DóchasChapter 7 free porn video

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When Sarah and her friends entered their suite, two training helmets were laying on the bed. Rusty said, "These are like the one I wore earlier. It's not quite what I expected from the way they referred to it."

Sarah said, "They referred to it as a helmet. Amy told me that she didn't know of another word that fit. I have to agree that it fits the concept but doesn't have the expected shell."

The 'helmet' was a set of narrow stretchable bands which fit over the head. One set of bands ran around the head right above their ears. The other five connected bands around their head at the front and back. This covered their head down to their ears all the way around. Sarah quickly put hers on as it was similar to head bands she used to wear, then helped Rusty with his. Once the bands were in place they could feel numerous light pressure points against their scalp, but they weren't uncomfortable.

"This feels like the one I wore earlier," said Rusty as he helped Sarah adjust hers. She then checked the positioning of his before laying down.

Rusty had hardly laid down when Sally and Terry snuggled up to him and kissed his neck. Sally then began kissing her way down his neck to his chest and nipples. Meanwhile Terry caressed his neck and ear with her lips before rising up and kissing him. As they kissed she pushed her tongue deep into his mouth and her hand drifted down to grasp his cock. She lightly stroked it as they both continued their oral caresses. After only a few moments his cock was hard and the crease between their labia was awash in cream.

While Sally and Terry were focused on Rusty, Sarah moved to lie behind Sally so she could hug her. Reaching around with one hand, she stroked Sally's breasts as she moved her other hand over Sally's body with light caresses. Her fingers lightly touched the inside of Sally's thighs causing her to shiver and her cunt lips to swell. Sarah's long fingers then moved to stroke Sally's wet swollen labia. Occasionally she dipped her fingers between them, into the growing pool of cream. She slid two fingers deep between Sally's labia and into the opening of her sheath, then positioned her thumb lightly against the swollen clit.

Terry moved on top of Rusty, trapping his cock in the crease between her warm wet labia. Rising up slightly, she slid his cock back and forth through the crease, coating it with an abundant amount of her cream. She shivered each time his cock head bumped her clit. Sliding further forward and rising slightly, his cock went deeper into the crease between her labia until it reached the mouth of her sheath. Pushing down it slipped into her. She sighed feeling the sensations of it sliding past her labia. The warmth of it caused her to shiver as her arousal increased. She raised her shoulders to let Rusty caress her breasts.

Meanwhile Sally shifted her attention to Sarah by twisting in her arms until they were nipple to nipple. When they kissed, they opened their mouths to let their tongues caress the other's. After a few moments, they shifted the focus of their kisses to each other's face and neck. Each knew what the other felt and sought to add to those unique, multiple sensations. They kissed and licked their way down each other's body until they reached their labia. They alternated between nibbling them and sliding their tongue through the crease and over the clit. By sliding their tongue deeply between the other's labia and into their opening, they directed the cream into their mouth.

Rusty sucked one of Terry's nipples deep into his mouth as he caressed the other with his fingers. His sucking released its warm milk. The sensations from her nipple caused Terry to shiver as she felt a light orgasm accompany the release of her milk. She kept rocking her hips back and forth on his cock. Her milk squirted into his mouth each time his cock slid deep into her as her clit tingled. Both were panting heavily due to their increasing arousal. Rusty switched nipples, leaving one extended with milk dripping on his chest. His caressing of her wet swollen nipple added further to her arousal. Remembering Sarah's comment, she pressed down to fully seat his cock, then began trying to control her sheath muscles so they would stroke it.

Sarah, through the daze of her arousal, saw what Terry was attempting. "Terry, I think these are the muscles you are trying to stimulate," as she pointed out locations in Terry's mind. Rusty groaned as she clamped down on his cock, causing him to suck harder on her nipple.

"It will work better if you don't clamp down quite so hard. By tightening only a few muscles at a time, it will feel good to both of you."

"Wow. Thank you, that feels great and it's not as tiring as the other way." Rusty moaned as he continued to suck the milk from her breast. His tongue caressing her nipple added to the sensations they all felt. She felt his balls pull up against her labia as they prepared to soak her cunt in cream.

Rusty said, "That really feels good I don't think I am going to last much longer." As he moved back to her other nipple, he placed both hands on her hips pulling her tight to him pushing his cock deeper. She could feel it swell and become hotter just before his hot cum sprayed into her triggering her orgasm. She screamed in ecstasy.

