ElevatedChapter 21 free porn video

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Corvus found himself wondering why he'd decided to throw his graduation party in the dungeon under the Arx Terminus. The lighting was awful. It made his classmates look sallow and worn out. Someone had closed the door to the cell where the band was playing so that the sound barely escaped at all. And no one seemed to care that they could lose their franchise if Doctor Durmius or General Gallicus decided to close a door.

Worse, somebody had fallen down on the decorating job. Cheap cardboard Saturnalia decorations were pinned to the walls with thumbtacks and every flat surface was covered with little plastic statues of Saturn, Ops, and Lua along with little sheafs of wheat.

When he spotted his cousin Romulus coming in the opposite direction, he looked around for Quad or another member of his security detail, wondering how his cousin had gotten back in. He spotted one guard walking the other way and ran towards her, but as she turned, he saw the smeared provenance mark on her cheek and turned to run back away away, running into another woman...

He gave a startled cry and opened his eyes, having awakened in his darkened room to the sensation of Crispa climbing back into his bed. Still half in a dream state, he twisted to pin her to the mattress, his mouth finding hers and kissing her fiercely. Startled, she cried out his name, but he swallowed it and she ended up laughing and kissing him back.

"Corvus..." she admonished when he broke the kiss. "You nearly scared the life out of me."

Corvus grinned down at her. "I thought you were another assassin."

A flicker of worry crossed Crispa's features as she reached up to stroke his cheek. "And your first instinct was to kiss me? I'm not sure that's the best way to subdue an assassin."

Corvus laughed. She'd been naked when he fell asleep but was wearing a navy blue silk robe from Clover's collection now. It had fallen open most enticingly and he slipped a hand under it to cup a breast. "How is it for subduing a mistress?"

Crispa drew his head down for another kiss. "If you want me subdued, you're heading in entirely the wrong direction."

" ... may I serve?" Clover asked sleepily.

Crispa laughed and looked over at the young slave. "Gods, Clover. Are you still wearing those garters he put you in?"

Clover blinked sleepily and looked down. "I am."

"Let me get them off you." Crispa gestured her closer and Clover rose enough to knee-walk within the young widow's reach.

Corvus frowned. "I really like the garters."

"So do I, but I've fallen asleep in that sort myself and it's not comfortable." Crispa unhooked one garter and started to roll it down slowly with both hands before tilting her head back to give Corvus a sultry smile. "You don't mind. Do you?"

Corvus rolled to one side so he was no longer pinning Crispa. "By all means. I was hoping I'd get to watch you unwrap your present. It is the first day of Saturnalia, you know."

Crispa winced. "I have a gift for you at home, but in between the houseful of plebeians and the assassin, the holiday rather slipped my mind."

That got a grin from Corvus. "Finish unwrapping yours and I'll consider it gift enough for now."

Crispa turned and kissed the inside of Clover's knee, then looked up into the slave's eyes. "Will you be expecting us to wait upon you today?"

Clover's eyes twinkled with mischief. "I expect to serve your pleasure. If it pleases you to recreate the old traditions, I will serve gladly."

Corvus raised an eyebrow. "The old traditions? That sounds nefarious."

Crispa kissed Clover's inner thigh. "It could be. Tonight is the feast of Sol Invictus - when slave owners traditionally provide a great feast for their slaves. In the really old traditions, the citizens would actually cook and serve the meal, but that's been out of favor for centuries. And you are so kind to your slaves, I can't imagine what they could do that you'd punish them with my cooking." She rolled the stocking down an inch further and kissed the newly-exposed skin. "Stand up, Nurse Clover."

As Clover rose, Corvus shook his head. "I didn't know any of this. I keep promising Paphian I'll let her train me to be a proper slave owner, but I haven't made time. Still, I wish I'd known."

Crispa gestured and Clover placed her stockinged foot on the surface of the bed, the stocking clinging enticingly to her calf. "You can't expect your girls to tell you. It's a bit like expecting someone to remind you their birthday is coming up."

She rolled the stocking down to Clover's ankle, then leaned in and kissed high on the slave-girl's thigh causing her breath to catch. "We ... are grateful for whatever affection our masters show us, but we are not so vain as to expect to be catered to each year, particularly not with the general and his new wife away for the holidays."

"I will ... provide a feast at least," Corvus looked up at Clover. "I want my girls to know how much they mean to me."

Clover's smile was beatific. "We know. All service is a gift, but service in the house of Corvus Gallicus is a greater gift than most slaves will ever know."

"Even so, I will follow the old forms I think - not the cooking part, but I'm sure I can manage to wait a table for the night. It won't be the first time." Corvus offered.

Crispa looked back over her shoulder. "Well, don't look at me. I don't think my cooking actually killed my husband, but it may have driven him to return to Europe where he died. If you want me to keep the spirit of Saturnalia alive, I could play the younger girl for Clover ... not tonight, though. I think it would ruin the spirit of the nurse outfit. Where did you get it anyway?"

"The same place you got your lawyer costume. The Butterfly Club must do a brisk side business in selling the costumes they make." Corvus leaned in behind Crispa. "What does it mean to 'play the younger girl?'"

Crispa didn't answer right away, focusing on drawing the sheer white stocking off Clover's foot. "Have you ever wondered what women do alone together in bed?"

Something about the look on Clover's face told Corvus exactly what Crispa was talking about. "You mean cunnilingus?"

Crispa laughed, surprised. "Well, yes ... among other things ... all of which one girl receives while the other girl gives. If one of the girls is a slave, the roles are obvious. If both are from patrician families, the younger girl usually takes the slave's role."

"And you would be willing to do that for Clover?" Corvus kissed the back of Crispa's neck.

Crispa chuckled. "I might ... during Saturnalia. Would you like to see that?"

Corvus gave a low, throaty chuckle and didn't bother to deny it. "I would. I think I very much like the idea of seeing my mistress and my favorite slave together in as many permutations as we can think of."

