MICHELE'S NEW LIFE - CHAPTER 62A free porn video

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To say that once they made the decision to get married, Mom and Carlos wanted to move fast would be an understatement. Frankly, it was intriguing to me that they didn’t just elope and get it done with quickly. It was obvious that it hurt Carlos to leave the next day for his business trip to the East Coast. His goodbye to Mom was long and passionate. It was equally obvious to all of us that the only thing either one of them wanted right now was to be together. Not that they didn’t share a joint love and affection for us, but they had uncovered and faced head-on the true love they shared for each other. And it couldn’t be a surprise. It certainly wasn’t to us. It might actually have been more to them than to us. We (at least Tim and I) had the advantage of looking from the outside, remembering all the interactions, the looks, the meaningful touches, and the time they spent together, just them.

They both had been through their own heart-ache. Carlos losing his wife to illness. And, Mom … Mom losing everything she trusted in marriage, at least until she substituted Tim and me for my father. Both, very loving, devoted, and traditional people in their feelings about marriage and love. At least true love. Sure, Carlos may ‘love’ Marie and me in a sense that he honors us and cherishes what we give him in physical and emotion bonding, but ‘true love’, the love of husband and wife for traditionalists goes well beyond that. It is the essence of what Tim and I have. Despite the people we love and hold dear in our lives (Mom, Helen, Harry, Juli, Carlos, Marie, and Anthony), what Tim and I have is so far beyond those relationships. And that is what we feel Mom and Carlos are now realizing and experiencing about themselves. And I couldn’t be happier for them.

That said, now that they made the decision, the commitment for going forward, they were ready to get their relationship formalized and to start their own new life adventures. Mom wanted, and Carlos agreed, to having a church wedding ceremony, but a quiet and intimate affair to be held on the island and a limited outside guest invitation list. Only their intimate friends would be invited from the States, this was not going to be an affair with business associates from within the Corporation, customers, or elsewhere. Mom was inviting the same group that had attended our ceremony when Tim, Mom, and I made our commitments: Juli, Harry, Sharon, John, and Tim, Helen, and myself. Carlos would be inviting social friends from the island and the surrounding region, but an equally small number. Mom picked the small church we attended for Christmas service this past Holiday. She asked the minister to invite the entire congregation who wished to attend and a reception in the courtyard immediately afterward. The details would be finalized in the weeks to come.

So, in a month after their announcement, they intended to be married. That didn’t leave much time, but given the restriction of size of the ceremony and the simplicity of the church, it would come together easily. Especially, given the resources Carlos had for hiring help to assist in the effort of planning and execution. There were a couple of events, though, that needed some serious consideration. Tim wanted to sponsor a bachelor party for Carlos. Juli and I had similar thoughts of a bachelorette party for Mom. Little did I know at the time of the initial planning that I would have a role in both, but much less than I anticipated in Mom’s.

Juli and I thought it would be fun to have the ‘girls’ go up to Vegas for a weekend and be crazy. Maybe go to a male stripper revue or two, a little gambling, and lots of playing. It would be the women from the group going down for the wedding to keep it simple since all were in the area. Tim said he could use the same weekend and put something together for the guys. He, however, was already working on a plan that had the guys not travelling. I liked our plan better. Even if we behaved ourselves in regards to men, the Vegas scene offered options.

Both events were planned as Mom and Carlos finished the planning of the wedding, receptions (one for the church congregation and a more intimate one for the specifically invited guests at the estate), and the honeymoon. Carlos gave Mom no details regarding the honeymoon, only that it would be warm, intimate, private, and a full week away from the estate and work. That last part pleased Mom, his commitment to be isolated from all business issues for the entire week.

Both parties were planned into the final details when Tim surprised us with one detail of his planned party. We were in the midst of dinner, a week in advance of the parties. As usual for us, we were in sheer gowns when the talk turned, yet again, to the future with Mom leaving our group for her new life with Carlos.

Tim then offered, “I am going to need Michele for the men’s party. I hope you women don’t mind.” Mom and Helen looked at me questioningly, but he continued, “No, she knew nothing of this.”

I immediately understood why I was needed by him for the men’s party. It was understood that the parties would be fun, sexy, and possibly outrageous, but without bringing in the opposite sex from beyond the group. We were always very careful of who was brought into our sexual play and this couldn’t be any different. I understood that my role was to be his submissive and slut for the weekend for the men. I would have to wait to find out what that might include.

“Sir, I will assist in the continued planning of Barb’s party but will, of course, be available to you as you desire.” Tim and I had numerous small talks about my submissiveness and where it might continue to go. Since learning of Mom’s impending wedding and leaving our home, the discussions had become more frequent and speculative. I was sure Tim’s planning of the party with me was along those lines.

