DóchasChapter 7 free porn video

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When Sarah and her friends entered their suite, two training helmets were laying on the bed. Rusty said, "These are like the one I wore earlier. It's not quite what I expected from the way they referred to it."

Sarah said, "They referred to it as a helmet. Amy told me that she didn't know of another word that fit. I have to agree that it fits the concept but doesn't have the expected shell."

The 'helmet' was a set of narrow stretchable bands which fit over the head. One set of bands ran around the head right above their ears. The other five connected bands around their head at the front and back. This covered their head down to their ears all the way around. Sarah quickly put hers on as it was similar to head bands she used to wear, then helped Rusty with his. Once the bands were in place they could feel numerous light pressure points against their scalp, but they weren't uncomfortable.

"This feels like the one I wore earlier," said Rusty as he helped Sarah adjust hers. She then checked the positioning of his before laying down.

Rusty had hardly laid down when Sally and Terry snuggled up to him and kissed his neck. Sally then began kissing her way down his neck to his chest and nipples. Meanwhile Terry caressed his neck and ear with her lips before rising up and kissing him. As they kissed she pushed her tongue deep into his mouth and her hand drifted down to grasp his cock. She lightly stroked it as they both continued their oral caresses. After only a few moments his cock was hard and the crease between their labia was awash in cream.

While Sally and Terry were focused on Rusty, Sarah moved to lie behind Sally so she could hug her. Reaching around with one hand, she stroked Sally's breasts as she moved her other hand over Sally's body with light caresses. Her fingers lightly touched the inside of Sally's thighs causing her to shiver and her cunt lips to swell. Sarah's long fingers then moved to stroke Sally's wet swollen labia. Occasionally she dipped her fingers between them, into the growing pool of cream. She slid two fingers deep between Sally's labia and into the opening of her sheath, then positioned her thumb lightly against the swollen clit.

Terry moved on top of Rusty, trapping his cock in the crease between her warm wet labia. Rising up slightly, she slid his cock back and forth through the crease, coating it with an abundant amount of her cream. She shivered each time his cock head bumped her clit. Sliding further forward and rising slightly, his cock went deeper into the crease between her labia until it reached the mouth of her sheath. Pushing down it slipped into her. She sighed feeling the sensations of it sliding past her labia. The warmth of it caused her to shiver as her arousal increased. She raised her shoulders to let Rusty caress her breasts.

Meanwhile Sally shifted her attention to Sarah by twisting in her arms until they were nipple to nipple. When they kissed, they opened their mouths to let their tongues caress the other's. After a few moments, they shifted the focus of their kisses to each other's face and neck. Each knew what the other felt and sought to add to those unique, multiple sensations. They kissed and licked their way down each other's body until they reached their labia. They alternated between nibbling them and sliding their tongue through the crease and over the clit. By sliding their tongue deeply between the other's labia and into their opening, they directed the cream into their mouth.

Rusty sucked one of Terry's nipples deep into his mouth as he caressed the other with his fingers. His sucking released its warm milk. The sensations from her nipple caused Terry to shiver as she felt a light orgasm accompany the release of her milk. She kept rocking her hips back and forth on his cock. Her milk squirted into his mouth each time his cock slid deep into her as her clit tingled. Both were panting heavily due to their increasing arousal. Rusty switched nipples, leaving one extended with milk dripping on his chest. His caressing of her wet swollen nipple added further to her arousal. Remembering Sarah's comment, she pressed down to fully seat his cock, then began trying to control her sheath muscles so they would stroke it.

Sarah, through the daze of her arousal, saw what Terry was attempting. "Terry, I think these are the muscles you are trying to stimulate," as she pointed out locations in Terry's mind. Rusty groaned as she clamped down on his cock, causing him to suck harder on her nipple.

"It will work better if you don't clamp down quite so hard. By tightening only a few muscles at a time, it will feel good to both of you."

"Wow. Thank you, that feels great and it's not as tiring as the other way." Rusty moaned as he continued to suck the milk from her breast. His tongue caressing her nipple added to the sensations they all felt. She felt his balls pull up against her labia as they prepared to soak her cunt in cream.

Rusty said, "That really feels good I don't think I am going to last much longer." As he moved back to her other nipple, he placed both hands on her hips pulling her tight to him pushing his cock deeper. She could feel it swell and become hotter just before his hot cum sprayed into her triggering her orgasm. She screamed in ecstasy.

