Matt's Crazy Corner Of The WorldChapter 8: Vacation Aftermath free porn video

Sunday June 2
Once again, they met Matt’s family for breakfast. Charlie and Brian were all grins, and his sisters both wore a smug, well-fucked look. He wondered if they had really shared one of the willing resort girls with their husbands last night, finally concluding that they hadn’t. He figured that, if they had, the guys would be a lot more puffed up about having had two girls last night. The looks his sisters each shared with their husband were more loving and less sexual.
As much as he didn’t want to think about it, Matt was pretty sure his parents looked the same way. That made him wonder why he didn’t want to know about their sex life. Obviously, they had one, especially after what their mom had told his sisters about her reaction while reading his first book. It was easy to see that they still loved each other, something that was becoming a rarity in today’s throwaway society where spouses were discarded at the first sign of difficulties.
Matt wondered if marriage vows should be changed to reflect that trend, something along the lines of, “I promise to love, honor, and cherish you until we hit a rough patch, and then all bets are off.” That thought made him worry even more that he wouldn’t find a suitable girlfriend who would put up with Carla and Sue.
“Maybe Denise was right when she suggested finding a female-oriented girlfriend. Find a woman who wanted to be with Carla and Sue and who could tolerate me,” he considered.
After breakfast, Matt sat the girls down for a serious talk. “I’ve reviewed your lists and I can agree to everything on them,” he began. Both girls smiled happily.
“I still don’t understand why you want me to find someone else to be my girlfriend, and eventually my wife, and will probably never understand. However, I agree to look. Before meeting Nancy, I felt it would be nearly impossible to do. Having met Nancy, I feel that it may be possible for me to find someone. I might have to do what Denise suggested and find a female-oriented girlfriend, though.
“In the meantime, I have my own list that I want each of you to look at. If you both agree, I want to perform a ceremony that will permanently bind the two of you to me, and will bring about the changes I want from each of you,” he said as he handed each girl their list.
Matt wanted each of them, especially Sue, to have more confidence in herself. He would expect them to learn to do everything necessary to survive on their own, or as a couple, if something happened to him. He would have a will drawn up listing the two of them as equal beneficiaries. In addition, he wanted Carla to go to college. Matt hoped she would get a four-year degree in a field of her choosing, but would be satisfied with a two-year degree.
He expected Sue to get the PhD she wanted and would provide financially for both of them while they attended college. If they wanted to work after college, that option was open for discussion. After all, it would be silly for Sue to get a PhD and not use it. Finally, when the time was right, each of them would have a child or children by him, depending upon their preference.
They quickly agreed, which he had expected. Nothing on the list was new and each item had previously been discussed and tentatively agreed to. Taking a deep breath to steel himself, Matt continued. “You have both indicated a desire to belong to me. You know how I feel about making you do things and you both seem to trust me. Are you both willing to give me complete control?
“I will abide by the desires you have on your lists and will make you abide by what you just agreed to on my list. Anything beyond the scope of those lists, we will discuss before deciding anything. Do you each agree?”
“Eagerly,” Carla replied, “but we already do that.”
“To a point,” Matt responded. “I am proposing to take our relationship to an entirely different level. I propose that each of you give yourself to me completely,” he said, setting the dropper bottle on the table between them.
Their eyes widened in surprise.
“Roger said you could completely reprogram someone with that,” Carla said, her voice conveying her nervousness.
“I could, but I won’t. Why would I make wholesale changes to you if I love both of you the way you are? The biggest change I will make is to ensure that both of you become confident enough in your own abilities and learn what you need to know to survive on your own if something happens to me. Other than that, I can’t think of anything I want to change.
“Actually, that’s not quite true. I would like both of you to agree to be my girlfriends and co-wives someday. However, I have agreed to your wishes to the contrary and I will not change you like that.”
“I’ll do it,” Carla said, although Matt could tell she was still nervous about it.
“I’ll record the entire thing for you to watch when we finish and Sue will be the one to actually give you the instructions,” Matt said as he hugged her. He took out a second sheet of paper, the script Sue would read to Carla, and gave it to Carla to review. She had a smile on her face and her eyes were moist when she finished reading it. Handing it to Sue, Carla nodded her assent.
