Il Sogno Diventa Realtà free porn video

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Sono venuto a prenderti all'aeroporto di Milano. Appena mi hai visto mi hai  
fatto un radioso sorriso e mi sei corsa incontro. Ci siamo abbracciati  
come buoni amici, quindi ti ho accompagnata al tuo albergo.
Appena giunti in stanza, ti ho donato un bouquet di rose rosse.
Ad una rosa avevo tolto tutte le spine e ci avevo messo sopra un  
biglietto. Tu hai preso i fiori con un grande sorriso, poi hai visto  
la rosa senza spine con il biglietto attaccato. L'hai aperto e l'hai  
letto. C'era scritto "Questa sei tu. Una Rosa senza spine. Ti Amo".
Hai appoggiato il mazzo di rose sul tavolo, lentamente ti sei  
avvicinata a me fissandomi negli occhi, in silenzio. Mi sono  
avvicinato anch'io. Ti ho guardata. E ci siamo baciati.
Sentivo la tua voluttuosa lingua accarezzare la mia, in un turbinio di  
passione irrefrenabile, come onde che si infrangono sugli scogli... Da  
troppo tempo attendevamo questo momento, e ora la nostra passione  
finalmente correva libera come un cavallo selvaggio...
Mugolavamo di piacere... le lingue penetravano fino in gola, i nostri  
cuori galoppavano sempre più forti...
Mi stringevi forte a te fino quasi a soffocarmi, io ti accarezzavo le  
guance rosa e i lunghi capelli, come mille fili di seta profumata.  
Sentivo i tuoi capezzoli ritti come spade toccare i miei. Con una  
mano iniziai ad accarezzarti i seni, quindi i capezzoli oltre alla
sottile maglietta modellata dalle tue statuarie forme. Gemevi di  
piacere. Presi coraggio e infilai le mani sotto la maglietta e ti  
sganciai il reggiseno, sempre continuando a baciarti.
Te lo sfilasti senza staccarti da me. Ti alzai la maglietta ed iniziai  
a baciarti il seno e a leccarti e succhiarti i capezzoli,  
completamente rigidi, come due piccoli chiodi. Impazzivi dal piacere.
Chinasti la testa all'indietro con gli occhi chiusi, completamente in  
estasi. Con una mano scesi e ti slacciai i jeans. quindi ti infilai la  
mano nelle mutandine... Eri bollente, completamente bagnata, fradicia  
di piacere e di voglia.
Infilai due dita nella tua fica invitante, e iniziai a muoverle  
vorticosamente, ormai gridavi di piacere, la tua mano scese ad  
accarezzarmi il pacco, reso voluminoso dalla mia eccitazione. Ti  
compiacesti del risultato e mi slacciasti anche tu i jeans.
L'erezione aveva trasformato i miei boxer in Lycra in una t-shirt.  
Infilasti dentro la tua mano e iniziasti a masturbarmi.
Impazzivamo entrambi dall'eccitazione.
Il mio membro era come una manganello. Ti staccasti da me, ti  
inginocchiasti, quindi iniziasti a succhiarlo, mugolando e gemendo più  
di prima, godendo come me.
Iniziasti a leccare dolcemente la punta. La tua morbida e vellutata  
lingua mi dava dei brividi di piacere che mi facevano fremere, poi  
ingoiasti tutto il glande, e con dolcezza iniziasti e rotearci la 
lingua attorno. Mi sembrava di svenire! Ce l'avevo grosso come non mai  
e duro come il marmo, era come un obelisco egzio, ti stava a malapena in bocca. Poi iniziasti 
anche a masturbarmi mentre continuavi a succhiare e leccare. Con  
l'altra mano mi accarezzavi le palle, facendomi impazzire. Poi
continuando a masturbarmi scendesti a leccarlo tutto, anche le palle,  
ormai ero in estasi, lo riprendesti di nuovo in bocca, stavolta  
cercando di ingoiarlo tutto, sentivo il glande che ti premeva sulla  
gola bollente, una sensazione indescrivibile... Ti esplosi come un
vulcano fiumi di sperma bollente in bocca, e tu godesti con me,
ingoiando e succhiando tutto fino all'ultima goccia, avidamente.
Ti accarezzai e ti baciai a lungo, e con il pene ancora eretto ti
presi in braccio e ti misi sul letto. Presi le tue meravigliose e  
lunghe gambe e iniziai, in ginocchio a leccarle e baciarle, salendo sempre più.
Le tue dolci, calde e profumate labbra della tua fica imploravano i miei baci come un fiore implora l'acqua...
Più mi avvicinavo a quell'oasi di piacere e più tu gemevi,  
completamente abbandonata alle mie carezze!
Arrivai alle tue cosce, tu allargasti ancora di più le gambe, ti  
apristi come un fiore che desidera il sole, e il sole arrivò.
