Medusa Fate s GameChapter 9
- 3 years ago
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Love was the sort of thing that happened to other people and not me.
All that mattered was that I had a head for business and a bod built for sin and I rode that sucker as hard as I could for as long as I could. Love them and leave them was my motto. Hook up, fuck-hard, and screw regret.
Men - and women - have come and gone over the years and not one - not a single one - has made me take so much as a second look and go back for more. For one reason or another, I always come away knowing that I've seen all they've got and taken all they can give. Nothing anybody has ever done has come close to what I'm looking for. All it would take was a spark. Something to jolt me out of this little fantasy world I've built around myself to keep the big bad wolf at bay and to make everything I've ever done feel like it's all been worth it.
All I ever wanted was for someone to save me. To take me away to the moonlight because the people around me don't feel right. Just take me away from here...
Who knew - who fucking knew - that someone who looked and dressed like a reject from a Willy Wonka factory would be that spark. This is definitely a really shitty way for my emotional conscience to say hello. Why did it have to be someone like him?
Babette was giving me THAT look.
"What?" I said as I got up and walked to my office window that looked out on a winter wonderland as the snow continued to fall over the city. Getting home tonight was going to be a real pain in the ass.
"Oh, nothing, Cherie," she replied. "Only I hear that Chinese people are whispering."
I turned and looked at her. "And what exactly is that supposed to mean?"
She spread her arms wide and shrugged in that way only French women can. "Only that someone saw something and they have put Deux plus Deux together and made Cinq!"
"And what do those whispers say then?" I was all ears.
Babette sat back in her chair. "That you were seen with someone and that you appeared to be somewhat." She paused. "Flustered."
Flustered, huh. Well, shoot. Was it that obvious? But there hadn't been a soul around at that time of the evening. Heck, I don't even remember the cleaners being there. So who the hell saw us in the elevator?
Oh, shit. "The CCTV!"
Those wanking spying asshole sonsofbitches!
"Have you noticed anything different?"
I looked up from my brunch at my Secretary who was sucking and chewing on one end of her spaghetti. It was lunchtime and the canteen was full of the company employees making the most of down-time to get something to eat. We were sat at a table in the far corner near the main windows. As with most companies, the grunts and dept bosses sat with their own kind which I always found freaky in a planet of the apes sort of way.
I shook my head. "No, I don't think so," The anticipated walk of shame hadn't happened. At least as far as I could tell as most everyone always glanced in my direction when I came down to the canteen anyway. It was just the way things were and where the "Medusa" moniker thing came from. "Look not into the eyes of the Witch for she will take your soul and make you hers" schtick. Dressing the way I do, shades of black with my long red hair usually free-flowing, I definitely turn heads wherever I go. Even if it's only to the bathroom to take a leak.
But there didn't appear to be anything out of the ordinary as me and Babette found a spare table where we set up base camp to keep out of the way from the knuckle-dragging abominations who always - ALWAYS - tried to catch my eye.
Only this time, I was watching them as much as they were watching me.
At first glance, Mr. Kent didn't look to be here. Which I thought would be a relief but absolutely wasn't much to my annoyance. This was crazy. How the fuck was I supposed to do anything? How the hell do I concentrate on the crap I needed to do today? I popped a grape in my mouth and mused on my situation.
Every opening of the main double doors to the canteen had me looking up like Bambi in a zoo full of hyenas. And with every "not that guy", I slumped back in my chair with Babette thoroughly enjoying the show.
"So it has finally happened." She grinned, waving her plastic fork at me as she nibbled on a meatball.
I gave her my best scowl of disapproval. "No, it hasn't," I lied as I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. This was ridiculous. Was I actually glowing and giving off a shit load of pheromones or something? Could people hear my vagina singing?
"There is nothing wrong with being in love, Carol," she laughed.
Was she kidding? There is a whole lot of wrong about it. It messes with your head, fucks your metabolism and turns you from a sane sensible member of the human race into an emotional sack of play dough. That crap I can do without. I'm only twenty-nine, for Chrissakes. I like my life just the way it is. Fucked up with lots of in and out no strings attached sex. Thank you very much.
"You're imagining things," I blagged.
Babette ignored me. "Is he cute?"
Oh. You cow. That was a low blow. I shrugged. Is Clark Kent cute? Well, considering my vast experience regarding the male of the species, I thought he was. Kind of. I'd really need to have a proper face to face to be sure. As that thought faded away, another suddenly popped into my head.
"Wonder if he's hung?" I sighed as I stared out of the window at the falling snow.
The whole canteen turned at the sound of Babette laughing her ass off as the doors suddenly opened and in walked this magnificent son of Krypton and I knew deep down in my fucking bones that my whole life was about to change forever.
There are times when you've just got to tell your pussy to shut the fuck up.
This time, right now, was one of them as I sat there peeking over the menu as the man made his way to a spare table and sat down. Holy moly, I had a serious case of the vapors and could feel my uterus doing cartwheels inside of me. What the hell was going on? My heart was literally aching as it thudded loudly in my ears as I watched him remove his tweed jacket and sit down in his seat where he began to tuck into his meal.
Since I and Babs were sat in the far corner of the large hall that was in shadow, he apparently hadn't seen us as I stared at him properly for the first time. Well, hang on a second here. Is that it? I mean, he just looked like a regular Joe sat there in his white short-sleeved shirt and dark blue tie. He didn't exactly look anything special from what I could tell. He had to have something more about him or else why was my inner bitch panting away and howling at the moon?
"Surprising, isn't it," said the woman opposite. She was looking directly at me and I flinched at what she was implying. "It can touch you anytime, anywhere, and for no reason at all. When I was a young girl, there used to be a saying where I came from that love is the answer to the question you never asked."
I made a face at her. Oh, please spare me. Enough with the fairy princess Disney crap. "In case you hadn't noticed," I told her. "I am not a young girl anymore."
Babette smiled. "No, but the question is still the same no matter how much you want to run away from the answer, Cherie," She sat forward. "Shall I invite him over?"
