Skirts N Shirts 1 free porn video

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"I don't care who you screw over, but you can't do that!" It was a woman, middle aged by the sound of her voice, but feisty.

"Listen, lady," the man said 'lady' with a sort of mocking reproach, "I'll do whatever the Hell I want with this place and you ain't gonna do jack shit about it."

"Lady? Listen to me you sunuvabitch..."

"That is it!" The man shouted, followed by what seemed like an eternity of screechings and hollerings, punctuated with the here-and-there crash of foreign objects. At long last, Kevin was nearly killed when the heavy door swung open. Kevin went to the door to greet to woman who had obviously been fighting with his new boss. Instead, however, he found himself staring into the eyes of a three hundred-and-something pound man bearing down the hallway and shoving Kevin aside.

"You deal with that bitch!" he muttered upon passing. Kevin stood and thought for a moment and started running figures in his head. He strode into the office and realized he was right. His new boss was a woman. She was currently bent over her desk and Kevin got a full view of her magnificent cleavage. Her round, supple breasts were tucked neatly away and seemed remarkably perky for a woman her age (Kevin guessed early forties). Her long, red hair fell across her chest as she raised up and Kevin could see her entire body, the sensuous curves rising and falling about her in such a powerful and sophisticated manner. She carried herself like a goddamn goddess and had all the right in the world to. His eyes remained glued to her astounding physique. She cleared her throat and Kevin nearly fainted. Something about this woman thrilled him and frightened him at the same time. He snapped to attention and found himself staring straight into the brightest pair of green eyes he had ever seen. There was a power behind those eyes and Kevin doubted his ability to perform this job the moment he made eye contact. Finally she broke the silence.

"Mr. Foster, I presume?" she said coldly. Kevin sat in the nearest chair when she motioned and stood as erect as his dick was getting. He prayed to god she couldn't see the throbbing bulge in his pants at this point. She didn't seem too interested and conducted the interview/automatic hiring with professional ease. He introduced himself and made a list of his accolades and achievements, stumbling over every word like he knew he shouldn't. Within minutes he was putty and she was pointing towards a door. He was given the names of his new co-workers and sent in to fend for himself. Kevin emerged from this newest door into a copy room. He immediately locked his eyes onto the beautiful ass of a bent-over blonde. She turned around and shrieked.

"Jesus Christ," she said, gathering the papers she had thrown into the air, "you scared me half to death!" She bent down and started scuttling across the floor in a squatting position to collect her papers. Kevin admired the wonderful view he got of her massive bosom. To his delight, she hadn't worn a bra that day and he could just barely make out the top of her giant nipples. He sighed slightly and his cock now raged in his pants leg, ready to rip free. Kevin never thought about it until he was erect just how big his dick was. Fully erect it was a solid 10 inches long and almost as big around as a woman's wrist. Apparently, he realized it was hard just about the same time the woman ran into it with the top of her head. She raised her head up ever so slightly and gasped audibly. Kevin noticed her breathing becoming erratic and he quickly repositioned himself and proceeded to the door at the opposite end of the room. Just as his hands closed around the knob, a slender hand caught his elbow. He turned around and the girl was smiling.

"I'm Susan," she said lazily, as if they had just seen each other for the first time. There was a brief silence before she asked mockingly, "Habla Ingles?" Kevin blushed profusely before jutting his hand out in front of himself and rapidly introducing himself.

"I'm Kevin," he said, struggling for conversation with yet another beautiful woman. "Who was that?"

"That was Shauna," she replied, motioning toward the door, "our supervisor. Say, how old are you?"

"Twenty-five," he blurted.

"Me, too!" she squealed. Kevin sincerely doubted she was 25, but didn't argue with the busty blonde leading him through the door and into his new workplace. As they were rounding the curve into his cubicle, Kevin tripped and fell on the ground. His eyes caught a heel jutting out and in seconds he was on his stomach with Susan rushing to his side to help him. She bent abnormally low and proceeded to squeeze her arms, mashing her tits together and giving Kevin quite a show. Her efforts unknowingly displayed her entire chest to Kevin, and he was soon hard as a rock. Susan helped him up and dusted him off. Kevin shuddered as she dusted off his crotch area, lingering just a little too long for a simple courtesy. She stood up, gave a short farewell, and left. Kevin stared down at his massive erection and wondered just what the hell was going to happen here.


