dukes mound brighton uk true story
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By the end of 1753, The Grand Duke was becoming increasingly concerned about the disappearance of the Cult of the Ancients. Their absence meant an end to the vaccination campaigns against smallpox and other illnesses. The mortality rate among the villages due to lack of medical services already was worsening, according to reports he was receiving. Contemporary European medical practices that had been discredited in the Duchy, such as bleeding, were making a comeback in some areas of the country. Meanwhile, the True Believers were encouraging their adherents to accept sickness as punishment from God and turn away from medical treatment altogether. The True Believer priests gleefully filled the void of medical services with the idea that physical suffering was the result of Divine Judgment for sin and idolatry, and for the Duchy’s refusal to submit to the Roman Church.
The Grand Duke pondered how to confront the deteriorating situation of public health in the Duchy and counteract the ignorance being spewed by the True Believers. He had seen the horrid conditions in neighboring countries and did not want his realm to resemble the rest of Europe. The Cult of the Ancients had been the main reason the Duchy’s people were relatively healthy. Well, the Cult was now gone, so their services would have to be replaced. Replaced by whom?
The ruler first considered trying to convince the Prophets of the Old Believers to fill the void left by the Followers of the Ancients. Their attitude towards the cosmos and to role of science certainly was better than that of the True Believers. However, relying on the Old Believers to expand their activities into medicine would increase their control of the Duchy’s society at the expense of the Royal Family. The Old Believers were strong enough as it was, the Grand Duke had no desire to see them become even stronger. The only other Danubian entity organized enough to provide health services was the Crown itself.
Over time the Grand Duke would come up with a solution that would seem perfectly logical in the 20th Century, but in the middle of the 18th Century was a radical idea. Why not have the Crown control the nation’s health services? If the nation’s best medical staff were working under the direction of the Grand Duke, the True Believers would not be in a position to oppose modern medicine, because to do so would entail rebelling against the government itself. Choosing which cities would receive medical services would allow the Grand Duke to leverage support from the town councils: if a town council did not support him, he simply wouldn’t send any medical staff.
The Grand Duke faced a dilemma with his idea: he did not have any precedent to provide guidance concerning how he could organize the Duchy’s doctors and bring medicinal services under his control. He understood that he needed to hire a large number of doctors as government employees, which would involve creating an organization to control their services and travels, pay them, provide supplies, compile records, and conduct medical research. The ruler would need to create a Ministry of Health, but he did not yet understand the concept in those terms, since such a project had never been attempted by any other ruler in Central Europe.
The Grand Duke spent restless nights thinking about the Duchy’s medical dilemma. The problem was simple: the Cult of the Ancients was gone, the medical services they provided needed to be replaced, and it was up to the Crown to figure out how to replace those services. But ... how? The sovereign desperately cast about for ideas; talking to his advisors and sending letters to his ambassadors asking how medical services were provided in the countries where they were stationed.
At the same time he was seeking ideas from foreign capitols, he thought about the most unusual member of his concubine group, the educated peasant girl. He continued probing her knowledge of medicine and alchemy throughout November. He ordered her to assist with the delivery of some babies, including the children of several ex-concubines who had moved to the maternity area before Silvitya was brought to the castle. He was impressed with her skills and knowledge. When workers were injured from falls or soldiers were injured during combat practice, he ordered her to tie her hair and cover it with a scarf and assist with surgeries and setting broken bones. He observed her as she performed her duties with confidence. There was no doubt about it: Silvitya had received training to be a doctor from the Cult of the Ancients.
At the end of November, the Grand Duke ordered Silvitya to kneel in front of him in the throne room and talk in detail about the university in Sebernekt Ris. Then he stunned her by commenting:
“I find it very interesting that you did not start your medical studies in the university. You were an advanced student, which means you were already trained by the Followers of the Ancients. I understand that you traveled with the Cult as a doctor before you ever set foot in Sebernekt Ris. I presume you must have spent the summer of last year in Nagoronkti-Serifkti and Daguruckt-Tok, marking the people against the pox. Before that, you spent the previous winter in the forest, receiving training and practicing your skills. Is that not so?”
“Yes, Your Majesty. Your humble serving girl was there, marking the people against the pox.”
“And, I am correct about your winter in the forest?”
“Yes, Your Majesty. Your humble serving girl received medical training in the forest.”
