Medusa: Fate's GameChapter 16 free porn video

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Never in a million years did she expect to be looking at the face of Poseidon once more.

She stared down at the struggling god, at his handsome face. He looked like an older man, but one with all the qualities of attraction, of a man who was powerful and confident, still virile with a touch of age on his face and hair. Tall and broad-shouldered like his brothers too, muscular, with gray hair lined with bits of black and white.

Black lightning continued to erupt around them, even as the shaking ground split and ruptured. More of the black rock beneath the underworld bore up through the cavern floor, cut through it, shattered stalagmites and the buildings they supported. The great hanging braziers of blue frame crashed into the ground, and only upon their landing did Medusa realize how massive their were; each brazier was the size of a home, and each rolled or shattered with the impact to cast the remains of blue fire and black soot upon the rocks.

She looked at Hades, Zeus, and Darian. Her love was shaking with rage, the way he had so long ago when he’d sunk his shield into a tree. He was crushing Zeus underfoot, while Hades struggled with invisible forces, the same as Poseidon did before her. And as the three gods suffered, the black lightning continued to crash down around them from the growing clouds of obsidian overhead. Hera, Demeter, and Hestia cried out threats and battle roars, but the great goddesses could not approach as a torrent of force ripped outward from Darian, shredded the stone floor around him, and split open the skin of the gods. More liquid silver gushed over the rocks. Darian’s outburst ... no, Moros’s outburst left Otrera and Medusa unharmed, untouched, despite standing only several feet away from him. The black lightning crashed around them, split the rocks beneath them, and sent shards across the cavern for miles in all directions, but none of it struck the two women.

She had a moment then, to look into the eyes of the thing who had raped her.

“Poseidon,” she said.

In the chaos of it all, her soft voice didn’t make it past her own ears. Or at least she figured, but Poseidon managed to open his eyes and look at her. And he looked at her with a moment’s panic, a moment’s snarl, a moment’s lust, and a moment’s recollection, before pain took him once more.

For a second, she smiled. He deserved pain. To use her so, to violate her so, to abuse her faithfulness to the gods, to abuse her naivety and innocence, to abuse her ... abuse her at all! He deserved punishment.

But, as Poseidon groaned with the agony of whatever Darian was doing to him, as he cried out when the lightning burned his flesh and invisible forces tore his skin, her hate melted away. She couldn’t hold onto it anymore. A hundred years she lived with it, tried to hold onto it, to use it as some sort of anchor; but she’d cut that rope a long time ago.

It wasn’t an anchor, it was a noose.

The sight of the man, god, screaming in torment as Moros did ... whatever it was he was doing to them, made her insides flip. Just like the men she killed in self defense, seeing them die filled her with the same gut wrenching pain, the same cold chill that went into her tail. Into her toes this time, but it was still the same, the same disgust. No satisfaction, none of that warm glow she’d once imagined revenge would give her, so long ago. Just abhorrence and sadness.

She shook her head, and looked over at Darian again. He was grinding his heel down against Zeus’s chest, and the god was coughing up silver over his lips between gargled screams.

“How dare your kind think it acceptable to rape, murder, or judge us? I don’t care if you do raise the sun, bring the seasons, bring the fish and deer and crops. We are not your slaves. We are not yours to do with as you like,” Moros said. And it was Moros. So little of Darian’s voice was coming through anymore, buried in the ear-splitting rasps and roars of the mask. The words were his, but as more of the white mist dripped from his eyes, so too it came out of the mask’s mouth, until Darian seemed less a man, more a demon.

“Tonight,” he said, “I’m killing gods.”

Zeus was at his mercy. Moros forced his heel down into him as if the little warrior had increased in weight a thousand fold. The snap of bones was loud enough to pierce through the thunder of the black storm that continued to grow overhead.

Otrera was trying to reach Darian, bless her soul. But every attempt to get near, every step, Otrera was halted by the winds pushing at her and sending her back onto her hands. At least she wasn’t being shot out of the sky, as more of the gods and goddesses were. When Medusa looked up, she winced and held her hands to her mouth as one of the bolts of crackling black struck a god, a young one, and sent them falling to the city floor. And another. The gods did their best to evade the growing storm, but the lightning strikes grew more numerous, louder, and many started to strike out against the city buildings. Stones rained down over everything, and as they plummeted from the cavern heights, they struck the panicking, fleeing swarms of gods and other creatures.

She didn’t want this.

Poseidon looked like he was going to die. Why his human illusion was so visceral, so lifelike, she didn’t understand. But veins in his forehead bulged, and his eyes were bloodshot with lines of silver as the man struggled with whatever Darian was doing to him. He gargled and tried to cry out, but it sounded like no more than a choked whimper.

“Darian,” she said. He didn’t respond. “Darian.”

Again the man didn’t respond. He ground his heel against the king of the gods, and pointed a palm down at the man’s head.

“We’d be better off ... struggling to survive ... than living under your feet!”


He raised his head and turned his masked face to her. Like staring into the eyes of the end of everything.


“Let him go! Let them all go!” She had to scream to get her voice over the vortex of destruction around them. She and Otrera remained unharmed by it, but only just, with shards of rock and whips of the black death coming within inches of them.

“They deserve death, Medusa! They deserve agony, justice. We have to—”

She frowned at Moros. Her Darian. She glared at him, grit her teeth, and pointed a finger at Zeus.

“Now!” Her voice cut through the destruction around her like a banshee shriek, and she glared at Darian with furrowed brow and eyes of glaring stone.

His body jerked. He stood up straight, took his foot off of Zeus, and looked at her with arms dangling at his sides.

And everything went silent. The clouds above dispersed like wisps of fog against a strong wind. The black lightning that ripped and tore the underworld asunder ceased and vanished. The mist that poured from Darian’s face did as well, and as the man took deep, heavy breaths, she could see the hardness of his body fade along with the maelstrom of earthquakes beneath his feet.

The three gods started breathing normally again. Zeus forced himself away from Darian, hand against the stone to push himself back toward his kin, but Medusa could see his motions were a struggle. Like watching a man with broken legs try and push himself away from the lion mauling him. He left a silver trail along the stone as he did.

