Girl s Getaway Vacation
- 2 years ago
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Corey lay back panting, till long after his prostate had pumped it's last and he'd felt Amanda's warm little channel clench around him in it's final spasm of pleasure. When he opened his eyes, both girls were smiling down on him lovingly, Amanda with her chin rested on Cindy's shoulder.
"Wanna call it a night, love?" Cindy asked quietly. "You didn't get any sleep last night, and you look pretty beat."
"No. Amanda, on your tummy, pillows under your hips." He decided.
"Yes, Master!" Amanda giggled.
Cindy stood up and watched as Amanda slowly lifted herself off Corey's shaft, inch by deliberate inch.
"Oooh, my pussy really loves you, Corey." Amanda murmured.
"Freeze!" Corey said as Amanda's nether lips rose to the bottom edge of his crown. Amanda froze, in an awkward half-crouching, half-standing position. "God I love how you look when I'm inside you." he breathed, stroking up into her enough to make her vulva push inside her, then pull out clinging to him. "It's no wonder your pussy loves me. It's so small, the whole outside of it gets shoved into your opening when I push. It looks like all of your lips and your clitoris, even the hood of it, get rubbed pretty firmly on the in stroke."
"Every time." Amanda agreed. "No matter how wet or ready I am. It's beautiful."
"My pussy does it too, but not as much when I'm really excited." Cindy commented, fascinated. "Even then it's still enough to rub my clit against his shaft. Damn that looks good. I'm considering shaving my pussy."
"Hey! If anyone's going to shave your pussy, it's going to be me!" Corey declared.
"Yes Master." Cindy agreed with a chuckle.
"Alright, on your tummy, Amanda." Corey said.
"Yes Master." She agreed with a smile, her breath whistling between her teeth as his head passed out her opening. "Why don't you let him pluck it, Cindy? It'll last longer." she asked as she pulled a couple of pillows over and lay down, legs spread, the roundness of her bum rising tantalizingly.
"Yah, but I don't know how much I'll like it yet." Cindy reasoned. "Besides, I don't think my hairs are thick enough for the stubble to be irritating, and I don't want them to get any thinner from plucking."
"Mmmm, I love your ass, Amanda." Corey smiled, lightly caressing the delicious orbs. "Does she love me?"
"Yes, but not as much as my pussy loves you." Amanda giggled. "My bum desires you terribly, but she fears your power."
"Then I'll make love to her so beautifully, she'll love me just as much." Corey chuckled.
He kneeled up, being careful not to lose any of the coating of Amanda's girl juice from his cock by letting it rub the blanket. He didn't want to hurry, but he didn't want to be too tired at the meeting the next day either, so he suppressed his urge to rub his face against the cheeks of Amanda's ass for a while. Instead, he tucked the head of his cock between the velvet cheeks, the tip centered at her tiny rear opening.
Amanda felt it push her cheeks aside, cool and wet, then pressuring against her tightly clenched anus. "Um, aren't you gonna get me ready first?" she asked cautiously.
"Don't worry. Trust me. Just relax. Concentrate on complete relaxation, even after I've begun to enter you." Corey murmured, sensuously caressing Amanda's shoulders, neck and ears.
"Yes Master." Amanda mumbled half into the mattress, letting every muscle in her body lose it's tension, feeling herself sink a little deeper into the mattress and pillows.
Corey lowered himself atop her. He tucked his elbows in beside hers, letting as much of his skin contact hers as possible without settling any weight on her.
"I love you, Amanda." he murmured into her ear.
"I love you, Corey." she mumbled, keeping most of her concentration on relaxing.
He slowly pressed harder, pushing his cock against her anus firmly, but not hard enough to cause discomfort. The tip was much too wide to wedge itself into her tiny rosebud, so she felt it only as strong pressure, now warm against her behind. He held it for a few seconds, then slowly released the pressure. The cycle of push, hold and release took about fifteen seconds, and he repeated it like super slow motion thrusting. Amanda willed relaxation upon herself with all her determination.
After a few minutes of this Amanda murmured: "It's working. I can feel it opening me when you push."
Corey felt it too. At the end of the next push he thought her little anus had opened about a half inch. It opened a little farther with each cycle, not because it was being penetrated, but because the entire area around it was stretched with so much tension over the round end of his cock.
When she'd opened a little more than an inch and a quarter, the tip of his cock just starting to poke into her, he felt a little extra resistance.
"That's it, right?" he whispered.
"Yes. I'm fully open." she whispered back. "You'll have to stretch me from here."
"It'll hurt." he said.
"Yes." was her simple reply.
He held her tighter now, holding her shoulders from below and laying a little weight on her. He pushed harder, and in a shorter pattern: pressure for three seconds, release for three seconds.
"Relaaaax, Babe, that's it. Just let it happen. You're doing fine, just stay relaxed." he crooned into her ear.
He felt himself going farther into her with each push, sometimes only by the thickness of a fingernail, but still forcing his cock up her ass a little more each time.
Her hands clenched and her legs shook, but she managed to keep her bum relaxed. She broke out in a sudden sweat along her hairline, and a drop trickled down her nose. It hung there, but her attention was too focused for her to shake it free.
Finally, with one last slow hump of his hips, the thickest part of his cockhead was in the narrowest part of her stretched open little bumhole. From there he pushed steadily, with just enough pressure to keep slowly and constantly sinking into her.
She groaned deep in her chest as the head slid completely into her at last, and her ass closed around it, clenching tightly to his shaft as some of the pressure was relieved. He slowly drove another two inches of his thickness into her, then stopped.
"We'll pause here for a moment, and let you get used to it." Corey spoke gently, brushing her hair from the side of her face with his fingers.
"Thank you Master." Amanda breathed. Her control suddenly broke completely, and a heartfelt sob escaped her. "Oh Master, my little bum hurts so much! Your cock is just... so... big!"
"I know, but we can't help that, can we?" he said comfortingly. "And you're doing so good. Taking it so well, my beautiful little pleasure slave. Squirm for a while if you'd like, then find your relaxation again."
