Il Sogno Diventa Realtà, free porn video

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Introduction: Il racconto narra di un uomo e una donna che hanno una relazione cibernetica, e di un ipotetico loro incontro, dopo che da tempo reprimevano le reciproche pulsioni per timore di rovinare lamicizia. Incontro che forse diventer? reale. Narra di quando un giorno luomo prende liniziativa e si dichiara, ed esplodono entrambi in un turbinio di erotica passione, appagando tutti i desideri repressi da troppo tempo. Il racconto ? a tratti romantico, a tratti erotico, ? esplicito e coinvolgente pur non essendo mai volgare.- Il sogno diventa realtà,

Sono venuto a prenderti allaeroporto di Milano. Appena mi hai visto mi hai
fatto un radioso sorriso e mi sei corsa incontro. Ci siamo abbracciati
come buoni amici, quindi ti ho accompagnata al tuo albergo.
Appena giunti in stanza, ti ho donato un bouquet di rose rosse.
Ad una rosa avevo tolto tutte le spine e ci avevo messo sopra un
biglietto. Tu hai preso i fiori con un grande sorriso, poi hai visto
la rosa senza spine con il biglietto attaccato. Lhai aperto e lhai
letto. Cera scritto Questa sei tu. Una Rosa senza spine. Ti Amo.
Hai appoggiato il mazzo di rose sul tavolo, lentamente ti sei
avvicinata a me fissandomi negli occhi, in silenzio. Mi sono
avvicinato anchio. Ti ho guardata. E ci siamo baciati.
Sentivo la tua voluttuosa lingua accarezzare la mia, in un turbinio di
passione irrefrenabile, come onde che si infrangono sugli scogli… Da
troppo tempo attendevamo questo momento, e ora la nostra passione
finalmente correva libera come un cavallo selvaggio…
Mugolavamo di piacere… le lingue penetravano fino in gola, i nostri
cuori galoppavano sempre più, forti…
Mi stringevi forte a te fino quasi a soffocarmi, io ti accarezzavo le
guance rosa e i lunghi capelli, come mille fili di seta profumata.
Sentivo i tuoi capezzoli ritti come spade toccare i miei. Con una
mano iniziai ad accarezzarti i seni, quindi i capezzoli oltre alla
sottile maglietta modellata dalle tue statuarie forme. Gemevi di
piacere. Presi coraggio e infilai le mani sotto la maglietta e ti
sganciai il reggiseno, sempre continuando a baciarti.
Te lo sfilasti senza staccarti da me. Ti alzai la maglietta ed iniziai
a baciarti il seno e a leccarti e succhiarti i capezzoli,
completamente rigidi, come due piccoli chiodi. Impazzivi dal piacere.
Chinasti la testa allindietro con gli occhi chiusi, completamente in
estasi. Con una mano scesi e ti slacciai i jeans. quindi ti infilai la
mano nelle mutandine… Eri bollente, completamente bagnata, fradicia
di piacere e di voglia.
Infilai due dita nella tua fica invitante, e iniziai a muoverle
vorticosamente, ormai gridavi di piacere, la tua mano scese ad
accarezzarmi il pacco, reso voluminoso dalla mia eccitazione. Ti
compiacesti del risultato e mi slacciasti anche tu i jeans.
Lerezione aveva trasformato i miei boxer in Lycra in una t-shirt.
Infilasti dentro la tua mano e iniziasti a masturbarmi.
Impazzivamo entrambi dalleccitazione.
Il mio membro era come una manganello. Ti staccasti da me, ti
inginocchiasti, quindi iniziasti a succhiarlo, mugolando e gemendo più,
di prima, godendo come me.
Iniziasti a leccare dolcemente la punta. La tua morbida e vellutata
lingua mi dava dei brividi di piacere che mi facevano fremere, poi
ingoiasti tutto il glande, e con dolcezza iniziasti e rotearci la
lingua attorno. Mi sembrava di svenire! Ce lavevo grosso come non mai
e duro come il marmo, era come un obelisco egzio, ti stava a malapena in bocca. Poi iniziasti
anche a masturbarmi mentre continuavi a succhiare e leccare. Con
laltra mano mi accarezzavi le palle, facendomi impazzire. Poi
continuando a masturbarmi scendesti a leccarlo tutto, anche le palle,
ormai ero in estasi, lo riprendesti di nuovo in bocca, stavolta
cercando di ingoiarlo tutto, sentivo il glande che ti premeva sulla
gola bollente, una sensazione indescrivibile… Ti esplosi come un
vulcano fiumi di sperma bollente in bocca, e tu godesti con me,
ingoiando e succhiando tutto fino allultima goccia, avidamente.
Ti accarezzai e ti baciai a lungo, e con il pene ancora eretto ti
presi in braccio e ti misi sul letto. Presi le tue meravigliose e
lunghe gambe e iniziai, in ginocchio a leccarle e baciarle, salendo sempre più,.
Le tue dolci, calde e profumate labbra della tua fica imploravano i miei baci come un fiore implora lacqua…
