Nasty stinky panties in Afghanistan
- 2 years ago
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Once outside they walked four abreast with Rusty in the middle and their arms intertwined. The view down the valley in the late evening light was picture perfect. The sun was just touching the edge of the cliffs at the end of the valley when they came to a small overlook. After pausing to look around, Sarah guided Rusty to sit in the middle of a bench. She then straddled his lap facing him so his cock lay nestled between her warm wet labia. Terry and Sally sat straddling the bench facing them placing their arms around them. All they heard were the faint sounds of animals foraging, the chirp of an insect or the leaves moving in the very light breeze. After a few moments Sarah said, "I have never felt as close to anyone as I do to each you."
"Well we could be a little closer if you rose up a bit and sat back down," said Rusty. "Two parts of us would be much closer, and mine would be very warm." The girls glanced down and saw the head of his cock peeking out between Rusty and Sarah causing them to laugh.
Sarah rose up to let his cock head slide between her labia and when it reached the mouth of her sheath, she slowly sat back down. She sighed and said, "Now that was an excellent idea. I hope we can talk now without me being too distracted. So, what are we going to do? I love all of you. My preference is for all of us to be together, including those who aren't awake yet. From my point of view, our group of eight is my family." A tear rolled down each cheek. "In a larger sense, that includes those at Bob and Nancy's as well, but I think you knew what I meant."
"I do and think that is true for me as well," responded Sally. "In the past, we've always been frank and open with each other, so I hope we continue that way. My preference is that we stay together. To me the questions boil down to: Should we stay here? If not where should we go? Back to Nancy and Bob's? Another location? Or, did I miss-read our situation?"
"Not from my perspective," replied Terry. "Even before this when we were at Nancy and Bob's, we stood out. Now we will really be noticeable. I am afraid it wouldn't take long before someone concluded that we were unnatural. This plus how much we now resemble each other adds to the curiosity. Undoubtedly some will associate our change in appearance with receiving a genetic virus treatment. Once the assertion was made, we would be potential targets for eco-terrorists, religious fanatics and general harassment. If we were at Nancy and Bob's, they would be at risk as well. Then again, perhaps no-one would notice."
"Looking at it from a strictly security issue, I think, as I said earlier our wisest choice is to stay here," said Rusty. "Although, the condition to do that was for us to help them repopulate their crew and, I am not the one carrying babies. I don't think we could find better health care. In light of what we have heard, felt and seen, this seems to be an ideal location. While it is isolated, it appears that we will have access to all the supplies we need. All of us have skills that allow us to work remotely, although promoting them and getting jobs maybe a challenge. One possibility is to start out working through N&R Security. To me, the key to us doing well while living so close together, is to have something to occupy our time besides babies and general chores. It should be possible to set up Internet access and voice communication. This access is a key aspect of working remotely and being successful. The one downside is that there are people who know of this location as they said they bought it from someone."
"I like the idea of staying, in fact, I think, I like the thought of carrying our babies," said Sarah. "I am not sure about letting them go to someone else to raise. I wonder, if between all of us, we couldn't raise them here and give them an education."
"Do you realize that in ten years we would have 120 children calling you three "Mother"?" asked Rusty, causing everyone to gasp. "And if those still recovering follow the same path, the numbers more than double. This is not considering whether Dorothy, Maria, or any others join us. That is a lot of children in 10 years at 2 sets of twins every year per woman."
"Wow," said Sarah.
"You think, they will join us here?" said Terry.
"Once they know about this place, I wouldn't bet against it," responded Rusty.
"Wait. Let's take this one step at a time," said Sally. "To me the children are a side issue, although an important one. First, I think, we know, we want to stay together. We suspect the other four will feel the same way. Realistically this location is our best choice, for the reasons Rusty pointed out, so we ought to stay. Now with respect to children, in the past I wasn't sure I wanted children, but by staying here, I'm now advocating having 40 or more. My uncertainty before was the thought of the responsibility of raising one by myself, as at that time I had not met any acceptable partners. Due to our relationship, that is no longer an issue. I like children very much. Just being around Janice and Thomas reminds me of how much I like them."