While cleaning up after dinner, my turn for washing the pots and serving dishes that didn’t go into the dish washer, our discussion centered on my absence at Mom’s party. Sharon had previously attended a bachelorette party in Vegas and was taking on some of the itinerary planning and reservations. Mom was paying for the weekend, including flying everyone to Vegas from Phoenix and staying at the MGM on the Strip. When Mom left to attend to Tim, I confided in Helen, “Dear, I wonder if you feel up to filling in for me at Mom’s party. Sharon and I were thinking that I might be the slut of the party, but it now appears that Tim had the same idea for me at his. You got a good taste of what that was at the dinner party at the estate over the Holidays, but this will be just women who know and care about you.”

She looked at me, then to Mom, and showed a big smile, “Absolutely! It’s nothing we don’t frequently do, anyway.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure.” I said it with a laugh, touching her butt by slipping my hand under the baby-doll she was wearing. “Sharon is a bit of a submissive, herself. I think she has plans, which could certainly include exhibitionism and heavy use of you. I would imagine there might be a lot of pussy to take care of.”

She smiled, took my hand, and put it between her legs. She was very wet and I slipped a finger inside and stroked her several times when Mom walked back in. “Can’t even get the dishes done, first?” Helen and I kissed and smiled. We were both now anticipating the parties to a much greater extent.

Late Friday afternoon everyone was assembled at our place as the ladies said their goodbyes while their bags were stowed in the waiting limo, which would take them to the airport and complimentary champagne during the drive. They were sure to start the weekend with a buzz. As the limo departed, I stood in the midst of the men. The women were returning by the same limo service by about noon on Sunday, which would allow time for the estate group to return to the island. The wedding was the following Saturday. It gave them a week for final preparations. Each trip to the island, Mom had taken more and more of her things and returned each time with a nearly empty bag.

I stepped forward from the men and turned to be directly in front of Tim. My head and eyes dropped so I was not directly making eye contact but seeing them by looking from the tops of my eyes. In front of me were most of the men I already had an intimate relationship with: Tim, of course, Carlos, Harry, Anthony, and John (Sharon’s son and partner). I was dressed as instructed by Tim, a spaghetti strap sundress that came to mid-thigh, no underwear or stockings, and high heel sandals.

“Sir, may I ask what is expected of me?”
“No, Michele, you may not. There are only a few things you will need to know from this point on for the weekend.”

My eyes were now completely downward, looking only at his feet. This was firm. He was taking our recent conversations about the future of my submissiveness and applying them this weekend. Perhaps, in his mind, as a test in very safe company. “Yes, Sir?”

“Those few things you need to know are: you are our slut for the weekend starting now and until the other women return around Sunday noon; you will consider all these men with the same respect, consideration, and responsiveness as you would to me; you will do as any of us say and perform exactly as any of us say; you will do it exactly as you are told, when you are told, and where you are told without hesitation on your part. As always, you have your safe word, but I do not foresee a need for it, is all of that understood?”

I immediately responded, still not looking up, “Yes, Sir.”

“Repeat it to me in your words.”

“You and these men are my Masters. I will do what you say, when you say it, and where you say it. I will completely and immediately satisfy your every demand.” It never even occurred to me to use the word ‘request’. There was nothing about the situation that would be a ‘request’; it would merely be to respond to whatever they desired. Five men … and me. Then I heard the dogs playing in the play area of the kennel, we purposely didn’t have any training dogs with the wedding coming, but we did have our three and Juli’s. I looked in the direction of the kennel, which was behind the house, then back to Tim. He was smiling with a small nod and it fully sank in. No, not five men and me, but instead it was five men, four dogs, and me. My god! Nine cocks and Tim’s firmer attitude …

I thought I might have a minor orgasm right there when I felt Tim’s hand reach under my dress skirt and slip a finger between my legs that opened without my conscious thought and stayed at shoulder width. “Hmmmm … gentlemen, this will prove to be an interesting weekend. She is already nearly dripping wet.” He pulled his hand out and held it up to my lips, which opened and eagerly sucked off my own juices. He smiled at me, then made room for the others to come and sample for themselves. They all did and each time I sucked off their finger.

Tim turned to the other men, “Gentlemen, to start the festivities, we will be taking our slut to dinner, then a little club I discovered after some extensive research. Then we will return for most of the weekend here.” He smiled a very nasty smile at me and I shivered, but a shiver that was only part nerves. Instead, most of the shiver was anticipation and raw lust that had quickly built within me. “First, I think for our comfort this evening, we need to take the edge off. Michele, on your knees. You will now suck each cock and swallow the cum given you. Then, we will depart.”

I went to my knees where I was and Carlos, as the man of honor, came up to me. I reached for his pants, undid the belt, snap, and zipper, and pulled out his stiffening cock. Yes, Tim was right and this was definitely needed. The anticipation and the instructions to me had everyone ready and wanting. This would make their evening easier on them and the eventual point of my more active involvement less rushed. I took his cock into my mouth and sensed another presence next me. It was Anthony and I worked on his pants as I continued to suck and take Carlos’ cock in my mouth and to the entrance to my throat. I was proud of the fact that Tim had encouraged me to develop my technique to the point of being able to resist the gag reflex. I was sure that I would have frequent opportunity to use those skills this weekend.

