It's My PartyChapter 103 free porn video

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Time: Thursday evening, October 14, 2019 10:29 PM GHT, eleven days after the death of Ricardo

It was late, six hours after sundown, andFatimafelt as if she were floating on her bed. It was her first night to sleep with Mark and they had just finished a very energetic coupling. Mark was lying on his back and sighing andFatimawas by his side, her hand lazily playing with his nipples. A thin sheet of sweat covered them both. “Wow,” she whispered with a kiss.

Mark turned slightly and grinned atFatimain the darkness. The stars and the red moon outside were their only illumination. Mark told her he loved her and his hand lovingly cupped her pubis. “Does it still hurt?” he whispered. Fatimagave her head a small shake no. Earlier they had linked their boosted minds before linking bodies. Mark knew about the pain of the virgin tear ofFatima’s hymen as fully as if he had his own vagina.

Mark kissed her. “What are you thinking?”

“Oh, lots of things I guess. Our marriage, our future, having children. Holly’s and Toshi’s sons! They will be my children too. And sex! I’m thinking of lots and lots of sexy images! It’s even better than I imagined!” Fatimalaughed. “I’ve got this crazy phrase running in my mind, over and over again. Today I am a woman!”

Her Leophone rang before Mark could reply. Fatimablinked and answered it. “Hello?”

“Hi, Fatima,” replied Amber. “Whitney and Kiyoko are here with me. Got time for a little chat?”

Fatimasighed as her mind switched gears. “Yes, I suppose. Mark is here with me. Okay to put you guys on speakerphone?”

“Sure, that’s be fine ... Hi, Mark!”

“Hi yourself. Everything okay?”

“Yeah, nothing too urgent. Say, Fatima! You’re with Mark?! Is this your wedding night?! OH MY GOSH!!! I’m so sorry!”

Yesterday early Wednesday morning in what people were playfully calling seven brides for one brother, Mark had married Aggie, Ashley, Emily, Fatima, Hannah, Holly, and Jada, with Mark and Jada exchanging their vows over Leophones. Toshi and Frida acted as bridesmaids. Mark now had nine wives, and of course they were keeping their sleeping arrangements private.

Fatimalaughed good naturedly. “No, we were finished.”

Mark leaned over and whispered playfully in her ear, “Don’t be so sure!” Fatimagave him a mock disapproving look and playfully pushed him away with her hand.

Amber meanwhile was still apologetic. “Uh ... I should call back later.”

“Amber,”Fatimacontinued, “it really is okay. I’m assuming you have a reason for calling so late.”

“Well ... Yes, the reason I called now, and I know how late it is and I really hate taking up your wedding night, but Jessica and Doug asked permission to go off and sleep together. They’re not here now. It seemed like a perfect opportunity to call you.”

Fatimapaused. “That’s interesting. Are Jessica and Doug are becoming a couple?”

“Yes, I think so. Not that I blame them. I’m sure you remember what it’s like to be unboosted and be around boosted people. In terms of mental abilities, Kiyoko, Whitney and I are almost another species to them. And to us they seem like small children. It’s only natural Jessica and Doug relate to each other more.”

Fatimasat up in bed and nodded while gentle hands were lightly caressing her calves and ankles. “Yes, I remember. The gulf is vast. Is it putting a stress on your team?”

“Oh no. Jessica and Doug, I couldn’t ask for nicer people. I called you to talk about something more fundamental. Fatima, both Doug and Jessica are worried about their past crimes at Black Mall. Kiyoko, Whitney and I can all see it clearly when we link with them. Fatima, how can I reassure them?

Fatimasighed. “I’d like to say there’s an easy answer, but I don’t want to rule by decree on this. There’s quite a bit of opposition, and not just from the victims of Black Mall either. Doug raped a large number of women, and Jessica even more.”

Fatimapaused for a moment to collect her thoughts. “The women from White, Green, and Yellow Malls didn’t have the struggle we went through to accept Tom and Charles.

A lot of these people feel a price needs to be paid for what Doug and Jessica did. I know the two have helped us, are helping us now, but there’s a general feeling they still need to be punished.”

