My Neighbour 4
- 3 years ago
- 25
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Another double header, told from Dave's point of view when the text is upright, Debbie's when it's italicised.
Saturday morning found London bathed in unexpected sunshine. Niusha was already up and about when I woke, apparently preparing breakfast, given the smell of spices emanating from the kitchen. I wondered whether I should call Debbie ... get some details about what had actually happened the previous night, but then thought better of it. I would call later but ... well, it was still early and she'd sounded like she'd been anticipating an eventful night, so...
Also, I thought, as Niusha came back into her bedroom, wrapped in a sheet and carrying a tray, it was hardly fair to her – I mean, I'd been perfectly clear about my position viz a viz Debbie, and I had no reason to believe that she wanted anything more from me than companionship and, well, sex, but ... it still didn't seem fair to prioritise Debbie just at the moment. Also, of course, the breakfast she'd prepared smelt wonderful and, I realised, I was really hungry, so...
I woke in one of those strange dreamlike states which for a moment left me unsure as to where I was ... and who it was breathing gently beside me. As I gathered myself together ... noting the large quantity of clothing strewn across the floor, and blushing slightly at the sight of a large glass dildo lying amongst the debris ... some of the events of the previous evening came back to me. I shuddered, remembering that I'd come very close to being raped, had been assaulted, by a guy who I should have known not to trust. It was not a good way to start the day, really, so I was glad in a way when the duvet beside me stirred and a tousled mop of red hair appeared, followed rapidly by the bleary eyed but smiling face of my new friend Jane. I reached down to her, pulled her up towards me and gave her a long kiss, aware of her nakedness pressing against me. I wasn't sure that either of us were entirely awake, yet, but, then, neither of us seemed to have a problem as the kiss extended and became rather more of a caress, both of us subsiding back into the bedclothes as our hands began a mutual exploration...
Which was interrupted by the bathroom door opening and a large harrumph ... from Kath, standing above us both, just as naked as we were and with a sardonic smile on her face."Well," she said, grinning, "I admire your energy, I'd have to say, but I think you could at least have waited for me..."
Jane replied before I could, simply moving one hand from its position on my nipple and reaching out to pull Kath down on the top of us.
Breakfast, I realised, would have to wait...
Niusha sat on the bed beside me as we ate – flat breads and cheeses, served with distinctly British-style tea – and smiled quietly. We didn't talk much, beyond a comment or two on the unseasonable weather, but it felt good, relaxed and easy. I said as much as I stroked her thigh gently, putting the plates to one side as I reached up to draw her down towards me.
She pulled back slightly to loosen the sheet she'd tied round her, casting it off her as she leant for ward to kiss me, her small breasts brushing my chest as she did so. "Oh, good," she murmured, reaching down to stroke my stomach, moving lower, "I was hoping you wouldn't be too tired after last night..."
Some time later, we were dozing in a tangled heap when there was a firm rap on the room door. Shit, I thought, wondering, after all, how this sort of thing would go down with the management of a small country hotel, but pulled myself up out of the bed anyway, kicking some of the more blatant evidence out of sight even as I found and pulled on a robe, wrapping myself in it as I pulled open the door.
It was Colin, the architect, looking a bit embarrassed ... and Rosie, leering at me from over his shoulder. I grinned at them both, a pernicious voice in my head wondering whether I should let the robe fall open ... see what happened. But, no ... that could produce reactions that I really didn't want to have to deal with ... at least not with Colin. So I greeted them politely enough, wondered how I could help.
Surprisingly, Colin, the timid one, spoke up – probably because Rosie was too engrossed in her undoubtedly salacious thoughts, I reckoned, except that it turned out that Colin was the one with the problem. Or not a problem, exactly, it was just that at some point in the previous evening Jane, or Kath, or both, had agreed to give him a lift into Bowmere to get his train back to London – and, I remembered, also to take me in so I could meet the new legal bloke off his train up. And, now, it was obviously a bit later than I'd realised, no-one seemed to know where Kath and Jane had got to, the snow was falling heavily enough, again, to make taxis a bit reluctant to come up the valley and ... This was, frankly, not the sort of problem that Colin was particularly well equipped to deal with – and Rosie, typically, was enjoying his discomfiture far too much to volunteer any sort of help. So he'd come to me. Which was, I reflected, exactly the right thing to do, for once. I shooed him away, promised to locate the missing pair – he must have been able to hear them giggle from inside the room – and told him I'd join him downstairs in ten minutes, providing he could get three cups of coffee sorted out by the time I got there.
