ScoutPart 14 free porn video

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Several minutes later, I had to stop watching the view screen as we twisted and turned along the path through the Wastes, missing by feet, and sometimes inches, asteroids far bigger than we were. I trusted Crystal and the other AIs implicitly, but watching still made me nervous.

“Approaching the intersection,” Crystal announced nearly an hour later. The AIs and the bots laughed when I let out an explosive breath of relief.

“Tell Rampage to end their pursuit,” I ordered. I didn’t want them nearby if the raider ship exploded.

Crystal had us positioned behind an asteroid and right above its horizon so we could train our forward weapons on the raider ship.

“Rampage reports only one human aboard the ship. The rest of the crew is bots. The lone raider is on the bridge,” Crystal reported.

“Crystal, prepare a firing solution to hit where you estimate the bridge will be. Have all other weapons ready for follow-up shots in case the shots to the bridge aren’t enough,” I ordered.

“Yes, Captain. Firing solution for the bridge where I expect the raider ship to appear is calculated. All other weapons are online and ready to fire,” she reported.

“Fire as soon as the raider ship appears, and be ready to drop below the asteroid’s horizon if you sense the same explosive device being armed,” I ordered.

Sixty-three interminable seconds later, a split second before the raider ship was actually visible; Crystal fired two of the forward cannons. The raider ship flew right into the shots and immediately began fountaining debris into space.

“Raider ship is disabled; the lone raider is dead. No sign that the explosive device has been armed,” Crystal reported.

We sent shuttles to the ship, which had automatically stopped. Twenty minutes later, they reported that the ship had been secured. The explosive device had been there, but hadn’t been armed. It took an hour to remove the explosives. They added two more AIs to the ship to help us control it. The original AI was fully cooperative, and the ship, Topper, was functional.

By now, Rampage had arrived and sent a crew over to the raider ship to assist. They also sent a shuttle and bots to weld plates over the two holes in the hull. While they were working, I turned to Crystal and had her take us to the secret Navy base as it was the closest place with an FTL system.

“Crystal, please see if you are able to contact Father on Athens. Hopefully, by now, the troops will be mopping up and Father will be in his office or aboard his command shuttle.

“Your father is in his office trying to contact you,” she commented and then the screen came to life.

“Edward,” Father exclaimed happily.

“Greetings, Father, how goes the battle?” I asked.

“Finished. The battle was rather anticlimactic, thanks to you,” he replied. “How goes your pursuit?”

“Also done. One ship was destroyed; the other has been captured with slight damage, although the raider leader died. Hopefully, we will be able to glean further intelligence from the ship’s AI. That means all six of the top raider leaders are now dead. As soon as the raider ship is patched up, we will make for Athens.”

“You will be expected to stay long enough to be hailed as a hero,” another voice stated as a new face moved behind Father where I could see it. It was the Emperor!

“My Emperor, barring any unforeseen difficulties, consider me at your disposal for the immediate future,” I replied.

“Thank you, Edward, for everything,” he replied solemnly before moving back out of the picture.

“We should be back in a few hours, Father.”

“Everyone is looking forward to your return, especially your mother and Lisette,” he smirked. I heard several male voices chuckling in the background, and wondered who all was there with Father as the connection terminated.

By the time the raider ship had been repaired, the AI had given us the ship’s destination; one of six worlds beyond the Wastes that no longer appeared on the star charts, not even the charts the raiders used. Only the top six leaders had known of their existence. This ship had been carrying the head of the raiders as he attempted to escape to the world he had claimed and established for himself. He’d had defensive systems installed that he hoped would protect him if he was found.

The AI showed over two hundred women captives at each of the planets the top six leaders had selected for themselves and had built up. There were a hundred fully armed bots on each planet to maintain security, as well as two hundred fifty more bots who oversaw the necessary agriculture and construction on each planet. Each of the leaders had a large stash of valuables, and a dozen Stepfords waiting for him.

I had Crystal transmit the location of each planet to the corvettes we had captured at the Stepford planet and ordered them to guard their assigned planet for the time being. They were not to land unless it was necessary to protect the captives on the planet. The AIs aboard each corvette were to see if they could reprogram the bots like we had the ones on the Stepford planet.

Once we were on the way back to Athens, we retired to my quarters and my bed. The mood, however, wasn’t festive. We spent the time with Andrea and Idylle, comforting them for the loss of their families and reassuring them that the actions of their fathers did not reflect on the girls or our opinion of them. “You are now, and I hope always will be, my Blonde, Goddess Princess and slave,” I whispered to Andrea right before she fell asleep.

I slept, too, although fitfully. Nightmares of finding myself trapped inside the Senate, unable to escape while everyone laughed at my inept attempts, haunted me.

Ten days later

We fidgeted nervously just offstage. Actually, I fidgeted nervously. The girls, though, were in their element and their excitement was quiet and almost completely contained. Andrea kept squeezing my hand and grinning knowingly. I’m sure each of the girls had a much better understanding of what was happening today than I did. They had been giving me knowing smirks off and on for days.

Aside from absolutely necessary jobs that couldn’t be handled by bots, everyone in the Empire was celebrating today, and most were probably watching the broadcast of this ceremony. At the moment, the Emperor was publicly lauding Father and Grandfather Louis for the lead the two families took in the battle against the raiders and in the final, albeit woefully feeble, battle for Athens. My mother was in the front row beaming proudly and sitting comfortably right next to Ben’s mother, Father’s senior wife Claire. Even I knew that would start tongues wagging. Hell, they were probably already wagging.

After my “official” meeting with the Emperor an hour ago, though, the rest of the day should be a breeze.