With one hand on Anthony’s cock, stroking him, the other cupped Carlos’ balls as I took his cock to the base and I felt him tense and jerk. I pulled up until his cock head only remained in my mouth and the first of several spurts of cum coated the inside of my mouth. When he was finished, I pulled my lips off and licked my lips, smiled up at him, and with my thumb pressed up the length of his cock, forcing out the last drop of semen, which I licked from the hole. I then turned slightly on my knees, my short skirt still not quite touching the ground and took Anthony’s cock in my mouth, repeating the same effort as Harry approached to the side, allowing me to loosen his pants and begin stroking him in preparation of his turn. It proceeded in this way, one after the other. I heard the front door of the house close, Tim appeared next to John, and I prepared him as the last cock before leaving for dinner.

As I sucked on Tim’s cock, I saw his hand held something that did not quite allow it to completely close. He must have noticed my interest in his filled hand as he opened it and presented to my eyes two chrome Ben Wa balls. As I took his cock to the base and felt him tense, he put the balls next to my ear and gently shook them causing them to resonate from the movement of the weights inside them. After I had likewise cleaned his cock, I sat back on my heels, my back straight and my knees about shoulder width apart. I awaited his next command, not anticipating what it might be, just allowing his control to guide me.

“Stand, Michele, your feet shoulder width apart. This will be your standard position for the weekend; your thighs will never be closed. Is that understood?”
“Absolutely, Sir. My open legs will be a constant invitation to use my body as any of you wish to use me.”

“Very good, Michele.” He turned to Carlos, “As the man of honor this weekend, would you do the honor of inserting these into our slut to keep her wet and ready at all times this evening?” He smiled and quickly took the balls from Tim’s hand and inserted first one and then the other. They slipped inside very easily. Tim put a finger under my chin and lifted it up to look directly into my eyes, “There will be other toys and objects later for you, for when we are not able to be inside you ourselves.”

I shivered, again. There have been times when I was made available to three or four men at a time or two or three dogs at a time, but this suggested more than I had previously been submitted to. As the balls were inserted and I felt them adjust to the shared space inside my cunt and my mind considered this weekend’s potential, the shiver turned into a shuddered. The change was not lost on the men and they laughed lustily.

Tim had rented a large SUV for the weekend. Besides the two front seats, it had two full bench seats behind. I was instructed to sit in the middle of the middle seat. Harry was on one side and Anthony on the other. Carlos was in the front with Tim and John sat directly behind me. As Tim turned to back the vehicle up, he met my eyes, “You will not sit on your dress this weekend, no matter where we are. You will now lower the bodice of your dress, raise the skirt of your dress to your waist, and open your legs wide. You will remain that way until I tell you otherwise.”

“Yes, Sir, as you wish.” I immediately leaned forward and unzipped the back of my dress, pushing the straps off my shoulders and lowering it to my waist. I then raised my hips off the seat and pulled the skirt to my waist. Finally, I opened my legs wide, but apparently not wide enough as both Harry and Anthony took hold of a knee and pulled them even wider, raising my legs to d**** over theirs. At the same time, I felt hands take my breasts, recognizing them as John’s. As each man used one hand to hold my leg over theirs, the other hand went to my pussy, fingers inserted and moving the Ben Wa balls around inside me, sometimes flicking my clit, pulling the lips out and open, or pinching my clit. John was equally involved, fondling my breasts, and pulling and pinching and twisting my nipples. It wasn’t long before I was moaning.

“You will not cum, Michele. Not until you are allowed to.”


“Did I not speak clearly, slut?”
“I am sorry, Sir. I understand, I am not to cum until allowed to.” But, my moans continued as the men continued their manipulation of my parts.

My eyes had shut during the drive and I was brought to awareness by Tim’s voice, “You can now cover your breasts and lower your skirt.” Just then, the vehicle turned and he entered the parking lot. I only just got myself together when the side door was opened by the attendant at the door. My flushed appearance, however, did little to hide the excitement my body was feeling.

It was a nice steak house. Not a top rated one, but nice. A place we could get a good meal, enjoy ourselves, and have it not take forever in the process. Clearly, Tim had an agenda in mind. He raised his glass and we all did the same, “To Carlos, and vicariously, his lovely bride-to-be. May all your shared future years be everything you imagine and more.” We all drank to the toast. He then looked around the table, “Gentlemen, I hope this weekend is everything you could envision for such an event we are about to undertake. I know I have the perfect female companion for such an adventure.” They raised their glasses, again, this time to me. I had a feeling that might be the last time I would receive such thoughtful consideration. Tim didn’t disappoint me, “Michele, I felt a good protein rich meal would be a good way to start the weekend. Although,” he looked around at the other men, “I feel you will be taking in a considerable amount of our protein rich offerings.” The men all laughed and, I couldn’t believe it, I blushed.

