Junior YearChapter 19: I Got The F-ing T-Shirt free porn video

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I woke up to find Tami seated on the edge of my bed. I rolled over and found Duke stretched out next to me. When he saw me, his big tail began to thump against the mattress.

“Get down,” I said.

That just made his tail wag even harder. I acted as if I would attack him and he just put up a paw and swatted me. I don’t think he was scared.

“I see he’s getting you trained,” Tami said.

Then I heard the thunder and knew why he had crawled onto my bed. I gave him a stern look and pointed. He did the slow death-march off my bed. It was all I could do to keep a straight face because of his sad act. Tami took his place and put her head on my shoulder.

“When were you going to call me?” she asked.

I knew what she wanted to know. I think she had sat on the sidelines, waiting for me to call to ask her to help me with my problems with Pam. I could tell this was killing her, but I didn’t want or need her advice. Today wasn’t someday.

“What about?” I asked, playing dumb.

She rewarded my answer by sticking her index finger into my ribs. I jerked back and found myself falling out of bed. I grabbed her and pulled her after me.


I was, of course, naked. She had already seen it all, so I just stood up, went to the bathroom, and took a shower. She followed me in and sat on the toilet.

“I guess I didn’t even think to call,” I confessed.

“I talked to your mom and she said you had everything under control. I just stopped in to see if you needed to talk about it,” she offered.

I turned off the water, reached out, and grabbed my towel. As I dried off, I wondered what she really wanted. If I knew Tami, this was something about her. I wouldn’t be surprised if she came over to announce she had found someone. Nothing like getting dick-punched when you were down.

“Why are you really here?” I asked.

“Can’t I just want to make sure my best friend is okay?” she asked.

“I call bullshit. Just tell me,” I said.

She got a sad look on her face and walked out of the bathroom. When I was done in the bathroom and came out to get dressed, Tami was gone. Maybe I had misjudged why she was here. I also realized that I was indifferent about it. I guess I really was over her.

It opened up and began to rain, so I passed on the morning run. Duke and I hurried to the house. It was remarkable how quickly he could do his business if he got wet. I might have to turn the sprinklers on him if I was in a hurry. Mom and Dad weren’t up yet, so I made Duke stay in the kitchen with me.

I got ambitious and decided to bake a coffee cake. I found a recipe for a cream cheese and apple butter version. It had been some time since I had a chance to take my time and enjoy cooking. It was something I needed to get my mind off what would happen later today. I had a gut feeling that Cal and Mr. Fox weren’t done with their games.

I’d just put the coffee cake in the oven when there was a knock at the back door. I found a wet Tami, who looked pissed. When I opened the door, she pushed through. I handed her a towel from a laundry basket to dry off with, and then went back to the kitchen to put on coffee and hot water for tea. While I kept busy, Tami dried her hair and then had to love up Duke.

“You hate me, don’t you?” Tami asked in a tentative voice.

I poured her a cup of tea, and then one for myself, and sat down. We both had gotten to like it when we went to the UK. It wasn’t bitter like coffee. I liked mine either plain or with a little lemon. Tami preferred some sugar in hers.

“No, I don’t hate you. I told you before that I hoped we could be friends. I’ve just been wrapped up in this mess the last week,” I said.

“How have we gotten to this point, then?”

I had several obvious answers jump to my tongue, only to die. Could it be her insistence we wait for the mythical someday, which would give her a chance to play the field? Could it have been when I found her and Alan naked in bed together? They could deny it until they were blue in the face, but more went on than they had admitted to. What I suddenly realized was our roles had reversed. I felt I was more of an adult than she was right now.

I’d been forced to grow up. Maybe that was a stretch, but I had taken on much more responsibility than Tami had. I was the leader of my football team, I now was a partner in a farm, I was the face of Range Sports and Jade, I was an actor, and I had two charities. People relied on me. While I still made mistakes, I owned up to them and figured out how to work them out. While I did all that, Tami got to be a teen and experience life.

I knew the issue was that I hadn’t come to her for advice when all this happened with Pam. Two things came to mind: the first was that this had nothing to do with Tami. My biggest issue was this really had nothing to do with Cal or anyone else but Pam and me. The second was Tami would have no idea what all was involved in this mess. I couldn’t imagine what advice she could give me that I wasn’t getting from professionals.

“Look, I know that you care for me, and I probably should’ve called you. I don’t have an excuse for that,” I said.

She took a sip of her tea. I think she wasn’t ready for me to not be a total mess. I think she secretly loved it when she could swoop in and fix everything for me.

“How are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m angry. Pam’s dad has tried every dirty trick he can think of, and if I hadn’t been a little bit lucky and gotten the right people in place I could have been destroyed. I think we’ll get things resolved shortly, and I can move on with my life.”

“David, you’re going to be a father,” Tami said, as her eyes teared up.

That was when I got it, and suddenly my defenses came down. I felt my chest tighten up and it was hard to breathe. Throughout this whole thing, I’d lost focus on what mattered. I would be lying if I said a little part of me didn’t wish that my child was with Tami. That had always been the plan. Tami was supposed to be my one and only, the girl I grew up with and planned to have a life with that was us against the world. While I liked Pam, she and I would never be more than friends.

Mom and Dad came downstairs and the timer on the coffee cake went off. Dad went to check it, and Mom took one look at me and came over and wrapped me in her arms. This was the first time since this all began that I’d let my guard down and let the full import of what Tami had said sink in.

“Mom, I’m going to be a father. I’m too young,” I said.

“I agree, but there’s nothing we can do about that now. David, you’ll be a wonderful father. You’ll just have to figure it out. Of course, your family will be there to help you. If your dumbass brother can figure out how to raise three kids and go to college, I’m betting you can figure it out, too,” Mom said.