With their four minds linked so tightly embraced, their orgasms were shared. Each reached out to touch the other adding to the closeness they felt. "I love you all." Their thought seemed to echo between them. Each relished the increased closeness they had with each other.

Terry rose up off of Rusty's cock, and just as she did Sally burrowed underneath to cover her labia with her mouth. Knowing Sally's intention, she waited until she felt her mouth, and she relaxed letting the mixed cream flow out. Sarah moved over and took Rusty's cock with her mouth.

"This tastes good," said Sarah. They all shivered at the sensations and affection being shared between them.

"That it does," added Sally.

Once they recovered, Rusty and Sarah checked the positioning of the head bands then moved to lie facing each and held hands. Terry and Sally moved to lay behind them. Sarah said, "These helmets are more comfortable than I thought they would be."

They felt relaxed and enjoyed their close contact as they quickly drifted off to sleep. As they did so, the head pieces Rusty and Sarah wore activated, pushing them into a deeper sleep. Once the level required was achieved, it began to download the relevant knowledge. This session would rapidly acquaint them with Jim and Amy's culture, technology and information on the various ships and their operation. While the session didn't give them all the details, it provided enough so they could quickly find them. During the process, adjustments were made to the organization of their memory space so it was used more efficiently.

At daybreak Terry and Sally awoke, their breasts were close to being painfully full. They went straight to the exercise bench and began to let their milk down. Both sighed as the relief felt wonderful.

"Donna do you know why our breasts were so full this morning?" asked Sally. "Do we need to change our schedule? Or is it due to something else?"

"Both of you let down quite a bit more milk than you usually do, but it is not outside the range we expect. So let's keep an eye on it, and if it happens again you should talk to Betsy or Connie about it."

"Okay. Should we wake Sarah and Rusty? They were so sound asleep they didn't even know we left the bed."

"They are just now waking and I expect them to be with you in a few minutes. Sarah looks like her breasts are as full as yours were. I'll let Connie know, but again, it doesn't look abnormal."

Just then Sarah and Rusty came in looking like they were still not quite awake. Sarah moved quickly to the exercise bench to exercise and let her milk down. Once it began she relaxed and sighed as the pressure lessened. Looking around she said, "Good morning. How long have you all been up?" as she engaged the muscle stimulator on the bench.

"Just long enough to begin letting our milk down and exercising," replied Sally. "We need to start practicing Aikido again. Definitely not today as it looks like we will be quite busy, but we need to make it soon."

"I'm ready. It will be interesting to see how our changes in size and strength affect our capabilities," said Rusty as he began panting. He noticed it seemed to be working him harder this morning. Looking toward Sarah, he guessed by her expression and activity that her exercises were also more challenging this morning. Just like him, she was breathing hard and sweat was running down her body.

"I am concerned about how our modified feet will affect us. Sarah had some difficulty before, until she adapted her movements and her feet strengthened in response to the exercises. Perhaps we should start with some sprints and distance running to get a feel for balance and endurance."

"Sounds like a plan," replied Sally.

When the exercises ended, Rusty and Sarah were so exhausted they just lay there breathing hard for a few minutes. Sally and Terry were concerned. They went to them and helped them up. They staggered together into the showers as both Sarah and Rusty had trouble walking because their legs felt weak. While they stood in the shower their energy levels slowly returned as the warm water flowed over their skin. They helped each other wash.

"Let's hurry up," said Sally. "I just realized Bob, Nancy and the others will be here before long. I can hardly wait to see them." The others nodded in agreement as they finished their shower. They worked as a team helping each other dry and fix their hair which made it much easier to get ready quickly.

When they entered the kitchen, Jim and Amy's group were already there along with Dorothy and Maria. All had relaxed looks on their faces this morning.

"How did the training go last night?" asked Amy. Jim, Betsy and Erica sat there with expectant looks on their faces.

"I haven't noticed anything really different," said Rusty. "Well there was an episode with the exercise machine, as it almost ran me into the ground. I think Sarah experienced the same thing."

"Yes and my breasts were very full this morning. So full I was driven to go let my milk down before doing anything else. Terry and Sally had the same problem."

"Donna told us of Sally's concerns," said Connie. "We don't think there is anything to be worried about, but we should keep an eye on it."

