Now its your turn
- 3 years ago
- 27
- 0
Nikki's turn:
So here I am at our airfield with Terri for assistance, and I'm driving Dan's big extended cab pickup truck.
There's an app on our phones and that means that both Terri and I are tracking the real-time location of the arriving Johanna and Stoney. Still ten miles out, so I turn to survey our home airfield.
Yes, it's the proverbial 'cropdusting strip'. That means that if the wind blows the right way, you get a whiff of Jet-A fuel from those neat turbo-prop cropdusters ... oops ... Agricultural aircraft, and if it's from the other direction there's the exotic and probably not too healthy (in high concentrations – I hope) odors of the agricultural chemicals that they wash out of those neat aircraft.
Cindy and I both have been trying to talk Wally into letting us fly one.
"You," he told Cindy, "you're easy. You don't have ANY license."
"Yet." Cindy retorted.
"And YOU," he told me, "You've just gotten a checkout on taildraggers. And you're not even eighteen."
"Yet!" I said.
"I can just imagine the phone call to my insurer. 'Uh, yeah, this is Wally at Mid-State Ag. I just wrecked an Air Tractor. I need half a million dollars to replace it. Pilot? Sixteen year old girl.' Can you get that picture?"
We laugh. But one day he's gonna do it.
He walks up to us. "You said you need to rent that end T-hangar?" He shook his head. "Ain't big enough for a LearJet."
Terri doesn't miss much and she knows what she does to people. She turned and did her 'little blonde girl-child' thing with the blue eyes and the smile. "Oh, Mister Wally, not yet. This time it's a Pitts. See?" and she extended her iPhone to him."
Wally whistled. "Neat-o! Haven't seen one of those in a while." He looked at me. "So who's flying this one? A fourth grader?"
"No, actually it's our friends Stoney and Jo. She's a recent college grad and he's another one of those darned electrical engineers."
He rubbed his chin. About that time the speaker outside the office building crackled. "Mid-State Field, this is Pitts November eight eight bravo, three miles southwest, for landing."
Terri bounced. "That's Stoney!" and a little happy squeal.
Wally pulled the handheld radio off his belt. "Pitts eight eight bravo, this is Mid-State. No known traffic, over."
"Eight eight bravo, roger, we'll do an approach to runway one-eight."
And I know all that chatter is unnecessary because the airfield is uncontrolled, no tower, but we're prudent pilots, so we communicate. A minute later Terri squeaked "I see 'em!"
A minute after that, a sleek, shiny biplane was gliding onto the end of the runway. After the tailwheel was down and they slowed to a walking speed, Johanna was waving at us.
"Not a bad landing at all," Wally said. "Not bad." He looked at me. "Now I'd trade a ride in that for a ride in one of mine."
I know he's just messing with us. "It's not theirs," I said. "They borrowed it."
The idling engine pulled them up to the fuel pump, then stuttered to a stop. Johanna pulled the helmet off that outrageous red hair and shook her head, then bounced out, followed by Stoney, who didn't have enough hair to shake out with that military haircut of his. While he was introducing himself to Wally, Johanna came over to see Terri and me.
"Hi, pTerri-dactyl," she said, getting the broadest of smiles from Terri. "Hi, Sis!"
Of course, the answer to that was returned with squeals and hugs.
Stoney had the tanks topped off and now he and Wally were arguing over whether to push the plane a significant distance to the open hangar or to crank the engine and taxi. I don't know who won, but the two of them climbed into the cockpit. I thought they'd just taxi the few hundred feet to the hangar, but instead they taxied onto the runway and took off.
Johanna sighed. "You people turned my Stoney into an airplane nut."
"I'm sorry," I said. "I just thought it was a fun tool for getting around."
"You know I'm kidding, right? He's jealous because our instructor says I fly better than he does." She sighed, but she was smiling as she did. "So where'd everybody else end up?"
I recited the roster. "Cindy's talking her way through a four-hundred level physics course. Susan and Tina are both in regular classes..."
"Hmmph!" Jo snorted. "Regular second year classes or..."
"Or not," I said. "I got out of a computer science course by giving the guy a diagram of our new interface box, including the conversion matrix and logic array that controls it. Of course, waving a contract under his nose where we actually SOLD it sort of helps."
"You and Cindy ... I'm jealous."
"You're jealous. If your husband doesn't leave your flute in an Alabama pine tree, then I'm the one who's jealous. I play a triangle, Jo. A TRIANGLE, for pete's sake."
"But you – did you look at the manual for the sound system?"
I nodded. "Actually, we unpacked it and did a trial run. Terri, let Johanna listen."
Terri held her phone up, letting a bit of impromptu bluegrass roll out.
"I like it," I told her. "That's an excellent application of the hardware and whoever did the software, I wish I could get hold to the source code."
