Black whore 4
- 2 years ago
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January 2007.
Libby had just departed in a trail of tears. Roslyn mused as she sat at the table and thought of Libby's situation. As she wondered how Libby would work through her problem she couldn't help but let her mind go back, reminding her of how hers had been resolved years ago.
She remembered those first five years after 1982.
David had been insightful that memorable night so many years ago when he said it was up to her to do something about her and Glenn's sex life. Fortunately, as it turned out she was not left with the sole burden of resolving the situation. She got some unsolicited and much appreciated help from her husband, albeit not what she envisioned.
For the next two days after they left the lodge in 1982 and went home Glenn was listless, his normal cheerful chatter going quiet. He seemed as lost as she was dismayed. During those hours he never touched her and at that particular time she couldn't decide whether that was good or bad. Her body ached for the fulfillment she now knew was possible yet she dreaded being left sexually denied with another unimaginative and disappointing session with the man she loved so dearly.
But on the third night after her illicit evening with David there came an unexpected change. When she got in bed Glenn stood above her for a long while, looking down on her with a look that she had never seen before. One that she couldn't quite tell was pained or menacing. Slowly, as if he were undressing her, he pulled the thin sheet aside exposing her naked body.
He looked at her for a long time as if deciding what to do. Roslyn was expecting him to mount her, probing her with his hard cock before spilling into her as he had done in the past few months. She was totally unprepared for what happened.
Glenn slid down on the end of the bed and, while looking up at her the length of her body, slowly took her big toe into his mouth. Ros yelped in surprise! Three hours later there was little left to be surprised about.
By that time a sexually devastated Roslyn lay sweating and exhausted on the bed, her equally spent partner sleeping peacefully beside her, two of his fingers still buried deep in her soaked pussy. There were parts of her with lingering sensations hard to distinguish. After all of the pleasure she had just experienced was there still anticipation?
In the past there had always been a little foreplay, a few wonderful games. But not like this. This time his touches were obviously not a prelude to impending sex. This time Glenn fully meant it to be a tormenting tease, almost punishing rather than pleasing.
For an hour he had teased every part of her body, using his mouth and hands to totally explore every millimeter, every crevice, and every sensitive nerve until she was moaning softly, begging him to guide her to relief from the erotic torture. She had always wanted this but, in the company of stark reality, found that the erotic teasing could be taken past the point of pleasing. And who would have thought that a tongue so slowly and hungrily caressing her sensitive anus could be so erotic?
Finally Glenn went down on his new bride, spending an hour between her legs with his inexperienced mouth. What he lacked in style he compensated with exuberance, spending so much time that he finally boiled her over, her orgasm pouring out of her sensitive pussy.
Once she experienced the blessed relief and he had finished himself off by mounting her she was surprised, excited, pleased beyond words. Who was this new Glenn, this new husband who all of a sudden was able to extract such pleasure from her with his mouth and hands and wielded his smaller cock as if it was a shortened sword filling an anxious and willing scabbard?
Roslyn was incredibly pleased. Although she had not come with him at least there was a definite new air of sexual excitement about them. After he had come she had smothered him with deep kisses and ground her body into him as he continued his sexual attack on her gyrating pussy with his fingers. Finally, an exhausted Glenn slept while his young wife mentally applauded him. Twice during the night he was gently prodded awake by an exploring Ros who mounted him and made him come inside her simply to hear his cries of pleasure.
All of a sudden this was very, very fun!!
A week later all of her sexual exuberance turned to shock! Several more sessions passed in which Glenn tortured her for an hour, orally coaxing her into orgasm prior to taking her with his cock. Each time he turned her over and pulled her up on her knees in order to take her from behind. This in itself was not new. He had mounted her from behind in the past and she had to admit that the doggy style screwing utilized every tiny bit of his cock and made at least some difference.
But on that night it was something different. Glenn had said things to her in the past when they were having sex ... what couple didn't? Funny things, sexy things. Provocative thoughts and questions meant to excite. Sexual prattle that could be spoken in the heat of pleasure then immediately discarded as just that.
But all of a sudden her new husband broke unprecedented ground. Especially under the circumstances, the bride's eyes opened wide and there was an instant, noticeable reaction from her body.
Roslyn was recovering from orgasm brought on by a long oral teasing. Now he was slowly rubbing his hard cock up and down her seeping pussy as if collecting the nectar.
There was a husky whisper near her ear.
"Do you think you could take David like this?"
Roslyn couldn't help but react to the softly spoken question. Even before they were married she and Glenn had discussed David's obvious size but all of a sudden it was hitting really close to home.
Roslyn's mouth moved but nothing came out.
She didn't realize that although her thoughts had frozen her voice they had also simultaneously created a very distinct reaction between her legs.
Glenn smiled when he felt her little pussy contraction as it massaged the head of his cock. It emboldened him to continue.
"Wouldn't you like to have him buried deep in you?"
There was silence. Glenn's cock was still gently probing her wet pussy. There had been a little bit of reaction from her at first. Would there be more?
"Well?" He was going to be persistent.
Roslyn was dismayed. What was this all about?
"Why are you asking?" Her voice was raspy rather than angry and Glenn picked up on it right away.
He nudged her pussy with the head of his cock, soaking it slowly by sliding it back and forth before nestling softly downward. By then his swollen head was pressing against the slippery opening to her sensitive anus.