"Betsy. Connie, how was the trip to the ship?"

"It went fine. We are glad Rusty said something last night."

"So Rusty or Sarah, what do you know about us and the ship now?" asked Jim.

Sarah and Rusty looked thoughtful for a moment, then smiled. "Well I can now see that the five of you are a family group and that there are five similar groups on the ship," said Rusty.

"There seems to be another image like ... well maybe a sixth group but it is different from the others," said Sarah to Rusty. "It is diffused rather than looking like a group or an object. It seems to be in a separate part of the ship."

"Yes. I see it too," said Rusty, then added, "Jim, Amy, it looks like there is another entity on your ship."

"We've suspected that. We can't see it and haven't communicated with it. It would certainly be a surprise to find anyone else. I suggest you don't look too closely or try to probe them since they may have mind shields in place. This should minimize them realizing that we know they are there."

"With this new uncertainty, maybe we should wait for a while before introducing your group to the rest of the crew. Since the two of you are not yet in the mind-link connection with us, why don't you review the ships log to see if you can find any clues to this entity."

"It seems passive rather than hostile," said Sarah.

"We are sure it knows of us and it seems supportive," said Rusty and Sarah together causing Jim and Amy to give them a puzzled look.

Just then Dorothy and Maria began to set the table for breakfast. The conversation drifted back to immediate concerns. Erica said, "The drones and bots did not observe any activity last night at either location. We received a message from the first group who I think we ought to refer to as Ann's group otherwise it could become confusing. They have accepted our offer to come here even though they still have some lingering concerns. Donna will begin moving Bob and Nancy's group here as soon as we finish breakfast. They were ready early this morning."

"Donna, can you bring Ann's group here this afternoon?" asked Rusty.

"It shouldn't be a problem. Can I cut back on the number of active drones?"

"Yes. Once Bob and Nancy's group are here, reduce the number of drones at that location to two," said Erica. "Keep them active but put the reserve group on standby, that will reduce your load considerably.

"As we expected, Alison left the barn a little after midnight. She headed toward the other end of the valley. Currently she is about 15 kilometers down the valley on a path that leads to what appears to be a small gap in the cliffs near the other end of the valley. She will be surprised when she gets there, as it won't be what she expects. The appearance is deceiving, and it is not the gap that leads to the ocean. We have a drone and two cats monitoring her. She didn't take anything with her. She has found water and wild fruit to eat in the valley. She appears to be very comfortable, based on her actions."

"Okay. Just keep an eye on her," said Jim.

"Let's get ready for your friends arrival," said Amy as they left for the living room. "I brought a couple of robes down this morning to wear, if you want too. Based on experience, your mane and tail are the most obvious changes. We think, the sight of those would probably be a shock to them. The robes will let you disclose them when you are ready."

"Donna said we would have trouble wearing anything," responded Terry.

"I think Donna was referring to the textiles you normally wore before you came here. These should be fine." She handed a robe to each of them. They put them on so their long hair was underneath them.

"Erica, are you ready to go and get them?" asked Donna.

As she straightened her robe she said, "Yes," then disappeared from the room.

"We will come back after you've had a chance to greet your friends," said Amy. "You may want to delay answering questions until we are all together."

"Good idea," replied Sarah as Amy and Jim left the room.

Almost immediately Bob and Nancy's group began to shimmer into view. Erica was the last one to join them. As soon as they were aware of Sarah, Rusty, Sally and Terry, they reached toward them with tears in their eyes. They didn't seem to notice how much taller Sarah and her friends were when they stood to greet them. They exchanged hugs and kisses with each other several times, even the guys hugged each other. Thomas and Janice squealed on seeing their friends. The excitement slowly diminished.

"My, you have all changed," said Nancy as she pulled back and looked more closely. "You are all much taller than I remember."

"That they are," added Zoe, "and as lovely as ever."

"You are taller too," said Sally looking at Nancy.

"Yes, I know. We don't understand why. The doctors don't know either."

"You probably came into contact with something we were given."

Nancy asked, "Where are the others?"

"They are still sleeping. Their bodies are still adjusting to the treatments our hosts gave us to alleviate the damage the kidnappers did to us. We expect Jill and Janet to be up in the next day or two and Judy shortly after that. Joyce will be a bit longer. All of them are fine. Their stature will be similar to ours."