Our entry into Tower Quintin had made me more nervous than any of our battles. Rather than using the offered shuttle landing location, the ladies insisted on walking from the Demarest tower and taking a “victory lap” around the main public square on Athens before entering Tower Quintin. Tens of thousands of people, the majority young females, had lined the route screaming hysterically as we passed, a display usually reserved for famous athletes and entertainers. Only Shark, Demarest, Carteris, and Quintin bot troops three deep lining both sides of our entire route allowed us to continue moving and kept us from being mauled by excited fans. It didn’t, however, keep us from being pelted with their tributes.

After two exhausting days on Athens, meeting the Emperor and the major players in the Senate, we had spent the next four days at my mother’s island estate. Her immense pride was clearly visible in her eyes. Even though I was temporarily out of commission due to my wound, she and my Sharklings became much more intimately familiar with each other before Agatha declared me healed enough to join them. Mother and Lisette did their best to put me back out of commission before everyone collapsed together, exhausted.

The day before we left for Athens I finally summoned an exceedingly nervous and very subdued Ianthe. She nodded glumly when I asked if she was ready for her punishment. I explained that, once her punishment was finished, I would consider her forgiven. There was no hesitation on her part when I ordered her to strip and to kneel in the shower although her eyes were filled with unasked questions. She gasped when I unleashed a stream of urine, hosing her from head to toe. Still she remained, unmoving except for the tears that rained down her face as each of the ladies of Shark stood over her and did the same. I could see in Andrea’s eyes that she expected the same treatment herself--very soon.

Andrea had agreed beforehand to stay with Ianthe when the punishment was finished and to help clean her. Even with her eyes swollen and bloodshot from crying, Ianthe was beautiful when Andrea led her out of the bathroom. Finding me naked in bed, she gasped when I motioned for her to join me. She cried and apologized repeatedly until she fell asleep in my arms, drained emotionally.

I let her sleep for an hour before waking her with my tongue. The tears this time were happy ones when I moved above her and pressed my cock into her. She was definitely an enthusiastic partner, her eagerness and wanton sexuality reminded me of Lisette.

“Do you really forgive me?” she asked nervously as we lay in each other’s arms afterward, recuperating.

“Have I ever lied to you?” I asked.

“No,” she replied, also shaking her head.

“Then as long as you continue to behave and get along with everyone else, you may consider yourself one of my Sharklings. I do insist that you complete thorough military conditioning and training before you even consider attacking a fly,” I growled threateningly.

“And if you ever disobey an order again...” I added, leaving the punishment unspoken.

“I understand, Master,” she answered submissively before sucking my cock into her mouth.

When we arrived at Father’s Castle Estate on Athens the next day, my brother Ben greeted us warmly--followed quickly by Gwen’s usual wet, enthusiastic greeting. The girls laughed so hard they had to sit down when Ben pointed to several large boxes full of tributes that girls had been leaving outside the Demarest Tower or at the property line of the Castle for several days now. Seeing my confusion at their hysterical laughter Andrea took pity on me and explained. Each tribute was a chip with a picture of a girl--and usually more than a single picture--with her name and com unit address tied up in a pair of her underwear and left in the hope that I would accept her invitation.

I was taken by surprise when the ladies began sorting through the tributes and even more surprised to learn that most of them had left at least one tribute of her own for a famous athlete, entertainer, or some other teen heartthrob. I was surprised that many of the tributes offered the girl’s services to train as a warrior, to become a personal slave to me, or to whichever lucky woman I chose as my wife, or as junior wives.

Using nearly the same formation, sans collars and leashes, that we had used to enter St. Louis, our victory lap and entry into Tower Quintin was broadcast live to the entire Empire. The fact that we were allowed to bring our armed troops into the building, let alone into the Senate Chambers floored me.

Oh, yeah, our attire was a little different than what we wore to enter St. Louis. Gone was the Shark uniform and armor. This was absolutely the most formal event possible. I was surprised when the formal invitation said that I was authorized to wear the Shark logo on my tuxedo, as only the Patriarch and/or the current Senate member of named families were allowed to wear their family crest to formal Senate gatherings.

I took the ladies at their word that it was perfectly acceptable for each of them to display the Shark’s slave tattoo, which they did proudly. The dresses they wore were as different as they were, and each of the ladies looked as if she was ready to be presented to the court as a Princess. Even Cherry had to come along since she’d been part of the subterfuge and was being awarded an honor today. And yes, she was dressed all in red.

It was the first time the Emperor had seen his daughter other than via a com broadcast since she had run away, and their reunion was emotional. Watching him watch her after their reunion was hilarious as he kept shaking his head in disbelief at the transformation in his daughter from an impetuous, belligerent, headstrong girl to a perfectly mannered young lady.

He finally caught me alone and posed the question everyone had warned me would be coming.

“My Emperor, I promised Father and the Patriarch of the Carteris family that I would not do anything to cause them trouble or embarrassment with the Court. Because of this, I have had to change or adjust many of my decisions over the last two months when my extremely competent social and political advisors pointed out the errors I would be making and the undesirable ramifications they would have in the Court for the families Demarest and Carteris, as well as others.

“Your daughter is an exceptionally beautiful and intelligent young woman whom I sincerely feel will make a wonderful wife. Unfortunately, my feelings for a certain Blonde Goddess Princess are such that I cannot ask her to be a minor wife and I know what an insult it would be to ask Princess Ianthe to be a minor wife. The only way I could marry your daughter was if the Court were to grant a dispensation for me to have two major wives and I’m sure they would find even my mention of it scandalous.”

I was both proud and relieved that I had actually remembered everything I had rehearsed mentally hundreds of times over the last few days, even if it had come out sounding like a rambling excuse.

What I hadn’t expected was his hearty laughter. “No wonder the raiders were so afraid of you. Even completely out of your element you are a formidable adversary,” he laughed.

“My Emperor, I hope never to be considered an adversary of Family Quintin, the Court, or the Empire. I am merely a man with simple tastes trying to walk a fine line between what will continue making me happy and what will prevent me from besmirching the family names Demarest, Carteris, and Quintin,” I answered.

