CillaChapter 4 free porn video

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Suddenly I realized time had passed and I hadn’t heard anything from Ann. I went down the hall. The bathroom door was open with the light still on, but my door was closed. I opened it and went inside seeing her on the bed. Ann had removed her pantyhose and left it on the floor. It appeared she had tried to get her dress off, but it buttoned up the back and she had missed some. The necklace was lying on the night stand.

I finished unbuttoning the buttons and rolled her around so I could pull her dress off up over her head. This left her in her bra and panties. She was lovely and I tried not to stare ... but couldn’t help myself. I straightened her out and folded my half of the spread over her. I then went about getting out of my clothes and put my pajamas on. I left a robe on a chair by her side of the bed. I closed the door enough so it wouldn’t shine in her face and crawled into bed, covering myself with a light blanket.

I smiled to myself wondering how Ann would feel when she woke up. I curled up thinking I would stay awake, but it had been a busy day. I slept until Ann said loudly. “Dan, are you there?”

“Yes, Ann, you’re in my room. If you have to use the bathroom it is across the hall. There is a robe on the chair. Put it on if you want to take your underwear off. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Ann never answered and I could feel the bed move when she got off the bed. I felt her get back onto the bed and ten minutes later I heard her snore. I went to sleep.

When I woke up, I raised my head and Ann wasn’t there. I went to the bathroom, came in and put on some lounging clothes and a robe. Ann was in the kitchen making coffee. “Hi, I’m glad you’re making coffee. I need some.”

“Dan, do you want me to leave? I’m so embarrassed. I told you last night I wasn’t a wanton and then I go out and act like one.” Tears were tricking down her face.

“Ann, there are just two people that know about last night. If you hadn’t had that last glass of wine and drank it so fast, you would have come home, given me a hug and gone upstairs to bed. I’ll admit I had trouble getting your dress off, but that had its rewards. You really are a beautiful woman. That said, you are just as pure this morning as you were yesterday morning.

“Tell me, did you enjoy dinner? Did you enjoy dancing with me? Will you enjoy both with me again sometime? I had a wonderful evening. You notice I can look you in the face and there is no reason you can’t look in mine.”

“But you had to babysit me.”

“My pleasure. Look if you don’t feel well, why don’t you go up and lie down.”

“Dan, I really feel okay. I’m just embarrassed to be so foolish.”

“I said only me and you only know how our date finished up. I’m going to tell Mom and Anita, and yes, Danica too, about how wonderful a date we had last night. Of course if your bed is all made up when Anita comes home, you might go mess it up so she thinks you slept in it.”

“Oh!” Ann stopped everything and headed up the stairs. She was dressed when she came down. I was making breakfast “Sit Dan, that’s my job. I’m planning to have it for the rest of my life.

Life moved on for my three red-haired women. Danica had wheels and she and Sherry fast became friends, she traveling there and spending time with my sister and her family. On occasion she would bring Sherry home overnight on Saturday and my sister would come for Sunday dinner and take Sherry home.

Anita worked steadily and was usually up, getting breakfast for me, Ann, and Danica. She sometimes came to the store with lunch for all of us. She and Mom became best buddies and usually found things to do together mornings during the week. Jim, who drove the store delivery-van, was a constant companion sitting in the truck stop visiting with Anita in the evening. Anita often came home late because they would go somewhere for a drink.

If Anita had the weekend off, she spent it with Jim and his family. She was happy and it was obvious that she would end up living with Jim when his family got used to having her with their father. Always she would urge me to try getting Ann into bed.

Maybe I was wrong in the way I went about courting Ann. It was certainly juvenile for a man my age to proceed this way. I just felt Ann would turn away from me and go back to being fearful of the male gender if I made any aggressive moves. If there was no one around we kissed, hugged, held hands.

I was waiting for the time when I could kiss her and proceed to the point where I could run my hands up and down her luscious body. If anyone was around we acted friendly, but not where they thought we were closer than sister and brother. I did hunger for more and I knew she would come to me and become an ardent lover if I restrained myself long enough. I could wait for the right time. We did profess our love, which gave me hope.

Danica picked her courses at the community college and started classes when the season began. I gave her floating hours to work in the store so she could earn money for her car and whatever necessities she needed. She was dedicated in doing her lessons and I was well pleased with my daughter.

Things began to change between Ann and me. We got to the point where we were teasing each other sexually. Ann would brush up against me at times and I would accidently let my hand drift where there was an erogenous zone. I would leave my hand there until I felt her tense and then move away.