"I agree," said Terry, Sarah and Rusty together.
With progress on that decision out-of-the-way, they sighed as it felt like they were now on firmer ground.
Sally said, "We should raise the baby issue with Amy's group. If the babies remain here, then I suspect there is an optimum ratio between adults and children."
"You know," said Sarah. "Maybe I am obsessing, but I like the changes in me as well as the way you all look. I don't think, I would have done it on my own even if I knew it was possible. The idea of a mane or tail wouldn't have even been considered. I believe, I am comfortable with them, but I guess I'll really know when I meet those who knew me before."
"My thoughts as well," responded Sally. "Once things have settled down I would like to explore creating some symbol that shows we're a family unit. That is a discussion we should have utilizing our mind-link, so we clearly understand each other's feelings and ideas."
"You're thinking of something other than rings."
"Not sure. Even before the idea popped up from time to time but never progressed very far. I really liked the meaning we associated with wearing a collar during our show. For something to think about, and since we are naked nearly all the time, wouldn't body art be more appropriate?"
"Hm ... body art. I hadn't thought of that," responded Terry.
"So, you like our mind-link?" asked Sarah.
"Oh, Sarah, I think it is wonderful. Now I feel so much closer to all of you. Now I definitely know what I missed before. It will, I think, be a great benefit to us in the future." Everyone nodded their head in agreement.
"Did you notice that the sunset has been over for some time?"
"Yes and no. I can tell it is nearly dark but I can still see quite well."
"I wasn't sure what Betsy meant by a change in our vision, but now I know," said Sally. "It's different to when the sun is up but it is still easy to make out the detail."
"Do you think our ability to hear is more sensitive?" asked Terry.
"Why?" responded Rusty.
"Well to me I thought I heard more natural activity around us just as the sun was setting."
"I didn't notice so it didn't stand out for me."
"Come on let's go to bed. I want to try the dream walk again, but first there is something large pulsing in side of me that needs to be satisfied." Sarah began to slowly contract and relax the muscles of her sheath. This caused her vaginal muscles to ripple, caressing Rusty's cock. "Do you like that?"
"It's wonderful. Those balls really seem to have helped," said Rusty.
"What are you doing? What balls?" asked Terry.
"Remember Rusty gave me a set of Ben Wa balls when we did the show," responded Sarah. "I liked the way they felt so I wore them a lot. There was a loose weight inside them which added to their motion. The sensations were fantastic. After wearing them a while, the muscles in my sheath and pelvic strengthened. It also seemed like it helped me improve my control of them. When I was exploring my mind before Rusty woke, I found the spot that enhances active use of those muscles. I think I'll see if we can get another set."
"Probably a couple of sets. Can you show us how you control those muscles?"
"Sure it was pretty easy to do."
"I can see my tombstone now, 'Killed by a snapping pussy.'" They laughed. "Seriously it feels very good and you are about to receive your award." Just then Sarah moaned as she felt his cum. Her orgasm prompted Sally and Terry to sigh as they felt the sensations. They sat there with their arms around each other while Rusty and Sarah recovered.
"Sarah, when you stand up would you hold your labia together until I can cover it with my mouth," said Sally in a pleading voice.
"I wanted that for desert," said Terry with a whinny voice
"I spoke first," replied Sally sticking her tongue out and smiling. "Don't worry, I'll share," she added, as she moved quickly to kneel next to them, causing everyone to laugh. As Sarah stood up she tightened the muscles in her lower mouth as his cock slid out. As soon as it was out, Sally pressed her open mouth against Sarah's labia. She slid her tongue between the labia, to collect some cream then said, "I'm ready."