Più, mi avvicinavo a quelloasi di piacere e più, tu gemevi,
completamente abbandonata alle mie carezze!
Arrivai alle tue cosce, tu allargasti ancora di più, le gambe, ti
apristi come un fiore che desidera il sole, e il sole arrivò,.
Baciai dolcemente il tuo voluttuoso clitoride, tu fremesti ed
iniziasti a massaggiarti seni e capezzoli. Leccai le calde e bagnate labbra della tua deliziosa vulva, infilai dentro la lingua e gustai il tuo nettare zuccherino. Era bollente come la tua passione. Iniziai a succhiarti il clitoride e a leccarlo tutto attorno dolcemente. Il tuo ano iniziò, a pulsare, stavi per venire, mi ripetevi ansimante: -Sì,, continua, continua…-
Lo feci, e con un lungo gemito inarcasti la schiena e mi venisti in bocca… Comera delizioso il tuo succo, amore mio!
Infilai la lingua dentro fino in fondo per non perdere neppure una goccia del tuo delizioso miele.
Quindi mi alzai, il mio membro era infuocato, chiedeva solo te…
Lo guardasti con una certa apprensione e mi dicesti: -Fai piano…-
Lo appoggiai con il glande sulle labbra incandescenti della tua fica palpitante, poi spinsi dolcemente, essa si aprì, e lo accolse in un bollente e stretto abbraccio. Lentamente cedeva alle dimensioni del mio membro, adattandosi come un guanto. Io continuavo a muoverlo con dolcezza su e giù,, fino a che non sentii i tuoi muscoli cedere, quindi lo spinsi fino in fondo, tu gemesti rimanendo senza fiato, con la bocca aperta e gli occhi spalancati… Iniziai allora a muoverlo su e giù,, su e giù,, e tu iniziasti a gridare di piacere: -Sì,… Tutto… Tutto!-
Stantuffavo come un treno. Mi chinai su di te e leccavo i tuoi
capezzoli, ti accarezzavo il viso, ti baciavo con la mia lingua che toccava la tua gola vibrante di piacere.
Sentii la tua vagina pulsare, e venesti di nuovo.
Mi girasti sottosopra baciandomi avidamente, e stando sopra di me iniziasti ad andare su e giuù,. Ti raddrizzasti reclinando la testa indietro e chiudendo gli occhi, sentivo la tua fica pulsare..
Allungai le mani e accarezzai i tuoi seni e I tuoi capezzoli…
Venesti nuovamente inondandomi, come una cascata, dei bollenti umori del tuo piacere.
Ripetevi continuamente: -Oh amore, ohh!-
Ti sollevai e ti misi prona sul letto.
Mi chinai sopra di te e iniziai a baciarti il collo e a leccarti le
orecchie, tu ansimavi. Scesi con la lingua lungo la schiena, avevi la pelle doca e fremevi di piacere. Arrivai alle tue natiche, le leccai e le baciai tutte, quindi le aprii e ammirai quel splendido fiore rosa che è, il tuo ano. Iniziai a leccartelo e infilare la lingua dentro, tenendo le tue natiche aperte. Tu urlavi di piacere, inarcando il ventre per favorirmi. La tua fica era gocciolante. Tu ci infilasti dentro due dita e iniziasti a masturbarti mentre io continuavo a leccarti. Infilai dolcemente dentro un dito, era bollente… Tu
dicevi: -Aaahhh siiii….!- lo presi come un invito e continuai, infilando lentamente ora due dita. Le muovevo dentro di te e le giravo, tu gemevi continuando a masturbarti. Le sfilai, il tuo ano rimase aperto, ci infilai la lingua, leccando dentro e intorno… Mi dicesti: -Prendimi!- appoggiai il mio glande su quel invitante buchino rosa. Iniziai a spingere lentamente, sentivo i tuoi muscoli che lentamente cedevano alla mia azione. Tu stessa allora ti spingesti indietro facendomi entrare di colpo dentro di te. Gridasti e ti fermasti un attimo. Io rimasi immobile con il mio membro dentro il tuo stretto ed avvolgente culetto. Quindi mi dicesti: -Okay, va avanti…
Piano… Siiii-
Lo spinsi dolcemente dentro di te, ti sentivo e godevo fino al
cervello, il tuo culetto bollente che avviluppava tutto il mio pene mi faceva impazzire… Lo spinsi dentro tutto, tu eri senza fiato, le mie palle sbattevano sua tua fica grondante, aumentai il ritmo, tu urlavi e ti sgrillettavi come una pazza, stavi venendo, e io venni con te, versando dentro di te il mio più, incandescente orgasmo.
Tu ti accasciasti sul letto completamente spossata e mi dicesti: -Oh amore mio…-
Io replicai: -Ti amo!-
Ti girai supina sul letto, mi distesi su di te, tuoi capezzoli contro i miei…
Ci baciammo completamente estasiati, chiusi gli occhi…
Gli riaprii, ero nel mio letto, completamente solo, con i miei boxer completamente fradici.
Mi feci una doccia, e andai a lavorare. Avevo ancora il tuo Profumo addosso. Ed ero in ritardo.-