Baciai dolcemente il tuo voluttuoso clitoride; tu fremesti ed  
iniziasti a massaggiarti seni e capezzoli. Leccai le calde e bagnate labbra della tua deliziosa vulva, infilai dentro la lingua e gustai il tuo nettare zuccherino. Era bollente come la tua passione. Iniziai a succhiarti il clitoride e a leccarlo tutto attorno dolcemente. Il tuo ano iniziò a pulsare, stavi per venire, mi ripetevi ansimante: -Sì, continua, continua...-
Lo feci, e con un lungo gemito inarcasti la schiena e mi venisti in bocca... Com'era delizioso il tuo succo, amore mio!
Infilai la lingua dentro fino in fondo per non perdere neppure una goccia del tuo delizioso miele.
Quindi mi alzai, il mio membro era infuocato, chiedeva solo te...
Lo guardasti con una certa apprensione e mi dicesti: -Fai piano...-
Lo appoggiai con il glande sulle labbra incandescenti della tua fica palpitante, poi spinsi dolcemente, essa si aprì e lo accolse in un bollente e stretto abbraccio. Lentamente cedeva alle dimensioni del mio membro, adattandosi come un guanto. Io continuavo a muoverlo con dolcezza su e giù, fino a che non sentii i tuoi muscoli cedere, quindi lo spinsi fino in fondo, tu gemesti rimanendo senza fiato, con la bocca aperta e gli occhi spalancati... Iniziai allora a muoverlo su e giù, su e giù, e tu iniziasti a gridare di piacere: -Sì... Tutto... Tutto!-
Stantuffavo come un treno. Mi chinai su di te e leccavo i tuoi
capezzoli, ti accarezzavo il viso, ti baciavo con la mia lingua che toccava la tua gola vibrante di piacere.
Sentii la tua vagina pulsare, e venesti di nuovo.
Mi girasti sottosopra baciandomi avidamente, e stando sopra di me iniziasti ad andare su e giuù. Ti raddrizzasti reclinando la testa indietro e chiudendo gli occhi, sentivo la tua fica pulsare..   
Allungai le mani e accarezzai i tuoi seni e I tuoi capezzoli...  
Venesti nuovamente inondandomi, come una cascata, dei bollenti umori del tuo piacere.
Ripetevi continuamente: -Oh amore, ohh!-
Ti sollevai e ti misi prona sul letto.
Mi chinai sopra di te e iniziai a baciarti il collo e a leccarti le  
orecchie, tu ansimavi. Scesi con la lingua lungo la schiena, avevi la pelle d'oca e fremevi di piacere. Arrivai alle tue natiche, le leccai e le baciai tutte; quindi le aprii e ammirai quel splendido fiore rosa che è il tuo ano. Iniziai a leccartelo e infilare la lingua dentro, tenendo le tue natiche aperte. Tu urlavi di piacere, inarcando il ventre per favorirmi. La tua fica era gocciolante. Tu ci infilasti dentro due dita e iniziasti a masturbarti mentre io continuavo a leccarti. Infilai dolcemente dentro un dito, era bollente... Tu  
dicevi: -Aaahhh siiii....!- lo presi come un invito e continuai,  infilando lentamente ora due dita. Le muovevo dentro di te e le giravo, tu gemevi continuando a masturbarti. Le sfilai, il tuo ano rimase aperto, ci infilai la lingua, leccando dentro e intorno... Mi dicesti: -Prendimi!- appoggiai il mio glande su quel invitante buchino rosa. Iniziai a spingere lentamente, sentivo i tuoi muscoli che lentamente cedevano alla mia azione. Tu stessa allora ti spingesti indietro facendomi entrare di colpo dentro di te. Gridasti e ti fermasti un attimo. Io rimasi immobile con il mio membro dentro il tuo stretto ed avvolgente culetto. Quindi mi dicesti: -Okay, va avanti...  
Piano... Siiii-
Lo spinsi dolcemente dentro di te, ti sentivo e godevo fino al  
cervello, il tuo culetto bollente che avviluppava tutto il mio pene mi faceva impazzire... Lo spinsi dentro tutto, tu eri senza fiato, le mie palle sbattevano sua tua fica grondante, aumentai il ritmo, tu urlavi e ti sgrillettavi come una pazza, stavi venendo, e io venni con te, versando dentro di te il mio più incandescente orgasmo.
Tu ti accasciasti sul letto completamente spossata e mi dicesti: -Oh amore mio...-
Io replicai: -Ti amo!-
Ti girai supina sul letto, mi distesi su di te, tuoi capezzoli contro i miei...
Ci baciammo completamente estasiati, chiusi gli occhi...
Gli riaprii, ero nel mio letto, completamente solo, con i miei boxer completamente fradici.
Mi feci una doccia, e andai a lavorare. Avevo ancora il tuo Profumo addosso. Ed ero in ritardo.-