I was as curious as the others about the club Tim had referenced earlier. My first thought was some kind of Swingers club but rejected that. Why go to a Swingers club when they could just take me home? My second thought was the right one, a strip club. Entering the main door and paying the cover charge, I got in free, Tim asked for a table for five. The hostess saw the six of us and looked at Tim questioningly.

“As I said, a table for five. She won’t need her own chair.”

That got the reaction he was expecting as she immediately saw me as their plaything. She looked me up and down before venturing, “We don’t allow solicitation in the club.”

Tim’s response surprised even me. He lifted her chin to look up at him and he looked deeply into her eyes, “It isn’t solicitation if we are bringing her in with us.” Her look said it all, his commanding nature and attitude immediately changed her own attitude. At the same time, however, he seemed to confirm her evaluation of me. Instead of being offended, though, it turned my excitement up to another level. As we were led to our table, which was about ten feet from the stage, I quickly scanned the room and found only a couple other women in the entire place otherwise populated by about twenty-five men.

On stage was a very busty woman in her upper twenties. She was down to her thong and heels as she gyrated around the stage. Tim pulled me into his lap, confirming this was the intent of only needing five chairs. I would be making the rounds to all the men before we left. But the woman on stage had my attention. Actually, it wasn’t the woman at all, it was her breasts. Despite the size of them, they hardly bounced. Clearly enhanced to an extreme level.

Anthony saw where my focus was, “Do you like her breasts, Michele? Do you wish you had breasts like that? Is that what has your interest?”

“Not my interest, Sir. My curiosity would be more accurate. They don’t even bounce. No, I much prefer my natural breasts.” I put my hands under my covered breasts and bounced them up and down. “Don’t you agree, gentlemen?”

The server had taken our order and delivered our drinks, eyeing my situation with interest. I raised my glass as she was finishing serving John, the last one, “Gentlemen, raise your drinks to Carlos, once again. To a long, happy, and sexy life with my Mother!” The server looked to me as I sat on Tim’s lap and made the toast. I smiled at her and made a provocative addition, “And, to this weekend, I hope I can provide all of you everything you desire and command.”

Tim noticed the server’s mouth open and stare at us. He smiled and responded loud enough for the group and her to hear, “You will, my little slut wife, you will.” The woman’s mouth opened more, shook her head, and moved to the next table to check on them, but glancing back at us as she moved around the room. I had the distinct feeling that our service was going to be extraordinary tonight.

I was moved to Carlos who helped me make sure I was not sitting on my dress by pulling it up as I sat down in his lap. In moments, his hand was between my legs and stroking my upper thighs under the skirt. The server came to deliver a new round of drinks. She leaned close to my ear, “Are you really the other one’s wife?”

I smiled, “Yes, I am.”

“So, this group of men … I mean … he’s … sharing you?”

“Yes. Have you ever been? I mean shared … multiple men, whatever they want?”

“God, no! But … I mean, I work in this place, but this place is all fantasy. The few women coming in here are with one man, sometimes to try to get a job to dance or waitress. But … you … this is so hot, like one of those stories on the internet.”

I put my hand on her cheek and she didn’t pull away. I glanced at a couple of the guys, they were all watching my moves closely. I slipped my hand to her neck, pulled her to me, and kissed her on the lips. Still, she didn’t pull away but looked at me intently as we broke the kiss. “Honey, living it is sooooooo much better than someone’s imagination put into words. Just be careful, be safe with good men.” I smiled at her as she stepped back in a daze.

Carlos slipped his hand to my pussy and slipped a finger inside causing me to gasp. “Michele, that was so hot, so amazing. Did you see that poor woman’s reaction? She was stunned. And, me ….”

“I can feel the effect on you, Sir.” All the guys smiled and nodded in agreement.

When the current dancer, a skinny and pale skinned woman, finished her third song, a guy came out on the stage. I suppose he might be the manager. He looked out into the audience and seemed dejected but went on, anyway. He announced that the amateur competition was open if any woman was interested. There was a $100 price for any woman who the audience decided danced better than one of the club dancers. When he asked if anyone was interested, nobody moved or said anything. Except at our table. Carlos nudged me off his lap but held his finger up to me. I took it into my mouth and sucked my juices off, again. That was all the encouragement I was going to get, but it was clear what his intention was.

I raised my hand and the audience was at first surprised that anyone was interested. Then I moved to Tim, “Sir, I have no underwear. This will be a very quick strip.”

“Good, Michele. You didn’t say ‘no’ or complain. Regarding the no underwear, you just have to make it worthwhile. Ask if they have some scarves in back to use and then make it really interesting because you will be naked very quickly.” I bent over to kiss him and John slipped his hand under my raised skirt and stroked my exposed ass. I turned and looked over my shoulder at him and smiled.

He returned the smile and added, “Go show these guys what real breasts look like.”

