The MVP Vs Big DChapter 9 free porn video

Sometime around three in the morning I woke up with Sandra still snuggled against me. It was pleasant, but my arm had fallen asleep and I really had to pee. I extricated myself as gingerly as I could, but in spite of my best efforts Sandra stirred awake as well.
"Shh," I said. "Go back to sleep." Sandra mumbled something incoherent and I headed to the bathroom. When I came back, Sandra had - in spite of my best efforts - come awake and was sitting up, looking around the living room rather sleepily.
"What time is it?" she asked.
"Late," I said. "Or rather, early, I guess. It's the middle of the night."
She nodded. "How did the game turn out?" she asked, then grimaced theatrically when I told her. "Glad I fell asleep," she said.
"It wasn't pretty," I agreed. I looked around for anything I had brought over the night before. "I should probably go," I said, then rethought my plans when Sandra's face fell.
"Stay," she said softly. "Please?"
"Are you sure?" I asked. Truthfully, I wanted nothing more than to stay. I felt comfortable with Sandra, and especially with Sandra in my arms, but it had only been a couple weeks. Not even that long, actually, but I didn't want to rush things.
"Positive," she said. "Only... one thing."
"We are not spending the rest of the night on the couch. Okay?"
I laughed. "Agreed."
A bit self-consciously, the two of us moved into Sandra's bedroom. I looked around with interest. To my surprise, it was nothing like what I thought it would be. I would have expected something a bit spartan, given Sandra's work appearance and a lack of outward "girlieness," but the room was decorated with lots of fluffy pillows, all in darker shades of purple and pink.
"It's a bit messy," Sandra said. "I wasn't expecting company... for a long time." She laughed at the last part and moved to pick up a few stray pieces of clothing.
"It's great," I said. "Heck, I don't even make my bed in the morning," I quipped as I watched Sandra pull back the covers to her neatly made bed. After she was done we just stood there for a moment, staring into each other's eyes.
"Well," Sandra said with a bit of a shrug. "This is the moment of truth, I guess."
"What do you mean?"
"You're not planning on sleeping in those clothes, are you?" Sandra asked.
"Guess not."
"Well... get naked, then," she said.
It shouldn't have been as awkward as it was. I mean, I had fingered her to multiple orgasms the other night, and she had sucked me off with absolutely no second thoughts, but here, in the middle of the night, it was another matter.
"Come on," she said again as I just stood there. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently, obviously waiting for the "show" I was to put on.
"Fine." I pulled my shirt over my head and shucked my pants, which left me in only a white t-shirt and my underwear. "Your turn," I said. Similarly, I made no move to look away.
If I had been hoping for a strip tease, or something even remotely sexy, I would have been massively disappointed. Still, the very act of watching Sandra undress down to her own bra and panties was just exciting, and my own "interest" was soon pushing out the front of my underwear, a condition Sandra definitely noticed.
"Come on," she said. She sat down on the bed and patted the mattress. I climbed in, still a bit nervous, but that quickly evaporated as Sandra scooted in right next to me. "Hold me," she said. She pushed her butt against me and pulled an arm over her shoulders.
"Sleep tight," I said, and she murmured something in return.
I'm not sure how long I stayed awake, or which of us fell asleep first, but soon I felt myself floating off to sleep. The last thing I remember thinking was how right this felt. Then I drifted into unconsciousness.
I awoke next when I felt the bed shift - a strange occurrence for a single guy who doesn't make it a point to bring home women, or to spend the night with them, for that matter.
"What's going on?" I said. I looked over and saw that this time, it was Sandra who was trying to extricate herself from our tangle of arms and legs without disturbing me.
"Sorry," she said. "It's time to get up. I was going to give you a few more minutes while I got ready."
I was fully awake now, and looked at Sandra in something akin to amazement.
"You're not going in," I said.
"I have to," Sandra protested. "I have a bunch of cases, and I'm in court..."
