- 3 years ago
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"Do you miss Danny?" Krissi asked. "It's been almost a month."
Devlin nodded. "Sure. I miss the sex three times a week, the chance to get inside a guy's head and find out what men really think—"
"That assumes they think."
"Well, they think with a certain part of themselves."
"I'll give you that," Krissi said. "They think with their little head. What else?"
"That's about it," Devlin said. "Oh, I'm sure there are other things I miss, but those were the ones I thought of first." She pulled into the parking lot at the Grange and parked between two SUVs.
"You really miss him that much?"
"I could talk to him. How many gals get a chance to talk to a guy, really sit down and talk, you know, about things that are important."
"Not guy things?"
"Those things are important to them," Devlin said. She got out of the car and stretched. It was an early Saturday evening, and though she and Krissi had missed the party at Emma's the night before, they'd both agreed to make up for it tonight.
"Guys need to talk about their things from time to time. It makes it easier when you want to talk about important things."
Krissi smoothed down her dress—a white sun dress that showed off her figure to stunning effect—and took her overnight bag out of the back seat. "Guy things. Like sports."
"That too."
"You mean you two did something other than screw like bunnies in heat."
"We had to do something while he recovered," Devlin said. She picked up her own overnight case and locked the car. "That's a good time to talk to a guy. He's open and vulnerable, and you can learn a lot."
"Like why they are the way they are."
"They're driven by their hormones," Devlin said. "We are, too, but not as much."
"I'd like to think that," Krissi replied, "but sometimes I wonder. And you are getting enough sex, or at least I think so."
"That's because it's with you. I love that, but..."
"But... ?"
"But you lack something guys have, a certain six inches of muscle—"
"Six inches? You're going with average guys now?"
"There are a lot more of them out there than there are guys like Jesse and Rick."
Krissi grinned. "True."
"And while length can be great, last time I was here this guy with a really long dick kept jabbing me with his, deep inside, hitting my cervix."
"I thought you liked that."
"I like it to brush my cervix. He was jabbing it, and it hurt. Most of the guys I know with long dicks are careful with them. He wasn't."
Krissi sighed. "Yeah, I know what you mean." She paused as they reached the front door. "Promise me you'll behave yourself?"
"Have I ever?"
"No," Krissi grinned, "and that's what's so fun about coming here." She reached over and pushed the doorbell.
"I was wondering if you two were going to show up," Emma said when she opened the door. She was wearing her businesswoman suit, but she only had the bottom button of her blouse fastened, and her bra seemed to have gone missing.
"We couldn't stay away," Devlin said.
"Actually, she couldn't," Krissi said, after hugging Emma. "I thought Devlin was going to implode from lack of male attention."
"Well, this is the place for it," Emma said. "How's Evan?"
"Pretty good," Devlin said. "He's 4-2 with an ERA of 3.10. He's supposed to pitch in Oklahoma City tonight. I thought I'd check in later tonight to see how he did."
"Sure. Talk to Tim, and he'll get you set up." Emma glanced over Devlin's shoulder and smiled at a couple coming up the walk.
Devlin looked around the room. People were still mingling; everybody was still in their street clothes, and except for the occasional surreptitious caress, nobody had gotten started.
"We should get changed," Krissi said. "I'm feeling overdressed."
"Me, too," Devlin said. She was going to say more, but she saw Vince and his wife across the room. She felt the instant connection; it was like a surge of current through her.
"Can I borrow him for a few minutes?" Devlin asked Vince's wife.
"Return him in one piece," Roxie said, giving her husband a slight shove. "And watch the bite and scratch marks."
"I'll try," Devlin said, "but you know how it is."
Roxie laughed. "Yeah, I know."
Devlin took Vince's hand and led him upstairs. She'd worn a tight denim miniskirt and a Sacramento River Rats tee-shirt Evan had sent her. They went one way, along with the rest of her clothes. Her hand went to Vince's already hard cock. His own hands settled on her breasts as he kissed her roughly.