"I... I think I'm going to try to get away, Master!" Amanda sobbed, her hands clutching the comforter. "I can't help it, it hurts too much!"
"That would be nice, Amanda. But not now. Now I'm making love to you in your beautiful little ass, and you may not struggle. As I said, you may squirm, but that's all."
Amanda paused and absorbed that. She was suddenly aware of how hard her heart was pounding. "Yes Master." she whispered. "I will not struggle."
"Good girl."
Amanda squirmed. She opened her legs wider, then closed them some, trying to lessen the painful pressure in her ass. She found she hurt a little less when they were about halfway open, but his immensity was still a throbbing, excruciating invasion in her bottom. She was panting, and tears were forming in her eyes.
"Look at Cindy, Amanda." Corey told her.
Amanda did. Cindy was laying on her side beside them, one finger caressing her clitoris. She looked up every few seconds, then over, then back to gazing at Amanda's face from two feet away. Amanda realized that Cindy was looking at the reflection in the ceiling mirrors of Corey's manhood buried in her squirming tush, then at Corey's face, then down again.
"When we're making love nice and comfortably, Cindy's going to lick your ever-so-sensitive little clitoris." Corey stated. "Now relax, and we'll keep going."
"Yes Master." Amanda agreed, willing her muscles to laxity again.
"And Amanda, from now on I don't want you to call me master until I call you slave, or until I do or say something blatantly dominant to you, alright?"
"Yes Corey." she said, a little breathlessly. "I... My bum's getting used to it now, Corey. I'm relaxed."
"Good girl." Corey said, and resumed sliding his cock up her ass with the gentle push-pull movements. Amanda sighed and moaned a little every once in a while, but stayed relaxed as he slowly finished penetrating her.
When his lower belly was finally pressed tight to the warm velvet cheeks of her ass he paused and held still there a minute. She groaned deep in her chest.
"Alright, here we go." he murmured. He slowly slid out till the edge of his crown was just inside the tight ring of her anus, then all the way in till the pillows of her cheeks were flattened against him. She whined piteously, and her voice caught in her throat every once in a while.
He kept stroking her like that for a few minutes, till the sounds she was making began to be those of excitement. "Aah, now you're starting to like it, aren't you Amanda?"
"Yes Ma... Yes Corey. Now it hurts... magnificently. And the feelings you're giving me way up inside my body, in the center of my abdomen... it's indescribable. I've never felt so filled."
"You were far more filled than this last night." Corey chuckled.
"Yah. I was." Amanda agreed, starting to pant a little. "But last night I was too blown away by it all to notice any of the subtler sensations. This... This is really nice, Corey. It's starting to feel really good now."
"I love you, Amanda. I love that you let me do this to you. God it feels so good."
"I love you Corey. My bum loves you. You're the greatest man in the whole world."
"Thanks." he chuckled. He kept giving her the long, slow strokes, noticing that her clenching tightness was releasing a bit.
"Is this powerful enough? This experience?" he asked.
"Oh yes. More than. All I can handle now, I'm sure." she panted.
"Good. It's so good. I'm gonna come in you soon." He was getting into it more, picking up the pace and starting to pant a little himself as his attention shifted from her sensations to his own.
"Please... Not too soon. I'm really liking this." she moaned.
"Don't worry. I'll still be hard in you when Cindy licks you. You can make love to me while she does it." he whispered.
"Thank... you... Corey." she acknowledged, spacing her words between the bumps his hips were delivering to her buns.
He pulled all the way out, slowing at the end, till he was held in place only by the squeeze of her buns on the sides of his cock-head, then smoothly all the way in till he was tight to her.
"Ooh! Ow! Oh God that's wild!" Amanda gritted, her fists curling around bunches of bedcovers. "Oooh, the emptiness, then the fullness... Aaaah..."
"Oh God it's good..." Corey moaned. It didn't take too many full length strokes before the need to orgasm overpowered his restraint.
His thrusts became insistent, driving himself hard into her tender little ass, making a spanking sound.
Her pleasure/pain cries were constant now, her attempts at relaxation overpowered by the experience. She reached under herself with one hand to stroke her clitoris, and lay the other on Cindy's breast, squeezing it gently. Cindy smiled encouragingly to her, but she was unable to return it. Her whole body bounced from the force of Corey's thrusts.
Corey climax was near but elusive, and he frantically pounded his cock into her ass for ten minutes before he felt the first twinges of imminent release.
"Oh yes, Baby, here we go!" he shouted, shuddering all over then bucking frantically into her as the first overpowering wave of pleasure hit him, and the first pulse of his come streamed into the hot, tight channel of Amanda's tiny ass. He made a loud 'Ahhhhh huh-huh-huh' sound that was halfway between laughing and crying. The feeling of release was overwhelming, and he almost lost consciousness. His vision grayed out from the edges inward, and there was a loud roaring in his ears accompanying their sounds of fulfillment.
Amanda didn't make herself come, rubbing herself slowly and concentrating on Corey's climax, marveling at the feel of his body moving against hers, inside her and out, the sounds of his voice and breathing, the texture of his skin touching her back, shoulders and bum. The best part was the pulsing of his cock as he ground his hips against her ass, and the knowledge that deep inside her was being delivered the seed of his manhood.
Finally he collapsed on her with all his weight, panting like a steam engine. He raised himself back up to elbows and knees a few seconds later, when he realized from Amanda's sudden squirming that she was having trouble breathing. He slid one arm under her lower chest and pushed with the other to kneel up, holding her to his chest.
They found themselves looking at their reflection in the headboard mirror. The headrest board was up, obscuring the bottom half of the mirror and the view from the bottom of her breasts down. It was a powerful moment, and Amanda was transfixed by the sight. Corey's large handsome face and her small pretty one were both flushed and shone with perspiration, his broad shoulders behind her slim ones rising and falling as they caught their breath, their expressions that of contented satisfaction.