Crispa laughed, gestured for Clover's other leg, and unhooked the other garter. "And here I was afraid that you might lack the spark of the perverse necessary to keep this fun." She kissed high enough on the thigh that Clover closed her eyes in surprise.

Corvus lowered the robe from Crispa's shoulders and kissed the crook of her neck. "I don't think a lack of imagination was ever my problem, my love. But if that spark ever gutters low, I trust you will be there to fan it into flame again."

Crispa nodded, not wasting any words as she lowered Clover's other stocking inch by inch and kiss by kiss. As she did, Corvus lowered her robe, hands moving slowly over her back and chest.

"Coming up here and finding Nurse Clover was just what I needed to keep me from descending into hysterics," said Crispa. "A patrician with a house full of plebeians and an assassin pretending to be a slave was all terrifying real, but once you added a slave girl dressed as a sexy nurse to the mix, it clearly became a marvelous bedroom farce."

"So, you feel ... safer because Clover is here?" Corvus ventured.

Crispa shook her head. "I feel safer because there are a half dozen security guards between here and the bathroom. I feel calmer because Nurse Clover is here. You really are a wonder, my dear."

Clover smiled down at her. "How may I serve?"

"I ... might need a full check up," offered Crispa.

Clover knelt on the bed next to her and ran her hands over Crispa's shoulders. "Why don't you show me where it hurts?"

Crispa grinned. "Well, that's just the thing. It ... sort of moves all over my body. It's..." She pointed to her decolletage. " ... here at the moment."

Clover leaned in and kissed the spot. Crispa moved her finger to her ribs. " ... and here."

Crispa pointed out her stomach, her thigh, and finally one nipple, Clover following with kisses. When his mistress arched her back into his slave's mouth, Corvus cupped her other breast, teasing the nipple between two fingers. When his hand moved between Crispa's thighs, he found Clover's hand already there and pressed it deeper, his larger fingers covering hers.

Between them, Crispa moaned low and deep. Corvus traced her tenderest flesh with twinned fingers. "I ... think we found the source of all her problems, nurse. She's burning up down here."

Clover kissed her way down as Crispa opened herself wide. When Corvus slid his hand out of the way of the slave-girl's kisses, he wrapped his arms around Clover from behind, holding her tight and letting her pleasure echo through him as it rose and fell.

Breakfast was surreal. Corvus and Crispa sat side by side at the center of one of two long tables set out in the south garden and held court for the plebeians who'd spent the night. They staggered out into the sunlight singly and in pairs and meandered over to the tables in no rush to eat or leave. The whole affair lasted into the early afternoon.

At the same time, security teams swept the grounds and crossed paths with Lucullus Memmius and his team of forensic accountants. Corvus kept anyone from commenting on all the activity by the simple expedient of paying it absolutely no attention as if it were just part of daily life in the Arx Terminus.

Instead, he focused on the body language of his new old friends - trying to guess who was now a couple, who would be soon, and who had been before last night, but had stopped hiding it. He wasn't sure the information would have any real value but rather, having learned to read a new secret language, he drank in the secrets it revealed for the pure joy of knowing.

He and Crispa gave as many signs as anyone - the way they stayed close to each other, taking every excuse to brush hands or shoulders, the small secret smiles and lingering glances. Having a mistress was a new world to Corvus too - and one he thought he would very much enjoy exploring.

They'd only been at breakfast about an hour when Quad gestured to Corvus that he needed to speak privately.

"I need your word that you're going to stay put for a couple of hours."

Corvus raised an eyebrow. "Define staying put. I'm not planning to leave the estate. Is that good enough?"

Quad scowled. "Stay in the south garden or the main house. I can leave a half dozen people here to protect you - which is enough as long as you're fairly stationary and don't go tearing off. We ... have some reliable information on Famu Ioshua and need to act on it immediately if we don't want the Home Guard stepping on our toes."

Corvus nodded. "Fine. Go."

"You haven't promised to stay put," Quad pointed out.

Corvus gave him a dark look. They were going to have to talk about how Quad approached him, but now clearly wasn't the time. "I won't go anywhere until you get back."

Quad nodded and gestured. Three quarters of Corvus's security detail detached themselves from the garden and followed him into the house. Corvus sighed and went back to the table. Crispa raised an eyebrow. "Trouble?"

"Yes, but we're the ones making it this time." Corvus poured himself a fresh cup of coffee.

"My favorite kind." Crispa grinned and wrapped herself around his bicep.

Breakfast passed into lunch and was still going on when Quad and his team returned to the estate. He again gestured Corvus over to speak privately. "The mission was a success. We should debrief you."

Corvus glanced back at the tables, now more than three-quarters full. "Is any of it something I need to know in the next hour?"

"Yes!" Quad's word came out rather strident. "I mean ... this is all information that gets less useful with each minute."

Corvus nodded. "All right. I'll ... deal with this. Sweep whatever space we're going to do this in."

Quad gave a sharp nod and trotted off, gesturing to his team in a series of complex hand signals that sent some off in different directions while four of them joined him. Corvus went back to the table and whispered in Crispa's ear. "Quad's back and I really need to talk to him now. Can you take over from here?"

Crispa's eyes widened in alarm. "You want me to ride herd on a group of plebeians by myself? I don't..."

Corvus kissed her before she could start to genuinely panic. "You'll be fine. Just keep charming them like you've been doing all along."

Crispa took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay. I ... think I can do that."

Corvus grinned. "Good. Just don't drink too much or sleep with any of them and you'll be fine."

Crispa shot him a dirty look. "Empty my quiver before you go, why don't you?"

Corvus chuckled and headed into the main house to find Quad, hoping the young widow had been joking.

Quad fell into step with him at the bottom of the stairs leading up to what Corvus thought of as the Legion wing because it was where General Gallicus tended to do his business. "You're not taking security very seriously."

Corvus scowled at the admonition. "Quad, I am taking security seriously. It's just not the only thing I have to take very seriously. I know it probably looks to you like I've spent most of the last twenty-four hours enjoying a party and a liesurely breakfast, but I promise you it's all about keeping me alive in the long term. If I escape assassination, but give my enemies an excuse to execute me with no counterbalancing power structure, I'm still just as dead."