She returned the kiss, and for a moment they ground their bodies together. Then, breathing hard, she sank back on the bed, pulling him with her. He kissed her again, showering heated little kisses on her breasts and neck. Then he slid his arms under her as she guided his cock to her suddenly dripping pussy.
He thrust into her, hard. She closed her eyes, inhaling sharply. It felt like he'd just split her open. She wrapped her legs around his and tried to pull him deeper. He reared back, and thrust again, even harder. Her whole body shook with the impact.
She clutched his shoulders, trying to take all of him. He kissed her savagely, his cock pistoning in and out of her frantically. She surrendered to the demands of the moment, losing herself in his fire. His cock scraped the most sensitive nerves inside her, assuaging the hot, burning itch she'd been feeling all day.
She inhaled sharply, surprised as she felt the first tremors of an orgasm rippling through her. Her whole being convulsed around him in one heated wave after another. She felt his insistent pounding hesitate, his whole body shaking as he came, too.
They came down, breathing in unison. "Hi," she said when she trusted herself to speak.
"Hi, yourself," he said. He kissed her, a tender, lingering kiss this time. "That seemed to last longer than normal."
"It's because we kissed each other," she said. "I think that constituted foreplay or something."
"Well, foreplay for us." He stirred, his cock semi-hard. "Should we quit now, or go back downstairs?"
"You're asking me?" She laughed.
"Do that again. I like the way you feel when you do that around my cock."
"At least we don't pretend," Devlin said, squeezing him with her internal muscles.
"You mean like some people around here?" They both knew there were people at Emma's who pretended they were in the lifestyle for anything other than the variety and pleasure it gave them.
"Yeah. Your cock fits perfectly in my pussy." She squeezed him again. "I suppose we should, though. I wouldn't want to wear you out too early in the evening."
"That's considerate of you." He pulled back and lay beside her.
"That's just so I can have some later tonight."
"We'll see. We can't stay too late tonight."
"I'm glad we got together when we did."
After a little cuddling they got up and began picking up their clothes. Devlin thought of dressing, but decided not to; she'd only take them off in a few minutes.
They met Vince's wife in the hall. "I hope you left enough for some other gals," Roxie said when she saw them.
"I think so," Devlin said. "I didn't scratch him too badly, did I?"
"And only one bite mark," Roxie said, examining her husband's shoulder. "You're getting better, Devlin. He certainly left his mark on your boobs."
Devlin glanced down. She could see where Vince had squeezed her boobs. "I hope they don't leave a bruise or something."
"They probably won't," Roxie said. She looped her arm in Vince's. "Come on, tiger, let's get some restorative fluids in you." She sniffed. "And maybe a shower."
"Only if you join me."
Roxie flashed Devlin a grin. "That sounds like a good idea."
Devlin headed for the bathroom. She felt loose and a little wild. She'd planned on wearing her lace wrap, garter belt and stockings tonight, but that was clearly out the door. Instead...
"Busy?" a man asked from behind her.
Devlin turned. She vaguely recognized the man. She'd seen him before at Emma's, along with the woman with him. He was thin and balding, with a dark goatee, and was wearing an open white shirt and black slacks. The woman, a peroxide blonde, was wearing a short, sleeveless black dress that came to mid-thigh, and enough make-up to make her look garish in the light.
"Well, I was going to clean up, but after that... ?"
The man looked at the woman. "Let's go."
She nodded. "Sure. She isn't my type..."
"I don't do girls," Devlin warned.
"I wasn't thinking of that," the woman said. "I have a favor to ask you, though, but it can wait until later."
"After you and Jack are done."
Jack was a thoroughly unimaginative partner, preferring the missionary position. He came with a roar, letting everyone in the room know. He rolled off right away, and the woman tapped Devlin on the shoulder.
"Can you squat over my face?"
"It's a... a thing. I want his come to drip into my mouth."
