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Friday morning I woke up bright and early, just in time to return to school. Mum had said it would be a bit silly returning for just one day, but I had insisted that I wanted to get back as soon as I could.

I picked out my clothing, showing Kittybot my selections, I'm sure her programming was not sophisticated enough to appreciate what was going on, but it gave me someone to talk to. I decided to go for a school skirt. Girls were allowed to wear trousers, but I wanted to be clear that I was not the boy Alex any more, I was the girl, Lexi. Wearing a skirt was a bit odd though, as I felt very exposed.

Once dressed, I loaded my school bag an over the shoulder book bag. I decided to take Kittybot with me to share in my first day back, so I took her downstairs with me to breakfast. I munched a small portion of cereal and then followed Dad out to his car. When I slipped Kittybot into my bag, she poked her head out of the gap in the top to see what was going on. Dad drove me to school and then walked with me to the administrative building. It was still pretty early and there were only a few students about making their way to their classrooms. Dad escorted me into the office with a smile. I saw that the school secretary Mrs Donnal was in, and she scowled at me as I entered, being one of those people that just seems to hate everyone.

"Caught one of the little blighters up to no good already, Mr Jones?" she spat, eyeing me with disgust.

"Actually, this is my daughter. She's just finished going through MORFS and I'm just here to fill in the relevant paperwork," he said.

When she stiffened, looking even angrier, I remembered she had a particular dislike for MORFS students. She reached into a desk drawer, pulled out a form and threw it across the desk at my father.

"Fill that out!" she glowered.

He began filling in the form, so I decided to sit down for a bit since it might take some time, Mrs Donnal spent most of the time glaring at me. I grinned at her, exposing the full glory of my teeth, which caused her mouth to open in shock, but then she turned away, giving me only the occasional fearful glance.

While we waited, the head teacher, a friendly grey haired woman called Mrs Thomas wandered in, "Good Morning, Anne," she said. Then, seeing my father, "Oh, good morning Peter, what brings you here?"

"Just getting my daughter checked in," he said with a warm smile.

"I could have sworn you had a son," she replied.

"Yes, I did till MORFS changed him. Lexi, say hello to Mrs Thomas."

"Hello Miss," I said with a smile, remembering to keep my teeth hidden.

"Well you have changed since I last saw you. How are you doing, dear?"

"I'm doing well."

Mrs Thomas nodded to herself and gave me a smile. She was a nice lady, stern when she needed to be, but usually very nice. She seemed to take my assertion that I was doing well at face value, not badgering me because she thought I was putting on a brave face. She was one of those people who was very difficult to lie to, and she would likely have known if I had been pretending.

"Good, good. Well, I must get down to things. This school is not going to run itself," she said as she headed into her office with a wave.

Dad finished up the forms, and Mrs Donnal inspected them, seemingly looking for anything she could use to get rid of me. She didn't find anything, so just waved us off, "You can go. This is all OK," she said.

Dad thanked her and escorted me out, "What an unpleasant woman she is," he said to me with a sigh. "Anyway, you'd best be off to class. Do you want me to walk you there?"

"No, I can manage," I said

"OK Lexi, I'll see you at home. Oh, before I forget who is your house teacher?"

"Mr Roberts."

"Ah, Jim. I'll let him know you're back so he isn't surprised. Have a lovely day, Sweetheart."

"I'll try, Dad."

We hugged and then I trotted off towards my classroom while he headed up to the staff room.

As I made my way across campus I noticed I was getting quite a few looks from the boys. I wasn't sure I liked that. But at least none of them were calling me names or pushing me or tripping me up as often happened. I climbed up to the first floor of the maths building and went into my classroom. There were a couple of people in already, but not many. They all turned to stare at me. I wandered over to my usual seat and put my bag on the desk, opening it to play with Kittybot. I didn't get her out though I didn't want the rest of them to see her in case they decided to take her.