“But he has Angie,” I said.

“He also has you and your mom and me,” Dad said. “David, I think you’re forgetting that Pam will be involved also. You two might not get married, but you’ll have something that will bind you together in a very special way. Your child will be a blessing that will fill your life with meaning you’ve not had up to this point. Everything will work out, and when you look back on it, you won’t regret having a baby.”

I remembered how I felt when Kyle was born and the time I spent with him. I loved him, Mac and Nate with all my heart. I knew my baby would bring even more joy to my life. Yes, things would change, and I was too young. I knew I would make it all work out. I turned to Tami and smiled.

“Yes, I’m going to be a father.”

As Mom and I went off to church, I could see where Tami had suddenly realized that our someday might not ever happen. I’d come to grips with that over the last several weeks. It seemed to hit her full-force, and she had quickly left after we’d eaten the coffee cake. I would make it a point to call her later in the week to make sure she was okay. Right now she needed time to figure things out on her own.

I was a little worried about how my church would take the news from the week. I shouldn’t have been. Everyone greeted me warmly, and it was as if they had circled the wagons and let me know I had their support. Some people tend to think that church-going people are rigid in their beliefs. While it would have been better if I’d told them that Pam and I were getting married, they didn’t turn their backs on me.

The way they accepted me made me realize how lucky I was to grow up in a small town. Yes, everyone knew you and all your secrets. The thing was, no one was perfect, and we all supported each other. When church was done, I was ready to face what was to happen this afternoon.

We met Ms. Dixon at the entrance of Tom and Kendal’s office. She had large file box attached to a little dolly.

“Let me help,” I said, as I grabbed the handle.

It must have had rocks in it. It looked like she was loaded for bear today. We went up and the receptionist led us to the conference room. I smiled because it wasn’t like I’d never been there before. Ms. Dixon took over the head of the table and began to create different stacks of folders. She had me sit on her right and my parents on her left. Uncle John had taught me the power of sitting at the head of the table. It established dominance, and that was what we needed today. I planned to get this wrapped up by the end of this meeting. What was the saying about your plans and God laughing at them? I hoped that was wrong.

Next to arrive was the contingent from Rigby, Thompson and Associates, quickly followed by Cal and Mr. Fox.

“We can get started,” Don Rigby said.

Ms. Dixon ignored the fact that Pam wasn’t present. She turned her attention on Don Rigby.

“Do you have any preliminary findings on the security issues with David’s files?” she asked.

Roy Thompson pulled out a report and handed it down to Ms. Dixon. She turned to my dad.

“Could you and Kendal go make copies? Initial the original and copies in different-colored ink, like you did last time.”

Dad and Kendal left the room. While we waited for them to return, Mr. Fox decided to start the negotiations.

“We’ve made some adjustments to our position,” he said, as he pulled out some folders.

“I’m sorry, but one of our conditions was that all parties be present today. Where is Miss Bell?” Ms. Dixon asked.

“She wasn’t feeling well,” Cal said.

My mom pulled out her phone and made a call.

“Hey, Lacy, we were wondering when you and Pam would be joining us?”

Cal blanched when he heard that.

“No, the meeting’s today, and everyone’s here. Could you come right over?” Mom asked, and then hung up. “They’ll be here as soon as they can. She didn’t sound happy, because someone told her the meeting was tomorrow.”

“I thought we could spare Pam from sitting through another long meeting, and we would just bring her in when we were done negotiating,” Cal said as he recovered.

I should hire him as my PR agent, because he could spin anything to sound reasonable. Heck, I wanted to bail and wait until everything was settled before I had to be involved.

Dad came back in with Kendal, and they initialed the original and the copies. Ms. Dixon handed out the copies and gave the original back to Roy.

“Can you explain what you found?” Ms. Dixon asked.

“It appears that Cal accessed David’s financials,” Don Rigby said.

“Did he access anything else?”

“Not that we’re aware of,” Don said.

Ms. Dixon pulled out the sheet of paper Mr. Fox had given us and slid it over to Kendal.

“Can you explain the annotations at the bottom?”

Kendal looked at it and then looked at Tom. He saw what Ms. Dixon was getting at, and his face went red.

“I’ll answer,” Tom said as he glared at Don and Roy. “The CRB is Cal Bell’s ID. The three hundred seventy-four of four thousand two hundred and sixty-eight indicates this is page three-seventy-four of four thousand two hundred and sixty-eight pages that were printed! The other numbers indicate that this was printed last Sunday. It would appear that all of David’s information was accessed and printed out by Cal!”

“This doesn’t matter, because anything discovered in a settlement discussion is not admissible,” Cal said.

“Oh, there are many, many ways around that rule, as you should well know, especially when I told you yesterday that these discussions were not confidential; that Rigby, Thompson and Associates’ role here is that of an observer, and not as a mediator; and when your lawyer explicitly agreed to those conditions,” Ms. Dixon said.

I was shocked when the room went silent. With this many lawyers in the room I didn’t think that was possible. Ms. Dixon would explain to me later that facts disclosed in the course of settlement negotiations typically were inadmissible to prove liability, or to show that someone was lying on the stand. Even though that was the rule, there were several ways to get around it. For example, it wouldn’t prevent discovery of the same documents in the normal course of a lawsuit. Nor would it prevent such facts being used to show improper interference in a police investigation, which one could easily argue Cal had done here. Most important to Rigby, Thompson, Cal and Mr. Fox, we could disclose everything to the media, because such disclosures would have nothing to do with admissibility in a court of law. They had to know the media would have a field day with it.

Ms. Dixon reached out for a stack of documents and handed one to Cal.

