Devlin's StoryChapter 62A free porn video

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Sue called her two weeks later. "Danny's told you what's happening?" she asked.

"He told me he was promoted and that you're moving to Chicago. I'm really glad for both of you."

"Thank you." She sighed. "Devlin, this is the call you've been dreading, or at least I think you've been dreading. We have a buyer for the house in Toluca. We'll be moving next week. His last day at the office in Bloomington will be two weeks from this Friday. I can... I can give you that weekend, but after that..."

"I understand," Devlin said with a heavy heart. She'd known this day was coming, now she just had to make the best of it.

"I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you did for us, Devlin," Sue went on, "but it's time to start a new life, for all of us."

"I've been preparing myself for this day for some time," Devlin said. "It's not like it's unexpected."

"I know, but still, it's got to be hard. Look, if there's anything we can do, anything at all, don't hesitate to call."

She said some other things, but Devlin only partly heard them. She hung up the phone slowly, remembering the times with Danny, times that started with a very nervous 14-year-old girl undressing for the first time in front of a grown man. And now, a distant voice on the phone, and more than five years had come to an end. It was just as well. Her life was changing, and the old things needed to be put behind her.

"You look like you got some bad news," her roommate said.

"Yes... and no," Devlin replied. She had an idea of what to do for the next two weeks. "Look, I'm going to be house-sitting for the next couple of weeks. You won't see me much around here. I hope you don't mind."

"Wow. Must be something serious."

Devlin hauled out her overnight bag and began throwing things into it. "It's serious enough, but not entirely unexpected."

"Anything I can do to help? Is it something you can talk about?"

Devlin shook her head. "Not really. If anyone calls for me, tell them to call my cell instead. Don't give out that number; the ones who need to talk to me have it, and the rest..."

"Yeah, I know," she laughed. "Credit card offers and other crap. Yesterday we got an offer to put in a satellite dish."

"What? You told them that this was a student dormitory."

"I didn't have a chance. It was one of those automated systems. I think I told them to take us off their list, but I'm not sure."

"Well, I hope so." Devlin looked over the things in her closet. She'd have to come back and grab a few more things, but not right now. She pulled out her sweater and picked up some books. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah. Good luck, whatever it is."

Danny had moved into the studio apartment they had been using for their lunchtime get-togethers. She dumped her overnight bag in the closet, grabbed a couple of things from the Athletic Club—so she'd be wearing dresses instead of jeans to class—and otherwise began to settle in. When Danny got there after work he was a little surprised to see her.

"Sue called," she told him. "And so for the next two weeks this is where I'm living."

"I... see." He looked at the fresh bedclothes, the flowers on the small kitchen table, the grocery bags next to the kitchen counter, and her books next to the chair in the corner. "My libido likes it. The rest of me... ?" He shook his head. "I'm going to be exhausted by the time I leave here."

"So am I, but it's our last time together and I want to make the most of it."

She'd started dinner, and she solved what to talk about until it was ready by stripping and sucking him off. He pushed her onto the bed and returned the favor. One thing led to another, and they were both gasping for breath when she finally got up to tend to the spaghetti.

"This is going to be an interesting two weeks," Danny said from the bed, watching her.

"I intend them to be," Devlin said. She was only wearing a kitchen apron she'd bought earlier that day. She felt all light and fluttery, and she knew she looked a mess with her hair all tangled up and her skin sweaty, but she felt wonderful. It was too bad it wasn't going to last, but she was going to enjoy it while she could.

They settled into a domestic routine. In the morning she fixed him breakfast, though she ate at Linkins. She would get back from class at least two hours before he could get out of work, and used that time to study. She would fix them dinner—except for one night when they went to a barbecue place he knew of well outside of town—and then, after he did paperwork and she studied some more, they would fall onto the bed for an hour or three of passionate sex.

She liked feeling so domestic. She knew it was something she'd have to do after college, and this was good practice. The only thing that was different was the sex. It was like high school all over again: every night, several times a night.

"Are you sure you'll be all right," she asked one evening when he woke up groggily after only one time.

"I'd forgotten how insatiable you are," he murmured. "Most guys would think of this as a fantasy come true."

"I shouldn't tell you this, but most gals would, too."