Matt had his cell phone camera going when Sue touched the finger with a single drop of Dart to Carla’s tongue. Even though she was nervous, Carla fellated Sue’s finger, making both of them laugh. While they watched the time, Matt held Carla.
“I love you,” he whispered with a lot of emotion when five minutes had passed.
“Carla, from this moment forward you belong to Matt till death do you part. You will do anything and everything he commands you to do. You may question his instructions, indicate your uneasiness or unwillingness to do something new that he orders you to do, or offer alternate suggestions. Once the two of you reach an agreement on any new suggestions, you will obey whatever new command you have agreed to, even if it is the original command you objected to.
“You do not have to obey any command that will result in your being hurt or harmed. Neither do you have to obey any command that violates his promise to keep you for the rest of your life and to love you and provide for you.
“You will find that you will be confident enough in yourself and your abilities that, should something happen to Matt, you can live your life on your own, with Sue, or with any other person you willingly choose.
“You will attend college for at least two years and will apply yourself diligently to your studies. After two years, further attendance is entirely your choice.
“When Matt asks your opinion about something, you will always give him your complete and honest opinion, not what you think he wants you to say. Matt will still make the final decision after considering your opinion.
“For the rest of your life together, you will love Matt as much as or more than you do this morning and will know that he loves you just as much.
“You will always remember the drug called Dart, but will never reveal its existence to anyone. Should something happen in the future where using the drug becomes useful or necessary, you will immediately know what it is and how to access and use it. If the supply is used up, you will remember everything Roger and Matt did and used to make the drug and will be able to make a new batch, but only if you are sure you can do it with nobody except the people who already know about it finding out.
“If more changes are made to your programming in the future, they need to be discussed and you need to agree ahead of time and before they take effect. Once agreed upon, Matt, and only Matt will be able to make the changes without using more Dart. When Matt says the phrase, ‘Carla, kimchi, reprogram,’ you will return to the programmable state. Matt saying the phrase, ‘Carla, kimchi, end program,’ will always end the programmable state and the new changes will take effect immediately.
“If Matt uses the phrase, ‘Carla, kimchi, edit,’ he can give you temporary commands. He will close the session by saying, ‘Carla, kimchi, end edit.’
“Do you understand and agree to these orders?”
“Yes,” Carla said, looking up at Matt lovingly.
“Carla, kimchi, end program,” Matt said.
A couple seconds later she closed her eyes. When she reopened them, a huge grin covered her face. Sue’s decision was temporarily forgotten as Carla and Matt made slow, gentle love to each other. Once he came in Carla, Matt motioned Sue over. “Still part of us?” he asked.
“Yes,” she exclaimed, hugging both of them. She hugged Matt tight enough that he winced. He was glad that she didn’t see it.
“Do you want to watch the video?” he asked Carla.
“No, I remember every word, as well as the love on both of your faces,” she replied.
“My turn?” Sue asked.
A few minutes later, Carla read Sue’s programming list to her. Aside from the bit about going to school for two years, her instructions were the same--except that they used Sue’s name instead of Carla’s if Matt added any programming or edit orders.
“Do you agree to and understand these orders?” Carla asked Sue.
“Yes,” Sue said, taking her turn to look up at Matt adoringly.
“Sue, kimchi, end program,” he said.
Sue wanted to be fucked, not made love to so Matt did. Afterwards the three of them lay together for about an hour, each happy just to be with the others, still able to feel the love from the other two through the shared bond Nancy had given them. Matt wanted to enjoy it to the fullest because Nancy said it was temporary.
The girls deleted the recordings he made on his cell phone without even looking at them.
Matt sat down to outline, as best he could, the remainder of the multi-book story and was surprised when he had completed a fairly detailed outline by lunchtime. From what he saw, there would be six more books after book four, the one he was currently working on.
When they got back from lunch, Matt checked his email. He found an email from Dr. Humphrey with fourteen edited chapters waiting for him. A brief note questioned the lack of corrections that she found. He smiled, remembering Sue, his little grammar Nazi, reviewing what he had written before he sent it to Dr. Humphrey. Nine of the corrections were ones Dr. Humphrey suggested toned down Sue’s corrections, making the dialog sound more natural.
