From Dusk To Dawn free porn video

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This story is
told backwards.
From Dusk to Dawn
By Desdmona

‘He’s coming home today,’ Matt said in hushed, almost reverent tones. He looked stronger than he sounded. His Henley shirt, tucked neatly into his jeans, hugged his chest. His square jaw-line looked like chiseled stone, but softer. He opened his arms in invitation, and I ran into them.

‘I still can’t believe it,’ I whispered, My eyes growing misty. I thought I had exhausted all my tears.

‘He’s fine, Maggie. Perfect even, all the docs said so.’

‘Maybe that’s why I’m crying. Everything we’ve been through. Everything he’s been through. We’re so lucky. Our son is finally coming home.’

He squeezed me tighter, and I breathed in Matt’s familiar scent. It was as comforting as the smell of chocolate chip cookies or fresh cut flowers. The last three months had been a roller coaster ride – ups and downs at neck-breaking speeds. We were stuck on it, and I thought it would never end. Matt was like a rock: solid and steadfast, bolstering me when I felt like crumbling. We were closer because of it.

I eased from his embrace but held tight to his hand. ‘Well, how does it look?’ I asked.

Matt glanced around the room, ignoring the fact that he’d seen it dozens of times. He pulled me with him to the crib. With his other hand, he punched bumper pads as if he were checking the tires on a new car. He patted the edges of the homemade quilt, tracing along a letter ‘J’ that I’d cross-stitched on the front. He released my hand and wound up the mechanism on the baby-soft mobile.

‘It looks ready,’ he said.

We watched yellow, puffy suns revolve to an achingly familiar tune. Matt grabbed me and swung me close. He guided us in a slow dance, my bare toes sinking into the plush carpet, while the tinkling sound of the mobile filled the room.

The song dwindled down to its end, but we continued to dance. Our beating hearts and rhythmic breathing all the music we needed. Matt’s warm body, pressing into mine, fertilized my thoughts. Twinges of long-missed arousal stirred between my legs. The doctor had given his okay for sex weeks ago, and I had obliged Matt, but this was the first time I felt a real awakening.

I whispered in his ear. ‘Take off your clothes.’ My voice sounded breathy, like it might evaporate before being heard.

‘Oh god, Mag! Are you sure?’

‘Yes,’ I croaked, my throat thick and dry.

A thrumming worked its way through my muscles to my heart as Matt removed his clothes. I’d seen his body a thousand times before, every dip of it recognizable. I knew when I touched his chest, his skin would flinch and the underlying muscle would bunch. When I inched my way to his groin, I’d find velvety flesh, surrounded by downy hair. And when I circled around his navel, his penis would bob up in appreciation. The familiarity of him fueled my excitement.

He helped me with my clothes – slipping my shirt over my head, unzipping my pants, kneeling in front of me, and easing the heavy denim over my hips. My panties followed. He put his warm hands on my belly and traced my Cesarean scar with the pads of his thumbs. And then he wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing his face against my skin and hugging me tightly.

‘I love you, Maggie.’

‘I know.’ It was soul-saving knowledge. ‘I love you, too.’

He didn’t say another word. He didn’t have to. He let me nudge him to the floor, flat on his back, his penis upright and proud. It was easy and oh, so familiar as I lowered myself on top of him. Together, we guided his cock into my slit. So sleek. So moist. Settling only for impalement. I rode him in slow motion, up and down, mashing against him on the down, squeezing him on the up. He kept his eyes open, smiling, until his orgasm glossed over his features. And then his eyes closed, and his mouth froze – mute in climax. The surge of his semen gilded me like liquid gold – hot, elemental caresses that sent me to spasm. To say, ‘it felt complete’ seemed like such an understatement.

My body shivered against Matt’s. He hugged me closer. ‘Damn, Maggie,’ he said.

‘That felt good, didn’t it?’

His smile was back. His voice was mellow, pouring from him like maple syrup. ‘Maybe a little.’

I couldn’t imagine ever being so close to another human being, save one.

‘Matt? I whispered.


‘Let’s go get our son.’

‘I was just thinking the same thing,’ he said.

That night, three-month old Joey McKnight slept in his own house for the first time.

* * *

Matthew Joseph McKnight lay flat on his back, his tiny little arms flaccid at his sides. An IV tube, secured with clear tape and suture thread, extended out from his severed umbilical cord. His right foot, no bigger than the first joint of one of my fingers, was wrapped in beige tape. A red glow illuminated his entire foot, making it transparent. ‘This was how they measured the oxygen in his blood,’ the nurse had said. As she spoke, she’d pointed to a machine somewhere on the counter, but I didn’t see what she’d referred to. I was too busy looking at my son.