With their four minds linked so tightly embraced, their orgasms were shared. Each reached out to touch the other adding to the closeness they felt. "I love you all." Their thought seemed to echo between them. Each relished the increased closeness they had with each other.

Terry rose up off of Rusty's cock, and just as she did Sally burrowed underneath to cover her labia with her mouth. Knowing Sally's intention, she waited until she felt her mouth, and she relaxed letting the mixed cream flow out. Sarah moved over and took Rusty's cock with her mouth.

"This tastes good," said Sarah. They all shivered at the sensations and affection being shared between them.

"That it does," added Sally.

Once they recovered, Rusty and Sarah checked the positioning of the head bands then moved to lie facing each and held hands. Terry and Sally moved to lay behind them. Sarah said, "These helmets are more comfortable than I thought they would be."

They felt relaxed and enjoyed their close contact as they quickly drifted off to sleep. As they did so, the head pieces Rusty and Sarah wore activated, pushing them into a deeper sleep. Once the level required was achieved, it began to download the relevant knowledge. This session would rapidly acquaint them with Jim and Amy's culture, technology and information on the various ships and their operation. While the session didn't give them all the details, it provided enough so they could quickly find them. During the process, adjustments were made to the organization of their memory space so it was used more efficiently.

At daybreak Terry and Sally awoke, their breasts were close to being painfully full. They went straight to the exercise bench and began to let their milk down. Both sighed as the relief felt wonderful.

"Donna do you know why our breasts were so full this morning?" asked Sally. "Do we need to change our schedule? Or is it due to something else?"

"Both of you let down quite a bit more milk than you usually do, but it is not outside the range we expect. So let's keep an eye on it, and if it happens again you should talk to Betsy or Connie about it."

"Okay. Should we wake Sarah and Rusty? They were so sound asleep they didn't even know we left the bed."

"They are just now waking and I expect them to be with you in a few minutes. Sarah looks like her breasts are as full as yours were. I'll let Connie know, but again, it doesn't look abnormal."

Just then Sarah and Rusty came in looking like they were still not quite awake. Sarah moved quickly to the exercise bench to exercise and let her milk down. Once it began she relaxed and sighed as the pressure lessened. Looking around she said, "Good morning. How long have you all been up?" as she engaged the muscle stimulator on the bench.

"Just long enough to begin letting our milk down and exercising," replied Sally. "We need to start practicing Aikido again. Definitely not today as it looks like we will be quite busy, but we need to make it soon."

"I'm ready. It will be interesting to see how our changes in size and strength affect our capabilities," said Rusty as he began panting. He noticed it seemed to be working him harder this morning. Looking toward Sarah, he guessed by her expression and activity that her exercises were also more challenging this morning. Just like him, she was breathing hard and sweat was running down her body.

"I am concerned about how our modified feet will affect us. Sarah had some difficulty before, until she adapted her movements and her feet strengthened in response to the exercises. Perhaps we should start with some sprints and distance running to get a feel for balance and endurance."

"Sounds like a plan," replied Sally.

When the exercises ended, Rusty and Sarah were so exhausted they just lay there breathing hard for a few minutes. Sally and Terry were concerned. They went to them and helped them up. They staggered together into the showers as both Sarah and Rusty had trouble walking because their legs felt weak. While they stood in the shower their energy levels slowly returned as the warm water flowed over their skin. They helped each other wash.

"Let's hurry up," said Sally. "I just realized Bob, Nancy and the others will be here before long. I can hardly wait to see them." The others nodded in agreement as they finished their shower. They worked as a team helping each other dry and fix their hair which made it much easier to get ready quickly.

When they entered the kitchen, Jim and Amy's group were already there along with Dorothy and Maria. All had relaxed looks on their faces this morning.

"How did the training go last night?" asked Amy. Jim, Betsy and Erica sat there with expectant looks on their faces.

"I haven't noticed anything really different," said Rusty. "Well there was an episode with the exercise machine, as it almost ran me into the ground. I think Sarah experienced the same thing."

"Yes and my breasts were very full this morning. So full I was driven to go let my milk down before doing anything else. Terry and Sally had the same problem."

"Donna told us of Sally's concerns," said Connie. "We don't think there is anything to be worried about, but we should keep an eye on it."