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Introduction: Acting like a total slut at the concert,-) It was my senior year in high school, and I was headed to my friend Davids house. David had managed to get several tickets to a concert for that evening, so a group of us were meeting at his house before heading to the concert. I had fought with my step father about going for the last week, and he had finally been convinced to let me go,-) When I got to Davids house, everyone else was already there, and they had already started passing...

4 years ago
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The Bay Resort

This morning I was sleeping so hard and good. I was lost in an X rated dream. The kind of dream where your brain pulls out a deep dark fantasy that you've never told anyone and plays it out in perfect form with the hottest actresses and actors. Just when its getting to the best part, the part where things really heat up and you start to climax things stop. That bitch, Alarm Clock, starts screaming at you to get up and get going. This morning was different though. This morning was Masters...

3 years ago
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The Golden Goddess Returns

The Golden Goddess Returns Part 1It was very quiet in the thick carpeted hallway along Mahoney row of the big industrial company as a medium build man with salt and pepper hair moved along, glancing at the doorways as he walked slowly down the hall to the end office, marked as, ?Vice President Marketing. Miss Kay Sommers.?The door was open and he stood in the doorway listening to the conversation that the blonde headed woman was having while sitting with her back to the doorway. She wasn?t...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 37 Two Dances Part II

April 1978 Saturday I worked. I was still missing Jennifer. And Melanie. I called Jennie when I got home. Fortunately, she was there. I told her about the dance and Bethany and she was quiet for a minute. “You’re getting yourself into a situation that is really, really tough. You are going to have to be a perfect gentleman and expect nothing more than friendship for a long time. She’s really vulnerable and she’ll be really emotional. Just be prepared for that. Be her friend. Don’t even...

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The story of Aliaranna Pt 1

She slides out of her bed and gets out of the covers onto her own feet with a suffle. She stretches out her back before moving towards the wooden door and opening it then suddenly being filled with the colors of pink translucent curtains. Aliaranna smiles at the women on 7 beds sitting there nude smiling back. She looks them all over, "Good morning my latina sluts." Aliaranna says with a toothy grin. The girls call back, "Good morning mistress Aliaranna." Aliaranna looks them over...

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The New Neighbors

A friend recently moved into a really nice high rise apartment complex in New York. Rent is way too high, however her friends keep telling her, she needs to start enjoying life a little. She has been single for a quite a few years and is now on her 8th vibrator. Hopefully someday they will make a vibrator that can outlast her sexual needs. She told me she needs to find a man soon though before she loses her mind with this constant sexual desire she has 24/7. She told me it is getting to the...

1 year ago
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Seduced Slut the end written by a friend for me

Not So Subtle SeductionWe kissed lightly, exploring. Her breath warm and damp against my mouth.Gaby made little whimpering noises as we kissed, turning me on evenmore. Her hands were everywhere, exploring me, searching, feeling,touching…My hands too were busy…from time to time we got in each other’s waybut found ourselves adaptable, our excitement rising. Gaby began topush on the top of my head. I got the message right away and sliddown to taste her nipples after gently kissing down the...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Ella Knox Tickled Pink

Ella Knox is looking stunning in red thigh highs and matching lingerie that hugs her ass and cups her big breasts. This pretty picture can’t keep her hands off the sweetness of her lingerie or the softness of her skin as she caresses her tits. Once her nipples harden to peaks, she uses them to jiggle those big jugs to her heart’s content. Sliding one hand lower down her body, Ella dips her fingers into a hole in her panties to feel the wetness between her thighs. She’s just getting cozy like...