I petted her gently and then as more and more people turned up, sent her to sleep and closed my bag putting it out of the way. I had designed Kittybot to be tough and able to withstand punishment if it did get stolen, and it also had a tracking device built in that I could use to find her. Still, I didn't want her taken away while she was so new to the world, as it might damage her slowly evolving mental state.

I was getting more curious looks and my more sensitive ears could pick out a lot of, "Who's the new kid?" type conversations.

Eventually a group of girls walked over towards me. My heart soared. Perhaps they were going to be friends with me. I smiled my best smile mindful of my teeth as they stopped in front of my desk.

The leader, a girl named Tara eyed me up and down. "Who are you, what are you doing sitting in Lardo's seat?"

Not the best start, with them insulting the old me, but I decided to try and rise above it. "I'm Lexi, Lexi Jones."

"Jones..." said Tara, "That was the name of creepy fatso who sat here before. You're him, aren't you!"

"Jemma saw this girl with that kid's father earlier. She thought he was perving with the students as he hugged this one," said one of the girls.

"I used to be Alex Jones." I shrugged, still smiling not letting her get a rise out of me.

"What no tears?" spat Tara, "You like being turned into a girl or something? You perv!"

I looked at her thoughtfully, since she was being very confrontational. She was usually a bit abrasive and bossy, but it was as if she'd decided my change was a personal affront.

"I don't really like it, but there is not much I can do about it. Might as well just get on with things," I said. Her face darkened with anger. I wasn't really sure what it was about me that made her so angry at me.

She seemed about to shout at me some more, but the teacher came in. Mr Roberts was an energetic man dressed in a rugby top and track suit bottoms. He was one of the nicer teachers with a wicked sense of humour, his blue eyes seemed to sparkle with amusement. He was also a PE teacher, but rather than being on some sort of power trip, he wanted everyone to enjoy themselves. He was a nice guy and a good teacher. He was our house teacher and took our class registration as well as some of the subjects that didn't match up with other teaching faculties.

"Good morning, class," he said, "Now a quick announcement. Sitting at the back there is Lexi Jones, who just returned after being out with MORFS. She used to be Alex Jones, and I hope you all welcome her back and help her as she adjusts to her changes. Stand up, Miss Jones."

I stood and smiled. Most people gave me grins or blank looks. Tara had an ugly sneer.

"She's not a real girl, only a pretend one!" shouted Tara.

"Tara, none of that! I'll not have that sort of bigotry in my classroom," said Mr Roberts in a calm low voice.

"But... ," started Tara.

"No buts."

"She wasn't even... ," she said angrily.

"Outside, now! I'll talk to you after we are through!"

"What! That's not..."

"Keep this up and I'll keep you after school!"

Tara argued no more. Her face set in an angry scowl, she shot me a venom-filled glance, then walked out the door. I wondered what her problem was, realizing maybe she was one of those Pures I had seen about the place, though I couldn't recall her bullying any morfed kids before.

'Come to think of it, doesn't she have a cousin that's a hybrid she seems to be on good terms with?' I thought to myself.

I shrugged, and listened to Mr Roberts talk about a school play that was on. The bell rang and I headed off to lessons, getting a dirty look from Tara. As I passed her on the way out she tried to trip me, but I was too far away.

So far things didn't seem to be going to plan. Still, it was early days yet it was unrealistic to imagine I could turn up and suddenly have loads of friends. So far I seemed to have acquired a new enemy, which was a little unfortunate. I pushed my worries to the side and got on with the school day, looking forward to break time when I would be able to socialise a bit. Normally come break time I used to hide away in the library, but this time I was hopeful that I would be able to meet people out and about.

I was out like a shot when the bell went, practically skipping over to the main areas of congregation near the snack machines. I looked around wondering how I could go about attracting a friend. I stood in the main hall trying to look open searched around for people my own age who I might befriend. I failed to attract a friend, though instead I managed to attract an enemy. Tara stormed up to me. She wasn't a large girl but everyone seemed much bigger than me now, so she frightened me a little and I backed against the wall.