"Executed? Isn't that a little dramatic?" Quad asked.

Corvus stopped on the stairs and turned to look at his head of security."You've met my mother. Right?"

Quad stopped and faced him with a sigh. "A fair point."

Corvus laid a hand on Quad's shoulder. "And I'm her son. For better or worse, Lucretia has trained me to be like herself, only more so. While I don't expect anyone to be calling for my execution today, I'm accumulating enemies and friends both. Who knows what the world will be next month, next year, or in a decade? I appreciate you having my security foremost in your mind because somebody has to, but that somebody can't always be me."

Quad gave a faint shake of his head. "People get killed when you don't make security your top priority."

Corvus nodded, looking serious but not letting up either. "People get killed when you don't make politics your top priority, too. And that's not being melodramatic. If Barbatus and Atellus Rufius ever get what they really want, a lot of people will be killed for the sake of their ambition."

Quad frowned. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Corvus turned to finish climbing the stairs. "And I should fill you in on it - some time we're in a clean, secure room. You may not need to know, but you have a right to. Once you know the whole picture, you can judge for yourself how important it is to balance security, mobility, and effectiveness."

Upstairs, Quad indicated one of the bigger offices and waited for Corvus to proceed him. "I understand those things are important, but it's still my job to keep you alive first and I don't have the numbers to do that and be flexible in an emergency like last night and arrange special missions like the one we just got back from."

As they stepped into the room, every security guard inside rose to attention. Quad waved for them to sit down. Corvus counted ten. He didn't know if Quad had brought him here because it was freshly swept for bugs or because he wanted an audience for this conversation, but both served Corvus's purposes. He sat at the head of the long conference table and gestured at the guards to take seats. "Hire more, then."

"You told me two dozen would be pushing my luck," Quad reminded him.

"And then someone tried to kill me based on orders from a guy who's been dead for a thousand years," Corvus shot back. "That sort of thing has a way of focusing the mind on security issues. We can discuss the specifics the next time there's a free minute, but let's focus on today's mission first. Were any of our people hurt?"

The question seemed to take them by surprise and occasioned several seconds of looking back and forth at each other before someone said, "Lurco did get kicked in the nuts."

Everyone laughed. Corvus made a sympathetic face. "Will he recover?"

Lurco cleared his throat. "I'll ... be fine, sir. Balls of steel."

"Good man. Stay away from magnets," Corvus suggested. That got a good laugh.

Quad filled Corvus in with help from his team. Acting on information from the previous night's would-be assassin, he'd hired as many skip-tracers as he could find to descend on an abandoned warehouse in the Upper Brilliance accompanied by as many of his own men as he could spare. Just before they'd gone in, he'd tipped off a friend in the Legion that it was about to happen. Both the Legion and the Home Guard had arrived and created a perimeter guard by the simple expedient of grabbing anyone who tried to run out while they were trying to run in.

"We're pretty sure we swept up all the high-value targets." Quad slid an envelope full of photos to Corvus. "preacher, money man, plus a couple who are wanted for high crimes."

Corvus opened the envelope and started to flip through them. They looked a lot like the ones he'd already seen of other squats that had been raided. "Any trouble with the Home Guard or the Legion for stepping on their toes?"

Quad smirked. "They were more interested in stepping on each other's toes. For a few minutes, it looked like they might start shooting at each other over who got to arrest our leftovers."

"Well done." Corvus nodded, frowning at one of the pictures. It was a shot of cash stacked on a bed, but there was something tickling his memory. He drew it closer to get a better look. "Who has the ... high-value targets now?"

"We do," said Quad.

Corvus frowned. "We're ... holding prisoners?"

"My brother - the one who's a skip tracer - is." Quad looked very proud of himself. "That's the subtle and clever part of the operation. Before we went in, we purchased an option on the squat at the tax assessors office and used it to get a right-to-arrest from the court. That gives us twenty-four hours to prove the people we grabbed were guilty of something before we have to let them go."

"And if they're not guilty of anything?" Corvus asked.

"That would be a big problem," said Quad. "Fortunately, they're all guilty of trespassing at the very least. It's an old skip-tracer trick. Buy a right to the property, arrest everyone, then figure out which ones are slaves or ... in our case, cultists."

Corvus nodded. Something didn't sit right about Quad's statement, but his attention was divided by the picture of the money and he'd just figured out what had caught his attention. "This money ... still has the bands on it from the bank. In the other pictures, the money was bound up with rubber bands."

Quad grinned. "Even better, when we caught the money man, he still had a withdrawal slip on him. Take a look at the second-to-last picture."

Corvus flipped to the end and back one. It was a close up of a withdrawal slip with an account number written on it by hand and the name of the bank printed on it in clear letters.

"How ... big is Banco Ipanema?" he asked.

"No idea, but that's not the really interesting bit." Quad grinned. "We've got their account number. We can shut them down."

Corvus nodded, still sounding distracted. "Yes. Very well done. You should ... get right on that. I need to talk to Lucullus Memmius."

Quad frowned and dismissed his team, sending one to go find the forensic accountant. When the two of them were alone, he came around to look down at the picture of the deposit slip over Corvus's shoulder. "You spotted something?"

"Maybe. It might be nothing. Have you ever spent any time in Ipanema District, Quad?" When the security chief nodded, Corvus went on. "I spent a lot of time there during school holidays. I don't remember there being a Banco Ipanema. I've only heard the name twice."

Quad frowned. "I'm sure there are a lot of little banks you've never heard of."

"I know. So, what are the odds that the same little bank I've never heard of is associated with Famu Ioshua and Labeo Vitellius?" Corvus looked back at him. "Like I said, it may be nothing, but I want to see what Lucullus thinks."

"You ... think the accountant who handled the Senate's money was funding a death cult?" Quad ventured.

Corvus shook his head. "I don't think anything ... except that it's worth handing this information to someone who finds patterns for a living."

