Trying To Be NormalChapter 18: Diplomacy free porn video

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I got up and opened the door, only to get jumped by a young bundle of effusive boy enthusiasm. I held him awkwardly while hugging Brooke and Rebecca hello, and then I motioned Suzy over to me. She was still reticent, but she came eagerly enough and I dropped to the floor to rough house with them both. Suzy was still hesitant, but once she figured out I wouldn't break or get upset, she finally began to enjoy herself.

"Can we finally play some catch, Alex?" Josh eagerly asked me. "I've been waiting and practicing ever since you first promised me."

"Of course we can," I assured him as I stood up carrying Suzy, and went to my closet upstairs where I kept all my sports supplies. I grabbed a couple of gloves, Josh already had his own but Suzy didn't.

"So, should we invite anyone else? We've almost got enough for a full team," I suggested.

"Nah, I play girl ball with Suzy and my mom all the time. I want to play real baseball with the guys," he answered.

"Humph," Suzy mumbled, giving her opinion of this view.

"You don't mind if Suzy plays, do you?"

"Well," he said hesitantly, but he reconsidered when he saw his sister's forlorn expression. "Sure, come on, Suze." She immediately broke into a huge grin, happy to be included by her older brother. That single image brought back memories of Cate from long ago, touching a soft spot in my heart.

We all trooped out and started tossing the ball back and forth. Just like a typical big brother, Josh used Suzy's enthusiasm to play with her brother to get her to retrieve all the misthrown balls for him. While she was off one more time, he turned to me.

"Suzy says that you're the most powerful man in the whole world," he stated as a simple fact.

"Josh, your sister can feel things that others can't. I'm not someone anyone would notice, but both your sister and mom know things about me that the rest of the world doesn't."

"Yeah, Mom talks about you all the time. She says you are going to make a big difference in the world. So, will you?" he asked simply.

"To people like your Mom and sister, I'm important. To your friends at school, I'm nobody special." I purposefully avoided any discussion of what I might achieve, since I had my own doubts about that. Besides, I wanted to get this main point across to him.

"So you're like a secret agent or a superhero with a secret identity?" he asked, trying to wrap his little mind around the concept of subtlety by trying to associate it with popular fantasy.

"Something like that," I replied, "except I have no super powers. What I have are a lot of people to find. So my secret mission is to find people like your mom, Rebecca and Suzy. Once I do, I teach them who they are so they can do amazing things on their own."

"I'm not sure I understand," he told me.

"That makes two of us," I told him. "That makes two of us."

Suzy came running up, only to notice we weren't ready to play yet.

"Whatcha talking about?" she asked.

"We're talking about what you told me. About Alex being super."

"I didn't say he was super," she announced, sounding as exasperated as only a 9 year old could. "I said he was more powerful than anyone else, and that's a fact. No one else is as powerful as he is," she stated flatly, clearly indicating she would brook no disagreement with that clear fact.

"He's not more powerful than Superman," Josh stated. "Nobody is stronger than Superman!"

"That's a big difference," I explained, trying to get him to comprehend the difference between reality and fiction. "Superman is strong. His power is he can beat people up. I'm powerful because I have energy flowing through me, just like an electrical outlet. It's power others can use so they can do amazing things themselves." He looked at me with a confused expression so I figured I'd try a different tack.

"Strength and power aren't the same. Being strong means you can make people do things. But people don't like that. That's why Superman has a fight with someone every episode. My power helps people like your mom gain their own powers. That's how I help people."

"So it's like when you healed that guy?" Suzy asked, clearly fascinated by the topic.

"Yes, it is."

"But isn't that like a superpower?" Josh asked.

"Not really. It's more like... ," I paused to consider how to express my ideas to two youngsters, even though Suzy seemed to be following me better than her older brother was. "It's like Martin Luther King. He wasn't strong. He didn't beat up the police who hurt people when they tried to make them obey bad laws. His 'power' was influencing people. He made people realize the police were wrong, and they changed the laws to make them fair."

"We learned about Mr. King in school," he told me.

"Good, then hopefully you'll understand how important what he did was. But he didn't use strength or super powers to change the world. You have to understand, Josh, that what makes a man isn't that he's stronger than anyone else. What makes a boy into a man is when he learns to accept responsibility. When he figures that people depend on him and he needs to take care of them, and that he wants to help them more than he wants things for himself."

That seemed to get his attention, and he stopped to ponder it.

"So if I help mom with the groceries, I'll be a man?" he asked.

"Well, you'll be learning to be a man. But it takes something bigger than doing what you are told. It's when you decide to do something for other people because it's the right thing to do, not because you were told to do it.

"I did things for myself for a long time, but then I found I had this odd ability. I could have continued to be that older kid by only doing what I wanted to do. But instead I decided to take care of people that were looking for my help. That's why everyone considers me important, because I make a difference in their lives. Superman might be strong, but while he protects people he doesn't help them grow. Instead I helped them learn who they are."

"Don't they know who they are?" Josh asked.

"Well, it's more complex than that." I stopped and thought about what I was saying once again. "Martin Luther King was important because he helped people be free. He showed his people they could be free, even if the whites told them they couldn't. I'm doing the same thing. I'm telling people like your sister they have talents they didn't know about. They can use them to become better people. I show them they don't have to be what others tell them they have to be. They can be something more.

"If your mom told anyone she could see a person's soul, everyone would tell her that it's impossible. But she knows better. I used my power to help her accomplish that, then I told her how to use it. I took responsibility for helping her, and she took responsibility in helping you. That's what makes people into adults."

"So you're like Moses then? Like when he led his people out of Africa?" Suzy offered.

"Actually he led them out of Egypt, but I guess you could say that. I'm trying to organize my people. I'm trying to identify them, to tell them what they can be and to help them learn how to live."

"Are you going to wander in the desert for 40 years then?" Josh asked.