“Perhaps I will scandalize the Court instead, then,” he chuckled amusedly as he had turned to leave.

The Emperor had finished lauding Father and Grandfather Louis by awarding them the Lion Cross, an honor right below the Order of the Lion, and one handed out much more frequently. And then it was our turn. Everyone in the packed Senate chambers stood, cheering and applauding as we entered.

The Emperor’s tribute to us went on and on ad nauseam before he finally got around to awarding the Order of the Lion to each of us--even Ianthe. My official report only stated that her craft had flown into heavy enemy fire, drawing the fire away from other advancing troops at great danger to herself. I purposely didn’t detail the bonehead move that precipitated her flying into enemy fire or the part the bot-pilots played in keeping her from dying in the crash. While Cherry didn’t receive the Order of the Lion, she was awarded the Lion Cross for her part in the subterfuge that kept the raiders off guard at a critical time.

I was caught off guard when the Emperor asked if there was a special request he could grant as a reward for my heroism.

“What I did I considered my duty as a citizen of the Empire. All I expected in return was to be able to walk with my head held high if I succeeded. If, however, the Emperor insists, there is one boon I would request. The Emperor’s court occasionally consents to declare someone at their majority before their age would indicate. There are four young women here today who have repeatedly risked their lives and proved their maturity, bravery, and loyalty to the Empire. I would ask that the Court declare to be at their majority Molly Reynolds, Perele Stanford, Idylle Darnell, and Anima Dallman.”

Even before the surprised Emperor could poll the Senate, they were shouting their approval. “Let the official record of the Senate show that these four young ladies are declared to be at their majority effective immediately,” Emperor Quintin announced.

“I now call for a roll call vote on matter 6347-88391 which has previously been introduced jointly by Houses Demarest, Carteris, Reynolds, and Quintin and has been debated. This bill will officially remove House Dreesen from the rolls of the Senate and replace it with House Shark,” he announced formally.

I felt my body go numb. My knees threatened not to support me. Suddenly everything made sense--being allowed to wear the Shark logo on my tux, the knowing smirks from the ladies aware that I had no clue what it meant. One by one, the ten remaining members of the upper Senate answered “Aye,” with Brother Ben answering “Aye,” as the temporary representative of House Reynolds.

“Master Demarest,” Emperor Quintin announced in his official-sounding voice while looking directly at me. I was still numb all over. “The Senate unanimously recognizes you as Founder and First Patriarch of House Shark and welcomes you to the Senate,” he announced grinning and shaking my hand.

I was still numb. My mother, brother, and men of the houses Demarest and Carteris were quickly on the stage hugging and congratulating me. “No good deed goes unpunished,” Father chuckled.

When the hubbub finally settled down the Emperor announced one final bit of business. “Gentlemen, the special request earlier by Master Demarest was one that should have been considered anyway. I, having earlier suggested a marriage to my daughter, was not surprised at him politely declining in favor of the young lady he refers to as his Blonde Goddess Princess,” he announced, smirking at me.

“What surprised me was his willingness to accept my daughter’s hand in marriage otherwise. As I’m sure everyone here today has noted, Master Demarest seems to be the first man who has ever been able to successfully control my daughter to any degree.”

I know my face was crimson just then, and I’m sure Ianthe’s was glowing even brighter, but I didn’t dare look at her as the gallery erupted in laughter.

“I therefore propose that the upper Senate grant a dispensation to Master Demarest allowing him two senior wives,” he announced.

The Emperor’s proposal was met with the outburst of outrage and controversy I had expected. What I hadn’t expected was that the uproar was not over allowing me two senior wives; it was over ONLY allowing me two senior wives. Concern by other Houses about possibly losing preferential trade agreements, as well as hoping to forge their own alliances with the newest house in the Senate--and presumably one that could end up as the second wealthiest--they felt that I should take a Princess from each house represented in the upper Senate as a senior wife. Even before I could mentally form a protest, it was put to a vote. And suddenly I was a condemned man.

There was one thing I wanted to do first. I led my Goddess Princess over to Grandfather Louis. “Grandfather, I had an idea that will help two people I love dearly each fill a void in their life. You have no heir to carry on the family name. Andrea finds herself an orphan and wishes to divest herself of the Dreesen name. Perhaps an adoption would be in order?”

“But that would still not provide me with an heir,” he reminded me.

“I’m sure you and my negotiator should be able to come to an agreement on a price to allow her first-born son to keep the Carteris name,” I suggested.

“And who will your negotiator be?” he chuckled. Grinning I looked at Andrea. He groaned, already aware of just how shrewd my Blonde Goddess Princess was.

Father strolled over just then with several members of the Senate. “Edward, it seems that these gentlemen, and I use the term loosely, wish to discuss your selection of a Princess to marry from their families.” The smirk on his face let me know that this was payback for the many things I thought I’d gotten away with when I was younger.

“Gentlemen, I have hardly had time to discuss marriage, but if pressed, would name Princess Ianthe of House Quintin, Princess Andrea soon to be of House Carteris, Princess Carlisa of house Neville, Princess Jayden of House Marline, Princess Cailyhn of House Nennis, Princess Anima of House Dallman, Princess Perle of House Stanford and Princess Molly of House Reynolds.

“But what about House Blanchert? We have no Princess,” a seriously obese gentleman queried despondently.

“I disagree. You have an exceptional Princess whom I have had the pleasure of becoming better acquainted with these last few days. If she agrees, I would also name Princess Cherise of House Blanchert, known to her public as Cherry.”

There were gasps of surprise as they suddenly remembered that the black sheep of the family had indeed been presented as a Princess in the hope that it would help to curb her wild ways.

“Done,” Cherise’s father shouted, followed quickly by every other member agreeing.

“And what of House Tekla?” yet another Senate member asked.

I had never seen the man before. Yet, for some reason I took an instant dislike to him. “I apologize, but I have not yet had the opportunity to become acquainted with a Princess of House Tekla. However, I am looking forward to the opportunity,” I told him.