"You little cow! You got me in trouble with Roberts! I'm going to beat your perv body black and blue!" she said.

I puffed myself up to my full height, "It's hardly my fault! Why are you being so mean to me anyway? I never did anything to you."

She slapped me across the face. "Ow!" I cried.

One of the teachers doing the rounds heard my cry and came over, "What's going on here!" she asked, eyeing Tara.

"She hit me!" I said.

"She called my cousin an animal freak!" said Tara.

"No I didn't!" I shot back.

"She's a nasty bigot!" shot Tara.

"That's just silly. I'm a hybrid, too!" I said, rubbing my face.

Tara looked surprised, then annoyed, "She's lying!"

"No I'm not," I said and flicked my wings so they showed under my shirt, "I've got wings and everything."

The teacher was now looking at Tara with an annoyed frown, "Plus, she is the daughter of a teacher I know fairly well. He told me about his new hybrid daughter in the staff room earlier on. You're coming with me. We'll discuss this little stunt with Mrs Thomas!"

She dragged a scowling Tara off. After that incident I didn't feel like hanging around the snack machines and made my way over to the library to spend the rest of my time in my usual hiding place.

I slumped into a chair, and checking around, got Kittybot out on the table and then began doing some homework. I watched her to make sure Kittybot was smart enough not to fall off the table, then looked around. Two girls from my year whose names I didn't know were sitting nearby, chatting away. One was a cat hybrid, and the other was a bat hybrid,. I thought about trying to talk to them until they were joined by three sixth form girls. One was normal sized but had large scythe shaped wings and was covered in feathers. I was slightly envious of her large probably flight capable wings. My pretty if stubby black wings were not much use. The other two girls were huge, at least in comparison to me. One was a tall, partial lizard hybrid with brown hair and dark eyes. The other was an enormous girl with purple hair and golden eyes. While the first of the large girls must have been maybe six feet tall, the other must have been seven or eight feet tall. Even normal people would seem small next to her, and I barely came up to her waist. I felt too intimidated to go over, so I went back to my work.

"Oh my, what's that," said a voice to my left.

I turned to see Miss Gordon standing at my table, looking at Kittybot. Miss Gordon was the librarian and a nice lady. She made sure no funny business happened in the library. Anyone that tried regretted it for the rest of their days. It was one of the reasons this was such a great sanctuary.

"Oh, it's my little robot. I call her Kittybot," I told the slim brown haired woman.

She tried to pet Kittybot, who responded by running away and hiding in my pencil case.

"She's a little shy," I said with a grin.

"How marvelous. There is a boy called Alex who comes here often, who was interested in robots and made some little wheeled ones. He'd be very envious of this little contraption," she said with a smile.

"Oh, that's me," I grinned at her, "I went through MORFS last week and now I'm called Lexi. I finished Kittybot last night."

"Well it certainly seems lifelike," said Miss Gordon with a smile.

Then the bell went. I packed away my things. Scooped up Kittybot and put her in my bag. I said goodbye to Miss Gordon and ran off to my next lesson. It was science. Which was interesting enough, though I had to content with Tara staring at me all through it. About halfway through something odd happened. My vision went weird and I saw all sorts of rainbow sheens around the place, emanating from the walls and out of some of the containers. It had happened once before but it hadn't been this intense before. I stared about in wonder at the strange patterns I could see. Then as suddenly as it had started, it stopped, and I was back to seeing normally. I shook my head and went back to concentrating on the lesson.

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The Fucking Neighbours

Walking down the hall I smell pot and hear female moans. Through the door I can see a youthful female bottom straddling some mans legs at first I think it's my trophy slut gold digging wife then I hear her name. "Roll over Tanya I want to fuck you on your back" the young man says.I walk in and he sees me. Terror in his eyes. Rage in mine. I grab my daughter and pull her away and steer her to the couch. I turn to see him running, picking up his clothes strewn on the floor, as he heads for the...