“I am hereby serving upon you a subpoena duces tecum, requiring you to produce any and all documents in your possession relating to David’s accounts with Rigby, Thompson and Associates, and including specifically any documents printed out from his files and removed from Rigby, Thompson and Associates’ offices. The subpoena covers any documents in Mr. Fox’s possession as well. Next, you are hereby served with a Temporary Restraining Order preventing you or your attorney from altering or destroying any such documents, as well as any documents relating to the allegations of rape made against David. It also restrains you from disclosing that information in any way to third parties, and from using those documents or the information contained therein in any way. Including, for example, having your lawyer send mail to the private offices of college personnel who have been recruiting David, and trying to persuade them they should not recruit an alleged and, it turns out, falsely accused, rapist.”

“How could you get all this done so quickly?” Cal asked in shock.

It was a Sunday afternoon, and she would have had to have prepared the documents, found a way to see the judge between the time she left us yesterday and now (likely at his home), and gotten him to sign the TRO and order a hearing.

“There are some benefits to being a United States Senator’s daughter, and there are even more benefits to having a reputation for integrity, and for being really, really good,” Ms. Dixon said with a smile. “It may also be that the judge was upset with the less-than-completely-candid-and-forthright actions of you and your counsel in persuading him to sign the TRO against David last week; but then again, I didn’t ask.”

Then she looked directly at Mr. Fox and continued.

“Oh, yes. One exhibit to the Motion for the TRO is a copy of Mr. Fox’s letter to one of the college coaches recruiting David. It was mailed last Monday to that coach’s office address. The exhibit is supported by an affidavit from the coach, stating his office address is unknown to any persons other than his college’s personnel department, and that David is the only person that he’s ever recruited who has been given that address. All the coaches’ mailing addresses are the same: a generic address for the football program is listed in all publications, but the private office addresses are never disclosed as a matter of school policy. The affidavit also states David had told him he doubted he’d ever need that address, but he’d have his agent file it away just in case.”

“As I recall, the letter in question did indeed attempt to persuade the coach that he should stop recruiting an accused rapist. That exhibit might have caused the judge’s eyebrows to go up a bit as well, now that I think on it,” Ms. Dixon said with a smile.

Cal and Mr. Fox both had sick looks when they heard that. She then turned to Don Rigby and she handed him another stack of documents. He didn’t look much better.

“A similar subpoena and TRO are hereby served on your firm, requiring similar production and preservation of records. An expedited hearing on making these temporary orders a permanent injunction is scheduled for Tuesday morning at 10:00 in Judge Hitchens’ courtroom, which is in the County Courthouse, Room 203. The courtroom is a public venue at which the media is allowed to be present. If this is not resolved today, you can bet it will be brought up at that hearing, and we will oppose any suggestion that the hearing be a closed one.”

Ms. Dixon then pulled out another stack of documents and handed a set to Mr. Fox and Mr. Rigby.

“This is an outline of what we’re seeking in terms of a settlement. We are willing to negotiate the fine points, but we would like to reach a point where we can agree on the basic terms, and put together a letter outlining an agreement in principle to that effect by the end of the day. The other thing we want is a chance to talk to Pam and make sure she agrees. Let’s reconvene in one hour. You can then tell me how you want to proceed,” Ms. Dixon said.

We went to the office Ms. Dixon had, so we could wait for the meeting to resume. Ms. Dixon left us alone so she could get a breath of fresh air.

“I’ve been in contact with Lacy,” Mom said. “She was unaware all this was going on. She and Cora were busy getting wedding plans firmed up. Devin and Sandy Range assumed she knew what was going on here. She said that when she confronted them about it, they were embarrassed. Cora was being Cora and focused on just herself.

“It looks like Lacy will divorce Cal over this. When I called her and he’d told her the meeting had been switched to tomorrow, that was one more nail in his coffin,” Mom explained.

“With Lacy back, will Pam be safe? She seems scared.” I said.

“Yes. Lacy made Cal move out when she got home. Once he was gone, she and Pam had a long heart-to-heart. Pam feels awful that she went along with what her dad made her do. Lacy is embarrassed as well, and hopes you don’t hold it against her,” Mom said.

“Did Pam explain how she got the split lip and black eye?” I asked.

Mom gave me a hard look. I think she had kept this part from me, because she was worried what I might do.

“Pam told her mother that Cal had made her make all the charges against you against her will. While Pam didn’t say so, Lacy suspects Cal hit her. That was the main reason he had to move out,” Mom said, and then she gave me a somber look. “Trust Lacy or me to deal with this. You have too much at stake to add physical harm to Cal on top of all the things we have to resolve today.”

I thought about what she had just said. I would reserve judgment on whether or not I would track down Cal and beat his ass. You just didn’t do some things. Punching your daughter, who was pregnant, was one of the big ones. I gave my mom a tight-lipped nod.

“I talked to Ms. Dixon while your mom and you were at church,” Dad said. “When she gets back we need to go over what I asked her to put together. Most of it you’re aware of, but we added one little wrinkle I hope you’re okay with.”

Before I could ask, Ms. Dixon came back in. Mom and Dad caught her up with what they had told me.

“Take a moment to read the different agreements, and then we’ll talk,” Ms. Dixon said.

