Captain Ayesha 8211 Part 1 Ek Hot Army Officer
- 2 years ago
- 45
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When the elves had crossed the great ocean and come to the Sunset lands, they had found themselves almost immediately at home. The local spirits and gods and the like had a similar – if not identical – stance when it came to the great Tellings and while their stories did not mesh, they didn’t come into direct conflict. And so, elves who wished to find higher places in the Telling without needing to challenge the established Players – a dicey and dangerous proposition even in the best of times – flocked to the Sunset lands to establish their own households, to tell the old stories in a new land.
This was all well and good ... until someone needed to actually make the props.
Oh, it was all well and good for The Smith in the tale of Brannywise and the Smith to hammer on an anvil to make the horseshoes for the penultimate game that ended with Brannywise fleeing downriver with the Smith’s wife in one arm and an horseshoe around his neck. But The Smith couldn’t also be expected to forge the blade of Kale Tall Grass. That blade was from one of the stories that had been snuffed out by the Dark Lord – no elf could dare take up the guise of the mage-smith Stormrider and hammer out a new blade that was fit for Kale Tall Grass or any of the other heroes who bore it in their stories.
To fill this need, the elves, somewhat sheepishly, had opened the ports to the Sunset lands to others.
They didn’t get who they wanted.
Elves preferred the beautiful and the kind and the merry when they would interact with mortals. They could gladly host entire villages of the smallfolk among them. Brownies and knockers? Oh, they were a delight! Dwarves, they could tolerate. Orcs were, ah, well, orcs were sometimes quite energetic, but that was still acceptable. But all those peoples had their own lands and their own worries. They had not wanted to cross a dangerous ocean and come to an unknown land populated with strange gods and stranger spirits.
Instead, those who were not wanted had come. And the elves, with fixed smiles and strained voices, had welcomed them. They had welcomed the trolls. They had welcomed the trow. And, with their smiles nearly shattering apart, they had welcomed the Fiends.
[Interlocutor/Speaker/Craftsman] – or, as mindblind races called him, Librarian – sometimes recalled the race-memory first thing in the morning and enjoyed it immensely. His great great grandfather had been there, and had committed the memory to the communal pool. The bloodline link meant that the memory could be felt fuller and more colorfully than it might have been by some other Fiend. His facial tentacles writhed in a single happy spasm and he let the memory of the disgusted Lord Winsom fade. He did have some actual work to do today.
He began with a quick circuit of Lord Winsom’s inner sanctum. The Telling that Winsom was preforming involved a poisoned dagger, placed by an unnamed and unknown assassin, in his bed. He would cast back the bedsheets and throw down his best friend’s wife upon the bed as part of their forbidden lovemaking. She would be pricked and die – and lead to Winsom and his friend’s fatal duel. As the person who placed the dagger wasn’t a Player, anyone could do it – and for his entire life, Librarian had been the one to handle such things.
He pulled the dagger from its sheath with a twist of his mind – he kept his fingers pressed together before his robes. He floated it before his midnight black eyes and gently prodded the hilt with one of his facial tentacles – to set it spinning in the bubble of telekinetic force he exerted upon it. As it spun in the air, like a magnetic compass in water, he observed it. Yes, the poison had been applied exactly as he had ordered.
The door to the bed chambers exploded inwards – rebounding off the wall with the force of the movement.
Librarian started and clutched at his chest, feeling his hearts hammering through his silken robes as the dagger clattered to the floor, rebounding off the hardwood. Standing in the doorway was Lord Winsom’s squire, Fireheart. She strode into the room, her twin swords jouncing off her hips, and snarled at Librarian. “Outside, squid. Now.”
Librarian spluttered, his facial tentacles writhing. “Squire Fireheart, you should be out in the marsh!”
“Now!” Fireheart shouted.
Librarian, feeling as stunned as if he had been clouted about the head with a pole, started to the door. Fireheart stalked around like a caged beast. As she paced around, Librarian felt her anger and frustration – and her fear – sparking off her. The emotions buzzed and sparked along his hairless scalp and Librarian hurried even faster. He had no idea anything could scare Fireheart. The first thing that popped into his head was the rise of a new Dark Lord, or the conquest of the Sunset Lands by the Dragon Empire, or a new orcish migration or...
He stumbled down the stairs that circled around the center of the castle. Each step was carved ornately, and the banisters that went to either side of the stairwell were decorated with inlaid scenes of battles and history. It made gripping them easier when one had slick, slippery skin – something that Librarian was eminently grateful for. But the sheer number of the stairs and the height of the castle meant that hurrying down the stairs left him out of breath, his gills straining behind the little flaps between his facial tentacles.
He found that the foyers of the castle had the entire hunting party within it, including The Quarry. The poor troll that had been pulled off the streets to play The Quarry didn’t look as if he had been hurt much, and he was cowering behind ... behind a collection of strangers. The strangers made Librarian wish he had brought the dagger downstairs with him: Four of them were clad in solid, heavy, iron looking armor and carried what were clearly majiles. Then he took a second glance and realize that the weapons had no power gems, and were carved of metal and strange black material, not of wood and brass.
The other two were clad in lighter suits. One was green and brown, while the other was dressed in a sky blue uniform with a single gold bar on the shoulder and a few patches across the chest, written in a tongue he did not recognize. The men in heavy armor stood in a defensive position about them, while the troll ducked his head down and tried to seem as unnoticable as possible.
The elves all started to lobby questions at the Librarian – not just verbally, but mentally as well. And then the strange mentality of the strangers started to slam into him. He could feel their shock. Their disgust. Their utter confusion. It hammered into his mind and sent spiking pain through his temples. He flung up his hands, his purple fingers spreading, and bellowed: [SILENCE!]
Everyone shut up.