Sarah relaxed her muscles as Sally lightly sucked. When her mouth was full, she said, "Terry, my mouth is full and there is more." As she spoke Sally reached over and pulled Terry down next to her. Once Terry was in position, she quickly moved to the side. By the time, Terry had her mouth under Sarah's labia, cum was beginning to ooze out between them. Terry dutifully sucked then licked off anything remaining. While collecting the cum Sally managed to keep most of it in her mouth. When Terry finished, she turned to Sally then pressed their lips together. As they kissed, they opened mouths to share the cum then swallowed a small portion before separating. Then they kissed Sarah and Rusty, each time sharing some of the cream. After sharing kisses, they swallowed the rest.
"Guys, your mixed cum tastes very good," said Sally. "Good grief, Rusty you must have pumped a week's worth into her."
As they walked toward the house hand in hand, cream leaked down their legs. On entering the house, Donna said, "Guys, your larger suite is ready. It is near Sarah and Rusty's initial rooms and the door is open."
They went to the room. Terry exclaimed, "Yes, this is perfect and will easily accommodate all of us." Looking at one another, they chorused, "Thank you, Donna and friends." Then giggled.
Their interlude at the overlook had left them feeling very relaxed. After freshening up they laid down and cuddled up to each other. Sleep quickly overtook them as it had been a busy day, and they were tired.
They slept for several hours before Sarah and Rusty began their dream walk. If someone looked in their room at that time, except for increased eye and facial movements, they would appear to be asleep. As their dream began, Sarah and Rusty kissed then they kissed Sally and Terry. Holding hands they proceeded down the path opening before them. They soon realized they were in their favorite meadow near the main house on Nancy and Bob's estate. Vignettes of their times in this meadow surfaced briefly. After looking around, they moved toward the buildings then went through them. In each, they noted the changes and additions. Two strangers were sitting in the office monitoring the alarm console. Pausing they studied the console and noted how much more automated it was. There were more cameras and sensors covering the grounds.
The lights in the house were off when they entered. First they went to their rooms. They looked like just like they remembered leaving them. It was obvious that they had been cleaned and dusted. They felt a sense of sadness in the empty rooms and by extension in their friends.
Sarah turned and led them to Bob and Nancy's bedroom. After passing through the door, they saw Nancy, Alice, Susan, Julia, Stan and Bob sleeping, cuddled together on the large bed. It reminded them of the way they slept. The changes in Julia and Nancy that Betsy mentioned were obvious. They thought there were some changes in Bob as well although the way they were laying made it hard to tell.
Sarah reached out with Rusty to examine their thoughts without disturbing them. After a quick look, they took a moment to push to them a feeling that they were okay. Together they then focused on giving Nancy a dream of a possible future. Initially she seemed startled, but then relaxed as her dream began unfolding. In it, with Rusty by her side, Sarah spoke answering questions she had about them and included views of the others. Nancy seemed to sense differences in Sarah, but this was over ridden by her desire to know how they were. Sarah closed the dream with the idea that an opportunity would soon arrive in the form of a project at a remote location. It would be to configure surveillance and security systems covering a large area and would need everyone's assistance. As they backed away from the dream, she emphasized that all of them were to take part in the project.
The four slowly pulled back from their dream walk. Sarah woke momentarily and said, "Donna can you place a gallon of our milk in Nancy's refrigerator?"
"I'll check."
"If you can put a note on it saying, "Drink this, then you will know. By the taste you should know who sent this. It was more than a dream." Then sign it, "From your friends.""
"Okay. Sleep well."
Rusty woke at day-break with a stiff morning cock and a full bladder. He gently tried to extract himself from the group without waking them up. Before he could reach the edge of the bed the women were stirring. Looking at them he could tell that their breasts were very full.
By the time he had used the toilet, everyone was up and moving around. Rusty moved to his exercise bench and started his exercises. As each of the women used the facilities, they went to their benches. Once in position, they started their exercises and released their milk. When the exercises were finished, they went to shower. Just before entering the showers, Rusty gathered the group in a hug. As he pulled them close and he linked with them. "Good morning. I love all of you. You make every day worth living. Last night was exciting and disturbing at the same time, but my instinct tells me we all will be together again very soon." He kissed each in turn.
