CillaChapter 2 free porn video

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Ann and Danica went with me on Monday when I returned to work. I placed both in jobs to learn their duties from the people who did the same work. I left at eleven to drive Anita to the truck stop. She wasn’t in there long when she came out telling me she was starting work the next morning. She would be using Ann’s car to go to work.

I asked, “Do you want to return to the store now or may I take you to lunch?”

“I think lunch if you have time.” We went into a small diner and sat in a booth.

I ordered a salad for myself and Anita had a bowl of seafood chowder. Anita asked, “You must be upset the way we have all crowded in on you? I’m sorry about it, but Ann and I feel our lives aren’t that important, but Danica’s is.”

“Yes, but you two are important as well. Is there something wrong with Ann? She doesn’t seem happy being here as much as you and Danica?”

“Yes, there is something wrong with Ann. It isn’t surprising given what her life has been like. She had a cruel father and was scared of him all the time he was alive. When Cilla got away from home, we both thought Cilla was safe. My husband heard Ann discussing her sister with a friend. Soon Cilla was back with us and back into a worse hellish situation.

“Ann feels she was at fault for Cilla’s being brought back and ultimately dying. To make up for that, she became Danica’s mother with the responsibility of a two-year-old child. You can tell Danica comes first with Ann and she has felt that way for sixteen years.”

“I would think she would feel relieved now that I’m here willing to take over much of the responsibility. I know I’ll have it easy with Danica at her age. I won’t have to deal with a small child.”

“She should feel relieved, but she won’t. Some of it is because Danica has found her father and is ecstatic that she has. But Ann has been Danica’s mother and she feels she has lost her daughter to you. You don’t think of Ann as being a mother because you have made Cilla into a saint in your mind. Ann is now thirty-two years old. You don’t know this, but Ann has never been on a date and she wouldn’t know how to act if she did have a chance to go on one. You’re kind of in a bind yourself if you think about it.”

“How is that?”

“Everyone will think Ann is your wife because she has your name and of course you are claiming your long lost daughter. That part isn’t too bad except for you. You can’t date anyone because then it would appear you were cheating on your wife. When is the last time you went out and were intimate with a woman?”

“About three weeks before you showed up with Danica.”

“You must be getting horny by now.”

“That’s pretty plain. I haven’t thought about sex since your arrival.”

“I’ve thought about it. Haven’t you noticed I use any excuse to give you a hug? I’m only fifty-four and I still look pretty good.”

I grinned, “Come to think about it, I have noticed when you’ve used some excuse for a hug, but as far as I’m concerned you are family. What about Ann?”

“I honestly don’t know. She may just be scared to try something she has never done. I think she would be okay if she found the right person who would go slow with her. If you haven’t noticed she is quite attractive even if you have never hugged her.”

“I’ve noticed alright. It is Ann that doesn’t want to get close to me not the other way around. I do know she is beautiful, but I couldn’t in good conscience insist she hug me.”

“I agree. Did you force Cilla the first time?”

“God no. I was less than a year older than her and I worried about being in the same room with me. Then, before we went to sleep, I really worried what was going to happen to her when I had to go to the post. She had so little money and no friends. Cilla and I slept in bed together and she asked me to kiss her. It seemed like the thing to do when she asked me to make love to her.”

“I’m sure it was. I’m glad she had a few happy days in her life. I wish you could do the same for Ann.”

“I don’t see that happening.”

“No, I don’t suppose. Say, I think you had better take me home. I have to get things ready for work tomorrow. I’m glad we had this talk. You’re going to be a great father for Danica.”

“Yes, I’ll give her every chance I can to give her a good life. I’m going to urge her to decide which college she wants to go to in the fall. She may have to wait for mid-year because it is late to get into one now.”

“Can you afford to do that?”

“Of course I can, and I will.

“You’re sweet.”

The next day Anita went to work at the truck stop. She came home telling us she was in training and next week she would be working evening hours, three until eleven. I asked, “Will you have to work the night shift?”

“No, they said they would leave that to younger workers. It does pay more, but I’m not interested. If I can stay here I’ll pay board and help out a few hours during the day before going to work.”

Mom spoke up, “You’ll never have to pay board.”

“That’s not fair. My family dropped in on you people here and I don’t expect to freeload off you.”

I broke in. “Mom, let me settle this?”

“I guess you are right. It is your house, anyway and you pay me to keep your pigpen of a house clean.”