Amber replied, “Oh hell. You’re saying there’s a real risk they’ll be banished?”

Fatimagave a deep sigh. “Yes, I am.”

Amber grimaced. “I wish you could link and see their minds. Doug and Jessica would agree with you completely that they deserve punishment.” She paused. “It’s interesting that you talked about price. Ever since we’ve been here, we have had such an infinite amount of goods at our disposal...”

Fatimaalso paused to reflect. “Yes, I know what you mean. I haven’t thought about money for so long, it’s almost a foreign concept.” She sighed. “How can we punish them? Fines don’t exist, and I don’t want to get us into the business of running jails. I suppose in some future year that might become ... unavoidable. But boy, I sure don’t want to start now, especially with the primitive government we have. Where is our judicial system?”

Amber nodded. “Oh, I agree. Fatima? Kiyoko and Whitney want to talk too. I’ll let Kiyoko go first.”

“Hi, Mark. Hi, Fatima. I’ve been doing therapy linking with Doug. Whitney has been working with Jessica. At their requests, we were showing them their actions from their victims’ perspectives.”

Fatimablinked as she realized what Kiyoko was saying. “You shared your memories of Doug raping you?”

“Yes. He willingly accepted the perspective of my body and mind. He’s lived through the experiences in our dreams, my despair during the rapes, the violation of by body, my anger and depression afterwards. Fatima, it was a horrible thing for him to go through but he wanted to be punished. He will never, ever desire to rape again. Just link with his mind. His sincerity is an open book.”

Fatimasighed. “I’ve talked with his other victims. They describe him as an overeager sex fiend. He was just so hot to copulate with anyone wearing a skirt. What drove him to it?”

“From what I got from our dreams, it was combination of immaturity and a willful disregard of his morals. He knew better! But perhaps unlike a classic rapist, he doesn’t hate women. Yes, there was a desire for sexual domination but it was a mostly a basic animalistic desire to fuck. His sex drive was not based on cruelty.”

Kiyoko paused in thought for a moment before continuing. “Doug was a pure beach-master driven to copulate with as many females as possible. It almost didn’t matter whom he mounted. I dreamed him through each of his rapes. Except for his memories with me, we had to use his male perspective.” Kiyoko gave a mirthless laugh. “I am very familiar now with the feeling of being a male and mounting a female who doesn’t want me.”

“Oh, Kiyoko! Are you okay?”

“Yes. Thank you, Fatima, I’m okay. His first attempt at rape is especially interesting. Allison was the first girl he checked out. This was at the very beginning, just a few days after Christmas when the frat boys were just setting up the pussy barn system. Diego and Frida had a big fight over what was happening earlier in the day. And then later that evening Diego picked Allison for his evening’s entertainment.”

Fatimapaused. “We’ve had frank discussions about Doug. Allison never mentioned Diego raped her.”

“He never did. I saw the memory. He brought Allie to his bedroom and tried to kiss her and she slapped him. Diego did not get violent back. He just checked her back into the pussy barn. A half hour laterSantosand Fidel took her for a double rape. Allie talked about her experience later that night. What they did was absolutely brutal.”

Kiyoko sighed. “My memories of life in the pussy barn are so vivid. The word quickly spread among the women slaves. If you’re picked by Diego, your choice is to endure a simple rape while being petted or risk something far worse. Allison was the only women who physically resisted him. I did not. It was still absolute coercion of course. We both knew it was rape. But I did not physically resist, and that’s all Diego asked of me.”

“It’s still a hell of a problem,”Fatimacommented darkly.

Kiyoko continued. “Doug and I explored his childhood. Did you know as a boy he used to stutter badly when he was around girls, especially those near his age? He did it even in high school, a great pubescent eagerness for sex but socially very inept. But he was a top student, and when he was a freshman atBurlingtonhis academic excellence caught the eye of Frida. They started studying together, and eventually they started dating.”

Kiyoko took a moment to reflect. “From his memories, they started off okay. They had a lot of tenderness for each other and Doug was thrilled about having Frida as his girlfriend. But then he got involved with Beta Sigma Rho, and soon afterwards Doug became Diego. That damn frat was a really bad influence on him. Fatima, he’s not trying to excuse his actions. These are my opinions, not his.”