I turned to walk to the stairs to the stage, stopped and returned to Tim. “Sir, I think I should remove the balls so they don’t fall out.” He agreed, reached between my legs and fished each one out. The waitress, who was watching from the next table, was nearly beside herself now. I walked to the side of the stage to the stairs and met the guy as he walked over to me. He went through his introduction and rules. Basically, complete nudity was okay but no sexual acts. I asked if there were any scarves in the back that I could use, but they didn’t seem interested in helping me, perhaps because it might mean paying out $100. I said I would do it anyway as long as the club stripper danced first. She did and she seemed average for what we had seen so far. Her breasts were false, her stomach soft, and her energy and interest seemed low. She had a skirt, blouse, underwear, and shoes. She had a lot to take off and by the middle of the third song was finally completely naked.

When it was my turn, I picked three songs for them to play and figured I would be naked by the end of the first song. After that, I would have to improvise. The first song started and I moved to the center of the stage. I moved with much more energy, purposely causing my skirt to swing and bending over frequently enough to make those close to the stage to wonder if I was wearing a thong or not. I unzipped the back of my dress, removed the straps from my shoulder, and held the bodice in place with one hand as I twirled and danced in the center. When I released the bodice and it fell to my waist, a cheer went up as they realized I was without a bra. My breasts moved and bounced just enough to be enticing. And it must have been given the cheers as I bent over and swung my breasts. As the first song was ending, I hooked my fingers into the dress at my waist and pushed one side and then the other, inching it further down my hips. Only moments before the song was ending I turned my back to the audience, bent over, and pushed the dress off my hips so it pooled at my feet.

I picked up my dress between songs and flipped it to our table. Harry came to the edge of the stage and offered my drink, which I took a good swig. There was no other word, it certainly wasn’t a sip. And the bourbon went straight to my head and I spun around with a twirl as the second song started. I moved to the back of the stage with my hips swaying back and forth, flipping my hair, and glancing over my shoulder with teasing kisses blown to the audience. As the song picked up, so did I, moving into the center of the stage, and surprising everyone with a cartwheel. I sank to the floor of the stage, leaned back, raised my legs straight into the air, and spread them as wide as I could, completely opening myself to the entire room. Again, the room erupted into cheers. I spun around with my legs spread, my body parallel to the floor and support in front by one hand. I turned slowly, controlling my balance, as I became bent over backwards, my head towards the audience. Again, as the song neared the end, I kicked my legs up, spread them wide as they passed over my handstand and sank into splits. I didn’t look at the floor. I was so turned on and hot and wet, I knew I had to leave a wet spot on the floor.

I moved to the pole on one side as the last song started. I grabbed it at head level and gave myself a little swing, which allowed me to swing around the pole, my legs opening again as I grabbed the pole above my head, my upper back pressed into it, and my open legs swinging in front of the audience on each turn. I curled my lower body up, bringing my legs above my head until I could wrap my legs around the pole. With a firm grip on the pole below my head and my body pressed into the pole, I again spread my legs, this time upside down. I rewrapped my legs around the pole, sliding down while using only my legs to slow my descent, my arms out to the side as I slid slowly down. Once at the floor, I curled and rolled to a sitting position, my legs open. I moved into a squat and rose to my feet, now moving into aerobic dance moves, arms to the side, legs kicking up and out. At the end of the song, the noise of the crowd left no doubt about their enjoyment of it.

I jumped off the stage and into Tim’s arms. I remained naked for the next drink before we then left for home. I was dressed leaving the club, but when we arrived at the SUV, I was instructed to remove the dress and take my place on the middle seat. The ride home was not a matter of being felt and probed, this time Anthony undid his pants, lowered them, and pulled me onto his lap where I bumped into a very hard and erect cock. I raised myself and allowed him to guide me over his cock and down it. I sighed at finally feeling something inside me. Anthony also sighed as I sank down him and settled at the base of his cock... By the time the vehicle was pulling into the drive at home, I was now on John’s cock. I had cum with Anthony and was about to do the same as I anticipated John’s pending climax when the side door was opened and Tim reached in to help me out. I moaned at the loss of the cock when I stood up, but I reached in the vehicle and pulled John out behind me. We were going to finish what we started inside the house.

With John in tow, I followed Tim inside and immediately went to the family room where I turned on a light and pushed John to the floor on his back. I then straddled him, bent over and kissed him, thanking him for his cock inside me. He hugged me tightly and moaned into my ear, “God, you feel good, Michele.”

I sat up and smiled down at him as I continued rising and falling on his cock. Then I saw bare feet next to us and a hard cock pointed at my face. Harry was wasting no time and not being bashful in the least. I grabbed his cock as I continued moving on John and pulled myself to him, engulfing his cock half way down on the first move. When John went rigid underneath me, raising his hips into the air, I felt him cum inside me. I was close to my own orgasm, but not quite there. The break at arriving home had cooled me just enough, apparently. This wasn’t about my orgasms, though, it was about theirs. I collapsed onto John for just a moment, kissing him and thanking him for his cock and cum.