He had three small patches, ‘electrodes,’ the nurse had said, stuck to his body. Only centimeters in diameter, they still managed to almost cover his entire chest. These connected to another machine that monitored his heart rate and his breathing. Some how the IV in his belly monitored his blood pressure as it also gave him a steady diet of glucose. A thicker tube came out of his mouth and connected him to a breathing machine. The machine was breathing for him because his own lungs were too immature. One more tube had been inserted in his left nostril. His small face was covered in tape. A stocking cap, like an elf’s, covered his head.

I stared at him through the plastic box they called an isolette. According to the doctor, it would be his home for several weeks. I couldn’t make out his features, not really. I kind of thought his nose looked like Matt’s. But his long, delicate fingers were surely from my side of the family. Piano playing fingers, my mom would say. I stared at every inch that wasn’t covered in some sort of wrap or tube, looking for identifiable characteristics. Occasionally, his little body would jerk. All I wanted to do was hold him. But the rules didn’t permit it. He was too fragile, too sick, and too little. But soon, they promised.

Even now wasn’t soon enough. No one understood how much Matthew meant. No one understood how hard the decision was to have a baby. I’d fought getting pregnant for a long time, afraid we’d lose our freedom. And now…

Matt understood, but he had collapsed from exhaustion. I’d sent him home to get some sleep. I glanced around the room. Thirty more isolettes, just like Matthew’s, lined the room. Other moms stared into their own plastic boxes. Maybe someone else did understand. Maybe I wasn’t alone. We were like a secret club – mothers with sick babies – membership not recommended.

I wanted to breastfeed, but he was too little. The nurse gave me a breast pump, showed me how to use it, and instructed me to save my breast milk in the freezer. It had to be labeled – name, date and time. They would feed it to Matthew through the tube that was going into his nose. It led to his stomach.

Alarms sounded constantly from one machine or another, from one baby or another. It was like an arcade, only instead of winning stuffed animals, the prize was an infant. I tried not to cry. Crying blurred my vision and all I wanted to do was look at my precious baby. I wanted him to know how much his daddy and I loved him. He was our precious gift. I opened a porthole on the isolette, and reached in with a finger. I leaned in close to the opening and, trying to keep my voice very soft so as not to over-stimulate him (as the nurse had warned), I softly sang:

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy, when skies are gray.
You’ll n
ever know dear, how much I love you.
Please don’t take my sunshine away.

* * *

‘Maggie? Maggie-honey, can you hear me?’

I was in a winter wonderland. Everything was white, not dull like old snow, but fresh and clean like crystals. Evergreens, with snow-heavy branches, dotted the landscape. Under the sun’s rays, everything sparkled – a wall of twinkling glitter, a fortress of ice, a man made of snow.


A voice. It said my name. Why? What did it want? I didn’t want to open my eyes. My eyes were heavy, heavy like the snow on the branches of the evergreens. I wanted to sleep in my winter wonderland. Let me sleep! Ouch! My stomach hurt. Why did my stomach hurt?

‘Maggie-sunshine. It’s Matt.’

Oh! Matt. Shhh, honey, can’t you see I’m in a wonderland? See how everything glitters? But my stomach hurts. Why does it hurt? It shouldn’t hurt, the baby is there …

Instinctively, I grabbed my stomach. Ouch! The baby, Oh! Wait! Of course, the baby, that’s right. The placenta had torn away from my uterus, an emergency C-section. I’d already had the baby.

My eyes popped open.

‘The baby?’ My voice was raspy.

‘He’s alive Maggie. He’s a boy!’ Matt answered.

I tried to focus on Matt. He held my hand. He wore blue paper clothes and a paper hat over his head. I might have laughed except for his face. His eyes were swollen, and his perfect skin was blotchy. He sniffed as he brought his hand up to my cheek.

‘It’s a boy?’

Matt’s eyes were wet, and his voice trembled as he spoke. ‘Oh Mag, you should see him. He’s so little, but he’s got a ton of blonde hair. He’s even got down-like hair on his shoulders and arms. It’s so blonde, it’s almost white. He’s beautiful, Maggie.’

‘Is he okay?’

‘The doctor, he’s a neonatologist, he said he’s critical, but there’s a good chance he’ll make it. He said lots of babies born this early make it these days.’

I only heard one word. ‘He’s critical?’

‘But the doctor said he would be okay.’