"Wow. That's how you're supposed to look after great sex." Amanda panted.
Corey reached out and lowered the headrest board, exposing the rest of the mirror and the sight of their reflection from their tousled hair to their knees.
"That's how we're supposed to look while having great sex!" Corey laughed. His hands began stimulating Amanda's body.
Cindy knelt up behind Corey, pressing her body gently against his back and enjoying the view over his shoulder.
"Look at that picture Cindy." Amanda crooned. "Corey Michaels is naked, and he has little Amanda Thomas in his lap. He's taken all her clothes off too, and he's making love to her. His giant penis is shoved all the way up her ass, his fingers are inside her little pussy and he's teasing her clitoris with his thumb while his other hand squeezes her swollen and blushing left tittie, and rubs her erect nipple. It's like watching a dream."
"Mmm. It is." Cindy agreed, reaching around Corey to join him in playing with Amanda's vagina. "Turn around. Please?" she asked. "Or back up enough that I can lay in front of you?"
Corey turned sideways to the mirror, watching their reflection in profile as Cindy moved around to lay on her tummy with her head between their legs. He took his fingers out of Amanda so he could play with both her perky titties, leaving her delicious little twat to Cindy.
Cindy reached into a headboard drawer for a small pink vibrator, turned it on, and delicately inserted it into her own vagina. She crossed her ankles and squeezed her thighs together to hold it in place, while she rested on her elbows, cupping Corey's balls and nestling her lips against Amanda's engorged little pussy. She kissed it exactly as she would kiss Amanda's mouth, placing little kisses around her lips and on her clitoris before french kissing her opening with probing licks of her tongue. Then she nursed on Amanda's swollen little clitoris for a while before returning to the kisses.
"Oh God you're good at that Cindy." Amanda moaned. She leaned her head back on Corey's chest, closed her eyes, and put her hands over Corey's where they caressed her breasts. "And my titties are sure loving your hands, Corey. Your cock feels so huge in my bum. You're both hurting me so much, so nicely."
Their passion rose rapidly, and Cindy had herself and Amanda both coming in less than five minutes. They squirmed and bounced their hips, moaning their pleasure ecstatically. She'd kept them coming for minutes, Amanda in waves and herself in a constant sizzle from the vibrator, when she felt Corey's hand on the back of her head.
He'd wrapped his right arm around Amanda's waist and was slowly lifting her off his cock, using his other hand to guide Cindy, so as to not interrupt her oral lovemaking with Amanda.
In the mirror he watched half his dick emerge from her bum, then slowly disappear inside again as he lowered her.
A few minutes later Cindy turned off the vibrator. She gave herself and Amanda a couple more minutes to wind down, and finished with and little kiss on Amanda's clitoris.
"Um, are we done?" Amanda asked.
"Sorry Love, but Corey needs to get some rest." Cindy explained as she slid the little pink phallus out of her clinging pussy.
"Corey?" Amanda asked hopefully.
"Sorry Babe, she's right. I'd love to keep going, but I need the sleep more. Hop off, and we'll get washed up for bed." Corey instructed.
"Yes Corey." Amanda sighed. "Thanks, and thank you Cindy. That was beautiful." She said as she leaned forward, her hands on Corey's thighs. She gathered her feet under her on either side of his hips and slowly rose off his staff with a groan.
Cindy waited till Corey was asleep, then stealthily slid out of bed.
"whatcha doin', Cin?" Amanda murmured.
"I'm gonna prepare a big stick for a record company and some lawyers. Get some sleep. I'll probably want to make love with you in about four hours, for a quickie at least." Cindy whispered.
"Okay. Love you Cindy."
"I love you, Amanda." Cindy whispered, leaning over to kiss Amanda's cheek.
"Amanda. Amanda!" Cindy whispered, shaking her little sisters breast after admiring her sleeping, spread-eagled form for a few moments.
"Mmm?" Amanda murmured, raising her head and opening her eyes a little.
"I'm gonna rape you. Turn over, and try not to wake Corey up." Cindy whispered with a little giggle.
"Mmm." Amanda murmured sleepily, rolling over onto her tummy.
Cindy quickly tied her wrists behind her back with a silk scarf, then gave her a couple of pats on the ass. "Turn over." she whispered, and Amanda did. "Is your nose clear?" she asked.
Amanda took a few deep breaths through her nose, and nodded.
"Good." Cindy murmured. "Open your mouth. Wide."
Amanda opened wide and Cindy put a red plastic ball gag between her lips, then had to push fairly hard to get it to socket into place behind her teeth. Amanda lifted her head at Cindy's guiding touch, and felt the strap of the ball gag being buckled at the back of her head.
Amanda's eyes opened wide and she came fully awake. Cindy was kneeling over her and grinning down at her, wearing the black leather G-string with the flesh colored vibrator built in.
"Oh, now you're awake, aren't you Sweet Thing?" Cindy giggled quietly as she slathered lubricant onto the plastic phallus. "I'm just going to rape you a bit, then I've gotta get back to work. Don't worry, I won't fuck you too hard, I don't want to wake Corey up. Besides, my pussy is so sore, I'm sure this'll hurt me at least as much as it does you."
And with that she knelt between Amanda's legs and unceremoniously shoved the plastic cock deep into her little sisters unprepared, naked little pussy.
Amanda whined and cringed from the pain as Cindy pushed her knees farther open.
Cindy rubbed herself hard against the bound and sexy girl beneath her, rubbing the shaft around the inside of Amanda's pussy and the clit stimulator against her pleasure button. The ridged and bumpy base of the shaft rubbed her own loins so pleasurably, her breath caught in her throat for a moment. She didn't turn the vibrator on as she thought it might wake Corey, but she knew that the thought of raping Amanda's bound and gagged body would be exciting enough to bring them both to orgasm with some good old fashioned fucking. She stroked the length of the plastic cock into Amanda's helpless pussy, then rubbed her hard again. She fell into a pattern, a stroke and a rub and a stroke and a rub, Amanda whining softly beneath her.