I grinned, asking Anita if she thought my house was dirty when I brought her here the first time. “No, everything shined. Upstairs in your bedroom it was spotless and picked up. I heard you say to your mother that she hadn’t been upstairs in the rooms for several months where you put us, so I doubt you kept that dirty of a house.”

“She found you out, didn’t she Mom? Anita, maybe you and Ann can buy the groceries and cook for me if you’d like. That will be enough. Remember here, Dan rules.” Everyone laughed. I always offered to help around the house, but I never had to do anything. I knew people like Anita expected to pay their own way and I would make sure it was infinitesimal. I could return it as Christmas or birthday presents anyway.

Ann, Danica, and I rode to work in my car. Danica always rode in front with me. I opened with a discussion about Danica going to college in the fall. “But Pop, I’ve just found you and I don’t want to leave you. I don’t want to leave my mom or my two grandmothers either. Why do you think I should?”

“Because it would be a good experience for you. You need a social life. I haven’t heard you say you did any dating or have been going out much. Did you go to your senior prom?”

“No, no one asked me. Mom said I didn’t need to go and get pawed and maybe get raped or something. I’ve never had any close friends. The kids that I hung around with didn’t either.”

“Do you have any social skills at all?”

“Who needs them?”

“You do. We’ll begin next week. We’ll go out to dinner at least once a week. Can you dance?”

Wistfully, “No.”

“Okay, your mother and I will sign us all up to learn how at a studio I know. I’ll be your partner. There will be a few old people there who have retired and wanted to learn how and never had the time. It will be fun for all of us. Sometimes they’ll be some kids of your age too. It’ll get you comfortable doing something you’ve never done before.

Danica turned around and faced her Aunt, “Please, can we Mom? I want to learn so badly. I’ve never seen you dance and you can learn too. I’ll bet Pop is a great dancer.”

“We’ll see. I won’t promise I’ll go. Dan and I will discuss it tonight.”

That night Ann waited until Danica had gone upstairs before she brought up the subject of dancing. “Dan, I don’t want to learn to dance. I can’t think of a reason where I would need to know how.”

“I can think of a reason. You’re always going to be Danica’s mother. When she gets married, we’ll be giving her a nice wedding. They’ll be a lot of dancing at that time. If you don’t know how, you will be disappointing our daughter terribly.”

“Oh no, I’ll just tell everyone I’m her aunt and won’t have to.”

“Ann, tell me; have you ever been to a wedding of any kind?”

“A couple in front of a justice of the peace.”

“That’s no wedding, that’s just a marriage. Ann, tell me why you don’t want to learn?”

“Alright, I’ll tell you. I don’t think I can stand to have a man touch me, even you. You notice I have never let you hug me. I like you and I think you are a wonderful person and I know you loved my sister. She told me all about being in love and how much she loved you after she was brought back home. But when you get close to me I have a panic attack. I think it was because I was so afraid of my father. Every time he got close enough to hit me ... he did.”

Tears were running Ann’s face. I involuntarily put my hand out toward her. She abruptly pulled further away. “Ann, I wouldn’t hurt you for anything. I want you to trust me. I can’t see why you won’t be able to go to the dance studio with Danica and me. I think you should come and at least watch. I do think you should put some trust in me and realize that when you feel my arms around you if we are dancing, you will feel safe rather than fearful.”

“And how am I going to do that?”

“By letting me work on your problem a little bit at a time.”

“You want me to hug you, don’t you?” There was accusation in her words and voice.

“No, not tonight. You know even while dancing two people don’t get as close as hugging. The man has one hand in his partner’s and with the other placed on her back at waist level. The lady has one hand in his and the other on the man’s shoulder. The man does the guiding of the partner with the hand on her waist so she can follow his direction. Tonight I think we should just hold hands, that is, if you are willing to try?”

I put my hand out to Ann and indicated she should sit beside me on the couch, afraid that I might pull her to me for a hug. One hand came out tentatively and took mine in hers. We sat there like that. I turned the television on and we watched a sitcom. I noticed when her hand relaxed she repositioned and grasped mine again. The news came on and Ann was tense and nervous.

“We can go to bed anytime. Your mother will be coming in by eleven-thirty. Do you want to wait up for her or go to bed?”

“Are you going to bed?”

“Whenever. I’m curious to see how Anita’s first day went.”