"What kidnappers?" responded Nancy then followed rapidly with, "Who are your hosts? Who was it? What did they do to you?" Her facial expression showed her panic which was quickly infecting the rest of her group.

"Hold it!" exclaimed Rusty. The building anxiety collapsed as he added, "There is no need to get excited. Everyone is fine. Our health is better than ever, so cool it."

"Kind of pushy, aren't you?" responded Nancy with a bit of a smile.

"We can be. So what's new?" replied Sarah. "Let's start with a summary of what happened to us and how we've changed."

"You don't look much different to me," chimed in Thomas with Janice shaking her head in agreement.

"Thank you," replied Sarah to them as she knelt down to hug them again.

"I hope, I grow up to be like you guys," added Thomas as he gave Sarah a peck on the cheek.

"Thomas shush," said Shirley, "let Sarah tell us about their experiences."


"After you hear about us, we will introduce you to our hosts. Then with all of us here, we will try to answer your questions. We are certain there are some that they can answer better than we can." Sarah told of their kidnapping and how their hosts had alleviated the negative effects of the treatments they were given prior to arrival. She noted that they had a stronger bond with each other and increased telepathic capabilities. As she finished, she stood, letting her robe slip to the floor and shook her head. Doing this fluffed out her hair to its normal shape. The lighting was somewhat behind her, giving her appearance an ethereal quality causing nearly everyone to gasp. Then she slowly turned so they could see all of her. As she did, she motioned to Rusty, Terry and Sally to do the same. The visual impact on their friends was now four fold, all they could do was sit there and drink in the visions before them.

Sally pulled Nancy up and gave her a loving kiss, then did the same to Alice, then the others. "Now look as closely as you want to. Touching and feeling is okay, but be warned I am much easier to arouse than I used to be." Rusty, Sarah and Terry followed Sally's lead but each initially interacted with a different person. Erica noticing some were left out let her robe slip to the floor. Looking at Julia, Zoe, Melody and Trina, she said, "You can look me over if you want, as my build and characteristics are very similar to theirs. Or you can look more closely at your friends, either is fine with me." The four looked a little befuddled but slowly relaxed and began checking out Erica.

"Wow, how much taller are you?" asked Nancy as the group nodded. "Sarah, your breasts don't seem to be as large as I remember."

"They look smaller because my shoulders are wider and my chest is bigger."

"We are all now a little over 7 ½ feet tall," said Terry. "We wear shoes to support our feet while the changes complete. Our foot is longer and wider. We expect to wear shoes with 8 inch heels. As to breasts, all of us are close to a G cup, and lactate. You and Julia look different than we remember?"

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By : Krish12 1st of all let me tell you this is a real story you believe it not it’s real the character here have changed their name as privacy issue let me tell you about myself I am a 18 years boy slim love reading books I always wanted to write my own book but here I am starting to write my own story about my relation with my fathers sister oopz I forgot to tell you my name it’s Krish I hope you love my story. Like every boy at this age I always fantasised about having sex with my...

2 years ago
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Daniel and Madelyn

Daniel is one of my good friends and we were planning on hanging out. He informed me that his girlfriend, Madelyn would be at his house as well. I didn't mind it because I had know her since I was born. Madelyn was a short skinny girl who's in competition cheerleading. She was barely a B cup with a small but very cute bubble butt. Just by looking at her, you know any hole you put your dick in, it was going to be super tight. Daniel was your regular guy who I knew from past experience had a...

3 years ago
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Experiments With Exhibition Vintage 8211 Part 3

The third installment of the ‘Vintage’ collection is in two parts. It is when I visited the relatives my mom went to visit the ‘Vintage’ Part 2. That family was only of four people, my uncle, aunt, and one male and female cousin. The male cousin was also of the same age as the cousin in the first. I went there with my aunt Pammi after ‘Doctor Date’. They all came back leaving my other cousin, mom and me. The house was away from the village surrounded by fields. There was a ‘chubara’, a room on...

2 years ago
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Cock The Roach

Chapter 1 – New Beginnings ‘Good morning! Hey Randalf, where you dreaming about naked women again?’ ‘Wow, Sandra! Why are you walking around like that?’ ‘Like what? You’re my big brother!’ ‘Whatever! I’m still a guy. Just put some clothes on already!’ ‘Get over it! All I’m trying to do is cheer up my sad, lonely, celibate big brother. Don’t you feel lucky having such an awesome sister?’ Fresh out of the shower, Sandra’s hair was matted, sticky, damp, stringy and packed. Her skin was...