4 years ago
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My Phone Sex Rendezvous

My phone sex rendezvous’Based on My In person encounters One day I got home from a long day at the office work wondered how I could entertain myself. I was thinking about how my life really sucks and how alone I was in a bug and rodent infested hellhole. I couldn’t stand my boss and my co-workers. They really repulsed me. I worked at a local government agency that was located 200 feet from my apartment complex which is located in a Baltimore area suburb. The only great thing about my job...

3 years ago
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The Tortoise and the Hare

Aesop's amphibian had nothing on me speed-wise. I can go as slow as he ever could. My problem, as one might imagine, is catching up with the hare. Unlike the unconcerned tortoise, I'm concerned. I'm concerned about the hare that's hitting on my wife early and often. As far as fast operators are concerned, he's one helluva rabbit! Me? Not. A lot of times I'm not near focused enough, and, like I say, sure as hell not quick enough to beat the damn rabbit at his own game, so I have to resort...

3 years ago
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Moth Ch 018

Please forgive the redundant copyright messages, I’ve found that sometimes my stories are copypasted in part and used elsewhere. Posted on with permission of author: Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei. * Spring came to Altwar with a wealth of green leaves, and rain, and unbelievable amounts of hard work. Kokata couldn’t remember ever having been so exhausted in his life. Whenever he thought he had earned a good rest, Lei sent him into another back-breaking task. ‘For all we...

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MyPervyFamily Zoey Sinn Secret Rebound Sex

Getting cheated on is the worst. Even worse when it’s your fiance! My stepsister Zoey Sinn tried consoling me, but I (Peter Green) wasn’t feeling it. Then she reminded me of a pact we made when we were younger about how we would get married if things didn’t work out on our own, sorta like a safety net. She put her hand on my knee! So I went in for a kiss and she liked it! Things were looking up when she let me take out her big tits and fondle and suck them. I went down on her,...

2 years ago
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My friends dad 12

“I thought you didn't wanna have sex with me though?” John asked Jeanette. “Well, let's try it once,” Jeanette replied. “What do you think Callie?” John asked. “Well I think we should give this lady what she wants,” I replied. Then he got up and got out a condom. I think he was a little spoiled not having to use any condoms in the recent past, but he had to wear one. So then he put it on and slowly stuck it inside Jeanette's pussy. “Damn Jeanette your pussy is really tight....

3 years ago
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Aunt made me to fuck in front of her husband

Hello, naa peeru raju. Age 19.2nd year degree chaduvuthunna.naaku father, mother oka brother unnaru. Father 50 years, subbarao, mum subhadra 45, brother sunder 25.father business.mum soft wear engineer athanu london lo untunnadu. Father business payena india antha thiruguthu untaadu. Monthly 5 days kante undadu.mum chusedaaniki chakkaga untundi. Eppudu neat ga, glamarous ga thayaru avuthundi. Morning times walking kooda velluthundi.36-28-36 size shape. 5.3 feets weight 50kgs....

4 years ago
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Her Stockings

She had long, long legs, encased in sheer black nylons, and she sat opposite him with her knees pressed to one side. Her inner thighs brushed lightly together with each movement she made. Her pencil skirt had ridden up and he could see the darkness of her stocking tops where he wanted to run his fingers. He imagined his hands over the rough lace stocking tops, working upward, a delicious friction, and then finding her smooth skin and the heat of her arousal. She caught him looking and he...

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My Naked Mom And Big Cumshot

My name is Senthil. I am a normal guy working in a company. However, I am not married. My mom’s name is Yamini. She looks pretty but I never thought of my mom in a bad way. I respect her and she loves me. She is in the late 40s and I am in the late 20s. My dad works in Dubai and rarely comes to the home. Probably, he comes like once a year, sometimes once a couple of years. I rarely masturbate so because of that I store a lot of cum. Sometimes, I feel like a bag hanging down. I don’t have...