"Talk to my husband."
The sound of a screaming Lycoming engine wafted in. We turned. There they were, a few thousand feet overhead, coming down the backside of a loop, swooping into a roll.
"Dammit, Stoney!" Jo spat, "We promised we wouldn't do any aerobatics!"
"Boys and their toys," I said.
At least they finished up the roll and descended back to the field for a landing. This time the plane ended up with its tail pointed into the empty T-hangar. Stoney and Wally were laughing as the pushed the sleek Pitts back into the open doors.
Jo and Terri and I walked up. Stoney's not stupid. He caught The Look.
"I know, Princess," he said preemptively. "But Wally's an old fighter pilot. We couldn't resist. And you know loops and rolls aren't VERY much..."
Wally looked remorseful. "I shall take the lashing for it..."
Jo's grim look morphed towards her more customary smile. "I was more worried that the luggage compartment would open and dump our stuff all over central Alabama."
"Oops!" Stoney said. "Well, Wally kept us in a positive or zero G the whole time."
"Thank you, Wally, for leading my gullible husband astray in a competent and safe manner. Perhaps we should remind him that aerobatics are prohibited with baggage on board."
"Oh, jeez! Forgot!"
"Anyway, thank you for bringing him back safely."
"You're welcome, ma'am," Wally said, touching the brim of his cap. "Thank you for letting me have stick time in that little thing."
We loaded up bags and people and got on the road. The Pitts biplane was only one topic. We crossed over several.
"pTerri-dactl, are you practicing like I told you to?" Jo asked.
"Yes, ma'am. Every day. All of us."
"Good! We'll play together, then," Jo smiled. "Stoney, Nikki wants the source code for your sound system."
"Oh," said Stoney, "I can't get you the commercial code, but I still have some of the early stuff. Why?"
"I wanna look at it. See how other people approach problems. My thing, you know. I like the system."
Stoney laughed. "How long before you had the lids off the boxes?"
"Well, you didn't say NOT to. It was kind of like you sent a sheep into a lion cage, you know."
"I know," Stoney laughed. "Just remember, most of that's patented and protected."
"Oh, we'd never do anything to compete. We're just interested in how you approached the rapid data recording and synchronization. I mean, the equipment's pretty simple, once you look at it."
"Glad you see that," Stoney laughed. "I banged my head pretty hard over some of it."
I laughed back at him. "The wheel's pretty obvious too, after you've seen the one somebody else built. Then it's obvious."
"Very adept at salving my guy's ego, Nikki," Johanna laughed.
"Speaking of guys," Stoney said, "Where are your handlers?"
Terri tittered at the 'handler' comment.
"Mine's at a facility in Mobile looking at upgrades for their power system. Jason's in class trying to keep up with Susan. Dan 1.0..."
"Cindy's Dan?" Stoney asked.
"Yeah, Cindy's Dan, he's half a day east in Georgia. Tina's hubby is actually in the office working through some bid packages."
"Wow! Lots of work?"
"More than enough. Want some?" I asked, eyeing Jo in the rearview mirror. I know they don't need to work for the money, but I'd sure like a way to keep 'em around for a while.
"Might be interested. Johanna's ... You tell 'em, Jo."
"It looks like we are going to do a little crossover music symposium for the college. Part performance, part lecture, part practical. Me. Stoney. Kara."
"And Kara hasn't said a word ... I'm surprised."
"Told her to keep it quiet until we got everything finalized. It's gonna be fun. Most of it's Kara's fault. She's deep into the music department there and showed off some of our stuff."
"And just like that, you're in as instructors?"
"Well, almost," Jo said. "We're under the umbrella of one of the professors. They want to see a PhD, but we're on the page with him as guest lecturers."
"Neat-o!" Terri squeaked.
"Neat-o? Who still says 'neat-o?"
"Me when I'm being retro," Terri chirped.
Stoney shook his head. "Eight years old and knows 'retro'."
"And a vocabulary to go with it," Johanna said. "We're gonna steal you, Terri. You can be our little girl."
"I'm already the community's little sister. Well, me and Rachel. 'Sides, you and Mister Stoney, you need a red-headed kid. So you'll have a set."
"A set," Jo mouthed with a smile.
"By the way, we made up our second bedroom for you," I said. "Or you can do Cindy's."
"We were gonna get a hotel..." Stoney said.
"Well, if you're more comfortable that way, then I guess so, but really, we – all of us – are really missing you two."
Johanna's smile. It changes to a little grin. "We cancelled the reservations at the hotel before we took off."
"Good!" I said. "Now, a car..."
"Let us rent one," Stoney said. "So we don't drain the resources."