"Betsy. Connie, how was the trip to the ship?"

"It went fine. We are glad Rusty said something last night."

"So Rusty or Sarah, what do you know about us and the ship now?" asked Jim.

Sarah and Rusty looked thoughtful for a moment, then smiled. "Well I can now see that the five of you are a family group and that there are five similar groups on the ship," said Rusty.

"There seems to be another image like ... well maybe a sixth group but it is different from the others," said Sarah to Rusty. "It is diffused rather than looking like a group or an object. It seems to be in a separate part of the ship."

"Yes. I see it too," said Rusty, then added, "Jim, Amy, it looks like there is another entity on your ship."

"We've suspected that. We can't see it and haven't communicated with it. It would certainly be a surprise to find anyone else. I suggest you don't look too closely or try to probe them since they may have mind shields in place. This should minimize them realizing that we know they are there."

"With this new uncertainty, maybe we should wait for a while before introducing your group to the rest of the crew. Since the two of you are not yet in the mind-link connection with us, why don't you review the ships log to see if you can find any clues to this entity."

"It seems passive rather than hostile," said Sarah.

"We are sure it knows of us and it seems supportive," said Rusty and Sarah together causing Jim and Amy to give them a puzzled look.

Just then Dorothy and Maria began to set the table for breakfast. The conversation drifted back to immediate concerns. Erica said, "The drones and bots did not observe any activity last night at either location. We received a message from the first group who I think we ought to refer to as Ann's group otherwise it could become confusing. They have accepted our offer to come here even though they still have some lingering concerns. Donna will begin moving Bob and Nancy's group here as soon as we finish breakfast. They were ready early this morning."

"Donna, can you bring Ann's group here this afternoon?" asked Rusty.

"It shouldn't be a problem. Can I cut back on the number of active drones?"

"Yes. Once Bob and Nancy's group are here, reduce the number of drones at that location to two," said Erica. "Keep them active but put the reserve group on standby, that will reduce your load considerably.

"As we expected, Alison left the barn a little after midnight. She headed toward the other end of the valley. Currently she is about 15 kilometers down the valley on a path that leads to what appears to be a small gap in the cliffs near the other end of the valley. She will be surprised when she gets there, as it won't be what she expects. The appearance is deceiving, and it is not the gap that leads to the ocean. We have a drone and two cats monitoring her. She didn't take anything with her. She has found water and wild fruit to eat in the valley. She appears to be very comfortable, based on her actions."

"Okay. Just keep an eye on her," said Jim.

"Let's get ready for your friends arrival," said Amy as they left for the living room. "I brought a couple of robes down this morning to wear, if you want too. Based on experience, your mane and tail are the most obvious changes. We think, the sight of those would probably be a shock to them. The robes will let you disclose them when you are ready."

"Donna said we would have trouble wearing anything," responded Terry.

"I think Donna was referring to the textiles you normally wore before you came here. These should be fine." She handed a robe to each of them. They put them on so their long hair was underneath them.

"Erica, are you ready to go and get them?" asked Donna.

As she straightened her robe she said, "Yes," then disappeared from the room.

"We will come back after you've had a chance to greet your friends," said Amy. "You may want to delay answering questions until we are all together."

"Good idea," replied Sarah as Amy and Jim left the room.

Almost immediately Bob and Nancy's group began to shimmer into view. Erica was the last one to join them. As soon as they were aware of Sarah, Rusty, Sally and Terry, they reached toward them with tears in their eyes. They didn't seem to notice how much taller Sarah and her friends were when they stood to greet them. They exchanged hugs and kisses with each other several times, even the guys hugged each other. Thomas and Janice squealed on seeing their friends. The excitement slowly diminished.

"My, you have all changed," said Nancy as she pulled back and looked more closely. "You are all much taller than I remember."

"That they are," added Zoe, "and as lovely as ever."

"You are taller too," said Sally looking at Nancy.

"Yes, I know. We don't understand why. The doctors don't know either."

"You probably came into contact with something we were given."

Nancy asked, "Where are the others?"

"They are still sleeping. Their bodies are still adjusting to the treatments our hosts gave us to alleviate the damage the kidnappers did to us. We expect Jill and Janet to be up in the next day or two and Judy shortly after that. Joyce will be a bit longer. All of them are fine. Their stature will be similar to ours."