"Just curious. You know how big he is. Could you take that?" For Glenn, this was starting to be as fun as it was erotic.
Roslyn didn't feel that way at all. Jumbled among the illicit sexual memories flashing back from just a few nights before were danger warnings.
From where had this come all of a sudden?
Glenn pressed forward just a little. Roslyn felt the pressure, both in her ass and from his questions.
"Well? Do you think your pussy could stretch around that big cock?" He wasn't going to take silence for an answer.
"I don't know."
She hoarsely whispered it. What was it he wanted to hear?
It was precisely what he wanted to hear. She had not said "NO!!" or she had not given him an indignant "FUCK YOU, GLENN!!" She had not brushed him off.
"I don't know" was leaving a door slightly open in which there was a terrible amount of light escaping.
Glenn pressed forward, both with his cock and his suggestive words.
"U-u-m-m-m. I'll bet he'd make you feel really good, fill your tight pussy to the hilt." As he was saying it he pressed forward a little more, his cock appearing to harden even more as his moistened head slightly penetrated her ass.
Roslyn caught her breath. When she did so it caused an involuntary flinching of her ass. She didn't reply. What was she to say?
Glenn felt her ass twitch. Something was driving home ... either his questions or his cock. At the very least he was curious. He took a deep breath and pressed forward slightly.
His breath drew ... hers expelled! With a short blow out of her mouth she winced and reacted to his presence.
"O-o-w-w-w," she complained softly.
He hesitated. He had thought about this many times the past couple of days and it seemed simple enough when it was only a plan. Now that it was a reality could he handle it any better than she?
A recent vision passed over him. Something still burning in his mind. His jaw tightened.
The answer was a definite, "Yes."
Glenn pushed forward a little. Ros moaned in complaint.
"Ple-e-e-a-a-a-a-s-s-s-s-e-e-e-e, Glenn."
There was a hesitation, he pulled back slightly, then moved forward with another very gentle push.
"O-o-o-w-w-w-w," softly again. There was verbal reaction but no attempt to avoid.
Slowly, tenderly, Glenn penetrated. His idea was to just explore the possibilities ... fulfill a recent vision. Punishment or pain wasn't a goal and he had to be careful.
It took fifteen minutes of very slow, very cautious penetration before he felt his balls nestled firmly against her ass cheeks. He had almost lost it when he initially got his head past her sphincter muscles. That little "give" that her ass gave when he had penetrated, the little moan that escaped from her tormented body. All of it was erotic beyond his imagination.
Roslyn was tormented, both physically and mentally. What was happening? Why this all of a sudden? Yet deep down she couldn't help but remember just a few nights before when David's huge middle finger had entered her there, much to her surprise and then to her liking.
Maybe that was why she didn't protest more or stop the proceedings. Maybe she felt she had a debt to pay.
Minutes passed. Movements barely increased. There were moans from both sides.
Glenn's pulse increased rapidly. It wasn't just the unexpected wonderful sensation her ass provided. Before this exploratory entry he held no preconceived notion of what it would be like and he was wonderfully pleased. More than that was the fact that she was taking him without much complaint, her moans being that of discomfort rather than rejection.
He hit a tiny, slow rhythm. Soft, gentle motions so miniscule that it was more if the two were dancing in unison than him penetrating. Leaning closely over her crouched body Glenn hugged her tightly, his hands gently cupping her breasts while massaging tender nipples.
"My God. This is totally wonderful!" Glenn thought. He had never felt so close to her. This far surpassed any expectations.
It wasn't so easy for Ros. It took longer. Much, much longer.
In spite of the much smaller size of Glenn versus David, it was still a hardened cock buried in her ass. In fact, there was a little bit of a parallel between David's massive shaft straining her pussy walls and Glenn's smaller one stretching her ass to the limit.
Through both experiences it didn't take her long to understand that although there was pain, pressure, discomfort ... there was no danger. Through a confused but willing mind she couldn't help but wonder if the same would be true if David were trying to enter her ass. She dismissed the thought. Surely no woman alive could accept him there!
She didn't know exactly when she realized that Glenn had essentially quit moving, that instead he had simply buried himself in her ass to the hilt and was breathing heavily with her. For all the discomfort she felt she was also aware of the gentle manipulation of her breasts and his heavy breath in close contact with her sensitive neck as he showered her with nonstop kisses.
It took a while. It certainly wasn't without pain, without the willingness of a woman so desperate to try anything to accommodate her marriage's sexual disappointment.
But it happened.
There, with him leaning over her closely and lovingly paying the sweetest of attention to her, Mr. Faber carefully and surprisingly quite skillfully took Mrs. Faber in the ass.
Unlike with David, she was dealing with a cock much smaller, much easier to ingest. It was one of those moments; something that nature seems to do well ... the perfect combination of Glenn's smaller size and his very loving, very cautious approach to it all.
Throw away all thoughts Ros ever had on the subject. Forget all she had secretly read about anal sex. The hidden giggles of conversation with her girl friends.
Her movements were slow at first, barely noticeable to Glenn, then the gentle coercion. Small rocking motions that met his as if in a dance too subtle to notice.
Slowly, the body separation. Room left between the two that allowed some miniscule penetration to increase. Then more.
It became centimeters. First a few, then more and more. Were those moans of pain still? To a husband anxious to satisfy his new wife it sounded much more like pleasure being voiced ever so softly.