Three days later, Kevin was in his cubicle everyday from 9-5 constantly typing. His co-workers were friendly people but Kevin had never been very sociable. He had to admire, however, that there wasn't any shortage of smoking hot babes around. Everywhere he turned there was another wonderful set of breasts staring him the face as they laughed at someone's lame ass joke. He almost turned into a peeping tom, every now and then purposefully shuffling some papers off his desk to get a nonchalant view of their ass as they bent over. Never did he try to approach any of the girls because of his anti-social nature, but he started fantasizing about them.

In fact, one night, he was pulling an all-nighter, finishing a project before he would go over the deadline. Of all things, he didn't want to upset Shauna. That's when his mind flashed to Shauna. Those perfect tits and wild red hair. His dick poked at his zipper and Kevin snapped back to his work. Susan was just leaving and bid him farewell, glancing down at his pants. Was that a smile?, he asked himself. He shook it away and worked for another three hours.

At 11, he decided it was time for coffee, a few more minutes of work, and then back home to his meager apartment. As he poured the pure energy into his mug, his thoughts drifted back to Shauna and a wicked thought crossed his mind. The building was empty, nobody else was within earshot, not even a janitor, why not pull off a fast one and get back to work. Hell, he thought, I could use a little relief right about now. He made one final survey of the floor outside before closing the break room door and un zipping his pants. His giant prick was pressing so hard against his boxers that it nearly tore the fabric. He slid his boxers down to his knees and let his enormous dick spring out. His filthy thoughts had already glistened the tip of his enormous head with precum. he smeared the clear liquid al around his shaft and began a slow, rhythmic pumping, losing himself in his public passion. The only thing in his mind was bending his boss over her desk and fucking her cross-eyed. He thought about her shapely figure, those perfect breasts, her beautiful snatch most likely covered in fiery hair to match her spirit.

"Yeah," he muttered. "Take it you bitch!" He began stroking faster and faster, his hand a blur as it pumped his rod harder and harder. He let out an audible moan as he neared climax and panicked as he realized he had no place to shoot his load. He scrambled, still pumping furiously, over to a nearby trash can and finally reached his peak of arousal. With an "Aw, FUCK!" he began to shoot stream after stream of sticky jizz into the trash can, splattering the inside with cum. IT seemed to go on forever as the goo kept rocketed out of the tip. When he was finally finished, Kevin fell backwards onto the floor, breathing heavily. He Regained himself and zipped up his pants. As he brushed off his suit, he swore he heard a giggle outside the break room.


For the following few weeks, every so often, during one of his all-night stints of work, Kevin would jerk off to thoughts of his sexy co-workers. Nobody ever bothered him, until the night before the quarterly report was due. Of course, Kevin was working until the wee hours of the morning trying not to fall short of what was expected. Anyone who didn't turn in a finished quarterly report had to meet with Shauna to discuss the future of their employment. As much as Kevin would have loved to be in Shauna's office, he didn't want his termination to be the reason. Of course, after his thoughts drifted to Shauna, his dick began poking the underside of his desk. He glanced around, a nervous habit, and rushed into the break room to tug one off. He already had his dick in his hand when he ran in and whacked it real fast into the trash can, missing the actually trash can and hitting the wall most of the time. Fuck it, he thought, I'll clean it up later. He rushed back to his cubicle and didn't even hear the soft footsteps hastily trotting away as he exited. After a few minutes, Kevin realized he had actually forgotten his coffee. As he neared the break room, however, Kevin heard some strange noises. He crept up stealthily and poked his head around the corner. What he saw shocked him.

Right there in the break room, crouched beside the wall was a woman. Kevin kind of recognized her but didn't really recall anything about her except that she had a medium sized bust, maybe C. She was short and had a bit of a large ass, but Kevin was into anything as long as she wasn't fat, and this girl was athletically trim. She had the most beautiful brown hair Kevin had ever seen and it feel to her shoulders in almost sensual, inviting soft curls. Kevin would have commented on her eyes, but the girl had them closed. He had to stifle his reaction as he realized she was masturbating. Her skirt was yanked down to her ankles and one shoe was dangled by the toe as she had her hand in her underwear and was furiously fingering her cunt. Kevin's cock stood at attention in a matter of seconds. She started muttering, too.