I burst into tears. Matt tried to ‘shhhhsh’ me, as he cried too. I had gone from being unsure about wanting a baby to being heartbroken at the thought of losing one.

* * *

‘C’mon, Maggie. You’re not in labor. It’s too soon. You can’t be. It must be gas or something,’ Matt quipped.

‘Oh, and when did you become the expert on what labor felt like?’ I asked, holding my side as if that would make the pain subside.

‘Maggie, you’re only six and a half months.’

‘Matt, I’m telling you it’s not gas. It feels like severe menstrual cramps, and it’s happening every ten minutes or so.’

‘Every ten minutes or so? For how long?’ Now Matt looked worried. Apparently, when you use a sentence with numbers in it, for a CPA, it all starts to make sense. Every ten minutes must have been the eye-opener.

‘About two hours, I think.’

‘Two hours?’ Matt exploded. ‘Why the hell did you wait so long to tell me?’

‘Because I thought the same thing you did, it’s too early, it can’t be labor, it must be gas.’ I started to feel teary-eyed now. I knew it was hormones, but why did men do that? Why did they think when they suggested something rational that you hadn’t thought it up as well? Did he honestly think I was stupid?

‘Matt, I didn’t want to jump the gun, but now I’m scared.’

‘I’m calling the doctor.’

‘I was going to, but the last time I was in the office, he told me from here on out if anything was wrong to go straight to the hospital.’

‘Did he suspect something was wrong?’

‘He said it was what he told all his pregnant patients after six months.’

‘Well then, let’s go. _NOW!_’

Matt’s brisk tone made my eyes burn again. Pregnancy hormones screamed through my body and straight to my tear ducts like water through a broken dam. Matt must have realized, because his features softened and his tone lightened.

‘Ah, Maggie-honey, you know I’m just worried.’ He kissed my forehead and ran his fingers through my hair. The intimate gesture calmed my nerves and made me want to forgive him.

I hadn’t packed anything for the hospital yet. Our childbirth classes were supposed to start next week so I hadn’t even thought about it. I grabbed an overnight bag and threw in a clean pair of panties, a hairbrush, and bathing necessities. And we were off.

In the car, Matt was silent. He kept looking over at me like he was waiting for me pop.

‘Keep your eyes on the road, mister, or we’ll never get there,’ I teased.

‘I’m watching, I’m watching,’ he said, his hand’s ashen from the grip he had on the steering wheel.

And then it dawned on me. ‘OH NO!’ I cried.

‘Oh god, what, Maggie, what?’

‘I didn’t shave my legs or anything.’

‘Shave? That’s what you’re thinking about?’

I didn’t want to think about anything else. I wanted this to be the normal drive to the hospital, the one that resulted in a healthy, bouncing baby. Not the one where a baby is born prematurely. Too many stories about premature babies and women who died in childbirth flashed through my head like a Dateline episode. Shaving was an easier issue.

‘Well heck Matt, you know how the hair on my legs get. It’s like cactus needles poking through dry skin.’

‘I’m sure they’ve seen worse Maggie. Besides I like your hair all cactus-y and your legs all dry. It makes me think of your pussy as an oasis.’

Matt was trying to make me laugh. He always did that – react first and then think. Sometimes it got to me, even when I wasn’t hormonal. But most of the time it just gave me something to tease him about.

The contraction caught me while I was trying to answer. I put my head back, trying to concentrate on how to get through the pain. We rode the rest of the way like that: me with my head back, and Matt stealing glances at me every few seconds.

Luckily, the hospital was only twelve minutes away. Matt pulled up at the emergency door, and an orderly helped me into a wheelchair. I told Matt I didn’t need it, but he and the orderly insisted.

I was quickly wheeled me up to a room. The orderly had me strip and put on a hospital gown. She attached a fetal heart tone monitor around my waist and fiddled with a machine at my bedside. Within minutes, a nurse had her invading fingers up inside me, checking how far along I was. It was all happening so fast. Shouldn’t I at least know her name before we became so intimate?

She pulled out her bloody fingers, whipped off her latex gloves and washed her hands before saying anything. Her name was Polly.

‘Maggie, I’m calling Dr. Rothman to tell him what’s going on. I’d say you’re already dilated six centimeters. Which means you’re going to have this baby tonight, and there’s no way we can stop it.’

‘How? I haven’t been laboring that long. It wasn’t that long.’ I could hear the pleading in my voice. ‘It didn’t even hurt that much, really.’