It became a game. We were sitting on the couch watching a movie and my hand was resting on her leg above the knee. Every few minutes I would move my hand a little higher. “Dan, what are you doing? Stop it!”Ann was looking daggers at me.

“I was pretending we were sixteen years old at the movies and you were my first girlfriend. I was just seeing how high I could get before you stopped me. I was trying out some of the moves I used back when I was that age.”

“You actually did that to a girl?”

“Sure did. That wasn’t the only move either. I had a few other ones. Turn the lights out and we’ll pretend we are in a theater.”

“You’re crazy. Of course, I never had a date so no boy ever did that to me. We never were allowed out after we got home from school. Show me another move you made on those poor unsuspecting dates.”

“Okay, but watch the movie and don’t pay any attention to me.” Ann was sitting very close to me. It was ten minutes later when I stretched and moved my arm. “Arms gone to sleep. Okay if I put it behind you?”

“I guess.” Ann was really watching the movie. I put my arm up behind her with my hand resting on her shoulder. I waited a few minutes and then snuggled her a little closer. Another few minutes and then I moved my hand down over in front positioned somewhere near her breast. I gently rested it on her breast.

She knew, for she tensed and then relaxed letting me continue. “Dan, please stop. I really am not ready to go further with this ... yet. Tell me did that work on that poor girl? I mean did you get into her panties?”

I laughed and got up and turned the lights on. “No, actually I got my face slapped. I’m surprised you didn’t slap me, but I was showing you, you missed a lot when you were a teenager.”

“I did miss a lot. Thanks for showing me what it was like to go out on dates. I never would slap you. Dan, listen to me. I’ve been making some plans. What I’m saying is that I know it isn’t going to be long before I’m going to crawl into your bed some night. I want you to show me how you made love to my sister that first time. You can even call me Cilla if you want to.”

“Ann, since you have been here I’ve almost forgotten Cilla. You’re the one I think about every day, all day. Tell me about these plans of yours.”

“Well, remember I mentioned that I had I had a box full of snapshots in the storage unit back where we lived. Can you get a Thursday and a Friday off in October? I thought you and I might go and get rid of what’s in the unit. You should be able to use the store’s van. I’m sure it won’t be full with what I want to save. We’ll get a motel room. I’ll drink some wine and I can have my way with you.”

“Is that what you want?”

“Yes, but I don’t think I’ll need the wine. I’m almost brave enough to have it be tonight. Mom might not be home tonight, but I suppose Danica will be. Oh, I think you should know Mom is about ready to move in with Jim. She told me if she didn’t come home some night, not to worry about her.”

“Why wait until October, that’s three weeks away?” Both your mother and Danica expect this to happen. Anita keeps harping at me because I haven’t seduced you yet.”

“I know, she has talked to me about it often enough. Dan, I want us to be alone where nothing will interrupt us, like having to go to work or something. I’d like to come home and we tell everyone you and I are a couple and are considering getting married. That is if you find me suitable for a wife and you ask me to be.”

“Tonight, I’m asking. Will you marry me?”

“Yes, I will, man who is going to make me a woman. I am pretty scared about it, but promise me when we get started you won’t stop.”

“I can’t promise you that if you say no.”

“I won’t say no.”

“Don’t you want to get married first?”

“No, I want to follow my sister’s path and be just like she was when she made love to you.”

“She got pregnant, remember that.”

“Maybe I will too, but only if you want a baby.”

“God, think about next year at this time, we could have a baby that’s at least two months old.”

“I’ve got you all excited haven’t I? Is it the thought of me having your baby?”

“No, sweetheart, it is you. I love you so much. You act pretty excited, yourself.”

“If you only knew. Dan, can I kiss you like I want to and then ask you to stop, will you?

“Yes.” I pulled Ann into my arms and smoothed her hair with my hands. I kissed her forehead and then the tip of her nose. I pecked her on the lips and then kissed her the way I knew she wanted me to. I did touch her lips with my tongue and hers came to meet mine. She groaned. Suddenly she got up and laid down facing me with her head on my lap. I caressed her face and chin and let my hand go lower to brush her breast. She grabbed my hand and pressed it hard on her right breast. With my other arm I raised her up so I could continue kissing her.