I felt a touch on my shoulder and without looking knew it was Harry. I raised up off John and turned on my knees to face Harry, “How may I serve you, Sir? In what position would you like to use my body, which is yours for your use?”

He smiled. I think he liked this side that was being presented to him. “On your hands and knees. I want to use you like the dogs will be later.” The dogs. I shivered at the thought. I had been so focused on the men and everything that had already happened that I had momentarily forgotten about how the dogs would also be playing a part in all this. I moved as instructed and he came up behind me. I felt his hands on my ass cheeks and then on my waist as he pressed his hard cock to my crack and pulled me back onto him. At the same time he drove forward so that the first penetration had him completely inside me, his pubic hair pressed against my ass. He was possessed it seemed, driving into me, pounding at me like I haven’t experienced from him in the past. Clearly, the anticipation and playing of the evening had had its effect on him. And, I was loving the feeling. This wonderful man who had assumed the role of uncle for Helen was treating me like the slut and bitch I was intended to be this weekend. When he came inside me, I pressed back against him and, my fingers strumming my clit until I joined him in wonderful, convulsing orgasm, my pussy clenching around his twitching cock.

When he pulled out of me, I did collapse to the floor. I was expecting another tap or prodding to assume another position, but it didn’t happen. I rolled over onto my back and looked up at the men looking down at me. Tim spoke, “Michele, I think it would be a good time for another drink before Carlos and I decide how we should use you.”

I smiled and stood. “Yes, Sir.” I moved to the bar thinking that this was really going to be a weekend. I saw no let-up coming from them. They may quit for the night, but they were obviously intent on a marathon event here. After serving all of them, I returned with my own. As I entered the room and the available seating options, it seemed they had not allowed for a spot for me. Instantly, I knew what was appropriate. I moved to the spot directly in front of Tim and I went to my knees, which I kept spread, of course. They talked among themselves as I knelt before them, naked, legs apart, and my back straight jutting out my breasts. They seemed to be content to talk, much of it about what had already occurred. When my drink was finished, Tim directed his attention to me.

“Michele, go get the tube of lubrication and bring it here. Then prepare your asshole for use. Be sure to turn frequently so all can see your application of the gel.”

I did what I was instructed. I returned in a moment with the tube in hand. Again, I didn’t hesitate or even consider an objection, concern, or challenge. It had been established a long time ago that when I am submissive and a slut I have three holes to be used sexually. And, all three have been used, both when I have made the preference and when it has been presented to me as a preference. Sexually, it has always turned me on to a higher level by the demand and instruction that a particular act would be required. This was such a time. When I walked back into the room, there was no, zero, confusion or misunderstanding of what was about to happen. This evening had started out, only hours ago, with me on my knees outside along the driveway sucking each of the five men to climax. Then being liberally and freely felt-up and probed in the car on the way to the restaurant. Then performing an erotic strip dance over the span of three songs. Finally, culminating in having just been fucked by three of the five men and now entering the room with a tube of sexual lubrication that we have only used for anal penetration. Yes, the understanding was clear and made more so, in my mind anyway, by the fact that I was convinced they could see the cum of those three men leaking from my pussy.

Also as instructed, I stopped in front of Tim with the lubrication tube in my hands. I stood as I was already accustomed with my feet separated to shoulder width. I opened the top of the tube and squeezed some onto two fingers of one hand before turning my back to him, bending over, and pulling one cheek to the side as the other hand slid over my puckered hole. I then rotated to the next man, repeating the same movement. Rotating again to the next man, I squeezed more lube onto my fingers and pressed one into my ass. Each man in turn was presented a similar view as instructed by Tim.

Once completed, I turned back to Tim and stood in position with my hands behind my back. And I waited. Moving to my hands and knees, perhaps a logical position to be taken anally, would have been presumptuous and out of line. I did not know how he might intend my use now. So, I stood before him, patiently. Or, at least, appearing patient. And, he left me like that. It seemed like a long time, but I was sure it wasn’t, only feeling that way as all the men considered me standing before them naked, used, and prepared for even more. They talked about me, my body, how sexy and enticing I was. They talked openly and boldly about my body, my pussy, my breast and nipples. They compared me, standing before them exposed and controlled, to the club strippers. The way my breasts moved compared to the fake breasts of the dancers. They compared the details that I hadn’t noticed, like how my nipples became erect, how my pussy lips glistened from my natural lubrication. They compared all that to the club strippers who they said didn’t have those physical reactions. I wondered if I was present to them. Was I not there in front of them as they talked so personally and graphically about me? I knew, though, that this was about more psychological gaming, playing in my mind. I knew this was control, but I also knew that the control was a stimulation for me. And, more to the point, Tim knew that. And … whether our entry into submission all that time ago intended it or not … the stimulation I felt from the control was more intense, more dominating of my being than ever before. As if over time, my being, my body, and my mind was wanting, needing more of it, more intensely, and more defined. Tim and I had started considering these reactions from me; I was sure we would continue to pursue what it meant after this experience.