Librarian let out a long sigh, his facial tentacles flapping. He clapped his hands together. “You begin!” he said, using his vocalizations. The sound, he knew, was odd to anyone who had never heard a Fiend speak aloud – musical, fluting and faintly wrong. But as most of the races of Earth refused to hold their diplomatic meetings underwater, they would simply have to make due. He pointed at one of the elven squires. “Where is Lord Winsom.”
“Lord Winsom,” the squire said, his voice tight. “Is right there.”
He nodded to the stranger in the blue.
The stranger – [Helen Trevor] – scowled and put her hands on her hips. “Where the fuck are we and how the fuck did we get there?” she glared around herself. “I’m an officer in the United States AstroForce, you cannot fucking kidnap me and expect to get off without ... without some kind of repercussions!”
The words were translated by magic, and he heard the echo of them within her surface thoughts. Despite this, Librarian stood perfectly still, his gills flapping open in shock.
“ ... what?” he asked.
“I said-” Helen Trevor growled, her eyes flaring – trying to cover for her terror and confusion with bellicose shouting.
“I heard what you said,” Libarian said, shaking his head. “I ... you killed Lord Winsom?”
“I guess I did, but he was about to shoot, he, he did shoot me!” Helen spluttered, while the other stranger that stood beside her stepped closer and whispered to her – her mind more guarded, less easily read. She also had the advantage of standing quite near to someone who was shouting their thoughts at the top of their mind. Helen’s anger collapsed into a kind of relief, though, as she looked at Librarian. “Wait. Wait, you, you, you don’t think I’m Lord Winsom? These elf dipshits won’t stop calling me that!”
“Because you are Lord Winsom,” one of the squires said, sounding deeply pained.
“I am fucking not!” Helen shouted.
Librarian put his hand over his face. [Oh good gods, ] he thought. [Helen, I know you can hear me. Order your squires to ready their equipment for a grand hunt to slake your lust for combat and trials.]
Helen gaped at him. Then, slowly, she stammered. “Uh. Squires. G-Go ... do that. That thing. Uh. You know.” She waved one hand weakly. “Get your shit ready. We’ll go and, uh, hunt shit. But not people!” She thrust her finger at them. The squires, looking deeply relieved, hurried off.
In the empty room, one of the heavily armored strangers spoke – his words muffled by the helmet, but the thought of them echoing clearly in Librarian’s mind: “Sir, permission to speak freely.” At her subtle nod, he said: “What the fucking fuck is going on, sir?”
“I’ll tell you when I know,” Helen whispered quietly – into her collar. The heavily armored soldier, some kind of man-at-arms, felt as if he had heard her. Despite the fact he was in a heavy helmet, and Helen had not spoken loudly enough for him to hear at all.
With the squires gone, the foyer felt a great deal more empty, and certainly more peaceful. Helen started, then. Her head lifted up and Librarian could feel her relief and her excitement. She made a subtle hand gestured to one of the men-at-arms, and he said: “We read you. In a potentially hostile situation, will contact again when safe.”
Helen turned to face Librarian full on. “I’m Ensign Helen Trevor. This is Dr. Vidya Rachna, and these are my men.” She gestured to the men-at-arms. “Who are you?”
Librarian inclined his head and focused, unfolding his name within her mind. Helen’s brow furrowed and, next to her, her other companion blinked. “D-Did I just hear that or-” she said, putting her hand to her ear, touching it gently.
“Get the fuck out of my head!” Helen shouted, stepping forward.
“I am not in your head,” Librarian said, his voice growing cold. His clan had the memories of when they had wandered through places other than the Feylands. Most races had similar reactions – but here, he got to feel the difference between a memory and reality. In reality, having the cold wave of hostility and fear and fury and embarrassment smashing into him all at once was rather like taking a bath in maggots. His facial tentacles froze, then writhed in a single convulsive movement. Librarian forced himself to speak calmly and distinctly. “My name is Librarian, for those who lack the ability to speak mind to mind. I am the steward and the manager of Lord Winsom’s estate and narratives.”
“Cool,” Helen said, slowly. “Where are we and how did we get here?”
Librarian sighed. “Come. Let us speak in the sitting room. Portaling can make one quite tired and disorientated.”
He turned and led the strangers into the sitting room. Here, chairs made of ironwood and silver were set about near some small trunk-tables, and some servants that he had mentally called to had already laid out snacks and treats. Helen took one of the seats awkwardly, then reached up and tugged off her queer helmet. Beneath, he saw that her hair was the most remarkable set of rainbow hues. Her associate, this Dr. Vidya Rachna, had much darker skin and pitch black hair.
But it was not their hair that stopped Librarian dead.
It was their ears.
[Good gods!] he exclaimed, mentally. Helen’s eyebrow twitched and he hurriedly switched back to speaking aloud: “You’re humans?”
Helen glanced at Vidya. Vidya glanced at her.
“We’re humans,” Helen said, her voice serious. “And we need to know where we are. Your, uh, your fellow ... your ... the elves.” She put her hands on her thighs. “They did this weird had gesture and touched this rock and then suddenly, we were all standing here.”
Librarian, his hand still pressed to his chest, forced himself to calm. “You,” he said. “You are on the western coast of the Sunset Lands, in the Castle of Lord Winsom.” He paused, then wriggled his two front tentacles, the ones that normally were used to indicate a smile or a frown. “I can see why you would be so confused, if you’ve never had to deal with elves before. Ah. Okay.” He nodded. “Okay. We can deal with this...” He started to pace back and forth. “Elves, ah, well...” He shook his head. “By the Brain Mother, I didn’t know I’d ever be here. Explaining this. To humans!” He chuckled, nervously.
“How do yo know what we are?” Vidya asked, her brow furrowing. She spoke a different tongue from Helen – but the same magic that translated for Helen translated for her just as well. Librarian chuckled.