Agreement Outline: Dawsons and Bells
1. All allegations, charges, dropped. Each side agrees not to sue the other for anything arising from Pam Bell’s pregnancy, allegations of rape, allegations of battery, allegations of abuse, allegations of professional malfeasance, allegations of libel or slander, and allegations of fraud.
2. The Bells and their attorney are to turn over all documents and computer files containing David Dawson’s records and documents in their possession or control, including any and all such documents and files in their attorney’s possession or control. Neither they nor their attorney can keep any of those records. All databases are to be purged of all documents pertaining to David Dawson.
3. Rob and Carol Dawson to get primary custody of the child, transferred to David on reaching the age of 22 or graduating from college, whichever is sooner.
4. David Dawson acknowledges the child is his.
5. Pam and Lacy Bell to have unrestricted visitation rights.
6. No one pays anyone any child support.
7. David Dawson to be responsible for all reasonable uninsured costs of pregnancy and childbirth.
8. Cal Bell to agree to a permanent injunction barring him from being near the baby or Pam Bell.
9. Each side agrees not to do or say anything privately or in the press to harm the other’s character, reputation or earnings potential, nor to encourage or assist others in the same.
10. Should either side breach, the other side can come after them with all legal means, but custody and visitation privileges and restrictions will remain in full force and effect.
11. This agreement is not confidential.
12. Cal Bell to pay half of David Dawson’s attorneys’ fees and expenses, including consultant fees (e.g., IDC – Public Relations).

Agreement Outline: Dawsons and Rigby, Thompson and Associates
1. Rigby, Thompson and Associates to turn over all documents and computer files containing David Dawson’s records and documents. They cannot keep any of those records other than an index of what documents they had had. All databases to be purged and wiped post-production of documents to David Dawson.
2. David Dawson is no longer a client. They will assist transition to the new firm/agency.
3. Neither side to do or say anything to damage the reputation, character or earnings potential of the other, nor to assist or encourage others in such attempts.
4. Rigby, Thompson and Associates to continue to pay David Dawson’s commission override from business generated by David Dawson.
5. This agreement is not confidential.
6. Rigby, Thompson and Associates to pay half of David Dawson’s attorneys’ fees and expenses, including consultant fees (e.g., IDC – Public Relations).
7. Rigby, Thompson and Associates will make up any shortfalls in regard to David Dawson’s attorneys’ fees and expenses (including consultant fees) if Cal Bell fails to make his full payment within 30 days. Furthermore, Rigby, Thompson and Associates cannot offset the shortfall against Cal Bell’s salary.

Agreement outline: Cal Bell and Rigby, Thompson and Associates (Confidential)
1. Cal Bell will be retained as an employee for one year, paid at his current rate; and benefits, including insurance, are to be retained.
2. Cal Bell is prohibited from entering the offices of Rigby, Thompson and Associates except one time (supervised) to remove his personal property and documents.
3. Rigby, Thompson and Associates will give him a satisfactory reference as regards his work.
4. Cal Bell will be terminated one year from date of agreement.
5. Cal Bell’s salary will be paid and his benefits will be maintained for the full one-year period, regardless of whether he finds another job or not.
6. Neither side to do or say anything to damage the reputation, character or earnings potential of the other, nor to assist or encourage others in such attempts.
7. Cal Bell is free to look for other employment.

Two things jumped out at me. The first was that my mom and dad planned to take custody of my child until I either graduated from college or reached the age of 22. I guess my dad had read my fears of becoming a father at such a young age. I was relieved they would support me like this. The other was I didn’t understand why Rigby, Thompson and Associates would be forced to keep Cal on. So I asked about that part.

“Cal will have to make house payments and pay Lacy maintenance for Pam. This way he has an income that will enable him to do that, and he has insurance to help pay for Pam’s medical bills through childbirth,” Ms. Dixon explained. “More importantly, he’ll need the breathing space and the temporary financial security this gives him to find another job. Given a decent reference, and given the way Cal has shown he can spin things, I don’t doubt he’ll be okay.”

She gave me a feral smile and continued.

“Stated another way, a cornered rat will always fight. A rat with a bolt-hole handy will always run. Your purposes are best served by this particular rat running, and not fighting.”

I thought about what Ms. Dixon had just said. I was smart enough to know that I didn’t need Cal or Mr. Fox’s head on a pike at this time. What I did need was to get this behind me. Uncle John had taught me that when you did a deal, everyone had to feel like they got something out of it. If that meant that Cal got to keep his job for a year, so be it. I was sure that I didn’t want Lacy or Pam to suffer financially from this. From what I’d seen, if Cal was given the time, he could talk his way into another job. That is, unless Rigby, Thompson and Associates torpedoed his efforts. I wondered if something similar had occurred in California. My PR agent, Frank Ingram, had said he had information on Cal that Tom Dole admitted they hadn’t uncovered when they hired Cal.

The other thing that stuck in my craw was that Thomas Fox wasn’t being punished in all this.

“Why can’t we go after Mr. Fox for his part?” I asked.

“I want you to think about something for a moment: if I had screwed up, and handed the opposition the smoking gun that wrecked your case, would you be inclined to pay me?” Ms. Dixon asked.

“You scare me enough that I would pay you,” I said, but I saw her point.

I think she took that as the compliment that I intended it to be. The more I was around her, the more I realized that I hadn’t been represented by the very best until she came on board. That wasn’t a slap at Tom or Kendal; Tom was asked to take over the new Entertainment Division, and Kendal was right out of college. I knew that there would be learning curves like when they gave away my work product (photos) to clients, staff and friends. That was what had triggered the need for more security. The implementation of the software that tracked access to my files was eventually the other side’s undoing. Well, maybe not Tom and Kendal, but it was obvious someone had to have given Cal access to my files. Ms. Dixon seemed to think that was just something that should have always been in place.

“If I were Cal, I wouldn’t pay Mr. Fox a dime. It was through his negligence that Cal is on the hook for half of my fees and those of IDC. You saw Mr. Fox’s office, or should I say lack of one. If Cal doesn’t pay him it will be a big hit on his bottom line. Combine that with all the social media you put out about him in regards to the restraining order, plus him losing this case, and you have the perfect storm for him going out of business. Who wants to hire or refer anyone to someone who doesn’t win, especially where the local DA actually gave a press conference to clear you of false charges? Trust me, he’ll be flipping burgers sooner than you think,” Ms. Dixon assured me.

