RayChapter 10
- 3 years ago
- 28
- 0
I actually fielded one more phone call from Alan that evening. Seems he was more than a small amount interested in Jason Ellerbee's personal traits, based on the requests of one of Cindy's new sisters, Susan.
Again I apologized for interrupting the conversation for a phone call.
Helen waved her hand. "Dan, don't give it a second thought. We understand..."
"Oh, thanks, Helen, but that wasn't a a 'how're you doing?' call. That was my old friend up in Tennessee asking about the technician I sent 'im. Seems like Alan thinks the guy is interested in Cindy's new sister, Susan."
"That's the blonde girl in your pictures, right?" Helen asked.
"Yes, ma'am," Cindy replied. "And I didn't know that HE'S interested in Susan. Susan is interested in HIM."
"Goodness," Helen said. "Susan's YOUR age?" she asked Cindy.
"Oh, no ma'am," Cindy chirped. "Susan's the oldest one of us. She's eighteen."
"And how old is this guy, Dan?" she asked.
"I think he's twenty-six or twenty-seven," I said.
"Dan, once she's past eighteen, she pretty much does what she wants. And the age difference..." she looked at me, then Cindy. "What WERE you thinking about the age difference., exactly?"
"She's got you there, son," Charlie laughed. "I can't defend you..."
"I can try, baby," Cindy said, patting my knee. "Susan's an only child. I know, ... was an only child, too, but Susan's mom and dad sort of sheltered her. Everybody's worried that Susan's a bit naïve."
"Oh, that paints a different picture then," Helen said. "So, is the guy a decent person?"
"I think so, from what I could tell. But I'd hate to set Susan up for hurt..." I said.
Cindy jumped in. "Tina and I have been talkin' to her. Tellin' 'er not to rush ... Honestly, she just wants to be happy..."
"Don't we all, baby," Helen said.
The four of us chatted for a bit longer before I excused myself. "I'm still a little tired. I hate to be a party pooper, but I need to shut down."
"I'll go with you, baby," Cindy said. "You're gonna need some help, I'm sure."
"Yes, I will," I said. "Charlie, Helen, you folks have my undying gratitude."
"Son, don't give it a second thought. This is what families do."
I hobbled back up the hall under Cindy's watchful eye.
The adjoining full bath was well stocked, including the medicines I was going to need for the next couple of weeks. Once inside the room, I got a decidedly hot kiss from my young wife.
"That's what I wanted to do all evening, Dan," she said softly. "Are you going to try a shower tonight? I think maybe tomorrow might be better."
"I need to wash, baby," I said. "I feel rank."
"Well, if you must..."
"Do we have enough stuff for a change of bandages?"
"Yes. The nurse sent me home with that bag of stuff."
"There's a lot of areas I can't reach with this arm, just yet," I said.
"I'll help you if you'll help me," she smiled. "First time we shower together for other than purely recreational reasons, huh?" she giggled.
"I won't be nearly as rambunctious this time, little redheaded girl," I said.
We helped each other get undressed. It was the first time I saw the extent of Cindy's wounds. When I peeled the bandage off her shoulder, the wound I saw was a furrow, surrounded by bruising. Her ribcage was barely a scratch, stitched closed. She WAS fortunate. I pondered what might have been with just a few inches to the right.
She'd already seen mine.
"Am I leaking?"
"No," she said. "The nurse said soapy water is your friend, though. And I'm betting it's gonna sting..."
"I'll try not to weep," I said.
"This REALLY is about us getting clean, baby. This time. We'll have a recreational shower soon enough."
We got through the shower. She didn't wince as much as I did. I felt rejuvenated from the hot water soaking the funk off my body. I even managed to shave myself with one hand. It hurt to raise my left arm high enough. I was going to have to work on that.
Cindy's left shoulder was painful enough that I had to give her a hand drying her hair. I noticed the dryer was hers from the trailer.