“And, when you were in the towns, you showed yourself to the public and performed your duties wearing a Follower’s dress?”
“Yes, Your Majesty, your humble serving girl was wearing a Follower’s dress.”
“And, you carried a skull staff. The Followers did not let members practice medicine if they were uninitiated and had not received their staffs. Is that not so?”
“Yes, Your Majesty. Your humble serving girl carried a staff.”
The Grand Duke switched to archaic Danubian. He didn’t speak it fluently, but did speak well enough make himself understood:
“Excellent. So, I have, in my castle and under my command, a Follower of the Cult of the Ancients. A witness to the Old World. A woman with knowledge of the Old Ways. And, most importantly, a woman who can train my staff and teach me the secrets of the Cult’s alchemy.”
Silvitya went white and tried to catch her breath. There was no point in trying to deny anything. As much as she hated the Grand Duke, she had to admire his perception, his patience, and his talent for uncovering people’s secrets. Silvitya had taken oaths not to disclose anything about her activities as a Follower. The ruler was well-aware of her oaths, so he gathered information and clues through casual comments and waited until he needed to do nothing more than force her to confirm what he already knew.
The Grand Duke continued, still struggling to express himself in archaic Danubian:
“I know your secrets, but not because you betrayed your oath. You remained loyal to your beliefs and your fellow Cultists. I simply outsmarted you. There are other details about your life that I know, which I will reveal to you when the moment suits me. Do you understand me, Follower Danka?”
“Yes, Your Majesty, your humble serving girl understands.”
The Grand Duke switched back to speaking modern Danubian.
“Excellent. I am sworn to serve the needs of the people of the Duchy and, as my humble serving girl, you will assist me. We will begin by having you tell me about the pox mark. I want to know how the scarring works. I understand there is a paste that you put on the knife before you cut a patient. So, I need to know how you create the paste, what ingredients go into it, and how you prepare the knife and the paste for making the mark. You will first tell me; then you will write the instructions on a sheet of parchment.”
In a trembling voice, Silvitya obeyed, explaining how the vaccine was created, using pox from sick cows. The Grand Duke was delighted.
“So, that’s the secret. Cows. Who would have thought, cows? No wonder no one else could figure it out. Now, Follower Danka, you will sit at my desk and write your formula and instructions in detail. I will re-create the pox remedy, so if you need to add any research or outside sources, you’d best include them in your report.”
The Grand Duke spoke with an implied threat in his tone of voice. Silvitya suspected he knew about her relationship with Antonia and was perfectly willing to use that vulnerability against her. It would be best to avoid risking any mention of Antonia, so Silvitya humbly responded: “To hear is to obey, Your Majesty.”
For several weeks the Grand Duke continued questioning Silvitya, as she knelt on hard stone floors in the cold throne room, with a shivering body and aching knees. He forced her to give up everything she knew about the Followers’ medical knowledge and Babackt Yaga’s research. Finally he sent her into his study to write about the information she had given him. She knew that she needed to provide him with reports that were completely accurate, so she included references to Babackt Yaga’s studies and research, which were locked in the dean’s office at the university in Sebernekt Ris. The Grand Duke ordered soldiers to go to the university and demand the current dean surrender the Followers’ writings. When the shipment of secret documents arrived, the Grand Duke built a hidden annex to the Royal library in which to store them. He kept the only key to the room with him at all times.
For months Silvitya wrote her reports, wondering what the Grand Duke planned to do with them. She answered his questions, only to be rewarded with yet more questions or a writing assignment. She dreaded the thought of the ruler asking her about Antonia, but fortunately she kept him pleased enough that he never felt a need to use that weakness against her. She also wondered if anyone from the Cult of the Ancients would attempt to retaliate for the information she was giving up. It seemed unlikely, with Fitoreckt dead and no successor taking his place, but really she had no way of knowing what was going on in Sebernekt Ris. All she could hope was that she would be forgotten and that the Cult of the Ancients truly was defunct.
Although he knew part of her real name, the ruler continued calling his concubine Servant Silvitya. It turned out he wanted to conceal her identity from outsiders as much as she did, and had no interest in letting anyone else in the castle know that her real name was Danka or that she had been a Follower. He was not interested in protecting her, but instead protecting his own reputation and plans.