She soon switched my hand to her other breast and we kept kissing. Ann was whimpering now and was brushing my hand over first one breast and then the other. I was waiting for her to tell me to stop. Then she grabbed my hand that she was rubbing over her breasts and pushed it down to the juncture of her legs. I hadn’t really been in control until she did this. Now I was, and it wasn’t long before she gave a keening cry and stiffened. No, she didn’t pass out, but every few seconds she would makes some involuntary moves.

When she relaxed enough to speak, “Dan, are you okay? I think I lost control. I’ve never felt so wonderful in my life. I couldn’t stop.”

“I was waiting for you tell me to.”

“I couldn’t and I never thought to tell you. My God, I thought I was a wanton when I got turned on when you kissed me the first time. What must you think of me?”

“I think you and I are going to have a wonderful loving life together.”

“I thought a person had to be naked for something like that to happen. It must be magic or something.”

“No, it was you with so many years of knowing love was waiting for you and you finally found it. You’ve just opened a new book you have heard about and wanted to see if it was as good as everyone has said it was. I think you are on about page ten with a many pages to go.

“Cilla did get pretty explicit when she was telling about making love. I just didn’t know. Dan, what about you, you must be tied up in knots.”

“I’m your teacher for now. I’m fine as long as I know we can finish the lesson together soon.”

“I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

“I’ll hold you to that.”

Anita was home before noon and had to get ready to go to work at three. “So here in the house all alone. Anything happen I should know about?”

“What do you mean, Mom?”

“Well if you can’t answer, I guess nothing happened.” She headed up stairs shaking her head. I walked over and kissed Ann on the cheek. Every day was about the same. Ann and I worked in the store. Danica worked about ten hours a week and the rest of the time she went to school or studied her lessons.

One night Dad, Mom, me, Ann, and Danica went out to a restaurant on Dad’s dime. Dad tried to get Ann to take a drink, but she wouldn’t, telling him it made her feel funny. That was the night that Ann announced that I had promised to drive her to Nebraska to close out their storage facility. Danica stated flatly, “I want to go, Mom.”

“Danica, there isn’t room. Dan has borrowed the store’s van, because there are some things I want to save.”

“When are you leaving?”

“Thursday morning, very early. I want to see some of the people I worked with and there is some things to sell or send to the trash. I wished it wasn’t on me, but your grandmother is working and if I remember right, you have a class in the afternoon. You haven’t missed a dance lesson either since we began. You always enjoy the dances.”

That mollified Danica, and my Mom and Dad didn’t make comment at that time. Mom did, though just before we left. “Dan, I have the feeling there is more to this trip than what you’re telling me the purpose for it is. You can tell me when you return.”

“Mom, I never could fool you, could I?” Just before Ann got into the van, Mom wanted a hug from her.

“You two enjoy yourselves. I expect to hear all about your trip when you get home.”

“We’ll tell you, Mom, most of it anyway.”

“That would be enough.”

We hadn’t got down to the end of the street when Ann said, “Your Mom knows something, doesn’t she?”

“I think so, but she didn’t ask. I never could keep anything from her.”

We arrived at the motel where Ann had reserved us a room a little after noon. We went for lunch at a diner that was down the street. “Do want to begin sorting out what you want to take home that is in storage?”

“We could get a lot of it done. If there is room we don’t have to load it today. I could ask in the office if there is anyone we can hire to truck what we leave to the dump.”

“Okay, I’ll be looking it over and do some deciding. You know except for some personal items, I would have let the lease expire.”

“No, don’t do that. It’s your name on the lease and that wouldn’t be fair to the facility.”

“I know, but that’s what my father would have done.”

“Ann, do you have any good memories of him?”

“No.” I dropped the subject.

There was a very fat woman in the office and I asked her if she knew of anyone that would clean out the unit after we left today. The woman didn’t get up, she shouted to the back, “Doug, go look at unit #77. These people want to get rid of some stuff. They’re paid till the first of the December.”

Doug came out. He must have been the woman’s brother. He was just as heavy. “Anything good in it?”

“I don’t know, my wife is sorting it out, now.” We stepped outside.

“Where’s your car? I’m not walking way down there.”

“She’s got it. I walked up.”

“Well hell, just leave what you don’t want. We don’t give rebates if you’re only paid up that far ahead.”

“I’ll turn the keys in at the office tomorrow then. Have a paper to what we just agreed to ready for me.” Doug grunted and climbed back up the steps and let the door bang behind him. I laughed and started walking. Ann laughed too when I told her.