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The Caught in the Library

I went to the town library one day to pass the time, not really hoping to find anything, even a book. The local library has two floors, a main ground floor and a raised platform half the size, with the stairs in the corner of ground floor. The fiction section is upstairs so I instinctively walked over to the stairs, and up to the bookshelves I knew best. I was browsing the books when a young librarian brushed past me to put a book back on the shelf. “Sorry” she said quietly, with a cute, cheeky...

1 year ago
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My Maid Ignited My Sex Life

Before I start the exciting part let me give you a brief background. I am in my mid forties and living alone since my kids are settled abroad. I had engaged a young boy Ramu, of 16 years as my man Friday for all the odd jobs around my house, who also attended a nearby school while I was at work. For cooking and cleaning I had a maid come in everyday before I left for work. This was going on for quite some time when Ramu suggested that I should employ his mother, who was in her mid thirties,...

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My naughty teenage story

Hello, I'd like to share my teenage naughty story with youIt started like this. I was a very young teenager who was only 18 years old and found that girls' clothes were arousing me. On the street I watched sexy girls and wanted me to be able to walk so naughty dressed around. Every day more and more I thought that I wanted to become sissy. I started buying a sexy girl closed, I started to depilate my legs, I started to lacerate my nails on my leg. Every day I started to dress like a naughty...

3 years ago
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Sweet Nan Ch 01

AUTHORS NOTE This is the story of my first real affair. I was then a soldier of 20, stationed in Massachusetts and the year 1965. And as always feedback is welcome, message me and I will answer. SWEET NAN PT I In the spring of ’65 I stumbled into situation that was to blow my mind and change my life and my view of women forever (again , I seem to just stumble blindly in life.) The Army had me at a post in a small town outside of Boston, and I often went to Philadelphia on weekends to visit...

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While Bob was away getting the rental truck, I packed the few things we had needed over the night and morning. It was a whole morning's work to load the truck after he got back. We went up to check the apartment one last time. We didn't want to leave anything behind, and we wanted it nice and neat for the landlord's inspection. We needed to get our whole deposit back. The living room was clean, and our stuff was gone or packed in the two bags that would ride in the front with us. "Goodbye,...

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The Wife Next Door Part III

The Wife Next Door: Part III Pim and I had sex at least once a day while her daughter was away at summer camp. Pim would make excursions to the mall and visit Victoria’s Secret and other lingerie shops with Henk’s money and buy outfits to drive me wild. With her exotic Asian looks and petite frame I particularly liked a yellow baby doll and panty set with stockings that really complimented her beautiful skin tone. Pim bought outfits in every color of the rainbow and enjoyed the reaction on my...

3 years ago
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A Glory Hole Experience

We were in Amsterdam and decided to go to a Sex Shop for a hunt around for some new sexy stuff (Toys and Lingerie etc), and were browsing the walls and shelves loaded with Dildoes (from 3 inches to 2 feet long) and Videos and went into a rear room to look at the lingerie when this beautiful girl (about 19 or 20 yrs old) came out from behind a curtain at the back and wiping her mouth just said to Gilly 'There are some great cocks in there that need some more sucking'..Very intrigued, we looked...

4 years ago
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Carl Me and the boyPart 3

Hi Please read Part 1 and 2 before as it has been a long while since I have written. EnjoyThe next day was Friday and our work in Cardiff for the week was done. We were staying that night and leaving on Saturday. We could have went home on Friday as we finished by lunch but Carl had other plans. He took Adam out while I finished, mostly cleaning the flat we were renovating for the final fit out. Some men came and delivered a big bed and some other furniture. The sight of them made me horny so I...

2 years ago
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StepsChapter 20

That afternoon they were called to the Belgravia police station. Samantha, accompanied by Ian gave her statement first. Henry gave her the final two notes from The Rover. Inspector Black introduced himself. "Miss Cavendish we are aware of Mr Metcalfe's friendship with Mr Morgan and we have all the details of the Morgan case and of your slander action against him so there is no need to tell us about that; merely about the alleged stalking." Samantha nodded. "About a month ago a note was...