Eventually, his slow gentle strokes were replaced by a rampaging hard cock totally coming out of her before plunging again through her relenting sphincter.
The pleas went from pain to anticipation. Then an unexpected fulfillment.
"NOW, NOW, NOW!!!"
Then, with her gyrating ass impaled on that smaller cock that she had resigned would never please, Roslyn Faber exploded on Glenn's pounding shaft!
And, just as she had with David, she became very vocal when she came.
"Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Fuck me, baby, fuck my ass! Shove it in, baby!! Fuck it! Fuck it! I want it all! Make me come!! Go-o-o-d-d-d, I love you!!"
Her lurid instructions sent him over the top, spilling into her ass with a gush she couldn't help but feel.
It became the first of hundreds of times over the coming years that Glenn took her anally. Each time, he made it special. During those special nights he entered her carefully and skillfully, listening to her initial complaints turn to inevitable sexual prattle as she encouraged him to plunder her ass. Each of these times he carefully controlled himself, always waiting to come after she did. He wanted to make sure she was satisfied before unloading in her writhing ass.
On the many other "regular"nights he coerced Ros externally to orgasm with his mouth and hands. Immediately afterwards she would become a source of female pleasure purely concentrating on him, finding pleasure in listening to his heavy breathing before he gave himself totally to her.
There was one thing that haunted her, though. Without fail, before and during their anal sex, there was inevitably an ongoing conversation about David. So much that eventually she wilted in her resolve and started making up stories for him.
In fact, she was only verbally recounting that night in February 1982, offering a blow by blow of what actually happened. She knew he wouldn't actually believe it!
The sexual life of the Faber's was going much, much better. It wasn't perfect but it certainly wasn't as if they had no sex life. As it turned out what Glenn lacked in size he made up in staying power and potency. In the first four years of marriage they had two daughters only 28 months apart before they said "enough kids."
But what Roslyn was still missing was that wonderful, simultaneous explosion with Glenn in her pussy that she wanted so badly.
It took her a while. Three years into their marriage to be exact. He still wasn't bringing her off with his cock in her pussy. Not once. That's when she started with the toys. Oh, it was porno at first. Something to elevate her sexually to the point that barely a touch would send her over. It worked at times but not always.
Then she responded to the magazine, the one with all the sexual toys advertised. Ordered secretly, shipped in a plain container.
It wasn't ideal, but it was a solution. They found the perfect position. She would lie on her back and Glenn would turn on his side, lifting her right leg over his body so that he could penetrate. With him inside her pussy and a vibrating plastic shaft titillating her responsive clit on the outside they erupted together in mutual massive orgasms. Glenn loved it, his cock easily feeling the vibration through her pussy and never failing to come loudly with her.
They always cuddled afterward, her sexual hunger temporarily filled. But within hours she couldn't help but slip back, lamenting a situation that should be more natural. She knew it was possible.
That was strongly reinforced by her many vivid memories of that special one illegitimate night in February 1982.
She had no idea that Glenn, too, was harboring unfulfilled erotic visions and fantasies concerning his young wife.
And they too stemmed from vivid memories of that special night in February 1982.
The Moonlight MisconceptionFebruary 1982 through 2007. Roslyn sat at her table, reminiscing and wondering how it had come to this. Twenty-five years. A quarter of a century. One marriage, two children from conception through marriages. And many, many events carefully entwined in the mix over the years. Some public, most very covert.
How had life sent her in such a direction that it would eventually lead her to pick up the phone and, however reluctant, mutter that one submissive word.
Roslyn knew it was much more than just a softly uttered word. It was a resignation, a hopeful offering meant to end her own torment while at the same time providing an answer for Libby, extinguishing the pain of somebody so precious to her.
But looking for answers as to how her world had evolved as it had wasn't new for Ros. Finding them was. Rarely did she find a viable answer to what formed the kind of relationship that existed with she and Glenn.
One thing she did know for sure ... the catalyst that controlled her life, the one event in which all others gravitated, came down to little more than one hour in 1982.
Ros wasn't totally stupid or naïve about it. Regardless of how many times she mentally beat herself up over it she was aware that during that one hour, at least from a psychological standpoint, she had innocently got hooked on a cock that was not hers to have. Of course at the time it happened she had no idea of the long-range hypnotic consequences.
But many if not most of her questions could have been answered if she had only known one thing ... one very important and very hidden factor.
On that life changing evening in 1982, Roslyn and Glenn Faber had an unknown benefactor.
Sue Evelyn Randall.
Sue wasn't stupid. Even at that young age in 1982 she was very astute, able to read people like a book. Especially David. And what she saw that night was a David that was obviously a little too infatuated with an innocent young bride.
At that time she and David had been in their short relationship only for six months or so. Sue was not only aware of David's few indiscretions during that time but had approved, as had he with she. That was their agreement, their arrangement.
But at the moment, in that certain circumstance, Sue made the snap decision to intervene. For David to knock off an interesting piece of ass was one thing but apparently this interest went far beyond a cheap piece of ass. She certainly wasn't going to nip it in a way he could see. Their relationship was too young, too fragile for her to be dictating. Instead, she would just even the playing field.
That's why, on that moonlit night in 1982, she had gently nudged Glenn on the arm and whispered quietly in his ear, "Looks like my Romeo and your bride are out for some fresh air."