Quad scratched the back of his neck. "Guy kind of weirds me out."

Corvus was saved from having to make excuses for Lucullus Memmius by his entering the room at a brisk walk. "You wanted to see me?"

Corvus offered him the picture of the deposit slip. "What do you think of this?"

Lucullus held the picture for a long time without speaking, just staring at it. Finally, he asked, "Where did you get this?"

"From Famu Ioshua - a Christian death cult," said Corvus.

Lucullus tapped the picture with one finger. "There's something familiar about this account number. I ... may have seen it somewhere before."

"Among Labeo Vitellius's papers?" Corvus found himself holding his breath.

"Maybe," said Lucullus. "There's something ... off about this number, but I've heard it somewhere before ... maybe among the unassociated data ... the numbers we found among Vitellius's papers that didn't seem to match anything else."

"Can you look for it?" Corvus asked.

"I can ... if you don't mind my not doing anything else for the rest of the day," said Lucullus. "We don't have a lot of time before your parents come back from Europe and we have a lot of buildings to search."

Corvus frowned. He'd just added people to the search of the grounds. He didn't want to slow it down. For a few seconds, he seriously considered dropping the matter. It was ridiculous to think there was any connection between Labeo Vitellius and Famu Ioshua other than that he was investigating both of them. But he shook his head. "This feels important. Give it the rest of the day, please."

As Corvus left his rooms to meet with Aquilina, he found Crispa at his elbow dressed in white and gold, her hair done up in an elaborate series of braids.

To his unspoken question, she said, "You don't have a wife, so it falls to your mistress to play hostess when you have guests."

Corvus smirked. "Aquilina isn't here as a guest, Crispa. This is a business meeting."

"And are you two planning on having sex during this business meeting?" Crispa asked innocently.

"The agenda isn't set it stone, but I'm pretty sure we're just planning to talk about my media strategy," said Corvus.

"Then there's no reason I can't be there to serve some wine and light snacks. Is there?" Crispa pointed out.

Corvus laughed. "And if I said yes ... that we were planning to have sex during this meeting?"

"If you are, I should probably go home for a day or two and see to some personal matters. I haven't really been there since you handed me the deed." Crispa gave him a wicked smile. "I was hoping to show you the new outfit I picked out for bed tonight, but I suppose it can wait for another night."

"Ah, I see. Maybe I should say yes, then." Corvus put his arms around her and drew her close. "I do enjoy when you blatantly manipulate me with sex."

"It has proper sleeping garters," offered Crispa.

Corvus closed his eyes and chuckled. "And you'll wear it just for me if I promise to behave myself with Aquilina ... which I already told you I planned to do?"

Crispa kissed him softly. "I will wear it just for you regardless, Corvus. I'm your mistress. I will do as you desire."

Corvus raised an eyebrow. "Will you be nice to Aquilina if I ask you to?"

"Yes." She ran her hands up his chest to his shoulders. "But you may not want to ask. I'm not really nice to anybody and the muscles for doing so have atrophied. She would think I was being phony and it would just be more awkward than if we just sniped at each other openly as nature intended."

Corvus sighed. Crispa smiled and kissed him softly. "I will be magnanimous in my victory if she lets me. I would even be friendly if I thought it wouldn't come off as antagonistic. But, I won't hide myself away and pretend you don't have a mistress. If you don't plan to ask me to do that for your wife, how can I be expected to do it for your lover?"

He didn't argue. There would be times that it was worth arguing with Crispa, but this wasn't one of them. Worse, she was making sense.

"You're his mistress already? That's wonderful!" Aquilina leaped out of her chair and hugged Crispa.

Corvus was halfway out of his seat before he realized it was a hug and not a catfight. Crispa's startled look suggested she'd been ready for the same and that Aquilina was lucky not to have been accidentally kicked in the face. After a moment, she hugged Aquilina back. "Uh ... I'm going to say, 'thank you.'"

"This is a much better narrative." Aquilina grinned. "The plebes don't really like their politicians to take mistresses too publicly - not with the long, drawn-out contract negotiations and the more mercenary aspects - but a whirlwind romance made official. That's almost as good as marrying for love. And we can leak to the press that Atellus tried to muscle in on your romance for some reason ... let people come up with their own reasons. They always come up with worse than they're willing to believe if we say it out loud."

"I ... wish you wouldn't," Crispa said uncertainly.

Corvus frowned. "He did attack you in the arboretum. Are you sure you want to spare him the embarrassment?"

Crispa shook her head. "Not him. Atellus deserves whatever he gets and my own reputation is pretty scandal-proof at this point. But if people started poking at the real story, it could hurt a lot of people and some things are better left buried."

Over her shoulder, Aquilina gave Corvus a questioning look. He shook his head in the negative and shrugged to indicate he had no idea what Crispa was talking about. "All right. I can still work with this - whirlwind romance, no details, focus on how you two couldn't wait to be together. Don't connect it to Atellus. People will still speculate, but we stick to our original statement, which was basically that he was ejected from the reception for appalling behavior and it was up to him to come clean. Do you think he would ... reveal whatever you don't want people to find out, Crispa?"

Crispa shook her head. "Definitely not. It wouldn't put him in a good light."

"Great." Aquilina retrieved her notebook and wrote a few things down. "Next order of business - people are talking about your graduation party. It's largely positive with the usual lunatic fringe suggesting that you're corrupting the plebiscite. Is there anything we need to address or be ready to respond to if it comes up?"

"Was there any mention of an assassination attempt?" Corvus asked.

Aquilina shook her head. "Why?"

"There was an assassination attempt," said Corvus.

"Of who?"

"Of me." Corvus sighed. "If it comes up, the assassin was a disturbed young woman hearing voices. She was subdued by my security team and she's receiving the help she needs."

"Is that what happened?" Aquilina held her pen over the pad.

"Which part?" Corvus asked casually.

"Any of it."

"She was a disturbed young woman," said Corvus. "My team did subdue her. But she's actually part of a death cult and this is probably the second time they tried to kill me."

