before the announced curtain time."

"In other words," Devlin said, "stop gawking at the amenities and get changed."

"Something like that."

"Dibs on the shower first," Devlin said. "And if you join me we won't get to the theater."

Danny smiled. "I'll keep that in mind. Get going, I have a few phone calls to make."

Devlin took a quick shower, and then pulled on the dress. It was dark red, a lycra and spandex mix that absolutely clung to her. The hem came about halfway up her thighs, and the split rose another 3" beyond that. It had spaghetti straps that tied behind her neck, and almost no back. The top was very low-cut and loose, showing a generous amount of cleavage. It was a dress designed to put wicked thoughts in the mind of any man who saw it, which was what she'd had in mind when she'd bought it. She had a pair of red pumps with 4" stiletto heels that she'd bought with this dress in mind. The only thing she didn't have were nylons, but the dress was really too short for the stockings she normally wore.

Devlin gave herself a thorough inspection in the mirror. Krissi was always after her to dress up and show off her curves. Well, this dress certainly did that. She didn't quite hang out of the top, but she showed a generous amount of cleavage. And legs; the dress was tight enough that her body was well displayed. She'd probably earn glares from every woman, and stares from every guy. She nodded at that, and then got her brush and went to work on her hair. She needed things just right for this outfit. She glanced at the door to the bathroom, and then slipped a robe on over her dress; there was no sense in letting Danny see it before she was good and ready.

When Danny started his shower she went to work on her hair, finally getting it to nearly what she wanted. She took a look in the mirror. It would have to do. Instead she added a thin gold chain necklace, and gold earrings that were tiny chains hanging to her shoulders. After adding a touch of perfume she felt ready to knock anyone's socks off.

She took one last look in the mirror. She wasn't her Mother's little girl any more. She chuckled. That was exactly what her mother would say if she saw her in this dress. She'd never worn something like this out in public. She wondered if it was time that she started doing so. She also wondered what Evan would say. She'd have to find the right time and place to wear this for him.

Danny emerged from the bathroom, and stopped dead. He was mostly dressed, shirt, slacks, cuffs, he even had his tie knotted. His eyes slowly tracked up and down her body. "You look stunning," he said at last.

She smiled and curtsied. "Thank you."

"Might I ask what you have on underneath that?"

"Well, no bra, of course," she said, squeezing her breasts. "As for the rest? Let's just say I'm covered."

"That's a shame," he said, grinning. "That's the kind of dress that's best worn without anything under it."

"I didn't say I was wearing any panties," she said. "Now before we get into that, why don't you finish getting dressed? If you don't, we'll be late."

He grinned good-naturedly and finished getting dressed. They made it to the line outside the performing arts center with a few minutes to spare. The play was Damn Yankees; she had a different appreciation for baseball now, and she sympathized with the main character. She decided that if she had anything to say about it, Evan was never going to play for the Yankees. She had no desire to live in New York City.

During the intermission, she sidled up next to him. "I knew I'd forgotten something," she murmured.

"Oh? What?"

"My panties. I just noticed that when I was in the Ladies Room."

He almost choked on his drink. "How could you... ?"

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The Love ExpressChapter 9 Winds of Change

March 15th, 1995, 10:05 AM CT; Union Station; Chicago IL Pulling in to Chicago Union Station was a very familiar experience for George. The station was only partially underground, as opposed to Penn Station which was fully underground. In addition to the relatively modern Amtrak fleet that made up the bulk of Chicago Amtrak operations- F40s pulling Amfleets, Horizon, and Superliner trains, with only a few Heritage cars sprinkled on most of them- the Broadway Limited was really the last of...

2 years ago
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My servant Seeta

This is a relation which happened between my servant Seeta and me. This happened when I was on working in Bombay. My servant was alone and was of age 38. I still remember that night when I came from party, she opened the door and me came slowly she had come from her room and was in blouse and dhoti. So I went to bathroom, while coming outside that time saw her in the room adjusting her dhoti and blouse, after changing she came to my room with glass of milk. I had removed my underwear and was...

1 year ago
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JamesDeen Katrina Jade Katrina Jade Is James Deen8217s Pretty Girl

Katrina Jade hasn’t been fucked in weeks. She is not O.K. with this. She invites James Deen over to take care of her sexual needs, but he rather talk to her about her well being and personal interests. Eventually the tattooed slut queen becomes bored of James’ antics and makes it clear that she just wants some dick. James is happy to oblige. He throws the camera to the side then proceeds to run through Katrina Jade’s shaved pussy like a train. James leaving the gothic beauty...