Her last statement put a smile on my face. I was seventeen, after all, and had a need for instant gratification. The mental vision of Mr. Fox in a fast-food uniform was all I needed for today.

We walked back into the conference room. One thing I noticed was that since we had been in last time, my picture was no longer in the entry where their clients were displayed, nor in the conference room. It was a not-so-subtle shot that we’d parted ways.

Pam and Lacy entered the room, and I was surprised when Lacy sat Pam down next to me. Pam still hadn’t made eye contact with me, but when I reached under the table to hold her hand she gripped it tightly. She then looked up at me, and I could tell she was about to start to cry, so I stuck my tongue out at her. I think it surprised her. I know it did Lacy, who burst out laughing at me. Pam and I looked each other in the eyes, and I knew she’d be okay with her mom there to support her. I still had a burning hatred for her father because of what he’d put us both through, but Pam just wasn’t the type of person to be mean-spirited.

“I’ve read this, and I can tell you right now I have no desire to pay any of David’s expenses,” Cal said.

“I’ve had just about enough from you,” Mom said. “At some point you’re going to have to grow up and realize that there are consequences to picking on two teenagers. I’m not a teenager, and you have crossed the line for the last time. David has tried to hold off his attack dog of a lawyer out of respect for you as an adult. What sickens me as a parent is how self-centered and childish you’ve been.”

Same as Junior Year
Chapter 19: I Got the F-ing T-Shirt Videos

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Wyoming Trucking, 1 By: Malissa Madison Missy and Tim are have been enjoying their time on the road together, taking in Jill as well as the two younger children. And even added two more drivers to their small independent Trucking company. But now Destiny is stepping into Missy's life once again. We were running along at just under the posted speed limit when we saw the tail lights of the car in the distance. Tim was about twenty minutes behind me so I wasn't really worried as...

2 years ago
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Becoming A CSing Bimbo

Becoming: a Blonde C***-S***ing Bimbo By Ida N. Tidy This is my first story for my 'Becoming' series. Think of it like a vacation form reality. Just a warning ahead of time, if you really want to be transformed for the duration of this story, you may not want to read this story while you are horny. Basically your vacation is simple, you let me hypnotize you, I give you some interesting memories in exchange for some email (yup, I'm an email whore). I know...

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Wyoming Trucking 4

Wyoming Trucking, 4 By: Malissa Madison Tim and Missy have found another blessed spirit in need and find they have even more waiting at the end of the run. Their little Trucking Company is growing in leaps and bounds. Not a lot of thrills in this chapter, but it sets the stage for things to come. "Flower?" Caribou asked as they joined us in the changing room. He blushed. "I, look 'Bou', I-" He wasn't given a chance to finish before she hugged him. "Don't be so shy,...

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348 Wendying your way through life

Wendy`ing your way through life Sometimes it`s better not to know what the wife`s up too, especially if you work away and Wendy`s old man is away 90% of the time. When he is home, he sort of `iggs’ what she gets up too, the English call it a Nelsonian eye Mostly it`s because he is endowed with a little appendage, and can`t keep up with Wendy her being a fairly sexual being and it saves a hell of a lot of heartache! His name is `Bob,’ he`s way up in oil, worth a blessed fortune and a loving if...

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Stepfather Sleepwalking Surprise

--- Stepfather Sleepwalking Surprise (MF, F-solo, inc, nc, oral, impreg, reluc) by Krosis of the Collective --- Fuck me. People say that when life is getting them down. Something bad happens: "Fuck...me!" If you think about it, why are you saying that you want someone to have sex with you when things turn to shit? I'm thinking about this because that's what happened. Life took a turn for the worse, and then... --- Months ago... At 18 years old you think you...

4 years ago
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Stepbrother Sleepwalking Surprise

“Fuck me!” Nicole couldn’t believe it; she had slipped on the icy path leading up to her house, her ankle had twisted painfully, and then she had heard (and felt!) the crack of her wrist as it hit the pavement. She was overwhelmed by dueling pain sources. “Mom! MOM!” she cried out desperately. Finally her stepmother and stepbrother Cam came out and helped her inside. 4 to 6 weeks, the doctor said; that was how long she’d have to remain bedridden unless her family practically carried her...

3 years ago
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Jacking and Jilling with Heather

Heather grinned with a gleam in her eyes, told me she would be over to my swimming pool within five minutes, and then quickly disappeared into her house. I went into my house, took off all of my clothes, wrapped a large beach towel around myself, and then went out to my swimming pool to wait on Heather. I didn’t have to wait long until Heather came through the gate in the wooden privacy fence between my front yard and the back yard where my pool is just inside the fence. She was wearing a...

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Wyoming Trucking 3

Wyoming Trucking, 3 By: Malissa Madison 01/30/2013 We locked into the new blower and refueled while one of the State Barn officials signed over the ownership of the plow blade. As soon as we got ready to head back Darlene asked, "Momma you want me to just push everything in the cleanup lane?" "No Honey, just follow me. I don't want the guys to have to clear snow out of the blower before they can pull and swap the Augers out. But thanks for asking." Unlike the night before I was...

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Wyoming Trucking 2

Wyoming Trucking, 2 By: Malissa Madison I dropped Red and Rose at school, then we pulled in at the clinic. Janet said she had forgotten about Dr Cambridge practicing here. It was obvious that Janet had grown up there, even the Dr's receptionist recognized her. "Missy, Darlene," he began as he stepped out into the waiting area. "Janet? I heard you were back. Then he looked at Raven studying her face intrigued momentarily. "Raven, how you've grown into such a...