Tim stood, moved past me slightly, and lay on the floor. I looked at him, still curious. This was our common position for me to straddle him but had nothing to do with my preparing my asshole for penetration, but then it hit me and I looked around at the men, stopping at Carlos who also had not yet fucked me. He smiled. Tim had his hand outstretched to me, indicating that I was correct. I straddled his mid-section, took his cock in my hand, and sat down completely on it. My pussy was well lubricated by the cum of three men and my own secretions.

I leaned forward to kiss my man and whisper a ‘thank you’ that the others wouldn’t hear, but also, I knew that this action presented my ass nicely to anyone behind me. And, that ‘anyone’ was Carlos, in particular. I moved up and down slowly on Tim until I felt movement behind me and hands on my hips, then shifting to my cheeks and pulling them apart. I then stopped on Tim and braced myself for the initial penetration pressure from Carlos. I was well lubricated, I knew that because I had done it myself, but it still took effort to achieve penetration. But once we had it, once the three of us were joined in common bond through my body … MY GOD! … I was so deliciously full of cock. And by the two men I trust the most! There was nothing I could do at his point. I was pinned between these two. I was there to be used, for them to drive their cocks into for their pleasure. And it was giving me sooooo much pleasure in return.

I orgasmed shortly after the double penetration was achieved. And it didn’t abate. I stayed on edge as they both continued pumping into each of my holes. I wasn’t surprised when Carlos started cumming, first. Being in my asshole was the tighter fit, certainly, and the extra friction and pressure from Tim in my pussy would add to it. But, he probably also felt more effect of my orgasm and clenching muscles on his cock in my tight asshole. But, I felt him. I felt him tense and ram deeply into me, then jerk inside before feeling his spurts of cum into my ass.

Tim wasn’t far behind, though. As Carlos finished and pulled out of me, it gave me freedom to move and I started fucking on Tim’s cock. It wasn’t long before I was feeling the same signs from him. His hips rose up to me, actually nearly supporting me, as he strained to be deeper inside me. It was then that I felt the first of several jerks and twitches of his cock inside me, followed by spurts of his cum. And, with him, I came a second time.

I collapsed down onto him, pressing my body into his, kissing his neck and whispering into his ear, “Thank you, Sir. This has been an amazing night! I hope I satisfied you and the men.”

“You did, Michele, but the weekend is a long way from ending.”

I pulled back and looked into his eyes, which were smiling. I returned the smile. I stood up and asked about the remainder of the night. Tim suggested sleep. Tomorrow would offer plenty of new opportunities for creative us of me, he suggested. It was after midnight, already. Tim assigned locations within the house. I kissed each man, encouraging more touching, before all went to a bed for the night.

I knew I was tired. The evening was fun, exciting, and highly satisfying. Not bad for the first part of the weekend. I was a little anxious and a lot excited about the coming days and night. I had already decided that Tim had this weekend more planned than any of us might guess. I was sure he would approach each new portion as a suggestion, an option, but that it would likely be taken by the others as a creative and wonderful idea. As I lay down alongside Carlos, my tired mind worked on tomorrow and tomorrow night. I didn’t know anything, but I knew the dogs would come into play tomorrow, perhaps in a big way. Tomorrow and night, five men and four dogs and little me.

Thoughts and images played in my mind as I cuddled into Carlos who was already asleep. I smiled at that and squirmed in a little tighter. He groaned and his arm moved over me, but I knew from his breathing that he was still asleep. And, very quickly, so was I.

* * * CHAPTER 62B: THE BACHELOR PARTY, PART 2 will follow * * * Thanks for reading.


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Vampire Omicron Chapter 6 New Life

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PART 1 Them fuckin’ Armed Services get all the credit, but who gets their asses blown out of the water to get them their crap, for chrissake? Us fuckers in the Merchant Marine, that’s who. Goddamn sub-bait. And then they don’t send nobody to fish us out. Goddamn Krauts. Goddamn war! Cookie bobbed in his lifejacket and watched his ship disappear, a sorry excuse for a vessel, to be sure, but nonetheless, his ship. Sailors deep-six all the time, the risk they signed on for, perhaps. Bad luck,...

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CHAPTER 49: A CELEBRATION AND …The following couple of days we were a little protective of Helen. As could be expected, she was a little sore for the two day and one night of constant availability to a dog just learning what it was like to have a human female for mating. Both Mom and I insisted on her taking several baths of mineral solutions to stimulate soothing and the hot tub in the evenings when it was cool. She accompanied us on the morning runs and for the first times the three of us we...