"I don't plan on it," I said, smiling at him. "I'm not freeing them from slavery. Instead I'm freeing them from ignorance. Do you know what 'ignorance' is?" They both nodded their heads. "Well, they all think they're just normal people, but I know better, and people like your mother can see that they aren't. So it's my job to try to tell them they are really a special type of people."

"Did you really heal that guy?" Josh asked, apparently finished with the current discussion. I didn't know if he understood it or simply lost interest in it, but I humored him nonetheless.

"Yeah, although I don't really like anyone to know about it. I've also helped out at the local hospital here."

"Did you heal anyone there?" Suzy asked, eager to hear about how I could use the power she could feel in me.

"Well, I helped several people, and helped a few get better. But with great power comes great disappointment as well. I couldn't save everyone. Some of them are still sick, and that makes me sad," I explained, trying to tell them what I was going through. I didn't know why I felt compelled to tell them that, but I thought they'd do better knowing about my experiences.

"What's it like?" Suzy asked out of the blue.

"What's what like, Suzy?"

"What's it like being so powerful?"

"I can't really answer that easily, Suzy. I didn't even know I had any power until recently. Even though I have all this energy in me, I can't feel it like you can, so I never knew about it. But what I can feel is how good it is to help people. When I saved that guy in New Orleans, it felt good, even if it didn't feel good to have people talking about it. That's another thing about being an adult. You do things because you should, not because you get something out of it. I don't want attention because I do what I should. I do it because it helps the people that need it."

"That's quite a little lesson you're teaching," my father's voice unexpectedly informed me. He'd apparently walked up to us unnoticed, while I was talking. "Of course, I'm not sure whether they're ready to learn it quite yet, but hopefully the ideas will germinate for a while. Then maybe it will make a difference as they grow older." With that he took the ball from my glove and tossed it to Suzy, who eagerly ran after it. My little lesson was like a leaf, blowing away on the wind. By itself, it didn't make much of a difference. But, if enough of them fell to the ground, it would change the landscape of the yard. I hoped the same was true for the landscape of their young minds.

I figured I still had a LOT to learn about dealing with kids...

I had fun with the kids and they had a blast, but all that talk about helping others somehow brought up memories of the girl I had lost. I know it was silly, and that there wasn't anything that I could have done about it, but it still continued to haunt me. Talking about my responsibility to others reminded me that I'd failed in my responsibility to her, whether it was my fault or not, and that still hurt. While the kids were playing in the house—Dad was entertaining Josh while my girls were all trying to tell Suzy about her new life—I decided to get out on my own and think about things for a bit.

When I casually mentioned that I was heading out as I grabbed my keys, I was quickly confronted by a concerned group of women who halted what they were doing to confront me.

"Where think you going?" Anh pointedly asked, practicing her improved skills by speaking in clear English for a change.

"I'm just going for a drive. I'm not going to visit anyone, but I just wanted to get out and think for a bit."

"Good, I'll go with you then," Gail announced as if it was the end of the discussion. "I'm the best equipped if anything happens."

"What could happen? I'll probably just go to the Sonic," I protested.

"Good, I can always use a diet soda," she countered. "Alex, you seem to have a way of getting yourself into trouble, besides the fact you're still suffering from a concussion and shouldn't really be driving. We all depend on you, and we'd be lost without you. Our entire future, no, the entire future of our species depends upon you. While we all share some unique abilities, only you can activate them, and only you can handle the telepathy. We can't just let you get into trouble anymore," she insisted.

"Look, you can't live my life for me. I've got to deal with things as they come up. Things have just been a bit strained lately, I'm sure they'll calm down. Just let me handle it on my own, OK?" They didn't look convinced.

"Maybe," she hesitated, "but it's no deal until you're finished healing. While I'm here, I'm officially in charge. I'm your official protection detail. If you want to flirt with a pretty girl at the mall, that's fine, I'll just blend into the background. But you're going to have to get used to having us look out for you, because it's not just you anymore. It's all of us, and all of our descendants as well." Geez, what a depressing thought. I can't even go for a drive without armed guards for fear of how it might affect my unborn great grandchildren that I may never have. However, I shut up and let her accompany me to the car.

"You know," I began, after we'd driven a little ways, "you're really the one who needs to be back there learning all of this stuff."

"I've got the rest of my life to learn it, I've got time," she assured me.

"Yeah, but you've got a job, and only so many days you can spend with us," I reminded her.

"We'll have to talk about that eventually. I like the job, but it's stressful, and this new life feels much more critical to me now. As a cop I can't do much more than react to trouble after it happens. Here I can build a future for all of our kind."

"Our kind? You're talking like we aren't even human anymore."

"Who knows, maybe we're not. But we aren't going to be anything unless you can keep your head down. You very well could have been killed the other day. And it wasn't the first time. You seem to attract attention, both good and bad." I simply sat back and sulked like a sullen teen for a while. She simply smiled at me and I knew I was acting stupidly, but I couldn't help it. Hell, these damn teen hormones still controlled much of my life, and I was feeling particularly overwhelmed by my new life, once again.

We did in fact stop at the local fast food hangout. I saw a couple of kids from school but nobody I really knew. However I was generating looks from other people besides them. I recognized a couple of them as either previous graduates or family of kids at school. I was wondering just how far my reputation was growing, now that I could hardly go out of the house without attracting attention.

Gail did as she suggested and simply stood at the counter with a soft drink in her hand while I sat at a table by myself. My life had certainly gone through some rapid changes. I'd gone from a shy loner with a couple of friends to a telepathic freak with no friends but plenty of potential lovers. I wondered where this wild ride of mine would end and whether I'd like it or myself when it did.

Finally I gave up and signaled Gail that I was done pouting. I figured maybe I'd just try going for a walk the next time I felt morose, it would be less embarrassing having to find my local guard, and I wouldn't have to deal with stares. Gail still kept her distance. Maybe she was also thinking about my growing reputation, but we both got into the car together.