"Good morning, husband." They chorused together then laughed.
"Good morning, my beautiful wives." His joy of being with them was clear by the expression on his face, the light in his eyes and the sensations they felt.
As they finished their showers, Donna said, "Jim and Amy would like to meet them right after breakfast."
"Would you guys assist your sleeping friends with their morning routine? Dorothy and Maria went to assist Jim's group and it doesn't look like they will be back in time."
"Donna, is anything wrong?" asked Sarah.
"Only in that when Erica reached Sylvia's farm, she immediately summoned assistance. Jim went with 2 drones and 4 androids. Later Amy sent a shuttle from here with Dorothy and Maria. So I don't know if 'wrong' is the correct word."
"Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help. You will need to monitor us as we assist our sleeping friends, as only Rusty and I have been through the routine and then only once."
"Sarah, I will monitor you just as I do Dorothy and Maria. This is to document their care, but I think with your experience the four of you will have no problems. Can you hold off on breakfast until this is done?"
"Yes and no. Coffee would taste great along with a bit of fruit beforehand," said Rusty. "That shouldn't delay us very much."
"Okay. The coffee is ready now, as I anticipated that. There is fruit in the walk-in. Oh, Jim just indicated he will be back shortly. He asked if he can meet with you at breakfast."
"Of course," they replied.
After their coffee and fruit, they helped their friends through the morning routine of exercising, letting their milk down, eating and freshening up.
"Now I know why this felt so familiar," said Sally when they were part way through. "It's what we did when we were asleep."
"Yes," replied Donna. "The routines are very similar but there are small nuances due individual differences. It is those differences that have kept Dorothy and Maria on their toes. I expect Jill and Janet will be ready to wake in a few days, perhaps sooner. Perhaps Judy as well, as she is progressing more rapidly since her recent contact with you all. This is also true for Joyce. You must all be healers or magicians."
"How can they do the things, they do without waking?" asked Terry.
"They are brought up to a light sleep so they can let down their milk, eat and exercise. The first few sessions are the most challenging because their care giver is teaching them what to do. When they lay back down, they go back into a very deep sleep. This lets all the food intake go to fixing their bodies."
"So it's like sleep walking."
"That sounds right, but that is a term I am not familiar with."
Sarah added, "Terry, from my understanding I think that is a good approximation."
When they were back in the kitchen Sally said, "You know I would really like a big hot breakfast this morning. I'm hungry and I feel we will need all the energy we can get."
Sarah looked thoughtfully at her. "Good idea."
"Well after our intense exercise last night, I am hungry."
"Okay, Rusty, can chop some peppers, ham and onions for the omelets," said Sally. "Terry you fix the biscuits Sarah and I will prepare the potatoes and cook the omelets." Just then her stomach growled causing everyone to laugh as they moved to start their tasks.
Breakfast was ready before the biscuits were done. As they finished their preparations, two columns of blue light began to shimmer by the doorway signaling the arrival of Jim and Amy. Today they were naked.
"Would you two like an omelet?" Asked Sally.
"We've never had one," said Amy. "We would like to join you."
"Okay with us. We'll fix you one as it won't take long. If you don't like it, I'm sure as hungry as we are, it will be eaten."
While they were talking, Sarah and Rusty noticed how much Jim and Amy resembled them, although Amy's breasts were not as large, and her muscle tone was more apparent. Their mane and tail resembled theirs. Sarah went over and touched Amy and Jim. The touch caused a feeling of warmth flow into her. Her nipples and labia swelled some indicating a growing arousal. Sarah shuddered as she felt other sensations. Amy turned and looked into her eyes. With their eyes locked, Sarah heard Amy say, "Go slowly. There is much we need to share but we, Jim and I, can't let it overwhelm you." Just then Sarah sat down breaking eye contact, reducing their beginning mind-link. Everyone in the room had felt Sarah mind-link with Amy.