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Wyoming Trucking 8

Wyoming Trucking, 8 By: Malissa Madison We both busied ourselves packing for the trip. Rose packing more since she would be gone longer. "Momma, you've got enough for a week," she pointed out. "Rose, I'm not just going to drop you off and leave. What if you don't like it and want to come home? What if," she interrupted me? "Momma, I'm a big girl. I can handle myself. And if it isn't what I want I know how to call home," she said. Everyone else returned while we were...

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 8

Six months later, Fire Bringer had wandered down into West Texas. This was not from any particular plan, rather, it was simply the result of random movement as he practiced his skills and helped people he saw in trouble. One day, he was using his Far Seeing ability to scan the road ahead for trouble when he saw 4 wagons under attack by Comanches. Closer examination showed that these wagons were hauling freight and were pulled by teams of oxen. The teamsters had enough time to form up into a...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 32 Bowling The Qualifying Part One

We all crowded around lanes twenty to twenty eight (not on the lanes or the approaches of course) while the potential audience, or curious onlookers, and there was plenty of them, stood where they could (again not on lanes or the approaches). I looked around and saw that what Sarah had told my father was true, I saw both of our male and female qualifiers for the recent world cup in Jakarta, and not only that it also looked as though they were a couple. And standing near them were another...

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 6

The accident had happened near the ranch owned by the elderly couple, so the woman rode in the back of the wagon while Fire Bringer drove it. The woman had been distracted by her concern for her husband, so she did not see what Fire Bringer did to replace the broken wheel. He made extensive use of TK to do the repair, and the job was completed in only a few minutes. There was not much that the medicine of the time could do for the man, so Fire Bringer did not use any of his skills to get to...

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 9

Once he was out of sight of the house, Fire Bringer ducked into a secluded alcove and TPed back to Texas to pick up his horse and continue his journey. Fire Bringer had found that he could stow live beings in his storage place and return them without harm, so that was where he often kept his horse. He said to Storm Who Walks, "That was an interesting trip. I had forgotten how loving a family could be. My father was no prize, but he did act as if he loved me, and I know that my mother did...

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 11

Clearing up the sex slavery in the whore houses along the USA/Mexico border was a bigger task than Fire Bringer had realized when he started the job. It took about a year to rescue the women and girls and to track down and eliminate all of the criminals involved. When he finished, he had 22 women and 13 girls that their families didn't want and had no place to go. It's amazing how stupid and cruel people can be, even to members of their own family. Oh, well, Fire Bringer realized that it...

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 10

The man who appeared to be the doorman turned out to be the manager of the establishment. He was startled by the question, since the subject had never come up before. "Well, I ... Uh ... I suppose that the total will be $50, since there are 5 girls." "OK, here's two double-eagles, since you already got $10 from me. Now, show me where I can get comfortable with these delectable young ladies." "Yes, Senor, please follow me." The man led Fire Bringer and the 5 girls to a room with a...

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 12

Once the funeral was out of the way, life at the Flying M Ranch settled into a comfortable routine. Fire Bringer spent a couple of hours each day taking care of ranch business. It was amazing how easy this was when one had the powers he did. He wanted to switch them from depending on longhorns to a more profitable breed of cattle, such as White Faced. To do this, he would have to locate several bulls, so he spent some time with his Far Seeing skill looking for a source where he could purchase...

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 5

"The storage place is ready for you to try it out," Storm Who Walks announced with some glee. It was almost as if it had been his idea, the way he was so anxious for Fire Bringer to try it out. "All you have to do is think of the item moving to storage, and it will do so. All you have to do to retrieve an item is to think of it being removed from storage. Try it out with one of your rocks." Fire Bringer imagined a rock he had been working on moving into the storage place. He was not sure...

4 years ago
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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 14

Fire Bringer and Shadow spent much of their time putting a stop to the stupid actions of both races in making trouble. They weren't always successful in keeping people from getting killed, but they did the best they could. One problem they had was with the Indians and the impenetrable wall of frozen air. On several occasions, they protected Indians from White bullets with such a wall, and the Indians got the idea that it was the clothes they wore which stopped the bullets. Much later on,...

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 15

Even though Fire Bringer and Shadow had subdued the major hate groups, they were unable to do much to control the actions of individuals. Negroes were still casually persecuted by many people who didn't even realize what they were doing. Often, what they did was simply a case of unconscious habit—they were treating Negroes the same way they had done when these people were slaves, and skin color overrode everything else. It was a damned stupid way to act, but all people are like that. The...

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 7

Well, maybe "hurt" wasn't the right word. There was no penetration, but his hand continued to sting for some time from the bullet's impact. "Storm Who Walks, why does my hand hurt so bad, even though the bullet did not penetrate the shield?" "I was just told that what you feel is the residual energy from the bullet. The energy had to go somewhere when your shield stopped the bullet, and it showed up mostly as heat, which you are still feeling. Pour some cool water over your hand, and...

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aing the Bride

a*****ing the Brideby Black DemonBride & Groom where whisked away by the five black men. On their way to the hotel, they now had been taken to a hideaway in the mountains. The beautiful bride, in her pure white wedding gown was surrounded by the black captives. Her husband was tied to a chair next to her. Julie was a virgin bride who had never seen or handled a cock before.This was not a chance happening but a planned k**napping. It had been a chance sighting for the blacks a month ago,...

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what the fing damn hell is this damn godforsaken

dear to whomsoever, or whosoever however said that it may concern: I being as I am that of the person of I myself, & regardless of whether, or not I am speaking some, or such of the proper, correct, standard English grammar being of the American dialect of quality/ies, & quantity/ies, well hopefully with that much less than much rather instead of with that much more usage/s of expletives of profanity, or cuss words, & as I think of it being of which is of a mind's intentions to...