"What kidnappers?" responded Nancy then followed rapidly with, "Who are your hosts? Who was it? What did they do to you?" Her facial expression showed her panic which was quickly infecting the rest of her group.

"Hold it!" exclaimed Rusty. The building anxiety collapsed as he added, "There is no need to get excited. Everyone is fine. Our health is better than ever, so cool it."

"Kind of pushy, aren't you?" responded Nancy with a bit of a smile.

"We can be. So what's new?" replied Sarah. "Let's start with a summary of what happened to us and how we've changed."

"You don't look much different to me," chimed in Thomas with Janice shaking her head in agreement.

"Thank you," replied Sarah to them as she knelt down to hug them again.

"I hope, I grow up to be like you guys," added Thomas as he gave Sarah a peck on the cheek.

"Thomas shush," said Shirley, "let Sarah tell us about their experiences."


"After you hear about us, we will introduce you to our hosts. Then with all of us here, we will try to answer your questions. We are certain there are some that they can answer better than we can." Sarah told of their kidnapping and how their hosts had alleviated the negative effects of the treatments they were given prior to arrival. She noted that they had a stronger bond with each other and increased telepathic capabilities. As she finished, she stood, letting her robe slip to the floor and shook her head. Doing this fluffed out her hair to its normal shape. The lighting was somewhat behind her, giving her appearance an ethereal quality causing nearly everyone to gasp. Then she slowly turned so they could see all of her. As she did, she motioned to Rusty, Terry and Sally to do the same. The visual impact on their friends was now four fold, all they could do was sit there and drink in the visions before them.

Sally pulled Nancy up and gave her a loving kiss, then did the same to Alice, then the others. "Now look as closely as you want to. Touching and feeling is okay, but be warned I am much easier to arouse than I used to be." Rusty, Sarah and Terry followed Sally's lead but each initially interacted with a different person. Erica noticing some were left out let her robe slip to the floor. Looking at Julia, Zoe, Melody and Trina, she said, "You can look me over if you want, as my build and characteristics are very similar to theirs. Or you can look more closely at your friends, either is fine with me." The four looked a little befuddled but slowly relaxed and began checking out Erica.

"Wow, how much taller are you?" asked Nancy as the group nodded. "Sarah, your breasts don't seem to be as large as I remember."

"They look smaller because my shoulders are wider and my chest is bigger."

"We are all now a little over 7 ½ feet tall," said Terry. "We wear shoes to support our feet while the changes complete. Our foot is longer and wider. We expect to wear shoes with 8 inch heels. As to breasts, all of us are close to a G cup, and lactate. You and Julia look different than we remember?"

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Lip and Annie Ch 01

There are a few poker terms used throughout the story, and if you have no understanding of them, or experience with them, you can look on the net for an explanation of each one. There aren’t that many, poker is not the primary purpose of the story. Regardless, you may want to check out the reference to Jennifer Tilly though….. Note — there is reference to violent acts, but they don’t occur in the period covered by the story. If you have a very low tolerance level for brief descriptions of...

2 years ago
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Mom and Son Start of the Weekend

Mom and Son I was awoken by a stirring in my loins and opened my eyes to see my mom’s head sucking my cock to hardness and her hand playing with my balls. I grabbed her head and pushed her further on my cock so she took all of it to the back of her throat. My mom looked up at me and tried to get more cock in her mouth as encouragement.I pulled one of her legs up so she knew I wanted to eat her cunt in 69er she moved around so i could have a feast for breakfast. I jabbed my tongue into her cunt...

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Jemimas Tale Part 5

Subject: 'Jemima's Tale Part 5'{Jemimaheart}(MM tv spank anal con)[1!1] Jemima's Tale Part 5 - A true story by [email protected] +++++Part 1 - Jemima Needs a New Man Oh I really really REALLY missed having a boyfriend! All you girls out there know what I mean - nothing is ever quite the same once you've experienced what it's like to belong, sexually, to another man. Before Steve accidentally walked into my life, I'd spend endless hours fantasising about having a boyfriend...

4 years ago
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A Whole Lotta WomanChapter 3

The cooling spray showered over our bodies as we embraced, gasping in shocked relief to feel it cleansing the sweat and sex off us in swirling streams that pooled around our feet before gurgling merrily on its way. Pouring a generous handful of gel into my palm I commenced to spread it liberally over her breasts, teasing her ripe nipples with forefinger and thumb as she took the bottle to do the same, working the soapy liquid into my hirsute loins then along the soft flesh under my balls and...