Another voice spoke up. “Fatima, this is Whitney. I’d like to talk about Jessica. She is one complicated case. I find it confusing to link with her. I’m no psychiatrist, but I have a feeling Ricardo somehow fractured Jessica’s mind during the time he was alone with her. After she escaped from him, she put her self-identity back together again by using the core of her child persona. Her cruelty with the insane contraband inspections is like a bad dream to her now. Believe me, Jessica alone with Ricardo was far more than any person should have to bear. She’s been punished already, more than enough!”

Fatimareplied, “People, I trust your instincts, but I still don’t want to rule by decree on this. We need broad support for accepting new members, maybe not consensus, but certainly a clear majority. And right now we don’t have it!”

Amber spoke up. “Okay, we understand that. Jessica and Doug do too. Doug even suggested denying him theBeeParkas punishment. I’d really, really hate for us to do that. It would create a vulnerable second class of citizen for us. People might be tempted to abuse their boosted power. Remember how we struggled with the incident with Toshi?”

Fatimashuddered. “Of course. And she’s my sister wife now. She would be horrified if we went down that path again. Amber, do you have any suggestions?”

“Yes, that’s why we’re calling you. How about a public ceremony when we eventually get out of here? Whitney, Kiyoko, and I are thinking of a ritual punishment where people can publicly express their disgust for what Doug and Jessica did. It would be a time where people can say Doug and Jessica should be ostracized from our Society. It would also be a time to express forgiveness.”

Mark’s hands travel upFatima’s legs and across her hips, eventually settling to stroke her around her navel. She briefly touched his hand to ask him to wait and then replied, “Sounds intriguing. Tell me more.” The phone conversation lasted another five minutes. Mark’s caresses resumed afterwards and delightfully lasted a lot longer.

Three weeks later.

Time: Thursday, December 7, 2019 10:45 AM GHT

Mark sat alone at his all-time favorite work area, the library console at Red Mall on the eastern side of the room. He was enjoying a delightful morning of solitude after an incredibly hectic three weeks. Through the windows the sky outside was almost as dark as night, but it wasn’t purely the seasonal progression. Mark grinned and pulled up a table on his display to satisfy his curiosity. Today the sun was scheduled to set at1:24 PMand theoretically it had risen ten minutes ago. He never could have guessed that by looking out the windows. The scene was of a fierce pre-winter blizzard, a view of wild chaotic motion with the sky as dark as late twilight.

So fast! It seemed like such a short time ago that the world was a world full of light with little peaceful darkness. Now they were down to less that three precious hours of sunlight a day, and even that was fast disappearing. In a mere eight days they would be at the winter solstice where the sun would not break the horizon. Mark leaned back and enjoyed the raw violence of the storm. It had moved fast and according to his weather display would leave just as quickly. There was a flash of lightning with the associated thunder completely absent in the soundproof room.

“Executive override,” Mark commanded his console on a whim. “Cancel room soundproofing, these coordinates, for ... uh, twenty minutes. And execute.” An instant later he could hear distant rumbles of the blizzard’s thunder and the fury of the wind. Nice! Mark wondered if he should bring up the issue of soundproofing with the Society at some future meeting. It was great for privacy and sleeping but it also isolated them from the outdoors and the beauty of nature’s sounds. Mark made a mental note to speak toFatimaabout it.

And then he gave a small frown. He was the only person that had the authority to cancel room or building soundproofing status. Even the janitors couldn’t do it, and Mark couldn’t delegate his authority. His ability now took his mind back to the time when it all began. “Almost twenty days now,” he thought, “almost twenty days of being a mini-god.” On Friday November 1st, Mark had been in this room and in this every chair. His new wife Emily was with him and she was working at the other console across the room. They were often pausing to smile at each other. Tonight would be their wedding night.

At2 PMthat Friday afternoon, Mark was startled to see a short message from the interface appear on his screen. He was being requested to click an accept box. He read for a moment and then yelled for his wife to come over.