“I’ll sit here like this until we hear her arrive.” Ann paused and I could tell she was struggling to say something more. “Dan, would you stand up and place your hands where they are supposed to be when dancing with a partner?”

I arose and showed her. She held it for a minute and then brushed my hand away from her waist. I could feel the panic building in her. “Enough for tonight.”

Ann headed for the stairs. She turned and stopped two steps up. “Dan, I will try to do this. Someday I want Danica to be proud of me. She does know I do have a problem. Thank you for understanding.”

“Good night, Ann. I’m proud of you already.” Ann looked tired in the morning. I’ll bet she didn’t sleep much last night thinking about the lesson I had given her. When we got into the car to go to work, I positioned the rearview mirror where I could glance back at Ann. She smiled when she saw me looking in the glass.

My father gave Ann a desk and a computer. “I’ll show you as I have time.” He asked her to study how we controlled our inventory. “Sarah will give you the books and you can study them for now until I get back to you.”

Danica wanted to be at the front counter working one of the registers and I placed her there with the two other clerks. I charged Mary to teach Danica how to operate the register and how to treat a customer when they came to pay for their merchandise.”

I knew many of my customers by their names and joked with most of them if they weren’t in too much of a hurry. I was also the one who the clerks came to with questions if they had been asked for or about something. We special-ordered items if we didn’t stock it. There were always a million things for me to attend to.

I went by the front register near noon and asked Danica what she wanted for lunch. “Whatever you have, will be good.”

“Go upstairs and ask your mother what she would like. Get me a Greek salad with double Feta cheese and double Jalopenos. You might not like something that, but I’m addicted. Get a grinder or sandwich if you like, and get whatever Ann wants. We have bottled water, coffee and tea from the machines in the break room. The sandwich shop is down the street on the right. Here’s money. We’ll eat as soon as you get back.”

“Gotcha, Pop, I’m on the way.” I watched her run up the stairs.

“That new clerk called you Pop. That’s kind of disrespectful for a new hire.”

“No, Mary, she is allowed because she really is my daughter. She knew she had a father somewhere for years and when she was able she began searching for me. She found me a few weeks ago. Her aunt and grandmother are staying with me at present. Her mother passed away when Danica was a small child and she was raised by her aunt. Her aunt is working for Dad in the office.”

“How come you never mentioned you had a child somewhere?”

“Mary, that’s too personal for me to answer, but be assured she is my daughter. Is she doing alright here on the counter?”

“Yes, definitely! She picked up everything quickly without a problem when I showed her how. She is better than most of the young people you hire.”

“That’s good to know. I think she will be going off to college somewhere this fall. She doesn’t want to because she feels she just found me and doesn’t want to leave me so soon.”

“I’d feel the same way in the same situation. Danica has already mentioned she might have to leave, but wants to stay here working in the store.”

“I’ll listen to her and we’ll decide together.”

“You’re going to be a great father, Dan.” My mother and Anita came in just as Danica returned. There were six of our help eating lunch together in the break room. Dad came in and Mom handed him the lunch she had brought for him. Danica spread our lunch at the far end of the tables. Everyone was curious about the three red-haired women.

I was getting ready to introduce my daughter when the person who did deliveries for us said to Anita, “Hey Red, what are you doing here? You served me at the truck stop when I finished work here last night.”

“Hi Jim, I remember you. You said something about the truck stop finally hiring some good looking help. I took it you were referring to me.”

“I was and I haven’t changed my mind. I donno, but I guess good looking red- haired women come in three’s and all are equally as beautiful.”

I cautioned, “Jim, don’t go too far with your comments. The lady you are speaking to is my mother-in-law and her name is Anita, but I guess you have already met her. This young lady is Danica, my daughter, and this last lady is Ann, my sister-in law. These two have rejoined me after several years. Danica is on the front counter and Ann is working upstairs. You’ll be hearing Danica calling Ann, Mom because after her mother died she has raised my daughter for me.”

“I didn’t know you were married?”

“I’ll just say I was in a place where I couldn’t care for Danica. I really don’t talk about it. There was a lot of sadness at the time, but now we are all together and I feel blessed.”

“I should think so.”

I sat down and opened my salad. It wasn’t long before everyone except my family left. Mom said quietly, “You handled that well. In about ten minutes everyone in the store are going to know who your new help is.”

“Yes, and if I want to date someone, I can without Anita worrying people will think I was cheating.”

Anita came back with, “How long did it take you to come up with this explanation about us?”