Years later Silvitya would discover the sovereign copied her reports into his own handwriting so he could present them to the public and claim credit for the Followers’ discoveries. The Grand Duke impressed his ministers and foreign ambassadors with his “research”, his amazing intellect, and his understanding of science. Throughout the winter of 1753-1754, it seemed that every week he emerged from his study with a new discovery to benefit the Duchy’s people. One of his most impressive works was an account of the rat-plague that struck down the citizens of Rika Heckt-nemat, in which he speculated that it was not rats, but instead fleas, that were the culprits transmitting blood poison from person to person, which would explain why people not in direct contact with rats were still getting sick. He concluded by noting sanitation and measures to control rats (and their fleas) would prevent a similar tragedy from happening to another city.
Drawing upon his tireless hours with medical journals, dedicated research, and amazing discoveries; the Grand Duke set up field hospitals and alchemy labs on the outskirts of the capitol to produce medicine and potions. As the Royal Ministry of Health and Alchemy began to take shape, the Crown hired medical students to resume the Followers’ abandoned vaccination campaign. The Grand Duke’s employees fearlessly entered towns and villages still under the control of the True Believers. Unlike the Followers, they did not have to appease town councilmen or negotiate with clergy members. They simply entered where they were ordered to go, conducted their vaccinations, and moved on. Any clergyman who objected quickly received five arrows to the chest. The townsfolk were impressed with the medical care provided by their ruler, which gained their loyalty and made them more willing to pay taxes and provide soldiers for upcoming military campaigns.
The former Followers of the Ancients were not in a position to object to the Danubian ruler’s actions, claims, and plagiarisms. They were scattered, not in frequent contact with each other, and would have had to emerge from hiding to say anything. The Grand Duke’s claims that the research was his thus went uncontested. As the years passed and the Crown’s efforts to address the Duchy’s public health concerns improved, ordinary Danubians gave praise to the Creator for having granted them such a wise ruler who had taken so much trouble to become an expert in medical research. He became known as the “Great Visionary”, an unofficial title he would keep throughout the 18th and 19th Centuries.
The Grand Duke’s priority was securing the Cult of the Ancients’ medical studies, but he was aware the Followers had some other interesting achievements that could benefit both the Royal Household and the people of the Duchy. Over the ensuing decade the “Great Visionary” would claim responsibility for inventing some soil management and water conservation practices, a cast-iron stove, removable wooden panels for utility buildings, and the introduction of cave-charcoal as a source of heating.
The cave-charcoal was the most significant innovation introduced by the “Great Visionary”, one that would greatly reduce the unnecessary destruction of trees. As a child he had heard stories about the Followers burning magical black rocks instead of firewood. He questioned his concubine about the rocks and found out that, sure enough, the rocks really existed and there were several places in the mountains where they could be dug out. During the summer of 1754, a Royal expedition would locate the Followers’ abandoned mines and bring back the first samples of cave-charcoal to Danubikt Moskt, allowing the Grand Duke to claim credit for introducing the Duchy to coal.
During her internment in the Royal Residence, Silvitya didn’t have much news from the outside world, apart from what little the ruler chose to tell her. Every day she saw dozens, or even hundreds of castle servants, Royal Guards, ministers, scribes, soldiers, and ordinary workers, but she felt unable to talk to them about anything going on outside the fortress walls. The only source of news from the outside came whenever a new concubine was brought in to replace one who had become pregnant. The new girls rarely had anything to say that was of interest to Silvitya, since for the most part they only knew about their respective towns and families.
Magdala continued leading the group and introducing newcomers to the lifestyle and shared community of the concubines. However, her stomach continued to grow, a constant reminder of her pending departure from the group and her replacement with another spokeswoman. The women were not looking forward to her exit, because she had been an excellent leader that kept problems and disputes to a minimum. It seemed that even the Grand Duke was reluctant to pull her from the concubine group and assign her to the maternity ward. She was obviously pregnant and the ruler had long since stopped having sex with her, but he left her in her position until her pregnancy had completed five months.
Meanwhile, Silvitya spent endless hours with the sovereign, bathing him, massaging him, allowing him to run his hands over her body and through her hair, and submitting to his sexual desires. He enjoyed teasing her. He knew that she did not like being sodomized, so he made her bend over and traced his fingertip around her sphincter. And yet, as much as he teased her and silently threatened her, he did not actually enter her bottom. Even when having normal sex with her, he treated her decently. He did not make her participate in group sex sessions with other concubines or overtly humiliate her. He shared his supply of imported treats such as Turkish delight, flavored honey, and dried fruit. He talked to her in a perfectly normal manner, although Silvitya continued to refer to herself as “your humble serving girl”.