With absolutely no fanfare or comment, the interface had just offered him employment as Acting Director of Astronomy. Mark and Emily were dumbfounded. Could this possibly mean what they thought it meant?! Mark clicked accept and then the first thing he tested was his access to internal interface logs. Yes! He had executive authority to read them all. Mark could now see into the interface’s core decision loops. Emily whooped with delight and ran to her console to inform the others.

Soon the library was filled with people. Lucia was the first to point out an issue with celestial time. Mark had been offered his employment at2 PMFriday, November 1, 2019. Lucia’s Citizen ID was 16. She was third from the last of eighteen people to take the first elevator ride at1:57 PM, December 21, 2018. With her boosted memory, she also knew her group walked out at2 PM, exactly 168 days before Mark was offered his employment. Mark’s employment offer came exactly one local orbital year after the first human set foot in their new world.

What to try next? People! Where were the other lost members from the other Parties?! Mark typed eagerly on his keyboard. He found that his executive authority allowed him to query the location of any person by Citizen ID within any structure where he was physically present, and that the entire Great Hexagon was considered an integrated physical structure in this context. Within minutes Mark was querying all the lost IDs. The four lost members of Yellow Mall, Cindy, Alice, Eugeneand Bridget, IDs 63, 64, 68, and 69, they were pinpointed immediately. They were together, in a buildingFatimaremembered once passing at a distance but never investigating. Farideh as Party #6 janitor organized a quick posse and they left immediately.

No other lost members were at the Great Hexagon. This was partially understandable. The eight lost people from Green Mall were scattered as two teams somewhere in the expanse ofAfrica. Finding them would still be a long-term mission. But what of the seventeen lost women of Blue Mall? They were still listed on the employment logs. Everyone’s guess was that they had found a trapdoor sometime in the past year. The Blue Mall surface area would be the place to start looking, but the people would not be found there. The Society would need to change their objective and search the Blue Mall surface for trapdoors.

Next on the menu: Wobanakik! Did Mark have the authority to activate the elevator at the entrance rooms? Nothing was more important than to see. What followed was a fast trip, a quick jump to the White Mall lounge and then boarding the Speedo stair cats. With Emily and Suvarna as company, Mark arrived at the bottom of the great stairwell at3 PM.

He gave a verbal command to activate the elevator and the keyboard came to life! For a moment the director and the two janitors felt bewildered. Could it possibly be this easy? After memorizing the new twenty-character code in the display, Mark typed the code for home. The elevator closed and unexpectedly stayed closed. Instead a blue time index of00:00:34appeared on the display above the keyboard, the seconds counting down as their ears began to pop. Emily pointed out that the system was giving them time to adjust to the pressure gradient between Wobanakik and the planet’s surface.

The trip ended as they hoped, and from a Red Mall library console they told their friends atManhattanthe joyful news. Then there was a decision to make. Should theManhattanpeople evacuate today?

It was3:03 PMand Wobanakik was entering the fourth week of its nine-week autumn. The linear sun would set in two hours, not nearly enough time for Jada and her group to kayak the Missisquoi back to the entrance rooms. Should they risk a night journey? There would be some moonlight, a waxing crescent moon from9 PMto3 AMif the weather stayed fair. But in the end Jada decided not to push the issue. They had waited so long already, why not another day? Her team would leaveManhattanin the predawn twilight on Saturday, sometime after7 AM. With luck they should be at the activated elevator well beforenoon.

Next on the agenda, Amber and her group trapped in Black Mall’s surface area. Mark and the janitors spent hours studying new engineering data that Mark was able to access. Late Friday evening, they thought they had a solution. There should be executive controls on both the Pink andGreenTowersthat would allow Mark to freeze the foam and create a static return path for Amber and her group. Mark gave the credit to Emily and Aggie for planning the procedure. The control sequence wasn’t obvious.

Just before dawn the next morning Mark, Emily, and Aggie traveled to thePinkTowerand successfully shut down the maze. The foam sank more than a dozen meters, revealing the narrow walkways to be the tops of curving ridgelines with shear vertical walls. At the other end of the maze at theGreenTower, Amber’s group began their difficult journey back home, stopping occasionally when the wind blew too briskly. There were no guardrails at the edges of the 2.5 meter-wide walkways and a fall into the foam would be certain death. Amber’s group came home one painfully slow and careful step at a time.