Excuse me?
My mouth dropped open in shock. "No," I gasped. "Are you crazy?"
"Then how are you going to meet?" she asked.
Was that a trick question? Meet? Like right now? In front of the mob and their fucking mobile phones? I shook my head. "Babette, don't you dare!"
My best friend shrugged. "You are just putting off the inevitable," she sighed. "What will be will be in the end. The first conversation is always the most difficult."
"He's married," I said flatly.
"Ah," she nodded. "But that hasn't stopped you before has it?"
How does one answer something so baldly brazenly true as that? For once, I felt truly stung by something she had said. Someone being married wasn't something that had ever deterred me from getting what I wanted before as disgustingly pathetic as that sounded. So what made this guy different from all the others?
I just shook my head and didn't say anything to her.
She reached across the table and took my hand in hers. "All the best sex in the world is worth nothing if it doesn't mean anything. A fleeting edification that disappears in the blink of an eye," She pressed her free hand to her chest. "The best kind of sex is the sex which lives on beyond the moment when it is done because of love."
Babette suddenly got to her feet.
"Where are you going?" I blurted out, sounding surprised and nervous as I glanced at her half-eaten meal of spaghetti and meatballs.
"To say hello."
I blinked. "What?"
She smiled. "To introduce myself," she said breezily as she winked at me and made her way between the tables to leave me sat there freaking the fuck out inside.
"Babette!" I hissed. But she ignored me and gave me a little cheery wave.
What the hell was she doing? OMG! Was she nuts? Stupid question. Of course, she was nuts. She's French. When she reached his table and I saw her introducing herself, I slid lower in my seat and hid behind the menu. This was the worst! The absolutely fucking worst day ever! I peeked over the top and saw she had sat down opposite him and they were actually talking to one another like reasonable adults. Glancing around, I noticed some of the others looking over towards me with more than the usual lustful curiosity.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Five minutes later, Babette returned and gathered her things. I was on my feet like a shot, grabbed her by the elbow, and was quickly marching us both out of the fucking hall towards the elevators without looking back.
"Well?" I blurted out as we headed to the twenty-fifth floor.
Babette shrugged and examined her nails. "All done."
Done? All done what? I gave her a shake. "AND?"
"Oh, it was nothing," she replied. "I just thought I'd explain what happened the other day that's all. You know, when he saw us in the bathroom together. He was very understanding and completely charming."
"AND?" I was practically bouncing up and down on the spot. "WHAT. DID. YOU. TELL. HIM?"
"Sex toy."
I stared at her.
The older woman looked at me innocently trying not to laugh.
"Sex toy, " she repeated. "You know, one of those Benji ball things. I told him you got one stuck and I was helping you get it out. Simple. As good an excuse as any."
She gave me a kiss on the cheek before heading to the office with me standing there like an open-mouthed asshole wondering if I was as smart as I thought I was.
In the end, it was Mother Nature who decided to give Lady Fate a helping hand as far as matters of the heart were concerned about dumping a metric ton of snow over the district and making the city grind to a halt.
The company sent out a text giving everybody the day off and that only essential personnel should attempt to come into work until the worst of it cleared. It looked like it was going to be a white Christmas after all with the big day just over a week away.
Being head of dept was about as essential as it got as I sat listening to Larry bitching on about the other assholes on the road and how this trip was worth way more than time and a half. The man had a point because there had been practically a whiteout overnight and the weather was saying the conditions were the worst they'd seen in nearly forty years.
But Mr. Gonzales is a trooper and what should have been a thirty-minute commute ended up taking two hours plus as we pulled into the main entrance of the building.
Walking through the lobby, it looked like Santa's little helpers had been busy as the place was decked out with a shit load of Christmas decorations. Only a couple of receptionists were on the main desk and the place was eerily quiet which suited me right down to the ground as I headed for my office on the twenty-fifth floor and what I expected to be a day getting things done without any interruptions.
So much for the best-laid plans of mice, men and Lois Lane.
All work and no food make this particular girl grouchy and grumpy as hell so as the clock ticked round to mid-day-ish, I decided to head downstairs to see what delights the canteen was dishing out when there was hardly anyone around.
As the elevator descended, I stood with my eyes fixed on the red neon numbers above the doors as they counted down through 13 to 12 to 11 to...
Level 10. Data - Records-Information: Company Library.
The floor you-know-who worked on. My own personal nemesis. It occurred to me that he was literally the man with no name other than the fantasy one my imagination had given him. Watch him be called something like Todd. Or Hank. Or Biff. I would lose my shit if he was called Randy.
For a split second, I was tempted to press the red button.
Maybe I should just go and introduce myself. Say hello. Explain a couple of things. Do shit like a normal adult would do. You know, sensible stuff.
10 to 9 to 9...
I sighed and closed my eyes.
The elevator continued on its merry way to the ground floor.
Walking into the canteen was like walking into another world.
The place was practically empty as I stood there with the double doors swinging shut behind me. I'd never seen it so quiet and with it decked out in all sorts of Christmassy crap, it was kind of freaky, to be honest. There were people sat here and there around the hall with some reading or on their laptops as they ate.
As expected, the menu was pretty basic. "Emergency rations," as Dolores put it from behind the counter where she was serving. So burger, fries, and coffee to go then. Preoccupied, I turned and found a seat towards the center and not where Babette and myself usually sat. As I unwrapped my not so happy meal, I started noticing the other people in the room and to my dawning realization, half a dozen tables to my right sat the object of my growing attention which totally took the wind right out of my sails. He was with five other people, one who I sort of recognized from the tenth floor, and they were making small talk as they sat chatting away.
Oh. You have got to be kidding me.
What do I do now?
Just eat your fricking meal, dummy. And try not to look a complete moron. Thankfully, I was dressed for the weather with a black polo necked top, charcoal below the knee-length skirt, black leggings and ankle boots. I actually looked decent. Normal. Not dressed to kill as per my usual. Even my hair was tied up in a tail which hung down my back. Hell, I could even pass for a Librarian.