It was obvious, to both Silvitya and the other concubines, that she had become the Grand Duke’s favorite. She suspected she would become the group’s next spokeswoman. Assuming the role of leader was not something she anticipated with happiness. She would have to deal with nine other personalities, of young women whose backgrounds were totally different from hers, and keep them out of trouble in an environment that was very stressful and very artificial. Her only recourse was to talk to Magdala about leading the concubines and speaking on their behalf.
Magdala appreciated that her likely successor was seeking her insight instead of trying to do everything according to her own wishes.
“The most important rule is to remember that you are responsible for everything that goes on in the group. Never try to shift blame for a problem away from yourself, even if you feel another sister is at fault or has acted foolishly. Be prepared to face the switch for someone else’s mistake. Make everyone feel included, but at the same time, make sure everyone conforms to the practices of the group. Don’t be afraid to discipline a sister for errant behavior or to correct ignorance. Do you remember how I handled you, when you dishonored yourself at the dinner table?”
“Yes, Sister Magdala.”
“I didn’t strike you or humiliate you or raise my voice at you, but I spoke to you in a firm manner, telling you that you needed to correct your eating habits. You will remember that I told you how to correct them, to go into the kitchen and request instruction. You always need to do that when a sister shows ignorance. Point out the problem, tell her how to correct it, and make her understand that she is responsible for doing what is needed to conform. Remember that our Paths in Life are, in some ways, very difficult, and that we must do what is needed to conform and get along with each other.”
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On the day of their birthday Pamela and Jeffrey were awakened by mouths on and in every special, now legal, inch of them. Charley had his tongue deep in Pam's pussy while Mark had it in her ass and Larry pumped his cock in her mouth. Cathy in the meantime had Jeff in a 69 and joyously sucked his barely legal cock. After Pam and Jeff had their first official cums as legal adults Pam said, "Is everyone ready for my grand opening celebration on the sun deck, I want you all up there." Cathy...
There was a steady rain, not hard, but just enough to make a drumming noise on the motor coach’s roof. That noise was adding to my insomnia, as I watched the clock turn 4:00 in the morning; so much for going to bed early and getting a good night’s sleep. If only Kristy hadn’t got frightened the storm, then I wouldn’t be having these conflicting feelings. If only she had allowed me to put some cloths on before she jumped into my bed. If only she hadn’t scooted back into my cock. If only...
Well hello again and let me give you a brief description about myself. I’m 26 smart looking guy from a place called Malad in Mumbai. The following incident took place a few weeks back, when my mom’s father – my Grandad came visiting home. It was a friday and my dad just informed me that my Grand dad would be coming over from Kochi for the weekend. Usually I wouldn’t mind such a visit, but I knew my dad was going to be out of town for the weekend and it would be upon me to take care of my Grand...
Gay MaleUther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
Graciously edited by Barney R. Tweaked by me; all mistakes are on me. I will admit it. When I found out I was so angry that if she said anything else, I would have punched her in the mouth. My day started out great. It was a Monday, and I had a meeting with my division manager and the company president to discuss a possible promotion. I had applied for an open position to take over our Grand Rapids, Michigan division. If I got it the promotion would be to division manager. I had heard...
100% fiction! I am a 66 year old grandma with a great body for my age. I work out five days a week I am a 121 lbs 5'7" tall nice firm set of tits and ass thanks to working out five days a week to keeping in great shape, long legs and a nice shave cunt between my legs. My husband was very good at satisfying me sexual until about six months ago when he had a hard time keeping a hard on with his nice 7 inch uncut cock, in the middle of him fucking my cunt his cock would go soft before I had and...
IncestJoe and Brian walked into the Grand Hotel on an autumn day. They had just eaten an early lunch, and they were eager to check into the hotel. Since they only booked a one night stay, they wanted to check in right away. They strolled up to a desk in the middle of the lobby. The woman behind the counter looked up at them and smiled. "Welcome to the Grand Hotel," the woman said before she took their reservation. "Have a nice stay. Everyone always does," she said to them as she...