"Well, yeah, I suppose." He glanced at his cock; it was lying limp across his leg. "The spirit is willing, but the flesh can only take so much."

"How did we manage to do this when I was in high school?"

"I don't know," he sighed. "Since Milt was born I haven't felt the... urgency."

"It's probably your subconscious telling you something," she said.

"I'm going to need these next three days to recover," he said. In the morning he was going up to Toluca to finalize the selling of their house, and then on to Chicago to help settle things there.

"I shouldn't admit this," Devlin said, "but so will I." She thought of the coming week. They would have seven days after he got back. She wasn't sure if she was dreading them, or looking forward to them.

"You know," she said, "I was surprised that you agreed to this little arrangement. Technically speaking it was statutory rape."

"Don't think I didn't know that." He sighed. "Sue suggested it, she can be damned persuasive at times, and left me to think about it when I was on a business trip. We both knew it would do something to my imagination. I wasn't prepared for what happened. Normally on these business trips it's a bunch of guys drinking in the evening, playing golf upon occasion, things like that. But the guy who was the head of our group liked to go to strip clubs. All those bare bodies had an effect on me."

"What did you do?" she asked when he didn't speak for several seconds.

"When I got back to my hotel room I masturbated. Normally I didn't, not on a business trip. But I did that night, and the next morning, and every morning and evening for the rest of the trip. It was an absolute nightmare. You have no idea how it is to be constantly horny."

She laughed. "Oh, I wouldn't agree with that. I've been a teenager for the last few years, and I've spent a good part of that time wanting to have sex." She ran her hand over his chest, tweaking his nipples. "The only difference between me and most teenagers is that I was able to have sex in a safe situation."

He shook his head. "You're not a guy. You might have had the desires, but you didn't have a nearly constant erection. That can be a physical pain because people notice such a thing. And as sensitive as your clit is, a guy's cock is big and gets in the way of things. I was in physical pain when I got home."

"True, I didn't walk around all day with my pants tenting out in front of me, but my panties were soaked every day. I was always worried that other girls would smell my arousal. Tell me, were you as nervous as I was that first time?"

"I didn't know you were nervous. Sue told me that you'd already had some experience."

"That was with a boy, this was going to be with a man, a man who theoretically knew what he was doing." She laughed. "I was in such a frame of mind that day that I stuffed my panties full of sanitary napkins. It was either that, or leave a wet spot behind me every time I stood up. It was a combination of horniness and fear."

"Did you ever realize how close we came to getting caught?"

"A few times. That nosy Mrs. Witherspoon didn't help."

"Sue said she was the town's biggest gossip."

"She was," Devlin nodded. "But after we convinced her there was nothing going on, we were home free." She leaned back, smiling at a memory. "There was this one time she came over. I remember there was that one time you had to run down the back stairs and into the garage, and you didn't have a thing on. I managed to get into a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt."

"I remember that." He chuckled. "I found a pair of overalls we had in the garage, and a tee-shirt. I covered my hands with grease like I'd been working on the car, and came banging into the kitchen from the garage."

"And I ducked into the baby's room. Fortunately she'd just woken up, and started to fuss. When Mrs. Witherspoon found me I was in the middle of wiping your daughter's bottom clean with a baby wipe. Mrs. Witherspoon watched me for a bit, we talked about what was going on in school, and then she went back downstairs."

"Where I ran into her, an old carburetor in my hands." Danny chuckled. "I'd had that thing lying around for ages. At least I got some good use out of it. I still had the grease on my hands when your mother came over."

"Which surprised her. She didn't know you worked on things."

"I have an inherent bias against that sort of thing," Danny said. "When I was a kid I had to help my Dad work on the family car. We always seemed to work on it during the winter, in the dirt. I decided then that I wanted a job where I would be inside and warm."

"I think that describes banking."

"Except when I have to go investigate some property. Last week I spent the morning wading around a barnyard up to my ankles in mud and other things. Fortunately I always bring my boots with me."

"Fortunately. To change the subject, when are you due back here in town?"

"Tuesday afternoon. I'll give you a call."

Devlin grimaced slightly, but with her head turned away so he wouldn't see. "I want to do something special this next week," she said. "It'll be our last week together."

"I have something in mind," Danny said. He patted her hip. "Don't worry."