"Oh my God!" she screamed. "Yes, oh, give it to me hard! Fuck ME! FUCK MEEEEE! OH God, yes, Kevin, FUCK ME!!!! Stick your giant tool in my pussy! Fuck me HARD, Kevin!!!!"

Kevin nearly exploded in his pants when he heard the name. And if he hadn't grabbed his cock to control it, he would have blown right there as she lifted her free hand to the wall and began to scrape his cum off. She hastily jammed the finger in her mouth and repeated, cleaning the wall off in expert time. "Kevin, your cum is so good. I want to suck you so bad!!!" Kevin was leaning in now, trying to get close to the girl, but didn't want to alert her to his presence. He was still shy, no matter what. Instead of advancing, he whipped his cock out and began stroking it in the doorway. He listened to the girl as the sounds slowly got louder and hotter. She must be reaching her orgasm, he thought and stroked faster. He became so involved in himself that he didn't hear her stop. Suddenly, Kevin's heart leapt into his throat as a small hand wrapped around his shaft. His eyes snapped open as he saw the brown haired girl look at his cock hungrily. Her light brown eyes met his.

"Thank God you're here," she said, pulling Kevin into the room by his prick. Before he could say anything she stuck the tip into her mouth and began flicking her tongue across the sensitive underside of the head. She managed to fit a little over half of his tool into her mouth before she started bobbing up down on his cock. Every chance she got, she would stop and flick the underside, throwing Kevin into a heated world of passion, where he didn't give a flying fuck where he was or what/who he was doing as long as he was doing something. She slid her hand down her panties again and began frigging herself like before. Her muffled moans wrapped around Kevin's member excited him further. She started bobbing faster and Kevin began grunting and moaning. He bucked his hips and thrust upward to match her bobbing and before long he was ready to pop.

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming!!!" he shouted as his nuts shriveled and he began to pump his seed into this stranger's throat. The woman was obviously surprised at the amount. She couldn't swallow it all and began to gag. Kevin's cock popped out of her mouth as she was gulping down huge loads of semen, and the last several squirts caught right in the face, around the eyes. She took her free hand and smeared it around her cheeks and mouth before licking her fingers as she too erupted in a fit of screaming thanks to an earth-shaking orgasm the likes of which Kevin had never personally seen. He'd been with a handful of girls, but none this crazy.

They both sat there for a moment before Kevin went to close his pants in panic, realizing this was against corporate policy. Coworkers can't have relationships together. It was a rule and Kevin had already broken too many by himself, not to mention it was also criminal. The girl reached out and grabbed his cock, cause it to twitch and began to stiffen. Kevin moaned and looked at her. She stared at him, looking like a sad beggar.

"My name is Kaylie, and now that the formalities are over with, I need this! Please, Kevin, fuck me. I need this BAD," she said, stroking his cock with expertise that only comes with experience. Kevin looked down at the twenty-something woman. She was hot. He was horny. His rationale did battle with his lust and his lust beat the every living shit out of his reason as he reached down and pulled her shirt up over her head. He tugged at the back of the bra until he freed her perky breasts. They bounced out and he took one in his hand and one in his mouth as he kneeled down to where she was and started flicking his tongue across one nipple while rolling the other in between his fingers. Her breathing became rapid and when Kevin moved his free hand to caress her now swollen cunt, he found that she was quite wet. Kevin tore her silk under wear away and began to explore her region. He searched until her found her clit and began using the same rolling method he was using on her nipple. Kaylie went nuts. Her hips bucked and she let out primal screams. Within minutes, her body shuddered with an immense orgasm. She fell back and caught her breath. Kevin stood up and stood proud. He was in control and he liked it. Unexpected however she launched herself at him and bowled him over to the ground, locking him in a rough passionate kiss. He was taken completely by surprise and she couldn't honestly have cared less. The only thing in her mind was Kevin's dick and when she sat up it was positioned right between his stomach and her thousand-degree snatch. She ground her hips a few times to get a noticeable reaction from Kevin before she stood up a little bit and guided Kevin's cock to her luscious pussy lips. His head was positioned at the entrance for a few seconds before she let it slide in. Kevin shut his eyes and marveled at the sensation he hadn't felt in months.