Hades and Poseidon were better off, at least. They got to their knees, coughed splattering silver over the floor, and trembled with what must have been searing pain in their bones. Medusa stared down at Poseidon, and when he looked up at her with raised brow, she sighed.

“ ... why?” he said between fits of coughing.

Again she shook her head, and looked down at the man who violated her.

“Just ... enough, enough of all this. There is nothing we can say or do to change you, to change the gods, the Moirai, nothing. But please, enough of this pain. Enough of this misery.”

She looked up to the gods above them, around them, to the Moirai who had thrown their unusual bodies of cloak and shadow to the cave floor. She looked to the younglings and their gold masks, to the older gods and the weapons they wielded, to the other creatures that crawled out of the wreckage of their city. It didn’t look like any of the gods had died, as the ones struck by Darian’s lightning managed to get up. Bleeding, shaking, coughing, but up.

She looked to Hera and her two sisters, and sighed. The wife of Zeus approached her, golden mask still upon her face, and scepter in her hand.

“You have defied our home, we should—”

“Home? Defied?” Otrera stomped up beside Medusa, and glared up at the tall goddess. Fearless, and pissed. “Athena betrayed her, ruined her life, tried to damn her to Tartarus for a millennium, and you—”

Medusa held up a hand, and stared into the eyes of Hera. The goddess was tall like her, and stood with all the bravado and pride of a goddess of her stature of course. Even with her mask covering her face, Medusa could feel the contempt pour from her. But perhaps the goddess wouldn’t be blinded by it.

“I am sorry it escalated like this,” Medusa said. “We won’t allow you to kill us, but all we want to do is leave.” She looked Darian’s way, and frowned at the love of her life. “All we want is to be left alone, and to be treated fairly when we die.”

Hera looked to her husband, and at the man who had nearly killed him. Poor Darian was looking down at the floor, and his body had gone limp. His arms dangled, and his shoulders had slumped forward. He turned his head enough to catch her in the white glowing eyes of his mask, but he turned away once she returned the gaze, and sighed, as if a heavy stone was tied around his neck.

Past Hera, Demeter and Hestia approached their brethren as well, one for Hades, one for Poseidon, while Hera stood beside her injured husband. Past them, it was a graveyard of destruction. Medusa could not tell if anyone had been killed in the chaos, if beings of the underworld could even be killed by something like a falling rock. But the damage was real, and the city within a mile around them in all directions was shattered. The colossal protrusions of stone from the ceiling and cave floor that once held temples and homes were ruined, crumbled or gone, and the buildings they carried with them.

Many of the gods looked injured. They limped around to the fallen, helped pick them up and their weapons, and many tried to stand up and approach Darian once more. But as they got near, rather than cross the final hundred feet to reach him, they stayed at a distance. And as they watched the Moirai of doom, many started to remove their masks, exposing wide eyes and dropped jaws. None seemed to care about the broken homes; perhaps they weren’t a concern to beings in the realm of the dead. But they cared about their wounded, as even the Erinyes helped and were helped by the masked army of men, women, and children.

“They should be killed!” Athena emerged from the crowd and marched down the crater toward Zeus. “Father, we can—”

Hera turned to Athena, and slapped her.

The crowd gasped.

“Hera! How dare—”

“Silence, idiot child.” Without removing her mask, Hera stepped over to Zeus, looked down at him, but offered him no aid. “Your daughter is a stupid thing. She will never learn wisdom. Your resonance has failed.”

Medusa thought the crowd was quiet when she’d stopped Darian. She could hear a needle drop in the silence that filled the cavern now as Hera stared at the wounded Athena, and the woman’s father. Zeus turned away with a scowl, and tried to get up, but fell onto his back with a stressed groan of pain.

But where Zeus looked pained, and perhaps humiliated, Athena looked destroyed.

“I ... I will...” Athena looked to Darian, to Hera, and then to Medusa. She wasn’t wearing her mask, and when their eyes met, Medusa tried to give her a sympathetic smile. But Athena would have none of it, and looked away with head hanging and shoulders down, like Darian’s.

Soon, Hades and Poseidon were back on their feet, standing with their sisters, and they all looked at her. Not Darian, not Otrera, but Medusa, and they glanced between them as they did.

“We would have killed you,” Hera said, “and yet you ask Moros to stop.” The goddess growled, a deep sound that filled the air around them. How quickly gods changed moods. Fickle. “A woman’s prerogative?” Goddess of women indeed.

“No! Why don’t any of you understand? This fighting, this misery, it only creates more! It doesn’t ... resolve ... Please, step aside.” None of them understood how self defeating it all was, and wasted words only hurt to speak. She frowned at Hera, wife of the king of gods, and turned away as she walked toward Darian. Hera didn’t matter, Zeus didn’t matter, Poseidon and Athena didn’t matter. All that mattered was the silly man she had to save.

Darian didn’t react when she touched him, and as her hand gripped his shoulder, she felt the sweat and cold shivering of his skin and muscles.

She pulled at him, slipped her arm around him further until she was pulling the small man into the nook of her arm, and she started walking. Only a few steps forward though, and a loud stomp forced her to stop and look back.

Otrera stood before the gods, goddesses, and she glowered at each of them.

“One day, there will be a war between the humans and gods, or whatever you really are.” She threw her fingers at them with an encompassing wave. “One day, people will refuse to let you control their lives anymore, decide it’s time to break free of their chains and take down their oppressors. One day, after they’ve ripped down your temples and statues, people will march upon Olympus, and they will burn your world to the ground. With sorcery, with fire, with swords and blood, people will not only break free of you, they will demand revenge. When the world no longer needs you, every soul will rise up and destroy you all.” Otrera marched up to six gods before her, and stared at each one of them in turn. “And the only people who will dare lift a finger to stop the slaughter, are people like her.” She nodded Medusa’s way, before she threw a glance up the crater toward one of the gods.

Ares. He looked like a Spartan, muscled, standing tall with a long, dark beard and short dark hair. Young, but not too young, with big shoulders, a menacing frown, and red eyes. A spear and shield in hand, he looked ready to take on anything in a fight. And yet, he hadn’t got close to Darian. From what Medusa could see, he hadn’t even tried once the black lightning started.