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Its Not What You ThinkChapter 8

Epilogue I was just reviewing some old journals and thought I'd finish this up. The last entry was some twenty-three years ago. I didn't really trust Cynthia for about five or six years after the 'Carbunkle' affair, as we took to calling it. Sr. AssHole, went back to Venezuela and had his nuts cut off by his wife – figuratively. Carbunkle Oil Services never did get any oil concessions from Venezuela, and the Admiral got handed divorce papers by his wife. Then he got subpoenas from the...

2 years ago
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Stefan, 28, und Tina, 39, sind trotz des großen Altersunterschiedes im fünften Jahr ein Paar. Stefan misst 174 cm und wiegt sportliche 76kg. Viel Sport hält seinen Körper fit. Tina war von Anfang an verschossen in seine breite Brust und seinen Knackarsch. Die kurzen Haare im modischen Wet Look runden den attraktiven Eindruck ab. Immer wieder konnte Tina es kaum fassen, dass sie das Herz ihres so viel jüngeren Lovers erobern konnte. Aber in ihren Träumen kehrte immer wieder die Situation wieder,...

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Saras Anatomy

Creater's word: Welcome to this interactive erotic story. In this story, you will follow Sara Wade, the main character, and experience a lot of things happen in Lantern Memorial Hospital. Personally I would love to explore her affairs with different older males, which is always a thrill to me. But my dear readers and co-writers, you are free to guide the story to wherever you want. I hope every one can find his/her dream here. In order to give you as many options as you want, I offer the...

3 years ago
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Laura gets a Surprise

Unlike most of my other stories this story is completely a work of fiction, or better said, a work of fantasy. This is what I would like to have done to me, or happen to me, or want to take it. So please enjoy, and let me know if you like it. I do enjoy writing down my fantasies, but I enjoy much more hearing that you enjoyed them, or how you enjoyed yourself while enjoying them ;) P.S. There is a reference in the first paragraph about last night, so please read my story "My...

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The Gift

The Gift By Margaret Jeanette Carolyn Walker was checking the profit-loss report from the last quarter. They had made a profit but it was far short of what they had projected it to be. She looked for where they could improve the profit margin. Being the Vice President-Finance her suggestions would carry a lot of weight. She noticed two areas that needed a closer look. She had a few minutes free so she called her husband Jim and asked him if he could possibly do some laundry because...

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Bye FeliciaChapter 5

I took several minutes to recover my breath after the last encounter with Pippa, having more than consummated my marriage to her. I had just about fucked her within an inch of her life ... and mine. Judging from the way that she limped to the bathroom, followed by me, we were both nicely laid, thank you very much. I was satisfied, and so was she, but at a considerable price in that we were both utterly drained. We would very much need some rest for a little bit to refresh and recover from so...

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The Demon Sting 8211 The Family Fuckie

First I thank ISS for publishing my story in this new year and start the jouerney of my daughter cum grand daughter Miriam. Though miriam knows that she is daughter of me and my husband and Biju as her brother. When Miriam reached the age of 18 with zero reflection of sex in her body, myself took her to Biju for some help and discussion. Biju my 32 years son told me mom I have kept that Demon sting with me and now I want to make an experiment on Miriam if it works some miracle on her or not.My...

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Robledo MountainChapter 15

I fell into a deep sleep, while watching a kaleidoscope of shadows dance around the room. Flashes of lightning backlit the curtains on the window. For the third time in as many years, and the second time in as many weeks, Dream Laura visited my dreams that night. She was getting stronger, as tonight’s visit had us sitting across from each other at the picnic table on the covered patio of our old house, the patio we had built together just after we’d bought the house. Everything seemed...

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Hello people. Hope you are doing well out there in Fantasy Land. What, you say you are not in Fantasy Land? Oh you will be soon. Don't worry, because we are going deep into Fantasy Land. So deep, we may never return. And believe me, you will go to Fantasy Land with me. Even if I have to pick you up and sling you over my shoulder. So come with me, to Fantasy Land.It all started innocently enough one fine day back in the eighties. If you recall from a previous story, Rich and I ventured into the...