"Mister Charlie talked to the sheriff's office and they let Steve get stuff out for us. He says it's a mess. But we got clothes and personal stuff, and he emptied out the fridge so nothing is in it to spoil."
"Good," I said. "But all that blood..."
"We'll get started on that, baby. Mister Charlie talked to some people. They'll get started tomorrow. Mizz Helen said the insurance guy's supposed to be there in the morning."
I finished drying her hair and between the two of us, we got her brushed out, then I did a pretty good job of replacing her bandages with a hand and a half to work with. She seemed satisfied with the job she did on mine. We dressed in night clothes, Cindy's characteristic cotton nightshirt and panties, I in my t-shirt and uncharacteristically, in boxers, a concession to the bandage on my butt. Yeah, we usually slept without anything below the waist except when Cindy was on her period, but we decided that wearing pants was a concession to staying at Charlie and Helen's.
The bed was still rumpled from the afternoon when we'd napped in it. We turned the covers down and she smiled as she crawled into the middle.
"Ain't we a sight, baby" she smiled. "Two cripples..."
"Not THAT crippled, little one," I said. "You're still the cutest angel in the heavens..."
Giggle. "You can't sit, you can't lay flat, I can't lay on my back..."
"We did pretty good spooning this afternoon," I said.
"Yeah," she smiled. "We did."
We were able to replicate that position, and it felt good to hold my Cindy in my arms again. I was starting to doze off, the magical scent of my Cindy, her touch filling my senses, satisfying me, when she said softly, "I love you, Dan..."
"I love you, Cindy." The painkiller did its work and I went to sleep. I winced awake a couple of times during the night when I rolled over incorrectly. Still, that meant that every time I moved, I woke up, and every time I woke up, I reached over to confirm that my dream was real, that I still have my Cindy.
Morning came with a soft knock on the door.
"Kids, breakfast in about ten minutes, ' Helen said.
I didn't know how breakfast worked here in Charlie's house. I knew that dinners were generally the work of Eletha, but I doubted that she worked from breakfast to dark.
Cindy and I helped each other dress and then I followed her down towards the kitchen.
"Biscuits and bacon and eggs," Helen said, straightening up with a pan from the oven.
"Those ain't canned," I said. "Those are REAL!"
"You talk about getting life lessons from YOUR momma, Dan? My momma would roll over in her grave if she caught me feeding canned biscuits to my family!"
I winced as I sat in a chair at the breakfast table, but I was able to wiggle half off the chair so I could sit. Charlie noted my pain, as well as Cindy favoring her left shoulder somewhat.
"We can get you a pillow for that chair, son," he said.
"Oh, no, I'll be okay. I need to get used to it," I said. "But thank you."
"Just trying to help, son," Charlie said.
We had a good breakfast. I complimented Helen. So did Cindy.
"Your cooking's better than Dan's, and he's GOOD!" Cindy said.
We went to the park office with Helen, the better to get on with putting things back to normal. Our arrival there was something of an event. It didn't take long for word to get around that Cindy and I were back in the park, and you can imagine that in the two days since the incident, we were the topic of much discussion.
A steady stream of visitors dropped by the office to see us. Cindy was cooed over and hugged and my hand was shaken a dozen times and both of us recounted the story together four or five times.
At nine, a neatly marked SUV pulled up, the sign on the side identifying my insurer. He walked into the office. "I'm here to see Helen Peebles or Dan Richards," he said.
I stood. "I'm Dan Richards. The lady behind the counter is Mizz Helen Peebles, and this is my wife Cindy."
"Okay," he said, shaking my hand. "I'm Will Andrews. I'm here to look at your travel trailer."
"Let's go," I said. "I haven't been in it for a couple of days."
"Dan, I had all the valuable stuff that wasn't damaged put into storage for you," Helen said.
"Okay," Will said.
I stood, wincing just a bit.
"Oh, YOU'RE the guy..." he said, a realization coming upon him.
"Uh ... yeah. I'm the guy ... My trailer."