So much for Otrera’s idol, her god. And as the queen glared at her once praised lord, she stood tall, proud, and dismissed him and his kin with a wave of her hand.

“After this,” the Amazon said, “after the lot of you just tried to kill us? After we spared Athena, you pulled this? I say Medusa should let Darian—Moros kill every last one of you. Humans will figure out how to survive, one way or another, without you. The only reason you get to live now, is because of her. The only reason you might survive the coming storm, is because of people like her. Remember that.”

With a huff and puff, Otrera straightened her shoulders, and the little woman marched past them all, while also not avoiding the opportunity to drive her shoulder into Poseidon’s side as she did, hard enough to knock him back down onto his knees.

Medusa smiled at the little queen, and started walking again. Otrera had such a way with words. ‘Cutting through the bullshit’ she’d say, and Medusa nodded to herself as she cast tiny glances the Amazon’s way.

And more glances to the enormous crowd of gods that surrounded them. They all stayed their hands, and either helped their wounded, or stared at the three humans walking out of the underworld. Thousands of faces, most of them hovering, many with weapons at the ready once more, looked upon the three of them as if they were slayers of gods. True fear, she imagined; had the gods ever feared death? Only in the presence of Moros, she imagined. And she was walking Moros out of the underworld.

She looked down at her man, and again she felt him slump, his arms dangle, his head hang, and his weight struggle to move. She’d yelled at him. Her poor Darian.

It was more than that though, she was sure. No way yelling at him had rendered him so defeated. The mask had to be removed, and quickly, but they had to get out first.

It was a long walk to the gates of the underworld. Miles. Out of the crater, past the three judges, and along the ripped and torn black rock. Past the destroyed temples and spikes, past the fallen braziers of blue fire, no longer lit, and past the injured. Giant, metal pillars lay across the cavern floor, and bits of statue she could not understand. Were those fangs?

“Darian smashed the gates in,” Otrera said. She came up beside the two, and offered Darian a tap on the shoulder. “Higher than the cliffs of Aethiopia, broke like twigs.”

And it was true. She stood over the remains of a shattered Cerberus, size beyond comprehension, and gazed out over the gates of the underworld, and the great barrier walls that once held them.

“You ... did this?” she said.

“ ... yeah.”

He really could have destroyed the underworld if he’d wanted to. She shivered at the thought, and hugged her love close as the three continued past the wreckage, and onto the black stone of the dock. Charon’s ship awaited them.


He owed Gallea one. His instructions must have included having the ship wait for them. And sure enough, when the three of them boarded the vessel, the undead beneath them began to row the ship back into the red river and green fires of Styx.

But he couldn’t take his eyes of the destruction that lay behind them. Leaning over the stern, he looked out to the destroyed gate and the souls that flowed through where it once was. In the distance, the ruins of the city were just hazy blurs with blue fire scattered. The pillar of light was barely visible as more than a subtle glow, and the host of gods and otherworldly creatures were well beyond view.

“They really let us go,” he said.

“Well you had them by the balls.” The Amazon joined him, leaned out over the boat with him like before, and smirked at him. “I really was going to let you kill them by the end of it. Sorry I couldn’t be a better Medusa for you.”

“Oh?” Medusa came up to stand beside them as well; the stern had more than enough room for the three of them.

Darian looked away from her. He didn’t want to, didn’t try to, but every time he managed to catch her in his gaze, he found himself looking away.

And she caught it. She got on the other side of him, reached out for his mask, and yanked his head around to face her with a painful jerk. No choice but to look at her.

So fucking beautiful. As he stared at her, the memories blurred her face in a haze of images, of boiling eyes, sizzling flesh, blood and other colors of fluid oozing out of her ears and pores.

She shook him by the jaw, hard, and he blinked several times inside his mask.

“It. Wasn’t. Your. Fault.”

Again, her voice cut through the noise, cut through the black burying his thoughts and pulling him into the mask. Since when could she be so forceful, with words ripping through and opening up barriers? And reading his mind only added to the shock of his sweet, soft Medusa grabbing his chin and forcing him to look at her.

“Why did you put on the mask?” she said, and her steel fingers on his chin lowered to rest upon his shoulder.

“Moros ... talked to me. Said I could be with you, if I put it on.” He forced himself to keep looking at her, knowing full well she could only see the face of the monster he was wearing. And knowing full well his words painted his actions in a brutal, but truthful light. He’d been a selfish child.

“What changed?”

“Well, he ... he knew what Athena was doing, and ... and then he said he was going to use my body to unleash havoc. I couldn’t let him ... and I had to get you out. So I ... took over...”

Medusa blinked at him, and spent a moment looking him up and down. “You ... defeated Moros?”

“Up here.” He raised a hand to point at his temple. “It’s not what he thought. It’s...” It’s just a pile of pain and hatred. But he couldn’t say that, not after everything they’d just seen, not after they finally managed to make things go right for once.

He didn’t have to say it of course. Even with the mask on, Medusa could read him, and she slipped her arm around his shoulders to hug him with the one arm, snug into its nook.

Back on the river Styx. The three of them kept an eye on the destroyed gates of the underworld, but nothing came after them. And after a while, the three drifted away from the back of the ship and instead stood at the bow, leaning on the railing of the massive, sluggish vessel. Green fires hanging from giant white rib bones that were the river’s guide, and an endless stream of blood and corpses. Screaming corpses at that. It was not exactly the most uplifting way to leave behind a completed journey, but then, that’s why tales normally skipped the returning part of the story. Normally.

“I came from this?” Medusa said.

Otrera touched the woman’s shoulder before looking down over the edge. “You don’t remember?”

“Not well. Before I was pulled into the Asphodel Meadows, it’s all just blurs of color and ... something that ... vibrated, I guess? Something that pulsated and vibrated like ... like something with life, and it was everything and it was all I could feel.”

Darian nodded and stared out ahead into the river. “The gods and Fates mentioned something about resonance. And ... I don’t know. Something beyond the living, I guess.” He could see, feel the resonance they talked about. Like droplets on calm water.