"Heady thoughts, huh?" she prompted.

"Yeah, it's hard to get used to being a freak and a savior in such a short time."

"You're hardly a freak, and even if you are, you're surrounded by like minded freaks to help support you. It might help if you could find some friends who are independent of all of this mess, though. It's too bad your friends all abandoned you once you found some success. I'm sure there's no shortage of girls that would be glad to talk with you, but I'm not sure that's quite what you're looking for right now."

"Yeah, I was kind of just looking to being an average guy for a bit and just talk about football or the weather, not what effect I'm going to have on unborn generations."

"Well, I'd say, given all the craziness that's been happening, that you've been adapting quite well. Try to be on the lookout for anyone who might be sympathetic. If you were a bit older I'd just drop you at a nearby bar to get shitfaced, you just seem to be in that frame of mind."

"Yeah," I scoffed, "I can just hear about the damage I'd be doing to my future generations of grandkids from the alcohol." She laughed briefly and we fell into an uncomfortable silence for the rest of the drive.

Gail left a little while after we got back. I continued to act pouty, hiding in my room studying. The girls all respected my mood and left me mostly alone, which I appreciated. There was still quite a bit to adjust to. I hadn't quite figured everything out yet.

I figured school was going to be interesting that Monday morning. If I'd been getting strange looks before, then I could imagine the ones I'd be getting now. Between the news of my injury and possibly news of what I'd done at the hospital, all dumped on top of my previous reputation, it didn't look very promising.

As much fun as I'd had the day before, I was in a better mood after a decent night's sleep, and my head didn't feel as badly as it had. Once we got to school I immediately went in search of Darrel to offer a little peace offering over the trouble with his brother. I figured I owed him that.

Instead of the response I'd been expecting, the one I received was equally as mystifying. Everyone continued to watch, but no one did anything they hadn't before. Could it be possible that no one had heard about the fight between Brandon and me? I also noticed a few of the black kids watching me a bit warily, but I figured that was to be expected. At least they weren't openly hostile. Not yet, at any rate. I figured I'd deal with them directly later on.

As I came up to Darrell, I noticed the people around him who noticed me seemed to back away, which I thought was silly; didn't they realize the trouble between us was over now that he and I were dating ... No, scratch that, maybe they didn't realize it was all over. When I stopped beside him as he was unlocking his locker and said hello, he actually jumped. Fairly strange for a large linebacker used to getting hit, but I just ignored it.

"Hey, Darrel, I just wanted to talk to you about the trouble with your brother."

"Oh," he responded, seemingly relieved, "I'm sorry about that. He asked me about where Chalise was and I gave him a brief recap of what'd happened between us, and he kind of went nuts."

"Yeah, I'll say. He was acting like a berserker. That's another thing, I think you may want to talk to your parents about him possibly being given too many steroids by that college team he's on. I don't want to cause any trouble, but if he flies off the handle so easily he's likely to end up in some real trouble."

He looked at me oddly, then mumbled, "Man, after all the grief my father and Brandon have caused you, and you're worried about him." But then he got serious again, "I don't think you have to worry about that ... it seems the damage to his knee is fairly extensive, and he's going to be out of it for quite awhile, making you official persona non grata around our house. Speaking of which, do you know where my mother and sister are staying? My Dad tried to reach them, but hasn't had any luck."

"Are you sure you want to know? I'll tell you if you can keep from letting your Dad know, but either way, I'll tell them to give him a call so they can all talk it out. Hopefully everyone has had a few days to calm down."

"You may be right, I'm probably better off not knowing. And I don't think there's going to be any calming down. My father and brothers all actively hate you right now. I'd watch my back if I were you. Dad actually asked me to kick your ass for him. And I don't mean a light kick like I'd been thinking of originally."

"Well, thanks for the warning. Just so you know, like I told your sister, I don't hold any of your family responsible for what happened. I think your brother was a bit unsettled and reacted unnecessarily. I really like your mother and sister, and generally feel like we could get along if you wouldn't object. I'd like to get to know the rest of the family as there's probably a lot of similarity between us, but I'm guessing now's not a very good time for that."

"No," he laughed sourly, "it's not a very good time. As for the rest, I hope you'll continue to feel that way in the future," he added mysteriously.

"Don't worry," I told him, "despite our earlier disagreement, I've always had a good feeling about you. Despite the tough guy image you try to project, I think deep inside you are basically a decent guy trying to bluff his way out. That's why I told Kitty you were a good guy, because I figured you could be if you let it out."

"Yeah, well, we'll have to see just how good I can be. Look, I gotta go. Sorry about what Brandon did to you. Despite whatever may happen, I really wish you the best for what you've done for me."

"Hey," I called out to his retreating form, "I didn't do anything. It was all Kitty's doing." Figuring the conversation was ended when he left I headed off to class, noticing the surrounding students all looking disappointed that we didn't come to blows. I didn't understand how they could still expect that kind of behavior between us, but I guess Darrell's reputation spoke for a lot.

As I continued with my day the looks didn't end. It seems I was suddenly the center of attention again, and I was wondering just what was causing it; the fight with Brandon, the incident at the Hospital, or maybe something the girls had mistakenly said. Again, it seemed to be split by the sexes. The girls were all keenly interested, while the guys all seemed to be expecting trouble from or towards me. I guessed I'd find out what was causing it eventually. I just couldn't do anything about it until then.

Part way through my second class some guy started to ask me if I knew about Darrell and Kitty. Before he could continue I cut him off.

"Look, it's OK. I know she's dating him and I have no problem with it. But I don't need to hear any details. What the two of them do is strictly their business, just like what I do with anyone is our business. I don't believe in private moments between two individuals being shared with the whole school."