I do not feel ashamed in the least to say that this did in fact happen. It took place this past June. Allow me to describe myself. I’m now 20, I weigh 125 lbs, I have no tan anymore, and I keep my pussy trimmed to a neat yet natural look. My hair is still long and brown, but a little straighter than it was a few years ago. My Grandfather is now 68, in good health but age is definitely taking it’s toll on him. He’s 5’7″, about 160 lbs, and balding with a little hair left. Ever since I was a...
IncestSunday night Kate met the plane when Pop and Peggy's flight returned. She had left Paul and Polly home intentionally expecting it would be hard for Peggy to contain herself after her first weekend off with Pop. And truthfully Kate was dying to hear all about their Vegas visit. In fact her excitement was obvious as she drove. When they came off the plane Kate was amazed at how her oldest daughter glowed and how mature she looked. She could easily have passed for an adult the way she was...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Previous: The Girl Scout-1; The Girl Scout-2 Daddy; The Girl Scout -3 The Tool Man; The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied; The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You; The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty; The Girl Scout – 10 Work It Good The Girl Scout -11 Lights Out Bitch; The Girl Scout-12 Doctor Rosen Doc Rosen laid down on the sofa. Come here girl. Lick your hand and massage my penis. Yes Papa. Ah...
We were in my motor home, camping at a National Campgrounds in the Grand Teton National Park. I had pulled my 45’ diesel pusher in yesterday late afternoon, making the two day drive from Kristy’s parent’s house just outside of Kansas City. I had orally made love with my 14 year old grand daughter last night and I no longer had any remorse about it. I loved her and she loved me. There was no looking back now. I had come to terms with what I was doing to her and what she was doing to...
Do you know of the porn site Motherless.com? You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
GREAT-GRANDDAUGHTER GALIA GETS ''GYMNASIUM": TEN TIMES 'TEN'S (= 'TRIPLE-AAA')GALIA gets a university study -'stipendium' for four further formative yummy Gaia yearned for For four years - funded from E.U.'s 'ERASMUS' enumerations of five-hundred Euri each month Every university in the EU is now open for her: she solicits forms from Göttingen & GroningenDecision is not simply taken so she trusts her intelligently informed intuïtion: - Go North & seeCandidate 1 Lovely looking historical...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on motherless.com likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures SitesRobot Ponygirls Robot Ponygirls?By Sarah ??????????? Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders at PonygirlUniversity were special.? They were the best of the best in the school, when it came to being proper show ponies.? But not everything at Ponygirl University was as it seemed.? Soon, the new freshman class would learn just what life was like at the University. ??????????? Jennifer and her friends got off the PonygirlUniversity bus, and stared at the imposing statues flanking...
Candice went to work as usual and did the normal things she did when she got home. She still had no reflection in mirrors, but she was starting to adjust to her new life. She soon discovered her senses were more acute and her sexuality heightened. She could smell a wet pussy or hot cock a mile away; this part of her new life she loved.Ever since her tryst in the woods she started going to bed earlier in the day and was always naked. Candice soon fell asleep and was dreaming of the pleasant...
Supernatural------------------------------------------------------------------------ Les grandes vacances d'Arnaud ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapitre 1 : la rancune de Maria Dans l'avion qui volait en direction d'Alicante, en Espagne, Arnaud ?tait sur son ordinateur. Il r?digeait un rapport pour son patron. - Arnaud, tu ne peux pas d?compresser un peu? Je te rappelle que nous sommes en vacances! Alex pous...
I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....
Amateur Porn SitesTwo days after letting his grandson take me in the ass, my black neighbor Samuel called me again; saying he missed my sexy body.I told him my body was still aching after so many sessions of wild sex with him; but he insisted, saying he wanted to fuck me again and he would be gentle with me… The bastard convinced me.I had been home alone during the entire week end; so, I had no problem about telling Victor where I would spend the evening…I went upstairs again to Samuel’s flat.The old man smiled...
Ever wish that porn comics weren’t so vanilla? I mean, come on, we’ve all seen comics of a couple of lesbian bitches scissoring a hundred times by now. It’s nothing new. And it leaves fetish fanatics like me craving for something different. I want to see hardcore porn of sluts getting wrecked, but I want it in comic form. It seems like it’s a tall order to get that lately. Hentai has it. Animations have it. But sometimes I want to settle down with a comic and bust a nut that way. I did some...
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