“I guess,” she said. “I—oh!”

The three of them stood up straight as a rising dome of white started to lift from the river. Charon, no doubt, wanting to say his piece before they left. And while Otrera and Darian had already seen the grand display of the colossal skeleton, Medusa had not, and her jaw dropped as she stared up at the rising monstrosity of bone and blood.

She outright squealed and jumped back when Charon turned his skull to face them. His eyes still glowed with the green fires of his undead kin, the same green fire of the braziers that hung from above. His breath was still vile, and his bones still rained corpses that were lodged or draped over his many ribs. Only one of his arms had managed to break free of the weight of Styx, and its titanic hand grasped one of the bone pillars about him.

For such a large creature to turn was a slow process, and Darian had to keep from chuckling at how it took Charon a whole ten seconds to drag his giant form through the sludge of dead and blood, and face them.

“I see you are successful,” he said. “And ... I still hear all the strings. No one has been silenced.” The colossal skeleton leaned in closer, and clicked a couple of its teeth from side to side. “I did not appreciate Athena overruling me.”

“Yeah well, she’s still alive.” Darian grumbled a little, but didn’t break eye contact with the entity. “Like you said, I didn’t kill any of them.”

“No.” Charon chuckled, and from so close, it sounded more like rumbling groan of a hundred dead, with the unnatural tones vibrating the air and ship. “But the damage you have done will take time to repair, if they pursue such. The gates have served little purpose for a millennium. Perhaps they will leave them unbuilt.”

“W-What happened a millennium ago?” Medusa said. She adapted quickly, and Darian smirked at her from behind his mask. Otrera shivered a little, but Medusa stood her ground and stared up at the enormous skull with wide eyes and parted mouth. Shocked, or in awe?

But Charon didn’t answer her. He leaned in closer, and Medusa stared up at him as her arms fell to her side. Terrifying. Darian frowned, and raised a hand, forcing Charon to stop and look down at him.

“Why do you block us?” Darian said.

“I wish to look upon you,” the great skeleton said. “In futures far and unknown, I may see you again, and I would like to ask ... how fairs the children of the world.”

Children of the world? Darian tilted his head to the side, and looked back at his two friends. They shrugged at him.

Otrera stepped up beside him, and chewed on a few words before getting them out. “Futures far?”

Charon laughed, and he drifted away from the ship, hand upon the bone pillar for an anchor to push himself against. “And when you do ... finally swim these rivers ... I look forward ... to chatting ... once more.”

The three of them stared down over the bow of the ship as the colossal skull dipped under the red river. Huge as he was, the sinking skeleton caused the stream to stir and churn, the corpses to crash as waves over his disappearing bones, and for splashing red to wash over the railings of the ship to soak the deck in blood. The blood didn’t stay, but bled back into the river, as if called by it.

Medusa stared down at the blood river for some time before looking at Darian with raised brow. “You made interesting friends.”

The ship emerged from the sea into the daylight with a subtle tilt and gentle unfolding of water over the deck. The sun was starting to set; they’d been gone a whole day. Elbows on the railing, he leaned over it and stared out at the horizon. A single day to make enemies of the gods, the Fates, and a host of demonic creatures undoubtedly affected by the destruction. All to save Medusa.

Worth it. He smiled at her, knowing she couldn’t see because of the mask, but he smiled anyway as she leaned out over the railing as well. Still a bit see-through, but damn she was beautiful. Her long brown hair fell over her shoulders and down her tall body, and her bronze eyes looked to him with a sparkle caught from the sun.

Or at least it did for a moment, but slightly see-through became mostly see-through, and Otrera yelped as she looked to the ghost woman.

“Medusa, you’re ... oh, good, it stopped. Thought you were going to disappear.”

“What? What happened, I—oh.” She raised a hand and looked at it. It moved as a wisp in the air, almost like she were made of fog, and she reached out to touch Otrera’s outreached fingers. They passed through each other. “I ... guess I’m a ghost.”

Darian nodded. “You won’t be able to touch anything from the living world until I get you back in your anchor ... your body.”

“But ... I’m standing on a ship!”

“Charon’s ship.”

“That makes sense.” She nodded and reached out for him. Maybe as a reflex, maybe to test her new ghostly body, but she blinked when her fingers hit him. “I can touch you though!”

“Because of the mask.”

“Right. That mask is ... we...”

We have to get it off. He nodded and stared back out to the horizon, at the beautiful sun setting over the waves, at the gentle tide as they neared Aethiopia once more.

He wasn’t sure taking it off was a good idea.

The trip back to shore went smoothly. He kept looking around, trying to spot any of the weird flows of color that he noticed from the godly entities in the underworld. Or the colors of anything from that realm. But, back in the land of the living, the mask could no longer see the odd hues of blue and red and yellow, green and purple, and others that radiated from the gods, the Moirai, and the dead. He could still see Medusa’s ghostly body though, and so could Otrera.

Which meant things got very strange, very quickly, once they were back on the shore. The ship took them to the city bay this time, past the tall seacliff of the acropolis, past the colossal sea creature, and toward the docks. The three of them stared at the odd creature of limbs, claws and octopus-like limbs, and the shadow the statue cast over the water.

“Can’t believe I did that,” Medusa said.

“Saved the whole damn city.” Otrera hopped up onto the railing, and winked at Medusa. “You should have seen how sad people were when they heard you died.”

“People ... were sad I died?”

The queen rolled her eyes. “Yes, they were sad. You made an impression, then you did this.” With a groan, she gestured toward the enormous statue the ship was coasting past. “And you’re the one that got the ball rolling on the battle. They pretty much blame you for freeing them.”

“But ... I just—”

“Medusa.” Otrera marched up to her, looked the ghost woman in the eyes, and gave her a glare ready to slap her if she could. “You’re the one that saved Sophia and her kid. You’re the one that pushed for launching the assault when you did, saving Rhea. You’re the one that took out the sea creature. So don’t be a fucking idiot. You saved them. Accept it.”

Cutting to the chase, the Amazon found the truth and jammed it down Medusa’s throat whether she wanted it or not, whether she could accept it or not. Darian would have to thank her later. He’d never be able to be so aggressive with her.