Aquilina stood trying to formulate words. "Where is she?"

Corvus sighed. "I'm not sure. My security team had her in custody as of this morning, but they may have handed her over to the Home Guard - in which case, they probably have her in one of the dungeons underneath the estate."

Aquilina shook her head. "You shouldn't make jokes like that. If somebody hears you, it can get blown all out of proportion."

Corvus didn't say anything. Crispa looked at him and opened her mouth to make a joke. Corvus still didn't say anything, but the look he gave her made her close her mouth again.

"You're serious?" Aquilina asked.

Corvus explained about the history of the estate, the Arx Terminus and the dungeons. "Apparently the Home Guard doesn't have enough detention facilities under their jurisdiction to handle their new responsibilities and they've started using the ones here. I assume it's with my father's blessing, but I can't get a hold of him to confirm anything while he's in Darkest Europe and even if I could, we can't talk freely because someone's probably listening in on the transatlantic phone lines."

Same as Elevated
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I'm a little embarrassed to tell this story, but my justification is that my "then" current boyfriend had been a real asshole to me. We'd broken up two nights before my best friend, Beth, was due to give a party at her house, and he had the gall to bring that slut, Carla, to the party. Here I was, alone and still grieving over the breakup, and there was Martin, kissing and feeling up Carla in front of everyone. I hated them both, and was extremely annoyed with Beth for not throwing them...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 38

Despite sleeping well most of the night, I was awake quite early on the Monday morning; I therefore went into the kitchen to make a pot of tea, only to find Sian already there, engaged on the same errand. "Sorry if I woke you, but we needed a cuppa!" "I don't think I heard you, but it doesn't matter at all. By the way, thanks again for coming over to Bristol for lunch; I'm really chuffed that you took the trouble!" "I wasn't sure whether Sheila would keep the secret; but it was...

3 years ago
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She Hadnt Had Sex Since Her Divorce

I work in an office with another colleague. She is divorced, with three k**s and is in her early 30s, whereas I am in my early 20s. Most of the time we would chat about family, life, and sometimes sex. She loved to remind me that she hadn't had sex since her divorce, three years ago. I knew what she was getting at, but didn’t make a move until one evening. While closing the back door, I held her hand and pushed it to my swollen dick. I began to rub her pussy and kiss her tits. Then I pushed her...

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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 5 Abigail

I called Gypsy to bring her up to speed on my ‘ nooner ‘. ‘Howdy, Ms. Thompson called me crying.’ The calm tone of Gypsy’s voice stunned me. ‘Wwwhat the fffff …?’ I started before Gypsy interrupted me. ‘I told you, she’s a tough cookie! ‘But Gypsy,’ I said. Gypsy continued, talking over me, ‘For a split second I thought your appointment with her had gone badly Howdy. But I was very relieved to learn her tears were happy tears.’ ‘She told me all about being your mom’s friend, watching you...

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Undercover RoseChapter 30

I found out what she was talking about when I woke up in my room. Actually I woke for a while in the recovery room, but then went right back to sleep. When I woke up in the hospital room, Joan and Jose were waiting for me to return to the land of the living. "I want to know if I should be jealous," I asked when I got my wits about me. "Probably," Joan replied with a playful laugh. "I was afraid of that. Jose is a real heart breaker," I said and watched him redden. "So how are you...

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The OutsiderChapter 6

At the end of those three years I was the top achieving apprentice and because of that was offered a good position in the prestigious Works Planning Department. I'd already spent a few months there so I was familiar with the work and the personnel. The other thing was that I was given a substantial pay increase which enabled me to buy my first car. I chose an Austin Healey 3000, a beautiful two seater sports car in a light blue and cream. To many, at the turn of a new decade, the car was...

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my first porn movie

on friday night my husband took me to my first porn movie we paid at the door and went in and we sat up front of the theatre...when the lights went out and the movie started my husband started playing with my boobs and on no time he had my buttons undone...there were about 20 people in there for the movie but it just seemed like us there and i was feeling great...after a while i felt another two hands on my boobs and it was the man behind us playing with my boobs the man next to me must have...

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I don’t usually do anything special for my birthdays, not even a cake. But this year, I decided Iwas going to get gang banged - no reciprocation, just used by cock . A muscle daddy I knewfrom Scruff told me about this adult bookstore called PeepLand. For a couple bucks and pornrental, you can go into a stall and have as much sex as you want. The guy messaged me thathe wanted my ass fucked by as many guys as possible. My dick got instantly hard thinkingabout all those men using me as a cum dump....

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Best Served Cold I Think Not

For years I have carried around the memories of my junior prom like a pocketful of glass shards. Even the scars are largely invisible to others, but the glass is always there, always available to enhance the petty pains of life's everyday miseries. To take just one example, a few years back Roger Bedford decided that we needed "more space." I had no problem with that. To be honest, I had more space than Roger was capable of filling anyway, the tiny-dicked little rat bastard. But beyond...

1 year ago
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Vixen Nina North Messing Around With My Sister8217s Boyfriend

This stunning babe is Nina. Unfortunately, she doesn’t see eye to eye with her sister, who is always bringing random guys back to the house when their parents aren’t around. But things have changed. Now she’s bringing home Mick, a gorgeous European guy who has certainly caught Nina’s attention. When her sister leaves the house for a hair appointment leaving Mick there to chill for a few hours, Nina puts her saucy plan into action. She doesn’t care how forbidden this is, she intends to enjoy...

3 years ago
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A WELL-ENDOWED STUD IS HIS WIFE’S FAVORITE TOURIST ATTRACTIONMy wife and I have always fantasized about her getting fucked by some big stud, and she sure got all of that and then some on our last trip to the Caribbean this past January. On the second day of our vacation, I noticed a very well-hung man coming across the nude beach and asked if that was the sort of guy she wanted. Jan answered with an enthusiastic yes, adding that she’d try to wangle an introduction. We spent the rest of the...