There was one decent recliner and a couple of straight chairs we would load. The ten cubic foot refrigerator was almost new and I knew Ann and I could load it. I’d store it down cellar to use if we had a party. The rest of the furniture was old and badly scraped up. We would leave that.

Most of what Ann wanted was the pictures for the walls. “Danica used to look at them when she was little and I would make up stories to tell her. They don’t have any value. I found the box of snapshots. They pretty much are a chronicle of my life. I’ll take that box of dolls that Danica played with. There is the Raggedy Ann Doll that father pulled the head off and made Danica cry. I sewed it back on for her. They bring back good memories for me.”

I’d guess Ann didn’t have many good memories. “Dan, lets load these things now. I don’t want to come back.”

“Okay, we won’t be driving much of anywhere tomorrow.”

“And Saturday, too if my plan works out.” We went about getting everything loaded. It only took us an hour and we spent plenty of time wrapping the pictures in the blankets we brought with us. There were straps and ties from the store to make sure nothing moved. I stopped at the office and Ann went in with me. The fat lady made out a paper on their letterhead that stated the keys were returned and the bill was paid in full.

What we had loaded into the van didn’t affect the driving at all. The load wasn’t heavy. I pulled into the motel and locked the van. As I opened the door followed her inside, I asked. “Dinner out tonight?”

“Yes, but no wine. I’m shaking already thinking about what’s going to happen to me. Dan, I have something to tell you and I’m a little worried about it.”

Ann opened her shoulder bag and stood there facing me. She had a paper in her hand. “Dan, by everything I’ve heard or read, a woman’s first time can be very painful and also very messy. I talked it over with my doctor ten days ago and she did a procedure right in the office.”

She looked to see how I would take what she had just told me. “I brought the paid bill from the doctor to prove I’m still a virgin even though you won’t meet any obstruction. I’d be so embarrassed if we had sex and then had to tell you I wanted to stop because I hurt. I’d be so stressed. I want this to be an experience I’m going to treasure forever.

“You’re so thoughtful. I would have understood.”

“I know, but I want it to be wonderful for you. Mom told me you hadn’t had sex for awhile before I came into your life and I’ve been with you for almost five months. I’ve never had sex and I’m climbing the walls in anticipation.”

“I’d wait longer than that if I knew you were waiting for me. Let’s take our showers and go out for dinner and then we’ll have the night to make love.”

Ann acted disappointed that I was putting this off. “Okay, I guess, I’ll take my shower first.” She then began to disrobe. I couldn’t imagine a more seductive show than the one she was putting on in front of me. She didn’t stand in front of me, but moved around the room, folding each piece of clothing. Just as I was heading for her, she went into the bathroom. The door was locked, before I reached it.

It seemed like she was in the shower forever, but in reality it wasn’t long before the door opened and she ran to the bed. She grinned and said, “Take your time, I can wait.” I was as naked as she was and I soon hit all the high spots I thought necessary for a shower. I came out and posed for her. “Dan, stop and turn around so I can see you and then come make love to me.”

I crawled onto the bed and laid next to Ann, she was grasping one hand tightly. “Dan, I see you put condoms on the stand.”

“I did that in case you aren’t protected.”

“I’m not and I’m right in the middle of my cycle when I’m the most fertile. We have a choice to make. Do you want to make a baby even before we are married?”

I couldn’t guess what Ann’s thoughts were. “You tell me what you want. You said one time you wanted children and it had to be soon because you were getting older. You still have many years to accomplish it if we don’t do it tonight. I’m guessing you want to go forward or you would have got a prescription from the doctor and are protected now. Hey, I’m five years older than you. What does that tell you?””

“Dan, I’m so excited. Kiss me, that always get’s me going. Let’s make a baby.”

Keeping in mind that this was new for Ann, I took my time and didn’t push as hard as I wanted to. It was difficult, but I knew it would pay off in the future. Both of us were exhausted, finally. “Dan, do you think I’m pregnant yet. I feel I should be after all of that.”

“Can’t tell, yet. I’m going to lay here beside you and reflect on how much I love you.”

“Me, too.”

Ann stirred beside me after a little bit. “I’m hungry. I’m going to get dressed and we can find someplace to eat.”