Medusa stared at the Amazon, then back up at the statue, and then back to the city. As they got closer, they could see the shifting crowds of people, many dealing with the destroyed bridge. Fixing the colossal bridge was a waste of time, for now at least, but they worked to move the debris out of the way to clear the main road. Many were treating the wounded, or dealing with the dead. More were dealing with the grotesque mess of bones; Andromeda’s army made quite a mess when it ceased to respond to her commands. There were bones everywhere, and weapons, and someone had to get rid of them.

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Medusa Fates GameChapter 7

~~Chimera~~ “We are in luck,” he said. “Gaia has provided.” Pinna and Medusa were up the moment the words were out his mouth. He waved them to sit back down, and he walked over to join them next to the satyr. “Did you run into anyone?” Bellerophontes said. “Anyone out there that might be trouble?” “It is as you said. The villages are far from here, but I did see other ships approach nearby waters. It would seem other cities are using Paros as a bay for trade. We should be cautious if we...

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“Damn, damn, damn. Computer give me results of damage on the ‘squirt drive’.” ‘Squirt drive locked in drive mode and at full power. Attempting to cut power to drive to release controls and return to normal space.’ I had just hit execute on a jump when a ship coming out of jump slams into me and throws everything upside down. Now here I am travelling at 10 times light and can’t get the drive to shutdown. I don’t even know in which direction I’m going as the impact tumbled the navigation gyros....

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Medusa Fates GameChapter 4

~~Medusa~~ “So, what do you think?” Darian said. He posed for them, a brown cloak wrapped over his body, dirty edges and blotches of stains on it. Chimera grunted, but Medusa smiled and slithered around him. “You look charming.” “I’m not supposed to look charming! I’m supposed to look forgettable.” He adjusted the horrible garb, but no matter how he wore it, his great smile and young face showed through. “You’ll have to hide your face then.” She reached for his shoulders, and pulled the...

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Medusa Fates GameChapter 14

~~Darian~~ “ ... Bellerophontes.” The world stopped. The air petrified, the breeze ceased, and the crickets and birds faded away. The world died around him until it was as if sitting atop a stage, lifeless. Cold crept along his skin until he thought his tears might have frozen on his cheeks. They weren’t, but every sense in his body told him they should have been The mask was alive. Or at least something was talking through it. “Bell ... phontes...” The voice sounded buried, like...

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Medusa Fates GameChapter 15

~~Otrera~~ Well, shit. “Darian, wait!” she said. Damn man was going to wreck the world if she wasn’t careful. “Why should I?” “You don’t know what’ll happen if you kill them. You could start what Charon was talking about, or who knows what.” Darian snarled, and a rasp that sounded less like him, more like the first time she’d heard the mask came through. The tall, robed entities stood before their brother’s vessel, and they cowered with a multitude of shadowy limbs raised, flailing like...

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Medusa Fates GameChapter 11

~~Otrera~~ Patrius showed up come dawn, as promised, as did the three men. No bandages on his skin this time, not after Chimera explained it didn’t help much. Once Otrera and her companions had taken a whiff of Athena’s gift, they set out into the night. Sneaking around at night was much easier with Athena’s special jar of whatever to wash away the curse. She didn’t like it, smelling something odorless to free her mind of some sorceress’s curse. It was a lot of talk, conjecture, a lot of...

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Medusa Part 2

Hey, hey, hey!Still here? To be honest, I wasn't sure you would be. People probably think I'm a bit much to take all in one go. It's true. I can be a total motormouth most of the time but that's just my way of hiding how nervous I get around others. The same goes for the cussing. I swear for a reason. Men are always coming on to me and I've discovered the best way to put them off is to use the language as a kind of weapon. Works every time. But it's not really who I am inside so don't...

Love Stories
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Medusa Fates GameChapter 12

~~Chimera~~ “The sun will be rising very soon,” he said. “Fuck. Fuck fuck. We can’t sneak into the city come sunrise. Fuck.” The little queen stomped around, and punched him in the leg. She was only a little thing, and her punches were powerful enough to send her back a foot or two across the grass from its own force. Fate’s Children punched hard, and he winced as her knuckles hit muscle. “Your fault.” “I am sorry.” The adorable bundle of fury rolled her eyes, and looked around at the...

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Medusa Part 4

"It was midnight. On the water..."*In the dim dark recesses of the mind where dreams are born, my imagination created a world for me to live and play in without fear of consequence. And in that place, I could do and say the things I wanted to say to the one person I wanted to say them to the most.In this dreamworld, from out of the blue swirling void, the man took form and came to me with a smile. He was the light upon my dark and he took my hand in his as we walked along the moonlit shore of...

Love Stories
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Altered Fates Flashforward 2

This is set in the world of the TV show Flashforward. When everyone on the planet blacked out for two minutes and seventeen seconds they got to see a glimpse of their lives six months from then. The visions of the Samms family were different than most. In the future not all of them would be the same person, or even the same gender.... (NOTE: This picks up where 'Altered Fates: Flashforward' left off but it can be read on its own.) ALTERED FATES: FLASHFORWARD...

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Altered Fates Return to Kennet Cove

ALTERED FATES: RETURN TO KENNET COVE by BobH (c) 2004 (Author's note: This tale is a sequel to, and contains *major* spoilers for, ALTERED FATES: THE X-FILE. It also features appearances by several characters who have encountered the Medallion of Zulo in other stories of mine.) ****************** Having driven down the hill and into the town proper, Julia Tamm parked her car next to the harbor wall. Smiling lovingly at her infant daughter asleep in the child seat...

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Altered Fates The Cult

(Author's Note: This story takes place after Altered Fates: Return to Kennet Cove, and contains spoilers for that tale.) ALTERED FATES: THE CULT By BobH (c) 2004 June 7th, 1968. Barry Hudson, gunned the motor on his ancient VW Beetle, urging it on through the choking dust thrown up by its passage over the bumpy dirt track leading to his destination. "C'mon, you Nazi piece of crap," he said through gritted teeth, "just get us over this rise and we're there, I promise." When...