It is the hardest thing in the world to deliberately not look at something you desperately want to look at. Concentrating on a fixed point in space, I resolutely nibbled on my Big Mac as I tried to look cool, calm and collected.
But he was here. Over there. Just out of reach. It was no use. I had to take a peek. Just to see what he was doing. I could hear their murmur of conversation and each time he spoke it felt like my ass was falling out of my panties.
A quick first glance and I saw he was looking at the girl opposite him laughing and smiling as they talked. Oh, so is that what jealousy feels like. Like being slowly throttled by a green-eyed little monster. I took another bite and continued chewing only this time more resolutely.
Another glance. Oh. He had removed his black-framed spectacles and was fiddling with them as he ate his fries. Jesus. H. Christ. He looks like a teenager! How old is this guy? Geez, what if he's only, like, say, nineteen or twenty or something? That would make me an old maid at nearly thirty. Heck, I had never even considered how old he would be.
My balloon was beginning to deflate.
I took another bite and munched away thoughtfully.
"Miss. Peterson?"
I looked up surprised to see the girl I sort of recognized standing in front of my table.
"I, uh," she said hesitantly, "We noticed you were sitting on your own and thought you'd like to join us until lunch is over. If you want to," Her voice trailed off as I glanced at the others sat across from me.
"Oh, I, er," I smiled as I tried to think straight. Nope. No can do. Take a raincheck. Just say NO for Chrissakes. "Okay, yeah, sure. Thanks."
What are you doing?
Once I took my seat, the girl, Judy - brunette, medium-height, eighteen, grade three data clerk, cute - introduced me to her small group of new recruits. And, finally, to him.
"And this is Frank," she smiled, completely oblivious to how much my fucking blood pressure was going through the roof at that second. "Frank Caprica."
Caprica? Holy shit. He sounded like a hero from a Disney movie.
"Hi, nice to meet you," I nodded to each in turn. Time seemed to come to a slow stop as I suddenly felt the weight of the moment come over me, I turned to the man and as our eyes met I got my first real good look at him.
Which turned out to be a little underwhelming if I'm honest. Okay. Hmmm. He most definitely was not my type. At least not physically. He looked a little overweight and the clothes he was wearing were slightly baggy on him. Well, Casanova, you're not exactly the sort of man I thought would be the one to ring my cute little ding-a-ling.
I guess it's true what they say that love is blind.
But then he smiled at me and the whole world suddenly sprang to life in a way that vibrated through my soul from head to toe and I suddenly knew he was that one. It was like being dragged out of the dark into the moonlight.
Oh, you absolute married asshole.
So, hi, hello, howdy doody, Mr. Caprica.
Small talk is such a weird thing. Being able to talk for the sake of talking about stuff that doesn't matter at all. I thought I was quite good at it. Being able to dictate and move the conversation to where you want it to go.
But that was with people. Not with Superman sitting over there.
As we all sat at the table chatting about whatever it was we were chatting about, I had this overwhelming itch that really needed to be scratched. And the questions were all about him. Who he was. What he had done. What he wanted to do. What was he thinking about. Why was he thinking about what he was thinking about and a whole bunch of other things I needed to know just so I had some idea the game I was in and where I stood.
The conversation was about basic things. Mostly work. What the company was like and how the place ticked. Things to know. Shit you can do and shit you couldn't. Newbie stuff with Judy filling in the details as I dropped in the odd little firework. I could tell they were kind of hesitant about saying too much with me being senior management which was understandable and fine.
Whatever we talked about was only going to be in vague terms. Their own dept. heads would read them the riot act and keep them on the straight and narrow. Being new is scary and first weeks fucking suck from experience. But they seemed a pretty good bunch as I sat there listening to them talk amongst themselves as I sipped my coffee.
But the talk meant nothing. The only thing I was concentrating on was learning more about the man. Like I said up top, he did look a lot like the classic Clark Kent. His features and jaw were well defined and his eyes were a rich shade of brown. Another thing I discovered was that he didn't come from these parts.
He was, in fact, English. His voice had this wonderful sing-song timbre to it that made him sound slightly Scottish which confused the fuck out of me until he explained it.
"From northern England," he said when I pointed it out. "The bit under Scotland to the right where the Vikings and Norse Gods pillaged and plundered."
Oh, that sounded as sexy as fuck. I love all that Thor and Conan stuff. I swear, there were four women at the table and you could hear our vaginas sigh in unison as Judy's beeper literally beeped at that exact moment.
"Okay," she clapped. "Time to go, newbies," she said as she got to her feet. "Miss Tibbs wants to see us in records. Not you, Frank. Data is not until tomorrow. Looks like you get a long lunch. Nice meeting you, Miss Peterson."
Oh. Okay. Bye-bye. And then it was just the two of us. Him and me. Me and him. Sat together in the loudest silence ever as I tried to keep my raging libido in check.
Which was the last thing I wanted to do.
I never really considered what being in love would be like.
Sure, as a teenager, I had boyfriends and the odd deep crush in High School, but as I sat opposite the man, I began to understand what it meant on the most basic level as we talked about stuff in general. Everything that I am was focused on him. Every emotion was slowly wrapping themselves around him and I could feel myself wanting nothing more than to just sit there so I could look and listen to him.
As far as I was concerned, he was my soulmate.
I was convinced he was the one.
The more I stared at him the greater my desire became and whatever doubts I had about the power of love faded away into a waking dream.
And he was married.
"You have quite the reputation," he said as I glanced up at him with the sound of his voice bringing me back down to earth and our conversation.
I smiled self consciously and looked away. "Is that good or bad?"
"Mostly good," he smiled.
"They say you're not someone to let an opportunity go to waste and that you always get what you set your mind on. Which is a good thing, considering who you are and what you do. That's impressive," he said as he took another sip of coffee. "Must have taken a lot of sacrifices and hard work to get that far. Head of Department is a big deal."