We took Helen's latest acquisition, an electric golf cart, to my trailer. Will followed in his SUV. Crime scene tape still wrapped the trailer.
"You can ignore that," Helen said. The sheriff said they're finished.
A temporary bar was across the blasted door, and there were four more shotgunned holes in the trailer besides the missing bit of the door. Will had his camera out, shooting pictures.
"Somebody was AFTER you," he said.
"Not me, Cindy," I said.
His eyebrow raised. "Her? Why would anybody wanna hurt HER?"
"Long story," Cindy said.
"I'd be interested in hearing, I guess, if you wanna tell it. Lemme get this finished first, though." He snapped a few more pictures from different angles.
"Oh, by the way, there are three holes in my truck, too. I don't know exactly where. The deputy said there were, though," I said. My truck hadn't moved since that night. "I'm thinking that if you draw a line from the trailer door though that bare spot you're standing in, all the way to my truck..."
He looked down where the gravel and grass had been scraped away, a patch he was standing in, and stepped sideways away from it. "You mean..."
"Yeah. That was the guy who shot those two left holes in the trailer," I said. "They cleaned the mess up."
He looked at me. "The news said there were TWO."
"The other one was inside the trailer."
"Oh. It's liable to be a mess."
I walked over to my truck, looking for the holes. I found them. "Through the side of the bed," I said. I looked into the bed. "And on the inside." I looked across the bed. "And they stopped at the liner on this side."
He took pictures of that while Helen's handyman, Steve, removed the bar screwed across the door. "As soon as the sheriff department said I could, I got in there and cleaned up as much as I could, Dan," he said.
I didn't know that. I was relieved. Still, I pushed the door open. I was thankful that this wasn't summer, because the stench would've been overwhelming. As it was, it stank of blood from three people. Will took more pictures.
The blasts from the shotguns had taken out the side of the shower, damaged paneling, cabinets, much of the tightly packed interior of the trailer. The blast that had gotten me had ripped up a chunk of the flooring. At the living room end of the trailer, there was spatter of brown and greenish grey stuff I identified. I didn't tell Will what it was. More pictures.
He looked at me. "I don't want to think of what those spatters are."
"You're probably guessing, though," I said. "I was on the floor. He was standing. Third shot."
"Ouch," he said.
"I honestly don't think he felt that one..."
He snapped photos of the bare mattress, the brown stain where Cindy'd fallen back against it.
We stepped back out of the trailer. I took a deep breath of fresh air. "What do you think?"
"I think I could be convinced to total it," he said.
"We don't wanna total it, Mister Will," Cindy said. "We wanna clean it up and fix it. That's MY home ... OUR home there, and I do NOT want to be run out of it by two drunk rednecks!" Her expression was one of determination.
"Well, Miss Cindy, Dan ... let's talk about the money, then."
We stood out there in the sunshine, a brisk north breeze blocked by the trailer, and like business used to be done, bickered back and forth. Finally he gave me a number that I liked, we shook hands, Cindy smiled.
"I'll have the check Fed-Exed to you in the morning," he said. "Now, Miss Cindy, are you up to telling me that story? I'm good for hot chocolate and donuts up the road..."
She smiled. "Make it coffee, and we'll be there with you."
Helen looked at us. "Y'all go have a break. Dan, I'm gonna call those people to come bring your trailer to that shop. They'll call you."
We joined Will at the café up the road. I drove. Yes, I could drive. Propped up at a little angle to favor the left ass cheek, and I was careful, but I drove.
Small-town cafes are information centers, and Cindy and I were regular customers anyway, so we were recognized when we walked in on a normal day. Today wasn't a normal day, even for a Saturday. More hand-shaking, hugs for Cindy, one for me, causing me to squinch my eyes when the waitress inadvertently pressed on my shoulder bandage.