"Where you'll be a complete mess," I said, then raised a hand to ward off Sandra's oncoming protest. "Seriously, there's no discussion. You get in that courtroom and the first thing that happens to you is you remember what it felt like to have a gun in your face. After that, you start thinking a little less and feeling a little more, and while that might be okay for a defense attorney, it's no good for you."
"End of discussion," I said again. "I'm sorry." Again Sandra wanted to continue the argument but I put a stop to that. "I talked with Gary about yesterday. He'd heard about what happened, but not that you were do... directly involved in it," I said. "I told him that I'd been in the area when you were rescued by the cops, and since you told him we were "old friends," he seemed okay with the fact it was me telling him instead of you. Plus, I told him you were so traumatized you'd probably be pushing for the death penalty on every case."
"You didn't!" Sandra seemed shocked. And amused. Probably more amused. Did I mention that she hates Gary? Yeah.
"I did," I said and smiled. Then I patted the bed, reminiscent of last night. This morning. Whatever. "Now, come back to bed."
Sandra still seemed uncertain. "What about you?" she asked and took a quick glance at the clock.
"Forget about me," I said. "I let it slip yesterday how shell shocked I was, just being in the area, and made it known in no uncertain terms that I would not be coming in."
"But you weren't even there!" laughed Sandra, although she did move closer to the bed.
"Yeah, well... I've been in the public defender's office and I've only used about a third of the vacation time I have coming to me. Call it a small perk. Now... get back to bed!"
This time Sandra smiled and moved closer. She also stripped off her bra and panties, something I had not expected. The sight, just like earlier, almost took my breath away.
"God damn, girl," I said. "You are one fine piece of woman."
"I can see you think so," she said impishly and looked at my once-again gallant reflex. I shrugged helplessly.
"So... he likes you," I laughed. "What of it?"
"Oh, nothing," said Sandra. She slipped back into bed, this time pressing her front against me. She gave a deliberate wiggle, which pushed all the right parts together quite deliciously, and reached down to run a hand over my cock with one last comment. "Don't you think you're a bit overdressed?"
I couldn't have agreed more. It was probably five seconds later that my t-shirt and undershorts were on the floor in a most untidy pile. I didn't care. I had the most beautiful girl in the world nestled in my arms.
"Well... now what?" she asked. I gave Sandra a quick kiss on the side of the mouth and pretended to think about it.
"Well... there's always the morning talk shows," I said and made as if to reach for the remote control. Sandra matched my move and jumped on top of me.
"Not a chance, buster," she growled. Her move had placed her crotch firmly against mine, and although some of the bed clothes had managed to get caught between our bodies, I could still feel the warmth emanating from her pussy.
"Did you have something better in mind?" I asked wickedly. I gave a thrust of the hips, which pushed my cock firmly against Sandra, who groaned at the contact.
"A few things," she said huskily. "Now kiss me."
So I did. Sandra's lips were warm and soft against my own. I worried momentarily about morning breath, but Sandra seemed a bit too preoccupied to notice, so I let myself go to the sensations. After a bit Sandra pulled back and looked down at me.
"You can do better than that," she said. I've always been one to take a challenge like that seriously and reached up to pull her back down, but only momentarily. I spun us around until Sandra was on her back and I was resting, partly on top of and partly beside her.
"You asked for it," I said and put my whole self into the next kiss. I didn't let Sandra participate at first, instead choosing to plant tiny butterfly kisses all along her jaw and throat. When I brushed against the soft skin under her ear Sandra gave a soft moan of approval, so I spent the next couple minutes kissing and licking all over the spot.
At the same time my fingers were busy as well. I brushed along Sandra's opposite cheek, then moved slowly lower. First over her shoulder, then teasing the thin skin along the collarbone. Finally I reached the upper slope of Sandra's breast. I teased her for a moment, moving ever so slowly until with a frustrated groan Sandra reached up a hand and dragged me firmly on top of her breast.
"Come on," she hissed. "Just do it."