I laughed, “Just about all of last night. If anyone asks why Ann has the same name as mine, I’ll just say Ann is my sister-in-law and let them draw their own conclusions. Is that okay with you, Ann?”

“It’s okay. I lost some sleep myself over what I considered a perplexing problem. You’re free to date anyone now. I’m worried about Mom though, I think that Jim has his eye on her.”

“Don’t worry about me. Jim does seem nice, though.”

I answered this, “He is. He has been working here for more than a dozen years. I think he has been widowed for seven or eight of those.”

We went back to work. At 4:30 I told Danica to ride home with Dad. She objected, “I want to stay here with you.”

“But your hours end at 4:30. Ann’s hours do too. This week I work until 8:00. Next week, I can leave at 5:00. This way the store is staffed with someone from management all day.”

“Well, then you need to promote someone you can trust to become a manager for the last three hours of the day and on Saturday. You and Gramp have built a great company and you both work six days a week and 12 hour days every other week. How much money do you have to have in the bank?”

Danica stood there staring at me. Talk about being surprised at my daughter, and her comments. “Is there anything else you want to criticize me about?”

“Pop, don’t be mad at me, but Gram was complaining about Grampa coming home so tired he can hardly eat supper some nights. You were going to take me some place and teach me to dance. When is that going to happen? Seems like you were going to take me and Mom out to dine because you wanted us to expand our social life. By the way, when was the last time you took some pretty lady out to eat or to bed for that matter?”

I had no answer and I didn’t want to argue. “Danica, go upstairs and tell Ann it is time to go home with Dad. I’ll think about what you have said. I’ll be home about eight thirty.”

“When are you going to eat supper?”

“When I get home. I have some frozen hamburgers in the freezer. Search for them, I might eat a couple. Go catch Dad before he leaves without you.”

“Pop, don’t be mad at me. I guess I don’t know how to act around a man or even around a father. I hope you aren’t sorry I found you. I will tone down my criticism.” Danica now looked uncertain. “Please, would you hug me? I do want you to love me.”

“Of course, Sweetheart. You have to remember I’ve never had a daughter up until a few weeks ago. We will find a balance between the guy who has never had a daughter and a girl who has never had a father.”

“Are we okay?”

“We’re fine.” I didn’t get more than the basic minimum of work done this evening. Danica gave me too much to think about. Having a family sure presented a new bunch of situations for me to act on. My thoughts swung to Dad. Was he getting tired? He had always been the one to push me and I suppose later to push himself to keep ahead of me.

I drove the Caddie into the garage and went into the kitchen. The table was set for three. Ann said as she was taking off her apron. “I hope you like spaghetti and meat balls or I can get you a frozen burger if you would prefer.”

“Spaghetti is good. I’m not used to hot food when I work nights. I see my life is going to improve. That is if I don’t drive my daughter and her mother away.”

“Pop, there is no chance of that.”

“Dan, Danica told me of your conversations. I’m sure she meant well. I told her we couldn’t just arrive here and change the way you’ve been living and working.”

“Danica did make some good observations and I’m thinking about everything she said.” I paused, “God, you got garlic bread to go with this, too. I’m so blessed.”

“Dan how long have you been saying that?”

“Ann, what did I say?”

“You said... “I’m so blessed.”

I went quiet, trying to remember. “Cilla said that often and she would say she had faith, too.” I glanced up seeing tears trickling from both of their eyes. Danica came stood behind me where I was sitting and put her arms around me.

Ann said, “When there was even a small glimmer of happiness for Cilla that is something she would say. You may not have been with her long, but I know you loved her very much.” Surprisingly Ann came and rested her hand on my shoulder and gave me a little squeeze. The moment passed and we resumed eating.

When Danica and Ann started picking up the table, I said, “I’m going around and see Dad and Mom. I won’t be long. Thank you both for the wonderful supper. It had a hamburger beat all to hell.”

I walked around to my parent’s door and Mom let me in. “Your dad is asleep on the couch. Is this important?”

“Yeah, I think so. God I’m full. Spaghetti and homemade meatballs, garlic bread and strawberry shortcake fills a man up.”

“Dan, Dad came home and said your two girls didn’t say a word all the way home. Did you upset them in any way?”