She nodded toward the back of the dance floor where David and Roslyn were exiting.
Glenn stood there for a second just watching, unable to make a decision let alone make a move.
Sue mentally nudged him, making hair stand up on the back of his neck.
"Be damned sure you're back here before they are," she whispered to him in a very sensuous and serious voice. She raised her eyebrows in a knowing and wise manner.
Glenn glanced around. Apparently nobody else had paid any attention to the couple's exit, concentrating instead on a door prize drawing going on near the little stage.
Glenn slipped away in the lull and emerged from the hall into the moonlit night.
A quick look around and the distant resonant sound of David's voice guided him. They were obviously walking down the path that led to the little stream. Although Roslyn had been unaware of it's existence Glenn was.
As he walked to one side of the path, keeping his steps on the grass and avoiding the crunching sound of footsteps on pebbles, he realized how remote they were becoming in the moonlit night.
The question was ... why?
An hour later his question was fully answered.
He had been very careful not to close the gap too fast on the wandering, laughing couple. As far as he knew at the time the very worse case scenario was for him to be discovered and be accused of spying, of trusting neither his new bride nor his best friend.
But within minutes of them entering the romantic, moonlit clearing his priorities changed.
When they finally stopped walking Glenn kept a little distance, ten meters or so. But soon, consumed with the apparent direction of events, he placed one shaking foot carefully on the ground after the other, moving silently through the few bushes until he was as close as he dared.
In the moonlight, he could see more than enough. In the stillness of the night, their voices were easily detectable through the distant soft strains of music escaping the lodge.
Glenn watched. He listened. He shook. He almost threw up. He hated. He loved. He was astonished. He was anguished. He was angry. He was scared.
It was much later ... hours, even days ... that he admitted to himself that he had also been totally mesmerized by the illicit scene being played out before him.
For all the pain, the anguished emotions of finding his innocent bride in sexual throes with his best friend, there had been something else. Something that was even more shameful than what he was observing.
His shortness of his breathes, the tingling of skin. The pounding, heavy heartbeats causing a rush of blood that approached fainting. All of it the definite signs of a person caught up in the rapture of extreme eroticism.
Not to mention his absolute rock hard cock ... one that, years later, he would still acknowledge as being the number one "boner" of his life of which all others would be judged.
Later, when he slipped back toward the lodge in front of the hastily dressing couple, he was doing so with the difficulty of almost running with a cumbersome hard impeding his progress.
A stiff like that doesn't go away in minutes.
Although he attempted to conceal it Sue saw it. She also watched his face, realizing he was attempting to avoid conversation in order to mask a shaking voice.
She knew right then she had lost her bet with David. She wouldn't doubt his story when he would surely give her a very detailed account of how he had tumbled the walls of the innocent Roslyn Faber.
Of course she wasn't about to tell David that he had done it right in front of the astonished husband.
Instead she decided she would stay forever quiet about it all, volunteering nothing to David. If that were ever to emerge it had to be between David and Glenn, not the intervening bitch as she had been.
Glenn remembered avoiding Roslyn the rest of that night, barely holding her hand and cautiously giving her a goodnight kiss that was no more than a mere brushing of lips with no body contact at all. At the time he was still trying to mask his perpetual hard-on and to calm a beating heart.
Over the next few days he somehow managed to slow things down, to put things in perspective as well as he could.
The first thing that had to be dealt with and then swept aside was the anger. He knew he had to deal with that first.
He was head over heels in love with his wife. He knew that, given time, he would soften and forgive her for a single indiscretion made under such circumstances. The fact that he couldn't think about it without becoming hard reinforced that.
He also knew that there was an underlying problem, one that surely was the root of this evil, and one that only he could remedy. It was a hardest of all the pills to swallow.
Obviously, when it came to sexually pleasing his new bride he had fallen woefully short. He refused to believe that a sexually fulfilled Roslyn would have fallen so easily into such an erotic trap. Oh, sure, he knew his penis was a bit undersized. It had been the butt of jokes many times. But somehow he was going to have to make up for it.
He didn't have to look far. As much as he would never have believed it, there was a solution that had been laid before his very eyes and ears on that sordid evening.
From Glenn's perspective, two things from that life-changing hour seemed to stand out over all others ... and they would drive the Faber family's sexual life for eternity.
The first was the sound of Roslyn Faber's voice ringing loudly and very clearly through that moonlit night.
"Fuck me! Fuck me! Harder, David, harder."
"Don't stop! Don't stop! Don't ever stop!"
"NOW, NOW, NOW!!!"
It burned deep, but along with the thought came the inevitable hard-on.
And the second thing was the event that never was. A non-happening that perpetuated itself into a sexual life style.
At the end of the ordeal in the woods David had bent himself closely behind Roslyn, "spooning" his body with hers as he slipped his hand under her and offered his large finger to her innocent ass as a confirmation of his control of her.
In the darkness, that wasn't what Glenn saw. What he thought he was witnessing was David slowly shoving his massive cock into Roslyn's reluctant then obviously willing ass.
With the low lighting, the awkward position, and the sounds emitting from Roslyn he thought he was watching her take a big time ass fucking from David's thick cock and loving it!
And that was from where the idea came of taking her from behind. Glenn Faber thought that he was simply parking a Volkswagen where a Mercedes had already been.