"Yeah but—"

"I know you mean well, but I think we can all handle it between ourselves. OK?" He reluctantly agreed and that was that. I don't know why there's such a market for random gossip about topics people have no knowledge of. In Physics class, Alice managed to substitute lab partners with me again, despite the fact that all the participants were there today.

"Alex," she whispered excitedly, "is what I heard about true?"

I groaned. "What, exactly, do you think you heard?"

"A policewoman came to you in the Hospital, went down on her knees, and pledged her allegiance to you." She was practically salivating at the concept.

"I wouldn't believe everything you hear," I cautioned, trying to head off any similar rumors. "First of all, why would a random police officer do something like that? Secondly, you really can't listen to random rumors—"

"Jonathon Pride's sister saw it at the Hospital. Apparently she works on the floor you were on and saw the entire thing." I groaned again, no wonder everyone was staring at me lately.

"Look, it wasn't what it looked like, she did no such thing, and she was just kidding around. Seriously, can you think of any reason why an adult police officer would do any such thing?"

"Well, I can think of one or two things," she teased. I just sighed again. Fighting this rumor was going to be an uphill battle.

"Just let it rest, Alice."

"OK. What about you and Bulldozer's brother?"

"You mean Darrell's brother Brandon? Yes, we had a mild altercation, but it wasn't anything serious. It was just a mistake on his part."

"I heard he put you in the Intensive Care Ward with a broken head over the position you put Bulldozer in, and for messing around with his sister."

"That was the gist of it, but we didn't really have a chance to talk. It was all over before we managed to say much of anything. Personally I think he was just letting off steam over something else."

"Ok, then, what about—?"

"Look, Alice, I appreciate the concern, but you've got to stop focusing so much on a few silly rumors. It always sounds much more exciting than it really is. There really are reasonable explanations for all the stories you hear, and nothing is as sexy as you think it is. Now, can we just focus on the lab and forget about all this nonsense?" She looked disappointed at ending the conversation, but also because I looked so disappointed in her. Thinking that I may have hurt her feelings, I grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, making her eyes light up. Damn, how was I affecting all these girls like this, I asked myself?

I was planning on sitting at the black table again, in order to head off any problems with anything they may have heard about me. But when I entered the lunchroom, I hadn't gone a dozen steps when I found myself attacked by a crying female. Stepping back, I saw Kitty was terribly upset as she tearfully asked me to take her somewhere private because she was horribly embarrassed. I gritted my teeth, angry that some rumor about me had impacted this lovely young girl. I kept her close to me as I steered us out, just daring anyone to say or try anything with us. We moved outside and found a quiet tree to sit besides.

"It's Darrell," she cried. "He's been telling everybody that he had sex with me. I'm the laughing stock of the school. He said—" I cut her off before she could continue.

"Look, I'll say again that I don't care what you and he may or may not have done. What I am upset in is Darrell's actions. I'm really disappointed in him. I thought he might be a decent guy and that's why I told you to go out with him. I'm sorry he didn't live up to my expectations, and it's all my fault for putting you into that position."

"No, no, you don't understand. I—"

"Again," I warned her with a finger to her lips, "You're not responsible for this, regardless of what you may or may not have done. The entire fault is Darrell's for bragging to his friends. I don't know what he could have been thinking? Did he think this was going to turn out well? Everyone knew he was dating you. I'd also made it clear what you and he did together was nobody's business. It isn't like he needed to brag about another notch—" that was apparently the wrong word to use as Kitty burst into tears again, so I just shut up and hugged her.

"I don't know, either," she finally sobbed once she'd managed to get some control over her tears. "I was really nice to him. I gave him a fair chance like you asked, I went out of my way and we had fun together. I don't understand why he's being such an ass." Again I just held her without contributing anything more. I finally started to realize that the typical guy's response of trying to figure out a problem they can fix wasn't what was needed here. I simply needed to be here for her and let her vent. There wasn't anything either of us could do about it now; the damage to her reputation had already been done. No wonder he was speaking in code, I thought. He didn't want to admit what he'd already done when I talked to him. He'd jerked back when I said hello, thinking I'd already heard and was after revenge for Kitty's honor, not that I'd achieve much being beaten up again for the second time in three days.

After she'd vented for a while, we started to talk about what our choices were. We decided, or rather I kind of let her decide, that there wasn't much we could do. I could pick a fight with him, but that wouldn't change anything. We couldn't retract his statements for him, and apparently our best efforts to get him to stand up for himself had fallen flat. Once again the end result was that the damage had already been done and we were powerless to change it. All we could do was put our best foot forward, hold our heads up high, and just let the world know we didn't care what they thought about some silly rumor about us. Well, at least that was my opinion. I tried to convince her of it, but she seemed highly doubtful. Needless to say I didn't bring up my own rumor problems. They just weren't her concern, she had her own problems.

"I don't know how I'm going to face Chalise," she added.

"That's nonsense," I insisted. "You and Chalise are close friends now. She has no control over her relatives, and she's never gotten along, nor agreed with, their behaviors. Don't hold her responsible for Darrell's stupidity. You know she's going to be sympathetic. You two are as thick as thieves. I have a feeling that if I disappeared you both would be friends for a long, long time."

"I guess you're right," she conceded. "She's had a long history of trouble with her brothers, and she's certainly not their favorite sibling right now, as it is. If I were you I'd keep my distance from him, though," she cautioned me, not realizing I'd already spoken with him today. "Since your deal is off, he's under no obligation to be nice to you anymore."

"Don't worry about me," I told her, "I can take care of myself." She laughed.

"So far, I'd have to agree with Cate, it really doesn't look like it." We both laughed at that, which helped both of our spirits.

After lunch I was steaming. I wasn't really terribly angry at Darrell, he was free to think or say whatever he wanted. I was just disappointed that he'd be so casual about a relationship he professed to care so much about. Was all that talk just bluster? Why would he pick a fight with me if he didn't give a shit about Kitty? Nothing today was making much sense, other than the fact that I had a shitload of trouble to deal with, that is.