Stoney was punching on his iPhone diligently. "Okay. I'm sending you the address of the rental agency. We can run right by there and you can offload us, then we'll meet you at the apartments."
"Awww," Terri whined.
"Terri!" I said.
"Oh, why don't you come ride with us, Terri," Johanna said.
"You're spoiling her."
"Look at that face!" Johanna said, causing Terri's smile to brighten a few hundred watts.
"It's not the face that dangerous, Jo. It's the brain..."
"I'm just a little eight year old girl," Terri said in an exaggeratedly squeaky voice.
"You're almost nine, and you're my evil niece." I glanced in the rear-view mirror. "How much baggage do you get to carry in that thing?"
"Twenty whole pounds," Stoney said. "Jo's concert flute and our little emergency clothes bag."
"We Fed-Exed our regular luggage to your office," said Jo.
"Yeah, we got that," I replied. "Smart move, considering your mode of transport."
"Cindy's jealous," Jo said. "I promised her a flight. But NO AEROBATICS!" She cast an eye at Stoney. "And I mean it! You know how you are with redheads." She paused, made sure I was paying attention. "And Nikki!"
"And Susan. And Tina," Jo laughed. "You just know we're gonna have to spend a whole day at the field giving everybody a ride."
"I dunno," Stoney sighed. "Cindy's got time in that Extra. Our poor ol' Pitts is a step back."
"Cindy likes to fly. We all do. But Cindy flies better than me. Her Dan checked me out in their 180 so I could get some taildragger time. (Auth. Note: 'Taildragger' refers to an airplane with two main wheels up front and a single small tailwheel in the rear. It is considered a bit more difficult to handle on the ground than the more common tricycle gear) I can do it. But I can't do it like Cindy. She's won our spot landing contests more times than she should."
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The sound of her high heels clicking across the wooden floor was the first thing to catch Mike's attention. It wasn't the sound itself that was intriguing. Many of the women who frequented this upscale tavern on Friday evening wore high heels. Her stride was different. It spoke to him of power, authority, and self-confidence. He turned to look, curious as to who this might be and was ensnared. Caught like a fly in a spider's web.The vision he beheld was almost too much for his eyesight to...
Femdom******************************************************************************************************************** I had fucked her pussy and spunked all over her face in her back garden, and she had invited me inside to shower off with her. Her parent's had a nice big walk in shower that we could both fit in comfortably, and I helped Kim wipe my cum off her face before we stood under the warm water. My cock grew hard again very quickly, and she began sliding her slippery ass cheeks up...
I was 17 and my boyfriend John and I were able to get fake i.d.s through the mail. The first adult movie we saw was DEEPTHROAT and from that moment on all he could think about was getting all of his 11.5 inches (More than Peter North! He could only get about 8 inches in my pussy and less in my ass) down my throat!I loved to suck cock and sucked him off just about every day for the last 3 years, even swallowing his cum when he didn't plaster my face with it. But the idea just didn't seem...
When John Price gets upset after discovering his hot girlfriend Lana Roy has been out on a shopping spree on his credit card again, the brunette babe tries to appease him with her hand and mouth on his big cock. The petite Russian beauty pulls her man’s member out of his pants to give him a handjob and a ball licking blowjob that gets him in a dick stiffening mood. The college cutie’s deepthroat skills pushes him over the edge and leaves her mouth full of cum. You’ll love the...
xmoviesforyouHi, everyone. I am SK from Delhi. I have been reading stories on this website for a quite long time and have found some of the stories very erotic. Well about me I am working as a manager in a reputed company. My story dates back to the year 1999 when I was posted in Baroda. I was new to the place and quite often did customer contact by traveling by bus. It was one of those journey when I was going to Bharuch by bus when I met this lady. She must have been in her early thirties and was good...
My crush finally accepted my love. She is my classmate and luckily my neighbor too. It was those days at high school. It has been weeks since she accepted my proposal but I didn’t get a chance to even kiss her. I was longing for an opportunity and then one day she suggested to sneak in to her house at midnight. I was so scared to even think about that but lust overtook fear. The night came. I cautiously opened my house door at 2am when everyone is sound asleep. It was the month of December and...
She was worried.Her hands where twisting together, the thumb, indexfinger and middlefinger of one hand, rubbing and pinching at the indexfinger of the other. They left small red marks along the entire finger, it almost looked like she had burned herself, or dropped firewhiskey on it. The soft lips where parted in a smile, a lock of brown messy hair lay across them, moving everytime she exhaled. Even her eyes where filled with a wordless joy, sparkling softly. But her hands...The smell of...
Saturday rolled around quickly, and I was thrilled to head to my grandpa’s shop with mom in the driver seat and little Josh strapped in the back. I had asked mom to let me drive, holding up my learner’s permit, but she was hesitant to let me drive with Josh in the car. “That’s some confidence you have in your future race car driver,” I grumped. “Jacob, I only have two of you. I don’t like taking chances with you both in the car.” “Alright,” I acquiesced, deciding we’d get to the shop...