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Hiii friends ye meri pehli story h jo 1 saal pehle mere saath ghati. Mera naam arsh h or mai chandigarh ki rehne wali hu. Meri email id h . Mujhe aap facebook pe bhi join kr skte h. Meri email id h . Mera figure thik thaak h. Par mera badan gora hone k karan kaafi acha dikhta h . Waise mera figure h 32-30-34. Or ye b tab hua jab meri shaadi huyi.. Shaadi se pehle mai kaafi patli thi. Mere pati ek company me job krte h or kaafi ache h. Meri har baat maante h. Jo ek saal pehle hua wo mai aapke...
For our next date, I took Suzanne to a movie. As usual, I showed up early, bearing a gift. This time, it was a black halter top, a short white skirt, a pair of black pumps with the standard five-inch heels, and a couple pieces of gold jewelry. Again, I watched uneasiness flicker across her face, but only for the briefest of instants, before she smiled, thanked me, and went back to her bedroom to put them on. By now, she was addicted to the sex, and I could've used that as leverage to get...
The girl who, inadvertently, had caused her sister's defloration was still herself a virgin. Jan had been, at fifteen, an obese teenager like Sally. Now, however, after two years of careful dieting, she was a slender, shapely girl of almost eighteen. The only visible legacy of her former obesity was her breasts which were disproportionately large for her otherwise quite slim body. They were a cause of embarrassment to her not only because of their size, which made her very top heavy but also...
I told Ben during dinner that Lisa had been looking at doing some spring cleaning and could use Betty's help. Ben had no problem with Betty staying over for a few days. Betty did not object. She did seem to be having a hard time sitting still in her chair. Ben even asked what her problem was and to stop fidgeting. It was decided that she would go home first then someone would come over later to bring her back, so she could pack a suitcase. The rest of their visit went well. Betty's dress...
Author's Note: Hello! As always, if you'd like to see more of this, I have up to chapter 22 currently on my deviant art with chapter 23 now available on my patreon. Also, since chapter 24 is the last planned chapter, I'm planning ahead to the next thing I'm going to write and I want your help to decide. I'll be taking a little break from longer stuff to focus on shorts and one-shots until I've got my next long story all planned out. Some of these one-shots will be swap, some won't....
Hi dear friends, I am back with my story’s next part. Agar apne meri pehli story nahi padhi hai toh please wo padhey and apni views mere sath share kare in yahoo messenger . I get so many mails and messages in messenger for my first story from you guys. And you guys were so awesome and comments are also so lovely and naughty too, which makes me wet excited to write the next part for you guys. Thanks for so much love. May aap sabko jyada bore nahi karungi so let’s go to the story. As u know my...
Hi All, This is a story that would make your eyes pop out and question the credentials of the author. But its a true story and definitely has not originated out of any of my "Wild fantasies". I am a 28 yr old guy from Bangalore working in a BPO and belong to a quintessential orthodox brahmin family. I am 5ft 8inch tall,slim,clean shaven with a round ass.I have a vehicle and love riding.I do not smoke or drink and deifnitely no dope. 27yres of my life I have been a virgin untill this fateful...
This is about an older woman that I see very often at the gym, at least once a week.I just like looking at her naked form.She is the kind of woman who has no shame when it comes to her body. She floats through the locker room in only a towel - not wrapped around her body, but her hair. She would stand under the hairdryer, back arched, pushing her perfect breasts into the air as she ran her fingers through her long hair.I envied her, to say the least, and often fought my urges to stare at her...
LesbianThe day after our little dinner party at Kate’s, I was, not only, very tired, but also quite distracted. I was having trouble dealing with the fact that, the night before, I had actually had my dick in another man’s ass. Not only had I fucked another man, but I had enjoyed fucking, and dominating, him. My cock even started to stiffen every time I thought about it. It was very confusing, I had never felt an attraction to other men, or thought about having sex with one. Brady and I had...
BDSMBuck's Big Boob Bed Time Story....I just lost my job, 2 month ago. My friends were little help in finding me another one. It had been close to 4 years since I had to fill out a resume and go on interviews. First I was living week to week. Now I'm living day to day. Eating noodles and bumming day old pizza from my friends. I even had to use the bathroom at a local gas station, because my water got shut off in my small apartment. I was dreading having to see my landlord at the end of the week. I...