Same as Cilla
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Fucked My Sexy Dance Partner In A Club

Hello Friends! I am Chahat Khanna. I am back again on this platform with another of my sexual escapade. Let me start with a brief description of myself. Chahat Khanna, height 5’7″, fair complexion, big eyes. I have been blessed with 34 size boobs and a 24 inches waist carved on a base of 34 inches with a glowing milk tone. Not boring you any longer, I will start with my story straightaway. I was always interested in extracurricular activities and dancing was one of my biggest passions growing...

3 years ago
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Nightmare HolidayChapter 18

Fran paced the length of the tiny room half a dozen times after Manuel left. Clenching her fists tightly had left her knuckles a flat white color. She was chewing on her lip fiercely. "Fran," Renee whispered. "Untie me." The blonde girl paused in her pacing. "When's he coming back, Renee?" she asked tearfully. "I don't know. Hurry and untie me and maybe we can get out of here." Instead of complying, Fran sat down next to Renee and laid her head on the younger girl's soft...

3 years ago
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Pleiades Pleasure Planet

I have the best job that any man can have! I train teenage girls how to have sex.Early in the twenty-fourth century, five-hundred people from Earth setup a colony on an oxygen-rich planet in the Pleiades (M45) constellation. Over the next hundred years, their population grew to over fifty-thousand people.I grew up on that planet, which has now been named the Pleiades Pleasure Planet. We are a completely hedonistic society, which means that all the females are available for sex at any time. We...

1 year ago
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You vs Your Bully Your Crushs Heart

You and Tori relax by the fireplace after a day of adventure and romance. Her tired smile speaking a thousands words directly to your heart. You wrap your hands around her beautiful body. "I love you, Adam." "I love you too, Tori." You go in for a kiss and- You wake up to the sound of your alarm screeching. You turn it off and let out a frustrated groan. Why do dreams always end at the best part? You ponder this mystery as you get ready to start the day. In case you have somehow forgotten who...

3 years ago
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Living LargeChapter 17

Bob flew Jenny home on Sunday evening after spending the day on a rented sailboat. After such a wonderful weekend, Jenny was walking on air. While she was disappointed that Bob was going out of town again, in one way, it was good. It would give her time to think. She knew that she liked Bob more than she should after such a short time. Yet, she had a lot of things she wanted to do with her life and she wasn't sure she wanted to be in a committed relationship at this time. She thought that...

2 years ago
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Animal Farm

You awaken in the bomb shelter on the farm where you grew up, for a minute not knowing where you are. Then the realization comes to you, and you begin to remember. The radio crackling, signalling what was going on, the massive explosions everywhere. Every country had speculated that someone else had started it, but now that was all academic. From what you can tell, you might have been the only survivor of World War III...or whatever the heck happened. Still, according to your giger counter,...

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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 17

A stunned Andy collapsed into a chair at the kitchen table. Brenda and Maria joined her, trying to patiently wait for Andy to regain control of her emotions and tell them what’s going on. After almost five minutes of complete silence Maria went to the refrigerator and brought back three cold beers. Almost by reflex Andy reached out and picked up the bottle. After taking several swallows she took a deep breath, and just seemed to melt back into the chair. Suddenly she sat up. Her eyes were no...

2 years ago
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Stephanie not exactly cheating

My name is Stephanie I am 31 years old. I am born and raised in Chicago but have a Middle Eastern background (Lebanese to be specific). I am 5 foot 1 inch, about 120 pounds, dark brown hair, light skin. My breasts are on the smaller side, with perky nipples, but my butt more than makes up for it. I am married to my husband Bill who is 39 and he is the only relationship I have ever had. Growing up in a conservative, Middle Eastern household, I wasn't allowed to date or have boyfriends like my...

1 year ago
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How My Wife Ended Up In Bed With A 19 Year Old

This all happened by accident one day as my wife and I had visited the home improvement store. We had been checking on prices as we wanted to change out our carpet in our home. We were in their flooring department when a young gentlemen walked over to help us. He introduced himself as Matt and began to show us all the different styles of carpeting they had. He said he had been working in this department for the last two months. He laid out several choices of carpeting down on the floor so we...

4 years ago
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A visit with Aubt Ida

Before I could actually do anything about my plan to whore for Al, or do any more of the focused sex stuff with him, his wife Rosalie or my old friend Michael, I got a call from my mom's sister, my Aunt Ida: "I hear you and your mom are not doing so well right now. If you can do it, get on the damn train and come up here and see me. You know where I live, right?" That's all she said, but three days later, I received a round trip ticket in the mail for the Santa Fe train that went right through...