After what seemed like an eternity, Kaylie let gravity do the work and impaled herself on Kevin's dick. She didn't skip a beat as she started to bounce up and down on Kevin’s massive erection. She threw her head back and wailed in ecstasy. Kevin snapped out of his trance and reached up to massage her tits, marveling in the experience. Kaylie continued to bounce faster and faster. Sliding up and down constantly on Kevin's rod. Kevin began to thrust upward to match Kaylie's bouncing. Only a few minutes passed before she was racked by another orgasm. She collapsed onto Kevin's chest.

"Oh. My. God. What are you?" she said, sliding off and rolling onto the floor next to him. He was speechless, but still needed his own satisfaction. Kevin sat up and gripped the edge of the nearby counter to help himself. He grabbed Kaylie's shoulders and hoisted her up. She saw him flick his head towards the table and immediately knew what to do. She staggered over to the table and laid across it, ass in the air. Kevin stared hungrily at her exposed cunt and walked over to her. With a grip that betrayed his frail appearance, he grabbed her ass and positioned his cock at her hole. With one deft motion, he thrust himself to the hilt into her pussy, drawing a scream of excitement from the girl as she started thrusting backwards. Kevin pulled out almost all the way, leaving only the tip of his head in before plunging all the way in again, driving Kaylie crazy. She was completely insane at this point, lost in the moment.

"Fuck me, Kevin! FUCK ME!!!!" she screamed. "Pull my hair! Ram my cunt! Oh GOD! I'm CUMMING!!!" Kevin obliged as he twisted her flowing brown hair into his fingers and began furiously pounding her with all the strength he had, constantly ramming and ramming her cunt. She bucked wildly as yet another explosive orgasm rocked her body and all her muscles contracted at once. Kevin continued his sexual onslaught until his balls tightened again and he started unloading his cock into her tight twat. The feeling of his hot sperm hitting the walls inside her sent Kaylie into another sexual frenzy and under the intense strain, she passed out, with Kevin clinging to her back for dear life trying to recover.


Moments later, Kaylie was drenched in water and Kevin was standing over her, fully dressed. She looked down at herself and found that all her clothes were on as well, but with her underwear torn off, she could see Kevin's cum leaking out of her pussy. She looked up at him and looked down. Kevin saw and started to apologize, but she cut him off.

"Don't worry, kid. I prefer it like that. I'm on the pill. No worries." She couldn't make long sentences and could barely speak at all. Kevin glanced at his watch. It was now 1 o'clock in the morning and he let Kaylie know. To his surprise, she smiled.

"You do know that means we only have 6 hours before we have to get back here. And who the Hell are you calling kid?"

"In my opinion, it means we have 6 hours before everyone else gets here," she responded, finally able to stand. Kevin merely smiled.


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Wife fucks a lorry driverMy wife and I do a lot of travelling up and down the country and so use our car a lot. It used to run pretty well but last time we attempted it we suffered car trouble. It was late at night and suddenly all the warning lights started to flash on the dashboard of our Ford Fiesta. Fortunately we were close to services on the M1 so I pulled off the motorway and parked up in the car park. However, the place looked deserted. It was about 11pm but it looked like it had been...

1 year ago
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Hot Summer Night

It was a hot evening, I was restless and couldn’t sleep. I got up, and walked down the hall naked to the bathroom and took a piss. I rubbed my nipples and rubbed my clit, before I flushed the toilet. I was so horny. I shouldn’t be naked as my 17 year old son was asleep in the spare bedroom.He had come back to town to take care of some things, and being my son, he asked if he could stay here for a couple of days, while he was in town. I told him “Of course Dan.”He said “I know, and I was hoping...

1 year ago
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Fun in the Sun Part 2

Fun In The Sun Part 2………………..getting further and further up my leg until it disappeared under my dress and touched my pussy I shut my legs together and pushed his hand away, and it feels fantastic he said as the other 2 returned. So what you to been doing then Sue said to which Colin said tried to feel Beth up but she wasn’t having any of it and started laughing, Paul then said well I have Sue’s panties and dropped her red knickers on the table, I gave him a stern look and he laughed saying she...

4 years ago
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Secret Moments 5

Secret Moments 5 By Lorna Elizabeth Black Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2007 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some...

