Parthas Paradise Chapter 16
- 4 years ago
- 55
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The following new characters appear in this chapter and others:
General McIntosh
Commander of Parthas Armed Forces, 5’-9’’ tall, about 180 pounds, mid-forties, short black hair
General Bearach McJunkin
Commander of Ground Forces, 5’-9’’ tall, about 180 pounds, mid-forties, short black hair
There was one more surprise in store for us before we left Ainalhai III. While Tiger Team was waiting for the last shuttle to take us up to the Baltic, who should arrive but Major Kanisha Ollennu with her field gear and luggage. She had a set of orders in her hand and was waving them at us. The orders assigned her to the First Mobile Headquarters Team as the Executive Officer. She also had a partial copy of the TO&E which now had an Executive Officer’s position listed on it. To say that we were surprised would be an understatement, we were shocked by this turn of events.
On the way up to the Baltic, the Colonel grilled the younger woman in the privacy afforded by the mostly empty shuttle, as we were the last members of the unit to board the Baltic with our Partners.
“Did your bosses or others in the Headquarters put you up to this?” the Colonel demanded in an upset voice.
“No sir, as a matter of fact, they were against my leaving, as I was the only one able to explain to them what you had done in the field. They still hadn’t caught on to what you were doing even when we were back at the Headquarters, and they had gone over all that had occurred. They just didn’t get it,” she told us.
“They didn’t realize that we had caught on to what they had done?” the Colonel asked in a better voice. “Team A-23 figured it out on their own that first night,” she added.
“No, not until I explained it, and that there were probably only two Teams doing all of the attacks. Of course, I didn’t mention my own slipping out of camp that night,” she told us, but had a question.
“How did you manage to do all of those attacks with only two teams?” she asked.
“We split the Teams up and also used just the Partners for some of the ‘attacks’. The Magic users also did some of the ‘attacks’,” the Colonel told her.
“That could have been dangerous,” Kanisha remarked.
“We always checked things out first and only went in far enough so we could be seen, and the alarm given,” the Colonel informed her, before changing the subject.
“If your bosses didn’t want you to leave, how is it that you are here now?” she asked.
“I went directly to Colonel Royal and pointed out that I was a field operative and not an office type. I also pointed out that the manpower people had neglected to include an Executive Officer (XO), or someone to assume command when you are absent. Of necessity, it would have been Cleve, but he was already wearing two hats, not to mention that he has two Tigers for Partners,” Kanisha told us.
“Yes, leaving out an Executive Officer was an oversight, but we were dealing with it. Still, when I went out with Tiger Team, there was a vacuum in the command structure. You could fill that or even go out with Tiger Team if I am tied up with something. You’ll need to cross-train with Sara to do that. Have you ever worked with Eagles?” the Colonel asked.
“No, my previous Partner was a Cougar,” Kanisha told us.
“We’ll see how you do with Sara during the trip,” the Colonel told her. Kanisha didn’t look comfortable hearing that last.
“You do realize, don’t you, that your organization is much larger than they originally envisioned it. They didn’t realize that you would need to operate 24/7 much of the time, or the additional support personnel that would require. There was talk at the Headquarters of reducing the number of envisioned Mobile Headquarters Teams by about half, to three at most. That was another reason that I wanted on your Team. Originally, I thought that I could wait and get on one of the Teams later, and possibly even command one, but if there were only three, my chances would be seriously reduced. That’s another reason why I’m here,” she finished.
“You figured that being on this Team would give you a shot at commanding one of the others,” I said having figured out why she was so anxious to be here.
“I figured it couldn’t hurt, and I was fed-up with being in the Headquarters. That is not the place for a field operative,” she told us.
“Maybe not, but eventually a number of field people are going to need to work there so they better understand the conditions we work under, and what we require in the way of support and additional personnel,” the Colonel pointed out to her.
On boarding the Baltic, we found that all was not as peaceful and orderly, as we had expected it to be. Even our Partners were less than happy when we arrived at the Partner holding area.
Susie was definitely unhappy about where her home had been placed. So was Clare. The Cougars were hiding in the back of their cage after detecting the Tigers displeasure. Sara was also unhappy with where the nest had been placed.
It seems that all of the cages and the nest had been placed randomly by the crew, as the advance team hadn’t been aware of possible problems with the placement of them. The only Partners not complaining were the Falcons, who were out of their cage and had taken up residence in a small cave on one wall. Jen had told Abby that they had started to build a small nest from the available materials.