2 years ago
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Sexual awaking 2 The cross dressing Journey

Cont. from Sexual AwakeningsAnd then, there were my sister’s clothes. I’d always had an attraction for female clothes. Even as a boy I loved looking at the women’s and girls’ section in my mother’s catalogues. I mostly looked at the underwear. It was exciting to see girls and women in bras and knickers. I loved slips too. They looked so smooth and silky. Strangely, at that time, I had a fascination for directoire knickers and can remember dreaming about wearing them. I also enjoyed looking at...

4 years ago
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My fantasy came true

I always practice safe sex, well except for the fact that when I have sex I have the one rule, YOU HAVE TO COME IN MY MOUTH! My dream is to get this newest guy to get his brother in on this and we do a DP, have always wanted to and I think he will be the one to make this fantasy come to life for me. My other fantasy was to be tied up and blind folded and the last 24 year old did that for me. His name was James, and he was fine! He had a cock that could actually make me cum which is hard to...

1 year ago
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I Was My Sisters Sex SlaveChapter 8

On Saturday, I was able to relax and enjoy my work. I was scheduled to give the combo treatment to four teachers, one of whom was my homeroom teacher from last year at the middle school. I had already shaved her and rinsed her pussy thoroughly in preparation for the cunnilingus. We had reached the bedroom when she started to giggle. I asked her what was funny, and she said, “I just had a thought. Bill, what does it feel like to fuck a teacher?” That question caught me flatfooted. “I have...

2 years ago
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Bar Hopping

Waiting for him to come was something I did all the time anymore, it was getting pretty old, and I was tired of not having my husbands attention. When we first married the sex was so hot we couldnt get enough of each other. Now that he spent all the time at the office, I never saw him, and he never called. I figured that he was having an affair, even though I confronted him he swore that he wasnt, its just something that women know. I decided I wasnt going to stay home on this particular Friday...

3 years ago
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Lises Bar The Dark Night

Ten minutes. Time passes at different rates. When something you are hoping for is awaited, time drags. When you’re in the dentist’s waiting room, time drags then too because you want the ordeal over. But when you are trying to formulate an answer to a question, the allotted period flies past. I watched the clock’s hands and I swear they moved faster than normal. I could think of nothing but what was on the other side of that door. Twice I stood, preparing to leave, to fly away. Something deep...

1 year ago
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Tushy Kenzie Reeves My Second Anal Confession

After Kenzie lived out a fantasy session with her outrageously sexy neighbor, she is working hard at college. She loves the freedom, and it is everything she hoped it would be. When she applied, she didn’t have the greatest grades in the world but she was hoping she could transfer her major with her foot in the door – but it hasn’t been that simple. She knows she has to come up with a plan to get what she wants – a recommendation from one of her professors. It is time to...

3 years ago
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Daniels Passion3

I stepped into the shower and washed allowing the water to soothe my pain, as I finished, it was then that I noticed there was no towel for me to dry off with. I had to walk over to the door dripping wet and open it partly and call out '...I need a towel...' The girl answered '...that ain't no way to talk...' Charlie chimed in '...telling him what to say gurl...' She answered '...say "honey, I need a towel"...' Charlie, Daniel and the girl laughed again. Charlie cautioned ' better do as...

2 years ago
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Gossip City Chapter 1 Revenge of the Kindhearted

In this segment, Mayor Meg helps Gina, (an innocent girl, accused of sluttiness, who had been framed by an actual slutty bitch) escape from prison. There have been many times in my life, when I found myself dreaming of a world without bitches. Then one night, I woke up from one of those dreams, and had an epiphany. I sat up in bed, and an invisible light bulb, as bright as a helicopter search light went off above my head. "What if all the raving bitches could all be contained in one place?" I...

1 year ago
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Lady in Red Ch 16

School was scheduled to reopen Wednesday morning, one week after the attack. Steve had managed to cut off his bandages by himself that morning and limped to the shower to prepare for the day. He was doing his best to soap up his upper body when he felt hands stroking his back! He swung around in surprise to find a naked Gwen standing behind him. Trying to remain cool, he slowly ran his gaze over Gwen’s body. His eyes lingered on the Y created where her long legs came together. Then he moved on...