Which turned out not to be a problem, when we finally got our respective acts together – and sorted out the tangled mess of clothing enough for each of us to appear decently dressed, which took rather longer – we found that the hotel was, in fact, already serving lunch ... it was even later than I'd imagined.
Oh well, I thought, in the circumstances even Colin should be able to obtain caffeine and indeed he had done ... three large cups arriving at the table just as we sat down to join him. I noticed Kath look wistfully at the bar before shaking her head, decisively, and then, marvellously, redden slightly as the waitress serving us – Charlotte, again, I think – greeted her and Jane as Mss Braithwaite and Whittaker, a knowing smile indicating that she was under no illusions as to how they happened to have just staggered out of the residential side of the hotel, in the company of a guest, looking a bit ... dishevelled...
"Bugger," Kath muttered. "Ex-student sees a teacher in these sort of circumstances, it gets around. Ex student sees two teachers and..."
She laughed and, to my surprise, so did Jane ... and, from across the room, Charlotte, too.
We decided to take a walk in the park, given that it was such a nice day and neither of us had anything particularly pressing to do. I was amused to see Niusha gather up the various used condoms discarded around the bedroom and, eventually, throw them away in a public bin just down the street – was she wondering about her reputation with the bin men, I wondered? – but, task completed, she lost her slightly preoccupied look and once again started to chat amicably and at length.
This time about supermarkets.
"We should blow them up," she said, "even if we have to leave their distribution networks in place for the moment." I was a bit taken aback by this, my own thoughts having been rather more on the various aches and pains emanating from the general area of my groin, as well as by wondering quite how she maintained her athletic ease of motion when she surely couldn't be feeling less battered, but the realisation that I was discussing blowing things up, in public, in London, with a woman wearing apparently Islamic clothing brought me back to reality.
"Sorry," I said, more or less intelligently, "how did we get started on this?
"We didn't," she said, "I did. I was wondering about the stuff we were talking about last night, and amongst the many other detrimental effects of the big retail chains must be that they stifle community engagement. You no longer need to source anything, negotiate the purchase of anything, actually talk to anyone, you just pitch up at your local big brick box and there it is. Hell, you can check out by machine and cut the human side out of it entirely. Aside from the poor sods stacking the shelves, of course, but whoever takes any notice of them?"
I contemplated this, wondering where it was going, turning to look at her and noticing again the peculiar beauty of her eyes – well, and the rest of her, actually – when she was enthused. Come to think of it, last night, when we first ... no, I brought myself back to the present. Forced myself to concentrate on the conversation, not the woman I was having it with.
"OK," I said, "I can think of a variety of reasons why supermarkets are a bad idea – the fact that most people choose or have to drive to the buggers being an obvious one – but I have yet to be motivated to get out the chemistry set. And what was that about leaving the distribution networks intact?"
She had a reply waiting, of course. "Simple. Talk to the local shop you buy your vegetables from – I know you avoid supermarkets, too – and you'll find that they have increasing difficulties in sourcing produce. Its not so bad in London because of the number of restaurants and stuff, but there are parts of the county that hardly have any wholesale markets – the big chains just hoover up the entire harvest. So its a simple statement of necessity ... for the moment ... that we need to keep their supply chains active."
"So ... what...", I replied, thinking aloud, "a bloody great artic turns up every few hours and unloads onto a bomb site. Unloads ... oh, you know, crates of 5 000 cans of beans, 2000 nappies, that sort of thing. That's a recipe for either chaos or – more likely – a riot. And possibly starvation, given the stranglehold the buggers have at the moment."
"Well, yes, that could be one outcome. Or, of course, you could get a little more organised – distribute or, rather, allocate, the loads in advance, either to smaller traders – not necessarily conventional shops, maybe individuals who'd like to be the local source for baked beans or whatever the hell else. Or, more positively, to local food co-ops, ideally acting as not for profit distribution hubs for a fairly small neighbourhood. In either case, you'd have the chance to instigate an actual market – but a diffuse market, free from existing virtual monopolies ... and maybe including elements of barter to supplement the cash economy. And, come to think of it, such a localised network structure would be ideal for LETS – a Local Exchange Trading Scheme – so no need for a central currency ... or at least an exclusive one.
I could see that this was the product of more than an evening's thought but I was still wondering why we were going into such detail just at the moment. If only to gain further thinking time, I commented on the distribution side of things and the centralisation that represented.
Niusha snorted. "Oh, come on Dave, shipping onions from Kent to Nottinghamshire to send them to London to sell? How long do you think that would survive. It doesn't make sense now, for god's sake..."