We were eventually able to get all of the Partners settled down after getting a tug to move most of the cages. The nest was also relocated with Luther’s help, and Millie settled down in a small nest already available in the top of a tree. The Falcons were happy where they were, and their cage remained empty. We also worked out an exercise schedule for our four-footed Partners. It would be each Team’s responsibility to allow their Partners out during their allotted time. Of course, we all needed to adjust our PDUs and watches, if we had them, to the ship’s time.
We quickly learned that the cabins for our people had been allotted by rank, which wasn’t helpful for section cohesion. The poor cooks were at a complete loss as to what to do, especially after the first meal here. Sergeant Preetorius was beside himself at the lack of quality of the food served in our mess. Sergeant Rust came to see the Colonel about the matter on the second day we were there.
“Sir, Hershel is exceedingly upset about the poor quality of the food served here. Would it be all right to approach the Mess Steward of our mess to see if Hershel could do some of the cooking. He’ll never be able to stay away from the kitchen here until the quality of the food improves,” Sergeant Rust told her.
“Let me talk to the Navy people. It is their ship, after all,” the Colonel told her. Somehow, she managed to get permission for Preetorius to work in our mess kitchen, and the quality of the food immediately improved, although it hadn’t been that bad to begin with. It was just better now.
The trip to Parthas required 29 days in overdrive. This didn’t include the time required leaving Ainalhai III to reach the distance where the overdrive could be engaged, and traveling to Parthas after arriving in that system at the correct distance from the planet. We came out of overdrive at half a light minute from the planet, as they only had an ordinary civilian space-station above the planet, and not a heavily armed one like Ainalhai III.
During the trip, there were a number of mandatory classes for all of our personnel in addition to the briefing on ship’s procedures. We fit in cross-training where we could and had time. On the trip, Dr. Mellifont was unhappy with the limited amount of exercise for the Partners. There was little we could do about this, as the Navy wasn’t about to allow 3 Tigers and 2 Cougars to roam the passages of the ship, even under supervision.
Arriving at the space-station above Parthas was a bit of a shock. It was small and there were only 2 shuttles for the entire planet, and one of those was in maintenance at the time. The Baltic had 3 shuttles, but even so, it would require considerable time to unload all of our equipment, not to mention the Partners and their cages plus the nest. All of the Partners would be moved by their human Partner. Fortunately, the Falcons hadn’t produced any eggs or chicks while out of their cage as it was the wrong season for them.
The Colonel and part of the staff were met on the station by the leader of the Unity Advanced Team that had been sent out ahead of us to set things up. The leader of the Unity Team was a woman, and she didn’t appear to be very happy, as we approached her.
“Good day, Colonel. I’m Minister Warren-Adams of the advanced team. We have secured sufficient building space for your personnel, Partners, and equipment. You will be allowed to hire a few local nationals to assist you. Several representatives of the Parthas government will join us shortly,” she informed us in a no-nonsense voice.
As we had approached and surrounded her, at her insistence, I had noticed that all of the external noise of the station had disappeared, but we could still hear her voice. This reminded me of the devices those in the Navy had carried on Addison III. I hadn’t thought of them since the initial meeting with Admiral Rockler, but I needed to return my attention to the leader of the advance party, as she was still speaking.
“I have to tell you, Colonel, that I have seldom run into such obstinate, bullheaded, and backward people as those in charge here. Initially, they wouldn’t even talk to us or allow us down on the planet. They demanded that we produce the Special Operations Team instead.
“We were eventually allowed down on the planet but only after we convinced the hard headed bastards that you wouldn’t arrive until we had made the preparations for your stay, and they had signed a Status of Forces agreement, since there are NO Unity government entities here, not even an Ambassador.
“I wish you good luck, Colonel. You will need it. We will be leaving on the Baltic when it is ready to depart,” she finished just before several men in military type uniforms arrived, and the outside noise returned.
“This is General McIntosh, the Head of the Parthas Armed Forces, and General McJunkin, the Commander of Ground Forces. They will fill you in on what has been arranged, and what the current situation is here,” Minister Warren-Adams informed us, introducing the two men. I could see their armed guards who had stopped some 20 feet behind the Generals.
Both men were of medium height, say 5’-9’’ tall and about 180 pounds or so. They appeared to be in their mid forties. Both had short, thin, black hair.
“Well now, are you finally the ones who are going to rid us of these damned rebels?” the one with fewer stars on his uniform demanded in a strong voice.
“Easy now, Bearach. They’ve only just arrived. Give them a little time to get settled before you make demands on them,” the other man cautioned the first.
“Bah! they should be ready to go to work now,” the first replied.