That was unusual, but as long as the woman didn't expect any more, Devlin couldn't see the harm in it. The woman lay down, and Devlin squatted over her. She felt very self-conscious; the woman was staring at the most intimate place on her body.
"Um, that's good," the woman murmured. "He must have really come."
After a few seconds Devlin decided that was enough, and got up. She glanced down. The woman's eyes were closed, and there were traces of white on her lips.
She made a quick stop in the bathroom, and headed down to Tim's computer to check on how Evan was doing. After she logged on she checked the box score. Evan wasn't even listed! She'd talked to him that morning. Had something happened? Had he hurt himself? She was tempted to call him, but didn't. She knew he kept his cell phone off during games. She sighed. She'd have to find out what had happened in the morning.
Worried, but doing her best not to show it, she gave up on the computer. Krissi found her shortly after that, and the two of them got involved with two guys. She and Krissi 69'd while the men put it to them. She lost herself in the moment as Krissi played with her clit as the man thrust into her. She returned the favor, and all four of them shared a wild series of orgasms that left them panting and thoroughly pleased with themselves.
Then they had to switch partners and try it again. She licked Krissi to a frenzy. It was kind of fun; she could see the previous man's come dripping out of Krissi's pussy and directly into her mouth, pushed their by the man's cock. She sucked his balls when she wasn't teasing her girlfriend. Krissi wailed through her climax, finally pushing everyone away to lie curled around herself, her hand over her pussy.
That left Devlin with two horny men. She took care of that by sucking one while the other one did her. She didn't suck the guy off. Instead she kept rubbing his hard cock over her face, feeling the strength there, strength that was dedicated to pleasing her.
After the guy putting it to her finished, the guy she'd been sucking took his turn. He liked doing it doggie style, and Devlin clutched the mattress as her feelings overwhelmed her. Her nipples were nearly raw from scraping the mattress, her hair was everywhere, and his cock, his incredibly hard cock, was probing and touching every sensitive spot inside her. She could feel wetness running down her legs, and feel the hardness of his tummy every time he pushed against her.
He came well after she did, collapsing across her. She could feel the other guy get into position again. He lasted and lasted, she didn't. But finally it was too much. It actually began to hurt, so she pulled away, letting a now revitalized Krissi take him to completion.
Afterwards the two of them staggered off to the bathroom, and then a corner where they fell asleep in each other's arms.
The next morning Devlin opened her eyes slowly. She could hear the sounds of passion coming from nearby. It wasn't Krissi, she was still asleep. She looked around. There were at least two other couples in the room. One couple was on the bed, she could hear the faint squeak of mattress springs and that distinctive sound of hard flesh sliding into willing wetness.
Devlin sat up. It was Marie and some guy. She was on top and facing him. He was holding her breasts while she repeatedly thrust herself down on his hardness. Her golden hair was bouncing in time to her movements. Her eyes were closed and her face was set as she concentrated. The morning sunlight from the partially opened window covered her body with golden bars of light. Her body alternately glowed and disappeared into shadow as she moved—it was almost surrealistic.
Around her the house was slowly coming to life. Downstairs somebody was cooking breakfast, and she knew that there was a cup of coffee with her name on it if she just went looking for it. Devlin levered herself away from Krissi. Her legs were shaky, but it was nothing she couldn't put up with for a couple of minutes. She needed to clean up. She was sticky and sweaty from the night before. She had dried come on her legs, on her tummy, her breasts, and somehow in her hair. Holding one hand against the wall she carefully stepped over the other people in the room. Jesse met her in the hall.
"Do you have time for a quick one?" he asked. He was naked and his length was wet and already half-risen.
She laughed lightly as she glanced at it. "Perhaps. I thought you two didn't sleep over any more?" She wrapped her hand around his length and began to fondle him. He responded by stiffening and filling her hand. Soon his length jutted out from him, jutting up at her eagerly.