“Well, there are legends of humans,” he said. “They’re considered stories for children.”
“Riiiiight,” Helen said. “So, you guys have a big old book with humans, where some fogy old elf made up human languages and some human told your fucking bobbits to chuck jewelry in a volcano to fuck up Sauron.” She put her hands over her face, groaning. “And some elven Gary Guygax statted out humans for his fucking Offices and Starbucks tabletop fucking roleplaying game, Jesus Christ.”
Librarian caught flashes from her mind, castoffs of imagination. He saw a world of glittering pyramids set in the middle of dreadful wastelands of thin trees and sickly grass. Vast oceans, gleaming and strange towers that thrust into the air and made a constant, low droning sound. And humans. Hundreds of humans. No. Thousands. No, no. Millions. No. Librarian felt a cold chill crawl along his spine as he saw the humans that Helen had seen.
Billions of humans. Humans of such numbers that one could count them, one per second, and never run out. Humans pressed together, streaming down streets of steel and silver. Humans building. Humans grasping. Humans holding weapons. Humans marching towards Librarian – ready for his blood.
Librarian nearly sprayed his ink jets – something he hadn’t done unintentionally since he was a broodling.
Helen forced herself to her feet. “All right,” she said, seriously. “You had stories of humans. Well. We had stories of elves. And I haven’t read any of them.” She scowled at him. “Well, at least, those that I did weren’t fucking right. So, please. Explain to me why they all think that I’m Lord Winsom when all I did was put a few rounds into his chest.”
“Ah.” Librarian shook himself from head to feet. “Elves are immortal.”
“Jesus,” Helen whispered, while Vidya put her hands to her mouth.
The impassive men at arms muttered to one another – sharing much the same reaction as their knighted leader. Helen, though, immediately said: “So, immortal? Like, I mean, I fucking shot him. How did that work?”
“Immortal does not mean one cannot be killed,” Librarian said, seriously. “And that is how one claims a place in the Telling.” He held up his hand to stop Helen from asking more questions, sighing mentally. “Each elf wishes to be part of the Telling. To become a part of the Telling means one is able to reenact a story from the primordial days of elven history, when Earth was young. It is a great honor to tell the stories, cycling endlessly through them. This way, elves keep their stories alive, even in a changing world. But the only way that one can claim that part, the only way one can rise in elven society, is if you tell the story better than the person currently within it.”
“By killing them?” Helen asked. “This is some Star Trek level bullshit.”
“Not necessarily,” Librarian said, his voice prim. “Why, once, an elf was unseated from their place in the Telling in a baking competition.”
“Ahh,” Vidya said, sounding fascinated.
“How often does it come down to some elf punking out their chosen LARPer?” Helen asked, scowling at Librarian.
Librarian checked his mental records. “Nine out of ten times,” he admitted, somewhat apologetically. Helen put her hands over her face again.
Librarian placed his hands together, clasping them against one another. “This is somewhat beside the point,” he said. “You interrupted the former Lord Winsom in the midst of an extremely important Telling. The elves will only grow more irate if it is not resumed and done properly. They will quite literally do anything in their power to prevent you from returning to your associates and your fellow humans until the tale is done properly.”
Helen frowned. “Give me a second,” she said.
She stepped away from Librarian and then slid her helmet back on. Politely, Librarian did not skim her surface thoughts. He simply gave her a chance to speak. When, at last, she tugged off her helmet, she was shaking her head and looking grim. “I’ve been told,” she said. “That a diplomatic party is on their way. And to try and keep the situation from getting worse. Can I rely on you, being a not elf, to be able to help with that?”
“Yes,” Librarian said. “In fact, that is my purpose, that is why I was made a part of Lord Winsom’s household. I have guided another before.”
Helen nodded again. “Okay.” She smiled. “What do we gotta do to keep things from getting worse.”
“We shall begin with arming you properly,” Libarian said. “Which type of sword do you prefer to use?”
Helen’s brow furrowed. “Use swhats?”
Lucas was in the middle of goggling at one impossibly bizarre thing when Captain DuPont came into the laboratory section of the Enterprise and dropped a second impossibly bizarre thing on his lap. “Mr. Sibusiso,” Captain DuPont said, his voice flat. “I need you to stand behind me and say exactly what you said this morning.”
“I, what?” Lucas asked, tearing his eyes away from the satellite footage of the away team. The view was grainy and spotty, and showed only the vaguest hint of what could be humanoid forms. An old hat at analyzing this kind of data from when he had been working in the same spot as Teller, handling the cisvenusian spy satellites, Lucas had been able to identify the four USMC marines, Dr. Rachna and, of course, Helen. The aliens surrounding them had been somewhat trickier. He had seen that they were riding what must have been mounts – horses? - and that they had been armored. Beyond that, the footage was too low fi, to grainy, too occluded by tree cover to give anything but a few frustratingly vague hints.
The next frame on the footage was even more frustratingly vauge: there was just a bright blue flash, like a center of an LED flashlight at a rave. The next frame showed nothing but clear, undisturbed Florida wetland.
“You heard me,” Captain DuPont said. “We’ve finally got the Russians on the line.”
“R-Right!” Lucas scrambled to his feet.
Lucas spent the next ten minutes wishing he had any job but this. The Captain took the call from the Russians in the nicest conference room, where he could be captured on camera from a position of some power, sitting in a rather large and comfortable chair. He was flanked by several of his senior staff and by Lucas and Dr. Mann. Lucas supposed that DuPont wanted things to seem both military and civilian, to remind the Russians why the fleets had come here.