Matt emailed Dr. Humphrey telling her about Sue, but letting her know that he still wanted her to be his editor. Then he told her how book four was progressing, and how he’d already outlined six more books. It took less than half an hour to deal with the corrections Dr. Humphrey had sent him. That meant Dying Breath was nearly complete. Finally, he emailed Dr. Humphrey the changes he needed to make to Dying Breath in order to change the series from a tetralogy to a decalogy.
That prompted him to check the New York Times Best Sellers List. “Holy shit,” he gasped. Deep Breath was number one, selling more books after only four days than the second-place book did in an entire week. Inhale, Exhale was now third.
Matt gasped again when he checked his bank account and noticed a hefty increase over the balance he had expected. Then he remembered that yesterday was the first of the month, so the deposit for his May royalties for Inhale, Exhale would have been made.
Matt was excited by how well his novels had been accepted, and turned that excitement into words as he resumed writing. Sue and Carla shared muse responsibilities and he’d reach over occasionally and stroke their cheeks. Normally, it wouldn’t have felt so special, but he could still feel their contentment and love through the link when he touched them. Matt was actually surprised that the link was still working. Nancy had expected it to diminish and then go away within twelve to twenty-four hours.
The golfers were excited again at dinner. His mom’s flushed cheeks and the way she looked at his dad when they arrived told him golf wasn’t the only thing that had her excited. The group made plans to leave for home tomorrow morning about 8:00. They would be driving against the worst of the morning traffic and should get to L.A. between noon and 1:00 when traffic was lighter. Lighter is a relative term for L.A. traffic. In many cities, L.A.’s lighter traffic would be considered rush-hour traffic. They should be home by 2:00, giving them time to unpack and take care of anything they needed to do before dinner.
Matt had a bag with three autographed books and gave it to Roger. One was for him and he asked Roger to give one to CC and one to Artie. Since he would pass near the FBI building on the way home, Matt planned to stop there and give one to CC’s FBI friend.
When they got back to the suite, Carla and Sue took turns being his muse while the other packed their stuff. They set out clothes for each of them to wear in the morning and packed the rest, insisting playfully that they remain nude for the rest of the evening. When Matt put his laptop away, he had twenty chapters complete and only a handful left to write.
Monday June 3
Knowing that it would be their last breakfast together here and it meant the end of the vacation, the group was quieter than usual at breakfast. Roger proposed a toast with his orange juice.
“I’ve traveled the world for more than twenty-five years, seeing most of the biggest, most famous, and most-visited cities. I’ve never enjoyed a week as much as this one and the golf was only part of the reason. I almost feel like a member of the family. This is without a doubt one of the most memorable weeks of my life.”
He raised his glass for a toast. “To memorable.”
They all joined him.
An hour later, the cars were packed, and final hugs had been given. Climbing into their cars, Matt’s dad led the way back home, retracing the route they had followed to get there. Roger caught a cab to the airport, declining Matt’s offer to drive him.
When they reached L.A., Matt turned south onto the 405 freeway while everyone else stayed on the 5. He exited the freeway on Wilshire and stopped at the FBI office located near the west end of consulate row, close to UCLA. The agent he wanted wasn’t in, but the receptionist took the book to give him.
Since the agent wasn’t there, Matt wrote a brief note on a piece of paper and included it.
“Here’s the book I promised. Thank you.
Matt Young”
Inside the book, he had written:
“Thank you for helping to keep us safe.
TK Owens”
Less than an hour later, Matt pulled into his assigned parking space at their apartment and sighed, partly in sadness that the vacation was now officially over and partly in relief because they were home. The girls each grabbed a suitcase while Matt grabbed two suitcases and his laptop before heading to the elevator. Normally, he carried the heavy suitcases, but this time he used the rolling wheels on the lighter suitcases because it still hurt to carry something heavy.
“We’re home,” he said as he opened the door. Then he noticed the big television missing.
“Stay here,” Matt told the girls as he entered and then quietly checked each room for intruders. Finding nobody, he had them come in, but told them not to touch anything because the cops might need to dust for fingerprints. The computers and televisions were gone, and Matt was glad that he’d deleted their sex videos right before they left.