His 'something special' was a night on the town in Peoria, topped with a Broadway show. That was Saturday night. Before then, though, she teased him unmercifully, starting Tuesday evening when he got back from Chicago.

"I just realized," she said over dinner, "that after P.E. today I forgot to put on my panties."

"You did remember your bra," he said.

"When you have boobs as big as mine, it's hard to forget your bra. Besides, everyone would notice."

"Don't they notice you don't have any panties on?"

She snorted in amusement. "I'm wearing a skirt. The only way somebody would notice is if I lifted it and paraded around that way. But a bra..."

"I've always wondered about that."

"What, wearing a bra?"

"No, the panties. When Sue and I first started dating it didn't take me very long to discover she didn't wear any."

"All of the time? Or just on the date?"

"Just on the date. I usually found out because we'd get somewhere alone and her pants would come off."

"So would yours."

"True." He shifted slightly in his seat, studying her across the table. "So what you're telling me is that right now there's nothing protecting your maidenly virtue from a hard cock slipped up under your skirt."

"Nothing," she said, shaking her head.

"Shall we find out?"

They finished dinner later. But for the rest of the week she made a point of dressing where he could see, and leaving her panties in the dresser, at least when she was around him. After she got to class she would change.

Friday morning, as she was sucking him off in the shower, he pulled his 'surprise' on her. "When you get back from class today, get your best 'knock-em-dead' dress."

"Oh? Any particular reason? I'd rather stay naked and in bed with you."

"Yeah, but you can't see a Broadway show that way."

"Broadway show?"

"In Peoria. We'll get a hotel room afterwards, and come back tomorrow or Sunday."

"For that, I'll get dressed up." She eyed his cock, and redoubled her efforts. A couple of minutes later Danny stopped washing his hair. His hands went to the back of her head, and he groaned as he emptied his balls down her throat. After that, of course, it was her turn. She shuddered through a climax courtesy of his experienced tongue, and resumed half-heartedly soaping herself.

She had to go to the Athletic Club to find her really top-of-the-line sexy evening gown. She packed the dress and heels in a dress bag and headed back to the loft. She threw a few other things in her overnight bag, along with her make-up kit. She felt as ready as she was going to get, so rather than pace uselessly, she took out one of her textbooks and studied until Danny got back.

"That took longer than I thought it would," she said. She could smell alcohol on his breath, but he didn't seem drunk.

"I had a 'going-away' party," he said. "You'll have to drive; the last thing I want is to get pulled over and fail a breathalyzer test."

"We'll have to take my car, then."

"Fair enough." He took out a small suitcase and began packing. "The show is at 8:00, so we'll have to hurry."

"Will there be time enough to change?"

"There should be. I made reservations for us at the Residence Inn."

They pulled into the parking lot of the Residence Inn a little after 6:00. A few minutes later Devlin dumped her overnight bag across the bed. The room—it was really a suite—included a Jacuzzi, a walk-in shower, and a fireplace.

Danny hung up his suit. "The show is at the Apollo Performing Arts Center," he said. "I called them this morning, and they recommended being there at least 30 minutes before the announced curtain time."

"In other words," Devlin said, "stop gawking at the amenities and get changed."

"Something like that."

"Dibs on the shower first," Devlin said. "And if you join me we won't get to the theater."

Danny smiled. "I'll keep that in mind. Get going, I have a few phone calls to make."

Devlin took a quick shower, and then pulled on the dress. It was dark red, a lycra and spandex mix that absolutely clung to her. The hem came about halfway up her thighs, and the split rose another 3" beyond that. It had spaghetti straps that tied behind her neck, and almost no back. The top was very low-cut and loose, showing a generous amount of cleavage. It was a dress designed to put wicked thoughts in the mind of any man who saw it, which was what she'd had in mind when she'd bought it. She had a pair of red pumps with 4" stiletto heels that she'd bought with this dress in mind. The only thing she didn't have were nylons, but the dress was really too short for the stockings she normally wore.

Devlin gave herself a thorough inspection in the mirror. Krissi was always after her to dress up and show off her curves. Well, this dress certainly did that. She didn't quite hang out of the top, but she showed a generous amount of cleavage. And legs; the dress was tight enough that her body was well displayed. She'd probably earn glares from every woman, and stares from every guy. She nodded at that, and then got her brush and went to work on her hair. She needed things just right for this outfit. She glanced at the door to the bathroom, and then slipped a robe on over her dress; there was no sense in letting Danny see it before she was good and ready.