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Singapore Caning

Roger Emerson was at the cusp of learning what most Americans never really understood: the extent of the penal system in Singapore. Roger had conducted business in Singapore for several years, but never fully appreciated the intricacies of the culturally mixed court system, nor did he understand the sense of justice that was almost inbred in the life long residents of Singapore. As the celebrated Michael Fay incident suggests, Singapore was formerly a British crown colony and has been an...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS11E14 Tracy Hastings 28 from Kettering

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of residential streets – terraced homes, semi-detached homes, gardens, trees ... Turning corners, coming to a halt infront of a 1970’s built, squared off, ‘modern’ pub ... Gold lettering on a rich red background reads, ‘The Sandpiper’. Then we’re inside, looking at a virtually empty, mid-day bar – panning around until we come to a rear view of this week’s host... Looking very much at home, sitting on a bar stool with his big belly hanging...

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359 PLEASE (ING) MUM (2) Dawn. Broke and Sid, had his hand to her sex as the light strengthened, he asked before what todays lesson would consist of, knowing today he would ne working with Milly, cleaning under the machines, and oiling the runners, well out of sight of the other workers, he wanted to show the woman he knew what was happening at home, it seemed Mark had not said a word to her and she had been curious enough to ask at one of the breaks during the week. Perhaps he was hopeful, of...

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360 Please ing mum 3

360 Please (ing) mum It was on the Monday when Sheila met Milly at the butchers, they walked home to Milly`s together though Milly seemed strangely reluctant to talk about work and especially Sid and Saturday, though she did say they had chatted about Mark! Over coffee, Sheila explained that “her and Sid did not have secrets, that she would never have tutored either of the boys had Sid not approved, and she knew ‘her Sid’ had screwed Milly so not to be worried on that score!” Milly near choked...

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358 PLEASE(ING) MUM (1)Sheila arrived home tired and footsore, her 5ft 7inch blonde, 10 stone frame Sheila, had traipsed the streets of the seaside town, looking for a shop with the perfect gift for her only son Ian, whom she doted on …16 on Saturday. Tall thin and gangly, a keen swimmer, mid-stream academically, shy and backward when it came to girls, though he was her pride and joy, her only c***d, to her perfection! She put the kettle on and kicking off her shoes collapsed in her chair, till...

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69ing ManonTop

Admittedly, I have not done this often, but on at least two occasions with two separate women I, a man, have engaged in 69 position on top. I thought I'd put this out there because I have a buddy who can not believe that I have tried this position. In his mind, he can not get past the idea of a guy exposing his anus like that for a woman to view up front and personally which such a position allows. I'll recount the first time I did this which took place in the early 2000's. One theme in my...

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Face fing my sisters friend

Ok this girl, my sisters friend, she's not hot, but not average either, like in between. She has big breast C34. 5'5 and light skin. Anyway I dont have feelings for her at all, im just obssessed with her boobs. I just know shes a girl that comes around a lot during weekends and i never realized it but im able to get in to her privacy. like it means nothing to her when i use the restroom while shes doing her hair or make up, i could be in the restroom while shes taking a shower or when shes...

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Altered Fates Missing

MISS-ING by Jennifer Adams (c) Jennifer Adams, 1999 Barry couldn't believe he actually held it in his hands, the long sought after Medallion of Zulo. He had read about it several years ago in the library where he was attending high school. As long as he could remember, he had wanted to find out what it was like to be a female. He often daydreamed about what his life would have been like if he had been born a girl instead of a boy and now he held in his hand the means to find out....

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A MYTHing witch a MYTH prequel

M.Y.T.H.-ing Witch (A M.Y.T.H. prequel) I can say it, I messed up. But it wasn't all my fault. I trusted the wrong person. But I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Sabrina, and I'm a witch. Nope, don't have a broomstick. Although I guess I could, if I really wanted to make one. Witches are actually a subset of the race known as the Magi. There are three main subsets - Witches, Warlocks, and Wizards. Before you ask, no, not all witches are girls, and not all Warlocks...

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Homecoming Themes

This story took a while and numerous rewrites to get where I wanted it to be. Yes, it is somewhat long, but I believe that it's a good demonstration of how a character can easily change without even noticing it him/herself. There was a lot of effort to build the characters in an easily accessible way. Let me know what you think. This story is inspired by the story Changes by Trick over at http://www.mcstories.com/ChangesTrick/ChangesTrick.html. Go ahead and read that story as well....

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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Sacking Kings Landing

{[email protected] test=1}This story works only in game mode. Please activate. It has also been recently reorganized, so I would appreciate it if you kept track of your decisions and let me know if any path leads to wrong outcomes. Thank you!{endif} The city walls appeared through the misty haze of the late afternoon. Robb Stark, King in the North and of the Trident, the Young Wolf, the King who saved the North, rode at the head of his host. 2,000 cavalry, not enough to fight any battles, but...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E17 Ashley Mathews 29 from Newcastle Northern Ireland

This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...

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Worming or I like tribbing with my girlfriend

It just occurred to me why I like tribbing. Tribbing, for those of you who don't know, is when two girls do a scissor lock on each others naked pussies. They rub their pussies together, causing pressure and some friction. Their clits make contact and they start to get wet, and then they slip and slide against each others creamy, dewy pulsating pussies. Erotic as hell! I start sneezing whenever I see it! I'VE tribbed with a girl! Yes sir, I'm a 110% hetero male, but I tribbed with my girl...

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Just West of Happy Intermission Proving a Mans Worthington

Warning: This story contains MATURE THEMES including nudity, sex, sexualization, and vulgar language. Do not read if you are under 18 or if it is otherwise restricted for you to do so. If you wish to share this story, contact me at [email protected]. I will likely agree, I just want to know in advance. This is a bit of an intermission, a bit of a bridge between "act 1" and "act 2" if such things can possibly exist without any sort of actual, long-term planning on my part....