"Normally we don't, not these last few months. But things worked out for us this weekend."
She flicked the tangled strands of her hair back out of her face. "I'm messy and I need to clean up," she said.
"I've never minded seconds, messy or otherwise," he said. He cupped a breast in his warm hand and began to squeeze gently. His thumb traced lightly across her nipple, perking that little bud up to attention quickly.
"Well, that's true," she conceded, "but I've got to pee, too."
"Okay, for that I'll wait."
She was back out of the bathroom in only a couple of minutes. She pressed herself against his lean body and slowly ran one hand up his chest while her other hand went to his waist. She tilted her head up and they kissed. He was completely hard, now, and filled her hand and then some. Holding him like that she went in search of an empty mattress. Fortunately, the next bedroom had an empty one. There were two other couples in the room. She ignored them as she groped her way onto the mattress, adjusting automatically for the inevitable wet spot.
She kissed her way up and down his length. She was always amazed at how big he got. He had such a tiny thing when he was relaxed, and one of the biggest ones she'd ever seen when he was aroused. She smiled up at him as she jacked his length before rubbing him against her breasts. She liked this combination of male hardness and female softness. She found the tube of KY Jelly that Emma left in every bedroom, and squeezed a generous amount across the helmet shaped head of his cock.
"There," she said as she rubbed some between her legs. "All set."
"Roll over," he said roughly, "I want to do it doggie style." She got on her hands and knees. His hand caressed her bottom and then slipped into the folds of her sex to open her. She reached back between her legs and guided him to her, biting her lip softly as the blunt head of his manhood pressed through the folds of her sex and centered on her entrance. He pushed just as she rocked up against him. It took several thrusts before Jesse was in.
Devlin paused, gasping for breath. His last thrust had practically pushed her into the mattress. Her legs and arms felt shaky and weak. As he'd entered her it had felt like a giant wave of heat pressing through her middle, opening and filling her at the same time.
"You ready?" he asked in a rough voice. From his tone she could tell he was having trouble holding himself back.
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MILFChapter 2 - The Aftermath I awoke to a shocking cold and wetness. I found my clothing soaked and as I tried to sit up I discovered my head was throbbing and spinning. It took me a few moments to understand where I was. I was on deck, apparently. It was day, a beautiful blue sky with scarcely any clouds was above us and the sea was calm as far as the eye could see. I struggled to my feet glaring at the stupid sailor still holding the incriminating bucket. "How dare you!" I shouted at him. "I...
This all started one day when my wife was sat on a bar stool. We were having lunch in a pub and my wife Amy decided she needed to go to the toilet. As she spun around her dress seemed to catch and as she lowered herself from the stool her dress rose up her thighs. The lads sat down across from us had a clear view up her skirt and they can't but have seen her panties. This innocuous incident changed our lives. Amy was really seriously embarrassed, and anyone else would have thought that she was...
My wife and I were on a cross country trip on a half empty plane a couple of years ago. The lack of passengers was probably due to the combination of the sagging economy and the time of year that we were traveling (mid summer). We had been visiting some friends in California, and were headed back to Florida. The trip was guaranteed to be long and the connecting flight was many hours away, but at least we had room to stretch out and move around. And since we were traveling at night, we...
Hi, ich bin Stefan und 24 Jahre alt. Ich bin 183 groß habe kurzes dunkles Haar, braune Augen und bin sehr sportlich. Um mich mal wider richtig zu entspannen wollte ich mit meiner Freundin ( Steffi, 22, 175, langes dunkles Haar, braune Augen, teilrasierte Fotze und Megamöpse 80DD ) mal wider in die Therme fahren. Und ich hatte auch vor sie dort mal wider zu ficken, da wir es beide total geil finden es auch an solchen orten zu treiben. Beim Sex ist sie für sehr vieles zu haben, sie bläst total...