When Danny started his shower she went to work on her hair, finally getting it to nearly what she wanted. She took a look in the mirror. It would have to do. Instead she added a thin gold chain necklace, and gold earrings that were tiny chains hanging to her shoulders. After adding a touch of perfume she felt ready to knock anyone's socks off.

She took one last look in the mirror. She wasn't her Mother's little girl any more. She chuckled. That was exactly what her mother would say if she saw her in this dress. She'd never worn something like this out in public. She wondered if it was time that she started doing so. She also wondered what Evan would say. She'd have to find the right time and place to wear this for him.

Danny emerged from the bathroom, and stopped dead. He was mostly dressed, shirt, slacks, cuffs, he even had his tie knotted. His eyes slowly tracked up and down her body. "You look stunning," he said at last.

She smiled and curtsied. "Thank you."

"Might I ask what you have on underneath that?"

"Well, no bra, of course," she said, squeezing her breasts. "As for the rest? Let's just say I'm covered."

"That's a shame," he said, grinning. "That's the kind of dress that's best worn without anything under it."

"I didn't say I was wearing any panties," she said. "Now before we get into that, why don't you finish getting dressed? If you don't, we'll be late."

He grinned good-naturedly and finished getting dressed. They made it to the line outside the performing arts center with a few minutes to spare. The play was Damn Yankees; she had a different appreciation for baseball now, and she sympathized with the main character. She decided that if she had anything to say about it, Evan was never going to play for the Yankees. She had no desire to live in New York City.

During the intermission, she sidled up next to him. "I knew I'd forgotten something," she murmured.

"Oh? What?"

"My panties. I just noticed that when I was in the Ladies Room."

He almost choked on his drink. "How could you... ?"

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Lindas tale Chapter 1

Hi, I am Linda. I am 23, tall, not bad looking and sexually active. I learned that I am a sucker for guys in uniform. That is why I have been involved with Adrian for 3 years now. I met him at a Saturday function I was dragged to by my bestie Monica. She is divorced and just enjoys sex without the attachment. I am different as I like being in a relationship. As soon as I saw Adrian I was smitten. Tall, slim, super fit but it was the Army uniform that sealed it. I saw he was at the bar and I...

3 years ago
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Ms Jean My French Tutor

I was extremely late for my French tutoring at Ms. Jean’s house. My boyfriend, Rob, had caught me right after soccer practice. I had intended to shower off my sweaty body before heading over to Ms. Jean’s house but Rob was horny and he pulled me into the mat room in the gym. Rob was all over me right away. My body responded to his fondling hands and my pussy juices began to mix with my sweat. Being that both of us were sixteen year olds, we really didn’t have any self-control. I tried to push...

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Me Ranjana Sujata

Dear Friends this is Mannu from Gorakhpur . Again with a very different type of story and I hope you will like it . This story starts with my female frnd called Ranjana , who use to have sex with me as and when we both use to feel . She was a teacher in a school and she use to go for lesbo sex also . She was about 40 yrs. old and her statistics were 44/ 28/38 . Now we both are going to join with her friend teacher called Sujata and we all will enjoy sex in our best ways After reading my story ,...

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Sally and Billys Second Date

When Sally got home from her first date with Billy, she headed straight to the bathroom. She took a long hot bubble bath. Her freshly deflowered pussy was quite sore, and she thought a bath would help. She also wanted to remove the aroma of sex she knew would be all over her body. After washing herself, Sally blissfully soaked in the hot water and day-dreamed about her new boyfriend and lover. Billy had been so wonderful to her. He had told her he loved her as much as she loved him. When she...

Love Stories
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Free Sample

The package came in the mail Friday.? It was a small box, and it was marked 'Trim-Down Smoothies'.? Opening it up, there was a little packet of smoothie mix, and instructions.? A marketing sample I guessed, as there was a note with an 800 number to reorder. Jill and I weren't really fat, but this seemed to be a good way to take off those few extra pounds.? We prepared the sample and I had to admit it was downright delicious, kind of a raspberry-tasting concoction.? We found ourselves...