At such times, I can be quite the little actress. Not that I hadn't put in the actual effort to get the qualifications I needed to get to where I needed to go but, well, you know, a little strategic fucking helped lube the cogs of the relevant dick or pussy. The rest was down to sheer hard work and no little luck.
"My mother always said to smile and put on a happy face," I shrugged. "As long as I believe in myself and do what I think is right, I know I'll be alright. Life is too short to have regrets even if they happen for the right reasons."
He didn't say anything but stared at me. It was as if I'd said something that he recognized personally. Something he understood. I found myself staring back at him and I knew the last thing I should do was to look away. My heart was racing and It felt like I was drowning when I saw his brow furrow and the intensity in his eyes narrow as he looked at me.
I had the absolute feeling that something had definitely clicked between us.
"You're very beautiful," he said suddenly breaking the silence.
Oh. Oh. Huh. Oh fuck. No one has ever EVER said that to me. And he just did. Straight out with it as if it were a simple fact. It literally made me feel like my heart was going to burst from my chest in sheer joy. Sure I've had compliments about my looks before but they were usually of the "you're really hot/sexy/cute/fuckable" kind. But this was different. Like it was more than just about me physically.
I wanted to say something profound in reply. Something with meaning. A simple "thank you" just wouldn't cut it. I knew what I wanted to say but I couldn't. So I just blushed and smiled at him as his mobile suddenly buzzed.
"Hey," he said as he sat back. "This is a surprise. What you up to?" he asked with a laugh. "No, not today. Actually, I'm done. Early finish. Yup. Uh-huh. We can eat out. Okay. Uh-huh. About an hour or so. Yup. Catch you later. Bye, sweetheart. Love you."
No word of a lie but that cut was most definitely the deepest and it is a small miracle I was able to sit there and keep the pain from my smile as he put his phone back in his pocket. I raised my eyebrows as he began to gather up his things.
"Guess I have to go," he said as he got to his feet and put on his coat.
Guess so," I replied as I looked up at him.
Then I saw something. A fleeting hint of shadow in his eyes. Something behind his smile as he reached out his hand for me to take. His right hand. Right there in front of me. I blinked and glanced up at him. Just take his damned hand, Carol.
Reaching up, I slipped mine into his and the breath caught in my throat as I felt his fingers close over my own and hold me firmly but gently. We didn't say anything as he gave my hand a squeeze with a brief nod of his head.
He then let go of me and turned to leave.
As I watched him go, I felt I had to do something. It was no use. I needed to say something about what Babette had told him the other day in the canteen or it would drive me fucking nuts if I didn't. I mean, sometimes you've just got to explain things and clear the air, right?
I grabbed my things and ran after him as he stopped at the main entrance. He looked at me wondering what was so important that I chased after him.
Okay, this was going to be the most embarrassing shit show ever but I felt I had to do it.
"Uh," I blurted out. How the hell was I going to say what I wanted to say? Just explain what happened, you fool. "I just wanted to say something. About that thing that you saw. The other day in my office. With my Secretary and what we were doing..."
He looked at me. "Oh," he said as he remembered me standing there with my bare ass on show and Babette exploring my plumbing. "I didn't mean to intrude or anything. Sorry."
I shook my head. "No, no, don't apologize," I told him. "It was just that," I took a deep breath. "I got something stuck. Up there."
He blinked. "Stuck?"
"Yeah," I nodded. "Something plastic," Holy shit, I sounded like a complete loon. "A plastic ball gizmo. You know, one of those sex toy things."
I wanted to fucking DIE.
He didn't say anything for a moment. "Really?" he asked, sounding and looking completely bemused as I stood there blushing to my roots.
"Like my Secretary told you in the canteen," I rushed.
He continued to stare at me like I had lost my mind and was trying really hard to keep a straight face as I suddenly realized what had really happened.
Oh, that little French tart!
There was a pause then the sound of my Secretary laughing on the other end of the phone as I stomped around my office mad as a box of le frogs.
"Oh that," she replied. "Of course there wasn't. You did not actually think I told a complete stranger that when he saw us together in your office I was removing a plastic ball from your papoose?"
"YOU. FRENCH. BITCH!!" I screamed, cursing like a trooper.
There was a longer pause. "Wait," she asked slowly. "Has something happened, Cherie?"
Babette always called me Cherie when it came to personal stuff. It was kind of endearing and I knew she did it to calm me down and see sense.
"I told him."
"Clark Kent," I groaned as I flopped into my chair and buried my face in my arms. "Except he's not called that. He's a Frank. A Frank Caprica. And I told him about what you told me when you went over to speak with him the other day in the canteen."
There was an even longer pause.
"You told him what I told you?!" she gasped. "About the thing?"
There was a shriek of laughter that made me wince. "OH MON DIEU!" she squealed. "Cherie, I was making a joke. Having a little fun with you as you were so serious!!"
"Well, it looks like the joke is on me because I told him," I sighed. "And now he thinks I'm a total ass slut who uses her personal secretary to get her rocks off. You should have seen the look on his face. He must think I am a complete basketcase."
Babette sounded like she was going to pee herself laughing.
"Oh, how I wish I had been there, Carol!" she giggled.
I sat looking out of my twenty-fifth-floor window. "Yeah, well," I sniffed. "If you had been, I'd have hung you from the ceiling by your sexy French knickers, Cherie. See you tomorrow."
Well, this had definitely been quite the fucking day.
Look out for Medusa part 4. Last one.
The Athenian Acropolis (Around 440BC)" that the sun will not look down upon any land beyond the boundaries of what is ours” Xerxes --------When the Persians came to Athens they found the city empty, Xerxes whose fury was equalled only by his desire for revenge for his father ordered the great city to be destroyed, and thus it came to be that goddess’s temple fell before it was finished. The bravery of the Spartans seemingly in vain.The Athenians were not deterred and would inflict defeat...
~~Chimera~~ He did not like where this was going. The ship moved at a slow pace, or at least he thought it was slow. In the middle of the night, the stars and breeze should have been more than enough of a guide, but the fog of the dead blocked his senses. It felt almost as if they were holding still, but the rest of the crew assured him they were moving, slow but steady. Crew. He sneered, and looked across the deck to the others. The two satyrs were chatting about the tale of Bellerophon,...