The first two minutes of the conference call were spent getting the communication architecture of the two fleets to synch up. Some bug in the software or misalignment of the hardware meant that they spent those two minutes looking first at static, then at the Russian equivalent of a ‘please hold, interface loading’ screen. When that screen blipped out of existence and was replaced by a close in shot of the Russian’s CO, Lucas hoped that his expression didn’t show what he thought. The Russian captain was a woman who had been beautiful, once. But someone had ensured that she’d forever after be referred to as ‘striking’ by generous people and ‘scary as hell’ by anyone else: One entire cheek was furrowed and twisted by what had to be a close in encounter with an incendiary weapon.
“Captain Zlata Lyudmila Markova,” she said. “Commanding officer of the Russian Federation forces in the extrasolar system. To what do I owe the pleasure of this call, Captain DuPoint?”
“Cut the crap, Markova,” DuPont snapped. “We’re in a polar orbit – we know what you’re doing in Russia.”
“We are not doing anything in Russia,” Markova said, her voice studiously neutral. She was nearly accent free - in fact, she sounded almost American. “We are currently orbiting an extrasolar planet that merely looks like Earth.”
“We still know what you’re doing,” DuPont said, scowling.
“Do you?” Markova asked, dryly.
“We have detailed orbital surveillance that shows you delivering material and supplies to the natives of this planet,” DuPont said, his voice growing more heated.
“Our high command had the foresight to send us with a significant number of trade goods,” Markova said, blandly.
DuPont nodded to Lucas. Lucas gulped. He just had to say what he had said before. He stepped forward. “Uh, analysis of the weight, uh, the size of the compartment, as well as signatures picked up from the surface, including light flashes, the way that the trade goods were distributed immediately after you left, it is extremely evident t-that you, uh, you have sold, or, er, given weapons to the natives of this planet.” He gulped. “I mean, they marched out an army formation – or at least, it looked like one from orbit, and distributed the weaponry!”
“You’re arming the natives,” DuPont took up the slack as he stepped forward. “Natives that, according to everything we’ve seen, are centuries behind us in terms of technology. The United Nations charter-”
“Does not apply in this solar system,” Markova said, her voice cold. “And even if it did, Captain DuPont, we have observed your shuttle’s movement over the northern continent of the western hemisphere...” She said, her voice so precise, so detached. Lucas almost admired her for clearly making an effort to remind everyone in the room that this was not Earth. “You are also interacting with the natives. We do not see any reason to police your activity. You should not feel any need to stick your nose in where it is not wanted.”
“We’re not selling AK-47s to knights on horseback for the oil fields of Siberia,” DuPont said, his eyebrow twitching. “If you don’t cease these activities immediately-”
“You’ll what?” Markova asked. “We have a fleet. You have a single ship, American. The orbital gauge won’t stop that. Good day.”
The line cut off.
“W ... Was that wise?” Lucas whispered. “Just telling her what we know?”
DuPont sighed, his anger fading. “She had to know that we knew. Now she knows that we know – meaning she has to relay that back to the Russian high command.” He looked at Lucas. “Start working on an org chart for the logistic chain it’ll take to bring a major fleet here. And...” He chewed his lower lip. “I want you and Mann to work on bringing more of our people down – once we secure a landing site that is worthy of the name.”
What he didn’t say hung in the air: Because the Enterprise may have to try taking on the Russians, if we’re ordered too.
Lucas nodded. He turned to go, then paused. “Sir,” he said, quietly. “That will mean a general war in the SOL system.”
“I know that,” DuPont said, his hands clenching. “She knows it. She has to know that, the Russians have to know that. But this Earth, this second Earth, it’s...” He shook his head. He didn’t need to lay out the treasure trove underneath them – the mysteries and the dangers they had already run into were only adding to the wealth that was waiting down there. Lucas rubbed his face – and as he left with Dr. Mann, he could hear the bridge crew beginning to discuss the ‘Trevor situation.’ That made his stomach knot in worry.
Dr. Mann shook his head. “This is a terrible day,” he said, quietly. “I hoped to never see it.”
“A general war,” Lucas said. “M-Maybe it’ll stay in space? In this system?”
“Maybe,” Dr. Mann said, his voice quiet. “My family, my old family, has roots in Kashmir. During the Troubles, they fled, because the region became an open shooting ground between the Russians, the Indians and the Chinese. Why? It was a fine place to plant nuclear warheads. Short ranged nuclear warheads.” He fixed his eyes on Lucas. “You work in Logistics. Tell me: How many nuclear warheads orbit Earth now? How many ships bear them? How many-”
Lucas held up his hand. “You don’t need to lay it out for me. Dr. Mann. I know how bad it its. But there’s nothing I can do about it!”
Dr. Mann frowned. “I don’t know.”
Lucas sighed.
When he sat down at his desk, those three words echoed in his head. He looked at the spreadsheets he had whipped up, at the chokepoints that were created by the infrastructure of the SOL system and the lack of infrastructure in the SOL-2 system. Everything that had once been important and vital had been thrown out the window – who cared about Ganymede or Mars or Ceres when there was a whole second Earth for the taking? An Earth with technology that apparently included castles, sailing ships, rocket propelled guided munitions and whatever had happened to Helen...
Lucas jerked his head up, then started to put in requests for information. A request for why he wanted the information came back. Lucas laid out the supposition he had. This put him in touch with the sensor staff on the bridge – and the confirmation was made within minutes. Lucas practically ran to the senior staff meeting room. The whole of the senior bridge officers were still there, and Captain DuPont had his hands clasped behind his back. “You’ve uncovered something?” he asked. “Lieutenant Fiore says you uncovered something big.”
Lucas nodded, then tapped at his handheld tablet, bringing up the image he had isolated, then flicked it to try and bring it onto the conference room screen. But the tablet’s program immediately got confused and instead started to play a random file from his music list. He fiddled with it, scowled, muted the music, slammed the tablet onto the table, and said: “Helen, uh, Ensign Trevor got teleported nearly five thousand kilometers instantaneously. She was on Florida, then the next time we picked her up, it was in California. In the Bay Area, right?” He paused. “That means the natives have this capacity. If they have it, we can get it. If we can get it, then the entire orbital situation changes completely. We have enough munitions that all we need to do is to put a nuke on each Russian ship and...” He nodded. “Boom.”