3 years ago
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Seduced by My Daughters Teen Indian Friend

My wife, Megan, and I were born and raised in the Dallas area, and we were able to find good jobs here after college. We live in an affluent suburb, which is a wonderful place to raise our daughter, Julia. Megan and I got married right after college, and by the ages of twenty-three our daughter was born. Julia turned sixteen at the beginning of the summer before her junior year in high school, and Megan and I were still relatively young, thirty-nine-year-old parents.It was a lot of fun raising...

1 year ago
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Surprise threesome

Was chatting to an older man online, we decided to meet little did I know there were two older men when I arrived. So I had been chatting to a guy online for a while. He was a real guy, older bear type top. That's certainly my favourite kind of man. We had been discussing our likes and dislikes. He loved that I was only 22 and he was in his late 50s. We talked about how he wanted to use my mouth and really shove his cock up my bum. I think he knew I just craved dick. So we decided to meet, I...

1 year ago
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No clothes No plates

She was half asleep, mostly unaware of his movements except that her body was completely attuned to his. She could feel him hardening against her back and a sigh escaped her lips as she remembered everything that had happened the night before. It was the first time that they had had sex with each other, but it was more than that. He was the first man that she had actually orgasmed with. She had never been wound so tight in her life and never been unwound so deliciously. She felt his hand travel...

Straight Sex
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PenthouseGold Bunny Colby Bunny Colby8217s Naughty Tryst at the Spa

Blonde bombshell Bunny Colby is gifted a day at the spa by her boyfriend, but unbeknownst to him, there is studly masseur Ryan Mclane that will have the bodacious babe spreading her creamy thighs for his skilled pussy licking and fucking instead. The former Penthouse Pet takes his cock deepthroat, and then rides his slick schlong in cowgirl before bending over for a deep doggy style pounding. Their naughty little tryst ends with him a cumload all over the sexy vixen’s mouthwatering big...

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Brett takes Donad to the GLORYHOLE

They were all to be together Thursday night. Agness had a migraine headache for several days. She had to back out, so she asked Brett if Donald could hang out with him. They ended up playing pinball at a cheap strip joint. One of the girls wanted to see video of Donald sucking Brett's cock. All Donald had was a picture to show her. Donald told her to ask Brett if she could watch live. She said she would love that. Donald asked if she would like to video for us, in fact maybe next time that...

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High School Project

Mike was beginning to get worried. His girlfriend Anna was already an hour and a half late. She was conducting an interview at the nearby prison for her Society and Culture project [1], and it was only supposed to take half an hour, but Mike had been sitting in the car for two hours already. Not wanting to cause a fuss he sat there nervously for two more hours before he saw Anna emerge from the front entrance. She looked nothing like the prim and proper girl who had entered the prison four...

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Something Wicked This Way Comes Ch 04

I felt like I was in a deep fog because I heard a child crying, a dog yipping and voices I didn’t recognize. I bolted straight up only to jump in surprise and horror. I looked at a face that wasn’t my own. My hair looked like I had rodents for hair stylists and my face was like death warmed over from the circles under my red, swollen eyes. I looked around watching people walking to and from their cars. I realized we were at a rest area. My stomach growled so loudly I thought it would wake the...

2 years ago
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My Very First Time part2

I lied down with her, with my mouth and face covered with her naughty honey. "Are you ok? Did I hurt you?" I looked at her. She shook her head without a word. Suddenly someone knocked on my door. "Hey, masscreyou. Have you seen L?" She and I stared at each other with eyes wide open and mouths shut tight. "No, I didn't. I was asleep." I answered. "Oh, ok. Do you want to have dinner together later?" "Sure, bro. I'll talk to you when I am ready." Now both of us were thinking how she was going to...