‘Sometimes these things happen, Maggie,’ she said. ‘It’s nobody’s fault. It’s just nature making its own way.’ Polly scribbled something on my chart and left the room.

Matt and I looked at each other. Fear rose between us like burning incense.

‘Matt, I really didn’t wait too long. I followed Dr. Rothman’s instructions.’ I was anxious to hear him agree with Polly that it wasn’t my fault.

‘Maggie,’ he started and then stopped. He sat on the edge of the bed, cupped my chin in his hands and then finished, ‘Baby, you did everything right. You did everything perfect.’

He’d read my mind.

* * *

‘I’m five-and-a-half months pregnant, we haven’t even agreed on a name for the baby and you’re going off to play golf?’ I was being ridiculous. The fact that I knew I was being ridiculous didn’t stop me from forging ahead. ‘You’re the one that wanted this baby,’ I barked. ‘And you don’t even like golf!’

‘No, _you_ don’t like golf. I like it okay, bu
t what I’m really doing is schmoozing with potential clients.’

‘You schmooze you lose, buster!’

Matt turned his back to me and folded his arms across his chest, determined to ignore me, I suspected. I looked at his nice broad shoulders and the way they V’d down to his perfect waist. That was another thing: he had a perfect waist! I was mad at him about that too. It wasn’t _his_ waist blooming up until he had to bend over just to see his toes. What did men know about shaving their legs and painting their toenails, let alone doing it with a big-ballooned belly in the way?

His shoulders began to shake, mildly at first, and then an all-over body quaking. He was laughing! I tried to sound indignant.

‘You’re laughing at me!’

‘Uh-uh.’ He mumbled and then, as if his laughter was volcanic lava, it burst up out of him in full-blown belly laughs.

‘I can’t believe you’re laughing at me.’

‘Oh, c’mon Maggie, did you hear what you said?’ He turned back to look at me, his face red with hilarity. His hand covered his mouth, as if that would hide his laughing.

‘We have important decisions to make, Matt. We haven’t picked out names or finished the nursery. We don’t have a plan of action on how to alert the relatives …’ I paused. That last one sounded lame even to me. But I was in too deep to stop now. ‘We don’t have time to frolic around on golf courses on a perfectly good Saturday.’

‘First of all, I do not frolic. Secondly, it’s business. And jeesh, Mag, we have plenty of time.’

He was right of course, but I didn’t want to tell him that. I had hoped to spend the day together, that’s all it was really about. I’d wagered better arguments. Good thing I kept my toenails and shaving comment to myself.

Just then the baby kicked. Not the little flutter that could easily be mistaken for gas, but a full-fledged kick. I grabbed my stomach.

‘Oh my gosh!’

‘What, Maggie, what? Are you okay?’

‘The baby, it kicked! Here, give me your hand.’ I grabbed his hand and put it on my belly. I covered his hand with mine. We stood there for a minute, waiting. Finally, the baby kicked again.

‘Did you feel it?’

‘Whoa, I think we have ourselves a football player in there!’ Matt beamed. ‘Just like his ol’ man.’

‘And my dad!’ I added.

‘Yep, a little Matthew Joseph.’

‘Oh Matt, I like that! Matthew Joseph. After you and dad.’ It was perfect. Matt agreed. Trying to hide my embarrassment, I said, ‘I guess we’ve accomplished one of the things on our list. I suppose you can go frolic.’

He wrapped his arms around me, snuggled in, and gave me an Eskimo-nose kiss.

‘Hmm, okay but first you have to tell me what I lose if I schmooze?’

We broke into laughter.

* * *

A creeping desire hiked its way through my body. It reached a peak and firmly planted itself in my brain. ‘Sex would be so good right now,’ it said. I duly listened.

My unsuspecting husband sat slouched on the opposite end of the couch, Monday Night Football hoarding his full attention. I’d have to be sneaky. I wasn’t dressed for seduction. Loose clothing, like the sweatpants I had on now, had become my number one fashion statement. My stomach wasn’t bulging much, but I’d read that tight clothing wasn’t good for a fetus. I’d also taken to going braless. I hadn’t read anything about how that affected the fetus. But it did affect Matt.

I burrowed my head against his upper arm and made lazy circles on his thigh. I pinned my hopes on the braless thing to be seductive enough. And if all else failed, I could depend on my ability with my hands to arouse him.

‘Okay, what is it?’ he asked.

‘What do you mean?’ I tried to sound innocently unaware.

‘You must want something, so out with it.’

‘Why do you say that?

‘Since when do you snuggle up close when football is on? Usually you read or cross-stitch or some other shit girls do.’