"I'm fuckin' raping you Amanda!" Cindy whispered intensely into her little sisters' ear. "Fucking raping you! And you can't do anything but take it! Fuck this is so good! God I love you!"
Amanda started to come about four minutes later, Cindy two minutes after that. She kept them both coming for five or six minutes, glad that the ball gag stifled Amanda's cries almost completely, then gradually let them come down to relaxation.
She removed the ball gag and kissed Amanda deeply for a couple of minutes before she pulled out and released Amanda's hands.
"Goodnight again, Love. And thanks, I really needed that." Cindy smiled, caressing Amanda face lovingly.
"G'night Cin. I love you. And thank you. That was really nice." Amanda murmured. She caressed Cindy's breast a moment, then closed her eyes.
Cindy watched her fall asleep for a few minutes, then silently returned to her computer.
Amanda awoke to realize she was being softly kissed. A tongue was rubbing the inside of her lower lip as soft lips slid gently over her own. As her awareness expanded she realized it was Cindy kissing her, and rubbing her naked body against her. She returned Cindy's kiss, but was interrupted by a huge yawn.
"Shh. Don't wake him up yet." Cindy whispered.
Amanda opened her eyes to see Cindy smiling down on her.
"Good morning, sleepyhead. Rise and shine." Cindy giggled.
"Good Morning, beautiful." Amanda returned, then looked out the window. "God, it's still dark out!" she whispered, smiling. "What time is it anyway?"
"It's eight in the morning. Maggie's already up. Why don't you help her with breakfast?" Cindy said, pulling Amanda up to a sitting position.
"Sure, but why so early?" Amanda yawned as she climbed out of bed.
"We're flying to L.A. at ten, and having a big meeting with a bunch of suits at twelve thirty. I want time for a leisurely business breakfast so Corey, Markus, and me can finalize a few ideas.
"And the sun is up, but the hangar doors are closed, this hangar has no windows, and it's interior lights are off. As soon as Corey's up we'll get the doors opened." Cindy explained as she led Amanda out of the bedroom.
"Oh." Amanda responded, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. She could hear Maggie in the forward room and the sound of something sizzling in a frying pan. She continued forward to join Maggie while Cindy resumed work at the computer desk.
"Morning Maggie." Amanda called as she entered the room. The table had been reset to full height as a boardroom table and the chairs raised to match it. Maggie was behind the bar, facing the corner and stirring hashbrowns in a skillet. She was in jeans, a red T-shirt and blue slippers.
"G'mornin' Amanda." Maggie returned cheerily, not looking around from her cooking. "Feel free to grab a flipper, I just got started on breakfast."
Amanda came around the bar and gave Maggie a warm hug from behind, closing her eyes and resting the side of her face against the taller woman's back. "I thought this big meeting wasn't till tomorrow." she murmured sleepily.
"It wasn't at first, but I guess they changed the plan last night while we were playing video games. I..." Maggie explained, then suddenly froze.
"What is it?" Amanda asked, releasing her hug and looking inquisitively up at Maggie's face.
"Amanda!" Maggie laughed in exasperation. "You're naked!"
"Oh yah. I guess I am." Amanda giggled, looking down at herself. "Too used to just having Cindy and Corey around in the morning, I guess. Sorry. I'll go put something on." she sheepishly explained, heading back to the bedroom.
"You're just lucky Markus wasn't in here, young lady!" Maggie grinned, waving her spatula threateningly. "I'dve tanned your ass for you then!"
"Promise?" Amanda teased, giving her cute little behind a shake as she went through the door.
She was back a minute later, wearing the white T-shirt she'd worn the night before with the belt from her pink bathrobe.
"Anything under that?" Maggie asked as Amanda began frying disks of back bacon.
"Why? You wanna see?" Amanda asked slyly.
"No!" Maggie protested with a laugh. "It's just that it barely covers your ass, and Markus'll be in here pretty soon. I don't want you enticing him, you little seductress!"
"Well no, I'm not wearing anything under this, but I promise not to bend over when he's behind me. How's that?" Amanda giggled.
"You better not! Pass that tub of butter, would you?"
"And besides, I'm not seducing you, so I'm not being a seductress. I'm only enticing you, which merely makes me enticing!" Amanda laughed. "If I was seducing you, you be licking my little love muffin already!"
"Oh, you think so, do you?" Maggie retorted, mock indignantly. "Maybe if we were stranded on a desert island! But as long as I've got Markus, I think I'm pretty much immune to your exhibitionist appeal, ya little tease!"
"Ahh, but you admit I entice you!" Amanda needled, cracking eggs into a bowl.
"Ha! Only when you admit that I entice you too! And I'm not even trying!" Maggie returned good naturedly as she started getting dishes out to set the table with.
"Well of course you entice me, you great big gorgeous voluptuous red-head you!" Amanda giggled, a little shyly. "Especially your big beautiful titties!"
"They're a C. I can't complain." Maggie chuckled.
"That may be a C cup bra, but it looks like it's almost a full size too small for you! What do ya do, buy 'em by mail order? You do!" Amanda realized with surprise, seeing Maggie blush.
"Why not, they're just bras!" Maggie protested, embarrassed. "They've never been something I gave a lot of importance to!"
"Hey girlfriend! You've got a man, now! Your bra is now your second most important piece of clothing after your panties!" Amanda lectured. "I swear, I'm gonna get you to a good lingerie shop if I have to drag you! Big gorgeous titties like yours don't deserve to be strangled in that cheap bra they're in! I don't even know why you're wearing it, unless you're just brainwashed by military regulations, cuz you obviously don't need it! Your titties are still high and firm, no matter how big and beautiful they are!
"If you really want to make Markus's morning, you'll take it off right this second! You'll knock him dead, I swear!"
Maggie wavered, biting her lip in indecision, then shook her head. "Nah." she laughed, blushing a little.
"Aw, come on! Don't be a prude, let yourself live a little!" Amanda laughed.
"No. My nipples get hard when they rub against my shirt. It's embarrassing." Maggie protested as she finished setting the table.