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Fucking On Stairs And Shower

31 January 2014, 05:28 pm Having good skills will always keep you in profits, let’s just say it’s like karma You learn something, put all your efforts to understand it, master it and someday you will say that damn i am never thought this would be so useful! It was winters, found this chick on the internet who was studying fashion designing, soon we became friends and started to hang around, you know the drill guys, couple meet , starts spending time etc. etc. But we were just friends. As...

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The IdeaChapter 8 Grandmothers are active too

Agatha Clarke, was 79 years old a silver haired lady with a still trim figure. We were a little taken aback when she contacted the company. In fact I foolish reminded her exactly what we did. She responded by telling me in no uncertain terms that just because there is snow on the roof, it doesn't mean the fire has gone out. I apologized profusely and explained that it came as a shock for a woman of senior years to want a fantasy filmed. I arranged to meet her and discuss her wants. I must...

2 years ago
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Hand Jobs and Dime BagsChapter 3

Benjie and I kept a standing Wednesday appointment for sex, with an additional Saturday appointment whenever I ran out of weed. I was earning enough to start buying lunch and saving up for a Christmas present for Kevin. I was thinking of getting him earrings to commemorate how we’d started dating. Unfortunately, the weather kept getting colder, and both Kevin and Benjie stopped going barefoot. In fact, almost no one was barefoot at school by Halloween, which made my school days much more...

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A Friends Help

I was watching the Atlanta Braves struggling to beat the Florida Marlins when the phone rang. I had just cracked a cold beer and didn’t feel like talking to anyone. I yelled to my wife, “Honey, can you get that??”It stopped ringing so I had my answer. A couple innings had past, and I was close to finishing my Mirror Pond Pale Ale, a local favorite, when my wife entered the room.“Who called”, I asked.“Sue”, my wife responded.“What’s she up to”, I said with a non-caring tone.“She wanted to get...

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It is a real story. So there will be no added masalas, please bear with me. I am working in a MNC and hence have got plenty of girl company. The work culture inside an MNC is as you know unbelievably funny and there is no difference between the genders. So anything can be said without any censor and would be appreciated by all. In my section there are plenty of girls who were ready to have fun with any guy who is got a credit card. Being from a financially backward set up, I was advised by many...

4 years ago
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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolEpilogue

Kara Kara looked up as the stairs squeaked, and Emanuel came into view. “So?” “Fast asleep. Finally.” “I thought getting them to bed would get easier once they were no longer toddlers. Seriously; I really do appreciate everything my mom had to go through with Sarah and I.” Kara laughed. “Getting them to bed is the easy part. Getting them to stay there though...” they groaned in frustration together. “At least the grandparents were willing to watch them earlier so we could actually go out...

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A Sudden Decision

Rachel Jackson and Valentina Vonn were sitting at a table in the back of the ball room, getting blissfully drunk and incredibly bored with the wedding reception. The two girls knew both the bride and the groom, they had all been friends since kindergarten. The two brunettes, who were cousins by marriage, adored Meche and hoped for long, happy years for the 26-year old bride. She and her husband had been in love since the second grade. Everyone in their small town thought it was a pipe dream,...

1 year ago
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The Roommate Part VI

"The Roommate" (Pt. VI) Ted had watched me from the kitchen window as I pulled down the driveway. He'd also seen Jack! "Shit," he said aloud but under his breath at seeing Jack out in his yard and then realizing that he must have seen Laine! "Well, let's test the theory, see if it'll fly," Ted continued to himself as he grabbed his baseball cap and made his way out to start in on the yard work. He was inside the garage checking his mower over as...

3 years ago
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First Time With My Mother

By : Sramik Hi,my name is sramik(24),let me have my introduction first.iam a btech final year student in Hyderabad osmania university campus, and was the only son to my parents rani(41) and anil(46) we live in Vijayawada and my dad is Andhra bank manager ,I came to Hyderabad 3years back to pursue my graduation(btech)as I got good rank in eamcet and for 3 years I lived in the campus hostel but due to some regional discriminates(telangana issue) my dad made me to leave the hostel and made me to...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 9 Fast Neutrons

A Decision. Joe is at work and Jenny is at home. At home, but not un-occupied. She is no longer quite so obsessed with housework, no longer quite so much in the grip of the mind-set she had at the Dacha. Today, she has made Joe’s breakfast, and something for him to have at lunch-time and then ... and then she has sat herself in a comfortable chair in their lounge and is listening to music. To Sibelius. She enjoys the pictures it conjures in her mind, in sound. She finds it easy to imagine...

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The SELF SUCKING TruthBy: Londebaaz ChohanWorking for a paint company in New Jersey; I had to go to a meeting in Maryland. What do you expect from a High School graduate boy from a tiny town; to know about the big cities, big hotels, big meetings. The meeting was only one session that was to end after lunch. Being in a town; I had never been before, my boss kindly allowed me the next day off and so I decided to stay back and take a city tour. Plus, I could extend my stay in the hotel for the...

4 years ago
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The church at Glynde

It is a rare bright, sunny summer morning when we park up opposite the church. I loose the key from the ignition and scan our surroundings, looking for any would be trespassers into our time together here.No, the families are still in their homes along this road; too early for walkers or worshippers, the church lackey has unlocked the heavy wooden doors to the church in preparation for the sky pilot giving his sermon to a meagre congregation in a couple of hours. The vicar lives a way away, so...

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Before I begin my story first let me say that I did not survive the final incident. What you are reading was written by me after my demise. First some basic information. I have been on various ships. Mother ships and transporter ships. I've got to meet numerous types of beings. I've met Salamander beings and I've met Greys, various different types of Greys. I've also met the Blue Arcturians which are incredible. They all have their own personalities and their own purposes. So I've met Blue...

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Our BVI Adventure Part 1

Day OneLike a much watched, favorite movie clip, she walked up out of the ocean surf towards me, water drops glistening on her naked skin, her long black hair whipping in the wind. Her shadow fell over me, as she leaned down….. a hard jolt woke me as the plane touched down and landed. Well, damn! Interrupted a perfect dream that I hope to make reality very soon. After getting our bags and leaving the plane, we grabbed a taxi to cross the island for the Redhook ferry. Once there, we board a...