The access cover to the water heater didn’t appear to be disturbed, but neither had the front door. Grabbing a screwdriver, Matt unscrewed the access cover and moved it aside. He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the security computer was still there and was still working. After copying the security footage onto a flash drive, he crawled out and secured the access panel.
Using his laptop, Matt fast-forwarded through the parts of the recording only showing the people who had walked past their front door. Then he reached 5:11 p.m. on Saturday and saw the actual break-in. Matt just shook his head in disgust as he watched Vickie pick the door lock. He wondered what the hell she was doing when she left pieces of rope and a roll of duct tape in the living room and the bedroom. She also left a backpack on the dresser in the bedroom, and then left the apartment.
The time stamp showed that she returned two hours later and took all the computers except one laptop that was hooked up to the security cameras. An hour later, she returned again, this time with her roommate Karen in tow.
“Ohmigod,” Karen squealed when she saw the framed books and posters on the wall. “It really is his apartment.”
“Let’s go snag a pair of his underwear so you have a trophy,” Vickie suggested, leading the way into the bedroom. “Maybe we should call Tommy and you can fuck him in their bed,” she continued as Karen walked into the master bedroom. By the time she cleared the bedroom door, Vickie had already picked up a piece of rope.
Once Karen was inside the bedroom, Vickie brutally slammed her head against the bedroom wall. Matt couldn’t tell if Karen was unconscious or just stunned, but she dropped like a rock. Vickie quickly tied Karen’s hands behind her back and stuffed a pair of Sue’s underwear in Karen’s mouth. She used duct tape to hold the makeshift gag in place. Next, she taped Karen’s ankles together and moved the bed until it was a foot away from the wall. Then, she began the process of lifting Karen up onto the bed.
[Author’s note: A violent F/F rape begins here. If you want to skip it, scroll down the page until you see another note like this.]
By the time Karen was again coherent, Vickie had stripped her and tied her hands to the headboard and her ankles to the footboard, leaving her wide open and vulnerable.
“Look, bitch, I’m tired of you constantly putting me down because I enjoy sex with women. Before I release you from here, you’re going to be a world class cunt lapper,” Vickie sneered. Karen struggled against her bonds, thrashing wildly as she tried to escape, all while Vickie began to lick her pussy and clit. After ten minutes, Karen finally quieted down.
“Like I was saying,” Vickie continued. “For your sake, I hope you learn fast because you won’t get anything to eat or drink until I’m satisfied and you’ve given me a dozen good orgasms with your mouth,” Vickie said with a cruel tone in her voice. Karen shook her head, but it was easy to see that she didn’t have the energy left to keep struggling.
She still squirmed beneath Vickie’s oral assault on her pussy. At first, she was trying to get away. Eventually we could see that she was responding to Vickie’s talented tongue. The humiliation on her face when she came was clearly evident.
“See, that wasn’t so bad, was it,” Vickie mocked.
“Listen to me very carefully,” Vickie said in a threatening voice. “I’m going to remove the tape over your mouth. If I even think that you’re going to scream, it will be the last sound you ever make, understand?” she asked.
Karen nodded. The security camera footage showed her eyes were wide with fright.
“Hold very still. It would be a shame to accidentally slice up such a beautiful face,” Vickie taunted. She cut the tape behind Karen’s ear where the tape was stuck to her hair, not against her skin. With the knife right in front of Karen’s face, Vickie ripped the tape off. Matt and the girls could hear Karen whimper.
“Please don’t,” Karen sobbed when Vickie pulled the panties out of her mouth.
Vickie replaced the panties and smoothed the tape back in place. “You were doing so well up to now,” Vickie said, obviously angry. If possible, Karen’s eyes widened in terror even further.
At first, they couldn’t see what Vickie took out of the backpack. When they finally saw it, it appeared to be a three-inch hatpin with a round head. Vickie callously pinched Karen’s right nipple and pulled it away from her body as far as she could. When she was satisfied, she released it. Then she gripped it again and ran the pin through Karen’s nipple as if piercing it for a nipple ring. Karen’s body arched in pain and she renewed her struggle to break free. Vickie sat calmly and waited for Karen to tire again. She continued speaking when Karen stopped.