Scrivete i vostri commenti a: [email protected]


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It had been a while since I had done a bachelor party, but now that I was back to being an escort, I had scheduled a few parties and this was my first one since I had retired nearly 15 years ago. Mikey was my chaperone and he was in the corner of the hotel room handling the music that was currently playing while the bachelor fucked me in the ass. He had seen me fuck and suck off quite a few men since we had been together, but this was the first time that he had been with me since I had been...

4 years ago
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A Weekend with My Niece PArt 2 Revised for easier reading

I slept like a log and woke at 7:30 and proceeded to the hotel facility to do my morning workout. All through it I debated in my mind if the events of the previous evening were going to be good or have me ostracized by my in-laws for the rest of my life. As you might remember I had started out to give my niece a massage for her sore neck. With the aid of some wine and beer this had progressed to me performing all out oral sex to the point where her second orgasm resulted in her passing into...

2 years ago
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My parents noticed how Tom and seemed to stop fighting almost overnight. About two weeks after we started fucking we'd learned to avoid petty little spats completely. "I'm so glad you two are learning to love each other." "Oh that we are Mom," I told her. Tom looked like he was biting his tongue. We learned to value the privacy we had. But we knew that we would be sooo dead if Mom and Dad knew what was going on. So we limited our games to immediately after school. We never played if...

4 years ago
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First blowjob courtesy of Annie

You can call me Matt, and this is my storyIt was January and I was getting close to twenty three years old; I was incredibly frustrated and had been down on my luck dating wise for the longest time. It had been almost three years since I had a serious relationship, or really even just fooled around with anyone beyond some clothed dry humping. In fact, I hadn't had an orgasm from someone else in over a year. I was talking with a few girls towards the end of the year before, but most of them fell...

First Time
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Katie Part 2 Lucious exstudent returns to torment

A True Story - Part II Two weeks later, the e-mail from Katie indicated that she would be back in class the following night, only this time she had a little surprise for me. I replied that I was pleased she was coming back and looking forward to her surprise.This time Katie entered the classroom wearing a red silk blouse, the shape of her nipples clearly visible. She had selected a black silk skirt and was wearing high heels and no stockings. Her entire package swung and swayed as she walked...

3 years ago
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first time sex experience

this is my first sexual experience. i was very young and it wasnt with a stranger babysitter or anything if you have a problem dont read it.My first sexual experience was when i was very young and it was with my mother. she taught me a lot about sex, she never threatened or told me not to tell but for some unknown reason i never told any one except two people. the first time was only masturbation. we were living in an apartment in washington state. we were laying on the floor of the living...