1 year ago
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1984Chapter 9

When the new semester started, I lived in 1984 for eight months now. I let my hair grow out because it was okay to wear a mullet again. I was happy. Topics in the high school U.S. Government class didn't lend itself to interactive teaching as much as U.S. History did. Last year, the students could recreate famous battles or events, but talking about the formation of the Second Continental Congress was not exciting. I still could do a few things. "Pull harder legislative branch," I...

2 years ago
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Pulled OverChapter 7

With her head restrained, Lisa could not see what was going on, but she could hear. And what she heard was not good. Moments before, she would have thought nothing could make this any worse but then she heard Josh say her daughter’s name. “What’s happening? Chloe! Is that you? CHLOE?!” Struggling against her restraints, Lisa felt someone tug at one of the straps around her head. Her head was being released. Lisa’s new freedom would come at a cost though, as what she saw sickened her. Her...

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Train Ride Part 2

After the group’s sexual activity, there was a common feeling of satisfaction and pleasure as everyone in the compartment lay on the floor or collapsed into a seat, panting for breath. Jackie and Richard, who obviously also just finished making love, observed the rest. Jackie was giving Amanda that ‘I told you so’ look again. Amanda had to agree, Jackie couldn’t have been more right about a match this time.   Scott pulled Amanda up to her feet and she smiled at him, still licking her lips,...

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SandcastlesChapter 48

Still standing in the dungeon, Nicole glanced at Sally. They seemed to come to some sort of unspoken agreement, because as if one, the two were standing nude before me. "Master?" "Yes, Sally." "Uh, if you're not too tired and since we're all here and, well, would you do that to us, too?" "You would dare ask your Master for a punishment?" I asked her darkly. Quickly backtracking, she stuttered and stammered, "Uh, well, uh, no, uh, well, not exactly, M-m-master. We, uh, we...

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College life 28

***********************Waking on Monday after not doing much that Sunday night, Kris and I headedto our first classes just before Thanksgiving. It was easy to see thatquite a few students had taken off whereas I was forced to stick aroundthanks to my damn history professor. The next class wasn't much better andboring. After lunch, I did turn in my art paper and hoped for the bestafter choosing an artist without much information available. I did speakbriefly to Reilly to be friendly as did...

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Anal Addiction

You look at the man next to you in the bed – let's call him Jim - and your lips quirk into a smile.Lean and hard, with dark hair overspreading his chest, but not an actual pelt... he's a helluva kisser, too, which is why you're naked together in your bed. You stretch out your long smooth legs, lean your face against his shoulder and speak softly."Listen up. I don't want there to be any possibility of misunderstanding of what I'm about to say.I. Want. You. To. Fuck. My. Ass." He should be...

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The White Guilt PimpChapter 34

Tyrone was walking past Corecia’s room one day when he heard moaning and the sounds of cumming from her room. He was surprised since both Jamal and Lemond were at school. He opened the door to see what was happening. He saw Corecia on her bed fucking herself with a large Black dildo while watching a video of some white slut, he thought it was Alice Green, being fucked simultaneously by 3 Black cocks – one in each hole. Corecia looked sheepish when she realized that her Daddy was watching her...

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Barrat Park

Anyway, we were going to Barret Park. I was walking along with Nicole, arm in arm. Jamie and Amy were holding hands. Justin had my iPod and was in his own little world playing Empire State of Mind by Jay Z; and Holly and Jack were walking behind everyone, talking. Gemma was on her own in the middle. We got to Barret Park around 8:30PM. I had to go in at 9, and since I lived far away it would take me around 15 minutes to walk home. I was feeling kinda giddy with my legend status and was going...

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An Unremarkable DayChapter 10

Jake awoke feeling well rested and relaxed. He was also quite warm, and realised why when he felt Sue tucked in under his arm with her head on his chest. Her leg was over his, her arm was round him, and she was still fast asleep. It was getting light, but Jake was in no hurry to go anywhere particular so he relaxed again and enjoyed the moment. A lot had happened in the few days since he had met Sue and, although he was used to a varied life, it wasn't normally this varied. He remembered...

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Hot Luscious Sexy Indian Bhabhi

Friends, we live in Govt quarters with 3 flats in a building. I live on the 1st floor, and on the ground floor, there is who is smoking hot. I have been eyeing to fulfill all my fantasies through bhabhiji. Her boobs were so big that they are always ready to come out of her blouse. Her ass is so huge that seeing her ass and imagining about her, I have masturbated several times. Though I wanted to fuck her but never dare to approach her in that way. We share a good relationship, and I also make...