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Tulsa, Indian Territory August 3, 1889 Eli arrived at the office early that Saturday morning. Jon David, Amanda, Sissy and Analisa were already there, huddled together over Jon David’s desk before they heard him. He saw them folding papers hurriedly as they tried to hide what they were doing. He knew they were up to something. He saw Sissy and Amanda shooing Analisa toward him, as if trying to get him to stay away from Jon David’s desk until they could remove the large book and papers they...

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Jack and JillChapter 103

I stood up and so did Sara. "Thanks, Jack." She kissed me on the cheek and wrapped her arms around me. We were standing in my new kitchen hugging each other when I heard Jill's voice. "My, my. What have we here?" "Oh, Hi Jill. It's not what you think." "Oh, really? And what do you think I think?" "You probably think this is all innocent and I did something nice and Sara's thanking me. It's really a prelude to going in the bedroom and having mad, passionate sex." "Oh. I...

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08 TogetherChapter 103

Present – Ben – In the bedroom trying on his dress blues I sure as hell didn’t think I’d need my dress blues this soon, but like a good Marine I made sure to pack them away correctly. Yeah, even though I hadn’t been a Marine in years, the Corps’ training still stuck with me and of course with my wife Jens. The time I shared with her as a Marine was good, but was also too fucking short and I gave her too much shit about things. Yeah, she must really love me to put up with all the shit I...

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Runaway TrainChapter 103

We arrived in San Diego on the Fifth of July. It’s not as famous as the Fourth of July but there promised to be as many fireworks as the previous few days had offered. Liz had hosted a rare party at her home Sunday afternoon (July 3rd) to celebrate America’s independence. The guest list had been small and exclusive. Once word had gotten around the Nashville community many people had started to angle for an invitation (either on their own or as a guest to one of the few people Liz had...

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(Fictional story told from Female point of view) My husband Ron and I like to play sexual games. One game that we sometimes play is Forfeits, this is where I am given some task to fulfil and if I fail I have to take a note from the Lucky Dip jar and act out whatever is written on it. These have ranged from relatively mild things, such as leaving off my panties and flashing my nakedness in a pub, to very severe things like inviting a strange Master from a sex contact mag, to come and beat me....

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Skinsuits Store

Somewhere between the universes there is Aaron's Share Store where you can buy a skisuit that will turn you into whatever character it represents. You will get to the store through some other store, or strange gates placed in a place where they should not be. Story making rules: Your character is of legal age. You must briefly describe from what world or universe it comes from. In the case of something commonly known, a description like: from the eighteenth century Earth, or from the Mass...

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Forfeits By Peg Thebois I was anxious as I arrived at Gwen's house, she had asked me to come by early to help her set up, I guess that was part of my forfeit from losing a wrestling match to her at our party last month. Gwen was one heck of a sexy lady, I had enjoyed grappling with her, grinding our bodies together, it was when I pushed her down into the mount position and I sat on top of her trying to pin her arms down that I got distracted. It would be very easy to have sex in...

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It began back when I was in Central Grammar School. I had dressed as a maid in a black skirted leotard, fishnet tights, and ballet flats and a white apron and cap. I found that I liked the feel of hosiery on my legs and the swish of a skirt. In that costume, I could not avoid showing my bottom that got pinched by way too many boys and adult men that those who did it were suspended if a student, made to do Community Service if an adult. That introduced me to the dark side of being a girl,...

3 years ago
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Sexploits with Katie Ch 01

Katie wasn't blessed with the petite frame that is common among most of the girls I've been with, but she works hard to keep her roughly 5'7" body in shape. Beside, her slightly thicker frame brings with it big boobs and a nice ass, traits I would come to enjoy immensely over the past couple years. And although her pale skin, rosy cheeks and light freckles weren't features I generally considered to be part of my type, she certainly knew how to use them to her advantage with some makeup...