“Now that you’ve all agreed, perhaps I should ask the ladies if they are even interested,” I suggested, receiving a rousing laugh from the men.

Ianthe was grinning from ear to ear. “What?” I asked.

“Master, I am so happy that you have forgiven me enough to consider me as a wife. I promise to always be a subservient and thoughtful wife to you.”

Laughing, I replied, “Ianthe, I do not accept your promise. It won’t be long before you are giving me just as much grief as any of my other wives. In fact, as your Master, I order you to do it.”

It took a few seconds, but a mischievous gleam appeared in her eye. “Yes, Captain Master Darling,” she replied saucily, smirking.

I had Ianthe round up the Sharklings--all of them. “Ladies, we have a minor problem. I have been instructed that I am to take a Princess from every house in the upper Senate as a senior wife. Anima, Molly, and Perele have been accepted at their majority and will be presented as Princesses. Andrea, Carlisa, Cailyhn, Jayden, and Ianthe already are, as is Princess Cherise. Do the nine of you consent to make this major sacrifice and marry me for the sake of your houses and the Empire?”

“Who is Princess Cherise?” Molly asked.

“I am,” Cherry said quietly. “Eddy, I can’t live the life of a Princess of the court,” she said sadly.

“I expect each of you to choose the lifestyle you wish to lead and to lead it--whether it be the life of the Court, the life of a Scout, or even the life of the Empire’s most notorious gossip monger,” I told them.

“Really?” Cherry asked excitedly. I just smiled.

“Abbi, Cara, Kiera, Jasmyn, Idylle, Malandra, Blanid, and Verenia, I will soon have several openings for junior wives if anyone is interested.”

The three daughters Tekla arrived at the Demarest Estate later that afternoon for their “interviews.” Surprisingly, I was still alive, albeit rather exhausted from the demands my fiancées had made of me once we returned home. The youngest of the three daughters Tekla disqualified herself immediately, scandalized that all of my soon-to-be senior wives were comfortably lounging together completely naked and completely comfortable in the presence of the others, as well as with women who wouldn’t even be senior wives. The other two daughters Tekla took it in stride, shedding their own clothing and joining us.

We talked for an hour, getting to know each other before Ianthe dropped her bombshell question. “Wistria, you are older than most Princesses of the Court are when they marry. And yet, I seem to remember that you have previously been engaged two ... no, three times,” Ianthe commented questioningly.

For a second I wasn’t sure that Wistria might not try to attack Ianthe as she glared daggers at her. “I apologize,” Wistria said politely to me as she stood, heavy emotion evident in her voice. “Obviously my coming here has been a waste of your time,” she finished, shooting Ianthe one last scathing look of hatred before turning to leave.

“Wisty,” Ianthe said in a soft voice that a lover would use. It made Wisty stop even if she didn’t turn back around. “Please answer my question,” Ianthe beseeched, even the tone of her voice and the emotion in her voice imploring her to answer.

“Fine,” Wistria huffed, turning back to us and letting us see the tears already streaming down her face. “I’ll answer your question but I can see that it’s a colossal waste of time. I mean, look around. He has you hanging on every word he says. He has even managed to tame Ianthe and has her at his beck and call.

“I was engaged three times. All three men, however, decided that I was too headstrong for their liking when I wouldn’t kowtow to them. I don’t care if I never marry as long as I can be who I want to be and not just a pretty face and obedient wife expected to do whatever I’m told without question,” she nearly shouted. Her hurt look multiplied when the girls started laughing but Ianthe jumped to her feet and hugged her.

“They’re not laughing at you, I promise,” she cooed as she lovingly stroked Wistria’s face, wiping away her tears. “They’re laughing at the picture you just painted of Eddy,” she said calmly.

“It’s true that I drew the enemy fire at the battle, but I shouldn’t have even been there. I had been ordered to stay aboard ship because I hadn’t been trained yet, but I wanted to participate. I stole a fighter and tried to join the battle, only to discover that the fighter wasn’t being used because it had been sabotaged by the enemy. Only help from a flight of fighters piloted by bots kept me from plunging all the way to the surface of the planet and being killed. Other fighters put themselves between the raider gunners and my ship to shield me while Ed pulled me to safety. Their shields gave out just as I scrambled out of the cockpit. Ed was shot in the shoulder while saving me.

“He waited a week to punish me. When he finished, he forgave me and finally took me to his bed. Today I promised that I would always be a thoughtful and subservient wife. He refused to accept my promise and ordered me to be as obnoxious as the rest of his wives. Anyone who knows us longer than a couple of hours knows that he only orders us around in battle. The rest of the time, it’s more likely to be one or more of the women in his life who is giving orders than him--especially in matters of the Court. Trust me, of all the men belonging to all the named houses, Edward is the best husband you could possibly hope for,” Ianthe finished.

“When Eddy proposed, I told him that I couldn’t live the life of a Princess of the court. He told me that he expected each of us to choose the lifestyle we wished to lead and to lead it--whether it be the life of the Court, the life of a Scout, or even the life of the Empire’s most notorious gossip monger,” Cherry told her.

“Really?” Wistria asked hopefully.

The girls cracked up again but quickly surrounded Wistria for support. Her sister Dainee looked at me grinning. “Since she gets to marry you, would it be possible for me to at least find out what I’ll be missing?” she asked as she climbed seductively on top of me. My demonstration turned into another lengthy orgy. By the time we finished, Wisty was a fully indoctrinated, albeit quivering mass of fiancée. Even her sister was quite happy, proud that she could brag to her friends that she had been able to fuck the Empire’s newest hero.

My first (and only) decision regarding the former Dreesen tower was to have it covered with the same non-reflective black coating as Shark and then to have the Shark logo emblazoned on all four sides. Surprisingly, Andrea insisted in helping to redecorate and renovate the tower. The girls voted and decided that they wanted to live together rather than on separate estates, flying in the face of convention that expected second wives never to live on the same planet let alone in the same building. Cherry was going to have a field day with this.