Straight Sex
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Her Devotion Chapter 01

Guilia entered the chapel reluctantly, though she was still respectful enough to enter in silence and assume a serious demeanour. Marcella, her second-degree cousin, stood beside her and looked ahead at the altar, her eyes full of veneration and humility at the heavenly setting before her. Marcella was wearing a white lace veil on her head, a white blouse, a black belt, a long, also white skirt that reached her ankles, and shiny, short-heeled black shoes. Her complexion was fair and delicate,...

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Visit Home

"OhmygodDonna what happened to you?" I quickly snatched my robe off the chair and held it in front of me. "Don't you ever knock?" I replied in as calm a voice as I could. I wasn't really upset at being seen naked. Hell, people see me naked all the time -- not that my fifteen year old sister would, or should, know that. But I'd done a shoot two days before, a really serious BDSM shoot, and I was still very well marked from the single tail the Doms had used on me. The marks would...

2 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 11 And now for something completely unexpected

I headed home around six. After some thought, I decided to whip up dinner, just in case. The apartment underwent a bit of cleaning as well, which didn't take long, what with the sheer abundance of furniture (a couch, dining table, bed, dresser, and sundry small items) at my place. The salad was chilling in the fridge and the chicken was in the oven when the phone rang. "Hello." "Hi, Jordan. How have you been?" A voice I hadn't heard in over a year came out of the receiver. "Hi,...

3 years ago
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I fuck my teacher

This happened when I was studying in my class 15. I had already fucked two of my teachers already (remember my math teacher?). They said there’s going to be a new teacher for it. Shortly, a plump, fair & a sexy looking lady in a yellow cotton saree entered the class. I even forgot to close my wide open mouth when I saw such a awesome woman fit for a steamy night actually is my math teacher. Her figure was mind blowing. She had big & heavy boobs in creamy white color & a soft, silky stomach...

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Mower Man

This true story came to me from Will, Thanks. It starts back before internet when young people went outside and did stuff. I was mowing lawns to earn money during the summer, and I worked hard at it. While most guys were hanging at the pool and getting laid I was pushing my lawn mower and stashing away cash for a car. One of my clients, the Hendersons, paid me very well and i spent much time there doing the lawn and helping Connie Henderson with her large garden. Connie was an older woman, I...

1 year ago
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Fucked A Lady In Her 408217s 8211 Part 2

Hello readers, this is Prem again .I am in my late forties and working in gulf. any married women in gulf region on south India interested for a relationship can write to me do hope you enjoyed my first story “fucked a lady in her 40’s” this is the second part. please find the link of my previous story those who not read. after the first session while we parted, I express my wish to fuck in the ass. Her ass is big and round and swinging while she move. This is noticed in the flight itself and...

2 years ago
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Little Girl in the Red Hood edited

Red lived in a small house with her parents near the center of the village, and at that particular day her mother had baked some apple pies. The sweet smell of the pies greeted her when she entered the kitchen. "I'm so glad you're here Red, I need you to take this to your grandmother before it gets dark. I don't want you walking through the woods at night". The girl rolled her eyes at her mother's repetitive speech about walking in the woods at night, and taking her basket and her hood,...

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Docs Complex 09 Escape

Doc's Complex 09 - Escape by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 9 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex." Doc wants everyone to be a buxom, beautiful, intelligent, sexy woman, so what do you think he did to a mindless idiot who raped and killed one of his Girls? This chapter can be read as a stand-alone short story. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on...

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A Foreign ExperienceChapter 2

Some new developments on the home front could change all of our extra curricular activities with the kids. Lindy now has a boy friend and they are very serious. I should say Lindy is serious and is thinking about when she gets married. Her boy friend Bill is a nice guy. Tall, dark and handsome as they say. Lindy has hinted a couple of times now that they may be getting engaged and looking for a place to live. Hint, hint (can they live with us.?) The second development is that Hannah has just...

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Time Traveling for LoveChapter 12

Hello, everyone, my name is David McTavish, the younger brother of Martin McTavish. You may know me from my brother’s adventures. He wasn’t the only one who did it. He decided that he had feelings for his sister, Linda. If you knew the two of them, you may understand that, despite it being taboo in most of the civilized world Brother Sister, Mother Son, Daddy Daughter, along with many more derivations also fall into the taboo called incest. Guess what, I am 51 and have a strong feeling of...