“General McJunkin is anxious to take the offensive again against the rebels. All of our other attacks have ended in failure and the loss of men and valuable equipment,” the second man, who had to be General McIntosh, informed us.
“Due to a shortage of shuttles, we’ll be some time in moving the unit’s equipment and personnel down to the planet and establishing our headquarters. There will be plenty of time for you to brief us on the current situation and for us to familiarize ourselves with local conditions and the rebels’ disposition,” the Colonel told them.
“All you need to know is that they are on the flat lands and to send your Teams in to destroy them,” McJunkin told us in an angry voice.
“We aren’t here to destroy anyone. We are here to defeat those in rebellion, with as little blood shed as possible,” the Colonel informed him to angry looks from him.
“I’m afraid the only way you will be able to defeat them is to kill most if not all of them,” General McIntosh told us.
“At the insistence of Minister Warren-Adams, we have prepared a compound for you to occupy while here. It is not on one of our military installations, but is located in New Dublin, not far from the spaceport. It consists of a small hotel facility and a warehouse where you can keep your equipment, supplies, and Partners,” General McIntosh informed us following the previous conversation.
“When will the facility be ready for us to occupy it?” the Colonel asked.
“It is ready now,” the General assured us.
“Then, I would like to take my staff down to inspect the facility, so we can make plans for where things will be stored and where we can set up our Operations section. Is there a secure parking lot? We have several vehicles. We will also need to rent a crane in a few days and will require a construction company to do some interior and exterior work for us,” the Colonel informed him.
“You can go down to Parthas with us. I will arrange transportation for you to your facility,” General McIntosh informed us with a smile.
“Thank you. We will be a few minutes before we are ready to leave,” the Colonel told him.
“Are you not ready now?” General McJunkin demanded, looking at us with a frown. “What more do you need?” he added angrily.
“We’ll only be a few minutes,” the Colonel assured him, while I contacted Bob and Susie.
“All right, Bob. You can come out now and bring the others with you,” I sent to him.
Bob and those who had been waiting with him appeared a few seconds later from another corridor. Both Generals were shocked by the appearance of our Partners along with a couple of our people pushing a small dolly with the Eagles, our packs, weapons, and other things on it along with Corporal Dohla’s radio.
We each slipped into our backpacks, put on our helmets, and picked up our weapons. Dohla shrugged into his backpack with the radio and picked up his helmet. We each had rations and water in our backpacks as well as extra ammunition. We weren’t foolish enough to trust anyone from a planet that we hadn’t previously checked out ourselves.
Bob and Susie moved up beside me, and Sara and Samson took off from the dolly and landed on the outstretched arms of Luther and the Colonel, who had each donned the shoulder protectors and leather sleeves for their Partners to land on. Sergeant Platner, Sp/5 Fleming and Sp/4 Scammell returned to the Baltic with the now empty dolly.
“We’re ready to go,” the Colonel told the Generals, as Sara settled onto her shoulder.
The two Generals were staring at us with open mouths in shock, as were their guards.
“Are ... are you taking those animals with you?” General McJunkin asked on recovering.
“These are our Partners. They are all enhanced and have the same rights as other military personnel. It is an offense punishable by death to injure or kill a Partner,” I informed him.
“What of these others?” General McIntosh asked pointing to Captain Rodeo, Lt Hue, and Miranda.
“They don’t have Partners,” I told him, but purposely didn’t mention that Miranda supplied the Team with Magic. Let them assume that she was just another staff member. Corporal Dohla wasn’t mentioned, as the radio he carried was obvious.
“Follow us,” General McIntosh told us, and we followed the two Parthas Officers and their guards. The shuttle that we eventually boarded was decorated a bit gaudily, but there were signs of deterioration and a lack of maintenance, if one knew where to look.
We were prepared for the attack well before 1000 hrs. Everyone had been fed. The employees had all been moved to the laundry in the basement of the hotel for their safety, but after the mess-hall had been shutdown. The commercial power had been turned off, and Sergeant Bell had one Power Unit running to keep Commo up and those in the basement comfortable. The Colonel had messaged Admiral Stanfield about the planned attack. Everyone was in position as 1000 hrs. approached. Even the Partners...
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IncestA work assignment had pulled Sai into going to a country that was starting to prosper but riddled with crime. The country that Sai was in led the world in murder rates and was a hotbed for all kinds of debauchery. Not trusting the drivers, Sai drove his own car which had malfunctioned in the middle of a road covered by forests. Hours had passed, the cellphone was not getting any reception, and so Sai decided to head into the forest and see where that would take him.“Damn hellhole,” shouted...