Father woke me early the next morning. Half an hour later, I was in Ben’s private dining room. One of the Stepfords we had rescued was there and Ben was in tears.

“It’s Princess Adinia Neville, sister of your Carlisa. She was the first Princess your brother was ever interested in--actually, the only one--and we thought he would marry her until she disappeared last year,” Father explained solemnly. I looked at how distraught Ben was, and then looked at Adinia. Oddly, she looked just as distraught as Ben except that her face displayed no emotion--only her eyes.

I practically dragged Father from the room and told him what I’d noticed. He went back into the room, and when he reappeared, the Princess was with him.

Same as Scout
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Arranged meet

Well, what can I say. Apart from wow !!!It started off with an email from a couple on another adult site.Now usually, and unfortunately, a majority of messages from 'couples' turns out to be single men, pretending to be a couple (or maybe they just wish they are in a relationship. lol)This message however, started in a different way than usual. They usually start with “Will you fuck my wife” or something like that. Not this one though, which is maybe why I followed it through.This message...

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Friend8217s Mom

Akashneel was my best friend in high school. He and I were both 19 when this story took place. I was always over his house and he mine. Unlike a lot of stories here, his mom was average looking. Not a striking beauty by any means, but to a 19 year old boy anybody with tits got your attention. Akashneel’s mom’s name is Mitali, but I always called her aunty. Well, she was about 5′ 6″ tall and thin. She was in her early to mid 40’s. She had small breasts, probably a b cup, but to me they looked...

1 year ago
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MommysBoy Linzee Ryder Only One Bed

Joshua Lewis, his stepmom Linzee Ryder, and his stepdad Evan Stone arrive at a vacation rental after a long day of traveling. They’re surprised, however, when they notice that the rental only has one bed! Evan looks frustrated and checks the listing, confirming that, indeed, it WAS supposed to have two beds. Something must have gone wrong during the booking process. Evan promises to find another more suitable rental for tomorrow but for tonight, they’re stuck here! They agree to...

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The couple had been married for over 25 years. Their two c***dren had recently left to start their own lives and the house seemed so much bigger and emptier. Although their sex life was good, something was lacking. The husband didn't want to have an affair as he feared it would destroy their marriage. He didn't want to pay for services as he feared contraction of deadly diseases. After researching for an alternative for months, he came upon a possible solution: a long-term INTERRACIAL WIFE...

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Girle Parts 1 and 2

Girl-e (Parts 1&2) by Paul1954 Part 1. Man On A Mission! Part 2. A Wolf In Ewe's Clothing Part 3. From Haven To Hell Part 4. A Voice From The Past Part 5. A Sheep in Sheep's Clothing Part 6. Currently in progress Part 1. Man On A Mission! Prologue The dark and heavily built man could barely manage to hide his distaste at the sight of the effeminate looking boy that he had just passed the package to, although as far as he was concerned he certainly...

2 years ago
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Bhauja Devar Kathare Raaji Hele

Susthanya: Bhauja mu tike dudha piibi Bhauja: Sabu dina ta sandhya re khaisaile glasse dudha dien je sabu pii ja Aaji kou nua katha hela je separi bikalare kahuchha Susthanya: Hele mu kana kahuthili ki Bhauja: Kichhi kahibar naai Khata re gadutha mu dudha nei jaauchhi gote niswas re sabu pii jiba aau khate soijiba je sakala aatha ta re utheidebi SusthanyaL Tike sighra deba kahiki na pii baku bhari ichha heuchhi Bhauja: Heu ja kahi bhauja kaam re laagigale aau susthanya bedroom khatare bhabi...

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Skin Deep III Chapter 2 The Spiders In The Eves Are Listening

Chapter 2 The Spiders In The Eves Are Listening The Duck Blind The Duck Blind, as it was known to those that lived sequestered within its walls, hummed with life. For the first time since its inception the purpose for its being, the reason the office had been formed seemed close to an opportunity to complete its mission. As duck blinds go, this one had seemed to be the most promising of those set up by the government, if you considered the decoys being used. Its purpose, as with...

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Rakesh Fulfilled My Husband Absence

Hello friends this is Rekha age 26 new to this site. I am 5’4 and fair in color and hot married girl with good structure 36-24-36 and everyone fall for my ass. I am from Vizag and this incident happened few days back. Hope you love my story and send your feedback’s to My hero name is Rakesh age 21 he is tall and athletic with good cock size. Coming to story we both are neighbors. My husband is working in MNC and he left for U.S for some work. I stayed with my in-laws in Vizag. Rakesh is...

1 year ago
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A female receptionist gets to play nurse on a patient 8211 part 1

My desk is layered with paper. Unopened mail forms a mountain in one corner. Rejected insurance claims forms a smaller mountain – more like a hill – in the opposite corner. Between is a low valley of checks and billing statements. For the last two hours I’ve been trying to finish entering the week’s payments into the computer, but I keep getting interrupted by nurses, patients, and phone calls. It looks like it is going to be one of those late nights again. I figure I...

3 years ago
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Let the Chips Fall Where They MayChapter 11

"My turn, please," Minnie insisted, some time later, after Franco had recovered. "Mine, too, babe. We took a strap-on each in the ass, but not a hard cock. I propose that we each sit on Franco's dick and ride it for a while. Pussy this time. Think how great it will be to have him fuck us that way, Minnie!" Gloria exclaimed with undeniable anticipation. "Of course. Or maybe I can eat you out while he rams me from behind. Then we can switch places and he can take you while you eat me...