‘Is there something wrong with wanting to be close to my strong, virile, and handsome husband?’

‘Now I _know_ you want something. You haven’t called me strong, handsome and virile since our second date when you’d drank too many Long Island Ice Teas at that party.’

‘I don’t want anything honey, honest. I just want to be close to you. And smell you. And feel you.’ I drew out each word as seductively as I could. ‘And maybe play a little two-hand touch. Wink-wink!’ I elbowed him in his ribs.

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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 15 Mad Dawn

Dawn walked out of the Lost Corner with a whole new look. She was all but unrecognizable in her tight, red dress. Unlike the one she and John had experimented with, this one zipped up in the front which made it much easier to slip on and off. Not that Dawn planned on doing much more of that today. Twice was definitely her limit. Dawn and John visited several more stores one after another in quick succession. From Blue Wing Shoes, she purchased a lovely pair of high heels. Dawn found them a...

2 years ago
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Buffy A New Dawn

Dawn barely noticed anything as she sat alone in the Sunnydale sun, at a lunch table in the schoolyard. Her mind swam with chaotic thoughts of how quickly her young life had changed. It was bad enough having to be the younger sister of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but now, she had to deal with learning that she was something called the "Key". Apparently, being the "Key" meant she was some sort of dimensional portal which was expected to usher in the end of the Universe. "Great!" thought Dawn. "Why...

3 years ago
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Cutting School with Dawn

Many thanks to my colleague Phil Gorman for his proofing and editorial assistance A Note I was in my last year of teaching in Ohio before moving to Florida. Everyone at school knew of my plan and it made for a different sort of year. I coached football and wrestling but at an assistant level, in order to assist with the transitions for the new head coaches. I truly enjoyed the less stressful seasons. I had visits with some of my former students; some of whom I shared a “special” bond...

4 years ago
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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 13 A New Dawn

(Dawn’s Story) Dawn sat naked on the restroom floor crying. It had all caught up with her at once. Losing Adam to that horrid woman, having to sacrifice her virginity to the sly John. And now maybe, no probably giving how her day was going, getting pregnant. “Everyone’s going to think I’m a slut.” Dawn huffed. John couldn’t help but feel sorry for the sobbing Dawn. Yeah he knew getting laid sometimes required playing dirty, but he’d never left a woman in tears before. And he found he...

4 years ago
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The Importance of Sophie Part 2 Dawn

The Importance of Sophie, Part 2: Dawn by SmokingMan =========== I awake with a start. I must have drifted of. That was a crazy thing. Must’ve been some type of half-dream. I mean, she wasn’t actually there, right? I suddenly realize how drained I am, and decide a long rest is my best option for now. When I open my eyes again, it's around 11 o’clock Saturday morning. I move to the edge of the bed and put my face in my hands. What is this, I think to myself. I suppose I should get up...

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Sharing Dawn

There is a lot of timing and luck involved in getting the chance to watch your normally reluctant wife suddenly turn it on for another man. But Brad, a forty-two-year-old professor, had that chance to see his twenty-seven-year-old wife perform at a convention last summer at an upscale hotel in Miami.Dawn wore an unusually revealing black dress that evening. It was shorter than anything Brad had ever seen her wear in public. Being that this was a formal dinner and dance with potential...

Wife Lovers
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Waiting for Dawn

Dawn led Dan by the hand back inside the house just as the rain really started to fall, the young pair stood in the doorway and waited for chewy to come bounding in. He thought about his hands exploring Dawns body moments ago. He watched her shrug off the coat revealing the cardigan over her dress and the Nylon tights on her long legs and how good her bottom felt while they kissed outside. His hands on her body, hers on his, and their lips pressed together. His thoughts were suddenly disturbed...

2 years ago
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Slut The Seeding Breeding of Dawn

Chapter one:Neil’s Introduction:The first time I saw her was at the company dinner dance. She was quite small in stature, but possessed a regal serene presence. She commanded everyone’s attention as she glided through the room, making introductions to old friends and new alike. She was dressed in a figure hugging fantail evening dress in a deep blue colour. The dress was held up by two very thins straps which sat on her alabaster shoulders. Her skin was almost porcelain, so smooth and feminine....

3 years ago
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Up At The Crack Of Dawn

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.It was one of those funny mornings, when it was still winter, but the sun streamed in through the window and the birds sang as if they were heralding Spring.Dawn sang to herself as she pottered around the kitchen, dressed in nothing but a polka dot apron and some shiny red heels."I'm too sexy for my apron, too sexy for my apron, and I'm making pancakes..." She sang softly, gathering ingredients,...