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My Favorite Voyeur

Chapter 1 It was really just a small sound, but when you're stroking your cock in front of a big picture window, I guess you're sensitive. I was watching a porno movie off the Net, and was close to cumming. But the interruption kind of scared me. I pulled my pants up and started for the door, trying to be quiet. I thought I heard a twig snap outside, but wasn't really sure. Somehow I was convinced someone was watching, and paranoid that I have been since the divorce, I was prepared. The...

1 year ago
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RochambeauChapter 7

Pat Rosario, Monday, August 11, 2008. The school year was starting off with a special assembly to launch The Program. I met up with Grant outside the auditorium. He was talking about something with Nick Caldwell. Nick looked at me. "Oh, hi Pat, sorry to hear about your dad." I had no idea what he was talking about, but he left before I could ask him. "Do you know what he was talking about?" I asked Grant. "No idea, how is your dad?" "Fine, Ford cut back his hours because of the...

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Master im sorry

‘Master, i’m sorry!’ By:jessy It was a cold night, mentally and physically. I had disobeyed Master. And he was very upset. So upset that he tied me to our bed, and put my blindfold and gag on me… and left. I was so sad, crying my eyes out. I craved the touch of my Master, and he was denying me. I knew I deserved it, but I didn’t accept it. Let’s back up a little bit. To what I did. ‘Master!!!!!!! TOUCH ME!’ I yelled at him. And immediately covered my mouth, realizing what I just did. 

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Rebecca series training Mary and Linda

It's been a couple weeks since Becca went away to college. Oh how I've missed her. More than the lust and passion, but the father missing a c***d as well. Mary and I settled back into our routine but things have not been the same. She was out about her relationship so instead of hiding it completely I've started noticing things I hadn't before. She no longer wipes the smell of sex from her body before coming home, laundry consists of soiled panties more and we aren't as distant as we were...

3 years ago
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Walking the DogChapter 7

Angela's cottage had only one bedroom. The twins made subtle, but nonetheless obvious, hints that they expected us to take it while they sacked out in the parlour. Another khaki holdall produced two sleeping bags, which they proceeded to unroll. "Sorry, old son, we're bushed," said Liam, "not too much kip last night!" We murmured agreement and Angela and I headed off to her room. I was relieved to see a large old-fashioned brass bed with thick quilts. It would have looked inviting...

4 years ago
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Teasing His Nuggets

“That's my seat.”“What was that?”“You're in my seat.” I showed him the cinema ticket. “I wouldn't make a big deal about it, because I don't want to break up your friend group, but I don't want to take someone else's seat either.”“We just have to each move down one. Guys?” He and his two male friends each shifted in the theater row to their assigned numbers.“Thank you.”“No worries.”“Hey…” I mused as rested in the reclining chair.“Hey!”I inspected his beautiful face. “You were in line next...

Straight Sex
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Best shopping trip ever

There is this little boutique not far from where I work. I often go there at lunch time to check out the sexy outfits. This day turned out to be a very special trip. I walked in and there was a sales girl I had not seen before, she looked to be about 40, beautiful and a great body. She was helping another customer so I just began to browse as I usually do. I was over checking out the heels as she finished with the other customer and then she came over and introduced herself. "Hi I am Julie, can...

Oral Sex
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Introduction: Wife gives all my stuff away MY WIFE MY SLAVE Day 1 This one Saturday morning I wake up feel a warm sensation wrapped around my hardening penis I look down and see my lovely wife Mandy with her head between my legs just sucking the blood into my growing member. She looks up at me smiles and gives me a seductive wink, I smile back knowing there is no better way to wake up than this. As soon my dick gets fully hard I feel her squeeze my balls and I send the biggest load into her...

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The Sex Stories of My Chubby Chinese Panda Girl

This is a series of fictional stories based on my girlfriend's real experience. First of all, I'd like to introduce my panda girl a lit bit. Her name is Liz, 25 yr-old, born and live in Shanghai her whole life. She's the type of real life Asian girl you can rarely find on porn site since she's very shy and innocent, but deep in her heart lives a little horny slut. She's about 162cm, chubby body with a big round ass which is hardly seen on Chinese girls. She also has round cute face, thick...

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