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My wifes first gangbang

Introduction: She was just supposed to go get laid by one stranger! To start off with I will tell you we are a married couple of 20 years and have been living this lifestyle for 19 years. I like to watch my wife Roxanne be with and fuck other men while I watch or alone and she can tell me about it when she gets home. This night Roxanne was going out by herself with the idea of finding some strange cock, and she did! She got all dressed up in black 5 high heel pumps, Cuban theigh high stockings...

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Bangkok Crazy

If you have been, then you understand. It never changes - Bangkok, is just the craziest city ever.I was assigned to USS Kitty Hawk, with flight orders and squadron duty. Kitty Hawk had been in WestPac now for over 8 months of our (haha) 6 month cruise. Someone decided to give us a gift from the gods - a port call in Thailand for 6 days. Instead of brining the ship in close to Bangkok, she was nosed into Pattaya. In 1977 Pattaya was a beach resort mainly attended by the Scandinavians, for some...

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Training Gail PArt Two Gail is found out

Once in the bedroom, she hooded her thumbs in the waistband of her skirt nudging it over her hips, and letting it drop to her ankles, stepping out of the skirt, she headed to the bathroom pulling the night shirt over her tits and up over her head. With her eyes shut, she arched her back stretching out with her hands above her head, and a sigh escaped her lips as she drifted back to her shock of waking up with a hot, wet pussy pressed into her mouth. As she finished her sigh, she opened her...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend Ne Crossdresser Bana Diya 8211 Part I

I’m ricky sharma frm delhi and now i am 25 year old. ye meri pelhi story hai agar galti hui ho to plz maaf karna aur mail bejh kar suggetion jarur dena. ye mera real life experience hai… lets start the storyMeri famly me papa-mummy chota bhai aur 2 sal badi sister hai. So story start karta hu apni cd life se. Ye stry aj se 4 sal pelhe se start hui ki kaise mein cd bana. Jab mein 21 ka tha tab meri neha naam ki gf thi. Us ka kadh lagh bagh mere jitna hi hai 5’6. Figure 34 30 32 tha ek dam...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Silvia Saige Comedian pornstar gets Creampie

– 34 years old cheetah – Prefers to be single, no kids – Has experience as a porn actress – Makes jokes about the industry while on stage – She was 30 when she did her first adult scene – Dreams of doing a DP scene some day – Once participated in a 8 person orgy – Masturbates regularly, loves watching porn – She really likes anal toys and butt sex a lot – Squirted quite a bit when my cock was in her ass – Very open minded sexually charged woman – Her favorite thing to do to a man is pegging...

1 year ago
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Mike and MeganTuesday

Well, we made it back to my place and got cleaned up. I remember putting our clothes in the drier and saying it would be a half hour or so, then putting on a movie, and watching a bit of the movie... then I must have fallen asleep. The next thing I remember is Lisa screaming "What the hell!" "Don't you ever knock?" I said, half asleep "No... you two had a good night, I see" Lisa said I remember thinking what? Then I realized there was an arm, across my chest... a female arm. I...

3 years ago
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Highschool Grade 9 Chapter 2

All people, places, and events in this story are fictitious, any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidence. This is written in first person, not based on true experiences, and if you aren’t an enjoyer of those under the age of 18, then please refrain from rude comments, it’s only a story. Apologies for the short beginning, I had a funeral to attend, and it’s hard to think of what to write when someone dies, y’know? Anyways, hopefully this one is a little longer,...

2 years ago
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A man plays around with crossdressing because his pretty sisterinlaw persuades him

“Well you know why Lisa dropped Paul?” It was my sister-in-law, Susan offering me a tidbit from my wife, Lisa’s past. The three of us were eating dinner one evening and we had had a few beers. “Susan!” Lisa said it almost as a whine. She looked alarmed. Naturally I was intrigued. “Paul wanted to do it with Lisa with himself dressed up as a woman!” I giggled, but stifled it quickly when I glanced at Lisa. She was blushing and obviously embarrassed about...