"Yeah, OK ... and there's probably no reason why your co-ops – or co-ops of co-ops – couldn't eventually buy direct, maybe from farm co-ops." I thought for a second. "Oh, I see where this is going ... its like buying books. You can buy from a conventional bookshop, of course, but you get a better range at Amazon – probably the ultimate in centralised distribution – or at AbeBooks, for instance, which is almost the opposite, in a way."
She looked positively gleeful. "Precisely. Add in some appropriate IT and you can not only ensure access to necessary resources, you can also balance supply and demand without resorting to price rationing. Which, of course,..."
I cut in. " ... is where CastList fits in. Except that currently it doesn't do anything of the sort ... and certainly isn't ready to be used by barely computer literate individuals all over the country..."
"Well," she said with a smile, "actually I think you're wrong on the former – even if you did mainly write the thing – as it has sufficient database functions built in to handle basic supply/demand stuff with ease while also allowing more significant balancing / bartering through the matrix model you already use for role enhancement. And, of course, running under GNU/Linux reduces the hardware costs and, being open source, well ... a user friendly GUI is hardly going to be a problem, is it?"
I stopped walking, gently pulling her to a halt, too, turning her to face me. "One thing that interests me in what you just said," I said, deadpan, hands on her shoulders and looking her in the eye, "is the number of is and wills rather than might or coulds – definite statements, I mean, rather than speculative ones. Which makes me wonder: Just when do you have the revolution planned for?"
She looked straight back at me, face showing no expression but a definite gleam in her eyes. "Oh, well ... I thought we could make a start, in a small way, obviously, in ... oh ... I thought ... maybe ... a month or so?"
"What, start with blowing up a few shops, then move on to the rest?"
"No, not really – the bomb stuff was merely a metaphor, as well you know. Actually, I was thinking more of starting with CareSpan's existing work with food co-ops and TimeBanks in London, take it from there. In fact," she smiled broadly, "I'm having dinner with May later on to talk about it. Consider yourself invited."
Kath drove us down in the Landrover, of course, only to find that trains from Bowmere were cancelled because of the snow, so that we ended up dropping Jane there, then driving on to Hartsholme on the understanding that trains were running from there.
They were and, wonder of wonders the buffet on the platform was actually open so we sat over coffees and waited for both trains – both currently on time, according to the information displays – while I talked to Colin about changes to the plans given that I'd suddenly gone off the idea of doing business with Karol and his associates ... and was sure that Dave would not have a problem with my decision.
Colin was, in fact, a little dubious – not that he didn't understand what had gone on, he was just being a technocrat and thinking that there were no very obvious alternatives on the market, in that the other options would make planning permission a more contentious issue. Of more immediate concern, he pointed out, was that we wanted the costings done incredibly quickly so that we could at least have a chance to get some contracts in place before the shit hit the fan with PCW et al. Which would mean that we also needed to identify an alternative incredibly quickly so that the relevant mounting points and suchlike could be built into the structural calculations. I could see the significance of this, realised that actually we just needed to get on with things at the moment, that we could fairly easily make changes later ... even if it did cost more as a result. So I told him, in the end, to proceed with the original ideas; we'd sort it out in the end.
While we were talking, though, I noticed Kath looking a bit uncertain at the mention of Karol's name. I realised that, of course, she was a bit worried about having left him up on the hill last night. I can't say that I was overly concerned about anything that might have happened to the bastard but I could see that Kath might have some uncomfortable questions to answer if anything too terrible had resulted. So, I patted her on the arm, pointed out that Colin's train was due in in only fifteen minutes, with Gareth's ten minutes after that. Once we'd got first away and collected the second, we could head into the valley the back way – over the high road – and see what there was to see.
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It was last Saturday night when we meet up with Bob at his house in the woods. Bob was a single man in his late 60’s salt and pepper hair made him lok hot even for his age. We sat in Bob’s living,do I need to tell y’all that been wanting to watch another man fuck my 37 year old wife, my wife has a big sexy body with a nice hairy pussy. We had been dranking and doing some small talking, I could tell by the slur in Baby’s voice that she well into being tippies’ she never been known to hold her...
Say thanks to R J Shore for this one!!!! A little girl walks into her local pet store and asks the shopkeeper, “Mist-ter, do you have little bunnies?” The shopkeeper crouches down so the two are eye-to-eye. “Why yes, young lady, I have several cute little bunnies. I have white ones, and brown ones, and a few black ones. What color would you like?” The girl puts her closed fists on her hips and answers, “I don’t phink my pet pyfon weally gives a shit!” ✧ ✧ ✧ ⊹⊹⊹ TrueAirSpeed provided...