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Trying Too Hard 1

My name is John. And I'm a gay man. Not flaming mind you. Not some frilly guy that makes you uncomfortable when he walks into the room. No. No flashy walk. No flashy clothes. No. I'm just a regular guy that likes... well... guys. I wouldn't normally even consider myself gay. I've found it's just easier than using one of today's definitions. It's just the way I feel. I always thought it was normal. Some guys chase after sports or money. Other guys are chasing after girls in skirts....

4 years ago
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Trying Not to Seduce my Daughter Was the Hardest Thing I Ever Tried to Do1

I'm a man in his mid forties. I met the mother of my oldest kids when in me early twenties. After dating just a few months, we decided to move in together. At first, everything was great. She seemed to be a really good woman, not pretty at all, but she was good to me and was adventurous in bed. Before I knew it, we were talking about having kids. Even though it was too soon, we decided to chance it and not use protection any longer. Soon after, she became pregnant with our first child, Anna....

2 years ago
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Trying Something New2

Toni and Justin just got back to her and her sister's, Davina, new apartment from spending all day at the mall shopping. Justin just bout Toni some new outfits but had not seen them on her yet. It's been a long day and they are both tired. "Well it looks like Davina isn't home again," Justin says as they walk inside the apartment. Justin likes it when they are alone because Davina is always all over the place and not letting them get intimate. "I see," Toni sarcastically...

2 years ago
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Trying Something New1

Toni and Justin just got back to her and her sister's, Davina, new apartment from spending all day at the mall shopping. Justin just bout Toni some new outfits but had not seen them on her yet. It's been a long day and they are both tired. "Well it looks like Davina isn't home again," Justin says as they walk inside the apartment. Justin likes it when they are alone because Davina is always all over the place and not letting them get intimate. "I see," Toni sarcastically...

2 years ago
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Trying to Be NormalChapter 8 FINALLY

"Say, Melinda, I guess I've got time. What did you want to discuss?" She looked at me, as if testing my mood. "Let's go to your room and look at your computer," she said, not answering my question. So we both trooped upstairs. The girls had gone off like they'd planned, so the room was empty as I pulled up a spare chair and sat in front of my computer. "What did you want me to do?" I asked her as I booted the older device. "Well, while it boots up, I'll describe what's going...

3 years ago
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Trying TaboobyLuvsPreggers©Brigit took a deep breath, closed her eyes, then she walked confidently into the bar. This was the craziest thing she had ever done, but she wasn't stopping now.She scanned the dark room, looking over the variety of offerings s**ttered around the bar. The pharmaceutical convention was in town and the selection was pretty varied. As she looked for her target, Brigit was almost distracted by some of the other tasty-looking opportunities she saw. She was on a mission,...

1 year ago
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Trying to Be NormalChapter 19 What You Do For Your Friends

I felt pretty good the next day. I'd fooled around with my girls the previous night and it was fun, but I was definitely getting tired of being limited to oral only. I could hardly wait for Friday. I had to cross my fingers though; given all the trouble I'd been having lately, who knew what might pop up to prevent it. Things at school were still strained but were becoming a bit more normal. I was gradually getting used to always being stared at, I mean. I made sure we got to school early,...

2 years ago
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Trying to Keep It Friendly

Chapter 1 It was sometime in late 1973, maybe late September or early October when I started getting feelers from the Caughlin brothers about whether I'd be interested in selling out my business to them. Frank and Ryan Caughlin had once worked for Billy, back when he first started out on his own. There had been a falling out between them and Billy had been forced to fire them after he and Frank got involved in a pushing match that almost turned into a fight. Ryan had been ready to jump in on...

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Trying to Be NormalChapter 4 Awkward Conversations and a Big Send Off

I was in bed with Anh and Natalie later that evening. I'm not quite sure how they worked it out, but they managed to rotate using some complicated selection criteria so each night I had a slightly different combination of women in my bed. We'd found five to a bed was pushing things, but I had a feeling that would change as soon as the rest of the women arrived. Or maybe not, depending on how things went with my potential upcoming dates. We were having a good time. Anh was whispering advice...

4 years ago
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Trying Something New Chapters 12

Chapter 1: The Room ------------------------------ "I want to try something new tonight." "Like what?" I asked. "First I gotta tell you something and you have to promise not to freak out." This got me sitting up. It wasn't like I didn't trust Katie, but something about the way that she said that made me nervous. We'd been dating for a year and we still hadn't had sex yet. What if she was getting it from somewhere else? I didn't really believe that she would, but these...

4 years ago
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Trying to Live the New Normal

TRYING TO LIVE THE NEW NORMAL BY BELINDA [A biographic of experience of trying to live the new normal and of some feelings of how things have changed since the 90's especially on social media...] She is trying to live the new normal; only 90 days ago her daily routine is that she listened to the "business hour" on WBBM AM 780 Chicago from noon to 1pm then took a walk to Wendy's to have a late lunch while prospecting on internet for leads to help her consulting business... Also, for...

3 years ago
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Trying to Be NormalChapter 21 The Big Event OK the Decent Sized Event

My girls were as excited as Kitty and Chalise were about the big event, but they were all business about it. They sent me to do my homework for the weekend downstairs so they could work to lay out my clothes, as if I'd even need to wear clothes tonight. Gail arrived just after dinner; she'd hurried just so she could be here for this 'momentous event'. We'd debated how the girls should arrive earlier. I thought it was a terrible idea to make their mothers bring them when they knew what...

4 years ago
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Trying out my new digital camera part 2

Over a month had passed since my photo session with my mother. Immediately after the session finished, we had viewed the photos of her posing, undressing and finally 'simulating' sex acts with me. Neither of us spoke a single word as I scrolled through each individual picture. It was a wildly arousing situation. My mother was sitting beside me, in a second office chair in my room. She was wearing a white towel dressing gown and had removed her stockings and shoes. Sharing the experience of what...