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Saturdays Lawn

Chapter 1 Saturday visits to my house had become very special occasions for Sophie. It was summer and my house was set back from the road with a large lawn spread out in front. I had hired a teen age boy to mow the lawn. And although I got more than I bargained for, so did he. Brian was 18, just finishing his senior year at the local high school. He was a very handsome kid with wavy blond hair. He stood about 6'2" and weighed about 185 — not quite fully filled out yet. He had broad shoulders...

1 year ago
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Step Sibling Encounters Washing Up

J’Arnie and Hamish promised to do their fair share of the washing up in their new blended household. A hot kitchen encounter by two college step siblings.New step parents like any adults managing a household and trying to keep it presentable and tidy insist that the young college offspring under their roof pull their weight with the basics and participate in the washing up roster. Delia Rogers thought how hard it could be for her own daughter J’Arnie and her step son Hamish, to scrap a few...

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The Fallen Cross Ch 01

Before hand: Thanks for taking the time to read this! This is my first ‘real’ story, so please go easy on me lol. My grammar isn’t the best, this is raw and unedited, and so if you would enjoy being my editor I would appreciate it very much! Now, this story jumps from time to time, so you may seem lost or confused, but go with it. It makes you think…kind of lol. Thanks again! – Jay UN Through blurred vision, I strained my eyes to catch a glimpse of something in the darkness. A ringing shriek...

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Bus Journey With Sister 8211 Part 2

Hello, friends, I am back with the continuation of the previous story, I will narrate what happen after we reach Pune after the incident happened on the bus in the night. Those who didn’t read the previous story, I will suggest to read it first. So back to the story, in morning we reached my room around 10am, both of us didn’t speak anything with each other. Both were thinking about last night and things which that incidence will lead us too. I broke the silence but didn’t say anything abt last...

4 years ago
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PRIMROSE'S PATH It was a warm Summer evening and the modest house at the end of the culde sac, right in front of the woods, had light shining from an upstairsbedroom window. From outside it presented a picture of suburbancontentment but, if you could see inside, something very different washappening. Since we CAN peer through that window, and even enter theroom unseen, dear reader, we can witness what is taking place."I don't understand," Perry said in a small nervous voice. "Every...

1 year ago
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Historia de Anglica

Historia de Angélica Nuestra protagonista se llama Angélica. Es rubia,de ojos azules y bellas formas. Su estatura es 1,65 m. y su piel es sensualmentepálida. Acababa de salir del convento de "Las hermanas dela Humildad", contando a la sazón 17 años. En el conventohabía sido educada bajo la mas férrea disciplina. Había ingresado en el convento a la edad de 8 años,cuando sus padres habían perecido y sus parientes mas próximosse habían desentendido de ella. La vida en el convento fue muy dura...

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SpittakeChapter 2

Debbie always woke up slowly, and in that one narrow, specific sense, this day was no exception. For the first thirty seconds or so, she really just laid there and savored the delightful sensations of half-asleepness. She had just started the full body stretch that would really begin her day when some recollection of the events of the previous night started flooding back to her. "Holy shit," she thought, "what the fuck did I do last night?" All at once - in a millisecond - a couple...

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IAmEighteen Emma Hix Young Blond Teen Emma Hix Drinks Older Guy8217s Cum

After I.T repairman, John Strong fixes Emma Hix’s computer problems, he naturally asks to get paid for his services. But this young hottie doesn’t have any money but she knows she can always offer up her nubile 18-year old body for him to manhandle and fuck! Just to be sure, John demands to see her I.D and can’t believe he gets to stick his dick in her tight, teen pussy. He watches her suck his thick cock, running his fingers though her golden blond hair. Then, he folds her...

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Sharing Her Ceamy Quim

I unlocked the door and stepped inside. As I took off my coat, I heard her voice say, "I'm up here" ... her voice sounding warm and yet excited. I climbed the stairs and went into her bedroom which was lighted by a small night light. As I approached the bed, I could tell she was naked, her nipples standing erect under the sheet. "You took a long time; I've been waiting for you" she whispered. I stared down at her and saw her long hair was mussed and her face was flushed. I bent down to...

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Wife and SisterinLaw

I recently told you the true story of my sweet teenage sister-in-law and how I took her virginity. Since that time, Karie and I had been fucking regularly for the last six months. We both knew that it was wrong and felt guilty about it but we were addicted to each other. Forbidden fruit always taste sweeter. The sight of her firm teenage tits and her tight snatch was more than I could resist. Karie had tried dating boys her age and fucking them, but she always came back to me because she said...

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