“I have two more pins just like this one,” she said as she toyed with it, causing Karen to wince. “The next time you say even one word without permission, you get a pin in your other nipple. The time after that, your clit gets one.
“If you continue, I have a kit over there and I will pierce your nipples and put rings in them. I have two rings for each nipple, two clit rings, and four rings for each of your labia. Do you understand the penalty for talking out of turn?” Vickie asked. Karen nodded quickly, clearly terrified.
“Good. As long as you remain silent, only speaking if I ask you a question, and only answering any question I ask, the pins and the kit stay over there. Personally, I think your body is too beautiful to mar with piercings but I’ll do whatever is necessary to keep you quiet,” she warned.
With the knife in front of Karen’s face, Vickie removed the tape and the panties again. This time, Karen remained silent.
“Don’t speak. Just nod or shake your head. Do you remember what I did when I ate you to an orgasm?” Vickie asked. Karen nodded.
“Good, now you will do the same thing to me. You have ten minutes to get me off or I have even more painful penalties in store for you. In addition, if I think that you aren’t doing your best, you won’t be allowed to breathe again until I think you’re complying. Nod if you understand.”
Karen nodded.
Vickie straddled Karen’s face and lowered her pussy.
“I’m impressed,” she cooed. “You’re being very enthusiastic. I like that. After I cum I’ll take the pin out of your nipple,” she promised.
Eight minutes later, Vickie stiffened in climax. “See, that wasn’t so bad,” she said as she climbed off Karen’s face. True to her word, she removed the pin and put it back with the others. They could see Karen’s jaw clench as she fought to keep from screaming when Vickie removed the pin.
All three of them gasped when they saw the strap-on Vickie pulled out next. Karen was staring at the ceiling and didn’t see it.
“There are even things you can do the next time you find yourself wishing you had Tommy’s big cock around,” Vickie said as she coated the tip with KY jelly. “Since you did such a good job eating me, I’ll be gentle,” Vickie said as she slowly pressed forward into Karen, who lay perfectly still beneath Vickie.
“Look, bitch,” Vickie finally growled, “I’m trying to be gentle so get with the program. Fuck me back like you’d fuck Tommy of I’ll get the painful toys out.” Karen complied, moving her hips counter to Vickie’s thrusts. With her feet and hands tied to the headboard and footboard, there wasn’t much more she could do.
They could see when Karen had another orgasm. Vickie pulled the dildo out of Karen and then kissed her. Wisely, Karen returned the kiss. When they broke the kiss, Vickie straddled Karen’s face again.
“Your turn again,” she said as she lowered her pussy.
Karen had obviously given up fighting and did what she was told.
“Fuck me with your tongue. Shove it deep in me,” Vickie groaned as Karen licked and sucked. “Oh, yeah,” she moaned, starting to finger herself and squeeze her own breasts while Karen licked.
Matt was sickened by Vickie’s actions, raping her roommate like that. He was equally sickened by his own reaction, sporting an erection hard enough to cut glass with while watching Vickie dominate Karen and Karen submitting to her.
“Are you okay?” he asked Carla and Sue who were also watching intently.
“Fuck that’s hot,” Carla sighed.
“Damn hot,” Sue added.
Matt was stunned. “Fuck it,” he thought, pulling Carla to him and motioning to his hard cock.
“Fuck it or suck it?” she asked.
In answer, he pushed her onto her back and pulled her panties aside. Thrusting into her, Matt fucked the shit out of Carla. Sue joined them, pulling her panties off and sitting on Carla’s face. The three of them were worked up and came quickly. Once they came, Sue and Carla stripped and started in on each other. Matt went back to the video. He told himself that he wanted to make sure Vickie didn’t hurt Karen, which was true. He also wanted to watch more of Vickie dominating her, wondering if she’d been successful.
Matt figured that Nancy’s dad did this type of thing with his submissives. He could visualize Nancy riding Karen’s mouth to an orgasm instead of Vickie. Then he visualized her riding a submissive Vickie and had to get relief by plunging into Sue who was on top of Carla in a 69. When he pulled out, Matt let his cock hover over Carla’s face and she sucked him clean. He stroked Carla’s cheek and Sue’s cute little ass, and then went back to the video.