2 years ago
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Day three with Carol and Dawn

I couldn’t help thinking about them telling me how they explored their new found pleasures .By the time I made it back to Feedville I was hard and horny,so I stopped at Matty’s bar for a drink to adjust my thoughts . Every chance I get I make sure I stop at Matty’s bar for a drink and a load up of what's been going on while I have been gone. The bartender there is really hot ,just 21 reddish hair, green eyes and a body that would get your dick hard just looking at her. I would have tapped...

1 year ago
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Sexy dawn

It all started one summers morning in May . When I decided to venture to my corner shop in order to get my morning paper and some smokes anyway as I grabbed my coat and started to put it on I felt a sudden sexual feeling between my legs the groin area of course. Any way walked out my front door and it was sunny and warm the birds singing and I was feeling content . Just up the street was my corner shop I often go there for my paper and cigarettes and of course a chance to catch a glimpse of...

Erotic Fiction
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Straight oral doggy Two married people seek something more.We agreed not to tell anyone how we met.Who was going to tell, anyway? We were married. Each of us seemedmismatched sexually with our spouses, desiring far more intimacy thanthe one at home.It was craigslist.Dawn’s ad caught my eye and brought us into contact, but it was her funand erotic emails that grabbed my attention./Dawn: "I miss kissing. Would you take me to dinner and kiss me?"//Me: "On a first date? Only if you eat all your...

4 years ago
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We agreed not to tell anyone how we met. Who was going to tell, anyway? We were married. Each of us seemed mismatched sexually with our spouses, desiring far more intimacy than the one at home. It was craigslist. Dawn’s ad caught my eye and brought us into contact, but it was her fun and erotic emails that grabbed my attention. Dawn: "I miss kissing. Would you take me to dinner and kiss me?" Me: "On a first date? Only if you eat all your vegetables. lol." The first time we met we had dinner...

Straight Sex
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DawnMy gym manager was apologizing while telling me that all of the massage ther****ts he trusted were completely booked. I asked him if they could give him any names and he laughed and said, “Yeah, each others....”He had stopped before finishing so I finished for him.“And you?”“It would be inappropriate.”“Why, because you are gay?”He gave me a small smile and shrugged his shoulders.“I didn’t think you knew.”“I was clued in by the blonde that sneered every time she walked past you. I asked her...

2 years ago
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Sirens A Bold New Dawn

 1900UTC: USS Nimitz - Sea of Okhotsk, Extended Sea Duties.The sign on the door read ‘Lieutenant Dawn Delaney’ and it stood out in a sharp contrast to the battleship grey innards of the aircraft carrier’s metal passageways. The air here was stale and cloying under the artificial lighting which illuminated the run of narrow windowless corridor. Seated at the small cluttered desk, the lithe officer rifled through the wad of paperwork unceremoniously dumped in her In-tray before picking out the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Sarah and Dawn

As most in the UK will know, just recently we have had some high winds.So I was holed up at home for the weekend.I don't do boredom too well and sitting still at a weekend is hard work for me.So it was with a pleasure when the phone rang.It was a friend of mine asking if I had a few hours free, her friends fence had blown down and since I had put hers up a few months ago she wondered if I would go and have a look to see what needed doing.She would be there to introduce me as the woman in...

5 years ago
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DREAMING OF DAWNFaith couldn't help it - even as she ate the pussy of the forty-something woman splayed out in front of her, she thought of nothing but B's little s!ster. The bitch in the suit - dressed for power lunches and corporate shenanigans, not to mention tongue fucks by tramps picked up in seedy bars – barely existed outside her peripheral vision. She was just a meal, someone Faith had said yes to, simply for amusement. The bitch didn’t know it, but she was just a prop in Faith’s...

3 years ago
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Taking Katie To Make Dawn Chap 2 Making Dawn

Amanda entered her bedroom, looking totally different to the confident, poised glamorous young woman who had so easily entranced Katie in the coffee bar, the very same girl who now lay sleeping on Amanda's king-size bed. Amanda had removed all of her makeup and tied her long red hair back with a black scrunchy and wore a button through flower print cotton dress that, for all it's simplicity, still showed off her large firm breasts nicely. The cotton dress was fresh and cool against her naked...