~~Darian~~ The journey was not as easy as he’d been hoping. It was a fool’s hope to think it’d be a casual stroll down in the country, but still, he had pictured himself in a simple tunic with Medusa beside him, walking at leisure wherever they desired. Instead, he was weighed down in armor with provisions and a bedroll strapped to his back, not to mention a shield, a sword, and a spear. He looked at the beautiful creature next to him, his one saving grace on this fool’s quest. Medusa kept...
~~Darian~~ Darian took a small step back, and kept his sword up and ready. “Patrius.” “Patrius ... the guard from Tiryns?” Otrera came up beside Darian, sword as ready as his own, and scanned over the group of villagers. They were just people, armor as old and untended as a farmer’s sword, and untrained hands fumbling with their equipment with just as much clumsiness. Their fingers floundered over the weapons, and their eyes glazed over their work, half open, with heavy shoulders and...
~~Otrera~~ Otrera looked down at herself, and sighed. She was naked, laying down in the grass, and staring up at the moonlit sky. Her head rested upon the lap of a nymph that was combing her long black hair. Another nymph was massaging her legs and working her fingers into the tight muscles. They never said anything, the beautiful women touching her, but they smiled, and giggled — so they had voices at least — and traced her many scars with their fingertips. She had much darker skin than...
~~Darian~~ Darian growled, louder than he wanted to, and when he glanced at Medusa, she was looking at him with a confused expression. No luck there, she’d heard them, and she lowered her human half down next to him. She kept looking at him through the corner of her eye, but the monsters before them weren’t the sort you took your eyes off of. “It’s Darian now. Fuck off,” he said. The three winged women glared at him, exposed their shark teeth, and scowled. But they said nothing; the masks...
~~Darian~~ Discovering that the red-eyed guards on the bridge were actually undead was an unwelcome surprise. He should have guessed it; not the first time he’d fought Andromeda’s summoned skeletons. Skeletons shouldn’t have been able to scream, though. They didn’t have any flesh or throat or muscle. They shouldn’t have been able to do anything but lay on the ground, like dead should. But his eyes and sword told him differently as his blade hacked through bone, bone, and more bone. Their...
~~Chimera~~ “We are in luck,” he said. “Gaia has provided.” Pinna and Medusa were up the moment the words were out his mouth. He waved them to sit back down, and he walked over to join them next to the satyr. “Did you run into anyone?” Bellerophontes said. “Anyone out there that might be trouble?” “It is as you said. The villages are far from here, but I did see other ships approach nearby waters. It would seem other cities are using Paros as a bay for trade. We should be cautious if we...
“Damn, damn, damn. Computer give me results of damage on the ‘squirt drive’.” ‘Squirt drive locked in drive mode and at full power. Attempting to cut power to drive to release controls and return to normal space.’ I had just hit execute on a jump when a ship coming out of jump slams into me and throws everything upside down. Now here I am travelling at 10 times light and can’t get the drive to shutdown. I don’t even know in which direction I’m going as the impact tumbled the navigation gyros....
Fantasy & Sci-FiASK MEDUSA ASK MEDUSA Dear MedusaDo you think it?s bad for the sphincter to have too much shoved up there? I have been using the dildo on my employer? as well as other implements and and Mr. Weinburger?s hole is getting big enough. My husband wants to cornhole Mr. Weinberger; and I don?t want my hubby, Bill, to injure his dick if Mr. Weinberger?s hole is too small,but I don?t want it to be too big, either. Ms. Su, the receptionist at Weinberger Motors, says that she went too far using the...
~~Medusa~~ “So, what do you think?” Darian said. He posed for them, a brown cloak wrapped over his body, dirty edges and blotches of stains on it. Chimera grunted, but Medusa smiled and slithered around him. “You look charming.” “I’m not supposed to look charming! I’m supposed to look forgettable.” He adjusted the horrible garb, but no matter how he wore it, his great smile and young face showed through. “You’ll have to hide your face then.” She reached for his shoulders, and pulled the...
~~Darian~~ “ ... Bellerophontes.” The world stopped. The air petrified, the breeze ceased, and the crickets and birds faded away. The world died around him until it was as if sitting atop a stage, lifeless. Cold crept along his skin until he thought his tears might have frozen on his cheeks. They weren’t, but every sense in his body told him they should have been The mask was alive. Or at least something was talking through it. “Bell ... phontes...” The voice sounded buried, like...
"Damn, damn, damn. Computer give me results of damage on the 'squirt drive'." 'Squirt drive locked in drive mode and at full power. Attempting to cut power to drive to release controls and return to normal space.' I had just hit execute on a jump when a ship coming out of jump slams into me and throws everything upside down. Now here I am travelling at 10 times light and can't get the drive to shutdown. I don't even know in which direction I'm going as the impact tumbled the...
~~Otrera~~ Well, shit. “Darian, wait!” she said. Damn man was going to wreck the world if she wasn’t careful. “Why should I?” “You don’t know what’ll happen if you kill them. You could start what Charon was talking about, or who knows what.” Darian snarled, and a rasp that sounded less like him, more like the first time she’d heard the mask came through. The tall, robed entities stood before their brother’s vessel, and they cowered with a multitude of shadowy limbs raised, flailing like...
~~Otrera~~ Patrius showed up come dawn, as promised, as did the three men. No bandages on his skin this time, not after Chimera explained it didn’t help much. Once Otrera and her companions had taken a whiff of Athena’s gift, they set out into the night. Sneaking around at night was much easier with Athena’s special jar of whatever to wash away the curse. She didn’t like it, smelling something odorless to free her mind of some sorceress’s curse. It was a lot of talk, conjecture, a lot of...