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Altered Fates Flashforward

ALTERED FATES: FLASHFORWARD by BobH (c) 2009 *** (This story is set in the world of the TV show Flashforward.) *** For 17 year-old Lacey Mikulski this was a hard time. She was trying her best to keep her mother's sprits up but her mother wasn't the only one hurting. "I miss her too, you know," she said softly. If her mother heard her she...

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Altered Fates Agent Zulo

ALTERED FATES: AGENT ZULO by BobH (c) 2011 "Yes, baby, oh yes!!" I moaned, bending over the motel room desk as my partner took me from behind, grasping my hips and snorting as he rammed himself into me. Red-faced and breathing heavily, the effort seemed to be taking a lot out of him. Giving one last thrust that almost pushed me into the wall, he came with a final labored grunt. Having shot his load he pulled out of me and sat down heavily on the bed, sweating...

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Altered Fates Triptych

Altered Fates: Triptych By BobH (c) 2003 Lucius Duvall checked his reflection and nodded his approval at what he saw. His hair and beard might have long since turned silver grey, giving him an illusion of age and wisdom that, in terms of age at least, was beyond his years, but both were immaculately trimmed, their edges razor-sharp. His suit was tailored to perfection, the trouser creases sharp and straight; his shoes polished to an almost mirror-finish; the carnation in...

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Altered FatesXFiles The Scam

ALTERED FATES/X-FILES: THE SCAM By Bob H. (c) 2003 FBI HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON, DC. FBI agent Fox Mulder was starting to hate working alone. Hidden away as he was in the windowless room of a back basement accessible only via a corridor lined with dusty storage racks, he often felt both unappreciated and as forgotten as many in the bureau would like the X-files themselves to be. He sometimes went days without seeing another living soul between the time he entered the J. Edgar...

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Altered Fates 2065 AD

In the year 2065 the United States is a theocracy in all but name, and at the center of the system sits the Medallion of Zulo.... ALTERED FATES: 2065 A.D. by BobH (C) 2013. (Note: While not essential to your understanding and enjoyment, you will get more out of this story if you first read my tales 'Altered Fates: The Cult', 'The Chapford Wives', and 'Amazons', on which it draws quite considerably. All are available here on FM.) 1: Ray Standing at the altar before...

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The Fates

The Fates by Janet Stickney [email protected] The only way to overturn cruel Fates is to use the truth Destiny is fate aggravated by chance. That's what dad always said. As I dressed I knew that it was true. Why else would I be pulling on a skirt? I finished dressing, joined my mother for breakfast, and thought about how the fates had been so kind to me. My name was Jeff Grant. I'm 16 now, yet this all started when I was 15, just out of school for the summer. I...

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The Fates

The Fates by: Janet Stickney [email protected] The only way to overturn cruel Fates is to use the truth Destiny is fate aggravated by chance. That's what dad always said. As I dressed I knew that it was true. Why else would I be pulling on a skirt? I finished dressing, joined my mother for breakfast, and thought about how the fates had been so kind to me. My name was Jeff. I'm 16 now, yet this all started when I was 15, just out of school for the summer. I had no plans...

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Altered Fates The Things we do for Friends

Altered Fates: The Things We Do For Friends part 1 of 5 By Morpheus I stood in the school bathroom with my half soapy hands underneath the water faucet, grimacing as I rinsed them off. Then pausing for a second, I looked up and into the mirror that was hung on the wall in front of me. The same familiar 14 year old boy that I always saw looked back at me with a sour expression. His messy brown hair was in need of a cut and his nose still had blood dripping from it. "Shit."...

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ALTERED FATES: THE X-FILE REOPENED by BobH. (c) 2003 For those of you interested in continuity, this story takes place during the first half of the final season of The X- Files. It's a sequel to my story ALTERED FATES: THE X-FILE in the sense of being set after that tale and making reference back to it, but you don't need to have read that one to follow this one. MARRIOTT HOTEL, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND It was her walk as she strode into the main bar that had first...

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Altered Fates The Missing Episode of the Fugitive

As always, any comments or criticism is welcome. Feel free to email me at [email protected]. This story is dedicated to the creator of the Altered Fates Universe, Jennifer Adams and to the cast and crew of the 60's television series The Fugitive, still perhaps the finest drama series made for television. I also want to thank Steve Zink for his editing and general story help. Author's Note: Thank you to the original creators of the Fugitive TV series. Below is the cast, mostly...

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The changing of the fates

The great bear savaged as it ate the young king tearing his stomach up and clawed him ripping him to bloody shreds. Later when he had calmed down the bear took human form again the rage had subsided and he looked at his prize as had been promised by his new goddess the dark goddess of love and lust Laure standing there smiling in that strange but rousingly tight and shining attire, Barak walked quickly over to where Ce’Nedra stood screaming and crying at what had just happened and grabbed...

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Altered Fates A Tale of Hollywood Mystery Magic and An Unusual Medallion

Please send or leave comments so I know whether my time writing this was well spent! Thanks for all comments. _______________________________________________ A Tale Of Hollywood Mystery And Magic, And An Unusual Medallion! An Altered Fates short story by Caleb Jones (Inspired by the Oscar winning actress, Hilary Swank.) Hilary Swank read the headline one more time, still unable to believe last night's events were true. "Swank Wins Oscar" Sun, Mar 26, 2000 05:54 PM PST LOS...

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Altered Fates Project Zulo

(Author's Note: This story provides a finale to all the Altered Fates tales I've posted here to date. It contains spoilers for, and resolves dangling threads from, most of those eleven stories. I wrote them out of sequence, but I always knew where each of them fitted in the overall scheme. Read in order, the larger story should all fall into place with what might have seemed stray characters and random bits of business all connecting up. Even if you read the individual stories as they...

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Altered Fates A Christmas Tale

ALTERED FATES: A CHRISTMAS TALE by BobH (c) 2012 Ed Geraghty sat down heavily on the changing room bench and sighed. He felt every minute of his fifty-six years, and then some. Any positive effect on his health of thirty five years pounding the streets delivering mail had been more than offset by the same number of years spent drinking hard liquor to excess. Not that this was an option open to him any more, given the precarious state of his liver. He was not a bad man, and had...