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Leslie was a waitress where I worked, she always seemed a bit shy, but was always more bold and flirty when she drank, luckily for me it was somewhat frequent. I had known her in passing before we started working together, and once when she was a hostess, I saw her dressed up and in black pantyhose. It was difficult to gauge how she felt about me, but we were casual friends, and talked at the bar after work on occasion. Little did I know that my first sexual encounter with her was with her in...
This is a story about two people trying to escape a sadistic Human Sex Trafficker. There are some scenes of violence and non consensual sex. If you don’t like this type of erotica please don’t read it. If you do like it, read on. Please enjoy and give feedback, as I am still writing later Chapters and as always I like to incorporate some of your suggestions for what will happen to the characters in to the story. * John came around as he felt the kick in his stomach, the pain radiating out...
Hanna wasn’t about to leave me alone regarding the subject of “It’s a long story.” Finally I had to explain to her how I had images from my past that were somewhat vague intermixed with childhood, the facts leaving me without wishing to ever indulge in trying to detail remember. It both was dark and beautiful in some ways. But she said she needed to know because she loved me. That got to me. I told her I would try to remember what I could because obviously I loved her too. As a child I...
December 27, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “I’m tempted, but not tonight. I’m not saying never, but not tonight.” Janey frowned, “Nothing I can do to change your mind?” “Remember what I said about slow but sure.” “Can I see you again before you go back to Taft?” “Maybe Friday?” “Sure.” “We’ll talk at work. You work every day, right?” “Yes. How about another kiss?” I smiled and pulled her closer again and we exchanged another soft French kiss. “Good night,” I said when we broke the kiss a...
Deanna and Summer had both attended high school together, and their friendship had its "roller-coaster" aspect. They were a true contrast, these girls. Deanna had long, wavy brown hair and blue eyes. She had an elegance to her that Summer didn't quite possess. Summer was a classic blonde, who shared her eye color with Deanna, but little else in appearance. She had a bit of a tan, unlike her best friend. She was not quite as intellectual as her friend, either, though not the typical blonde...
Robert, my wife’s lover has been out of the country now for nine days and was due home in a day or two. I arrived home from work at my usual time after calling her to let her know that I would be home in twenty minutes, this gave her time to get dressed following her naked video call with Robert. I went in our house and found her sitting on the couch, fully dressed and she had tears in her eyes. “What’s wrong baby?” I asked as I gave her a kiss. “Robert will be away for another five days.”...
Cuckold-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her name was Sara Sharrp, a super sexy 19 year old college student who was interning at his company. She had the perfect college girl body; silky shoulder length black hair, seductive hazel eyes, nice pouty lips and a tight body that's curvy at just the right places.. 34d tits that are nice and perky just a handful!, a 5'9 body that highlights her long beautiful legs... His name was Joe Dover,...
I’ve always been a keen swimmer, and swimming seems to have had a large place in my early sex life. As I’ve written in another post I got my first hand job from a boy at a school swimming lesson. In my local swimming baths there were plenty of girls around for me to ogle and for me to show off my skimpy speedo style swim trunks bulging over my sex kit. I developed a taste for girls and women in swimsuits and to this day I don’t think anything shows off a woman’s body more sensuously than a...
"Sky, where would you like to go, now that you're leaving the school? Grandma Cor asked. She had come to 'fetch' me, not my parents, oddly enough, but then again they really didn't like leaving Arbor, and they had my new little brother to keep them busy. Mock had been born last year, and was six months old now. "You mean if I could pick my destination?" I asked, then without waiting, answered. "Earth, I guess." "Any particular reason?" "Dunno, just always felt a sort of...
After being ass fucked by a man that Jessica was sure was her father her captor took her to the shower, washed her up, and carefully shaved her legs and the sparse patch of hair from her pussy. It felt a little weird to be bald down there but she had to admit that it did look somewhat sexy. He gave her some new sexy red panties and a matching bra to put on under a very cute pink sundress. Finally, she was allowed to do her hair and get ready for her trip to Panama. Waiting at the end of her...