Hey hey hey, how goes it you bunch of awesome perverts, hopeless romantics, total losers, happy boozers and jacuzzi users...Here's the deal. The gist as it were. A little background to get everyone up to speed. Let's call me Carol. I like Carol. It reminds me of Christmas which I love and since its early December, it fits perfectly. I'm a five-ten, twenty-nine-year-old, redhead with a good figure, big tits, and a take no shit attitude, which isn't as bad as it sounds and is probably the...
Love StoriesHey, hey, hey!Still here? To be honest, I wasn't sure you would be. People probably think I'm a bit much to take all in one go. It's true. I can be a total motormouth most of the time but that's just my way of hiding how nervous I get around others. The same goes for the cussing. I swear for a reason. Men are always coming on to me and I've discovered the best way to put them off is to use the language as a kind of weapon. Works every time. But it's not really who I am inside so don't...
Love Stories~~Chimera~~ “The sun will be rising very soon,” he said. “Fuck. Fuck fuck. We can’t sneak into the city come sunrise. Fuck.” The little queen stomped around, and punched him in the leg. She was only a little thing, and her punches were powerful enough to send her back a foot or two across the grass from its own force. Fate’s Children punched hard, and he winced as her knuckles hit muscle. “Your fault.” “I am sorry.” The adorable bundle of fury rolled her eyes, and looked around at the...
"It was midnight. On the water..."*In the dim dark recesses of the mind where dreams are born, my imagination created a world for me to live and play in without fear of consequence. And in that place, I could do and say the things I wanted to say to the one person I wanted to say them to the most.In this dreamworld, from out of the blue swirling void, the man took form and came to me with a smile. He was the light upon my dark and he took my hand in his as we walked along the moonlit shore of...
Love Stories“Damn, damn, damn. Computer give me results of damage on the ‘squirt drive’.” ‘Squirt drive locked in drive mode and at full power. Attempting to cut power to drive to release controls and return to normal space.’ I had just hit execute on a jump when a ship coming out of jump slams into me and throws everything upside down. Now here I am travelling at 10 times light and can’t get the drive to shutdown. I don’t even know in which direction I’m going as the impact tumbled the navigation...
“Gods I need to get laid,” the Amazon said. Chimera rumbled something like a chuckle, took a deep breath, and sat down next to her. She was leaning against a rock, standing, and him sitting down next to her put him at eye level with her. It let him look out over the grass and sea the same way she saw them, as a tiny, short thing unable to see everything. The thought made him chuckle again. “The fuck you laughing at?” she said. “Nothing.” A shrug and another chuckle later, he motioned to...
In last part, part ix you read that by her sexual exhibition she mesmerised hm and three trustees. They not only accepted her conditions but paid much more than agreed amount on the last day of school getting closed for 21 days vacation. She had regular fuck with cm with hope of getting pregnant. She befooled driver & conductor and made them show their cock in hotel. After they left she pressed bell and bahadur, nepali waiter came… “uff madam, bahut badhia aur kadak chuchi hai, uff kitna...
Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...
Love StoriesI didn’t recognise him instantly. Truth be told, I was so engrossed in my brand-new paperback from WH Smith that I wouldn’t have even noticed him coming into the departure lounge if it wasn’t for his kids. There were two of them. Young enough to look like angels but old enough to make their mother head straight for the bar. Within a minute of them arriving, they’d talked so loudly that I presumed the entire lounge knew their names. Ginnie and George.They were full of energy; leaping over seats,...
TabooHey frnds maine ISS m kafi story padi h then i think to narrate my first sex encounter with my first love”Divya”. Mera naam Rajesh h or m Jaipur m ek software company m work karta hu. Baat us samay ki h jab m 13 yr ka tha tab m Rajasthan pahli baar ya tha or Divya ko dhekha us waqt m sex k baaare m jyada nahi janata tha pr pata nahi. Divya ko dhekh kar mujhe wo itni pasand aai ki mane use kiss kar diya or wo waha se bhag gayi ohhh Divya mere gao ki sabse sexy ladkiyo m se ek h height-5.5 gori...
It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...
In last part (6) you read that while returning back from back on rear seat of car headmaster made Divya to hold his cock and he fondled bare cunt. He also proposed for fuck and offered lot of money. But Divya got down at her favourite tea stall. Headmaster sadly went back to school. When Divya reached at tea stall it was around 1.15 of noon. She saw only Kaki there. She enquired and Kaki said that Usha is getting fucked inside by a police inspector and kaka has gone to bring some materials. She...
Last part, Part 5 of this story was published on ISS on 23-11-2013. You have read that Divya arranged a girl from own school through school peon Nandu for her husband. But before her husband could fuck virgin girl three lady Divya, Usha ( wife of Divya’s colleague at school Vinay ) and Sonia ( maid of Divya) had hard core lesbian with virgin girl. Then in front of all other first Vinod ( husband of Divya) and then Vinay fucked that school girl. In evening when peon Nandu came to pick up girl...
Monday evening a young handsome school boy Shekhar dropped Divya home. He boldly expressed his desire for her but Divya apparently did not give him any encouragement. But when her maid Sonia said that they should take this handsome boy in their cunt Divya assured maid that very soon cock of this handsome boy will be inside their cunt, “ randi, chinta mut kar bahut jaldi, iss khubsurat lawnde kaa lawda hamari choot mey hoga. “ In company of Divya that young widow Sonia also became a slut. From...
You read that bank sanctioned vehicle loan to Headmaster as per requirement of Divya. Sanction letter was handed over on Monday and same day HM got delivery of car. Divya attended school and thereafter she booked in a hotel outside city and invited CM of bank as per their deal. By 6 of evening Divya was nude on body of CM. He hugged her tightly. Kissed deeply and whispered , “My darling, let me love you. “ He said and positioned her flat on king size bed of the hotel room. “ no hurry, I am...
Hi sexstory doston mai raj. Jaise app muje jaante hi hai aur agar aapne meri pehli wali sexstory padhi hongi tho aapko pata hi hoga ki divya kon hai. So uss din pub ke terrace pe sex karne ke baad mai aur divya jab bhi milte kuch adventerous zaroor karte. Tho doston hum sab mumbai mai rehte hai. Koi mumbai se muje milna chahe ya baate karni ho tho pe mail kare ya pe mail ya hangouts wala message kare. So doston story pe aate hue. Mai ek saturday ki dopahar apne ek reader ke saathvideo call pe...