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Stepfather Sleepwalking Surprise

Fuck me. People say that when life is getting them down. Something bad happens: "Fuck ... me!" If you think about it, why are you saying that you want someone to have sex with you when things turn to shit? I'm thinking about this because that's what happened. Life took a turn for the worse, and then... Months ago... At 18 years old you think you can take on the world; that you're immortal. Usually something happens that, in no uncertain terms, tells you that you're wrong. A broken...

1 year ago
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Wyoming Trucking Family Man

Family Man They were taking a little Convoy as a family, Tim, Missy, Jill and BJ had planned it all out while the kids were still in school. A new observatory was being built at the end of a Freeway Spur and he'd gotten them the delivery contract for the four week period between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but they were leaving the week before Thanksgiving. And he was happy to see that both Night Wolf and Darlene's little family had joined them. He had it all planned out, each...

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Wyoming Trucking Family Man2

Family Man 2 Tim realized he hadn't heard anything from Night Wolf since the EMP had gone off. Now he called her on the radio. "Wanderer are you Ok Sweetie?" he asked. "Yes Daddy, we were just analyzing the source of the EMP and coordinating with the revived builders," she answered. "Can they get another Portal brought in?" he asked. "Not unless we reconvert to a ship and fly out to the nearest Terminal. But the ones here can create a new one faster." "Does Wanderer...

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Wing Night at Stingers

Once the snowbirds begin returning to Florida every bar seems to have a gimmick to get their wallets open. My favorite hang-out when I do get out is Stingers. They have a 30-cent wing night, and a buy one, get one, fish night. We, my ex-wife and I, were regulars there and after our divorce I began to straggle in stag as I began to date and fish around for female company. I had a friend from high school, Florie, who had moved to the area and looked me up. Now, Florie and I got together in high...

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The Spirit Of The West Educating Fire BringerChapter 13

Fire Bringer spent most of the winter of 1871-72 at the Flying M Ranch, and as much of that time as possible in the company of Maria. Juanita was not surprised, in fact she was expecting it, when the two started talking of making their attachment permanent. They were both 16 years old, or so close that it made no difference, and this was considered marriageable age for both male and female, provided they could afford it. Money was certainly no problem, so Juanita just let nature take its...

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ming a young crossdressing slut part 1

my name is nasty jay as i love to m***** and play with sexy sluts and whores.i am 58 y/o now and over the years of my live i have had fun playing around with all kinds of fun and kinky people in my life.i am retired from the army some i got to travel the world as see and play around.most people think that i am a nice kind of guy but when i get a change i love to be a nasty boy.so when i was 48 and had just gotten out of the army. i was taking it easy for a year and staying home with the k**s.no...

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Granddads Girly Gals 2 Initiate Ingenue Ing

Grandfather GREGORY Goracy-Goral Gives Granddaughters GALA & GINA Great G-spot Groping===========================================================================Gorgeous Gala Gives Great Granddad Greg Her Horny Hot Head Initiating Intimately Ingenue IngaGreedy Gala Goes all the Way Wild Wanton Women Wants Shy Sister See Self Some SLAVE SEXGorgeous Gala Gives Great Seductive Sensual Slow Show So Ingenue Inga Immediately InterestedGreedy Gala Gives Great Hot Head to Energise & Erect...

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Wyoming Trucking 9

Wyoming Trucking, 9/ Ute Trucking, 3 By: Malissa Madison We'd just returned to the diner from seeing everyone off, when a freak gust of wind swept down the center of the highway out front sending snow billowing in its wake. As it died down though it curved into the parking lot and then died out as the loose snow settled again. I turned my attention back to Momma, Daddy and Tim when Cold Winter began pointing. "Look Mommy Angels," she said. Turning my head I saw them walking...

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The Virus 1 the New RealityChapter 2 Gelding and Neutering

The virus: Breeding Females Network: Alison, wearing her trademark bunny ears, TV host of BFN: “With the signing of the Gelding and Neutering act by President Carol Lewis, of which Breeding Females Network was very proud to give expert testimony before Congress and also assisting the congressional committee in crafting the new law, black pregnancy’s of married women, single women and girls as young as 14, is sweeping across across the New US.” Alison smiling at the studio camera. She was...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13 E12 Heather Brain 24 from Bovington

We begin our show with stock footage of British troops in action, and on parade, mixed with footage we’ve filmed through the fence on the perimeter of an armed forces base in this week’s location ... Then we hear our American accented hostess, Jenna, narrating this week’s opening. “The armed forces ... It doesn’t matter if you’re from Britain, America or the United Kingdom of Zoo, we all love our troops ... And this week, we’re in Bovington, in Dorset, to meet a British soldier, who’s earned...

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"Lower,please,lower," she moaned, as she lay on face down on the bed.His touch was exciting her and she felt a thrill race through her body as his hands gently massaged her back. Oh,yes,please don't stop," she moaned.As his hands began to roam around her back she wondered would he do what she really wanted;it was worth a thought she decided and then spoke to him, " Slap me !""What did you say,"? he asked with a note of astonishment in his voice."Slap my bottom, please ,please...!" she repeated...

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Junior Golf

Junior Golf This is a sequel to "Golfing with Mom" and the "Ladies Invitational." That being said, a quick synopsis reveals that Danny, now living as Didi will be enrolled in the summer golf program at his/her mother's country club. Didi's new best friend and neighbor Sandy loves golfing with her new BFF Didi and can't wait for the golf program to start. Sandy had enlisted Didi to attend her own soccer camp the week prior. Sandy was the outstanding soccer player and Didi was more than...

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