HardcoreThe following story is meant for a mature audience. If you are under the allowable age wherever you live then you are not allowed to read this. If you are looking for a 'hot' story with lots of sex, don't bother to read any further. This story was designed to express a favorite fantasy of mine about how a self centered man is taught to appreciate the softer side of his personality. Unwillingly forced into cross dressing by his wife he .... Man Maid by gennie TV Part 1 ----...
Katelyn and I walked into Johnny’s bar, hand in hand. Jessica saw us the moment we came through the door, gave a shriek of joy, and ran to us. Katie got the first hug, as I expected, and as was appropriate. But mine was longer, and was accompanied by a searing kiss on the lips. She led us over to the corner of the bar, where there was a reserved sign in front of two stools. I wiggled out of my coat, then helped Katie take hers off. Jess stepped back to take a look at her sister. “Wow!...
Was this really the place? Nancy McCammon was looking at a small New Age shop on the corner of two narrow streets. 'Crystal Soul' was written on the door in bright pink letters. Whoever owned it had to be a complete flake. Still, Paula had said it was the place to go so Nancy put aside her reservations and walked through the door. A little bell tinkled overhead. A strange woman in a heavy black dress that looked like it belonged to the last century looked up at Nancy and smiled. "Ah, you...
I am 20 years old boy, now attracted towards both male and females. I used to be a straight guy some 4 to 5 years back. This transition occurred in me coz of others treatment to me..Well my name is Sumit, I once went to my cousin’s place. He lived about half an hour from us in USA. He lives with his younger brother, mom and dad in that house. His name is RAJ. There r four bed rooms in their house. In one room his parents slept, in other his younger brother and one was used by while, while one...
Gay MaleAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! "what the fuck was that" panted Chuck. That had to have been the best example ever of a great dream turned into a nightmare he thought. Looking down at his blankets on the bed he saw the proof that it had been a great dream. There were copious amount of white sticky jizz everywhere. "Just great" he mumbled "now moms going to think I was jacking of again." Charles Adams, or Chuck as he thought of himself, had finally had enough. "Damn it" he thought "I'm...
"So, ya finished act one yet?" I turned and stared at Robbie. "Are you... ?" "Heads Up!" the coach shouted and smacked the ball in a line drive shot right over second base. I was off-balance but dove anyway, feeling the satisfying thunk of a ball hitting the pocket just before I hit the dirt. Hard. With zero air in my lungs, I still managed a feeble backhand toward Robbie. She snagged the ball and zinged it to Ricky at first. The freshmen who'd been on the base was halfway to second...
Written by-Draggonfly Originally published on Literotica Published here at Draggonfly’s request Chapter 1 Yesterday I had a marvelous experience, I sucked a cock. I am a 64-year-old male and a hardcore heterosexual I would never in a million years thought that I would have a gay experience. I did and I liked it. I live in a small central Florida city and yesterday I was on my way to Tampa, I noticed the car in front of me swerve to miss a dog and slide into a ditch. I stopped to make...
Caym Katain, House Master of the House of Katain, grimaced as he perused the interstellar headlines. Too slow, he thought. It’s all moving too slow. As he settled back into his hover-assisted chair, ignoring the slight dip as the machine adjusted itself to his significant weight, his mind went over the steps that had been successfully taken so far, as well as the fly in the ointment that threatened to bring it all down. From a young age, Caym had been taught ruthlessness. Most houses would...
Copyright© 2002 Kenny N Gamera Mr. Young, the van driver, stuck the shovel into the sand with finality and looked at the men standing around the lip of the shallow pit. Two stood to his left. One of the others stood to his right and front. He looked at each with a question in his eyes. It was the fourth man, the one behind him, who answered with a single gun shot. Mr. Young knocked over the shovel as he fell. The men walked over to the bound girls and woman. The men listened to the sobs...
Well at least this place looks the same as ever, you think as you step out of C-sec headquarters. You've been released from their holding cells and sent on your merry way so you take the time to see what's changed on the Citadel presidium, not much do far. Not that you expected a lot of changes, you hadn't been in long after all. You never are, your employer makes sure of that but let's leave that for now. Not much may have changed since you got locked up but a lot changed in the time before...
Phillip Mason was a very polite young man of 16, average in appearance, far above average in intelligence and grades, and at the bottom of his class in athletic ability. Neither of his parents had finished high school, and they were determined that he wold not only complete high school, but go to college, too. They each worked two jobs to have enough household income to save for his education and provide him with opportunities he would not otherwise receive. He was anything but spoiled. Very...