Captain DuPont nodded, slowly.
“I like the way you think,” one of the senior officers – Lucas recognized her as the missile commander.
Captain DuPont frowned. “We’ve been informed that Ensign Trevor, in a stunning display of incompetence, has managed to get herself caught up in some kind of ... native political power struggle by shooting a local leader dead.”
Lucas pursed his lips. Thanks to he and Helen spending a good chunk of three months watching cheesy sci-fi movies together, he could immediately think of half a dozen TV episodes that this was exactly like.
“Apparently, she’s got to win a swordfight,” DuPont said, frowning.
Lucas blinked. “I know how to sword fight.”
Everyone looked at him.
Lucas looked around. “I ... I mean, I took a fencing course. In Uni.” He coughed. “Mostly foil. It was years ago, though.”
Captain DuPont nodded.
Lucas was mentally kicking himself the whole way down. The shuttle creaked and groaned and finished emerging through the cloud layer – and Lucas’ self recrimination faded to nothingness as he looked out the window and saw the vastness of California underneath him. It was California as it had been – California as it might have been. There was the occasional village that he could see through the thick greenery, and the occasional hint of some large structure lurking between the trees. But the trees were what dominated the landscape. Endless, rolling forests, a vast carpet of greenery that breathed in carbon and sighed out a vast profusion of oxygen. The ocean was further away than he expected, and there was no pyramidal shape of the San Fransisco arcology – instead, the shuttle started towards a large clearing that was set out before a huge castle, with a small collection of people standing before it.
They watched as the shuttle bumped and jounced on the rough ground – its engines screaming and its airfoils roaring as they caught the air. But the shuttle was a combat shuttle, designed to make hard landings all across the Earth for suborbital conflicts. He handled coasting to a stop in this clearing with aplomb.
When the door opened, Lucas stepped out and saw that Helen was in the knot of people. She had been dressed in an ornate set of armor that looked gaudy and impractical as hell – all curving loops of carved wood, resting across her space suit. But despite being of alien manufacture, it fit to her body perfectly. Her helmet was off and her rainbow dyed hair ruffled in the wind that blew across the clearing. Next to her, looking as if she had never been more excited in her life, was Dr. Rachna.
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“Do you think there’s something wrong with me?”“Maybe” you say and smile.“I never used to be this twisted, my mind is in decline”.I tell you and you smile again before kissing me hard on the mouth. You suck my bottom lip into your mouth until it hurts me and instinctively I try to pull away from you.Your hand grabs a fistful of my hair and you pull my head back exposing my neck. You make a comedy biting sound before you pretend to take a bite out of it and then you pull me close to you and hold...
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By Powerone Copyright 2004 M+/f, mc, oral, anal, nc, reluc The John Mellencamp song was blaring loudly as Vanessa danced around under the lights. "I want you to dance naked, so I can see you, I’d like to get to know you, you don’t have to act naughty." Her hips moving back and forth, synchronized with the strings of his guitar, a wanton display of simulated sex. "Spin it round and round, spin it round and round and round, I want you to dance naked." Vanessa twirled around,...
It's been 7 months since my last update, and a lot has happened since then! I've become braver and much more sexually active outside of my marriage, which incidentally is still fantastic and strong My first encounter since my last blog was with an older man that id met on the bus, he must have been in his late 50s, we caught each other's eye and it was an unspoken attraction, we both got off at the same stop at the local shopping centre, I walked over to him and brushed his hand with mine,...
There had always been this sexual chemistry between Stephen and me. He is a photographer who does some freelance stuff for the marketing company I work for.We met up at a hotel between his studio and my office. We grabbed a coffee at a secluded table in the foyer. I was wearing a brown shirt and white skirt, bare-legged with brown suede heels. My blonde hair bouncing on my shoulders.“Great to see you, Vanessa,” Stephen commented as he sat down.“You too,” I replied.As we talked over some work...
Straight SexThe next morning Roger left Lei home with a warning to enjoy herself for a few days because he was going to work her tail off. Lei grinned and remarked that she didn't have that much that she could spare. On the drive into work Roger went over his plan to incorporate Lei into the company. He decided to take May into his confidence and ask for her help in making sure that Lei became the "American Woman" that Roger wanted everyone to think that she was. Lei was very smart and he knew that...
Hi frnds mera nam sachin h mai b.E. K student hu. Aj mai apko ek shi kanani sunata hu, mere mere ghr me 3 log rhte hai, mai meri ma aur papa, hm log bhpal me rhte h.Ek bar k bat h samay tha mere b’day k. Jo k ane wala tha isliye hm log gao jane wale the, kyuki mera b’day gao me manaya jata, h hm log b’day se ek din phle gao phuch gye, gao me 8-10 log rhte h isliye bistar kam pad jate h jb koi bahar se ata h, hmara ek room h jisme ek bed hmesha rakha rhta h, hm tino log usi pe sone k plan bnane...
As we walked in the partial shadow of the buildings, I strode, one foot in front of the other with my arms out, balancing on the wall while he walked on the flat ground beside me. “Hey, careful” he laughed, extending his fingertips to steady me by my hands. I jokingly retorted, turning my head toward him. “Oh, shut up! I’m perfectly capable of walking on a little wall like this.” I slowed our pace, not looking away from him, and him not looking away from me. My heart skipped a beat, and I'm...