Same as Cilla
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So... My wife an I decided to split for awile.... So I was not happy about it... But I have a friend thats I was talking to him about it.... An he asked if I was trying to do something new?? An i said what the helll....... Im into something new... So my friend picked me up from my house...... He took me to an old abandon house!... We walked into the house.... He said why dont we explore this place naked..... So after a few mins of fighting being naked... I said okay buddy..... As...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Kenzie Taylor Sexy blonde Kenzie Taylor gets pipe from her BBC plumber while her husband is away

Kenzie Taylor is so fed up with her husband. He’s never home and even though she got all dolled up for their night out, he cancels at the last minute! They have a plumber scheduled to come over and he just happens to be a very handsome strong black man. Kenzie talks to him while he works and decides to ask how he would treat her if he was her husband, and of course, he would treat a beautiful woman like her right. While he’s thinking about it his massive cock gets hard and she can see it...

3 years ago
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Two Cats in Heat

Athens, Greece. August 2004. "Are you sure about this?" Cat Reddick asked, running a hand through her blonde hair as she entered her hotel room. "If half the things I've heard about this 'Maenads' place are true..." "It's not that bad," Cat Osterman replied, following her friend into the room and letting the door swing shut. "I've been there several times. The staff is nice, the drinks are reasonably priced, the music's good. They've been running special deals for Olympic...

3 years ago
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The Lady in Blue Ch 07

Chapter Seven: Never drink alone Hawk’s point of view The gloved hand seemed to come from out of the darkness behind the door, slamming my head into the doorframe as it choked me. I fell to my knees, sprawling, my head ringing. My gun thudded heavily as it fell into the room and onto the carpeted floor. The glove was black leather. Odd how that came through but I couldn’t seem to see the person. With a second crack of my head against the wall, I fell hard to the floor, stunned, as my attacker...

1 year ago
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Early Summer Second Half

[If you haven't already read the first half please go to my profile and check it out.] ..I was feeling a mixture of emotions at that moment including excitement and fear and curiosity but I looked around and there was nobody around that could see what I was going to do and this man Mitch didn't know me so I knew I could do it without anyone else findind out. I got down close in front of him and opened my mouth to let his penis head slip inside. It felt odd but not unpleasant, just a little...

2 years ago
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Not a girl not yet a woman

Growing up I never paid much attention to how I dressed or how I looked. I wore whatever I wanted while other girls were worrying about wearing the newest clothes, matching them, wearing the right make up. I instead looked like a tomboy; I liked hanging out with the guys. To me it was more fun to run around than be inside reading fashion magazines, it was more fun to watch sports than to watch the latest gossip on celebrities. It was like that until my first year of Junior High. During the...

4 years ago
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My son Ramesh

My son RameshI never thought I can give this kind of present for my son from me on the new millenium. My son Ramesh is working in US and returned home for the millenium. As usual I was very excited to see him. He has been living in US for 5 years now and he comes home every 2 years. He arrived on the Christmas day as myself and his dad went to the airport to pick him. Ramesh was very excited to see us both despite his jetlag and just kept talking. Since we picked him up in the middle of the...

2 years ago
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The Night With My Cousin

My name is Arjun; here i am narrating an incident that took place in my life with my cousin sister. My cousin’s name is Geethanjhali. We are south Indians more clearly from Kerala. I and my cousin are of same age, from childhood onwards we did our schooling in same school; there was a two years gap between us during plus one & two, because we got admission in different schools. I was a bit sad but i was unaware of her feelings for me. Fortunately of we got placed in same college. That was the...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Girlfriend And Her Sister In Singapore 8211 Pt 1

Hi, my name is Sammy. I live in Delhi and I am 23 years old. I have a wheatish complexion and a fit body. I have been in a relationship for 2 years now. As you might know from my previous story, I got a chance to fuck my girlfriend’s sister. After that, I didn’t get much chance to fuck her as most of the times I was together with her and my girlfriend. Last summer, I and my girlfriend decided to go for a vacation. I already had plans to travel to Singapore for my business. So I asked my...

2 years ago
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The Next Day With David

I calmly got off the bed and saw my undergarments on the floor. I picked them up and just put them back on myself. I rubbed my forehead for a moment. "Well, David having sex with his little sister could have made him freak. I certainly hope he didn't, but I guess I'll find out. I wonder where he went." I grabbed my pajamas too, but I didn't put them on. Although, my other hand calmly made the trip over towards my panties. It slithered in there, and I began rubbing my pussy. My juice...