"You're just being a chicken." Amanda teased. "BKAAAK! Chick chick chicken! Ya great big chicken hearted cream puff jam tart Chicken!"
"How'd you like a nice hammerlock, and maybe a kick in the ass to go with it?!" Maggie asked, looming over Amanda with her hands on her hips and trying to keep from smiling.
"Hey, I'll even make it easier for you!" Amanda smiled, setting down her spatula and ducking by Maggie. "I'll go wake Corey up, and you'll have lots of time to set those beauties free! You do it girl, you let 'em breathe, or I'll just have to tease you some more!" Amanda ducked through the door as she finished to ensure she'd have the last word.
She kissed Corey awake, then Cindy joined them for good-morning kisses. Amanda let them know that breakfast would be ready in fifteen minutes and rejoined Maggie.
"If you say anything that sounds like 'I told you so', I'll kill you." Maggie said cheerily, flipping french toast slices on an electric griddle. She'd changed into a pink T-shirt with a feminine style and a thinner material that clung to her breasts like paint, with tiny sleeves and the neckline scooped enough to show the natural curve of her cleavage. And of course, she'd removed her bra, revealing plainly the shape of her breasts, areolas, and nipples.
"Wow. You have very beautiful breasts, Maggie." Amanda stated with sincere admiration.
"Why thank you, Amanda. You did pretty well in that department yourself." Maggie responded, standing a little straighter and prouder, lifting her magnificent breasts to their full, upstanding height.
"But I've never had any as big as yours in my mouth before. I'd really like to suck your nipples and..." Amanda said in a serious tone before Maggie cut her off.
"Amanda!" Maggie threatened, brandishing the spatula.
"And I can't blame you, Amanda. I pretty much enjoy 'em myself!" Markus laughed, entering the room from the cockpit.
"Markus, don't encourage her!" Maggie said in pleasantly surprised exasperation as Markus stepped behind the bar to envelope her in a firm hug, and kiss her thoroughly. First with deep soul kisses, their mouths alive against each other's, then with a line of kisses across her cheek.
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Mistress told me toThis is realI was told by my mistress to put on a bra a white dress that only goes waste high stuff the bra and put on red lip stick. Then put on a sweater over it and jogging pants. Go to the bus stop get on the bus and ride it to the point that it is a 30 min walk back home. I did this as I was told to the ride was ok but I was worried at the get off part. I got off the bus waited for it to pull away. Then did as I was told took off the sweater and the jogging pants I could...
Hi everyone, thanks for your responses for the first part. If you haven’t read please read, ‘Seduction Of ISS Female Author – Part 1 – Sex Game’. To brush up for who have already read it, this is me a young 22-year-old guy who works in an MNC, telling how he got lucky with an ISS author Geetu. After the seducing has been done enough to make sure Geetu wanted a fuck, we fixed a Saturday to meet at her place. I planned each and everything on how to start until the end. So the destined day came. I...
Sandra was the type of person that adapts quickly to almost any situation. She gathered her equipment including the weapons and instructed Miss Oh to stay close to her. She did not bother to destroy the craft because it was far too heavy to move from its location on top of the steep mountain and the control panel was covered with layers of titanium coded to open only to her fingerprint. The searchers would most likely just leave a guard on the craft and spread out to locate the riders of...
Regina and her friend, Tanya, were both interested in learning how to give a blow job. They were determined to have plenty of blow job giving experience before they went to college.Tanya had several magazines she shared with Regina. The magazines had tips on how to give a great blow job. There were lots of techniques and things to do to a guy’s dick to maximize his pleasure.The more she read about blow jobs, the more Regina wanted to try it.She and Tanya had been giving hand jobs and jerking...
Oral SexServant of ServantsI nervously climbed the stairs and searched in dirty corridors smelling of refuse before I found the apartment. For my heartbeat to steady, I paused briefly before knocking, and noticed the television set playing inside. Some seconds later the door was opened by Sabrina, to whom I hadcome to offer myself as a slave.She was carelessly dressed in cheap worn-out clothes, a knitted plaidcovering her shoulders; she was eating a sandwich and, chewing, looked at me for a few...
Snuff Flight by Impaler49152 in October 2014 Sandy was excited. Her first flight as an official trainee stewardess would take off in a couple of minutes. She still could not belive she got this job. As a college dropout her chances of getting a well paid job were very narrow. But somehow she managed to get this job, with a little help from her college friend Jennifer who got her the job interview with her boss. The fact that she agreed to meet him after work at one of the...
The beautiful Russian babe Misha Maver steps into our studio today, horny and ready to have her tight hole plugged by a big black dick. After a brief interview she gets undressed revealing a nice tattooed body, a nice pair of boobs and a big and firm ass ready to get fucked hard. She also has a very nice shaved pussy but that doesn’t get any action today. Instead, her ass hole gets a tongue massage before taking in every inch of dick in different positions before catching a big load of...
xmoviesforyouThat cruel bastard left the bathroom.It had been my second attacker in less than an hour and he had sodomized me with no mercy at all.As he closed the door, I sat down on the toilet and slid a finger in my abused asshole. It was fully stretched, dripping some sticky cum and now really sore. I cleaned the better I could and then covered my naked buttocks with my short conservative black dress. I stood up; but then all of a sudden, the bathroom door was opened again. A very handsome guy in his...
The next morning Mark came awake and remembered the way Hank and his mother had looked at each other. He recognized the meaning in the way they smiled and touched each other on the face and even hugged a couple of times. Often Mark and Melissa smiled at each other the same way. Their smiles for each other were warm and tender when they tried to express their love for each other. There was too much intimacy in those smiles between his mother and Hank. It bothered Mark to even consider his...