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Miriams Slave 2

Dear Reader: This story is an unauthorized sequel to "How I Became Miriam's Slave" by Cactus Juggler. Please read it first at: I sent him a copy of my story a couple of times last year but he never responded. The coach's whistle blew and I knew I was the one who screwed up again. "Where's your head at today, Carol," she yelled. "That's the third time you've blown this routine. Remember we have a game...

3 years ago
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Trading FriendsChapter 10 BOB

BOB: Monday morning and I began what seemed to be a normal week at school. I was riding the bus today because mom needed the car to run some errands. I almost had enough money saved to buy my own car, but I was still a couple of months from being able to so for the time being I had to share with mom. She certainly couldn't afford to do much to help out. Her salary as a nurse kept us clothed and fed, but not much more. Dad was supposed to be helping, and for a few years he had, but when he...

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Shadow on the EdgeChapter 14 Cates Hole

"Mick, I know you're going to like this one, you're always complaining of being bored." said Colonel Ezekiel 'Zeke' Jones, when everyone was finally present for a Staff Conference he had called. Shadow Brigade is a Mercenary Regiment and I am one of the Battalion Commanders. We had just enlarged from being a Battalion and I wasn't even used to being called 'Major' yet. "We have received a call from Thomas Calderon, Protector of the Taurian Concordat himself for a job. We are being...

3 years ago
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Pete and his forbidden pussy

Jen was asleep on the sofa when Pete and Marie, Jen’s Mother and Step Father, had come back from their day trip.They had been shopping all afternoon and then had finished with dinner and drinks at Joe’s Bar. They had lost track of time and we’re both pretty drunk when they finally made it back home.“That was wonderful Pete thank you so much.” Marie slurred as she swung her shopping bags of new clothes around in her hands.“I had a great time too darling.” Pete said happily back at her through...

1 year ago
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A Trip to Remember 1Chapter 10

By Friday, the business was still doing well but nowhere near the volume of the first few days. They had Maria fix a prime rib. When they sat down, Pace and Alexa came in to join them. Mara and Mary had invited them. Alexa started off by saying how impressed her parents were. “Mother spends half of her day looking at that necklace and Father isn’t much better with his ring. When they got home and saw the clothes, dishes, wine and the two rugs that Mother pointed out. They didn’t know what to...

1 year ago
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The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky Chapter 11

As we sat at the dinner table, mom looked at me over her famous chicken pastry, or what was left of it. "I was proud of the Level of maturity you displayed today and how you handled the incident with Lacey. It could have turned out badly. Finding out that we are having sex could have wrecked your relationship with her and she could have made a lot of trouble if she let it be known to others that I am having sex with you. I have tried to teach you to be honest and today you see first hand...

1 year ago
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The Sleepover That Changed Everything

Topping off her perfect physical form was the fact that she had just turned eighteen a few weeks ago. And, as Mike had discovered on that night, Rebecca wanted him. He was only too happy to enjoy the girl's youthful body, as he had done several times over the last few weeks. She was insatiable, filled with a sexual energy only teens have, and she was eager to please him. That was exactly what she was doing now, as she stroked his rigid, seven inch cock while she ran her tongue over his...

1 year ago
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Shes my best friends girl and she used to be mine

My has been married to my old girlfriend for almost six years now and she just can't seem to keep her hands off me. He doesn't have a clue that she is blowing me and fucking me everytime he is not around and sometimes even when he is in the next room! She will act all innocent and ask him to go to the store to get some milk or beer and as soon as he pulls out of the driveway, she is kissing me and unzipping my pants! Now don't get me wrong, its not like I'm not a willing victim here but she...

3 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 19

Thursday, June 24, 2010 Jake felt Leanne nudge his arm. He looked around. They were in the parking lot of the brothel. “Have I told you lately that you are my favorite woman in the whole world?” “Jake, you’ve just brought me to a whorehouse. Why are you sweet-talking me?” “I know this is a stretch for you, but you never fail to impress me with your strength and character. I love you for doing this.” “Don’t make me cry on the way into your whorehouse.” “I’d like you to help me...

4 years ago
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When the Wife is Away Hubby Will Play

Author's Note: This is loosely based on a true story. I have taken my literary license to embellish some facts and add a bit of spice to the story. I have also changed the names of the folks involved. When the Wife is Away, Hubby Will Play By Marti B It had been a long, long time! My wife, who doesn't approve of my dressing, started complaining about my hair being too feminine and made an appointment for me at her salon about six month ago. Debbie didn't take off too much on top but...