Matt fast-forwarded through more than two hours of video, slowing down to watch Vickie fisting Karen. Karen cried and whimpered but didn’t utter a word. At one point, Karen had to bite her lip to remain silent and drew blood. Vickie actually took pity on her at that point. When she finally pulled her hand free, she wet a washcloth and wiped the blood off Karen’s lip. Matt was surprised when she put a second washcloth in Karen’s mouth and let her suck the water from it.
Vickie let Karen sleep for a while before resuming her domination. While Karen was asleep, Vickie called Tommy. When Tommy arrived, he fucked Vickie on the living room carpet. Then he took the televisions. Matt noted on the time stamp that it was just after midnight. He also saw Vickie take some sort of pill. While Vickie watched Karen sleep, Tommy went through the apartment looking for valuables.
“I thought you said this guy had money,” he complained. “There’s nothing here but the electronics that’s worth shit. There’s not even any drugs.”
“Here,” Vickie said, giving him one of the pills she had taken a few minutes ago.
“I think she’s slept long enough. I want to fuck that cherry ass she refused to let me have,” he said insistently. “Then I intend to shove my cock down her throat and cum. She’ll barely suck my cock and never let me cum in her mouth.”
“All in good time,” Vickie promised. “She hates her parents and doesn’t have any other family or close friends. You’re the only thing she has to cling to. Once I’m sure she’s initially broken, I’ll have you fuck me right next to her. That’ll destroy the only thing she had to cling to and she’ll end up clinging to me. Then she’ll do anything I tell her to do. After that you can fuck her anytime and any way you want. Until then, you can fuck my mouth or ass anytime you want,” she invited. He did. Tommy fucked her ass with Vickie egging him on, pretending to be Karen.
Matt was surprised at Vickie. Losing Carla and Sue and not having them to dominate must have hurt her more than losing him. He was also surprised at how much she seemed to know about what she was doing. He didn’t know if she was correct or not, but she sounded reasonably knowledgeable.
Tommy finished by pumping a load of cum into Vickie’s cunt and then Vickie woke Karen up.
“Feel any better?” Vickie asked as she gently stroked Karen’s cheek. Vickie’s quick scowl when Karen opened her mouth stopped Karen from screwing up and talking. Instead, she nodded.
“See, I could have let you say something and punished you for it,” Vickie told Karen as she began playing with Karen’s breasts. Then she lowered her mouth and kissed Karen before moving down and eating Karen’s pussy. Watching Karen, Matt could see that she had resigned herself to what was happening and wasn’t fighting it, allowing her body to react to Vickie’s ministrations. When Karen came, Vickie moved up and lowered her cum-filled pussy to Karen’s mouth.
“After I cum this time, you only have to make me cum once more before I feed you,” Vickie told Karen consolingly. When Matt checked the time stamp, he saw that she’d had Karen tied up for over seven hours.
After Vickie came, she lay down beside Karen and put her hand on Karen’s mouth. “While you were asleep, I had my boyfriend come over and fuck me in the living room. He didn’t see you, but you just ate his cum. Was it really so bad?” she asked.
Karen stiffened when Vickie said her boyfriend had come over. Matt could see her finally forcing herself to relax. She forced herself to shake her head even though the muscles in her neck were still tense.
One leg at a time, Vickie repositioned Karen, tying her ankles to the headboard instead of the footboard. That lifted Karen’s ass into the air, leaving her totally exposed.
Once again, Vickie started kissing Karen, and then working her way south. She sucked her pussy and clit, bringing Karen near orgasm. Then, she stopped and warned Karen.
“Be careful not to speak or protest. I’m going to lick your ass and use my finger on it. My finger is all that I’ll use on it so relax and let me do it. If you clench and fight me I’ll get the strap-on back out and fuck your ass until it bleeds, understand?” she asked.
Karen started sobbing again but finally nodded. Vickie alternated licking Karen’s clit, tongue fucking her, and teasing her rosette with her tongue. Vickie ran three fingers into Karen’s pussy to lubricate them. When she used the first finger on Karen’s ass, Karen obviously clenched her ass. Vickie stopped, gagged Karen again, and went back to her bag of tricks. Karen began struggling and thrashing about again when Vickie brought out something that looked like a short, wide belt attached to a handle.

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