2 years ago
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Goldie and the Seven Hells Hell 1 Lust

What Eyes is staring lustfully at is a young boy. Currently, the little boy is playing in his front yard. As he plays, a woman, who is tending to the flowerbed, periodically looks over her shoulder at the boy and warmly smiles. The smile can not be mistaken for anything but the smile of a loving and proud mother. Eyes feels nothing but jealousy toward this display of affection and possession, for Eyes wants to be the one to be in charge of the little boy. However, it's not the love and care...

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Overwatch Rise Fall Ch02

She bit her lip and knew she shouldn’t look over the rubble, defenceless as she was while her Accelerator went through its recharge cycle, but she was unable to help it. Poking her head up only for a second, she saw Winston, arms outstretched, using his armoured hulk of a body to shield a wounded Soldier 76 who lay clutching a bloodied arm that was being seen to by Mercy, who was looking over him with a worried quickness. A burst of gunfire from elsewhere drew her attention and with a yelp...

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Christian Wife Defiled

Melissa Morgan's female intuition sensed something about this new parishioner, a huge muscular black man named Reggie Johnson, which made her very uneasy. Her husband, Bill, failed to notice Reggie make his way beside her during the service. All houses of worship carried in their air that same musty stench Reggie despised of old prayer books and Bibles. His eyes contemptuously beheld the obnoxiously large cross – symbol of suppression, sexual inhibition, the eternal opposition – suspended...

3 years ago
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I Love You Ch 07

Ludvine decided to step her game up a notch, it was obvious that Jake was going to believe that lying little cunt bag he had chained to the floor in a well hidden room upstairs. She would have to show him in some way that Jezebel could not be trusted. She needed him to doubt Jezebel and the paternity of that unborn baby. Ludvine knew deep in her heart that it was the only thing keeping Jake attached to Jezebel. Would he still want anything to do with her if he believed the baby wasn’t his?...

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Aquarius bitch gets her day C03

Five men standing on the UN building’s lawn in Germany is not a strange thing if they are attending the gardens. Yet five guys staring at a strange box floating just above the lawn, doing so on official business is almost more out of place than even the big metal box in the sky. “What sort of metal do you think it’s made of Justin?” Jack asked, his breath a puff of smoke in the freezing cold fresh German air. “I am not sure Jack, I need to probe it.” “Well we are not yet sure,” Sam...

1 year ago
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Private Anastasia Brokelyn Horny In The Office

In Private Specials, Slutty Secretaries, the stunning Lya Missy is feeling frisky as she puts on a strip tease for boss Potro de Bilbao. Lya is hoping for a fuck, however today she’ll have to watch from the side lines as the boss’s wife Anastasia Brokelyn arrives and reaps the benefits of her hard work. Watch and enjoy on alongside the voyeur Lya as Anastasia shows off her amazing deepthroat skills before offering up her wet pussy for a fuck as she rides, grinds, and gets blasted...

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The Enjoyable Robbery

This a story I had published on a different site under a different name. Please enjoy.I approached the adult store with my girlfriend's words ringing in my head, "Pick me up something for me to play with when your not here, and don't be embarrassed, everyone visits these store". I had been with Jenny for a few months now and she certainly wasn't like any other girls I had been with before; confident, self assured and extremely sexual. She had taught me a thing or three!! Little did I know this...

2 years ago
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Naked Day part 26 California Girl

But first to catch up. Cindy filled me in on the first couple days. They were long and busy. She filled out paperwork, for the agency, for other performing groups, all kinds of stuff. She was a bit overwhelmed but Nikki talked her though. Next day it was various photo shoots. Nikki went along to check on the photographer. Nikki said, "Some it doesn't matter they could care less if you're changing. Other guys you need to watch. They can get pervy with young women." So photos for files,...

2 years ago
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08 Weed

Removed nudity and kissing. All Paula takes off is her hat and her shoes. 4:13 P.M., Wednesday, April 22, 2015 Honolulu, HI Paul and Paula felt close, and very adult, but they weren’t tempted to the point that they might attempt intercourse. And for all their enthusiasm for being boyfriend and girlfriend, they knew that intercourse was just too much. They were only eight after all. Today they were preparing to do something else they knew that they weren’t really old enough to do. But their...