A few years ago my husband and I had fallen on some tough times. Mike and I were from a really small town in central Texas where everything was dependent on farming and ranching. Unfortunately, if you didn't own either one and had to do work at one of the local small companies you were pretty well doomed to a meager existence at best. Being right out of high school, the best he could do was a job at a small feed mill and I waited tables when I could at the local café. The town was so small...
My sex life? As I want to start by writing in diary format, I don't know what is going to happen, but I am sexually active- my first orientation was heterosexual, but I became pansexual in my early 20s- meaning that the sex of any lover is not of prime importance to me. I was in a big hetero relationship, and that left me with a little girl, called Meritxell (thats a Catalan name- her father's influence). She is five years old, and gets looked after by a couple most days- especially if I...
Chapter I The Scarlet Witch received the message from Charles Xavier at Avengers Mansion. She carefully listened to what the leader of the X-Men had to say and then agreed to assist him. It seemed that several young mutants belonging to Generation X, including Jubilation Lee, had gone missing. Jubilee's guardians had expected a visit from her for her birthday, and became concerned when she didn't show up. Professor Xavier had used his powerful telepathic powers to trace Generation X mentor...
Hey everyone I am back with another incident of my life about a milf hook-up. I am a 24-year-old guy from Mumbai. I am reading and writing stories here for a long time now. Just a few months ago, I was sitting at home watching TV when my phone rang. It was my college buddy Rohan. He was in town after a long time. So he called me to a pub in Bandra, one of the poshest clubs in that area. I was excited to party after a long time. To add to that, my parents were also not in town. I got ready wore...
I woke up in Palo Alto feeling ... refreshed. More like my old self. First time since ... well, it had been a while. Feeling morning-naughty, I sat under the shower spray and treated myself to a quickie. Dressed for success, I was checking myself out in front of the hotel mirror. Picked up my cell, “Hello.” “What are you doing in California?” I smiled, sat back in the club chair, Clint Callahan. “And this is your business ... why?” “I made it my business.” “Oooh, tough guy. I’m still...
I had a gf for over a year, very gothic, short, long black hair, a nose ring, tats, and the cutest b cups I have ever seen. she was very open, bi sexual, very much so. Dana over the years had told me stories of her woman adventures always with a smile. One night we got to talking about sexual adventures and She wanted to have a threesome with her best friend whom she had already slept with. I said sure we could try, meet have a few drinks. She agreed get comfortable with each other etc. so she...
For the love of me I thought I would only like shorter girls or girls that are my height. This time my friend Marco told me about three girls that he works with at a strip club that are down to for some fun. I call Mistress Alexa and tell her I want you and your sisters for a couple hours. She then says "fuck you, your mine for the day" I then said "yes mam" she said "tomorrow 10 am, leave your door unlocked" I did so. Next day I see a black Mercedes roll up and park in my driveway. The three...
Now don’t start thinking that John and I didn’t fuck. Oh, believe me, we fucked. I just feel that I should tell the story how it happened. There is no point glossing over details that really help to explain how and why things went the way they did. Maybe it’s true that the devil is in the details.John was thick. As a woman of colour, I’ve heard all the stories that say black men are the biggest, and whatever other stereotypes are out there. But John was one of those guys who carried what I like...
To mark the anniversary of her divorce, my mother-in-law announced that she was treating her daughters and their husbands to a night out at the theatre to see a variety show. My wife Alice said she would help me get dressed. She started by making up my face. After removing most of my eyebrows, she used an eyebrow pencil to mark a thin line. Then she added blue eye- shadow and bright red lipstick. My white suspender-belt held up pale tan stockings that seemed to emphasise the girly...
Chapter 7Time to GoJosh arrived back late, slightly unsteady on his feet. He had had a few drinks to overcome his anger. It hadn’t really worked, but he had enjoyed fucking that girl in the car park – that had dissipated a lot of pent up emotion. He was surprised to see the lights still on in the house. The anger rose in him again as he remembered how much it hurt his pride to find out about Daniel. That bastard! And she was such a bitch to do that to him. He thrust his key into the door and...
As Always: Thanks to ‘Alpineskier’ for editing. Thanks to ‘Doc’ for story ideas. Bradley’s story: Have you ever had your heart broken into a million pieces? No, let me correct that. Have you ever had your soul ripped from your body and watch it evaporate as the wind blows by? That is me at this very moment. My problem is I brought a knife to a gun fight. My wife, I mean ex-wife, Janine, brought the Death Star. How could she afford an attorney of that caliber is beyond. Did you know I,...