Hi All, I’m Bitwoo from Hyderabad. I’m 5’11″ tall, slim and fit. This story is about my introduction to the world of sex and masturbation. This is my first story, So please apologize for any mistakes. Between any girl or aunty can reach me on I’m 23 currently working as a Civil Engineer. My Cousin has introduced me to the world of Masturbation and I used to masturbate twice/thrice a day then not knowing what it is but just because it gave me pleasure. Coming to the heroine of the story, Her...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
You are a regular everyday Joe, a worker bee in the human society hive. Due to your common and easily forgettable face, you are the real life version of the “Forty Years Old Virgin”. You have a boring office job, which you started from nine to five every week. With your shitty salary and constant scolding by your obnoxious boss, you wish there will be some change in your boring and dreadful life. Today is another boring Friday for your dreadful working routine, As you accidentally step on a...
FantasyMiss Appleton carefully pinned up her long dark hair before leaving her apartment for her first class of the day. Reflected in the mirror, she saw a pretty oval face with deep-set blue eyes fringed with long dark lashes. Her creamy complexion needed almost no make-up, and Alice contented herself with applying just the slightest bit of lip gloss to her small but perfectly formed lips. The somber-toned charcoal-grey dress molded well to Alice Appleton's curvaceous figure, but not too closely....
After our adventures in the park, Sarah and I go into McDonald’s for a milk shake. It also gives us the chance to use their toilets to clean up. Sarah’s sticky pussy juices are starting to dry on her thighs, so I help her wipe them clean. I also wash her juices off my face and hands, making sure I don’t smell of girl cum too much. We both put our panties back on, and I put my blazer on over my blouse, to hide the fact that I’ve still left my bra off. I can’t be bothered to put it on again!...
The Edgar folks were still suffering from a kind of 'jet lag, ' their bodies not yet accustomed to Greenwich Mean Time. The AI succeeded in prodding the sponsors to get themselves up and about. In most pods, there was enough time for morning ablutions and a leisurely breakfast. Some opted for more vigorous exercise -- there were babies to be made, after all! The embarkation itself was routine. The Edgar sponsors and their families allowed themselves to be led to their new living quarters...
Fred's Slut by AbeTiffani stepped out of the car without waiting for Fred to open the door for her. He seemed to be in a strange mood, dissatisfied with her, somehow. When they had decided on a romantic dinner to discuss the matter, Fred had insisted on this strange, distant restaurant, which was so crowded that they had to park way in the back in the dark. Still, it was always fun to show off at a restaurant. Wobbling a bit on her highest heels, she struggled to pull the hem of...
You are a young knight from the medieval European kingdom. You are a handsome man, well built, and had light brown hair, blue eyes, and perfect teeth. Every woman liked you, and they worshiped you. You are known for your adventures, and you often travel across the lands and oceans seeking glory and fame. One day you pass through the rich forests of the kingdom of Aeaea, you find a beautiful cave adorned with wild flowers. You pass through the cave leaving your stallion at the entrance. Inside...
FantasyThe next morning breaks early for me. When I awaken to the sounds of the new day, I realize just how early it is and that I am the first one of the group. Even the dogs and Wolf are still curled nearby. I sit up and move to the dead fire, then watch the others sleep for a few moments. My attention is drawn to my surroundings and their significance. I see the men sleeping peacefully nearby, the tranquility of the setting of the camp by the river near the South shore of the lake, the...
;)So I woke up after a very weird and long lucid dream, I dreamt about my ex (Shannon) then I look down the first thing I see is my throbbing boner .. I go to use the internet, then suddenly I get a text *ping* It was like a sign from the consciousnesses we're all a part of! Her - "Hey, it's me :3 .. I'm in bed with *boyfriend* I really wish I was in bed with chu' tho':'(" "That a fact? :P" Her - "You have no idea, seriously .. :P" ".. Skype me." Her - "He's right next to me!" "I know.. ;)" Her...
Hi ISS readers and this is Sandy from Chennai and I am going to narrate a beautiful experience in my life. I am doing my B. Tech in computer engineering as you all know, computer department is full of girls but my class is full of beautiful girls. I am a boy of age 21 and well built and was attracted to girls always. I am from pondicherry and I live alone in Chennai to take my studies. I have fewer friends and always think how to seduce a girl and attain her sexually when the classes were...
When college teacher Dani Jensen finds her student Tyler sulking alone in her classroom after class is out on a Friday, she feels like she needs to console him. She learns that his girlfriend recently broke up with him, and now he feels completely lost at sea in all aspects of his life. Ms. Jensen feels she needs to do her duty as his instructor and make him feel better by pulling out his dick and giving him a blowjob! Tyler’s blown away, but he’s fine with being blown by his teacher, and then...
xmoviesforyouKate, my girlfriend, had just found out that I was just out having sex with Max and Beverly. I resisted mentioning the fact that she was looking at my private email, and she saw the private pictures that Max had innocently sent.I sheepishly knocked on our bedroom door and begged to tale to her, maybe try to explain. The conversation from both sides was fluctuating from tears and anger: tears from me and anger from Kate. Her points were valid, as I had betrayed her trust and not only lied to...
TransAfter being bi-curious interested by watching so many porn movies past 13-14 years. Last year experienced first experience and this year another both a spa excess in TO.....and this week as I approached a milestone birthday thought would have another experience with me. So early in the week I wanted to experience a black man. So I got a massage by a black man where I was allowed to suck his cock, and finally got to suck my first black cock.So yesterday was the milestone birthday. I felt since I...
Rita's dad splattered his drink all over his lap as he spasmodically launched off his lounger. He bounced, wide-eyed, off the hard deck, unable to pry his eyes from the shocking sight of my shy wife's tinctured, naked body. Even from twenty feet away, Safa and I could easily see his massive snake head slip out from his yellow striped boxer swimsuit as he awkwardly clambered back onto his webbed poolside seat.Two hours earlier:Safa and I were on a midday feckless foray in the foothills. Though...