4 years ago
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Sister realised when heard about her brother8217s sacrifice

Srikar’s parents married in very early age and Srikar and usha born to them early. Srikar was 18 and usha was 15. Both were reading and sleeping in one room. Srikar’s parents sleep in anotherroom. Usha uses to go to bed early. Srikar was studying upto late hours. Sometimes he uses to hear sounds from parents room. In the beginning he was caring those sounds. But gradually he was enthusiatic and slowly started peep into the bed room of parents. Oneday when peep through the bedroom, he was...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Kyler Quinn Handling My Stepsister

Kyler Quinn has a new stepbrother in Juan Loco, and she sees it as an opportunity to have someone at home who will do her bidding in all things. As Kyler gets closer to shark week, she begins training Juan to handle her. It starts with sending him to the store to buy her tampons. That’s just the first of many demands Kyler makes of Juan. He delivers on all things, but Kyler warns him up front that she gets horny pre-period so he’d better stay away from her unless he wants his balls...

4 years ago
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My Moldovan wife

Inessa/(Inna). Chapter 1. Start. It’s a bit strange to look back about 3 years. My marriage was not functioning, and let’s just says, my wife and I “grew apart”. Basically, I think it started, when the biggest of our children left the house after being 18 in 2004, and by spring 2008, I more or less gave up on it all, but having planned our vacation for this summer, I decided to proceed as planned. Being back home we took the consequences, and tried to take out a...

3 years ago
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A Dream Date or TV Date

TVDATE.TXT A Dream Date by Monique As you stand there looking at me, I know it is hard for you to believe your eyes. Standing in front of you is one of the most beautiful and seductive females you have ever seen. Let me tell you how she got that way. As soon as I left the bar last night, I knew that I was in trouble. Big trouble. As many times as I have worn a bra under my shirt, that was the first time that anyone had detected it, and I mean,...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage India Summer Consensual Census

Spa owner India Summer is closing up shop for the day, when Codey Steele from the census bureau knocks on the door. She’s ready to turn him away but Codey asks her really nicely if she’ll take a five-minute survey. He’s a student and this is the only way he can make a commission. India is supremely annoyed but lets the polite lad into the spa. She brings him into the bathroom and they go through the census questionnaire seated on the edge of the tub where India’s run a...

2 years ago
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Sorcerers Curse

Disclaimer: You really should be 18 to read this so scram if you aren't. Sorcerer's Curse By JR Parz Given he was an only child and raised by his rich aunt, money had never been an issue with him, therefore it didn't come to any great surprise when he decided to take the summer off after he graduated UMASS with a Master's degree. One evening while he was looking for a video to rent at Blockbuster Video, his attention was drawn to a pair of young blonde beauties standing by the...

4 years ago
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Voyeuristic sister

She knew for certain there would be a surprised reaction from her little brother, as she gained the courage to push open his bedroom door and reveal her voyeuristic self; but nothing prepared her for the startling yelp that leapt forth from the very core of his being when she did just that. Nor was she even remotely prepared her for the sight that followed. It was as if he had tried to jump up, but became immediately paralyzed by the moment of his orgasm: his young body all-at-once tensing and...

4 years ago
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Kobbari Thota Lo Ma Paleru Tho Padukunna

Hai friends, na name sumalatha age 30. Na body sizes 34-30-36. Madi amalapuram dagara vunna ambajipeta. Naku pelli iya 3 years iyandi. Ma ayana nenu bangalore lo vuntamu.Ma ayana software engineer. Apudapudu festivals ki fuctions ki ambajipeta vastamu. Ma parleu name ramesh age 33 vuntundi. Strong body tho manly ga chala balamga vuntadu. Tanu ma thota lo 5 years nunchi pani chestunadu. So ma family tho baga close ga vuntadu. Tanu ante naku chala istam. Nenu close gane vuntanu kani epudu tana...

2 years ago
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The Paperboy

It was the Friday after Thanksgiving and my husband had to work and my son had gone for the weekend to stay with some friends, so I took the time to start putting up the Christmas decorations in our home. It was quite warm that day since we live in the South so all I had on was a white, button blouse and a pair of loose white gym shorts (the nylon silky kind) with no bra or panties. I was hanging garland around the fireplace when the front doorbell rang.I went to the window and peeked out to...