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CHAPTER 12: RE-NEWED BEGINNINGS So much was changing. And so quickly, again. And it seemed to be touching on so many parts of our life to give us the impression of our “New Life” being renewed to another beginning. At the wedding and then re-affirmed after our honeymoon, our life took a dramatic changes in commitment and adventure at least in our private lives or very deliberately expanded our sexual life. That had led to many wondrous experiences so far. This new change gave every indication...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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CHAPTER 53C: HARRY, JULI, AND HELEN AT THE HORSE SHOW, PART 3: JUMP - GIRLHelen woke the next morning to a sunny day outside. They had neglected to close the d****s, which now caused her to wonder what anyone in the opposite wing of the hotel might have seen as Juli and she alternately fucked Harry until he came. But, she also woke to the realization that she was a part of a mass of intertwined legs, arms, and bodies. All naked. And, since she was in the middle of this mess, all she could do...

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CHAPTER 53A: HARRY, JULI, AND HELEN AT THE HORSE SHOW Life seemed to get back to normal quickly after our return from the island. But, it really had to. Tim had a weeklong swing through all the sites under his management responsibility coming up and that kept him very busy as he got himself ready for those visits with the local management teams. Of course, Helen had classes starting up with the new semester right away and the dogs were returned to our kennel for boarding and training. Within...

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Lifes Tales Intro Chapter 1

Introduction: I havent really named this yet but its a story Ive been working on for a while now. Let me know what you think…it starts off kinda slow but itll get there INTRO: I dunno why this female thinks shes gonna win this battle. She aint bout shit! She obviously thinks Im scared of her or somethin. She just dont realize the only reason Im not and havent beat her ass yet is cuz my boy wont let me. He says she aint worth my time, which she really aint, but shes pissin me off! I spent my...

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CHAPTER 52A: PRE-HOLIDAYS WITH FRIENDSBy the time Helen and Marie returned home, Tim, Mom and I had decided to go to bed. I was still awake, waiting. Knowing Mom, she was, too; but it wasn’t really obvious. I was cuddled into her back and she to Tim’s side and I did feel a deep exhale from her when I heard the door to the garage open and close and their voices and giggles coming down the hall. I heard the door to our room being opened further and then slightly closed, as they seemed to check on...

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CHAPTER 50B: HELEN’S COMMITMENT CEREMONY, PART 2Helen watched the alarm clock with singular focus for the two minutes to pass. Then, she went to the door, took a deep breath, opened it, and entered the hallway. Such a familiar trip down this hallway that she took several times a day, but now, dressed like this, for this event, she felt the butterflies but she continued putting one foot in front of the other until she was at the entry to the kitchen and the patio door. When Tim saw her slowly...

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CHAPTER 7: SHARON & JOHNSince our discussion and establishment/agreement on my submissiveness that Sunday morning, I had all the rest of the day to begin the commitment to being naked when in the house. And Cody was definitely a dog that was aware of his surroundings. No longer was my reaction to him like it was just earlier in the morning when I reacted with sympathy for being otherwise busy. No, now I was his and he quickly picked on the fact that if he made himself known, I yielded to...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 7 9

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 7 - 9 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his...

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CHAPTER 44: JULI SETTLES INOn the flight from Miami to Dallas/Fort Worth I was sitting with Tim. Helen and Mom were a couple rows back and on the other side of the aisle. I was thinking hard on something and Tim could sense it. I was sitting to his left in the window seat. My right hand was in his left and our fingers were intertwined. I loosened the seat belt and strained up to look behind me to them. Helen already had her head on Mom’s shoulder and was sleeping. Mom spotted me and looked to...

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CHAPTER 25: HI, I’M HELEN, YOUR SISTER!I almost leapt out through the door, but Mom jump across the opening and pulled me further into the house. “No, you can’t go out there like this. Not in front of the Sheriff and this girl. You have to stay quiet and see where this goes.”“But, what is she up to? I don’t have a sister. I’m an only c***d. You said that dad was your first. You got married young and I came along.”“All that is true, dear. So we need to hear what she means but not like this....

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CHAPTER 48: HELEN'S TRAINING FINALSWhen Helen came in the door, we quizzed her. “My, you were certainly gone a long time. Was everyone properly excited?”“Oh, very much so. Juli wanted every single detail about it. How Kaycee felt inside me, how long we were tied, how much cum he squirted into me. A whole bunch of questions that I had nothing to compare with. Yes, she was very excited. She said she can’t wait until the time we are all fucking dogs together.”“And Miss Stella? Did you shock her...

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CHAPTER 21A: MOVING INOver the next week that the construction takes to be completed, Mom and I are very busy chasing after all the details of the move. The timing is working out very well. The buyers of our home will be ready shortly after we are moved which allows us time to be deliberate and organized. Dad, that man, didn’t want a lot of the furniture from the house. So Mom also took the family room furniture. We planned on that going into the demonstration/training room of the kennel. Also,...

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CHAPTER 56: ANNE AND BETTY – ATTORNEYS AT LAWWhen I return home from the cruise, I am surprised by the changes already underway on the property. The concept we had briefly discussed before I left sounded nice, but I had to admit the actual was looking even better. Now that Helen had this fancy horse and the two quarter horses from Stella, it was expected that she would want to use the back property for her own horses. I probably also shouldn’t have been surprised that she could get men to move...

2 years ago
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RenewalChapter 2

“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...

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