2 years ago
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Fucking a Bognor Regis BBW

My job involves me travelling all over the uk, however due to Covid 19 I have hatdly worked these past few weeks.One of the advantages of all this travel is that I get to meet lots of new people, women in particular.So with the lifting of the lockdown I got the opportunity of visiting one of my biggest customers in Bognor Regis.My company has some private rooms there so an overnight stay was on the cardsAs I arrived at the rooms I noticed a short lady walking towards me, with the biggest tits...

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The Thorned Rose Ch01

Scar was an Elf. Not a unique trait, there was, after all, a race of the slender, pointy eared things, hiding in the woods in places far off and secluded, but Scar stood out among them as being different, a self-proclaimed outcast and wanderer. The Elves of the world were a reclusive sort, for most races and people seeing one was in itself a rarity and interacting with one was unheard of, save for the luckiest of trusted traders. Elves, when they travelled outside of their enclaves, went...

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Private Dancer

My best friend was getting married in a few days and as the "best man", it was my responsibility to put together the bachelor party. Me and Robert had run together for many years and we had been through a lot. He went through my divorce with me, helping me to keep grounded and realizing that it wasn't the end of the world, I thought it was. And I, in return, helped him over the death of his father a couple years back. We had been through many other adventures (and misadventures!) over the years...

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On the Chain

Preface The punishments and terms used in this story are described in Robert Burns’ memoir ‘I Am a Fugitive from a Georgia Chain Gang!’ (1932) Burns saw or suffered treatment far worse than anything described herein. While this story is set in the 1930s, it takes place in a less severe border-state that is beginning to transition to a more modern prison system. Some elements of the old ways are kept as punishment, and this story explores how they affect the main character. ***** Chapter 1 ...

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Wanting to be a woman chapter 4

As they pushed me against the wall, I said, “ What did I do wrong?” “You’re being arrested for prostitution.” “But I am not a prostitute..” “Yea, that’s why you have two ten dollar bills stuck to your ass.” They slapped the cuffs on me and started to drag me out of the porn store without even pulling my skirt down so one ten showed and my dick peeked out from under the skirt. On the way to the police station, I did not know what I would do. My mom would surely find out about me...

3 years ago
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ChristinaChapter 36

Okay, so Terri managed to completely melt our Tennessee gang at the restaurant. That's a good thing. My daughter's got a quick mind. She can be completely disarming. I know she's wrapped me around her finger a time or two. However, at Christmas time, she met her match with Tina and the two of them just sort of merged together. I think that Terri saw Tina as somebody old enough to be 'grownup' but still young enough to be fun. That was one thing. The other was that she saw Tina as...

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Sitting In His Lap

Sitting on His LapIt was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting pretty sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full and the back seat wouldn't fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things. I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42 inch flat screen TV."Where are you going to put the TV?"...

1 year ago
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Exgf Melissa

Working on an ambulance provided me with an opportunity to get lots of women into bed. I'm not saying that working on an ambulance is cool (it wasn't), and I'm not implying that I walked around with a hero complex (I didn't) - it was just that I constantly came into contact with hot female nurses, doctors, paramedics, respiratory therapists, ER techs, etc., so there were a lot of fish in that particular sea. This is a story of a girl whom I dated for a short period of time. I'd been...

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I Insist

Sitting up a little straighter, I raise my hand to get the waiters' attention. The gentleman acknowledges me and walks over.“Can I have the cheque when you have a moment, please?”“Sure thing honey, you sure you don’t want to wait a little longer?”“I think half an hour is embarrassing enough.”The waiter gives a tight, polite smile, nods and leaves me sitting here alone. I use this time to think maybe there’s a slight possibility my blind date came in, saw me and left. That can’t be true, can...

2 years ago
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Kinky Group Sex 8211 Part 2 Fantastic Foursome

Hello Readers, I live in Pune and now regular in terms of writing stories on ISS. This is in continuation of my previous story ‘Kinky Group Sex – Part 1’. If you haven’t gone through it please read it to have the complete background. After the wonderful session between all four of us, we all were tired and hungry as well. So we decided to have our lunch. We decided to have it naked. But as it would be served by the caretaker someone has to wear the clothes. I wore the T-shirt and jeans and...

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Fun in the Hotel Bar

I had decided to have a mid week break away with Gill and booked us into a quaint little hotel in the country. Driving down in the car Gill stretched out in the passengers seat. Her dress rode up her legs showing her stocking tops. More I said. Laughing. Gill didn't bother to pull her dress down, just made herself a bit more comfortable. Still it gave me an eyeful. Arriving at the hotel we checked in at the reception. After all the details and info on dinner and breakfastll. We were shown to...

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I am an extremely lucky man. I know full well that I had nothing to do with the hand of cards that life has dealt me and I am very thankful and aware of my good fortune. I was born into a middle class family and I have always been a decent looking k**. Not striking, mind you, and I did not stand out in any way by my looks, but I was what you would call a "nice looking boy" while I was growing up.I had tried the usual assortment of sports as a k**, and I did reasonably well with most of them,...

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Caught by Rebel

I wanted sex so bad that I put on a blue movie and let my dog Rebel join in. I am 25 years old blonde and I have been told by numerous boys that I have a good figure my tits are 36c and firm with big nipples that I like to pull and pinch until they are hard and stand out, I keep my pussy shaved as it feels more sensual when being touched when there is no hair to get in the way. I live alone now as I threw out my live in boyfriend because I caught him in bed with my "I thought" best...

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Model Sex SlaveChapter 12

Diana was helping Jackie with some extra work, Monday morning in the modeling agency. It had been an eventful Weekend for her, meeting up with Daisy and all. She was of course at home with Lee and the master going through, 'basic training'. She wished she was there herself but Daisy was certainly in good hands with Lee. Tonight she could hopefully spend some time with her; that made her feel better. By late afternoon, it became apparent that they would have to work late, maybe until 20:00....