2 years ago
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Weve Got Tonight

No descriptive sexual scenes in this story, as usual. Constructive comments, emails, and critiques are welcome and appreciated. "Last call," I yelled as I rang the small, old fashioned dinner bell hanging on the wall behind the bar; it was quarter to 2 in the morning and Missouri state law said Riley's Tavern had to close by 2:30. "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here." One guy objected loudly, "Who do you think you are, ordering us to leave?" I motioned him over...

3 years ago
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Finding the stash of panties

Sometime ago, I was looking for something, while I came across a box, it was filled with brand new panties in all shapes and forms, they were my little sister's. At first it didn't do anything with me and I continued with what I was looking for. Some days pass, and I'm all alone in the house, I went back to the gold mine and started picking some out for myself. I figured she wouldn't miss any since it were that much. I go up to my room and undress, while thinking about one thing: "rubbing my...

4 years ago
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Why Me LordChapter 21

I left Gertie and the girls at it and rode back home. Stick and the carriage were just ahead of me when I got there and he headed back to the other place as soon as he let his load from town off. I knew I was in for a grilling around the supper table if not before, but maybe it wouldn't be too bad. It was worse than too bad, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Stick was back shortly with Gertie, Faith, Hope, Charity, and Benevolence plus Bob and Roberta. Maybel didn't have to worry about...

1 year ago
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ShoplyfterMylf Shay Sights Everly Haze The Stolen Lingerie

Everly Haze and her stepmom Shay Sights are questioned by security officer Giovanni Francesco after being suspected of stealing some items from the store. They deny everything, but when officer Francesco submits them to a strip search he discovers they’re wearing the stolen lingerie. With this evidence he must now perform a deep cavity search on both of them to make sure they aren’t hiding anything else. Turns out, if they wanna go free without repercussions, they’ll have to service officer...

2 years ago
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Found A Hot Delhi Girl Who Made Me Cum

Hey guys and girls! I am sharing a recent experience in this story that satisfied my cravings for sex, even though I don’t have any girlfriend. Now, some of you might be in a relationship, but you too can derive pleasure (in private!). That mind-blowing experience goes something like this.. Ever since the precautionary lockdown was imposed, I couldn’t masturbate in my one-room flat. The college term was terminated, I was sitting home idle, there was no reason to worry about the career, yet my...

3 years ago
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My MIL 8211 My Wife 8211 Part V

Its been over a week now and me and my MIL have started living a life of husband and wife in the absence of my wife. I come back from home, play with her and have fun and I was addicted to her warm mature pussy. I wanted to take this to the next level, I wanted a honey moon with her make her my own and fuck her to eternity. I never disclosed this to Lakshmi my MIL, buti was always planning for it in my mind. That Friday, I told her. Me: Lakshmi, I want to tell you something MIL : Yes, what is...

2 years ago
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Sammies Photo

Samantha walked through the front door, saw the camera set up in the middle of the living room and signed. Her evening was not going to be as quiet as she had hoped.  She looked around the house but did not see anyone else there.  With a shrug she walked into the bedroom to change. As soon as she entered the bedroom she came to an abrupt stop.  Lying on the bed was a long bamboo cane, polished and shining dully in the low light.  Next to the cane was a note.  She kicked off her shoes and sat on...

2 years ago
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The ASSasin

This is just a short little story I wrote, please be warned though that it is a rather dark piece of fiction and so please keep an open mind whilst reading through it, and understand that it is just FICTION, not based on any real events or truth, so don't go hounding me with burning torches and pitchforks! hehe--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I loved the life I had. I loved my lifestyle. I was living the dream in a paradise like...

3 years ago
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Thicker Than BloodChapter 40

Marbury Transport Systems, MTS was always busy. Traffic at the border was crazy. And I was going crazy. I wasn’t in the warehouse anymore that was a plus, at age 51 I appreciated not having to be moving pallets and inventorying merchandise and tonnage. Oh yeah, dispatching was a way better gig and the pay was a tad better, about five percent better. Still it was a hustle all of the time. Run-run-run, that was the name of the game. The trucks had to move, and move on time. The loads had to be...