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Altered Fates The Hitman

Altered Fates Story This story is copyright 1998 by the author. It may be posted and archived on any free site. If you wish to post on a for-pay site, contact the author. Altered Fates: The Hit Man By Ran Dandel I couldn't believe my good fortune. After countless hours following-up various leads, rumors, and downright lies, I reached my goal. I had located the fabled Medallion of Zulo. This prize would ensure my reputation, and insure that I would reach the pinnacle of my...

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Altered Fates Milkshakes at Midnight

Altered Fates: Milkshakes at Midnight by Bashful [email protected] This is the tale of a young married couple, the husband's brother, and how the Medallion of Zulo altered their fates. Frank and Debra Walker had been married for close to three years when Frank's brother Ed moved in. Ed had lived with his parents until they retired and moved to Florida. Ed was frequently out of work and living with his parents had taken the stress out of finding a permanent job. Now Ed was...

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Altered Fates Auntie Em

I originally had no intention of making this an Altered Fates story. However, after my first two drafts turned out horrible, I decided to try a different angle with it. This is what resulted. Altered Fates: Auntie Em By Morpheus Corey winced as his foot went into the puddle of water, muttering "Damn" to himself. He was already completely soaked through from the heavy rain, which gave no sign of letting up. Shivering in his wet clothes, Corey really wished that he hadn't ...

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Altered Fates Babysitting

I've had this story in mind for quite awhile, but the first time I started writing it, Eric came out with a very similar Altered Fates story called The Baby-sitter Caper first. Because of that I put this one on hold for awhile. Well here it finally is. I know that the ending leaves a lot that could be done afterwards, but I left off where I was on purpose. Perhaps I'll do a sequel, or perhaps I'll just leave the rest to the readers imagination. Altered Fates: Babysitting By...

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Altered Fates Chris and Marissa

Hello I've submitted stories before as Lisa, Alyssa's Magic, Strings, and the Gift of Dreams here is a story that has been on Jennifer's site for a long time and I'm finally submitting it here, It is an Altered Fates Story. Altered Fates: Chris and Marissa By Rena Marissa Moore was having a bad week. She had just been laid off from her job as a receptionist for a small software company. It wasn't a great job, but it paid the bills. The company had been purchased by a slightly...

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Altered Fates A Complicated Affair

Altered Fates: A Complicated Affair By Theunknownauthor Everything you are about to read is true! Every person, place or thing that is mentioned in this account is real, although I am changing the names and not giving any exact locations. I am doing this so that readers won't try to verify the validity of this story on their own. This isn't an easy story for me to tell, but I feel that I need to get it off my chest. For almost a year now I have been reading various accounts...

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Altered Fates Lost and Found

Altered Fates - Lost and Found by cj Permissions: Archival and/or sharing of this story, along with derivitive works - WITHOUT profit from reselling/repackaging, are permitted as long as the story remains complete, unchanged, and correctly attributed to its original author "cj". These permissions are to be included with shared or archived story, and extended to any derivative works. Written permission from the author is required for any "for profit" use. Special Thanks: Thank you,...

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“Damn, damn, damn. Computer give me results of damage on the ‘squirt drive’.” ‘Squirt drive locked in drive mode and at full power. Attempting to cut power to drive to release controls and return to normal space.’ I had just hit execute on a jump when a ship coming out of jump slams into me and throws everything upside down. Now here I am travelling at 10 times light and can’t get the drive to shutdown. I don’t even know in which direction I’m going as the impact tumbled the navigation...

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Medusa Fates GameChapter 8

“Gods I need to get laid,” the Amazon said. Chimera rumbled something like a chuckle, took a deep breath, and sat down next to her. She was leaning against a rock, standing, and him sitting down next to her put him at eye level with her. It let him look out over the grass and sea the same way she saw them, as a tiny, short thing unable to see everything. The thought made him chuckle again. “The fuck you laughing at?” she said. “Nothing.” A shrug and another chuckle later, he motioned to...

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Altered Fates The Girl with the Rose Colored Tattoo

This story is intended for the entertainment of adults only. Copyright (C) 1999 by Maryann. All rights reserved. Permission Is hereby granted for non-commercial use of this complete and unaltered text. Electronic storage of unaltered copies for personal use is also permitted. Any other use of this text is a violation of copyright. No hardcopies may be made without written permission from the author. Altered Fates- The girl with the Rose Colored Tattoo. By: Maryann ...

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Altered Fates Study In Childhood

Altered Fates: A Study In Childhood - By Innocent Guilt Hi, my name is Jeffery Smith. If you stumbled onto this little story of my life then I hope it helps save you from the fate I am in now. Well, lets go back to where it all started. It was my first days of college. I was a freshman at Undeclared Medical College. I was head strong, naive, stupid, and thought I could take on the world. I had just finished high school as top of my class with some off the wall theories in the...

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Altered Fates 3rd Strike And Your Out

Following my debut story last week (Lord's Prayer), along with the feedback I've received (thanks Eric Bloodstone, Jennifer Adams, Mindy Rich and all the others) I have gotten the bug ! This is a spin-off story from Lord's Prayer which, I hope, wraps up this episode. If found that, although this started out at an even pace, it turned fairly dark about half way through as the story took on a life of it's own and reflected the mood I was in at the time. Hope that some still enjoy this...

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Altered Fates Domestic Tranquility with The Nanny

As always excessive praise is always welcome No copyright infringement intended. The rights belong to CBS and Childhood Sweethearts. CJ and I are just having fun not meaning any harm. Altered Fates: Domestic Tranquility with The Nanny By Eric and Caleb Jones Fran Fine's annoyingly nasal voice hammered at Maxwell's ears like a sledgehammer. She was sexy and lovable but oh, that voice of hers. Perhaps he should insist she go to a voice training class, but every time he hinted at...

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Altered Fates Sisters Revenge

ALTERED FATES Sisters Revenge by Kathryn Nelson Copyright - Kathryn Nelson, 2001 Kyle Emerson was 18 and had just graduated from high school. Finally, he was free from those teachers he thought were weird and all the studying his mother made him do. He was registered to go to a local community college in the fall but he now had the summer off to enjoy himself. His mother had saved up the money for him to go to college but he needed to pay for his own car and all other...