2 years ago
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Trying to put things right with Sue Part 2

Marg and I had travelled east to investigate if Lyn, Marg’s sister, had been manipulating Sue to cheat on me. What we found out horrified me. Every person that was involved who was willing to talk to us told a similar story. Lyn had been setting up liaisons for Sue with a huge number of men.This information did not take the responsibility away from Sue. It was Sue who was meeting those men. It was Sue who was having sex with them and sleeping with them. What it did show though, was that while...

Wife Lovers
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Trying a taste of myself

My experience with self pleasuring is probably very normal. We all know everyone masturbates and the ones who say they don't are lying. As a young man I experimented with different techniques, textures, lubrication, and additional stimulation. I had been masturbating regularly for quite a while before I got the idea to try sucking myself off. I grew up in a very conservative home so I didn't have access to porn or have friends who could give me ideas. I had to keep the fact I was masturbating...

3 years ago
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Trying On Outfits With My HalfSister Laura

I used to spend summers with my half sister Laura at our dad's house. We didn't see each other much, but were still pretty close. The summer I was starting to realize I had feelings for girls we were alone in the house picking outfits out for a party. We had been naked in the bath growing up and changed in front of each other many times. But, this summer she was suddenly really cute and I felt awkward around her. I kept getting my words mixed up when she stripped down to her bra and panties. I...

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Trying Something New0

* * * * * Frank, the division manager, called me into his office. He and I had gotten fairly close over the years. My wife, Julia, and I had gone out to dinner with him and his wife a few times, and we had been to parties at each other's houses. “Shut the door,” he said. “Come, sit down.” I did, and he just stared at his desk. This wasn't good. “Frank, what's ....” I began. “Look, Mike, I don't know how else to tell you this. I just got off a conference call with...

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Trying to Be Normal12 An Interesting Second Date

I was anxious the next day, Friday, both because of my upcoming second date with Chalise, and also because I was curious how they’d both take what they’d experienced yesterday. I wondered whether it may just have been enough to push them over the edge, going from ‘interesting’ to ‘scary’. Allison informed me that she and Shani would be working on preparing and sending their resumes to Ryan for his consideration. I asked if she was possibly putting him into an uncomfortable area, essentially...

2 years ago
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Trying on Panties With my Bestfriend

I had always known I was different. Since I tried on my sister's panties one day in the 4th grade, I had known. I had been with my best friend and I put on my sister's panties and my friend Chris had put on a pair of his sister's. I was really embarrassed that day because I got a little hard on when I was wearing the silky panties and bra, and I didn't know why. I didn't put on girl's clothes again until middle school. I had been watching the baseball game on TV and went to the...

2 years ago
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Trying to Be NormalChapter 6 The Second Date and More Details than a Mother Wants

Becky followed us home and Melinda had already beaten us to the house. It was a weekend, after all, and neither had any classes. They were both eager to get in on the whole 'meet the girlfriends' movement. I groaned at the pressure everyone was putting on the poor girls. Once I entered the house, everyone wanted hugs and kisses. Some were more involved than others. Mom and Cate had apparently decided they'd be better off not fighting for access, as they both patiently waited until...

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Trying to Be NormalChapter 16 Dinner At Home and a Little Bite To Eat

Chalise had relaxed a great deal, but was still pretty tense. "So, does that mean that we—?" she started to ask. "Shh," I told her gently. "I don't want any of us to start making statements or committing ourselves to anything when feelings are raw and we are all emotionally sensitive. Let's just relax and think it over. But there will be no decisions about breaking up, getting together, pledging ourselves or anything else. Just try to be in the minute. I'd much rather have you both...

3 years ago
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Trying is becoming

''Hey we are going to look at the game wanna come over for a beer or 2''said Mike , the chubby guy working at store warehouse where i am doing my deliveries for the last months, ''at the same pub?''''no at another place near the highway, im done in an hour when are you done?''''after the next delivery, txt me the place ll be there''i finished my run at another warehouse 20min away and around 9 just in time for the second period , the hockey game tied, Mike was sit alone waving at me''hey Alex ,...

4 years ago
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Trying to Be NormalChapter 17 An Unexpected But Well ThoughtOut Plan

Now that my stay-at-home date with Kitty was finished, I considered all that had just transpired. There was a lot to take in, not even counting what had happened previous to the date. Although I'd only known Kitty and Chalise for a very short time, our relationship seemed to have been a virtual whirlwind. I'd been on two dates with each, although Chalise's had been spoiled and Kitty had been somewhat cheated out of a fancy dinner. Still, what we'd been through together seemed...

2 years ago
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Trying to Be NormalChapter 20 Winning the Parents Over

I again revert to a third person perspective, instead of Alex's, to bring yet another set of voices into the story. In this case, it's someone who hasn't yet been heard from, despite their pivotal role, or rather their apparent non-role, in the unfolding story. That's Alex's parents, Frank and Linda Jennings. The usual reaction is that their behavior is unbelievable in how they allowed their two children into the world without any supervision or support, just as they are facing the...

3 years ago
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Trying to Be Normal15 Check Out with a Few Tears

The sun finally started to filter in through the window. It was hard to believe everything that occurred since my date the prior night. The nurse had mentioned possibly getting out this morning, as unbelievable as that sounds considering how badly off I had been during the night. Now all I had to do was worry about the other patients I’d be examining. I figured it would be nice to stop focusing on myself for a while. Although I was sure memories of Jennifer and worries about her condition...