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Sexploits with Katie Ch 02

Of course, it was only a month and a half after that threesome that I had sex with my other good friend Katie for the first time. As my relationship with Katie progressed and with the double penetration still fresh in my mind, it didn't take me long to consider Katie as a sexy piece of sandwich meat as well. In fact, if any other of my female friends were to fulfill my dirty fantasy, I knew Katie would be my best shot, especially when I found out I was only one of three guys who were banging...

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Melissa turned the corner and emerged, finally, into arrivals. At midday there was a smattering of people waiting on friends and family; not quite a crowd. She stopped for a moment and scanned the faces, the variations in tone bewildering her slightly after spending so long away from home, the longest she had been in her short life. Yet she soon found the one face she was looking for, the one that was already smiling back at her, and Melissa's heart started beating so fast that it was as if...

3 years ago
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Jackrabbits a tale of what happens when HIV takes over

Our cast of characters: Lisa and Keith, sister and brother. Ruth and Eric, mother and father. Ruth went upstairs to Lisa’s bedroom. “Kids, supper’s on—” She opened the door to the scene of a nude Lisa on top of a nude Keith, one of those 42D breasts stuffed in his mouth. “Lisa, is it okay?” “Yeah, mom.” “He’s been at it since you guys came home from school.” “He needs it, mom.” “He’s going to chew your nipple off.” “It’s okay, mom. That breast cream takes away the...

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Kitsilano Narrative 4

Margot and I had been living together for two years now. Finding Tofino too limiting, we’d reluctantly made the move to Vancouver about a year ago. She’d set up her own small catering company, and I’d left the survey business to resume work as a freelance photographer. To put it mildly, we were now living something of a hand-to-mouth existence.We’d learned a lot about each other in the past twelve months.I wasn’t the golden boy that she’d first believed me to be. I still strayed occasionally,...

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Ditsydoo and Sams fun day

I first met Kitty through XH a couple of years ago, she’s a lovely BBW MILF with a lovely face, great boobs and incredible nipples! We met for lunch and went for a walk, unfortunately she had to return to work, so all we had time for was a little passionate kissing. I must say that she is a great kisser, I love deep french kissing and Kitty does it to perfection. Lovely soft lips, active tongue, just kissing her got me hard and I really wanted to drag her into the bushes and give her a quick...

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Kitsune chpt 1 2

Clark walked quietly, slowly, through the woods as he made his way towards his favorite place to sit. He grinned as he heard the sound of park rangers thundering through the brush in the opposite direction, yelling at one another to find the brat. Finally he reached the stream that cut through the park and walked up the bank until he found his spot, a small pound were the water poured from the rocks at the northern boundary of the forest. Looking up Clark could see the stone of Barons peak in...

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Introduction: A bittersweet reunion and coming of age for sisters….and lovers. (Warning: graphic scat/body fluids.) LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fantasy: attempting performing the sex acts detailed here could seriously damage your health. Do it anyway ^~^ Melissa turned the corner and emerged, finally, into arrivals. At midday there was a smattering of people waiting on friends and family, not quite a crowd. She stopped for a moment and scanned the faces, the variations in tone...

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For your entire life, you've thought of your family as pretty normal. Kaitlin and Robert Talbot, both in their late forties, both with standard but boring 9-5 office-type jobs. Two kids, Jessica and Andy, 21 and 19, respectively, college dropout and aspiring college dropout. You know, the American dream. Then Robert becomes the key witness in a murder by a big-time member of your city's organized crime network. His testimony is key to putting this criminal behind bars. It also puts a target on...

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Arbeitssuche in der Krise

“Sie haben das Inserat aber schon verstanden? Sie haben gelesen dass ich eine Direktionssekretärin und nicht einen Sekretär suche?” Sicher habe ich das verstanden. Nur hatte ich noch nie ein Inserat gesehen wo ausdrücklich ein Direktionssekretär gesucht wurde. “Sicher habe ich das verstanden. Grundsätzlich haben wir heute Gleichberechtigung. Also müssten Sie ihre Stellenausschreibung auch dementsprechend verfassen.” Die Reaktion der Chefin, der Firma die Stelle ausgeschrieben hatte, ließ auf...