Love StoriesWell as i think back it was summer of 1974.School was over till fall.My mom wanted me to spend summer with my aunt may and help her around my uncles farm.My mom had the strange idea i was getting interested in boys,well hell i was 13 for gods sake.well i had been there for 2 weeks and the heat was terrible my aunt said annie there a young man out in back field stacking hay for your uncle take him this jar of lemonade.I started off wishing i had put my swim suit on then i could take dip in the...
Hi all , i am a great fan of ISS which gives the people a platform to share about their sexual realistic experiences and fantasies as well. I have read nearly all of the stories over her and am a very old fan of its.But this is my first attempt to be open and accept the sexual encounters and experiences that i have had in the real life. This is one such incident that happened to me around an year and half back and this is totally a real incident without any fantasies and a true experience.This...
IncestIt's basketball season so at night you can always find me at the local sports bar a couple blocks away from my apartment. I’m not really there to watch the games, but more to check out the guys. The guy who has my eye tonight is Bryan. For the past week I have noticed him sitting at the end of the bar with his friends. They are usually only concerned with getting hammered and hitting on girls but Bryan just sits there quietly watching the game and drinking his beer. The way he grips onto that...
Straight Sex"Emma, I'm just jumping in the shower," shouted Selma. "Okay," I replied as I collapsed onto the double bed we would be sharing tonight. Selma was my best friend and we had just got back to our hotel in central London. We were staying here because we were attending our friends wedding the next morning. I knew this would be particularly hard for Sel because she had just recently broken up with her boyfriend of five years. I don't think single life is much for her, unlike me who seems to be...
LesbianThot Hub is one of those porn tube sites that you bookmark and pray no-one ever finds about. There’s nothing covert about the website. It’s all on the up and up as far as I can tell. The quality of the porn here is astounding. These are the kind of primo clips that you spend hours trying to find around the web. Thothub just hands them to you all in one long list of sorted categories, so the fun never stops. These are the best kinds of porn clips on the web, period.Genres and ThemesSo, what’s...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesI stayed in a hotel in South Africa and liked to have fun with the maids.I was "working" one morning and so to keep privacy she brought her cleaning cart into the room and closed the door. This is against the rules as they must be seen when they clean, but she figured I should not be disturbed, so my trap was set.As she cleaned I had a good look at her. Under her uniform she had a good body, nice firm ass. I talked to her, asking how many rooms she does every day - small talk to relax her. When...
Me and Al were supposed to be a one time fling, but it was inevitable that we’d be together a little longer. The first night we met, we had dinner at El Tepeyac, a Mexican restaurant in City of Industry, just outside of Los Angeles. My 65-year-old, six foot tall, 280 lb. hunk of a Mexican man, despite what was said between us leading up to our date, was keeping it classy and showing me a good time. His salt and pepper hair, those brown, bedroom eyes through his wire rimmed glasses, his white...
Gay MaleJoseph has been in search of a girlfriend for months now. Ever since his last breakup, nothing seems to work out for him. He is tall, handsome, and has a beautiful body. His green eyes occasionally captivated women. And yet, he could not land a date ever since Kelly left. This was probably because he tends to get tongue-tied around women ever since she left. But after almost three months without sex, he was getting desperate. He would occasionally check through different dating sites. This is...
ShemaleThe heavy wooden door creaks slightly as you push it open, and you step inside the Princess' chambers. A breeze from the open window causes the candle in your hand to dance, pushing and pulling its dim sphere of light about you. You try to focus in the dark, plant every step carefully. Except you know this room well from years of sneaking in here, and you're soon moving more on instinct than by sight alone. The night is so still that as you near her bed, your rapid breathing sounds like it...
Fantasy100 for a face fuck at stone court by monsieurmaster-erinThis girl is taking too long to email back. It's already been an hour and I'm contemplating another look through the online ads. You see, I'm emailing this girl for sex. I know what you're thinking; pathetic. And you know what? You're right. It is pathetic for me to have to pay for sex. But I don't give a shit about your opinion. To me, the idea of having to go out, try and track down a female and convince her I'm suitable enough for...
After such a sexy morning, I had the day to myself. Pam and Beth/Brian were visiting relatives, so with £50 in my pocket I hit the westend. I had a great day and was bold enough to hit M&S, BHS and C&A buying myself panties, stockings, suspender belts and 3 fantastic nighties, lemon, blue and a very sexy black one.There was a lovely white negligee set but it was over £20 and I couldn't afford it. I went into Soho and enjoyed looking around the sex shops even found a porno cinema. I got...
beginning of the next part of the fiona series... just cuz.Jordyn woke up on her couch, with jeremy nowhere to be found. she quickly made herself some breakfast and left for work.The day passed normally, a few douchbags at the bar, who were quickly "escorted" out of the bar by the bouncer.she left work with her hoverpack, when she noticed some guys from the bar were following her, she brought them up onto the comm chanell, asking them what they wanted. she got back the reply "you" and noticed...
THE SUIT - Part 5 By LJ "Where are you headed," Carl Taylor demanded as the two detectives left the precinct just as Allen slid the drawing of their suspect into his jacket's inner pocket. "Thought we'd make a donut run," Allen smiled facetiously. "You like plain, or frosted?" "I suppose you've already seen the lab results from your sergeant's apartment," the agent demanded irritably. "The most of it,"...
Sitting in a bar and crying in one's beer is a less than delightful way to live a life. That said, it is a primo way to think things over. So here was Jennifer allowing me, an old flame, an ex-husband, a complete loser the opportunity to get his rocks off, occasionally, and that for free! That there was a downside to that kind of favor does not seem to have occurred to her. My ego was crushed, but my balls were emptied out. My self-esteem, what little I’d had, was reduced to a vague mist in...
CuckoldTyler I approached Nicole, and stopped for a moment. She was eating a hamburger. I never saw her eat a hamburger before. She looked so happy at that moment. She took a big bite, and I watched her close her eyes and chew what she just ate in a moment of ecstasy. Wow. This was certainly a side of her I had never seen before. It's been a while since I've seen her just smile like that. She opened her eyes and looked gleefully at her side fries. She picked a fry up, dipped it in...