1 year ago
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Meri Pyari Mami 8211 Part 1

Ye kahani hai meri aur meri mami ki. Isme padhiye,  ki kaise mere mann mein usko chodne ka khayaal aaya, aur kaise maine mere is kaam ko anjaam diya. Pehle to kabhi aisa khayaal mann mein nahi aaya tha ki main apni mami ko chodu. Par jaise hi maine sex story padhni chaalu ki, to mujhe family mein chudai ki kahaniya achi lagne lagi. Fir ek din jab main mama ghar gaya hua tha. To raat ke kareeb 11 baje maine mami ki uhh ahhh umhhh ki awaaze suni. Tab se mera bhi unhe chodne ki taraf dhyan jaane...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Jenna Foxx Cleaning Around In Sexy Underwear Is Dangerous

Jenna Foxx is looking through her phone as she gets called by her step brother to do her chores. We get too see Jenna’s great ass and tits shake as she cleans around the house. Even Jay notices her hot body and decides to take some butt pictures. She asks for a break when she noticed her stepbrother taking some pictures and saids that she can do something better than cleaning. She gives his cock a good sucking before getting his long cock go deep inside her. She ends up getting fucked from...

4 years ago
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Impossible Virgins Chapter 1 A Plot Is Hatched

Chapter 1: A Plot Is Hatched Tiffany lay sprawled out on her back on the large bed in her chambers. The head of her prodigious cock, even in its limp state, came well past her navel. Even at this point, it was longer and thicker than just about any cock she'd ever seen on a man, before coming to the Island. Next to Tiffany, her good friend of many years, Clyda, had brought her own cock to its full erect length of two feet. Clyda playfully turned on her side, letting the spectacular shaft of...

2 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 68

"You trying a little spray and pray there?" Finn asked, his voice trembling from the jolt of adrenaline coursing through his body. "That's what an AK is good for," Liv replied as she tried to steady her nerves. "Holy shit, that lead foot massage was getting pretty scary!" "Yeah! I figured it was only a matter of time before I took one up the crotch! When we get home, I'm going to personally thank whoever invented this armor. And probably have them make me a cup out of it!" "Boys...

3 years ago
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Son Fucks Better 8211 Part VII

In last episode u read how kusum allowed every family member to fondle her mast chuchi & in night after having lesbion act with daughters she enjoyed chudai first by youngest son and then with husband and lastly with her sasur. She remained nude and when her saas woke her up. Kusum made her saas fondle lund of her husband and saas even sucked lawda…this gave boldness to kusum and she decided to meet the person who first invited her for sex on payment…… she got surprised when saas kissed and...

1 year ago
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The Bouncy castle experience

What follows is a story about an un-expected night of passion and amazing outdoor sex between me and my wife. What makes it more surprising is that since the birth of our second child our sex life had been almost non-existent. It was late summer and we had hired a bouncy castle for our party at our house, they played in the garden, on the bouncy castle and there was food and plenty of drink, wine and beer for the adults. At one point I was on the bouncy castle with my wife and daughter. As we...

1 year ago
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The Tree House Book 1Chapter 2

“Michael, are you up in that old Tree House again?” I could hear my mother saying as I lay there tightly hugged against Lindie. “Yes, Mom. I’m up here,” I yelled back as I lifted my head up and leaned over my best friend ever, to answer my mom. Lindie, giggled softly. I’m sure it was because we were sort of nude and what if my mom decided to come up? My mom called up, “Breakfast is ready. Hurry up or it will get cold.” I yelled back, “OK. I’ll be right down.” I waited for another...

4 years ago
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Sorting Out The Smiths Ch 04

Tales From Sechs City — welcome to Sechs City, a wealthy, middle-class costal area of Western America in the state of California. A gorgeous, quiet largely uneventful place, people move to the city to follow their dreams, to live their day-to-day lives. It’s almost too perfect to be true… The sunlight that streamed through the bedroom window when Lianne woke the next morning was so bright and so warm that for an instant she thought she had slept straight through the morning into the afternoon....

4 years ago
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Treehouses are for experiments Part one

She didn't stop driving till we were on the other end of the country, some sweaty middle of the nowhere town in Florida where the flies outnumbered anything else, even grass. I say town but even then we were in a house just outside of it, giving us a slight walk to school for lack of a better term. I think there were about 8 kids at it but as we grew up we were then given a bus ride to a bigger town for school. My mother took a job as a cook at a bar which isn't as bad as it seems. She was...

4 years ago
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Sons friends fuck his mother

My sons friends had always been quite pervy towards me, I had had my bum pinched a few times and always the rude comments about my boobs when I wore a tight top. I knew they fancied me, but as they got older the innuendo's got even more dirty, suggesting they wanted to 'do' me!My son and hubby were out when there came a knock on the door, it was 4 of my sons friends who I told that my son was out, they said he was on his way back and my son had said to wait for him, so thinking nothing of it I...