1 year ago
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Hot Sex With Sexy Tenant

Hello Horny readers,This is Vikram,I want to share a hot and steamy encounter.I was studying Engg,2nd year when this incident happened. My age was 18 and i was horny as fuck at that time, i used to masturbate 2- 3 times a day,i used to watch Porn for 2-3 hours. But one day it all changed My family owns a double store building and we used to live on ground floor and we rented the top floor. one fine lucky day, a married couple entered as Tenants, they had a small son aged about 3.The Lady name...

2 years ago
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Sleeping DaughterChapter 3 Nanny Cam Revelation

“She isn’t even wearing panties tonight, the little slut,” my wife chortled in my ear. I reached up and adjusted the Bluetooth earpiece to make it more comfortable and stop pinching. “Ooh, this is almost as good as being there. She’s ripe and ready for you. She’s taken her medication and she’s passed out.” My dick ached. Even after a month of fucking my fourteen-year-old daughter while she slept, I was still eager to feel her hot, tight flesh wrapped about my cock. It was so wrong. So...

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Ek sachhi kahani

My name is zeid khan.muje aapke mail mil rahe he or sab meri kahani ki tarif kar rahe he.muje bohat khusi mili aapsab ke mail se.agar ye kahani bhi aap sabko pasand aaye to plz muje mail karna mat bhulna. ya us waqt ki bat ha jab main 10 main parhata tha. Us waqt mere umar 15 sal the……jab sa main 9th class main aya tab he sa mere doste kuch aisa larkon sa hoe jin ko sex ka bara main jan kari the….. wo har waqt sex ki bataen kartay thay……. Hamara ghar main bhi ik kam wali ate the….us ki umar...

3 years ago
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Worlds luckiest guy

I met Mary a little over three years ago at a sex party so we both knew that the other fucks around. It was a pretty big party with probably 20 guys and a dozen women. Both couples and singles from early 20's to early 50's. After the group warm up with introductions, jokes and prizes there was a sex card game where the high male card and low female card had to get up and the guy had to take off an article of her clothes and then had 30 seconds to do whatever he wanted with her. The...

3 years ago
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My GF Turned Me into a Whore PT2

After that first night I was so sore and satisfied, we continued with our strapon play doing it in every possible position: standing up, doggy, missionary, and sideways. She was really into it and loved talking raunchy. Then she stopped using the strapon altogether and shortly after that we stopped having sex for a couple of weeks.I was getting nervous that she might be having second thoughts about the direction our sex life took. A few more days passed and I decided to bring up the subject....

1 year ago
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Deb and the Deacon

Deb was in her late 30's, and secretary of her church - she and her husband, Dan had been married since they were in their 20's, and they had 2 kids. Lately, their marriage had been getting somewhat shaky - not nearly as much affection between them, and even less sex - Deb used a diaphragm and the "rhythm" method of birth control - but hardly needed the diaphragm lately... Oh, she guessed she still loved Dan, it was just that their lives had become so, well, BORING, especially sexually... Dan...

4 years ago
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Chjapter 6 Becoming the Neighborhood Slut part

The large black man i was in front of grabbed my hands away from his increasingly obvious erection. I heard my new friend gasp watching the obscene display of a p*****n femme boi brazemly exposing the fact that the middle aged neighbor had been intimate with him."Oh my God, how did you..."The man was speechless. knowing that his secret was out, and I twisted my wrists from his grip and started caressing his hardness through his shorts. "It gets even bigger Julie, just watch" I said ands I...

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This a copyrighted original work and the exclusive property of the author. You may use this work for your personal use only. If you wish to use it, or a portion of it for any other reason, please contact the author for permission. This is a work of fiction written for mature audiences only and if you are 18 years of age please do not go any further. The author hopes you enjoy it and if you have, or have a particular plot you would like to see developed let him know at [email protected]. ...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 367

This meeting with Frank and Eric was from our agreement to keep closer communication on security issues. I was surprised to see that the wimpy triplets were not at the table. I wondered if Frank was still hammering them about the Mason jar. I couldn’t imagine anyone that timid being placed in a high level security position. Usually those positions required a poker face, nerves of steel and a big pair of brass balls with extra gruff to go with it. We talked about the expanded agency contract...