It had taken those first few days in February 1982 to recover, to mentally create what he was to do. He knew that from that day forward there was to be a new Glenn, one who not only loved his wife beyond reproach but also would dedicate his own self totally to her sexual pleasure.
That he could control. What he didn't expect and wasn't able to control were his frequent lascivious visions of Roslyn moaning in pleasure as David shoved his thick cock up her ass. The thought of that huge shaft burying itself deep inside her created a mental orgasm too vivid to ignore.
From those vivid, erotic thoughts came their anal sex. It was special, done only on certain occasions. Deliberately, Glenn controlled the timing, the perfect moments it happened. The fact that the size of his cock lent itself to the act being so pleasurable to her was nature's gift to the two of them.
And it was always driven by those thoughts, however erroneous, of David impaling himself in Roslyn's ass. Glenn would allow the thoughts to grow for weeks, to become bigger than life, and then he would bring Roslyn into the picture. As he slowly extracted her orgasm through her sensitive ass he softly coerced her to give him details of David fucking her.
And that was the unknown piece of the puzzle, the answer to a twenty five year old question that Roslyn couldn't possibly be aware.
Sharing RoslynIt was easy enough in 2007 for Roslyn to sit in her kitchen and look back at the past years with twenty-twenty insightfulness. Basically, she could mentally separate all regretful activities into three periods of their 25-year marriage ... the first five years, the middle eighteen years or so and the last ones. And they were s-o-o-o very different.
During those first five years not one time did she ever have any warning of an impending illicit intervention in her life. Not once. It was without fail something completely unforeseen, a spur of the moment circumstance dropped in her lap to deal with spontaneously. In retrospect she knew she should have dealt with it better, deflecting it all in a manner more reflective of a married woman.
God knows the amount of times through the years that she sat quietly, asking what she had done to bring this upon herself. There had been that one indiscretion, that one mistake for which she was unable to find forgiveness within herself. But what about after that? How could such an innocent wife and mother such as she find herself in such situations? And always, she had no answer.
For years she mentally berated herself over that first inexcusable adulterous action in 1982, especially at that point so early in their marriage. If only she had waited, if only she could forget it, put it all behind her as if it never happened.
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Of course, the barn bondage could have turned out very badly Chapter 1 meat — with a lower case ?m,? his online slave name — could not possibly know how his first encounter with Sona would turn out as his aging Maxima slalomed and side-slipped down the snow-covered one-lane road in the forests of western New Jersey to the GPS coordinates that she had provided. The fat flakes of falling snow reduced visibility to a few dozen feet despite the metronome-like swish-swish of his wipers. He would...
The Anderson's had three children, Matt 18, Tyler (a girl) 16 and young Carly 15. Because of their occupations, the parents were not really involved much in terms of bringing up their children, and Matt became almost a father figure for the two girls. He was bossy, and Tyler and Carly learned to steer away from his wrath. What the family didn't know, was that he had a few perverted ideas about sex and what was acceptable and what wasn't. ...
Chapter 4 it was two days later on a trip around Visby near Sweden that I met Sara and Jess they were from England and were obviously "together!" Sara was 20 and about 5'9" and very attractive with long jet black hair a thin waist and large boobs Jess was 19 about 6' tall and with long ginger hair she had small boobs but very long shapely legs she too was very attractive they asked me to take some photos of them together in front if a church after that they took some photos of me and for...
This is a story about Stephanie, a new hot wife. I first introduced her in the first story I wrote, “Cards With Friends.” Stephanie is married to Jason, who is now a happy cuckold husband, and this is the fourth story involving her. At the end of another story I wrote about these two, called “Threesome for a Hotwife,” Stephanie now wears a gold anklet on one of her legs that has a little, spade shaped charm on it, the capital letter “Q” in the center, to indicate that she is now a “queen of...
I have been in the UK for a few weeks staying in my big caravan on a nice secluded Caravan Park on a remote Leicestershire farm.Days have been nice a quiet yet one sexy young lady had caught my eye the Farmers daughter in law. She is about 24 five foot 6 size 10 with long blonde hair peachy arse pert tits (a nice handful) and finished of with a pretty smile and oh so sweet spectacles. Over the weeks she has been seen around the farm always polite and a little flirtatious, and I have taken to...
I am nude as much of the time that I can be. I sleep nude, I work around the house nude and at nights I walk around outside and sit on our front porch nude till midnight. I love it when the wind blows around my big cock and balls. My story takes place on my front porch one night when a girl caught me standing there naked. My porch is about 20' from the street in the front of my house and a sidewalk that's about 16' in front. I like to stand on the porch facing the street pretending people were...
First TimeTitle translation: I love you, my Angel *** A whole year and he still hasn’t said it…why won’t he say it?! It was a Saturday night and also coincidentally my birthday so my brothers were throwing me a birthday dinner and my girlfriends were treating me to a GNO at the local bar later. Knowing them…it was going to be one hell of a night!! I am living with my brothers, both of them older so I am one spoilt and adored little sister. Usually my brothers have their friends over. In fact, it was...
This story may end up being a little disjointed because it happened a long time ago, but I wanted to recount my first experience where I discovered I was bisexual.I was on a business trip down to Florida and bored in my hotel room. I was married at the time, and bored out of my mind, so my business trips often ended up with me looking around online for some encounters. I found Lisa on yahoo messenger back when you could easily search profiles, and I started chatting with her. She was married...