4 years ago
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Dads Friends All Make Me A Bitch

Hi, am Sheela currently studying BCom first year. Am fair and 5.5ft tall. I was gifted with big assets right form school. I won’t tell my current size but it was 36c boobs, waist 28 and below 34 while in school. Am fair and average looking girl. This incident happened to me while I was 18 and had completed my SSC board exams. It was vacation time and wanted to be somewhere out from daily routine after such hectic exam schedule. My Dad got 2 of his very close friends, Rajiv and Anand, both well...

1 year ago
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Les grandes vacances dArnaud

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Les grandes vacances d'Arnaud ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapitre 1 : la rancune de Maria Dans l'avion qui volait en direction d'Alicante, en Espagne, Arnaud ?tait sur son ordinateur. Il r?digeait un rapport pour son patron. - Arnaud, tu ne peux pas d?compresser un peu? Je te rappelle que nous sommes en vacances! Alex pous...

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Stewards Third MissionChapter 2

Five weeks later I was dropped off in the middle of a moonless October night by a small Galileo-class shuttle thirty miles south of Muleshoe, Texas. Naval Intelligence thought that the CAP testing facilities, where transporter pads were usually located, could be under observation by Earth First operatives. While EF and their fellow travelers might not have the Confederacy’s advanced facial recognition software, a photo of me walking out of a Confederacy facility might start the wrong people...

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My First Times

I've been reading some awesome stories on here lately. It makes me want to tell mine too, but with proper punctuation and stuff. Usually I just bang my posts out, but I can spell and my teachers say I can write pretty well too, so here goes. Yeah, you might have noticed I said First Time(S). That's because I had two. The VERY first time (when I lost my virginity) was with this guy my mother was fucking. I'll call him "Butch" because I don't want to put his name on here. This happened about...

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“Girl, you look fantastic,” I said in earnest. In fact she did. Annabelle was always overly concerned about her weight. No matter how often she went to the gym, she pretty much remained the same size. From the waist up, she was thin; but she couldn’t seem to reduce her hips. It would have made for an hourglass figure but for her lack of breasts. To emphasize her bust, Annabelle always wore a pushup bra. Truth be told, neither of us went to the gym that often. I am a little slimmer, but not...

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Spizoo Janey Doe Tattoed Bombshell Playing Games

Beautiful Tattooed Janey Doe dare her boyfriend Chad Alva to play a game in her room with one rule take the piece of cloth off, the game is getting warm and this couple begins a sexy touching and kissing when she loses the game she deserves to give him a blowjob, she gagging and take his cock deep in her throated, then she rides his dick in a wild way, then she bends and received a profound penetration on a doggy style to continue with a tits fuck, the game finish with a warm cumshot in her big...

2 years ago
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Ricks Wife 3 of 6

Rick's WIFE 3 (3 of 6) For several weeks, our life went on pretty much as normal. Linda had resisted my attempts to have HIM identified. My feelings had been a little hurt since I felt that her reticence implied that I somehow could not be trusted to let the incident drop. I think I could have gotten her to tell me if I had been more persistent, but I had suddenly realized that his anonymity contributed to the eroticism of the fantasy for me, and I...

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Risky EncountersChapter 14 Sids Party

Meg returned from her preparations and came to a stop behind Sid. I opened my eyes and saw her as I looked over Sid's shoulder. I was still locked in tight embrace with Sid as Meg stepped closer, winked at me and then slipped blinders over Sid's eyes. "Come dear, I have things all ready for you," she told Sid. She spun Sid around, took her by the hand and led her toward the bedroom with me following behind Sid. The three of us walked into my bedroom and I saw that the bed had been...

1 year ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 28 Viaduct Club

I really don’t understand how I’m not freaked out by this, Allison said to herself as she made her way through the packed bar of the Viaduct Club. Only a few weeks earlier her understanding of the BDSM world had been limited, to say the least. Yet, now here she was with three slaves in tow, surrounded by fetish enthusiasts of every flavour, and enjoying every minute of it. She found herself taking in appreciative looks from the others in the room. Her outfit was attracting attention from...

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My Mothers Hot Friend

They’d been at the races all day (My Mum & Her Friend), I’d been sat in the front room flicking between the mildly pornographic channels with women on phones talking to men all night, you wonder why they’re paying to phone someone and ask them to show a nipple, when there’s a whole queue of callers waiting to say the same thing. I just sat there watching them do everything but show that illustrious nipple!I hadn’t seen my Mother or her Friend Karen leave this morning although they did have to...

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McKaylas Miracle RevisitedChapter 3

Our bodies were covered with sweat. Travis and I were sprawled out on his bed. The pillows and covers were tossed aside. The comforter was nowhere to be seen. I was laying in the wet spot, but I wasn't complaining. I counted at least four orgasms, one of which was of the mind-blowing variety. Two more were probably really just continuations of the first one. "Happy birthday," he croaked feebly. As wonderful as Travis was in bed, I'd like to think I was pretty good myself. It was my...

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Aunty ki chudai

Mera naam sunnny hai. Main jis aurat ki kahan aap logo ke saath share karne jaa raha hu us aurat ka naam jaisa ke title me likha hua hai seema begum hai. Seema rishte me meri mausi yani aunty lagti hai.seema ka rang gora hai. Seema aunty hyderabad se nyazdeek nizamabad me rahti hai. Aur wo zara si moti hai. Seema aunty ki umar 34 saal ki hai un ke 3 bacche hai. Aap logo ko yeh baat batadu ke seema aunty bohat hi sexy aur modern family me biyahi hui hai. Seema aunty ka figure 38.36.40 hai. Seema...

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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 12 a Glacier Thaws March

It's 4 Months -142 Days After Jenny's Disappearance After dinner at George and Cathy's I sleep late. A combination of food and a lot to drink, I expect. That and perhaps too much self revelation. It's well after 10 I the morning when I drag myself out of bed and look at myself in the mirror. Who is this man who looking back at me? His face is puffy, and his skin is dull and waxy and his hair is too long and straggly. Lower down, there is the unmistakable sign of a growing gut. I think...