My Favourite Like most men, I love the colour red. Not the hair colour I suppose. Then again, that’s ginger, or to be polite, strawberry blond. But in every other sense, I love red. My favourite sports teams wear red and I drive a red car. However, most importantly, I love my women in red. Red dresses, red coats and red shoes. Not necessarily all at once... I’m not totally crazy. My second great passion is feet. Women’s... of course. Preferably manicured, but I’m not going to turn my nose...
FetishCopyright© 1976 by Herschel Hispano-Suiza And all, but lust, is turned to dust In humanity's machine. Oscar Wilde, The Ballad of Reading Gaol 583 was in a mood for a woman. Not just any old street corner rent-a-cunt, but something really special. So he punched out a requisition for 50 credit units and headed for the nearest sexburger joint. Ten street divisions away, Fiver could hear the trumpeting sonic projectors: Welcome. Welcome. Come-and-see. Get-some-sex. Do-it-now. Love-is-here....
Maeson had waited a bit after Kimber had departed for bed, then went to his own room. He changed into a bathrobe, and went upstairs for a shower himself. He stopped off in the bathroom to start the shower and let it warm, as well as provide cover, then slipped into Kimber’s room, “So?” he said to her, mostly closing the door behind him, but leaving it open just enough that he could hear if someone mounted the stairs to come up, “What are you wearing to bed?” he asked with a mischievous smile...
The time away would seem irrelevant now. Carrie and Lu Ann had our daughters while I awaited the birth of those twins that had been pronounced by Carrie and Lu Ann for their sister. In many ways, I hoped they were twins, boy twins. That would make my family, any man's family complete. There seemed to be so many things I needed to get done before I left. I wished that Joey were here now to take the girls and me shopping. I was not a real help last time I thought, only my credit card. Was I...
“Donald, what can I do I’m in a big hurry?” “I just wanted you to know that after Fiona's excellent performance earlier Morris has decided to place a humongous order with us so expect a healthy cheque through in a week or so” “No worries Donald I’ll speak to you next week I’ve really got to dash” and then I hung up the phone and finished getting ready. I arrived at the party in the middle of town around thirty minutes late, which wasn’t bad considering I was running late. The bar...
I double-checked the address of the house to make sure it matched what was listed on the ad "LESBIAN COUPLE SEEKS SPERM DONOR." It was. I took another look at the house. It was an ordinary Bay Area suburb house, with no evidence it was inhabited by someone who would k**nap me to steal my k**neys. I locked my car, walked up, and rang the doorbell.Anna was the one who came to the door, she she was about as far from a stereotypical lesbian as I would have imagined. In fact, she looked like a short...
One day my girlfriend and I was on vacation in Barbados. She was very excited to go on vacation when it was just us two.My girlfriend was a bbw with big tits flat stomach… One day my girlfriend and I was on vacation in Barbados. She was very excited to go on vacation when it was just us two.My girlfriend was a bbw with big tits flat stomach , and a flat stomach. She told me on the plane, when we get on the beach to wear nothing but speedos and thongs. I instantly thought she was crazy and...
Sex With StrangerWell which one’s are your favorite then?” my wife Tanya asked, pushing me away playfully. “I don’t know… maybe the non consent ones.” A few days earlier she’d found where I’d been on the net and had spent most of the time since reading stories. “I read some of those too,” she confessed. “And?” “And what?” “And did you like them?” “Some of them were ok I guess…” “Any with more than one man?” I teased and she blushed. “Well, it’s only fantasy! It’s not like anything would really happen like...
Day 8I awoke and returned to thinking about my wife the virgin who I had married and was now the biggest slut in the resort. As each day passed the more I regretted having arranged this holiday; a holiday that was supposed to be a dream reconciliation between us but had instead turned into a complete nightmare for me.I sat outside on the big sun lounger and looked out to sea and contemplated what another hot and humid day would bring. My thoughts didn’t go much further than guessing there would...
"You want to fuck her, don't you?" I looked up at the stars. I wondered if one of them was a deity I could beseech. "I know we've had this conversation before, but to refresh my memory. Who do I want to fuck? And why?" "Allie. You lived with her for five days." "One, I'm a teenaged boy. I'm red-blooded and full of hormones. Two, Allie is a beautiful, athletic, and limber girl, plus she has red hair. Of course I want to fuck her." "That's okay. I understand," Tami said...
Introduction: Reposted and edited to comply with age restrictions You couldnt keep your eyes off my titties My wife and I served as liaisons for some friends who had a small cabin for sale around the corner from us, on a dead end road. Ours was the closest house to theirs so we kept an eye on things for them anyway. Rick and Jean only used the place on occasion to entertain clients and friends. We knew about a couple of orgies theyd hosted, but had never been invited to one. (I didnt think...