3 years ago
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The Crack Of Dawn

I’ve wanted to put this into writing for some time but I don’t really know how or where to start. So I’ll just plow right into it and try to tell the story of how the last few months have become the dirtiest, sleaziest, sluttiest, sex-filled and sex-fulfilled period of my life, and how good it all felt.The passion pumping, countless orgasms and doing so many things I’d never before dreamed of doing. And also how bad it felt at the same time, to learn I was such a fraud and a tramp and nowhere...

3 years ago
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Birth of a New Dawn

Birth of a New Dawn By Heather St. Claire To say I got the shock of my life when I arrived at the train station earlier tonight would be a gross understatement. My train pulled in a few minutes after six. I had spent a three-day weekend visiting my parents, which had been more of a trial than anything else. I suppose things got off on the wrong foot when I left early Saturday morning. My boyfriend Don and I had a hellacious argument, so when I got off the train and didn't see him, I...

4 years ago
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The Dusk Forest

Consciousness was slowly returning to your numb body and mind as you lay spread eagle, face down on what felt like soft dirt. You sniffed at the air - it smelled... different, somehow - not like how your house normally smells. Your eyes open and for a moment you couldn't think - you weren't in your bedroom, sleeping the night away after a long day at the university - you were in the middle of a forest! "What in the world...," you mutter to yourself, wondering if you sleep-walked out here. But...

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Gay Men Having Fun At The Dusk

I was at the gallery looking over to the city which is developing at an enormous pace. The buildings are almost kissing the sky and with that increased traffic too. It was a quiet evening for me, although I was a bit aroused, I couldn’t pinpoint the reason. I stood there welcoming the dusk, within hour or so the sun will brighten up another part of the world. Suddenly I felt hands around my waist, I was startled but the smell of cologne made me realize he is familiar. He was my roommate, came...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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In the woods at dusk

It was dusk and the sun was just setting in the distance, I was walking down a narrow path leading to my local nature reserve, humming a little tune as I walked, as I entered the dense trees on the edge of the forest I could see a car parked up over in a small secluded car park 100 yards to my left.It flashed its lights, at first I didn’t take no notice and just carried on walking, a few seconds later they flashed again, then again, I thought it seemed a little odd so I decided to check it...

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The Things That Happen At Dusk

Summer evenings are just wonderful when the breeze is low and there is still warmth in the air. The dark blue skies mould themselves into dusk and the gentle rustle of the Acer branches and leaves above my head and the smell of the freshly watered fern beds is very relaxing. With only my shorts on, I’m more than comfortable sitting and drinking in the near silence of nature.A spider grabs my attention in the bushes. It’s making its web. All that exists are outward diagonal lines and two full...

3 years ago
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Saxon Dusk

Introduction I’d like to apologize to Sir. Winston Churchill as I lifted the title of this story from the opening chapter of his multi-volume work on English history. Now, before you begin to read I have a few admonitions. First, don’t look for any graphic sex. This is not ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’. Second there are references to God, Christ in particular. Don’t get in an uproar about it. Third, it is rooted in history, but don’t get mad if I said something wrong or left something out. Last,...

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Darkness and LightChapter 29 Dusk

The sun had vanished behind the mountains when Ghania finished her tale. It was silent, and in the twilight of dusk the lands looked peaceful again. Maybe even the dead on the battlefield felt at peace, at least until their souls arrived at the Underworld. For the day’s survivors it was no more than an armed truce, and for some of them there wasn’t any rest at all. The fighting continued within the seclusion of their minds. Another war fought on another battlefield. “It was you; it’s all...

2 years ago
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The Mafias Blonde Dawn

Though she always had her suspicions, Dawn wasn't aware of the extent of her stepfather's underworld connections until she attended his funeral. As she stood to give her eulogy on behalf of the family, she looked out at the sea of hard-bitten men assembled in Calhoun's great cathedral. She noticed more than a few looking her up and down, no doubt trying to discern her toned cheerleader body through her tasteful black dress. She cleared her throat, tucked a stray blonde hair behind her ear, and...

4 years ago
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The Crack of Dawn

Me and Dawn was both born 'n raised in Hooterville. We never dated, though. We'd just hang out with our friends at the Tasty-Freeze and stuff. We was always "Just Friends." You know, the kind of friends where the girl just wants to have fun and the guy just wants to fuck. Yeah, I really liked her, maybe even loved her a little. By the time we was thirty, I'd moved to the city and Dawn had gotten married and divorced already. We hadn't seen each other in years. So when I was in town for the...