1 year ago
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Lust Of Mom And Son

Hi Friends this is the Real Story which I am going to tell. There is nothing folk like others. This is the true incident which happens this week between me and My Mom. I m 28 year old dark tall guy and my cock size 7 inch and fat cock. I also have huge muscles so I am heavy also. My mom she is of 46. Yeah she is my step mom thats why only 18 year elder to me. She is white skin women I always loved her skin which glow at dark. She have plumy figure 36 38 44. In family dad mom me and my younger...

4 years ago
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Time Share ThreeWay Part 3

Time Share Three-Way Part 3===============================I felt Nikki get up off of the bed and go into a room where I heard her pee and then swear and say something I did not understand. Victor laughed. “She says that you cum like a horse and she feels like a whore! You better go get something to drink because she says she is going to drain you of your big American balls!”I groaned, rolled out of the bed and walked back out to the kitchen. I decided that this was probably not the right...

2 years ago
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Year OneChapter 2

Tuesday October 12th I’m in serious trouble with Angie. I was in town yesterday, heading back to the bus from my office. It was raining, so I took a short cut along one of the back streets. I didn’t notice the new signs that they’d put up. Some streets have been designated “accompanied males only” and some are “no males allowed”. There are even some saying “locked males only” - some sponsors have started using locked chastity devices on their charges, with the Government’s encouragement, and...

1 year ago
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A cold winters night

They had been room mates since September. Drake, tall, blond and well spoken was a theater major. Matt, sandy haired, thick set, short and muscular was a business major who made his way through college with on a gymnast scholarship. It was not unusual for Matt to admire his room mate’s theatrical good looks: the sharp elegant nose, the piercing blue eyes, the small ears whose pink lobes fit tightly against the chiseled jaw. Nor could he fail to notice how Drake’s nipples raised beneath the soft...

4 years ago
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Fantasy about my wife and the flower delivery man

Last week was my wife's 65th birthday. She works out does yoga and stays in shape and still looks good. I had ordered her flowers for her birthday and after they came she told me the delivery man was black. I told her damn, she should have invited him in. She said he was young he wouldn't want to do anything to do with an old woman like her. I told her she might be surprised. here is my fantasy of what happened.I saw the flower delivery van pull in the driveway and a good looking black man...

3 years ago
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Teen Witch

“I am innocent to a witch. I know not what a witch is.”“How do you know, then, that you are not one?”-Examination of Bridget Bishop, Salem Village, April 19, 1692*“Abbie Hobbs is a witch,” Ruth said.Phoebe was standing with her locker open, brushing her hair. She hadn’t even noticed Ruth was there until the girl blurted out something about Abbie, and it was a few seconds until Phoebe registered what it was. “Um, okay?” Phoebe said. “Did she join the Wicca Club or something?” The final bell had...

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The Unpossessed Schoolgirl

“MUMMY, MUMMY, WHY IS THAT MAN WEARING A DRESS?” shouted a young child of indeterminable gender. I didn’t look up. Immigrants from the Middle East were still rare enough in this area to attract attention and, in their innocence, young children were liable to say what everyone was thinking. Embarrassingly loudly! I’d heard it several times before. I continued scanning a woman’s shopping knowing that my arch-enemy, Paula Queagley, twenty-something Checkout Supervisor, was keeping her beady-eyed...

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your cok my mouth

Your Cock, My MouthI have just woken up from a restless night sleep, thinking of you. I decide to go and have a shower to freshen myself up. I run the water nice and hot, as it is such a cold morning. Stepping into the shower letting the water sooth my body.I begin washing my body, my nipples becoming hard as I run my hands over them. My thoughts are of you, your sexy smile, your lustful eyes, your gorgeous body and your beautiful hard cock. I feel myself becoming lost in my thoughts, my body...

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De vriendin

Het is een zonnige dag in augustus. Boris, een 28 jarige jongen, is zich klaar het maken voor zijn afspraak met Katy. Boris kent Katy al jaren. Vroeger zaten ze in een gezamenlijk vriendengroep en gingen ze samen op stap en vanalles samen met deze groep ondernemen. Nadat de vriendengroep uit elkaar gevallen is zien ze elkaar nog een aantal keren per jaar om bij te praten. Normaal gesproken gaan ze gezellig een hapje eten in een restaurant, de huidige corona-crisis heeft helaas roet in het eten...