Hey guys this is Akash and this is my contact info and do send in your feedback. Here’s a story on how I fucked my aunt (uncle’s wife) . She’s 33 years old, fair in complexion, size is probably 34b and a beautiful beautiful ass. It was 12 in the noon and I had been to my uncle’s house because I was bored at home. I took the lift and went to their flat and the door was open and I walked in casually. I called out for my aunt but no one replied. I went into the kitchen, I found no one in the...
IncestHi ISS readers, my name is Rahul. I am 27, Single, I’m basically from Mysore. Now shifted to Mangalore a beautiful city in Karnataka. This story is about how I got unexpected with my cousin Harini. So let’s go the story. Harini was my cousin and a good friend of mine who stays in Bangalore. This incident happened during October 2019. My uncle was looking for a groom for her for 5 months. They found one during August and her engagement was fixed in September. She got engaged to a rich person and...
IncestMy still black eye gave me "braggin' rights," when we went to churchthe following Sunday after the big fish adventure. It was fading by then but still very noticeable. Of course, in a close-knit county like ours everyone already knew at least one version of the truth. Those who had witnessed the incident had to tell everybody else who wasn't there about our altercations with the two Bradleys, father and son. As always, something got added or changed or omitted with each retelling. Truth...
Roni B's Sexy Time at the GymI was about fifty years old at the time and the man I’m going to talk about was ten years older.After I finished exercising at the gym, I’d be either taking off my workout clothes or finishing a shower, when each day I’d see this man walk into the locker room from the pool. He’d strip off his trunks and go to a locker. The guy was in good shape, had an all over tan, and I assumed he was a nudist or just liked to lay in the sun nude. And he liked to walk around...
Hi, I am Rita jain, married women age 30 from Mumbai. Mere pati mujse bahot hi love karte hain and I also love him very much. Hum kafi happy married life ji rahe hain.hum sath main hi is site ko read karte hai aur sex enjoy karte hain. My sex in life is also very satisfied. So I also want to share my experience with another guy (only by mistake not with intestinally) I requested to all my friends specially married women of my age to send their suggestion about my mistake, that is I am right or...
After dinner I had a special surprise for you. ‘Where are we going?’ you asked. ‘A nice little club,’ I replied turning down a long alleyway. ‘There’s a club here?’ you asked as we pulled into a small, back parking lot. ‘Not a lot of people know about it. It’s sort of a members only place.’ We walked up to a large, red, intricately carved, wooden door. I rapped three times on a large, iron knocker that was attached to the teeth of a bronze lion head. A small square in the door opened and a...
Hazle chuckled sleepily and her voice rasped out, “Honey, it can’t be Elsie, she stayed over last night, remember?” Warrick suddenly remembered and his cheeks went flush. He remembered, very vividly, deflowering his daughter’s best friend while his wife was upstairs, in fact. He rolled away from Hazel as the phone continued to ring. “Anyway, it’s yours. Answer it.” Hazel grabbed it off the nightstand. “Oh, it’s Ivy!” Warrick turned slightly with some interest. Ivy was a friend of theirs,...
As soon as his mother had left the room, Jimmy took the magazine off his lap and began to rub his throbbing cock and balls through his jeans. He thought that he should go up to his bedroom and jerk off behind a locked door, but his prick was so heavy that the thought of lugging it, unemptied, up the stairs was distasteful. His iron-hard prick was already jammed uncomfortably in his jeans and he figured it would be downright painful to try to walk that way. His cock was pushing the front of...
Rose’s mouth dropped open. ‘Poker? I thought it was just supposed to be a social sort of get-together.’ The three of them sat at the table in the loft surrounded by containers of the Chinese food that Rose had brought home. ‘Yeah,’ Kayla smiled, ‘That’s what it’ll be. It’s just going to have a poker game as the focal point, that’s all.’ Rose shook her head, ‘I haven’t played poker in donkey’s years. I doubt I can remember how. Why do you want me to go? I can take care of Jillian while you and...
So meet this couple at a site call AFF.I will call them S and J ,they are a south hill couple very rich very classy and also very nice people fun the be around .WE hooked up in January a few years ago ,and would party every month or so. This time it was in Aug. We had house rules that we only partied together all same room sex and fun ,no problem I like it that was ,they are and my self in our early or mid 50's . We were going to get together this time about 6:00 or so it was hot so I rode...
"Mom, Dad," Katie said as she engaged them with her eyes, "there is planning that needs to happen, and we'd like to talk to you about it." The four were in the middle of dinner, and the 'how was your day' niceties had been dispensed with. "I don't suppose this has anything to do with the coming extraction, does it?" asked George, their dad, with a knowing smile. Karen, their mother, also smiled at them. "Well, of course, it does," allowed Kevin. "And you're starting to think...
*** Directed Affection I knocked on her apartment door. I really enjoyed coming over to her place. Mine wasn’t nearly as fancy. I heard quick footsteps and the door quickly opened. “Jake!” Alexandra exclaimed. She made it seem like she hadn’t seen me in a decade. I had just been over two nights ago. “How are you Sandra.” I remarked as I stepped inside. “Good, I’m good. How are you?” She was excited. I was too, but I was able compose myself. Her excitement was very exposed. “I’m excellent. It...