I was more than happy to oblige and spent the next couple minutes simply paying attention her her luscious breasts. To my eyes, they were perfection. Not too big, certainly little more than a nice handful, but soft enough that I was able to suction a good bit of one into my mouth, which caused more gasps of appreciation from Sandra.
"Oh, God!" she hissed. Her hands had latched onto the hair on the sides and back of my head and as I suckled and kissed all over her breasts, she stroked and tugged on my hair, guiding my mouth to wherever she felt the need most strongly.
I could have done this all day. Sure, I'm an ass man, but tits... well... what's not to like about tits? Still, what with Sandra's prodding and pushing, I eventually found myself pushed lower, down past her belly button and over the soft, rounded slope of her belly.
"Tell me what you want," I said. Sandra blushed as I paused, my mouth only inches away from her already overheated pussy.
"You know," she said. I shook my head. Consider this your punishment, I thought. I know Sandra likes, in certain circumstances, to be dominated, but this time wouldn't be one of them, if I had my way.
"Tell me," I insisted. Sandra tried to push her cunt up against my mouth. I backed away and laughed at her frustrated groan. "Tell me," I said again.
"Fine, you bastard," Sandra said. "I want you to lick me."
"Where?" I asked. I leaned my head down and swiped my tongue over her navel. She gave a tiny lurch as I swirled my tongue down into the smooth indention. "Is this what you want?"
"No," she groaned. "Lower!"
"Oh... down here, then," I said and slid down, well past Sandra's thrusting hips. I planted a tiny kiss on the inside of one of Sandra's legs then proceeded to smother the back of a knee with kisses, which ultimately led to Sandra bursting into laughter at my ticklish onslaught.
"Stop it," she giggled. "God, you're such a brat," she said. She grabbed a handful of my hair once more and - if I hadn't been ready to head that direction myself - would have proceeded to drag me up next to her pussy.
"Yes?" I said and raised an eyebrow. "All you have to do is tell me what you want me to do." I licked my lips.
"I want you to suck my pussy," Sandra finally blurted. "I want you to run your tongue all over my pussy and stick it in me as far as you can. I want you to lick my clit and make me come. Now do it, dammit!"
"You got it," I said and plunged down. At the first real contact, Sandra screamed out. I did exactly as she wanted, first licking all over her smooth, shaved skin, then finding her wet opening and plunging my tongue deep inside her tunnel. I nuzzled my nose against her clit as I did this, drawing another scream of passion as I wiggled back and forth.
"More, more, more," she panted. Finally I reached up a hand and - after wetting it in her copious secretions - plunged a finger into her cunt. "Fuck me!" she screamed. I felt the spasms start almost immediately and for the next two minutes I kept up the onslaught, alternately pushing in and giving a swift lick to the now visible but of her clitoris.
"Had enough?" I asked when Sandra - finally tiring - pushed me away and clamped shut her legs. She looked up at me with lidded eyes, her chest still flushed and heaving and gave a shuddering laugh.
"Where the hell have you been all my life?" she asked. I shrugged modestly.
"I could ask you the same question." I collapsed down beside her on the bed and gave her a kiss on her sweaty forehead.
Sandra responded by leaning over and jamming her tongue down my throat. She let out a little sound of surprise at first and backed away.
"Is that me?" she asked, licking her lips. I gave her a smile.
"Delicious, aren't you?" I asked. "But you mean you've never tasted yourself before?" Sandra shook her head. "What about your ex-husband?"
"The asshole? He would never do it."
"Idiot. Doesn't know what he's missing. But tell me... what do you think?"
"About how I taste?"
"I could tell you liked the other part of it," I chuckled. "Yes... about how you taste."
Sandra pulled my mouth to hers and once again our lips and tongues met for a moment before Sandra pulled away momentarily. "I'll have to do a little more research," she said and once again swooped down on me.
I did eventually get out of Sandra that she liked the taste. "But I like your cock more," she said enthusiastically. She eyed my erection, which had been at full hardness for more than an hour and was beginning to drip precum all over the bed.

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