Maureen did not know there was worse news ahead. Grace Williams (née Darling) was a beautiful 38 year old widow with triplets, all boys and 19 years old. Peter, Paul and John. Grace was an artist of some renown and wealthy. She lived an ordinary. normal life and she had financed her sons photography/video/animation business that had just started to make money. However, within a week her normal life had changed to one of sexual depravity that included incest and bestiality. She and her sons...
Who would have ever known that two best friends could ever be something more.. True StoryI was 17 and it was the last year of my senior year in high, I have always grown up with my best friend Jacob. Jacob and I had always done everything together, we were always together. That was mainly because he was my next door neighbour for most of my life. His room faced mine so we always went out to our balconies from our rooms and just have our usual conversations; tonight’s conversation was about our...
First TimeSunday morning I woke up with a raging hard-on. I lay half asleep with last night playing in my mind. I only had to stroke my penis a couple of time before I was cumming all over my belly. I always woke up with an erection but this was the first time in a long time I came so fast. Satisfied and with a smile on my face, I completed the morning ritual, shower and all the rest, before heading down to the kitchen. Mom wasn't there so I started the coffee maker and poured myself some cereal....
This is a longer story than those I’ve written lately. It is not a love story, not an incest story, and not a gay story. Is it a story with a grain of truth in it? That is your call. For me, it is just a fantasy. Weekend at the lake I began loading the car with weekend essentials for a planned escape to the lake. I enjoy a trip there every three or four weekends just to unwind and be foolish for a couple days. My career is in college classrooms teaching college freshmen students their core...
Jeremy suddenly lept out of bed and in a quick balletic motion reached a big dresser across the room. I lay quietly and watched him open up the bottom drawer. 'I have surprise, but I need you to close your eyes,"he said. I nodded and covered my eyes with my hands. "Promise not to peek," he called out. "Promise," I responded. I remained true to my word until Jeremy called out several minutes later: "All right open them." I looked over and there was my friend wearing a girl's sun dress. It...
Hey readers, This is Manoj from Bangalore back with another recent experience. It’s been a while since I shared a story here. I’m 23 years old with an athletic body and 5.9 height. Without any further delay let’s get into the story. Guys get ready with your dick in your hand and girls get ready to get wet. This happened last month. I stay in hostel doing my masters in one of the reputed colleges of Karnataka. It was during my exam holidays where I got bored and tried Omegle (texting with...
It’s Lana’s first time in Hollywood and she is off to pursue her dream of being an actress. She has found somewhere to stay with a really great couple and the lady, Moka is being a little forward. Lana finds her really sexy, but that is just the beginning. While she is practicing her lines for an upcoming job, Moka takes their relationship to a whole new level when she unexpectedly visits Lana’s room. She invites Lana to come to her bedroom the following day, and when she does...
xmoviesforyouChapter 4 The next morning Mark was woken up by a loud mechanical voice. "Wakey wakey sissy, time to start your day, and what better way to start it than with another wank." Mark groaned loudly but he did as the voice said anyway. With a sigh he grabbed the boxers of his night stand and Pulled them over his head once more. Since this had started he had spent countless hours inhaling the scent of these nasty boxers. It wasn't anything new anymore, but it remained embarrassing. His...
Gerald was a retired fifty-four-year-old, dark-skinned black man. During an otherwise unremarkable weekday, he was in the shower when he heard a knock on his front door.“Fuck.” He shut off the water, donned a white towelling robe, tied the sash, slung a towel over his shoulder and walked towards the door.He peered through the peephole to see Casey, a local teenager, in her Girl Scout’s uniform biting her bottom lip while looking furtively up and down the street. She held a small stack of pink...