More Black Adventures With Lisa, My Wife This is another chapter with Lisa, my beautiful blond wife who was just introduced into the world of black men. Lisa and I have been married a number of years and I had always fantasized about her and black men. She had never had a black man until we had discussed our fantasies and I had put a suggestion in her mind about having sex with a black man. She ended up having sex with two handsome young black men for her first time and it was heaven for...
I conceded all of the plunder that could be collected from the two dead thugs to the clerk. He was the original victim, and he had eliminated one of the thugs. After stripping the bodies and dumping them out into the street for collection by Duke Marno’s men, we had a long conversation. The young man’s name was Aaron BenJamin, and he was 19 years old. He was working in his uncle’s store to try to make enough money to marry his girlfriend. He was being paid damned little, and he despaired of...
“The shining light this season,” said Madam Von R--, “is young Elizabeth S--, a Hudson River beauty if there ever was one.” “That so,” I said, sipping her cinnamon tea and waiting for the hammer to drop. “Don’t think I’ve heard of her.” “No reason you should, associating with the people you do.” She smiled. “But this fair miss is, I believe, in some sort of trouble, under pressure or duress. She has been occasionally valuable to the cause, indeed, recently, most helpful.” “That so,” I said,...
I’m not Sean Connery, Brad Pitt, or Harrison Ford. More like Brian Denehey or Wilford Brimley. I’m mid 50’s, overweight, and don’t drive a Porsche. What attracted this woman to me I don’t know. I didn’t make half the money she did, dress in the manner she did, or in any way walk in her circles. But for a few short weeks we carried on a tumultuous affair. Her first, and who knows, probably her last. Her husband was a district manager of a major retail outlet. Her parents were both retired...
The performances are strictly by invitation. The madame knows who the real high-rollers are among her clientele, and only those with the fattest wallets and the most urgent needs rate a trip to the deepest cellar of her luxury establishment. Down there, accommodations are much less comfortable, just hard, cold, stone walls, steel cages and devices intended to restrain the suffering bodies of beautiful young women. The cruel show is staged for maximum drama and powerful titillation. The madame‘s...
FetishThe e-mail Edmund Gathright jumped, and gazed blearily around the room to see what had disturbed his slumber. His eyes swept over chaos, piles of empty Pot Noodle pots, discarded lager cans, and wads of paper. No, nothing had been disturbed -- all looked normal. Edmund yawned lustily and arched his back, a vain attempt to ease the cramp caused by falling asleep in front of the PC. He vaguely wondered what the time was, and after picking up his discarded glasses he peered at the task bar....
The door snicked shut behind me, damping the sounds of the voices beyond it and then darkening the room. I was hoping the alcohol and New Year’s festivities would make it so the others wouldn’t notice our absence.Shadows fell across his lean body as he sat lounging in the center of the couch, legs splayed, an elbow resting on the cushion behind him, his hand slowly running up and down his thigh waiting for me, just as he said he would be. While his stance appeared relaxed, tension radiated off...
BDSMWhat can you expect at Ero Profile? With the rise of social media, it seems as if the basics of the internet have been altered. More and more sites now have faced pressures from users to integrate social media features. It is no longer enough for a website to merely exist as a hub of content. People want interactivity, want to feel like they are a part of their online content, as opposed to just a consumer of it.The porn world has not been immune from keeping up with this trend. It would seem...
Amateur Porn SitesBound On The TownThe Dare -It started as a dare. Beth, Ashley, Lisa and I were out shopping one Saturday afternoon at one of the large malls in the area. We wandered from store to store looking at the clothes on the racks, occasionally pulling out a garment to look at it. We were talking constantly as we shopped. Sometimes, one of us found something to try on, but no one bought anything. It was a pleasant social afternoon of shopping and gabbing. Eventually, our conversation turned to ?Girl’s...