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AbracadabraChapter 13 Conclusion

Gregg & Maxine had disappeared. They were no longer in the museum. But, thought Gregg to himself, where were they? Where do things go to when they disappear? If something has gone, where has it gone to? Gregg was beginning to wish that he had paid more attention during Philosophy 101. He wanted to get back but if you don't know where you are how can you know where back is? Certainly he didn't want to be back in the museum. "Where are we?" Maxine whispered. "I don't know. We...

2 years ago
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Oh mommy is going to be so upset with me when i get home from school Part 2

Oh, mommy is going to be so upset when I get home from school Part 2 (All I added a couple of the last paragraphs from Part 1 so the reading goes a little smoother. Hope you enjoy! Hugs Princess) "I think you look very pretty Barry I mean Carrie," hearing Jimmy say as we walk towards are bus. "I guess I am the new big brother and you're the little sister now hahaha." I hear him laugh as I hear my other brother laughing too and Miley giggling. We get on the bus before I can...

3 years ago
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The Sucking Professor Part 1 True Story

This took place a few years ago my freshman year in college. This is entirely true, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent and the not so innocent. Enjoy!![/u]It was my freshman year at college and I was enjoying the college life and everything it had to offer. I was only a month into the first semester, I liked my roommate, I made pretty cool friends, the girls were beautiful and plentyful and the parties were great. I was enjoying my new taste of freedom, and I planned to...

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Dont ShoutChapter 2

Wilton Morris worried about his friend. Cole was undeniably a real stand-up reliable guy, but the way in which he'd lost his cool so readily and shouted at Parker had him worried. Wilton had been plenty popular at school, so he hadn't banked much on needing new friends at college. His friendship with Cole had come a as a shock. They'd met on Cole's seventeenth birthday, the first day of college, bumped into each other and got to chatting. Then Wilton had discovered they had anthropology...

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How I learnt to love sex

I just felt like wanting to tell that story which is absolutely true and mine. Please don’t laugh or make fun, in way, this is the story of how I learnt to love sex as much as I do and how I began to lose fear… I would never be as hot if it hadn’t been for those two guys who had made this first time an amazing, wonderful experience… I would appreciate your comments!I was just 14, and in the middle of my Flower-Power hippie period. You could find me walking around barefoot and with very...

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Fuck I mumbled under my breath as I looked down. 20 miles over the speed limit. Not too shabby but I knew I could get out of it. Slowly I pulled over to the edge making sure no one would scratch my new baby. When I first seen him get out I instantly smiles. The way he strutted toward me you could tell he was confident. As he got closer I didn't notice a ring. I unzipped my hoodie and adjusted my hefty size DD tits in my bra. Making sure they popped out the top just making sure to show...

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Work related1

“Ladies and gentlemen we have a new member in our team, her name Is Lolly and she will be joining the operations team, you are free to welcome her now cause after this its straight to work and you all know that we are facing a lot of challenges” That’s Thorne the regional manager he is such an arse. Anthony will be your manager but u can call him Tony as we all do” She held out her hand and met mine ‘oh what a soft and firm hand she has’ I thought to myself Lolly was not the most...

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Upper Middle Class Family

I am an only child and I came from an upper middle class family. My parents had many parties and when I was young they would send me to my grandparents to get me out of the way. Little did I know then what went on during those parties. When I was eighteen and a Senior in high school, both my grandparents died. First my grandmother passed and in less than a week my grandfather. My parents had a problem, what do to with me. They thought it would be a great idea if I started doing sleepovers with...

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Holi Ke Rang

This is not a story it’s a true happening of life. I am guddu aged 19 my father expired in a road accident when I was 14 , then my tau g { fathers eldr bro.} Help us to proceed the life further. My mom is beautiful lady , by the grace of tau g now she is working as a teacher in a govt school , she goes 7am. And come back by 2pm. I am doing graduation we both come almost same time at home . My tau g brings ration 4 us in every 1st week of month he is living in nearby village. We r living as a...

1 year ago
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Married lover and friend

I had been having an afair for a few months with a married woman who was 21 and I was 32.She was hot and we got together whenever we could. The sex was hot and there wasn't a position we didn't try. We used to meet for lunch twice a week tomake a time we could both get out and I would book a motel for a few hours.She told that she had been telling a girl she worked with about my 8 1/2 cock.She was a year older that me and had only ever been with one guy her husband who had a 5in cock and really...

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