First Time
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 325

A short one from Mad dog: Q; What’s the difference between a hooker and a mistress and a wife? A: Hooker says “Faster faster” B: Mistress says “Slower slower” C: the wife says “The ceiling needs a coat of paint”. The results of a recent survey from doral: A new study just came out ranking the 45 available presidents of the US from best to worst. Trump came in 53rd. This GEM is from GuardianKnight: Great Chicken Recipe Here is a chicken recipe that also includes the use of popcorn...

1 year ago
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My first time with my girlfriends mum and sister

I was in the bedroom like I am every day and around 10am Julie takes her 18 year old daughter to school, so I usually have a good old wank in Julies bedroom. Well the next day at 10am I went to do what I usually do in Julies bedroom but what I didn’t know was that Hannah stayed home because she had no school that day so Julie went shopping, so there I am in Julies bedroom naked with a huge 8inch hardone wanking over Julies clothes when the bedroom door opened and Hannah was there she was...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Emily Willis Insatiable Step Sister

Alana Cruise knows that her daughter Emily Wilis and her stepson Kyle Mason are screwing around with each other, but no matter how many times she catches them in the act she can’t seem to make them stop. Emily is the one to instigate the action, flashing her tits and happily sucking Kyle’s hardon before taking him deep inside her cock hungry pussy. Kyle isn’t about to hesitate in tapping that bare pussy as Emily tries her best to hold the moan. Later, Emily gets Kyle hard and...

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The Advertisement

THE ADVERTISEMENT THE ADVERTISEMENT FEBRUARY 3, 2001Steffi smiled as she worked on the liver and onions. Giles was still going on. "I just don't understand, Stephanie, how you can continue to associate with these working class types. I hoped that living in my house would bring you and Ken up a do, after all like some classical music." Giles looked hopefully at her. "Must you have them over for that silly card game?"  Steffi chortled. "Giles, just don't get...

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The Latest News from Oversex

THE LATEST NEWS FROM OVERSEX (A Sequel to "Nipped in the Bud") By C Our story takes place in Middlestroke, a tony suburb northwest of London.In Madame Sesostris' Salon, the ladies were enjoying a favorite morning ritual.They sat back in comfortable recliners, while a herd of human serving womensaw to their hair, nails, makeup, perfume, and anything else that occurredto them. Every succubus in Middlestroke was present that morning. Molly Morgothwas there, a winsome redhead who favored yellow...

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Queen Her Affair

It was a hot summers night and Queen Bethany laid on top of the sheets of her king size four poster bed, wearing only a red lacy baby doll dress and matching panties. A cool ocean breeze flows through the window, carrying the distant sounds of a bustling city. The cool breeze flows across her body causing her lace covered nipple to harden. A few minutes later she hears a rustle from the trees outside the window and like magic her lover appears at her window and climbs inside.She looks at him...

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Sonam Bani Meri Birthday Gift

Hi friends how are you all? I’m Ajeet Gupta from Thane and this is my 1st story in iss so if i do any thing wrong pls forgive me I am a big fan of iss. ISS mein stories padhne ke baad maine bhi socha ke main bhi apna experience of life share karun agar koi galti ho gai ho to maaf karna baat aaj se 1 saal pehle ki hai jab main final year mein tha 31 0ctober ko mera birth day that tab mujhe meri friend sonam ka calll aaya Woh meri college friend hai usne mujhe birthday wish kiya maine kaha...

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William and Ann Ch 8

Chapter 8 Larry and Ann were still in bed snoozing after that exhaustive and intense sexual session when William returned. He had taken a trip to the “other side of the tracks” where he found an adult toy store. Will was happy to go shopping with his dad’s money, especially since it was to please him and his sister. When he walked into the shop, he noticed it was divided into three sections. One portion had racks full of magazines, another section had dildos, vibrators, pumps, and...

2 years ago
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A Private Investigation

A PRIVATE INVESTIGATION By Karen Albright PROLOGUE There are many parts of society that remain shrouded in mystery, and the world of private investigators is just such a part of society. Its players remain largely unknown outside their clients, their counterparts, the police, and other restricted groups of people. Clinton Crayle had been an exception to that generalization. While his ability to dealing with kinky sex crimes was a very special area,...

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