1 year ago
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Cross Dressing play turned horribly wrong fantas

It was just another warm Sunny weekday morning like any other in summer. My wife kissed me goodbye as she left for work, I took my usual pervy glance at her as she wiggled her hot behind out the door, I was setting up in my home office, ready for another day of working from home. I listened to the car roll out the driveway then the gate closed, I started working through the usual emails and meeting requests.. I got bored of work after a couple of hours I decided to go into our bedroom and rifle...

4 years ago
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My humiliating experience with Sandy Part 1

This happened to me a couple years ago…. I’ve had an experience that was pretty humiliating. I’m a 19yr old guy, kinda small…about 5’2′, 115 lbs. I go to the community college, but live at home with my mom. There’s a big pool in our development, and I go there all the time. One time I went with a friend (Mike)…he’s 18 as well, but pretty big. His 16 yr old sister was at the pool too, with a couple of her friends. His sister (Sandy) is really pretty and sexy for a 16 yr old. She’s bigger...

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a Great Summers Day

I was in the backyard when my sister and her friend from summer school came home. I had been at the pool and was still in my trunks when I heard them in the kitchen laughing at eachother. They were comparing breast size and who had the nicer ass, who kissed better had mre lovers etc... I was shocked only because my s*s was never really acted like that around me. She was 19 and I am 17. We used to take baths together until I got old enough to know what I was looking at. Any ways I am standing...

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On the road home

On the way home one day I was driving down the motorway home after a long day, as I was driving along I saw a female that looked rather helpless. I pulled in front of her and asked if there was a problem she said that her car just stopped and had to get home as she had a date,I offered to give her a lift as she lived on my way home.As she got out the car she said she would like to return the favour and take me for a drink on evening she gave me her number, and went of to her house. She wasnt...

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BiBoy turned to SubGurl

When I was young, my friend & I started to play the "I dare you" game which quickly evolved from looking at each others privates, to touching, to licking, to sucking. We would take turns sitting in a swivel chair in the middle of the room while the other sucked our cock for one minute intervals. Surprisingly I enjoyed sucking his cock just as much & if not even more than having mine sucked! And I could tell he didn't because he was just doing it so I would do it back, plus I would go...

3 years ago
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Just Movin in

It was just another day in the rural suburban neighborhood as Gwen, a short pixie haired nerdy yet buxom freckled face ginger in a Hello Kitty white T-shirt with a cute round ass currently tucked into a pair of loose fitting jeans, had just finished moving into her ideal dream house on the hill. Given her current finances she had little choice but to move out to a place where the houses were a mile or two apart. It was a rather nice deal though, having a whole massive five bedroom house all to...

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The CabanaChapter 2

The Television Tower The television antenna at the end of the pool was at least 60 feet tall. The tower was a triangular affair, and each side of the triangle was about 18" to 24". There were 5 or 6 ten foot pieces which would slip into each other. The idea was to put your TV antenna on the top of the tower and then winch some or all of the pieces up into the air until you could get decent television reception. The tower was anchored to a concrete block and it was quite stable since once...

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A citizen of Cyneburg

/* Author's notes Feel free to leave any opinions in the comments or send me a message, I am not an experienced writer and would appreciate any criticism. Also, this is a fantasy, I do not approve of rape/sexual slavery/etc, etc in real life. */ For as long as the small city state of Cyneburg can trace it’s history an average of 20 women are born with the potential to wield extraordinary powers each year. In most, the powers lay dormant. Dormant powers are can’t turn into active powers, however...

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Tears Reflected

Copyright© 2005 by Strickland83. All rights reserved. I heard about the play from a friend. I had done some acting before, but I was no professional. This was amateur theater. You didn't get paid. Everyone volunteered. It was a lot of fun, though, and you sometimes even got to work with people who really had talent. I drove downtown to the theater one evening. It was a small theater, an old bank building, I think. It was square and built of tan brick, with white globe lights on either side...

1 year ago
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Black List V AscensionChapter 6

The solar facility consists of a large building with tower and sun tracking solar panels encircling it. They are then divided into four sections with an expensive strip of empty land running up to the facility in between them. Melissa and Jonathan take the southern route leaving the large crater sitting off to their right. The large feedhorn is still hot from the second blast. It looks molten angry. Their feet slosh through mud and the occasional puddle of water created from the heat of the...

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Cherry Blossom Time In Washington

Cherry Blossom Time In Washington Each spring in Washington, DC there is a Cherry Blossom Festival. People from all over the country converge on Washington for ten or twelve days. The hotels and motels run about one to three hundred dollars a night depending on location. It’s the old story of supply and demand. My wife talked me into a hotel with an indoor swimming pool, a Jacuzzi in our room, and a view from the fourteenth floor overlooking the Potomac River. I told her that I had...

2 years ago
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Fairy Tales are for Children

For you, my Prince. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ I don’t know when I started loving you. Perhaps it was the morning you came up behind me and wrapped me in your arms. Maybe it was the night before, when you entered me for the first time. I don’t know exactly when it started, or what it will do. But I do love you. I think you must have known me better than I thought you could. That night, that first night. My first time as a lover, our first time as lovers. Of course you knew I was...

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Ash to Ash

Note: this is my first foray into this world of fiction! I thought I'd give something back to a genre I've enjoyed (secretly) for a long time so this is my attempt. If you want any more written feel free to send a request and plot outline to [email protected] , otherwise I'll leave it be forevermore :) He wandered along the shopping mall at 9am, giving a wink to all the pretty girls he passed by, more often than not getting a little smile back. He was used to getting...

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Ambers Ass

After a long day at work it was my job to come home and prepare the meal for the evening . My wife usually got back from her job in the city a few hours after and I liked to have a nice hot dinner ready for her . You could say I'm the sensitive type like that .It had gotten pretty lonesome in that house ever since our son Andrew went off to study Pre-Med in Manhattan and our daughter Amber got herself a job as a cocktail waitress at a high-end club downtown . We hardly ever saw each other and...


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