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Servant Fucked Forcefully

hi ISS readers this is Sandeep. my age is 20.i live in a Hyd. in my home there is a lady servant named Ganga. she has a very hot figure, her age is near to 37, she is like a aunty more over a servant for me. she is working in our house since 8 years. And i know much of information about her personal life. Her husband was very old compared to her might be near to 55, and was addicted to alcohol. he used to hit Ganga for money and all other stuff. ganga was married in a very young age. the good...

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A Shot In The DarkChapter 5

Mike sat in his bedroom, his History book lay open on his lap, but his mind wasn't on any school work. He was having difficulty believing that Jennie and he had actually done some things together in his garage. It had gone far beyond anything that he'd ever imagined as possible. If he hadn't actually been there himself, even he wouldn't have believed it. That Jennie Taylor had been in his garage at all. would have been difficult enough to believe, but her letting him play with her tits,...

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day with joey

Joey was a good friend of mine. We had dated for a while, fooled around a bit, but nothing serious. It was a hot day in the summer, and I was home alone, bored, so I decided to call him up to come swimming. He, too, was hot and bored, so he told me hed grab his suit and then ride his bike over to my house. When I got off the phone with him, I found myself thinking about when we went out. As I said before, we didnt get far, but we did do a bit more then just tongue. I found myself getting wet....

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Had Fun With A Married Lady In KSRTC Bus Part 8211 2

Myself Rahul(name changed) 21 years old still studying and having a 6-inch dick.I am looking to have fun with other ladies.If any married ladies or girls looking for some fun can contact me on you.My English is not that good.Sorry for any spelling and grammatical mistakes. Let’s get back to the story. The lady of this story is 29-year-old now and is a married girl and does not have a child. She is married for 6 years and lives with her husband.She is small in height but a very sexy lady. Her...

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AuntyMausi And Me Sex In Uncle8217s House

My sweet friends, I am Abinash from Angul. Mu tama manaku mo real ghatana bisaya re kahiba ku chanhuchi. Mu kemiti mo mausi(aunty) nku genhili se bisayre kahiba ku jauchi. Ghatana kemiti ghatila pare kahibi…. Prathame main nka bisayare tike kahuchi. Tanka age 21 heba tanka name pratyusha, height 5.3’’, 34 size dudha ku anta 30. 3 complete kala pare ghare thile. Se gora au tanka face cutting bahut bhala, au height kam thibaru saree pindhile heroin valia dekha jaanti. Tanka chuti lamba thibaru se...

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Nikki Sexy Gym Mate 8211 Part II

After our first fucking session me and Nikita decided that we will fulfill each others fantasies and fuck each other as much as possible before her husband could return back from his trip…. so every day once I reach office I would finish off work as fast I can and go into a conference room and talk with my new found treasure for hours together. We discussed each and every ways we wanted to get fucked, it was not possible to visit her daily due to my work and wife being around….so lets get...

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emma waston 2

Emma! Emma!" I shouted with other fans from behind the velvet rope. "Can I get an autograph?"Despite our pleas, Emma Watson could only flash me a curious glare before she was ushered away by her people and unceremoniously bundled into the packed theater. I had to snicker to myself as I watched her glance over her bodyguard's shoulder one final time, trying hard to recall where she had seen me before. It had been almost three whole years since we had last seen each other in person, and although...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 234 Pros

"Oh! Wow! This is it!" Elaine said as we applauded. "My own television show. I am so excited. I'm Elaine Frost. Welcome to Chick Chat, the show where girls talk." ELAINE: Look! I have new chairs and a new table. We have new lights. I have a new hairdo. I even have a new dress! Like it? My producer warned me that the camera adds ten pounds, so I asked Leonard to make my dress ten pounds smaller. And I love it. It makes me feel so sexy. Girls love to feel sexy. Guys don't understand...

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My Whore Task

My Whore Task To understand this story, you should read "T/Th Class will Never Be the Same," first. When it was all over, I couldn't believe how exciting it had been. Keyser-Soze from had told me what to do and I had done it. I wanted more. When I got home, I got online and found him and told him what had happened and how wet it had made me-- being dominated online by him and told what to do gave me a sensation I've never had before. I told him I wanted more and that I would obey whatever he...

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The Apartment ManagerChapter 6

As soon as I was in my apartment with the door locked, I walked straight to the room where all the monitors were, my voyeur’s cave. I was hooked and I knew it. While I ate my sandwich and drank my drink, I clicked on the icons and links on the bottom tray, then I clicked on START, to see what other programs and surprises Henry and Carl had loaded into this system. I saw a link named ‘live action’ and clicked it, expecting to see some live action of the occupants in the apartments. What I...

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Marathi Story 8211 Sureshchi Anokhi Katha 8211 Part III

Bhaag-3. tasa baghitla tar aaila kahi harkat nasayala hawi hoti karan ti kahi tyachi khari mulgi navti aani to ticha khara baaphi navta. pan sardarji ne jara ka hoina survaat keli hoti. aata aai kay karte te pahayacha hota. ek divas tithe aamchya kade aajichi durchi bahin rahayala aali. hi mhatari khup khadus hoti aamche sarva natevaik ticha raag karat asat. Ti sarvana kahihi khota sangat ase mhanun konihi tichyavar vishwas thevat nase tarihi ti ti kahihi sangat ase. aaila hi aajibaat aavdat...

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Cousin Sonia Priya From Mumbai 8211 Part 1

Hi ISS readers. This is dark stud with my first story. I’m 25 now n this is the incidence when I was 22.i am a guy with good built n charming face n at that time I just completed my 1st yr of college. My college is in Delhi n due to studies I took a room near my college. It was fun with guys n gals coming to my room having parties together n no trouble from parents at all. During my middle of 3rd sem I got a call from home n was told dai Sonia was coming in 3 days Sonia is my cousin 1yr younger...