Incestసరోజ మదన సామ్రాజ్యం…………… అమెరికాలో అదర దెంగుడు PART II (సరోజకి చాలా కృతజ్ఞతలు. తన అనుభవాలన్నిట్నీ వివరంగా చెప్పినందుకు, ఆమె అనుభవాలు ఆధారంగా చేసుకు రాసినా, నా కల్పితాలు, ఫాంటసీల మసాలా కూడా జోడించాను. మీ అభిప్రాయాలు పంపాలనుకుంటే నా మైల్ ) నేను తక్కిన పనులన్నీ చేసుకుని బయటికి వచ్చేసరికి, హాల్ లో ముగ్గురుఉన్నారు. ఇద్దరు ఆడవాళ్ళు, ఒక యువకుడు. నేను మా ఆయన ఒక్కడే కదా ఉన్నాడనుకుని, చాలా పల్చటి నైట్ గౌన్ వేసుకుని వచ్చాను. అది ఎంత ట్రాన్స్పరెంట్ అంటే నా నిప్ప్ల్సే కాదు,పుట్టు మచ్చలు కూడా...
Chapter Twenty-five - Dinner With Friends Something internal woke me early. And I knew what it was. I wanted to get over to Grace's as soon as possible. In the shower, I shaved my legs and underarms smooth. I dressed in jeans and a golf shirt. Underneath, I wore a pair of plain white nylon bikini panties, a short, white slip, and a pair of black nylon stay-up stockings, a wide lace band at the top. I slipped my black high heels into a gym bag. I had a little surprise for Grace...
Instead of penetrating the witch, Gudnwet starts to rub her clit. Penelope bucks against the hand as it is coaxed and caresses. The young witch then moans when the other picks up the pace. “I’m sorry that I cannot go with you, but I have to find that dirt bag brother of mine,” the demon hunter purrs into the witch’s ear. “But I thought you hunted demons,” Penelope says, feeling slightly lightheaded as the girl teases her ear and neck while playing with her clit relentlessly. Gudnwet dips...
This was a time when I was in 3rd year when I was friends with a sexy girl. She was 2 years older and had started working. She and a friend stayed in a 1 bedroom apartment. We had a nice time together when her friend used to be out of town. Her friend knew about us. Once her friend had broken off with her boyfriend but she was still a virgin. She never had sex before or even had seen an adult penis at that time. She was to go out for the day so my girlfriend called me for a fucking session. I...
I never got a chance to show Donnell. I had practiced more in anticipation but he stopped answering my phone calls and text messages. I was devastated. Depressed. Heartbroken. Even though we knew each other for a short time I missed him. Did he find out I had a boyfriend? Did he not think I was pretty? I had to find out and I did.Robbie came into the bar two weeks later on a Monday night and his presence shook me to my core. I had hoped to see Donnell with him but Robbie had come...
TrueMatt left the shop, seeing that it was fully dark and he glanced at his watch, the dial reading 7:10 PM. He hurried back to his apartment, getting there at twenty minutes to eight. Going up to his apartment, Matt glanced across to his neighbors darkened windows, then changed into his new outfit, slipping on the one pair of cowboy boots he owned and wiped the dust off of them with one of his socks. When he had changed, he looked across to his neighbor’s apartment again. There were no lights on,...
SpankingJane was at work early, she had started early hoping to catch Jason before he went out. She was going to work early because there was a wonderful reason. Jane had dressed to tease, a black cotton dress with loose fitting straps over her shoulders and a low cut front, her lacy white sheer bra visible with even the slightest bending forward. The hem cut about 6 inches below the bottom of the cheeks of her bum. Hiding everything but easily accessible if needed to be, she knew this would tease...
She sat at the kitchen table, softly crying, and wondering why her husband of only nine months was doing this to her. My God, only nine months since he promised to love her and keep her above all others, to be faithful and true, and now the bastard was fucking his secretary. It had broken her heart when she'd sent his suit to the cleaners and found the charge slip from the hotel in his pocket. The son-of-a-bitch was even going to try and put it on his expense report. The words printed on the...
Copyright © 2001 Norm DePloom. ALL Rights Reserved Yes, I know, it's popular right now to pretend that kids aren't sexual, but I'm here to tell you that the good Dr. Freud was right. I'm determined to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth (except where to do so might land me, or someone else, in prison). Only the names have been changed to protect the incredibly guilty. Due to my good fortune in being raised near, and with, my two slightly older female cousins,...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I have already told you about fucking my sister in Law and my Mother in Law but now I got to fuck them both at the same time. It happened like this: I live in the same area as my in Law and my sister in Law lives with her family a couple of hundred miles away. My SIL came to visit her mom and since they were both going to be in town together I decided to risk it and let them know about how I had fucked them both. When my SIL got to town I got them both...
IncesthelloWe are an agency of videochat models from europe.We have most beautiful girls,muscle guys,crazy lesbians,hot couples ready for new experience,fun,your fantasy become reality.Best quality,live video hd.The greats models u find here...Check our galery...Fill free to ask us anything about any models from our agency by sending us messages.We wait for your comments about our models and our agency.Life is hard and crazy so live to without limits
Chapter 10: A Family Reunion Sarah and I were not afraid of spooky cemeteries. We dared each other, when we were younger, to walk into abandoned mausoleums all alone. We even went to a cemetery for Halloween to search for the undead. Sarah looked at me and smirked.“You know, he’s the second one to warn us about this cemetery. Are you afraid?” she teased.“No, never.” I saw my Dad pull up in his GMC Yukon. “Come on. Let’s go say hello to everyone.”We had arrived about thirty minutes early, but...
IncestKimber’s life with her boyfriend is just so routine. He has his time for everything day in and day out. But today is the day she is going to break the monotony. For as long as she has been with him she has had the same fantasy about his roommate. Kimber has lived it over and over again in her head, and now she is going to make it real. After sneaking into his room, she makes his way over to his bed and lays down to make herself comfortable. Needless to say, he will know exactly what her...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: True story of one day after work at my ex house and her chesty friend True story of a day that will live on as a good example of taking chances. The day started like any other work day. I slept nude most of the time, so I slipped on my navy blue shorts with silver strides on the sides and made some breakfast. Watched alittle tv after, then I grabbed my ipod and headed to my gym room. I loved working out to music. My skin is a light brown like warm sand at a beach, or cinnamon,...