Hi friends mai raj, sorry bade dino baad indian sex kahani likh raha hu. Ye kahani sacchi hai ekdum 100%. Tho doston ye kahani hai mere dost ki behen divya ki. Divya ki umar 23 saal hai aur rang brown hai. Uske baal uske boobs tak hai aur uski aankhon ka. Wo mast slim hai aur jaise kai ladkiyon ki jaanghe yani thigh’s ka insie wala part chipakta hai waise uske nahi chipakti aur iske wajah se jab vo shorts ya tight jeans pehnti hai tab uski gand kya mast dikhti hai aur usko doggy style chodne ka...
Yeh kahani he Samir ki. Samir ek girls college me professor tha. Jo sex ka bada shoukin tha. Age 28 saal dikhne me handsome tha. Athletic body thi. Kayi college kumariyo ko chod chuka tha. Woh shadi shuda b tha. But uski biwi zyada khubsurat nhi thi. Divya usi college ki ek khubsurat kali thi.B.Com 3rd year me pdhti thi. Divya ki age 20 saal thi, jo 5’5″ height ki thi, safed gora rang tha, badi badi kaali aankhe thi, gulaab se komal honth the, aur lamba sa par nazuk naak. Ghane nitamb tk lambe...
Hi, ISS reader and thanks for good response of my last story of Mature Horney Lady – especially to those ladies who is starved for sex and not getting oral sex from their hubby I am from Mumbai and my e-mail id is As said I get so many contact from this Divya now I became body massager, pussy hair trimmer, and pussy licker. As mentioned in the previous story my wife is also not having interest in oral sex so I am also starving for oral sex mainly special interest is licking the pussy of...
Dear friends, I received a few mails and comments to my previous story titled “Divya And My Love Life – Part I”. I am Hitesh and this story is the sequel to the first, about how our relationship was given consent by our family. You may read the previous here: Divya and I came up with an idea, which could make things simpler. She didn’t take pills after our 1st love-making. Instead, she and I looked out options of more sessions. We...
IncestHello! Telugu lo puku kathalu chadive andariki naa Namasaramulu. Naa peru Ravi. Ela unnaru. Eeesari meeku maa intlo pani manishi gurunchi cheputanu. Dani peru Divya. Peruku taggattugane Divyanga untundi. 18-19 yella madya vayasu. Orange palla size lo sallu. Chetilo amiretanta gudda. Tellati rangu. Saripoyetanta height. Naa vayasu 42 years. Ante musalivadinani anukovaddu. Manchi exercise body 35 37 years vadilaga kanapaduta. . Assalu 40 – 50 madya vayasekada magadu dengatamlo mature ayyedi....
Hi, friends my name is Rahul aur main luck now main rehta hoon ye meri pehli story hai iss pe jo sayad main kafi dino se soch raha tha likhne ko well main sabhi ladkiyon aur bhabhiyon ko apne baare main baata dun. Meri height 5.11 inches colour fair smart looking and average body and my dick size is 6.5 inch long and 3 inch thick ab main apni story pe aata hoon ye baat aaj se 6 month pehle ki hai meri girlfriend jiska naam divya hai Wo ak sikh parivar se thi wo dekhne main bohot sexy aur...
Hello frnds Mera name aarmaan hai aur main punjab ka rehne wala hoon meri age 22 hai aur mera size 6” hai Yeh story meri bua ki ladki divya ke sath kiye sex k ware main hai Dosto aapko bta do ki meri sis divya ki age 19 hai aur uske boob’s ka size 34 hai uski figure buhat mast hai Yeh baat tab ki hai jab divya hamare ghar kuch holidays spend karne k liye aayi thi maine use 5 years baad dekha tha wo aab hot and sexy girl bn gyi thi use dekhe hee maine note kiya uske boob’s ka size increase ho...
Families are seldom joint these days. However, mine is a joint family, with my parents, my elder uncle, his wife, daughter and son, my younger uncle, his wife, daughter and two sons. I’m the eldest (24) of the cousins, followed by Divya (21), my elder uncle’s daughter, and his son Rajat (19), then Kusum (19), my younger uncle’s daughter, and his twin sons (16) Rik and Nik. As Rajat and Kusum are of same age, they would spend their times together, went to the same school and now read in the same...
IncestYou read that I fell in love with one school colleague and was ready to fuck with him. But he talked indecently and I backed out. Instead I had sex with an elderly man ,kaka of tea-stall and I liked his monster cock. Thereafter I fucked with father in law and he sold me to his friends ,i returned back after having another six lund in cunt and waited for more. Now Next part : Next day I returned back to my place . I am sure after I came , FIL must have told MIL regarding my slutness with him and...
I am Divya , not very beautiful lekin aas-paas , ghar ke andar , bahar school college mey loag sity bajaate thheye, hai meri jaan kah kar bulate thheye to achchhaa lagta thaa… lekin hai re kismat , 21 saal kee ho gaee lekin naa to kisee ne kabhee chuma, chuchi dabaya yaa lawda hee chusaaya…Tarasti rah gaee . Graduation kiya aur ek university mey B.Ed kaa admission liya aur saath hee ek school mey naukari bhee kar -lee. Me and father tried a lot but could not get job in any city school. Lack of...
Hi all this is part 2 of ” Divya Liked her Guest Faculty “. If you have not read the first part please read the first part (link at the top) so that you can understand the story better. I am assuming that you have read the first story and going ahead narrating this story. Please read the first story and email me at Divya came to Bangalore for doing her project. I was very exited to meet her. She was staying in a friend room and she called me to pick her up. This time is what I waiting for a...
Not much has changed in my relationship with my MIL. We still have make love to each other several times a month, but she never seems to amaze me. The sex is great and she really knows how to use her body to please her lover. Just when I thought things could not get any better she dropped another bombshell on me. We were just laying in bed together, she was stroking my cock and I was enjoying a mouth full of tit, when she told me a story that happened when she was married...