4 years ago
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What do you mean gay

Introduction: well this is gonna be like one massive One Direction orgy, dont like it fuck you ,) Plus I am 15 and dyslexic so yup my spelling willbe shit!:3 Harrys P.O.V: (March 21st) Hi my names Harry Styles, Im 18 and I just so happen to be in one of the world most popular boybands. One Direction. Weve come a long way since 2010 but none more than my best friend Louis and I. We did absolutly everything together! But I felt lately we had drifted when he got a girlfriend but this one day...

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Savannahs Experienced Brother

Savannah and her older brother Alex, lay on his bed together, watching a movie. Their parents were away at the moment, and they were quite bored. Savannah couldn't concentrate on the movie because she was too busy thinking of her brother. She knew it was wrong, but she couldn't help it. He was so damn sexy. He was only a year older then her. Alex was 19 years old, about 6'1 and looked kind of skater, rocker or scene. She didn't think he looked weird at all, actually the look suited him. His...

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family vacation 3rd night early 4th day

Sasha here again.I think the last attempt at telling this part of the story did not get posted.I must have been to involved with the person that was sitting next to me. Recalling this got my juices flowing and the dick that was nearby very hard.........As I mentioned we went to Mike and Kathy's for a good time water skiing, jet skiing and boating. Their two girls were waiting for us on the dock as well.Jackie is a living doll and Mandi is really so sexy, that it was at this point I knew that...

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The Preachers DaughterChapter 2 New Assignment

Eliana awoke precisely at sunrise, the first rays of the local morning shining into her eyes from her bedroom's eastern windows. She glanced at the clock, 8:58 PM. "Ah," she thought to herself. "It's one thing to have the dry geographic knowledge, to know that Judah's cathedral has its solar noon 8:25 hours earlier than the capital's. It's another matter entirely to expect a date change three hours after sunrise! I wonder if phrases like tomorrow and later today might have different...

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The Best Sex Ive Ever Had

I woke up one morning feeling so exhausted and hoping my lectures for that day would get cancelled. Despite how terrible I was feeling, I had a lot of time on my hands. I checked my phone and Ty, who had asked me to be his girlfriend a while back, had sent me a text in which he said he was dreading the day as well. He mentioned that he missed us getting naughty and playing with each other, although I still feared his manhood and he was usually the one pleasuring me. I sat on my bed and tried to...

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ElenaChapter 2

A few seconds after she offered me her hand I took it. It took a few more seconds for me to remember my own name. I foolishly said, “Hi. My name. Nice to meet you.” She just stood there and smiled. Finally I understood that I had said something wrong. “Hi. My name is Erik.” I took another look at her face and into her eyes. “Sorry about that I’ve just had a lot on my mind. I just can’t seem to ... Keep my thoughts together. Things at home are kind of crazy at the moment. I’m still trying...

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The GiftChapter 29

Thursday morning dawned a dank and drearily overcast day. It was one of those mornings that made you want to stay home and laze in bed all day. Something I could not afford to do. I had a lot of things planned for this day. I glanced out my front window, and noticed my erstwhile guards from the fed were still there. I brewed some coffee, and thought about my situation. In a way, I could understand the government's position. I had something that could prove to be a life saving ability at...

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Lockdown mein Steffy bhabhi ko choda

So, hello guys it’s been years I haven’t shared any stories. The previous story, , was on a real based incident. And this too is based on a real incident. Coming to the story. Aap sabko pata hi hoga covid lockdown ne kaise hamari life mai impact kar di. Ab incident par aatae hai kaise bhabhi ne diye maje aur real sex ke feeling diye. Steffy bhabhi 2 bachi ki mom hai. Umar 32 saal rang gora. Aur sabe se mazedar 42d ke boobs size aur gol motal gaand jise dekhar kisi ka bhi khada ho jaaye. Aur...

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Between WorldsChapter 12

60 miles North of Baghdad Al Qaeda Safe House earlier that evening The air was blue with the Turkish cigarette smoke. Three women were assigned to provide refreshments to the seven men. They were dressed completely in loose black robes, which left only their hands and eyes exposed. The women circled the table filling the small cups with the strong coffee preferred in this part of Iraq. The men sat around the heavy conference table dressed in casual western clothes. Two Frenchmen opened a...

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She finds what 11 Means PT4

One day the next week, she took the afternoon off from work, so she could stop at the adult store on the way home, with the anticipation of getting off to some new movies. The same tall thin young black clerk leered at her as she came in and greeted her, "Nice ta see ya again. Let me know if I kin help ya!" He must have remembered her from her previous visit. She flashed him a perfunctory smile, and walked over to the racks with the CD's. She knew the clerk was inspecting her ass as it swayed...

3 years ago
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Encounters in a Bookshop

He saw her the minute she walked through the shop doorway and stood there shaking the rain from her umbrella. His hand was raised to wave but something made him hesitate. Later he was to wonder about this. Was it because he sensed something? Did she seem secretive even then, in the doorway? Or had he just been lucky? Standing, half-hidden behind one of the centre rows of bookshelves, he watched her pass, only a few feet from him. He saw she was still wearing the black tailored suit that she...

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Leaning on Each Other Chapter 3

Adam and his mother spent Sunday morning as they often did - working out together in their home gym. Cassandra knew the value of a fit figure as a TV news anchor. At least that was true for a woman. So she worked out regularly and Adam learned those lessons from her and enjoyed his own workout routine. She had to set up a home gym because she was recognized too frequently in public and was constantly being hit on by the men and people in general wanting her autograph or to talk about what its...

1 year ago
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That special new years eve0

Without much hesitation I agreed and took a large glass of baileys from her, Amanda was gorgeous, to be honest. She was around 5" 4' but from the added height of the heels she had on tonight she looked an easy 5" 8'. She was wearing a short white dress that was mostly see through and was short enough that, if she bent over, you could clearly see her underwear which tonight was a leopard print G-string. She had died red hair that was styled perfectly and always looked great. As I took a...

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