4 years ago
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I open my eyes, waking myself from the slumber of my sleep and I stare at the white ceiling. I woke up nicely, as if a kind soul led the way from the world of dreams to the world of reality, dismissing me like an old friend looking forward to meet again the following sleep.Content and still disoriented from the sleep I close my eyes again and try to feel my body waking up. Spread out on the bed like a snow angel I feel my limbs coming back to life as my heart beats faster to pump the cold blood...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Dressed to thrill

I had lost and now I had to pay the forfeit, the four of us never played for money nothing so boring for us. The one who lost his stake first had to carry out the order of the final winner. It was king who won this time,a devious man who played cards well, never yet had he lost first in two years but on the times he won his forfeit was always sexual in some way. This time was no exception but still it was a surprise when he spelled out to me what I had to do. King told me I had to go to his...

4 years ago
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Summers Soles full

My aunt summer is about 5foot 3 petite long golden hair grey eyes andwas around 29, 30 years old at the time working for a well knownperfume store.It was around 9 o'clock when she called me and told me that she wouldbe working late so heat up the leftovers in the fridge.At 13 that mademy night i got the chance to watch as much porn as I can before shemade it home from work. After a couple of hours of scrolling throughlots of big tits and phat asses I saw the glare of her headlights whenshe...

2 years ago
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Lust and Longing

Marcel chuckles into her mouth, feeling her shift, wondering at her sudden anxiousness. Crysta can hear his mirth through her lusty haze and it grounds her, pulling her back to the present. Marcel's sensual assault on her mouth continues. His warm tongue continues to slip in between her lips exploring and titillating her sensitive, wet skin. “Please, please?” She whispers into their embrace, against the heat of his kisses, in the sharp air she can gasp. She pulls away for a reluctant...

3 years ago
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The Munch

It had been a long week for them both. While he was busy at the office doing the corporate thing, she was at home taking care of the household duties. Each had more work than time to do it, and so when the weekend finally got close they were looking forward to some quiet peaceful time together. They treasured the time they spent together; it never seemed to be enough. That Thursday while they were sitting at dinner eating, she approached him with an idea. "Master, may I ask what we are doing...

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Squirting Pleasure

This story was something my partner wrote after our incredible night! Enjoy!’ Recently I had the pleasure of meeting somebody for some adult fun. Her and I have had a few wonderful encounters but nothing like this night. It started off very casual with some kissing and moved very quickly from there. Before to long I was going down on her sweet pussy, showing her just how talented my tongue was. Before to long, she had her first orgasm of the night. But being a person who enjoys giving oral sex...

3 years ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 58

CERTIOK The city was in chaos. People ran to and froe, shouting and screaming. No longer did the wide boulevards of Alkandra feel like a beast utopia, but like the walls of a cage. Windows were frantically boarded, men and women sprinted toward the castle in various stages of undress, watchmen handed out spears and swords without a care for who grabbed them. Everyone was a soldier now, and no one was. “Go to you posts!” I yelled, and began thrusting my finger toward the docks, “Remember...

3 years ago
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First Boyfriend Left A Permanent Impression

First Boyfriend Left A Permanent ImpressionPicture a small southern Indiana community, during an idyllic time. Lots of nice conservative churches, lots of nice conservative, mostly white, families, during the early Sixties. A time that would be before any modern liberation movement for women...or men. Sex, chemicals, and rock N roll are supposed to be years into the future.A sixteen year old guy and girl leave their United Methodist Sunday church service and drive straight out to an unoccupied...

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Adopted FamilyChapter 2

Sand and scouring powder did for the tub. Eventually. The bathroom sink yielded up a porcelain surface. The toilet got a gallon of bleach and a quart of CLR after I plugged the outflow with a bundle of rags with a string around it. While the toilet soaked I scrubbed the outside and attacked the walls. I was soaked with sweat after all that, but it was worth it. It actually looked clean. I wrapped a rag around the tub, bathroom sink and kitchen sink nozzles and soaked all three with CLR. I...

2 years ago
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Seduce My Indian Wife

This incident happened a couple of years back when both myself and my wife were visiting an Ashram in Pune. This Ashram, though people misunderstand as a sexual haven is more of a spiritual and solemn place. You will also come across people who are there only for sex too.At that time we were just about a few days into our marriage. I was about 26 years of age and she was 22. Both of us are good looking and physical fit. Myself about 6’tall athletic and she was 5’7″ slim in excellent shape. I...

2 years ago
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Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Today is me and Rock’s three month anniversary and he still hasn’t met anyone. I think it’s for the best. Maybe after six months. I’m really into him and I don’t want to fuck it up by having him meet my friends. I really wish my twin, Julia, was still living in Michigan. But, she moved to Los Angeles last month for her husband’s new job. My brother troy and I don’t talk as much as we used to, and I my best friend Chrissy is a newlywed so I don’t talk to her every day like we used to talk. ...