2 years ago
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Birth of a New Dawn

Birth of a New Dawn (V 2.0) By Heather St. Claire Out of bed bright and early and sober. I'm picking my girlfriend Brittany up at the bus station in an hour, where she's due back after spending the week at her parents' place. We had a hellacious blowup the morning I dropped her off, and we haven't spoken or communicated at all since she left, and for reasons that will become clear, I'm actually grateful for the silence. I didn't have to give my outfit a lot of thought. I put on a...

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I was first given Fatema for my wife when I was only 10 years old. She had been my nursemaid when I was an infant and was a friend of my mother. At that time, she was 30 years old, four years older than my mother and 20 years older than me. As a child, I remember her bathing me, and fondling my penis until I had a climax, even before there was ejaculate. Later, when I had physical cum, she would suck on me, draining the juice from me. It was an exercise I learned to enjoy and looked forward to...

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Lost Toys 7 Day of the Night of the DawnChapter 2 Evening of the Dawn

Dawn Rhodes – Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015 No Sara. No Melody. I wanted to and feared to volunteer to be the third tongue stud. I wanted to be someone other than a utility to Matt. An utility. An umbrella. A yellow flower. Fuck English. He was tired and happy as he washed my hair. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling. That was the worst part of my slavery, enjoying it. No one did, not all the time, but it was trivial to find some moments were I loved it. It had just been a warm afternoon....

4 years ago
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BtVS Dealin With Dawnie

One of the, many, things I like about dusting vamps is, if you're doing it right, there's no mess. Also no body, and B tends to be a nag if she finds one of mine and will give me an ear full, although that may be partly because she's holding a grudge over that whole long weekend romance with evil I had going a while back. Still, she's got a point about not leaving around evidence, which is why I always bury my demons now. As in literally. But when it's just me, like it normally is now it's...

2 years ago
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A Taste of Dawn

Dear Reader: It seems I just couldn’t leave out a bit of romantic prose in regards to Michael and Bianca. Theirs is a story that was too short to form into a novel, but one that needed to be told. This brief taste of the Native Dawn series gives us a glimpse of Michael and Bianca and the events that occurred between the end of Book 20 ‘Dawn Unleashed’ and the beginning of the final book in the series, Book 21. ‘Dawn’s End’. At this point, after Dawn’s End is released. I am considering writing...

4 years ago
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A New Dawn

Dawn slammed the door behind her as she stomped her way down the walk, towards her car. This was the last straw; she didn’t have to put up with his bullshit any more. Where did he get off telling her whom she could and couldn’t see? He was just possessive, controlling, whining, jackass. Yes, she thought to herself. A jackass was exactly what he was. “Fine, then!” he screamed out the window. “Leave! But I’m not coming after you!” He slammed the shutters and she could hear him screaming to her...

3 years ago
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Becoming Her Chapter 3 my femininity dawn

Chapter 3 … my femininity dawnWill it was inevitable, but I was confused…..All my Senses, all my thoughts, all my feelings, all those screaming in my mindSaying that I am a girl !!But my mind couldn’t understand it, everything, everyone & everything around me says am a boyI understand am gay boy but that not make me a girlTill that night ……..It wasn’t a long time in that gang, till I had bigger circles of friends, friends who share the same desires and feelings Some were boy and some where...

4 years ago
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Becoming Her Chapter 3 my femininity dawn

Chapter 3 … my femininity dawnWill it was inevitable, but I was confused…..All my Senses, all my thoughts, all my feelings, all those screaming in my mindSaying that I am a girl !!But my mind couldn’t understand it, everything, everyone & everything around me says am a boyI understand am gay boy but that not make me a girlTill that night ……..It wasn’t a long time in that gang, till I had bigger circles of friends, friends who share the same desires and feelings Some were boy and some where...

3 years ago
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Dan Becomes Dawn

Chapter One: The InvitationI work from home and am able to dress enfemme most days.Today I am wearing a pink flower-pattern, button front blouse, knee-length white a-line skirt, a pair of white walking sandals with a wavy, medium brown wig and clip-on earrings. Under that I am wearing a corset to flatten my gut, matching white lace panties and underwire 40-D bra to support adhesive-attached breast forms, which give me a comfortable bosom.I had just received a call from an investment group...

2 years ago
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Beholding Dawn

I should have known. Happy Nude Day, I thought sarcastically as I watched Wendy and Ron walk by, ignoring me as they headed toward the lake. We'd been the best of friends the last time we saw each other the year before, but Linda had obviously talked to them. Yep - lucky me. Over forty with a hot, wild woman five years younger than me. Going to nudist camps, sex almost every day, threesomes ... It had been an amazing couple of years. I don't know how long she'd been fucking the neighbor...

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