She started to give him shivers and I always loved to way she is. She is none other than my own mom who is my girlfriend for 18 years. I just want to fuck and at any cost and In this lust my padosi giri helped me. He is a big fucker of girls / ladies and he too have a lust to my mom Gaand and her hairy pussy. She is 45 year lady and fairly Good look and having a very fair complexion. Adding her beauty is two juicy pink lips and two round shaped boobs whereas Giri is six 5’8 robust guys and...
Incest________________________________________ A mother kangaroo stood absolutely still in the moonlit forest, watching her child play in the bushes in front of her. The mother would gently pull the roo back every time he got too far away. She was watching him carefully when a loud pop startled her. The joey hopped back over to his mother and jumped into her pouch. They hopped away quickly, not noticing the man who had just appeared a few meters away. The man swore under his breath...
As I opened my eyes, there are Jenny's shins just inches away. Last night and yesterday came flooding back to me. Jenny, my petite 17 year old daughter and my lover for over 6 months, naked in my bed. Sky, my elder daughter, Jenny's half sister due to an affair I had over 19 years ago, asleep in the bedroom next door. They met for the first time yesterday and twice managed to kiss and fondal each other without my knowledge. Jenny told me all this as she sucked my cock the moment we were...
IncestSo, this actually happened yesterday. I met him on line, on a site called Fetlife. And he's all top. And I'm...not. So you know right there that the story is headed for a kinky little twist or two. I'm an out, transgender woman. Most tell me I started at hot, but then about a year or so ago, after allowing estrogen and spironolactone to reshape my body and my mind (yes, it did) I decided that I needed a little more up top. And with the help of a talented surgeon, one morning last...
Hello, guys, I’m Raj with my next recent experience. I didn’t want to make you all wait. So here we go. Six years of foreplay was only increasing the sex desire with Nima. But it was time to depart. I got a job and we got a new house. It was quiet away from Nima’s home. And even Nima got a job. We were not able to stay in touch as I was on a rotational shift and she was a working in regular work timings. We never had the habit of texting or calling over the phone as we had all direct contact....
It was late summer, on a Friday afternoon, after a long week, as I turned into my driveway, and there was Sonya, playing a solo game of basketball with the hoop over the garage door. The weather was still warm, and she was wearing a pair of denim shorts and a pink sleeveless top, and as she jumped gracefully into the air to take a shot, I thought, She moves just like her mother. She put the ball straight through the hoop, caught it on its first bounce off the concrete, and then turned to...
TabooMelissa came over right from work, and she looked gorgeous, as usual. She's a tall, thin blond with deep green eyes, creamy light olive skin, and beautiful perky breasts with big brown nipples. We went out to get some dinner, and ended up drinking two bottles of wine. By the time we left we were talking quite suggestively to each other, and we exited the restaurant holding hands and kissing. We stopped several times on the short walk home to make out, both of us sliding our hands under each...
LesbianIn a whirl of emergency room racket, doctors, X-Rays, plaster casts and hourly observations it took time before Allan and Tracey needed to talk about the reason he was in a hospital room and she was spending the night beside him in a hospital recliner."Had you been there for long before you fell," Tracey asked. "Not long, only a few seconds." he mumbled."Long enough though. God I feel stupid.""Don't mum. Lots of women use toys, it's OK.""Did you hear what I was saying?""No not really," Allan...
Brandi Backs Herself Into A Corner.#9 Brandi was really having a hard time adjusting to not having her son living at home. What was killing her the most, she knew it was her fault. Something she did in the past came back to bite her(sl**ping with a s*******n year old high school boy, Craig). She came to me and asked if I would help her stop drinking. I told her, ‘While I was at home, there would be know problem, but when I wasn’t there she better get Ellen to help her.’ People change when...
On the last Saturday of the month the senior cheerleader squad headed to Tonya's house for their regular sleepovers, and Brittany couldn't wait. Of all the parent's houses, it was a preferred destination for all of them.Tonya's basement resembled a nightclub complete with shag carpet, video games, pool table, recessed lights and of course a bar. Tonya's dad had disabled the beer taps and locked up the liquor, but the soda dispenser still worked and the girls were invited to help...