1 year ago
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My Hotel Crush

This is story about my hard crush on the breakfast lady and Front desk clerk at my hotel. The people are real I don't know about there names. I stayed at this hotel and a crush on them that's it. The hotel is real and the employees I am 19 and the Black Lady 25 Front desk 23 The hotel I'am talking about is the comfort suites in North Charleston SC on Ashley phosphate Rd I checked into the hotel with my family that night. At the front desk was , she a athletic looking body. Also a nice ass, She...

Group Sex
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My Best Friends Dad

It was Friday and me and my best friend had been shopping all day. It was her eighteenth and we were having a girly day and girly night in with our friends. We had bought new outfits and jewellery. We had also bought some sexy outfits to wear for our boyfriends. When we got back to her house we ran upstairs to her room."Let's try these sexy outfits on for each other before everyone gets here for the sleepover," I told her."Good idea, here's my camera take some pictures," she answered.We both...

2 years ago
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A day at the river

  A day at the river.       I’m an ordinary guy in my thirties to whom nothing real dramatic has ever happened, but one particular afternoon drive in the car put an end to all that.   I was sick and tired of looking after the kids while my wife worked and needed a break from them, so I decided to take a drive in the country to clear my head. Having the kids on your own all the time tends to drive you fucking nuts. Just ask any single mum. To pretend that I was actually entitled to some...

1 year ago
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Dating my daughter 8211 Part 7

Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next. I jumped into the shower immediately once the girls went shopping. I cleaned my dick which was soaked in my cum. Elena is feisty, I need to be careful around her. I couldn’t...

4 years ago
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Doc and the French WhoreChapter 13

The untimely demise of my beloved Kate was still fresh on my mind despite the fact I was currently bedded down with my pregnant Mormon lady Hilda and the new addition of Miss Linda Madison late of Saint Louis. She was just recently orphaned when her daddy the retired judge had been back shot by a cowardly unknow gunman on the street below our hotel window. My Hilda took an instant liking to the young female and had already tasted her fresh feminine juices as I availed my self of her tight...

1 year ago
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Echoes of the Black KnightChapter 3

"My father was the Black Knight." The words echoed in my head. I couldn't focus on anything, could barely hear her carrying on talking about her childhood. I never knew I'd had any children. Call me an idiot. I'd been having sex with thousands of women over nearly fifty years, of course a few of them would have had children from it. It's just that I'd never met any, never heard of any. And now my daughter was sitting in front of me and I couldn't even acknowledge her. I found...

4 years ago
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Fucked News Paper Hawker

Readers I am Muhammad Ali from Pakistan, this is my first story although I am regular reader of ISS but never wrote. Little bit bout me first, I am 28 years old strong built and good looks. A strange thing bout me is I never enjoyed fucking pussy, I always love fucking ass. No matter it is girl or a boy it is not that I never fucked a pussy but only to the satisfaction of my female partner. Hey don’t take it wrong that I am gay as I never let anyone fuck me, I just fuck young age guys and...

Gay Male
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Behan Ki Thukai 8211 Part IV

Hello, readers kaise hain ap sab log umeed hai ki ap sab thik hi honge aj main apko ussi sachai ke barre main batane waala hu jis main meri pyari behana shelly ki chudai adhuri rah gyi thi hum charo dosto ne meri behan ka chod chod kar bura haal kar diya tha abhi to raat ke ek hi baje the or meri behan ki hum charo te teenteen baar chudai ki thi meri behan ki puri body virya se bhari hui thi usska sara sarir chipchipa gya tha hum usse uthakar bathroom main le gye or shower on Kiya or acchi...

2 years ago
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The Crossing part 27

A PoW masquerading as a woman in Nazi Germany, I was now married and a Countess. As 1944 ended and 1945 began, hard choices were going to have to be made. THE CROSSING - part 27 by BobH (c) 2016 - 62 - It was cold the morning the dealer came to take away Helmut's beloved Duesenberg. I couldn't quite believe what he brought along to replace it. "You're trading in the Duesenberg for *this*?" I said, wrinkling my nose. The car was low,...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Sixteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 16 By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

2 years ago
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Spanking Service for a Housewife

I met the man and his wife at a convenient Starbucks and we made the arrangements. I told them that I required a bare bottom at a minimum. He explained that she was required to remain nude at home at all times so that wouldn't be a problem. I told them that was how I kept my girlfriend as well. Maybe its not as unusual as I thought. This was a good looking woman in her late 40's so I knew I was going to enjoy this. We agreed that I would come over to their house on the following Saturday...