(A better summary of this story) Aria is of an ancient race of bird like creatures called the Skyians. Since the beginning of time they were considered angels or gods. However with every god there is a devil. Crows are what they call themselves. Aria is the offspring of both races and is considered a monster and is tormented everyday. One day she meets a human boy who accepts her and makes her feel worthy of happiness. They become friends but soon afterward, she disappears without a trace. ...
"Damn that pisses me off," I said while he was still standing there attentive. "What that he is so smug," Eddie asked. "No that he thought I was a man," I replied. Eddie broke out laughing. "Well now that you mention it Sheriff," he said. "Careful I can't fire him, but I can you," I said. "You don't have a union." We were in a good mood while Wilson directed the search so that the people stayed out of his way. The lab had first priority while looking for evidence of a...
note this story is a standalone not connected to my usual saga. as such it is non canon to those stories. Monday night raw is in full swing as Becky Lynch takes on Charlotte Flair. Becky bounces off the ropes and runs forward as she clotheslines Charlotte flair knocking her to the mat making her huge breasts bounce and jiggle nearly coming out of her low cut top. Charlotte enraged climbs to her feet and prepares to meet Becky as she charges forward again. this time Charlotte is ready and...
My mother, Sharma uncle, and I left in the morning from my grandparent’s house at eight in the morning. She left me at my cousin’s place and told she would pick me up after a week. She and Sharma uncle left for mumbai. However, I knew that they were both going to go to some resort and have some fun there. My mom called my dad at his office and told that she has some work here in pune so she will come late evening. Then I stayed with my cousins for a week but the whole time I was thinking what...
IncestJill, this is stupid!" I grumbled."Shhh! They'll hear you!"I couldn't believe it. I was home from college on spring break. Most of my friends were going away to some island to lie in the sun, but not me. No, I was locked in the trunk of my brother's car with my cousin Jill, trying to sneak into a drive-in movie! "How did I let you guys talk me into this!" I groaned.The worst part was that it wasn't necessary. We had the money to pay, but my older brother Ned and her older brother Bob decided to...
It was almost midnight when we finally pulled up in front of Mimi's building. My building, I reminded myself with a shudder. As I climbed out of the limo, the rich man handed me "my" things. "Purse, keys, and mobile phone," he said, tucking the latter two into the former. All three were cheap-looking and garish, bedazzled with various combinations of sequins, faux leather and false gemstones. Notably absent from the collection was any kind of driver's license, passport, or other...
Introduction: See you later…sadly… -=Awwn…its almost at the end..thanks for the support on the stories, and ALWAYS stay tuned for more=- Saturday We were still naked in bed from last nights fun…Mark in the middle, his skin against mine felt warm, he was soft, I ran my hand through his back reaching for his butt, he moved near me and before I noticed it he kissed me deeply, I didnt know what to do, so I kissed him back, he was just beggining to get hard, and I was as well before I broke the...
I had planned to stop by the adult bookstore around 6 p.m. , but I was so hot that I cleared my schedule by noon . I hadn't cum in five days and I needed to find a cocksucker to drain my hot cock . I got to the bookstore at 1 , wearing a t-shirt and flimsy gym shorts . The parking lot was full and their were about 20 guys browsing the magazine and video section as I approached the clerk to get singles for a video booth , my semi hard cock making a noticeable bulge in my shorts , a nice wet spot...
I'd had a thought over the weekend concerning the money I'd found under mom's bed. Figuring that some people are just naturally nosey and if the cleaning crew that came in on every Wednesday had someone like that I'd best move the money. Just before leaving the house to take Linda to the airport I'd stuffed what was in the metal box into a backpack. After dropping Linda at the airport I headed for a different bank than the one where mom had her safe deposit box and opened new checking...
The Battle for the rights of mankind to LIVE, on Earth. Time to ring the bell again! Call up the Minute Men and Women! On New Year’s Day in front of family, friends, and God, Mary Elizabeth Kennady got her star. Her grandfather pinned them onto her collars. Her parents were standing by watching, “Girl, you have done a hell of a lot more than you said you were going too. Now you have some babies while you teach this new crop of men and women how to really fly. And when those babies can walk,...
Saturday August 7 Saturday wasn't too bad. Had a chat with Debbie who asked if we would help her buy a car on the Sunday. Sunday August 8 Jon took me to the gym and really made me work hard. I had to wear my white lycra shorts and bikini top, AND my Ben Wa balls. It wasn't long before my pussy was soaking the shorts and I was glad that I didn't have any pubic hair to show through the then near transparent lycra. When it came to the exercise cycle Jon set the saddle quite high and I had to...
Sarah is not my real name. It was the day of my birthday. I sat at the table in my kitchen, whilst mum and dad watched me open presents and cards.I got a few chocolates etc, then I came to my main present. I unwrapped the box eagerly.“It’s an Alexa,” mum announced. I was really excited to get her going.It wasn’t the shape of a speaker, but the shape of a person, a female.It took a while to set up, set up my account and skills etc.“Hello,” a woman voice spoke from the robot. It was the British...
FetishMy name is Rahul Bhardwaj,available at , and am married from 7 years. I have a fit and athletic body with strong arms and wide chest, a committed husband and have a baby boy with a loving wife. I am performer in my role and a best employee from couple of years on a good position in an mnc. I am socially active and have many friends. Sometimes you spend so much time with your office friends that with the passage of time they become your gossip partner and a close friend. One of such friend I...
"We blew it," Jamie said as Christine and I were having breakfast the next morning. "How so?" I asked. "The bubble thing with Samantha." "What about it?" "We forgot something," she said. "What? Jamie, just spit it out, what are you talking about?" "Hightower's buried kill commands." Ooops. "You're right," I said. "We'll have to go back and fix those. Maybe tonight. So what did Allison tell her?" I wasn't concerned about exactly how Allison had gotten the message...