TabooDavid and I were sitting in our lounge one Saturday evening having a glass or two of wine whilst chatting and watching TV. Just then the doorbell rang and we both stopped mid sentence and looked at each other. Who the hell is that at this time of night I asked. It wasn’t that late being just gone ten but late enough to not be expecting callers. I’ll get it David said jumping up rather enthusiastically which was out of the ordinary for him. I could just make out the sound of men’s voices and...
Desiree’s P.O.V I moaned and rolled over in the extremely comfortable hotel bed. As I rolled, my head came in contact with a hard chest. I peeked through one eye and looked up to see a peacefully sleeping Justin. A soft smile etched its way onto my face as I remembered who I was with and why I was here. -F.B- I was cuddled into Justin’s side as we rested on his couch watching TV. ‘So, your birthdays coming up.’ Justin suddenly spoke. ‘Oh really? I didn’t even know.’ I spoke...
Veronica didn't get home till late. She had hung around the office long after Karl Bennet had left. She needed the time and peace to think. What was she going to tell Stan? There didn't seem to be anything she could say. She felt guilty, damned guilty, over loving the feel of Bennet's cock racing in and out of her wet pussy that morning and then later when she had confronted him with the knowledge he and Mary Ellen had been fucking. In all fairness, Bennet probably wouldn't have fucked...
This is a sequel to my wife’s first cheat. Best read that first. Thanks.after receiving my blessing so to speak to her infidelity Chris was very active with extra marital sex, and sometimes with two guys at the same time. This was good, our sex life had lost its early excitement and the stories she had to tell spiced things up and I was now already hooked on sloppy seconds (or thirds?)after she she had returned home from a quick shag in the grass, she told me the same guy had come round to the...
As the woman sat on her porch rocker, she thought back to a particular day. Was it 1951 or possibly 1952? She couldn’t remember all that well but what she did recall was the day and the moment he did what he did. Her best friend and her were about to turn 20 years old. They had the same date of birth too. She smiled once she started to recall the events of that day. While slowly rocking on the porch rocker one day, she relaxed and sat back. Her and her friend Elaine seemed inseparable,...
August 1981, Milford, Ohio I kissed Stephanie on the cheek and headed out to my car, taking my overnight bag with me. I drove to Bethany’s house to pick her up. She was wearing the exact same dress she’d worn for our first date Freshman year, and if anything, it looked even better on her now. We headed downtown to The Maisonette on 6th Street. When we arrived, the valet took my car, something I was getting used to, but still didn’t particularly like. We walked inside and were greeted by the...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I couldn't say a word as all I could do was stare at Sheila. Shaking my head I tried to wrap my mind around what I'd seen. {I love you Roger. Please don't leave me.} She loved me? How was that... I stopped as I remembered just how complex the emotion program had become. I tried to say something though I seemed to still be in shock somewhat. True I had started to feel something for her but love?!...
It was a tolerably warm winters morn in Cartlebury in the lower latitudes of England just before the great war with Napoleon. The nobility were assembled in the yard at the Fox public house ready for the Fox hunt to commence. The Lord Cartlebury and his ilk in their red jackets on fine steeds, the lower orders in black on ordinary steeds, and the lower orders afoot. Into this situation rode our heroes. Miss Jacobs, the body of an angel, beautiful blue eyes, long blonde hair, a heart of...
I'm going to try to translate -with google translate, there must be a lot of mistakes, my apologies- my first (still there's not a second one) experience in the dunes of Maspalomas (if you don't want to read at the end there's a summary):I'm on top of a dune, I have two options: in front I have the sea and people enjoying a day at the beach, behind me the area with trees and bushes, area of vice and perversion. I doubt, what do I do, go or don't go, after I don't know how many minutes of doubt...