3 years ago
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Those Weekend GetawaysChapter 7

I told Ben during dinner that Lisa had been looking at doing some spring cleaning and could use Betty's help. Ben had no problem with Betty staying over for a few days. Betty did not object. She did seem to be having a hard time sitting still in her chair. Ben even asked what her problem was and to stop fidgeting. It was decided that she would go home first then someone would come over later to bring her back, so she could pack a suitcase. The rest of their visit went well. Betty's dress...

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“Ahhhh, Harry, we really shouldn’t be doing this here,” Hermione moaned quietly.The Great Hall was rapidly filling up with students who were hungry after a long day of classes. The four house tables were covered with platters of food, kept warm and ready to eat for all latecomers. The Gryffindor table was packed. Everyone was there, everyone but Harry and Hermione.For years now, Harry had been interested in the magic behind his invisibility cloak. Eventually, Harry decided to try to make one of...

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Hamar Top Class Ke Bhaujai

Hi guys and gals i m aaryan from a small city gorakhpur.. Main dikhne mein average hoo fair complexion 5.10 ht.. Waise main sex ka deewana hoo muth marta rehta hoon stories padh kar aur mujhe bahut maja aata hai… So now coming to story mere bhaiya ka nayi nayi shaadi hui abhi do mahine hue bhaiya ne love cum arrange maariage kia… Bhaiya bhabhi ek dusere se bahut pyaar karte hain lekin dhire dhire bhaiya bhabhi se door hone lage kyunki woh bahar reh kar job karte the manager ki post par aur woh...

1 year ago
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Caramel BBW! Big butted women or big beautiful women whatever name you would love to call them to have a bit of everything in excess, and so when it comes to sexiness I bet their sweetness can only be compared with caramel hence Caramel BBWs. This site is beaming with loads of these women getting down to naughty actions such as; ass/pussy licking, dick sucking, finger fucking, masturbation, toys and many more. I can guarantee all BBW lovers that there is so much to look forward to here! To find...

BBW Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Coming Together

Keri and Jay were old college buddies. She was a cheerleader and he was the quarterback for the football team. There was always good chemistry there, but neither Keri or Jay were brave enough to give it a shot. On graduation day they shared a glass of champagne with their other classmates, hugged, and bid each a fare-well, never expecting to see each other again. But fate is a funny thing… Keri’s husband was deployed so she spent a lot of time up late at night, mostly wondering if he was...

2 years ago
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BiGirlsChapter 4

A few weeks later the BiGirls celebrated the sixth month of my honorary membership by taking me to dinner and a show. "Buy yourself the sluttiest outfit you're willing to wear," Alice said, "And we'll all go have a fun evening. Just us girls. I'll get you a wig -- dark black, straight hair, I should think, in a cute bob with long bangs. It'll be your full first night out in public as a girl, won't it? No fear, we'll surround you. Go get your nails done at least -- I'm sure Jane...

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The Twelve Tables Ch 13

Authors Note: Thank you to everyone left comments or sent me feedback about previous chapters of this story. Thank you to Margaret who proofread for me. I hope you enjoy this chapter. ~ellie ***** ‘For fucks sake,’ Nik raged at the constables who approached her cell. ‘If my Uncle is here to bail me out, he is in no danger from me.’ ‘Stand against the back wall please, Miss Donati,’ the constable repeated respectfully. ‘I’ve done nothing wrong,’ she screeched at him. She couldn’t believe her...

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Ray eyes shot open and a stupid grin lit up his face, and then just as suddenly it was gone. Ray held Elizabeth close, Christ he thought he wasn't sure just how he felt about either one of them. Yes, it was true he was starting to develop feelings for both, though he wasn't sure you could actually call those feelings love. "Both of you," Ray started, "I can't tell you how I feel at this moment I am so unsure I do feel more than friendship for both of you, but love? I don't...

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Schoolgirls First DateChapter 10

Julie sat looking at Billy, but her mind was occupied with the problem he had set for her. How to take off all her clothes, with her hands bound behind her back! She was dressed in her tight white blouse, with thin ruffles down the buttons and around the collar and wrists. She had on a black skirt that was riding more than halfway up her thighs, almost to the tops of her flesh-tone stockings. Under her tight blouse, the pretty teen was wearing her favorite training bra. Under her skirt, she...

3 years ago
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Eradicating Knotweed

Sometimes things once perceived as a thing of beauty are allowed into our lives; sometimes, like Fallopia Japonica: 'Japanese Knotweed' they can quickly overrun a situation-and take control. He had managed to escape the humdrum, rat-race office life of Banking and Stocks; after 30 years in which the stress had nearly killed him, he had taken advantage of redundancy to pursue his hobby of gardening and make a meagre living from it. He remembered how grown men had held their heads in their...