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Friday Morning0

My hand slipped in between my legs for a split second, adjusting my shorts and brushing over my mount ever so lightly. Did I mention I was impatient? With my mind wandering I quickly fell back into a light sleep, I must've been more tired than I thought I was. When I woke up it was about an hour and a half later, the light was still on but it wasn't really dark outside anymore. By now the cat had left and curled up somewhere in the living area. Outside it was gloomy, rainy, just how I liked...

1 year ago
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Halloween Party Fuck

In the spirit of Halloween I figured I would share one particular experience.Back in 2010, I was going through a divorce and was legally separated from my wife. South Carolina had stupid laws to where you must be separated for a year to even be able to file for divorce. Anyway...I was on a business trip in Shreveport, Louisiana. Two of my best friends from Alaska had recently moved down there so for a good portion of the trip I stayed with them. The night I arrived there my friend, who I...

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sonscreen on moms skin

I lost my virginity to a woman some 17 years older then me. My last piece of ass was to a woman in her mid 70's. My entire life I have been drawn to older woman. My wife was 6 years older then me but it was the thought of my mother in law that caused me to nut a second time on my honeymoon. Older woman know what they want and I will all ways give it to them. Maybe because I was raised by a single mom and a sister 4 years older. Twin cousins 10 years older and my Great Aunt also share raising...

2 years ago
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Small WorldChapter 2

"Hi, I'm Tim and this is my wife Jan. We're your next door neighbors." They had discreetly waited a day or two to give the new arrivals time to catch their breath. Jan had baked a cake and now here they stood on the doorstep as the door had opened and a lovely blonde woman had smiled as they introduced themselves. "A little something just to say welcome to the neighborhood," smiled Jan, hopefully, offering the cake. "Why, thank you. How very sweet of you," said the woman, taking...

3 years ago
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A gift from her mother

After finishing work early one afternoon I drove back to my girlfriends house at the time. She was then living with her parents. When I pulled into the drive way I could see that her mum was in but her car was not there yet. She would probably be back in a few hours time if she finished normal time? As I walked into the frontroom her mum was sitting on the sofa infront of the tv. "Hi there..." I called as I passed her on my way into the kitchen. Her mum was cool and we got on real well....

1 year ago
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My Sister My reluctance and my first time Part 2

Here is the second part to the story as I've been requested to make and I’m thrilled with the responses from the first one, please read that if you haven't already. I awaken and while my eyes adjust I expect to see my sister’s beautiful face either softly sleeping or awake staring back at me. I stretch my arms out to feel nothing and realise that she’s not here, but I take a quick look out the window and her car is parked on the drive. I shout “Stacey?” and hear no reply, “Stacey, are you...

2 years ago
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Couple For The First Time

Let’s start with the sex story without wasting any time. When I joined my medical school, I was really looking for a decent girl to be my girlfriend. In my 2 nd year, I got one. And I was in a complicated relationship with her. I don’t know what is going on in my life, I just met that girl 1 month ago. And I proposed her. She said she will think abt it later. And now we used to make out once a day, I knew she wasn’t serious abt this, but I am like let it be. Ok so come to the point. It was new...

2 years ago
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This story, unlike many of my others, is completely fictional. It derives from my story, ‘Rebecca,’ but only in that I received requests for a sequel, a Part II, or whatever. I release my stories when I consider them finished, but this seemed a good subject to take from a similar starting point, through a completely different plot, and end in fresh, new territory. It contains no sex. Things are a little confusing right now. I have decisions to make, some of them potentially life-altering, and...

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Love so much

Raju lay on his back on his palatial bed. He was lying naked. His body freshly oiled and taut after the workout. His big thick cock was erect and throbbing. He had a glass of champagne in his hand and was sipping it gently, savoring the dry fruity taste of and the sight in front of him.Standing over his naked body was Priya, the dirtiest, nastiest slut in the world. She was a cum hungry nasty slut whore who loved to get fucked like a pig. And that of course made her Raju’s most favorite girl in...

3 years ago
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A New Day

It was still cool as he stepped outside the house. The heat would come later when the sun was up higher in the sky. Now it was just a hint of orange on the horizon, the dawn light enough for him to see his way to the vegetable patch. He liked to get out into the garden early. He had his routine. Some would accuse him of being set in his ways, but he found it just made his life easier. Life wasn’t real easy these days. He was in almost constant pain and some days even the simplest things were...

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