2 years ago
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Narutos New Look Day Seven

~~Day 7: Naruto Uzumaki~~ Naruto groaned heavily as he slowly came to. What had happened...? He was heading home after training and nice dinner at Ichiraku's, but after that it was just a blank. Looking around, Naruto quickly began to panic as he realised he didn't recognise where he was; it was some kind of large, empty room, the only source of light being a large spotlight . He attempted to jump up, but he quickly discovered another problem: he couldn't move. Looking down,...

1 year ago
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Lovely Big Ass Aunty

Big Ass Aunty This a real story having sex with my Aunt, She is now 34 yrs old by now, She is brown colored skin with big ASS and BOOBS might be 36-32-40.I am Fair handsome and Fat guy . I was good at studies, so everyone in my family and neighbors liked me, my Aunt was pregnant she had come to my home (i.e She is my Dad’s younger sister). I was helped during her stay in our house, that time I was 22yrs old and didn’t had any Bad intention at that time about my Aunt. Their was house opening...

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SweetSinner Alex Coal Student Bodies

Lauren (Alex Coal) arrives at her professor’s house one afternoon when she knew his wife would be working late. While Brett (Marcus London) admits that he flirted with her during office hours, he never intended for her to show up at his house in such a skimpy outfit, ready to fuck. He tries to resist her charms, but she won’t leave until he gives her his hard cock. She pulls out his thick dick and starts sucking it to get it nice and wet for her tiny, co-ed pussy. He starts pounding her hard...

3 years ago
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Flashback CousinsChapter 5

July 1987: Los Angeles, California I was a career girl now. I had a job at an advertising agency in New York. I wore power skirts and had an apartment in SoHo. It was great. I worked really hard and the months melted by more quickly than I cared to admit. But in this business you had to work hard and win accounts or you would be left behind. I rose to the challenge and worked my tail off. When we won a major account in LA, I was chosen to go out there and get the ball rolling. I would have...

4 years ago
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Alekhyas Mom 8211 A Surprise

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is doing good in this hard time. This is Vatsal back again from Gujarat with a new experience. Thank you, everyone, for your reviews and replies to my story. I am really happy that I can make you happy with my words. We have a ration shop and being in lockdown I started visiting it and helping my father. It was a little tough in initial days but then one day it all became an interesting thing for me. I was sitting at the shop when a girl with her mother came to our...

2 years ago
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His sisters big arse

It was a nice sunny day and seventeen year old Ian Patterson was sunbathing in his families back garden as was his twenty year old sister Sharon.Sharon was an attractive girl, slightly overweight but not fat and most of her excess weight was in her hips and buttocks. The siblings were on sunbeds and Sharon had her head turned away from Ian as his eyes drifted down her bikini clad body to her buttocks. He focused on the twin mounds which were accentuated by the bikini bottoms and he could feel...

1 year ago
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Well, well, well… Look what we have here! A bunch of Pinay chicks wanting some hard cocks and being filmed in amateur videos! Alright, listen up. All of you Pinoy dudes who are here in hopes of raiding this site for everything it’s worth, you better come prepared. As it turns out is much more than just a platform where you can find plenty of Pinay videos. There are also plenty of Asian and western videos as well. So if you’re just generally in the market for some amazing porn, and...

Asian Porn Sites
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Mary and jack ch 1

This is My first story. Please let me know how you like it. Mary and Jack are lovers, but nobody knows about it. She is 32, he is 17. She is a high school english teacher that is married with two kids, he is a nerd that just so happens to have the biggest cock in the school. Jack wasn’t popular until that day in the showers after his first gym class. As all the boys walked into the shower, all eyes were on the 9 inch long, 4 inch wide monster between his legs. Now he is the talk of the school....

1 year ago
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Conspiracy To Emasculate Kenny

Conspiracy To Emasculate Kenny By Marion Several weeks had passed since Kenny had his prostate unnecessarily removedby Lana's lover, Doctor Kathy Carter, as part of their conspiracy to totallyemasculate him. The two women had conspired to take everything he had financiallyand then destroy him emotionally, mentally and physically. Lana was having a delightfully erotic time converting her one time arrogant,womanizing husband into a subservient worm, through severe physical...

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