Sometimes I really questioned my sanity in taking a parttime job whilst at college. Whilst my friends were out partying, getting drunk and getting laid here I was serving over priced French cuisine to middle age couples who seem to spend their entire evening pretentiously professing about how wonderful their lives were. Sure the money was decent but was this really how I expected to spend what were supposed to be the best years of my life? The job would be much more enjoyable if there were...
BDSMHi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil kerala auntyai sex seitha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar mani vayathu 24 aagugirathu, naan oru civil engineer puthithaaga veedu katuvatharkaaga oru idathil veedu kata aarambithom. Basement matrum anaithu velaigalaiyum paarka aarambithom. Athu varai enaku theriyathu en site arugil oru aunty irukiraal enbathu, muthal maadi kati mudikum varai enaku theriyathu arugil oru sexiyaana aunty irukiraal enbathu....
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi my name is John and I’m 18 about 5’8” tall with a 8 inch cock. This story takes place about two years ago, and its about how I learned to really make a woman scream out in ecstasy from my the 19 year old sister. It all started about two weeks before school let out for summer break and my girlfriend telling me she was really ready to have sex and she wanted to do it the day we got out for summer break. “I really want this to be really, really...
IncestDuring the night I woke up because I had to pee. As I love humiliation and I had diapers on me anyway I just let it go. I felt the warmness spreading and shortly fell asleep.When I woke up in the morning the first thing that was to be done is punishment. How could I pissed into my diapers? Shame on me. I got up and removed the diapers, got on all four on the bed, and paddled my ass hard until it got red and sore. Then I measured my rectal temperature (I really hate that) and gave myself an...
Hello dosto I’m iss reader I always come on net I like t read stories on iss I am 24 years old guy from surat city in Gujarat I want to share a real story just happen 3 months above these is a real story of me and mere baju wale bhabhi takreeban 5 mahine pehle hamare baju mein 1 couple rehne ke liye aaya unke urm thi rohan 35 ka tha or uski wife 31 years ki thi unka 1 ladka bhi tha rohan rohan ki wife ka naam hema tha uska figure bahut kaamal ka tha 36 30 38 uska figure jab woh mere baju wale...
Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow They stood in the door and looked back at the room, seeking anything they might have left behind. Andrew put his arm around Jacqueline. "How do you feel?" She turned and put her lips to his ear and whispered. "Wonderful. Well-fucked. How about you." "Really well-fucked. Wonderful." "I'm glad we did it. You know? It would have been easier to convince me not to do it, but right now, I would say I wouldn't have missed this day for the world." She said,...
(the girls point of view) I woke up and saw him asleep cuddled up against him and my mind was reeling from how I got here. I wonder if he remembers me from 6th grade. That's how we met. My mom was a soldier and was always on the move and for afew years we were in a Pennsylvania small town right on the Maryland line. Anyway, we hung out alot together until the 8th grade when my mom just had to get deployed overseas and I wasn't given a choice to stay. Both of us cried on our last day...
Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again! Part 6 By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old little sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother/Elizabeth(Liz)Wilmington 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old Alice Goodyear/ Sister Alice Principle of St. Mary's school Samantha (Sam) 5-year old girl Ms. Karen ...
Paulene's tits were noticed. She smiled when some guy would say something about them. When a guy was fool enough to grab one of them in the hall one day she whirled and kicked him in the nuts then his ass. Paulene was another girl that a guy better not piss off. A new girl was being made to endure the unwanted advances of two smart asses. They had her in a corner blocking her in. She was crying. Lee saw what was going on and walked up behind the two guys and told them to leave the girl...
This story is true. To make you better understand how i came to giving a blowjob i have to start from the beginning. Back in the day i had a friend and we did a lot together like playing ping pong, playing videogames, camping and stuff like that. One day we had a little wrestling session in which i dominated him. As he was laying kind of trapped in front of me, i pushed my hand into his pants and, without thinking,grabbed his cock and gave him a good squeezing. He was a bit paralyzed from that...
This story is including: Fantasy, Bi-sexual, Exhibitionism, i****t, Masturbation, Teen Male/Teen Females, Voyeurism, Young genres.I was rather young when my family and I went to a birthday party at my grandma’s house. All of my cousins on that side of the family are girls, and most of them are extremely attractive, Samantha included. She is around the same age as me, so we naturally always hung out during these family get-togethers. At that time she had long, blonde hair flowing down her back,...