1 year ago
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Helen Part 1

As I had JUST turned 18, my high school career was over and I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do, I took a year off to party. I was young, innocent and full of life.   I took off to the annual arts festival where I met a group of very interesting bohemian hippies. There was the most beautiful woman with them. Tall, long dark hair, pale skin, deep red lips and gorgeous green eyes. Helen was her name and I felt an electricity from the moment she looked at me.   Her partner...

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BackroomCastingCouch Marty 18 year old

Marty is an 18 year old “girl next door” with short hair, blue eyes and some very adorable braces. Our casting candidate is also quite shy, but that isn’t stopping her from doing what it takes to get her foot in the door. Marty’s super fresh and only had sex with two people in her entire life, which is so crazy to me. Even after her short stint in the minors she thinks she’s ready for the big leagues. Of course we’ll be the judge of that… She’s a little hesitant when...

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A young guy An older woman

I think I surprised even myself at how lengthy the story is becoming. It still has some way yet to go. Therefore, in order to maintain an interest I felt it best to post this part now. Should anyone feel the need for a part 2, feel free to let me know. I hope, given they are little more than a reflection of the thoughts of the slightly, older, more mature woman, this will not deter readers from enjoying the story. As always, I welcome your comments. My name is Maggie, a married...

1 year ago
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Amy seduces brother

100% fiction! Mom & Dad had gone out on the weekend and we had to stay back because of the endless assignments we had from college. It was just me and my younger brother alone in the house. Some days back I had forgotten to knock on the door of Jeremy's room and had entered the room only to discover that he had come out of shower without his towel on. I had a glimpse of his massive cock hanging partially limp and had turned around to avoid an embarrassing situation. He might have noticed me...

2 years ago
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H takes her pleasure

After that fateful first date, H and I made time to see each other whenever we could. I started my junior year in high school, only working on the weekends. So H began picking me up from school so she could see me every day. We usually found a discrete place to park, so we could have an hour long quickie. When I get into H’s car after school she declares, “Today, I’m fucking you in my bed.” I climb obediently into the passenger seat of the car. I like the idea of having more room and privacy....

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Crotch Lake Day 2

Day 2 MondayKen and I were up first. After a quick trip into the woods to water a couple of trees, Ken worked on re-stoking the fire to chase the morning chill from the campsite. Meanwhile, I got the coffee and bacon started on the gas stove. Neither of us seemed anxious to bring up the previous night as we were both working in silence.I called to the tent, “Hey girls, the bacon’s done. Are you two going to sleep all day?”Karen answered, “Put the eggs on. We’re almost ready.”I had my back to...

Wife Lovers
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Brianna and Jayden A TG Dress Shop Story

Anyone watching Brianna and Jayden in the Fashion Towne mall food court would have not noticed anything unusual. Here were two attractive girls, and lots of fashion-conscious girls hang out at malls. Brianna Isabella Mitchell was stunningly beautiful with fashion model looks and posture. Her makeup was always dramatic, but never overdone: translucent skin, accented eyebrows, long lashes, bright lipstick, matching nails. Wavy brown hair with blond highlights cascaded past...

3 years ago
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Indian MILF fucks Exotic Snake Charmer and Assistant

This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics which you can read Ramesh was walking around the bazaar looking into different shops when he noticed a tent out of the corner of his eye. There was a man out front, a snake charmer, and Ramesh was intrigued. He walked over and asked the charmer to show him some of his skills. The snake charmer played the flute, and a cobra rose hypnotically out of a basket in front of him, and Ramesh was thoroughly impressed.  Right as Ramesh was about to...

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