1 year ago
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Seduced My Cousin And Fucked Him

Hey everyone! This is the first time I am writing something like this. My name is Shivangi. I live in Delhi with my parents, two younger siblings, and grandparents. For most of my teenage life, I had braces and pimples on my face. And I never had most guys’ attention. So I dedicated myself to studies and being a good girl. As time went by, my braces went away, and pimples were gone. And by the beginning of college, I was 5’8″, and my breast had expanded considerably. Around this time, my...

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New Discoveries

When I was growing up my mother raised me by herself. She had always wanted a daughter so we did a lot of things together. She taught me how to do makeup and style my longer hair. A lot of people frequently commented that I looked a lot like her. It probably didn't help that I had blown out hair and some foundation on during my adolescent years. I was called gay and fag a lot but I never let it bother me. I knew that I liked women and I was getting plenty of attention from girls my age anyways...

1 year ago
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MommysBoy Natasha Nice The Birds And The Behinds

Natasha Nice is doing some cleaning in her living room when her stepson, Juan Loco, walks in. He appears a little nervous and asks if he can talk to her about something personal. Natasha assures him that he can talk to her about whatever he likes, and invites him to sit down with her on the couch. Juan reveals that he has a question about sex- but not just ANY kind of sex… he wants to know about ANAL sex… Juan explains that anal sex seems to be the only kind of sex he is interested...

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sleepIn For Daddy ch 6 to 7

Chapter 6A couple of days went by, or was it three? Days and nights telescoped into themselves, blurred by eating and sleeping and bathing, all the necessary things that seemed at most to be only a background for the focal point of Jerry's life - the fucking they were doing. They made it in all possible positions, in acrobatic contortions and the more comfortable basic methods, his mother's pussy always open and smoking, her mouth always hungry for the meaty club he fed into her red lips. He...

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WalkingChapter 6

Paul did call Pat the next morning and told him that the mother of the tennis player called him and expressed their displeasure with how Pat acted with them. They said they would never ever use this service again. Pat explained to Paul what had happened and why he did what he did. Pat said he wasn’t about to put up with their attitude and if that caused problems for Paul, well that was just too bad. Pat said he didn’t need to be doing this type of job and would quit working if that’s what...

2 years ago
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Sonnet 57Chapter 12 Plate Tectonics

Introduction. The shape of continents is wrought by the inexorable progress of tectonic plates across the surface of the earth and is there anything that can stand in their way, divert their course or survive their movements? Well... In Moscow, Anatoly cannot find sleep until he takes practical steps to bring Vyera back home In London, Annie Elba – the Met’s forensic psychologist – wrestles to understand the progress Jenny has made under the care of the trauma psychologist, Dr Laura...

3 years ago
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Bend Me Over

Author’s note: It seems some readers don’t understand Flash stories and complain because they are too short. They are SUPPOSE to be short, encapsulating a little tale with relatively few words. If you prefer long stories then close this one otherwise pay attention to the storyline and presentation. Thanks. Marnie found herself singing a tune she hadn’t thought of in years - “Bend me over in the clover; lay me down and do it again.” The words weren’t exactly the same ones in the Limeybirds...

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Jackin JillChapter 4

Rodney pulled up in front of the dorm, his stomach doing flip-flops. Jill had carefully selected his rental car, leaning toward the higher end without crossing the line to a sports car or luxury model. His outfit had likewise been chosen to edge toward the popular styles without contrasting too much with his normal, comfortable mode of dress. Despite Jill and Watch both giving him seals of approval, he was still worried that he looked like a nerd masquerading as one of the cool kids. You can...

1 year ago
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Clips4Sale Cuckold

You're a pussy, women hate you, and no one wants to fuck you. If Jesus himself had a pussy he still wouldn't throw any your way. If Gandhi was handing out free blow jobs for world peace, he would turn you down.Are you still reading this article after that last paragraph? If so, then you are a cuck master. Other cucks look at you and feel like a damn king. You don't watch a strong alpha male fuck your wife. You watch a weak pussy watching his wife be fucked by a strong alpha male. That's a whole...

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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 8 A Clutch of Chickens

Sometimes things just work out. The Discretionary Contemporary was dark on Sundays and Pewtie left his parking lot at 2:11 in the afternoon and drove straight to Warren Hardmore’s home on West 73rd Street. A real-life connection to take the merely speculative out of my theory. I called the Sullivans from my loft, “One of you drive by Hardmore’s place.” I didn’t need to tell them not to stop, not to gawk, to just do a quickie. Jessie called back a few minutes later, “Backyard bar-b-que....

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