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Altered Fates The XFile

(Author's Note: For anyone concerned with continuity, I figure this story occurs somewhere around the middle of the run of the X-FILES.) ALTERED FATES: THE X-FILE By BobH (c) 2002 FBI TRAINING FACILITY, QUANTICO, VIRGINIA. With her usual methodical efficiency, FBI agent Dr. Dana Scully had carried out a full post mortem examination of the two bodies that had been shipped to the morgue here at Quantico. Her partner, FBI agent Fox Mulder, had asked her to do the autopsies so he...

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Carnival of Mirrors Four Fates

CARNIVAL OF MIRRORS: FOUR FATES By BobH (c) 2004 Cedar Junction, MA, May 16th, 1987, 2:40 pm: Hot dog franks sizzled on griddles, sugar was spun into floss and onto sticks, vendors hawked their wares. The crowds swirled around happily, shouting and laughing, unaware of the danger that lurked among them. Reed Carter rubbed his stubbled chin thoughtfully and took in the scene before him with the experienced eyes of a predator. The fair had come to town two days earlier, the rides...

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Altered Fates The Book Dealer

Altered Fates - The Book Dealer by KathyB Paul Mortonson was from Palo Alto. He was born there. He was raised there. He went to school there, college too. He met a girl from there, got married there and settled there. He even worked there. Paul owned and operated a small, independent book store. His specialty, and his passion, was rare and collectable books. Palo Alto, for those who do not know, is a community of some 60,000 people. It sits in the northwest corner of...

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Altered Fates The Mistakes of Others

Altered Fates - The Mistakes of Others By KathyB Learn from the mistakes of others; life is too short to make them all yourself. Chapter #1 Jim Collins was nothing if not methodical. An engineer by trade and obsessive compulsive by habit, he carefully planned his day's activities so as to minimize wasted effort. He rose routinely at 5:00 am, tended to personal hygiene as the situation warranted, poured a cup of hot black coffee from his...

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Altered Fates The Medallion comes to Fairview Part III Hide and Seek

Altered Fates - The Medallion comes to Fairview Part III. Hide and Seek Previously: In Part I - Justin Donovan and his Dad moved back to Fairview after Justin's Dad (Sean) retired from the United States Marine Corps. Justin began his senior year at Fairview and quickly fell for Laura. Laura's friend Becky in an attempt to make her boyfriend jealous went out with Todd, the school drug dealer, and was raped. Knowing Justin's ability as a fighter Becky got Laura to help her in a...

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Altered Fates The Daughter

The Medallion of Zulo was a powerful instrument of fate, but sometimes the fate it brought was death. ALTERED FATES: THE DAUGHTER by BobH (c) 2014 I woke screaming, lurching upright in bed as that scream subsided into great, wrenching sobs. It was the sounds again, those terrible cracking and snapping sounds I couldn't escape. The bedroom door burst open then Carol was there, taking my tiny body in her arms, rocking me back and forth, my head on her breasts,...

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Altered Fates What are friends for

"Altered Fates: What are friends for?" - By Flyover State. Synopsis: Tiffany and Ryan are best friends. As young kids, the two girls meet Tyler, a kid new to the neighborhood. Now in high school, Tiffany and Tyler are dating. Ryan's love for Tiffany has grown more than sisterly, and she knows it won't be reciprocated. Follow Tyler, as Ryan brings her plan to fruition, and the aftermath of his choices thereafter. Multiple changes occur (other characters) age regression,...

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Altered Fates Dennis

Altered Fates: Dennis (I know, its not the greatest name, but it works) By Morpheus ([email protected]) Walking home from work, I happened to look down, and saw a small brass colored medallion sitting in the gutter. Curiously, I pulled it out and held it up examining it. When I'd seen it, I'd hoped that it might be worth something, but as I looked at it, I realized that it was only a cheap piece of costume jewelry. Probably for kids or something. I noticed that there was a...

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Altered Fates What Friends Are For

Altered Fates : What Friends Are For! By Paul1954 Clare looked across at her children, Ginny aged 7 and Jack aged 10, and sighed. She returned her attentions to the mirror in the hallway and finished touching up her lipstick. It was a typical Saturday morning at the Walter's home with Clare's husband Des sleeping off the results of a Friday night drinking spree spent with his co-workers and her children glued to the television watching the trash that passes for children's TV...

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Altered Fates A Double Dose of the Medallion

AF: A Double Dose of the Medallion By Julie Jeff was on his way home from another typical day at the office. He wasn?t in a big hurry. It wasn?t that he didn?t want to go home, but there was no big rush. As he pulled up in front of the house he noticed his wife Beverly wasn?t home yet. That was no surprise. She had been working longer and longer hours and now it seemed they rarely saw each other anymore. Beverly was a computer programmer and even when she was home, she...

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Altered Fates Auntie Em II

When I wrote Auntie Em, I had no intention of writing a sequel to it. However, after I finished it I started thinking about a few other ideas I had for the main characters and decided to use them as well. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, this one turned out quite a bit longer than I'd anticipated. For those of you who haven't read Auntie Em first, I suggest that you do before reading this. Altered Fates: Auntie Em II By Morpheus Emily felt bored....

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Altered Fates A Promise Kept

Altered Fates: A Promise Kept By Jennifer Adams "Mike! Where have you been?" Connie asked. It was more of a demand rather than a question. She had been waiting and wondering where her husband had been for several hours. He wasn't normally a man who left and didn't come home. At least not until SHE came back to town. SHE was Mike's childhood friend. They had been neighbors growing up and played together all the time. Her name was Dana. "I'm sorry dear. I was over at Dana's...

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Altered Fates Lyles Story

Lyle's Story by Grendel There are two sides to every story. Most of us would prefer to see the world in black and white, but the decisions we make are never as clear- cut as that. I know that I've made some enemies in my life, and perhaps with hindsight some of the pain that I've caused could have been avoided, but I've never deliberately acted with malice. I've just made some bad choices. I grew up in the shadow of my elder brother, Ken. He was the Golden Child, the...

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