FetishHi Readers, I hope you all enjoys my last incidents and thanks for all your responses. I must introduce to all of you who are reading me for the first time. I am good looking tall single guy of 28 yrs working in an top IT MNC. I am putting up a truth before all of you and hope we all will agree to this fact. We all know that way we are moving ahead fast our relationships and sex needs are taking a new face. Nowadays people are trying to make their dreams and fantasies come true. We all know and...
“Master.” Hal didn’t want to hear the voice. He didn’t want anything to intrude on whatever level of life he was now floating on. Eyes closed, a bed of unbelievable softness underneath him, the distant but comforting sounds of Josephine’s claws scratching on the dirt floor — and, best of all, the utterly satisfying feeling of having had his seed thoroughly drained out of his balls by the expert mouth of a beautiful woman. “Master.” He was...
Introduction: Warning: Disgusting filth – only for the very few who like this sort of thing I wrote this continuation of Part 1, quite a while ago. I was so embarrassed about it that Ive only sent it privately to a few appreciative readers. Ive now decided however, that writing stories is pointless unless they are to be read, so I take a deep breath and send this off for publication with the following warnings: DO NOT READ THIS STORY unless you are going to be turned on by the most foul, vile,...
This continues the efforts by 24-year-old Miss Bentner to have disciplinary control over 36-year-old Elizabeth, as she already had control over Elizabeth’s 17-year-old daughter, Emma. The discipline came first. Now though comes the manipulation of both mum and daughter to ensure both submit to her: Miss Bentner looked at the two bottoms still bent across the table. She knew Emma will be wet with anticipation for her ‘afters,’ finger and tongue sex. It happened regularly after she spanked the...
SpankingThere were many orphans, children whose fathers had been killed in the Army or at work, many whose mothers could not look after them. Usually such children ended up in the workhouse and suffered miserable lives. This story has two themes. How men took advantage of so many young girls and women and how some people tried to make the best of the situation. In England the age of consent is sixteen. ----------------------------------------- "Mrs Havisham,...
I had moved into my flat 6 months back, myself a divorcee with my kids staying with my ex-wife. It had been awhile since I had a get together, so I invited some friends from work. Sushma Sharma who lived next to my flat and was around 32 years old; her husband was a workaholic and was always on tours. I knew she liked to party a bit and thought she might enjoy the company of others so I gave her a call and invited her over too. Besides, it is good to invite neighbours in case the party gets too...
The stories can be read separately and do not relay on each other in any way, but you can read the other to learn more about Nick, the main character. Enjoy: _____________________ It was a sunny Saturday morning, I was sitting in the kitchen of my apartment drinking coffee when my cell rang. "Hi man" said Andy once I picked up, "You home"? "Yes" I answered. "Busy?" he continued. "Not especially" I said. "Great, then I'm on my way over. There's something I...
(This is a a work in progress) (Prologue in third person) One fine morning our merry band of halfling heroes returns from the forest, having finished the perilous task of collecting bulaberries for the town bakery, and expecting a big piece of bulaberry pie each for reward. Leading from the front is Paladin, who observes the basket with watchful eye, lest sneaky Rogue might steal a berry for himself. Muttering behind him is Wizard, who proclaims they would have found the berries long ago, if...
FantasyAfter a relaxing getaway the big titted Marica Chanelle is off sailing with Chrystal Sinn and her boyfriend and of course when Private girls are left alone with a stud there’s only one outcome. Watch these beauties get horny on the waves in Private Gold, Sexy Yoga in Paradise with the lucky Potro as they take turns showing off their deepthroat skills out in the sun right there on deck. Then enjoy Marica and Chrystal’s sexy tattooed bodies in action as they take turns getting fucked before...
xmoviesforyouHIS WIFE IS ACCUSED OF BLATANT SEXUAL MISBEHAVIOR In the bar at the back of one of the hacienda’s huge, opulent living rooms, Raul Cortez was mixing drinks for he and his cousin, Don Francisco Ramos, the richest man in Mexico, and one of the ten wealthiest men in the world. The Don was sitting on a leather couch flipping through the TV channels trying to find a good 11PM program to watch. Suddenly, Raul heard his cousin yell, “Get over here quick and take a look at the incredible...
I could sit in a food court anywhere in the USA and the likelihood of anyone talking to me would be thin. The likelihood of a couple of pretty young girls talking to me would be nonexistent. I'm just an average middle aged guy with a little too much around the middle, thinning, graying hair and child support payments high enough to keep me working my tail off. A month ago my supervisor called me into her office. This is not normally a good thing. She doesn't like me much and we aren't what...
“I’m sure he won’t mind. He needs the exercise.” Jacqueline was saying to old Mrs Gambol as Jack came back up the street. “Would you dear?”. “Hello Mrs Gambol, Humm? Would I what, love?” “Mrs Gambol has a sticky door. I said you’d take a look at it. You don’t mind, do you?” He was speaking to her, and now his wife was talking over the old woman, telling him what Mrs Gambol was saying, anyway. Well, even if he did, he could hardly say so in front of the old lady. He made a mental note to...
Alyson felt she needed to get away from home, she had lived with her mum and dad for long enough and now she was in her mid 20s she had to make the break. As she worked in Durham it had to be fairly near so it was easy to get there and easy to get back to visit her mum and dad. She trawled through the local papers and found a first floor apartment to rent in a nearby village. She picked up the phone and called the number. A man answered and told her about the accommodation and she arranged to...