2 years ago
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Trying Vodka BFF Sex In the Basement

Jacqueline's mouth encased my finger with a slow, warm motion. She seemed to savor it, massaging inside with her wet tongue and lips. I was throbbing inside my panties as I lay back on the wicker chair in the basement of her family's house wearing only a yellow necklace and my pretty powder-blue panties with the pink and white flowers at the top. She had told me she liked them last weekend when we got into her costume closet, dressing up as different characters from our favorite movies. It...

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Trying to Be NormalChapter 9 A Compromise Is Offered

I was very rudely awakened when my two older sisters trooped noisily into my bedroom and proceeded to jump on the bed, shaking me awake. "Come on, stud, time to get up. We're leaving soon and you've got to come tell us goodbye." "Uhh," I wittily replied. Glancing around, I saw I was surrounded by Becky and Melinda. The girls I had gone to bed with all seemed to be missing. Who the hell was supposed to be protecting me from my sisters? Of course, the answer immediately sprang to mind....

2 years ago
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Trying my hand at something new

It's a peaceful Friday evening that will soon change. You are leaving work, walking through the parking garage to your very suburban mom-ish Chevy Tahoe. A perfect vehicle for toting the k**s to soccer and swimming class, you even have a sticker on the back that says "mommy's taxi". As you are walking you hear footsteps behind you, not unusual, but a little un-nerving. You fumble with your keys trying to get the door unlocked, thinking to yourself that you are never parking this far from the...

2 years ago
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Trying Too Hard 2

My name is John. And I'm a gay man. But I don't call myself that. I don't really identify with gay people. Or straight people for that matter. Gender just seemed so limiting. I've always been a quiet guy. I kept to myself through my youth until I met Randy. That's when everything changed. In the terms of what life meant and what my focus would be for the rest of my life. That's what this story is all about. In the first chapter I recalled how I grew up, how I met Randy, and how sex...

1 year ago
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Trying to complete the paperwork

I was home alone again; my beloved Victor on a plane directly to Boston.This was a nice advantage: I had plenty time for myself at home to complete the paperwork that Barbara, my slutty witch Boss needed that Friday.I set the clock to wake me up at four o’clock. I wanted to rush for the office and was planning to finish the task in at least two hours, before the rest of my coworkers could arrive.The sound of the clock alarm really exploded in my brain. I woke up with a massive headache, but I...

4 years ago
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Trying It On For Size

Sam and Luke pulled into the mall parking lot in their Dodge challenger, finding a spot easily. Sam was really looking forward to spending most of this Friday afternoon working her way around the mall, the absolute best shopping spot in all of London. And it's not that Luke wasn't looking forward to going shopping, but for him the best part of the deal was spending so much time with Sam. As it was just about lunch time, Sam thought it best to get Luke fed, as he'd be a better shopping...

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Trying to Control the Urge to Suck Cock

My name is Ed, and my wife Joan and I have lived in the Atlanta area for many years, ever since moving here after graduation from college. We are now 45 years old and live in a nice suburb, and both of our kids are in college. Joan and I met when we were both freshmen in college, and we have had a great sex life, at least up until the last six months. Joan was almost insatiable, and usually wanted sex every day. I of course had no complaints, and was all too happy getting all of the pussy that...

3 years ago
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Trying to put things right with Sue Part 1

Marg and I had travelled east to investigate if Lyn, Marg’s sister had been manipulating Sue to cheat on me. I guess I already knew the answer but I was hoping against hope that it was not the case because it meant that I had often blamed Sue for things that were not totally her fault. This meant that I had a larger involvement in Sue’s decision to leave me than I was comfortable with.Marg being Marg wanted us to become lovers while in the east. It appeared that Cherie had given her what some...

Wife Lovers
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Trying on more than clothes in the fitting room

Every Saturday my wife would force me to go shopping with her.  She loved nothing more than to spend my hard earned money.  I would work my ass off putting in 55 to 60 hours a week just to have my only day off spent following her around department stores, buying things for her.  When I would see something I liked she would always say "Oh Jon, you don't really need that."  I would put down what ever I was looking at and just follow her while she tried on outfit after outfit.  I was miserable in...

Straight Sex
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Trying My First Glory Hole

Trying My First Glory HoleFor a little bit of brief background, I’m a single gal, I have a lot of fun with men and even women that I meet. I am always up for trying new things and I very rarely say no, I have so much I want to try and whenever I get shown something new I instantly what to try it out and this is exactly what happened with the whole glory hole thing.I am in my early twenties, I’m a trainee solicitor. Nobody at work realizes how scandalous I actually am, at work I like to think...

4 years ago
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Trying to Be NormalChapter 5 A First Date and a PostDate Examination

Climbing into the car after finally escaping the crazy scene where my girls confronted Kitty in my living room, I realized I'd hardly said a dozen words the entire time. It had just been a dizzying rush, but I figured it wasn't much of a date if we never even got a chance to talk. "In case I forgot to mention it in that little menagerie, you're absolutely beautiful tonight," I whispered as I turned to glance at her. And she was, too. She was wearing a dark blue silk dress, which somehow...

2 years ago
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Trying to quit smoking 2

This is a continuation of the previous story:On Saturday morning, Jasmin remembered she had her follow-up appointment with Richard the hypnotist. She wasn't sure why but the appointment last week was a pleasant experience that she looked forward to repeating. Maybe it was just because she found Richard attractive. Whatever the reason, she dressed a little sexier than what she normally would, nothing outrageous, just a lower cut top to show off her cleavage and some hotpants and heels to...

2 years ago
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Trying Threesomes part 3

During the following weeks things settled down to a normal routine. As I was getting ready to leave for work on morning I ask if she would like to play this weekend. Jean responded by asking me what took so long to get in the mood? Looked her in the eyes and told her you can suggest we go play any time you know. She laughed and kissed me good by and said I will keep that in mind. As I drove to work I thought to my self that it should be about time for her to start asking if we could go...