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"Ahhh fack it!" You shouted aloud. Then hear a chuckle come from behind. You turn your head to see Haley dressed. "Wait! Was that tonight?" You asked looking perplexed, completely forgetting about it. "You forgot! I can't believe y-" But before she can finish the sentence you've already ran up to her and put your finger on her lips. Turning her around and whispering at her ear, "I'll make it up to you. Baby doll." While simultaneously running your finger up and down her crotch area. "You know...

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Terri, Donna und Ronnie waren Freunde aus der Kindheit. Ich hatte sie seit über einem Jahr nicht mehr gesehen, nicht seit ich den Job der Rezeptionistin bekommen hatte, als ich Daniel traf. Mein Leben hatte sich so sehr verändert und ich habe kaum an die alten Zeiten gedacht, aber ich musste sie zur Hochzeit einladen, wenn auch nur um ihnen zu zeigen, wie es sich auszahlt, gut zu sein und darauf zu warten, dass der richtige Mann kommt. Sie waren am Mittwoch vor der Hochzeit mit ihren Freunden...

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Arbeitsparty fr Tony

Toni rief an und entschuldigte sich, dass sie fragte, ob es mir es etwas ausmache unser kleines Mädchen zu hüten während sie auf einer Party eines Freundes von Ginger war. Ich sagte ihr, dass es kein Problem sei, sie solle sich keine Sorgen machen und es genießen. Ich wollte wissen, ob sie sicher wäre und fragte ob sie oder jemand anderes fahren würde. Obwohl Toni sehr konservativ in ihrem Verhalten war - sie trank nicht sehr oft und wenn sie es tat, war sie immer beschwipst. Sie sagte mir,...

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Peter saß genervt im Unterricht sie schrieben gerade eine Klausur und er hatte keine Ahnung vom Thema. Er würde eine knallharte sechs schreiben und durchfallen. Da er sowieso nichts beantworten konnte spielte er mit der Uhr herum die er am Wochenende auf dem Dachboden gefunden hatte. Es war eine altmodische silberne Taschenuhr. Er fand sie ziemlich cool auch wenn all seine Kumpels ihn Heute deswegen ausgelacht hatten. Er spielte ein wenig mit der Uhr herum und bemerkte einen kleinen Schalte am...

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kitsune Dodger

So in the Relm you choose you will the world you live in, MODERN DAY! So this Relm is very much like our own, expect other than just humans there are also furries, beacuse we weren't the only speices to evole, who cares about logic this is porn. SC-FI! This Relm is furries were on a diffrent planet, and when the human race started to explore them, we found these planets. Fanstasy! This is a fantasy world so they different races. well now to some impornt stuff, dodger is a kitsune, much like...

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Polizeimeisterin Kathrin Melzer war heute nicht zum lachen zu Mute. Polizeimeisterin - klang eigentlich nicht schlecht! Eigentlich war sie ganz schön stolz als sie den Titel tragen durfte, als sie sich das erste mal mit ihrer Uniform im Spiegel sah. Selbst in der Kampfmontur die sie jetzt trug gefiel sie sich. Sah ja schon beeindruckend aus, mit Helm, grüner Montur, breiten Schultern durch die Protektoren, Schlagstock und Schild, den schwarzen Boots, sie merkte schon dass selbst die Machos...

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Bigtitslut4us Birthday Surprise

Today was the first day of Spring vacation from College and I was awoken by a loud noise outside in front of the vacant house next door so I went to the window to see what was going on too see that a moving van was in front of the house next door and they were moving furniture into the house next door !! The house next door had been up for sale and I'm guessing the new owners were moving in today!! So I decided to go on about my business for the day!! I got dressed and went down stairs to have...

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Bigtitslut4u dirty lil cockslut

rJust so you know this story isn't true is a story I'm posting for a friend!! Well the story began' s with Laura out shopping for sex toys and she's looking around the place trying to find just the right toy to fit her needs but is having a hard time deciding on which one will do the trick when out of no where comes the sales person of which Laura becomes mesmerized with as soon as she hears him speak as his a very handsome man with a body that looks as if he works out a lot!! He's 5'6 and...