ExhibitionismWe have all heard about men and women, somewhere between the ages of forty and sixty going through a mid-life crisis. This can be caused by many things and manifests itself in a variety of behaviors. In our case, we were just trying to recapture some of the excitement of our youth and ward of the loneliness of our children being grown, by purchasing motorcycles and riding and socializing with other like-minded mid-lifers.My name is Jason, and my wife, Emma, and I were forty-seven years old at...
CuckoldMax Once the storm had passed and the night sky started clearing. Max sat at the table. With only the moonlight as light. He leaned forward and commenced sketching another one of his dark figures. Max was not like Billy. He was born healthy and grew up in a natural environment until the age of seven. With the act of perverted intentions, his life was to change overnight forever. His mother was the chairman of a large charity organisation. With this position, she had to attend all the...
A little information about Becky , skinny ,short curly blonde hair, blue eyes and a pale complexion.Her parents owned a farm and she loved riding horses. which had given her quite a nice spread between her hips.She wore glasses had a nice smile and a great sense of humor, as kids we got along great.She had very few friends in school because of her looks . It was usual kids stuff growing up , playing in the barn, exploring the woods and swimming in the streams. I never looked at her as a...
Miss Trottle was a teacher in a high school in Bristol, Connecticut. It was the end of a particularly hard few weeks because as the summer holidays approach the workload for the teacher doubled, with parent’s evenings, thousands of reports, after school events and end of year exams Miss Trottle was glad of the fact that it was now Friday. The school bell had rung for the last time before the summer holidays and as the sound of the bell echoed around the empty corridors and deserted grounds of...
During a quiet moment at Sloane Square on endweek furlough from the hustle and bustle of the upgrade in combat capabilities, Clare and TJ were chatting about the changes and TJ pointed out that manning could be a problem if extended operations were envisaged; present establishment was twenty including the Daughters. While six at an absolute minimum could fight "Sundowner" from the bridge, a full complement of HACs in space required sixteen not forgetting 737 with its four. The numbers did...
Fortsetzung von "Während der Tagung"Nach nur kurzem Schlaf war ich wieder aufgewacht. Schlaftrunken richtete ich mich auf und hörte meinen Mann, wie fast jede Nacht, neben mir schnarchen. Durch die halb geöffnete Tür hörte ich noch Stimmen von unten. Die spontane Party unserer Kinder war also noch nicht zu Ende. Gestern Abend hatte unsere Tochter und ihre beste Freundin, nachdem sie das Frauen-Doppel beim jährlichen Badmintonturnier ihres Vereins gewonnen hatten, mit einigen anderen aus ihrem...
The day that Vicky and I got married was the happiest day of my life. At the time I knew for a fact that she had never gone out with anyone else. We had always attended the same schools together, and as soon as she was allowed to date by her mother, I became her first and only boyfriend she ever had. She never had another boyfriend beside me, not because she was ugly or anything likes that, far from it, she was and still is one of the most beautiful girls in Hardrock. No, from the very first...
My coke spayed from my mouth at Kari's words, and I looked at her in shock. "What?" I blurted out. "Only if you strip and parade naked for him, will he fuck you," Jane said. I started coughing and gasping for my breath, as tears formed in the corners of my eyes. Shaking my head, I walked out doors and looked across the desert. Wiping my eyes, I leaned against the porch support, and started thinking hard on what was going on with the women here. 'We are making them more attracted to...
The rest of the stuff on the trailers was unloaded as quickly as possible and moved into that first chamber. Once the unloading was complete, preparations were made for the return trip. Everybody spent one last night together, then the tractors and trailers left to make the next pickup. As soon as those people had left, the remaining people began organizing to shift furniture into available chambers. At the moment, there were enough chambers available leading from the main chamber to house...
I found I liked the new job and it had a great number of cross-connections with traditional law enforcement. Crisis and suicide intervention, emergency stress management, domestic disputes, hostage situations, plane crashes and normal deaths were a common part of the job and I became very good at it. The job was really a whole lot more than being a glorified church secretary, and I probably spent a dozen hours helping handle problems over the telephone or in person for every hour I'd spend...