MatureNext day school opened. I was normal and both driver and conductor behaved and talked normally. In evening I told them about next school holiday .. It was just after 7 days . Now conductor became more aggressive. He used to press thighs, finding opportunity pinch choot and caress hips. 7 days passed. I reached at corner and to my surprise they came in a car. I sat between driver and conductor… “Kisi aur ko nahi maalum naa..” I was afraid that they may share me with their friends.. “Nahi rani…”...
During Desert Storm, I was serving in the Air Force and ready to come home on leave. At nineteen, I was in very good shape with a very firm body and neglected cock after being gone for so long. I was given a couple weeks leave after being gone for a year, so I immediately started making plans. My mom had a goof-ball boyfriend living with her, so I didn't want to stay there. Next best option, my HS best friend. The more I thought about staying with my friend, the better it sounded. My friend's...
MILFI consider myself to be a very fortunate person; at the age of nineteen I own my own house. I inherited from my Uncle, along with an extensive library of erotic literature (most of it is simply porn) and what is probably one of the largest private collections of implements designed to cause pain. It is a nice house too, detached with three bedrooms, a living room, a dinning room and a kitchen to die for. It also has a good size study, which I have converted into a hobby room, you will find at...
SpankingI was in desperate need of a night out so I asked my husband if we could get a babysitter for the boys and go to dinner. He happily agreed and called the neighbors to see if their daughter, Susie, was available. Thankfully she was so we set it up for Saturday night. Saturday came around and I was more than ready to go out and look sexy for my hubby. I chose a short black fitted dress that hugged my hips and was low in the front to show off my C cup tits. I threw on some 4in black heels and let...
BisexualDiva was a woman who worked as a temp secretary in my company about a year ago. Everyone called her Diva because of her loud, brassy, bossy, and some called, obnoxious, personality. She was a tall woman; bottle blonde, fleshy but not fat, and noisy as hell. Occasionally after work, we'd stop off for a few drinks and some girl talk, and on a few occasions, Ben would stop by to pick me up after work. He didn't care much for Diva but tolerated her since she was a loyal worker and I found her...
My first story left off with me licking and sucking my hot babysitter and then taking her upstairs. Now we continue....I took Susie up to my room and noticed my husband was in the shower. Susie was already naked, her gorgeous young body begging for more action. I quickly undressed and got on the bed. My hot little babysitter crawled up beside me and started sucking my tits. She was working each of my nipples, swirling her tongue around them and sucking each one into her hot mouth. She brought...
BisexualI think I fell in love with Claire the first time I saw her, standing with her team mates in her hockey kit in the queue for dinner in the refectory of our University Hall of Residence. Dark haired, athletically built and sporty, she seemed a long way out of my class. Despite being basically tall and good-looking myself – in great shape after many years playing rugby – there was something about her that I found different from other girls and, frankly, intimidating but I couldn’t get her out of...
Wife LoversExiting the highway and dropping down into the trees, she thought of Little Red Riding Hood and smiled. The anticipation throbbed wickedly inside her. Turning right, onto the two-lane, she passed the new gas station. Her tongue flicked across her lips; she was once again headed towards her Grandmother’s house. A naughty Little Red Riding Hood, wanting the big, bad wolf to find her. She was even wearing a red blouse. The road curved away from her, disappearing in the green of the forest. She...
SpankingDespués de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...
(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...
TRANSVAMPORIA THREE: Medusa's Elixir by Bloodspell Moone Introduction: Hi, and welcome to the third installment of the Transvamporia saga, well it will be a saga by the time I am done with it. I will reiterate once again that to appreciate this story, even to fully understand it, I strongly urge you, the reader, to read parts one and two first. Well, without any further ado, lets get into our story and see just what is developing in the world of the vampire Cheyenne. Part One:...
The Medusan By Diann The club was crowded that night, but through all the smoke and the press of bodies I saw her walk in. To me it was almost as if a spotlight shone down upon her. I must admit that I was smitten right then and there. She was a breath of fresh air to the smoke-filled environs, and even though her body was quickly hidden amongst the throng of people, what I saw made me smile. Her raven colored hair was done up in a "controlled frenzy" type of style, with no...
Hello,sabhi aunty,didi,bhabhi aur girls ke liye h. Mai abhi yahaan naya aaya hu. To plz mera thoda khayam rakhna aap sabhi.Ok to ab mai apne bare me btata hu. Mai 33 yrs ka ek naujawan ladka hu aur abhi tak single hu.Mera naam raj h aur mai agra se hu. Meri height 5feet 8inch hai, mera rang gora h aur mera lund 7.5 inch lamba h aur 3.5inch mota h. Mai hamesha se hi nabhi ka deewana hu. Muje gehri aur lamhi nabhi bahut psand h. Nabhi itni bdi ho ki usme lemon pura aa jaye fir chahe wo nabhi...
After sex with Vinay a colleague of mine at school against whom I made a complain last year at tea –stall ,he brought me to his house. I saw his wife Usha. Vinay desired to get his wife fucked by kaka of tea-stall. I just had one lesbian experience with our maid Sonia but seeing Usha , Vinay’s wife I got aroused . She looked at me smilingly. I hugged her and began kissing her passionately and simultaneously I pressed chuchi and hips. She pushed me away and without looking at me asked , “Kya ho...
Hi dosto mera naam Raj hai aur meri umar 22 saal hai. Main Delhi ka rehne wala hu. Main aaj jo hotel mein sex wala incident aapko batane jaa raha hu usse pehle tak main virgin tha. Mere college mein mere kafi friends the jinki gf thi. Par meri koi gf nahi rahi kabhi. Main aksar try karta tha kisi ladki ka date karne ka par thoda shy hone ki wajah se kar nahi pata tha. Mujhe bhi apni virginity todni thi par pata nahi tha kaise tutegi. Mere final year ke exams aa gaye the. Mujhe ek subject mein...