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A Summer That Three Best Friends Wont Forget

It was the summer of 1999 a year that changed the lives of three close friends. It would be a summer like none ever before. Erin and her two male friends Eric and Anthony had just graduated from high school. They lived close to one another and the three of them had been close friends ever since their grade school days. They each were very different in many ways and had come from different back rounds. Erin was the tom boy type who loved doing whatever the boys were doing. She loved hunting and...

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Twins Part Three The Finale

Twins Part Three Chapter Fifteen Christmas and New Year came and went. Shannon, Alexis and I were on a select soccer team and our season went from just before Christmas until March. After that came tournaments almost every weekend. With practice and games, I barely had time to think about baseball. I had to make a decision as to whether I was going to play again this year. I would have to give up one sport or the other. I...

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Introduction: Alice is like no other in the world. Being the first of her kind makes her unique in every way. She is the first in what will be a long and lucrative line of helper androids for everyone. Her creator Adam, a tech and artificial intelligence genius at 14, graduated MIT at 17, CEO of his own company by 20. Now 23 he lives in seclusion on his private island to focus on his secret A.I. project named S.W.A.P. Adam has been working on project S.W.A.P for over a year now with no one...

1 year ago
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Taz and Babs

He had just had his seventeenth birthday when their father announced to their mother he wanted a divorce, and to make it worse he wanted nothing more to do with him of his sister of nineteen Barbara or Babs as he called her. The cartoon character names had come while they had been growing up and the kids began calling him Taz for short and he called her Babs the cute female rabbit opposite Bugs Bunny. He had shaggy brown hair and green eyes at five feet ten inches and guessed he looked about...

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Travis (me) 25, single 6’, 175 lbs Jackie, 3rd cousin 42, 5’4, 100 lbs, blond, C cup breasts Allison (Alli) 21, 5’5 150 lbs, blond, C cup breasts Nicole (Nikki, my mom) 43, 5’6, dirty blond, 130 lbs C cup breasts Julie (my sister) 21, 5’5 110 lbs, dirty blond, C cup breasts As stated in the last story, I got out of the Navy after 6 years. I was a CB (Construction Battalion). When I got out, I came back home to Oklahoma, where jobs were scarce. One day, after a few weeks home, my...

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Fun with superiors daughter

Been a while since I had spotted a rendezvous or had a fling myself. I have a new superior Amanda joining us on board recently and she is 1 hell of a chio woman. She belongs to those new age woman who can talk everything under the sky. She had always portrayed herself professionally as a corporate lady and she is my director of sales. Alas, my good impression of her was tarnished when I spotted her behaving intimately with a big client of our company. Always curious to check it out, I followed...

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Whatever Strikes Your Fantasy Chapter Two

“This is absolutely a fabulous dinner, Mr. Schilling,” Constance Wells said from her seat on the left of her host.  “I will have to get the recipe for this dessert from your chef.  It is simply to die for!” Mallory smiled as she took in the exchange between her colleague and their host.  She was seated on his right facing Constance, at one end of the large dining table.  She had been looking forward to striking up a conversation with Benjamin Schilling after seeing the seating arrangements, but...

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Hi Im Jax III

I was lying on my sofa completely naked with Ann sitting between my legs. Her head was on my chest and my hands cupped her generously sized boobs. "Mmm, that was nice," she cooed. I just made a grunting noise and went back to fondling her chest. "You know you said you would help out with my college fees," she said. "Mmm," I agreed. "Well I need about £1000, is that too much?" she said. "No of course not," I said. "Oh good," she sighed, "that means I don't have to be...

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Double Parked

A young woman i*****lly doubles parks over an underground apartment car space and experiences the full meaning of double parking....It all happened after I had completed an intense interstate work related trip from Perth. My mum had asked me as a favour to reconcile with her step-mother, Joanna. Age and distance and Facebook had those two back on reasonable terms. It was my last afternoon in Melbourne and I hadn’t had the courage yet to call J. I had never gotten on with her as she took...

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Awesome Fuck Joy With Servant

I am a girl beaten by fate. After two months of my marriage my husband was expired in a road accident. My heart was not happy in husband house. So I return back to my house. We are one of the rich families of the town. We are only two brother and sister. Father was expired 5 years before. For that time my parental business was run by my brother. He is very good and honest person. I was very happy in after coming to my home. My mom was alive. Brother and mother keep my confidence high. After...

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