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Hochzeitsorgie Teil 1 Die Ankuumlndigung

Holger, 47 Jahre, 188 cm, 90 kg, kurze dunkelbraune Haare mit leichtem grauen Schimmer, keine athletische Figur aber sportlich schlank, kam am Freitagnachmittag gegen 16:00 Uhr von seinem Job als Ingenieur der Produktionssteuerung eines Anlagenbauers nach Hause.Holger und seine Frau Heike, 43 Jahre, 163 cm, 47 kg, glatte schwarze schulterlange Haare, zierliche sportliche Figur, liebten es zu Hause nackt zu sein. Seit dem ihre Tochter ausgezogen war, hatten sie es sich angewöhnt, noch bevor sie...

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Ditsydoo and Sams fun day

I first met Kitty through XH a couple of years ago, she's a lovely BBW MILF with a lovely face, great boobs and incredible nipples! We met for lunch and went for a walk, unfortunately she had to return to work, so all we had time for was a little passionate kissing. I must say that she is a great kisser, I love deep french kissing and Kitty does it to perfection. Lovely soft lips, active tongue, just kissing her got me hard and I really wanted to drag her into the bushes and give her a quick...

4 years ago
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Reitstunde Mutter reitet Freund der Tochter ein

In Anlehnung an eine wahre Geschichte:Lena war 17, ich war gerde volljährig geworden. Ich würde mich als Spätzünder bezeichnen, hatte mit meinen ebenfalls 18 Jahren zwar schon ein paar Freundinnen, doch viel lief nicht. Mit Lena auch nicht. Sie war sehr selbstbewusst, die beste in unserer Klasse auf dem Gymnasium, nicht der Typ Mädchen, in das sich alle auf Anhieb verlieben, eher eine, die sich einsetzte für die anderen und die daher viele Freunde hatte. Sie trug weite Pullover, seit sich ihre...

4 years ago
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Sexploits vol6

so im coming home from work one time, it was around 9.30pm. i get on the bus and see this slutty lookin woman sat at the back with a few cans of cider. i was only 19 myself and i guessed she was around 30 even tho she sed she was 27. anyway we got chattin and it turned out she lived a few stops on from where i was gettin off. an older guy who worked with me was on the bus also earwigging and understandably jelos wen she asked me 2 stay on 2 hers. agreeing we arrived at her street wen she sed...

2 years ago
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Sexploits vol4

My first steady girlfriend and i used to enjoy alot of alfresco sex, as we both still lived with our parents. she was the same age as me and a virgin before i had my way with her. i was a bit of a c**t in those days though and didnt care if i fkd around i had a string of little teeny boppers who i dipped my cock in, but the best had to be with her younger sister. we had an arguement 1 night while i was staying over hers and she went downstairs to sleep on the sofa. half way through the night i...

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Sexploits vol3

So i've had me a few shags now and think i got the idea, but little did i know i was to be educated by a master. i had just turned sixteen and was staying over my friends house regularly, when his older sister returned home from a relationship break up. there was the initial flirtatious chemistry, but i didn't think i had a chance being as she was 21. So i'm staying over one night and his sister and i are either end of the sofa while he's on the other chair watching a movie. our bare feet touch...

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sexploits vol1

i was sixteen when i lost my cherry. my best friends family had arranged to go to a nearby holiday camp and had invited me along. my best friend had already lost his virginity a few months earlier and he was adamant i was to lose mine. it didnt take long before we met 2 local girls who were both the same age. we paired up with them but i soon realised i was out of luck as mine confessed she had a boyfriend and wasnt prepared to go all the way. my friend then politely suggested that i could have...

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Amritsar 8211 Gurdaspur Bus Mein Ladki Ke Mummo Ko

Hi! ISS readers. This is my first story , my real life experience. Mera naam harpreet he aur mein gurdaspur mein rehta hoon, basically mein ludhiana se hoon. Mujhe sex krna bahut psand he. Koi bhi ladki ya bhabhi mere saath sex ya koi decent relationship rakhna chahe to mere sath contact kr sakti he. My email – Chalo story pe ate he. Yeh ghatna ek saal pehle ki he jab meri job gurdaspur mein laggi. Mein bahut khush tha because package bhi acha tha aur company bhi reputed thi. Ludhiana se roj...

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