Hi All, This is Ithihas from Bangalore. A 22yr old average build and fair looking guy fantasizing about sex all day long. The story which happen in my life about 2yrs ago which is all about how my childhood friend Vani became my sex satisfying partner to me. Coming to the actual part of story, Vani is my childhood friend who stayed next to my house. I am a very active guy and as I said earlier I am always fond of girls. I developed my feelings towards Vani when we were at very young age....
Introduction: My ex was a member of a club for a while Oh Hell, a little of everything happened. My ex was a member of a club for a while. It was mainly all men and a hunting and rifle club so he used it to go stay drunk and get away and to tell stories of things he never had done. I decided I was going with him one weekend and even though he objected and swore up and down I went. I wanted to see what hey did all weekend and also, the idea of all those men (at that time in my liffe) made me...
SERIAL RAPISTS? LONG WEEKEND ONE A DAY (SERIAL RAPISTS? LONG WEEKEND) He had planned for this weekend for a few weeks. As always, he stalked his victims for days at a time while planning his attacks. The serial rapists? m.o. had always been the same. He would pick out potential targets, and then he would find out everything about their daily habits before planning and executing his assault. His assaults were usually brief, rarely longer than 1 hour, and most lasting only about 30-45...
Fiona Frost is all alone and really wanting her boyfriend, Tyler Nixon, to keep her company. She invites Tyler over and then waits for him to join her. She passes the time by dolling herself up in a matching bra and thong, and by applying just a touch of makeup to really highlight all her cutest features. By the time Tyler arrives, Fiona is definitely ready to go. She gives him a bit of a striptease, playing up the way her bra makes her big boobs stand out even more and the way her ass looks...
xmoviesforyouYou take a sip from your bottle and set it down on the ground. As always, the taste of the water is warm and bitter. You place another piece of wood into the campfire and let out a sigh of exhaustion. You would love to lay your head into the dirt and drift off into a deep sleep, but the fact that you are out in the open with a bright-lit fire prevents you from doing so. You take off your wrist-band and use it to tie your crimson red hair back. Ever since the bombs dropped, this has been your...
Incident 2. This happened on a week end afternoon. Madam was along at home. As asked by madam I went to near by grocery shop and brought some vegetables for Madam. Then I went for washing my dress and was planning for a bath. I also applied coconut oil also on my body in preparation for bath, and was wearing only a towel and no undie. Suddenly I heard a cry from inside home and madam was calling for help.. I thought some thing really wrong and rushed to the home. Luckily the front door was...
Poets Petra and Pete Punished by a Lovely Long London Gang BangPete and Petra abused you, sweet sexy Sarah, last time in lovely amazing AmsterdamOur revenge will be hot, horny hotties! Awesome Ann and sweet sexy Sarah, come onExtremely erotic adventure up for us three tasty lovelies from lusty London, lovesTerrorise them in their sexy sex-shop in old Amsterdam, God damn. Jesus you're hotSuch a sexy idea. Let us abuse that old foxy fucker and his tasty teen granddaughterPretty precious Princess...
Musical acknowledgements: This story was written under the influence of "Cracked Rear View" (Hootie and the Blowfish), "The Amazing Colossal Band" (Laika and the Cosmonauts) and "Kind of Blue" (Miles Davis). None of this may show. The final sequence was composed to the Mary-Chapin Carpenter song, "Shut Up and Kiss Me." That shows, I hope. for Sue "Isn't it love that keeps us breathing?Isn't it love we're sent here for?" Many of us pass our lives day to day, waking, dressing,...
First off this is a story it happened december 28 2008 in seattle,wa , hi my name is manuel, im in the marines and i married to an asian girl names sandy. we got married after i got out of boot camp in san diego. while i have been away training my wife told me she bought a dildo so she wouldnt get to lonely, i said that was fine since i wasnt really around to fuck her, i asked how she big got and she said it was 9 inches long and 3 inches wide, i was a little suprised by that so i asked her if...
First TimeJanet led Jason and I to the bedroom to continue her princess treatment and told us to bend over the edge of the bed so she could she could eat our asses.She went back and forth to Jasons ass and then my ass sticking her toungue in and out as she jerked our dicks and slapped and squeezed our asses.She pulled us off the bed and started stroking both dicks while she kissed us.Then she told us to lie down on the bed side by side and then she layed down between us she turned on some porn on the...
Ma amma peru durga, nenu ammaki muddula kodukuni, nakosam emina chestundi, na vayasu 21 just b tech examination poooti chesukuni bangalore nuchi hyderabad amma dagariki vechesanu. 3 nelalu nundi ammma dagare untu ammma ki help chestunanu. Ma amma vayasu 36, chala andamga untundi,tellaga untundhi, vayasuku taggatuga andamina kallu,sallu, pallu, buggalu, podagati juttu, pirralu , hieght 5’6′ vayasuku taggatu phisic 38,30 36 office ki velletappud jada vesukuntudi, amma jada veste adi ammmmma...
Lissa resumed her spot and immediately Marie announced that she had received a dare: "Blindfold the victim. Between the remaining players, assign a number to each player after getting the victim to choose a number. That person will make out with the victim for at least 30 seconds, in whatever way they see fit. After the kiss is over, the kisser returns to their spot in the group and the blindfold is removed. If the victim guesses correctly on their first turn who kissed them it is the end of...