OK, screwed up, I had two part threes, I apologize, I was thinking with the wrong head. Now there is going to be a change. After this story, they will be called "Time With s*s". I will try to catch everything up to the present in a few stories, I hope you appreciate me unloading my memory banks on you. After the weekend with our parents gone, it was pretty hard to act like we had in the past. I did my best to act like I didn't care at all about Steph and she did her best to be rude or even...
First Time Sex New GirlfriendI had lost my wife to cancer and I was feeling sorry for myself and extremely lonely. She passed about 6 months ago and I couldn’t get used to being alone. Going to bed without a warm body next to me was the worst. I decided to go on an internet dating site to find a companion to share my life with. After meeting a few women for lunch or coffee I finally found a wonderful lady and we started dating. We went to movies and dinner enjoying each others company. We...
Introduction: The last time his daughter had a sleepover, Mike wished he could have heard what the girls had talked about. This time he was going to make sure that didnt happen again. He thought it might be fun to spike some punch, maybe have them smoke a joint or two and see what he could get them to do to satisfy his carnal cravings. The last time his daughter had a sleepover, Mike wished he could have heard what the girls had talked about. This time he was going to make sure that didnt...
Hi Readers, I am following the stories posted in ISS for almost 6 years. I used to read almost all the stories and satisfy myself by handjob. Coming to me I am 25years, from Bangalore Average body and Average looking. But I have an average tool of around 7″ and 2″. Coming to the story, I always wanted to share my experience in ISS but never had any. Whenever I see a good looking women or just get to see some porn I use to jerk off that was my only option.All my friends used to tease me being a...
I laugh through my drunken burps and my slurred speech. "Man, you are a lot of fwun to hang around!" currently, I'm sitting in a family diner that I just love and have loved for most of my life. Across from me, is my date. She's a white woman with very long black hair, at least I'm Prrreeeeetty sure she's here. I'm so drunk that if someone told me she was a figment of my imagination, I would not doubt them for a second. "I get that a lot" she says. I roll my eyes, yeah right. "Haley, listen, I...
Mind ControlEmily looked around the hotel room. The double bed was both luxurious and realistic, made of white linen which felt soft to the touch. There was a bathroom with a shower large enough for two people. The most impressive feature was the view. She stepped onto the balcony and took a deep breath of fresh air while admiring the sunset. Although the sun had almost entirely disappeared behind the mountain that dominated the landscape, the sky was still a gorgeous shade of pink. For a minute, she...
The light brown hair slid down off of Sondra's back, a little more with every thrust. Her white blouse contrasted with the hair but it was so nice to see as it slid off of her back and shoulders exposing more of her white blouse. Now it just hung on the right side of her head like some kind of weird colored rope. Her blouse was slowly sliding down to her shoulders exposing her white skin. It was a very beautiful white and every once in a while a round brown mole like an island in the middle of...
Phyllis Dangerfield had spent a quiet afternoon reading. Harry had gone into town on a shopping errand. She had no doubt that he’d be using the opportunity to meet up with a few of his friends, but she didn’t mind as long as he was back before curfew. At least, Harry hadn’t caused any of the problems that her last houseboy had, Phyllis thought. That had been an unfortunate few months with police on the doorstep every other week. He’d been good in bed but, in the end, he just hadn’t been worth...
We'd been sent to lie in wait on the Kuritan Regiment that was attacking Dindatari. The 4th An Ting Legion was the unit that'd been assigned to take over the Outworlds Alliance planet. With the help of the Alliance we were set up on a small base on Dindatari's second moon. With passive sensors out we sat waiting for them to appear. As they showed up on the radar screens we were able to plot their attack formations and estimate their targets. We watched as the nine Union Dropships spread...
The Moms Incident #2 It had been nine weeks since Ginger had introduced Vivian to her fuck buddies. Vivian had been coming over to Gingers several times a week for a fuck session as she called them. Terry Gingers son had been fucking Vivian at least five to ten times a week. After the sessions where both women had been fucked they would sit in the kitchen topless leaking cum from both orifices joking about walking bowel legged. Vivian no longer cried whenever she was ass fucked, she had become...
It was always an enjoyable occasion when my work colleagues decided to have a night out in town. We had met up in a bar before moving on to the restaurant. There were twelve of us out that night, most of us worked together in the planning office but there were three from the marketing office – Nick, Sue and Yvette. I had seen Sue and Yvette around the building in the past, but had never spoken to either of them. Yvette had a fantastic body and such a cute smile, often causing me to daydream...
"Robin!" Lacey shouted as she brought me back to reality."Sorry," I said as I got the order from the kitchen and took it over to the table. "Sorry guys," I said to the guys that sat at the table staring at me as I put the order down. "Anything else?" I asked with my usual fake smile."Your number?" one of the men said."Like I haven't heard that before," I said as I shook my head.I made a round of my other tables before returning to the filling station. "What's wrong with you lately?" Lacey...
VoyeurHello, everyone. This is my real sex story. My name is Ali 32 years old with a 6 feet height and a good dick size. I am a professional living in Dubai for more than 10 years now. In these 10 years, I have enjoyed the best of night life in Dubai. This is my First Sex Story in Indian Sex Stories, please send your feedback if you like or if any female wants to contact me in UAE, can contact on the same email The Stories I will be sharing will be based on true experiences may not be too much...
Yet my heart was just not in it that day, even the video games I used to distract myself with. I blew out a long sigh and tossed the controller to my side on the empty space of my couch. It was in that moment I had keenly felt the loneliness I was trying to escape from. I sought out my phone for comfort, opening it up to the myriad of social media and dating I had been using. I swiped through pictures of my old friends who I no longer had any real connection with, tormenting myself with the...