3 years ago
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Trying to get back into normal turned into a thre

It could have been better but it's still good. I'm not a big fan of my body at the moment. I have a belly pouch, stretch marks and huge and sloppy boobs. And they leak. Whenever Rita starts to cry, they start to flow. Better or worse right? He's my husband so he better enjoy the worse part.We have the place to ourselves starting last Saturday through the end of this week. Saturday night I'm getting my man right where I like him. Plus we've hit the "week to 10 days" doctor advice. Also...

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Trying to turn a gay guy straight

Long ago, when me and 'Mr' Pornman didn't know each other existed.....! I was going through a period with my first husband when we hadn't been having sex for well over a year, we had become more like brother and sister, and I was getting my 'fun' elsewhere. We are talking about the late 80's.Anyway, I knew a friend of mine was well into swinging. I wasn't at the time, but I did LOVE to get my hands on - or rather my mouth around - a good hard, and preferably LARGE cock! She and I had had a few...

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trying to keep my wits regardless of a silen

hello, hey, hi, … hello. hey. hi. everybody I myself hope that those being of the persons of you all among yourselves are, or is, well whatever, or however said be I myself speaking some, or such correct, proper, standard English grammar being of the American dialect, or not being of some, or such quality/ies, & quantity/ies, feeling at least okay, or alright if not better yet to be possibly said feeling bless than stressed, more blessed than stressed, or too blessed to possibly become, or...

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Back in the 1970s Sarah decided finally to go to her local doctor to see why she Wasn,t pregnant. I mean we actually fucked every chance or when Sarah was supposed to be more fertile yet she was Not getting pregnant! I mean I had literally pumped gallons of what I took to be potent semen in her womb, but nothing happened. Eventually I was asked to go to a local hospital for a sperm count. I was handed a boring soft porn magazine and a sample bottle. “Please return the magazine and sample when...

4 years ago
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Trying out my new digital camera

It was a normal birthday for me. The weather was wet and horrible, and I came home to an empty house. It was Friday, 5pm, and I knew my Mother would be home in a few minutes. Hopefully with the present I had asked for. A new digital camera. I had gotten interested in photography and cinematography a few months earlier, fascinated with capturing images of beauty in anything and everything.Unfortunately, my Father was away on business for the whole week, so was going to miss my birthday. So, just...

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Trying It Out

Many thanks to my sweet inspiration blackrandl1958 for her guidance and editing. Thanks to Todd172 for Beta reading. What’s the American dream? Go to school, graduate, enter college. That’s the beginning, and that was my life. Jane Marshfield, college student, and on my way to living the American Dream. In the summer between my junior and senior years of college, I met the man who would give me the rest of that dream. His name was John, and we became a couple. Everyone assumed we would be...

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Trying Out Mums New Man For Size Continued

The morning after I'd been fucked over the couch by Jeff, I woke up early. I lay in bed thinking back to the night before and was soon giggling to myself as I remembered how aggressive he'd become after all the teasing I'd given him. But he'd fucked me in a way I'd never been fucked before and it wasn't long before my fingers were down between my pussy lips as I remembered just how good that fat cock had felt as he slammed it into me against the couch. I tickled and rubbed my clit and soon my...

Straight Sex
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Trying out my new digital camera part 3

My Mother and Catherine remained on their knees. Kissing and fondling each other. Clearly having lost total sexual control with the heat in the room. I could see the sheen of mine and Sean's cum still on their gorgeous breasts. Their expensive hair styles matted and wet, with a mixture of sweat and their son's jism. Watching them both kiss deeply, Catherine holding my mother's sexy naked arse and my mother massaging Catherine's erect mature nipples, it became obvious that my erection was there...

2 years ago
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Trying to be Naughty

I was trapped in a conversation I did not want to be in. I was at work with two girls sitting in the break room trying to enjoy my lunch, however that was interrupted by Lisa and Haley.Who are they you ask? Well that's simple.Lisa was a seven on that wonderful 10 scale us men rate girls on. She wasn't the most beautiful woman out there, but she was pretty. Her hair had been dyed one too many times so I couldn't quite tell if she was blond or a brunette, but she was tall, had a nice body, and...

Straight Sex
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Trying out my new digital camera part 4

It had been several months since that amazing day, when Sean and I had first fucked our sexy Mothers in a four-way fuck fest for the camera, and then I had fucked them again, along with my voluptuous Aunty Laura. The awkward silence after I had fucked the three sexy mothers was almost unbearable, and none of us had mentioned what had happened that day again. Sean told me that Catherine, his mother, was avoiding him now, obviously guilty and embarrassed by what we had all done. My mother was...

4 years ago
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Trying Something New

My classmate and I were studying biology when the topic shifted to sex and reproduction.“I’ve had too many pregnancy scares,” I joked. It was normal for my classmate and I to discuss raunchy topics like this. “I’m so glad I’m on birth control now. How about you?”He looked up from his paper. “What?”I repeated, “How about you? How many times did you have a partner with a pregnancy scare?”“Oh, I’ve never actually… had sex.”“You haven’t? How far have you gone?”“Um, I’ve never had a girlfriend or...

First Time
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trying part 2

The first part of my story met with mixed results so I hope this time I put my story across abit better. As Saturday was getting closer I was walking around in an almost constant state of arousal as Geoff had been a bit distant from me but typical man said nothing was wrong and so I kept the topic of Saturday quiet as It looked like he was regretting what had happened. But as soon as Geoff was out the door each morning I would go and get a large carrot from the fridge and go back to bed I...

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Trying Threesomes

I wanted to get my last girlfriend, Jean to try threesomes. As can be expected she got mad and said "I can't believe you want to let other guys fuck me". We had watched and loved porn about guys sharing their wife/gf, wife/gfs that cheated when her guy was at work etc. So I knew she found the porns hot and turned her on. Finally she agreed and set down a few rules. First and foremost I was never to be with another female. I was cool with that as I had no desire to do so. She wanted to know what...

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