3 years ago
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Montania The Aftermath

Steve opened his eyes, hearing the sounds of the birds tweeting outside. The sunlight blinded him as it shone through the window. He looked around his surroundings, before looking down at Alyssa’s heavenly face. His heart just melted at the sight of Alyssa sleeping next to him. He gently stroked his index finger down her cheek, before moving down to her exposed breast. Steve caressed her small bust delicately, admiring the softness of her chest. As he stroked her little pink nipple, a loud bang...

3 years ago
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I Fucked My English Teacher 2

Introduction: This school girl crush is turning into more than that… The next day, I walked into my Media Lit class and sat down. My back still hurt from the day prior. I waited for my friend Jackie to come in. Woah Meg, are you okay? she asked me when she sat down. Jackie…I need to tell you something but I dont know if I can, just as I said that, Mister Laslavic walked in. Hi Megan, he said as he walked to his desk. Hi, I said with a smile. Whats that all about? Jackie looked at me. ...

4 years ago
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Wendy and the Purple Potion

"Don't touch that!" I shouted, running toward her as fast as I could. Thankfully, it's a very tiny room, and I was beside her in a second or two. She immediately put her hands at her sides and turned to face me wearing a very guilty expression. "I wasn't going to touch anything. Matt," she lied brazenly. I simply shook my head. Wendy was a clever woman. When it came to mathematics, no one could touch her. But the woman couldn't lie to save her life. "Well, the vial you weren't...

3 years ago
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A Good ServantChapter 25

They were following the stranger, without a word. By Xavier’s labored breath, Cory could tell the former Ruler of Drena was still in shock. As he was himself. His own pained sobs that he couldn’t control matched Xavier’s hitched breathing. “Who are you?” he forced himself to speak. The stranger walking quickly in front of them didn’t turn, but did reply. “I believe the right definition would be an automaton. Hector was my creator.” “Hector, the one who lived to be 102 years old?” he...

2 years ago
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Chesterbury Tales Pt 04

It is Winter 1966. When five couples find themselves stranded at a remote high class inn by extreme weather conditions, they amuse each other by relating stories of an erotic nature, as well as taking part in all kinds of private and group sexual activities. Chapter Four : The Host’s Tale Emma and Jake shared a table with Julie and Robert, finding them entertaining company, enjoying an excellent meal with a cool bottle of Pouily Fuisse with the fish, and a smooth vintage beaujolais with the...

4 years ago
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Soccer Crush by loyalsock

Great. I was late for class again. O well, I thought as I casuallystrolled to the class I was 15 minutes late for. When I finally gotthere, I managed to find a seat in the crowded auditorium way in theback. Perfect. Maybe I'll get a chance to sit next to Teri. Teri wasgorgeous. She had beautiful brown hair with few blonde streaks. She had afemininely athletic body, toned muscles and all. This was because she wason the soccer team. Everything about her was beautiful. She was about5'10 and...

1 year ago
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iXXX Taboo

I don’t know about you (but I can make a perverted guess about a few of you) but everyone likes, let’s say not-so-orthodox porn. Maybe not always, but it’s fun to get turned on by taboo smut, right? Well, to give you an additional potential resource for you all to look into, I’m going over this genre that you can freely fap to on Number Of Search Results Isn’t Nothing To Sneeze AtOne of the weird things that I find about certain aggregators is that their search results are piss...

Incest Porn Sites
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Becoming a Princess Part I

Well, I figured since I havent posted a story yet it was about time I did. This story is for the most part fiction. But has some fact in it about me as well as partly being based on an experience I once had. Some parts that are fiction will be slightly obvious. But I know some of it could work in reality even if its a little out there. I may write an “extended version” in the future. Or maybe “directors cut” would be a better term. I will be compressing the story because I think if I were to go...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Ivy Lebelle Welcomes Manuel To The Neighborhood With Her ASS

Neighborhood slut Ivy Lebelle welcomes Manuel with opens arms and an open asshole! Ivy watches as her new neighbor Manuel moves into his house and waters his lawn while she’s wearing sexy red lingerie with a black skirt and black stockings. She goes over to his house to offer him some “surprise pie” and on her way out happens to drop her keys to expose her perfect tight ass under tiny skirt. Ivy surprises Manuel the next day when he comes home and find her half naked on his...


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