Olivia Hartman had an extra hop to her step as she stepped into the elevator for the ride up to her 's apartment on the tenth floor!!! It had been almost a year since she had seen Dakota at her college graduation, and it would be good to just sit and talk with her youngest daughter about her new job, boyfriends, and all the other things mothers and daughters gab about!!! "Let's see," Olivia mumbled while wandering down the long corridor, "that was apartment 1008, ahhhhh, here it is, I hope...
EroticLittle girls are not all nice. The sugar and spice nursery rhyme, can cloak a darker side to the feminine trait when it comes to sex.The desire to procreate is stronger in women than men, and regardless of how God made us, we all share that urge to have sex, even when our minds and hearts say, 'No', our bodies go off in a tangent to fuck a stranger, because the, 'Out of sight our of mind', mentality kicks-in, why do you think most women finish up in hotels and motels, in bars in another town,...
Slag for use Part 2It was two days later when he called me, I had thought of little else and was unbelievably turned on at what this old guy had done to me. My hands shook as I answered the phone and heard his voice ‘my friends are ready for you slag, be at this address tomorrow at 7 thirty, shaved and dressed like before’ , that was all he hung up. I WAS WET!I prepared myself and made my way to the address as instructed, dressed as before I felt like a whore knowing I was going to be used to...
* UPDATED Dec 26, 2017 *She is over 60 yo, stands 5’5 barefooted, fading strawberry-blond hair, 36-C’s with nearly 1” long nipples (after a Dom used cylinder pumps on them and told her to continue using them), her pussy is tight on an “average” sized cock, she does take anal and that entrance is tight. Although she usually wears full-cup bras I wanted her breasts to stand out, so I bought several open-cup bras that are 34-B forcing her breasts to be tighter and forces her nipples to stand...
9:35pm I drew a hot bath for Kaleigh as she slowly got her bushed body out of her gray pantsuit, black blouse and a mismatched old bra and panty. This was the first time I had seen her in anything less than semi-new and matched undies, but I guess when she got dressed this morning, she really didn't care or feel too sexy. I tried to get a smile from her by saying, "Pretty hot duds, you got on there!" as she slowly reached around behind her back to unclasp her bra. I got a semi-smile...
My aunt Beca is only 32 years old. We get along great-she lets us drink when we are there. She loves to talk about sex also. Beca has long black hair, a really nice body, boobs that are a c cup and blue eyes. Guys are always hitting on her. It was the middle of summer and my parents were going out of town for the weekend so I had to go stay with Aunt Beca. I was only sixteen and I got to bring my friend Lori. Lori was sixteen also, she has blonde hair, a great body also, nice boobs and blue...
Without Valsivale, our journey had grown much more dire. We were forced to march long hours during the day, and barely slept at night. As we traveled North the weather grew cold and my flesh felt somehow too thin to protect me any longer. But Oluth was a beast possessed! He set a fast stride and at night fucked one or more of us to sleep with a newfound vigor. It was a good thing we moved quickly, I hated to admit. There were days when we could hear the great mob in pursuit of us, the legion...
by Millie Dynamite Civilization did not end in a fiery, violent, flash on the surface that rivaled a star’s birth. Rather a slow, violent descent into anarchy. The chaos flowed into everyday life worldwide in a sluggish, inevitable drip and drab. Something happened to the men in the world, their natural aggression exploded inside their brains, in that deep, dark recess of the primitive, hormonal, driven subconscious part called “The id.” It bred inside them dividing, and subdividing, until...
The Grass is Greener by Paul G Jutras PART 1 Tom and Tammy were both ten years old and not alike at all; but not in the way one might think. Tom was always helping his mother with dinner and cleaning the house. Tammy, on the other hand, preferred watching the sports channel with her father. This bothered their parents quite a bit and left them unsure how to correct the situation. That was until one weekend, their mother got an idea. It was Friday night and Tom and Tammy had both...
Hola, hace tiempo que descubrí esta página y no encontré muchos relatos de este tema en español así que escribiré una de mis fantasías aquí, sientanse libre de agregar capitulos ya sea desde cero o ya de alguna historia que tenga comenzada, lo puse público. Esta es mi primer historia que escribo asi que no esperen una obra literaria o algo parecido pero espero que lo disfruten. ❤️ Esta historia hablara de un chico con muy mala o buena suerte según quien lo vea, que pasa por situaciones...
TranssexualDisclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work. Author's Note: This novel deals with extremely taboo situations and events in a very graphic, no-holds-barred manner. It covers a myriad of...
Sally was entranced by the painting. She noticed that the prince and the harpist were both sitting on actual bulges of rock from the cave wall. She wondered if they had really done that. Then she realised that the artist had used the surface of the rock to show folds in the men's clothes. She took more photographs of this clever and very effective demonstration of his skill. So enthralled was she that she never heard the rattle of falling stones. She did hear the bang though when the roof...
Master was not happy with me. I felt genuinely bad. I truly hated disappointing him. He had instructed me on what room I was to wait for him when he got home, what to wear, and what position I should be in. I was to be wearing my baby blue lace teddy, with matching thong, and to have my hair down. I should be on the bed knelt forward with my head down. I was also instructed to make sure to be wearing the diamond heart necklace engraved with ‘Master’s beautiful pet’. This was one of my most...
The rapturing of Earth was not a pretty sight. The lesser demons of hell descended upon the earth, raping and mutilating millions upon millions of humans. Nobody was marked as being worthy of the heavens, and every single fleshy bag of blood was left to the devils. Hell was run by Satan, the Devil, the Highest of Evils - whatever you wish to call him. A hulking, massive demonic being, nobody was capable of defying his rule. His will was done by the Primevils, the lords of hell. They all have...