18 year old Maria is a dream come true. She’s 18, petite, blonde and has a bombshell of a body! I suppose it is the week of Christmas, so this is our gift to you. If we ever had an adult job to give, this girl would be the one to get it. I know I mentioned she’s only 18, but she is one hell of an 18 year old. This girl is going places, maybe not the adult industry, but she’s for sure going to go somewhere. Maria is ready to do what it takes to get this gig. After giving her the once over and...
xmoviesforyouCopyright 2007 Duelduet all publication rights reserved. All characters are over the age of 18. * Every once in a while I don’t know who I am. Self-doubt creeps in, seeps in the cracks of the person I have built myself into. It erodes those beliefs that are the foundation of who I am. Yes, I am good. Yes, I am yours. Yes, yes, yes. But, maybe I am too easy. Maybe I should be like all those other women out there, striving and straining to be as good as a man, not needing anyone. Do I give...
A girl named Isha contacted me recently for a couple massage. We chatted for a while and she told her requirements and other details. She told me that she was just looking for massage and nothing extra. She told me that she has to convince her boyfriend to get a massage from stranger. She has never done it and more excited to get a massage after one of her friends had highly recommended me to her. We chatted on about how long it takes for complete body massage and other details. After a while,...
I was in the bathroom showering, when Lisa came in the bathroom. " Get out. Why you always come in here when I'm in here" I say. " Oh shut up nobody want to see you, I don't feel like going downstairs to the other bathroom and you a'int got nothing I want to see anyway" she laughs and says, as she sits on the toilet and plays on her phone. I continue to shower and ignore her little ass. We shared a common bathroom, as it was accessible from both of our rooms. Lisa was my younger sister. I was...
“Wake up, Jessie. I think we are there.” Jessie Harper felt a nudge against her arm as Bjorn gently roused her from the nice warm sleep she had drifted off into as the big Greyhound bus had hummed its way along the streets, roads and highways of central Georgia, USA. Jessie rubbed her eyes and yawned then looked at Bjorn Erikson and said, “Oh, sorry, Bjorn. I didn’t know I was slumped against your shoulder. That must have been uncomfortable for you.” Bjorn gave Jessie one of his lovely...
The document presented here was found by someone who asked to remain anonymous. I never met him (or her). I received it just the way it is in my mail one morning. I suspect the sender was a woman because there was a handwritten note enclosed, asking me to publish the story, even incomplete. The nature of the lack of an ending indicates the writer had more to say. It did leave the other shoe undropped. As it is, the story is compelling to read. If there are pages missing they don't detract...
I discovered that the Attorney General’s office were a bunch of busy little bees because the police headquarters was swarming with hordes of young men and women all wearing the distinctive jackets with the title “FBI” emblazoned on the back. I knew they had taken the files and were starting to carry the ball on the corruption charges that my Uncle Joe had been fighting to institute these last few years but without success. The case had enough dead bodies to start a tidal wave of protest from...
JonnyB and Rico are two young men in their early twenties. They are on a wild ride cross-country and are looking to do and hoping to find in no particular order mischief, trouble, danger and excitement. The next town was maybe an hour away and the one after close to three so it looked like they would be calling it a night sooner than later. Thundering down the highway they caught up to another vehicle displaying out of state plates so the cruised along side and check out the...
Mike poured himself another scotch, silently hoping the party would end early. He enjoyed these neighborhood parties. But he had wanted to go to a bar with Jen and play the Game tonight. Those plans were dashed when their friends, Rick and Claire, called earlier and invited them over. Mike looked across the crowded room. His wife Jen was talking to Rick. It didn't surprise him that Rick's wife, Claire, walked away when Jen approached. Mike was pretty sure Claire hated Jen. Jen and Claire...
JIM "How did you come to be on the radio? Over." "I was a ham ... before. I quit using my call sign as that didn't make sense any more. Over." "Ed, I would love for you to come down. We need to talk about whether or not you join our family in some manner but my initial impression is positive. Can you set up a vehicle for mobile use? Over." "Yes, I will. Put together a list of the radios you have and the antennas, if they don't have names, do a description for me. I will tell you...
I try to scream, to say SOMETHING, but the hand around my mouth had me completely silent. This violation is the WORST kind of violation, getting fucked and not wanting it. But, despite the fact that I hate what’s being done to me, that I am PISSED at the liberties being taken, I feel my pussy getting hotter, responding to the hard fucking I am getting. “Fuck it” I say to myself, “I might as well enjoy it, I can’t stop it…” and right about that time it hits!! My whole BODY explodes as I cum...