Trying To Be NormalChapter 3: Interesting Introductions free porn video

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I was more relaxed about school the next day as I'd gotten over much of my anger at Cate's friends, though I had no intention of rejoining their table. I figured there wasn't much sense in getting upset just because someone was disturbed about the changes they saw in me. After all, no one in the school really knew me after all these years. I was just the kid in the background that, years later, someone would say "He was always a quiet kid. I never knew he'd take a gun and..." I smiled at my own mental image of myself in the role of the misunderstood loner, though I hardly fit the role of dangerous outsider. It was clear that no one there had the slightest clue who I was. But I also wasn't alone anymore, so I wouldn't have to worry about that, at least!

"So, want us to drop you off at school again?" Allison playfully asked as she and Natalie joined me for breakfast, which Anh was fixing. Cate hadn't made it downstairs yet.

"No, thanks," I responded. "If I can avoid attracting any more attention, it'll make life much easier, and it'll make exposure less likely."

"Just think about how much fun everyone had. You managed to brighten everyone's day."

"Including both Allison and Cate's," Natalie pointed out.

"My job isn't to entertain my classmates; it's to get through high school without attracting too much attention. Protecting you girls is my main goal. Once I graduate, then I can concentrate on finding new people. But trying it too soon is likely to generate the kind of bad publicity we faced in New Orleans."

"Ah, you're no fun," Allison continued playing, feeling secure that Alex wasn't taking her seriously. "What the heck are hot girls and sexy cars good for if lonely teenage boys can't show them off?"

"Believe me; I can play with you all you want, but it's safer doing it inside where we won't attract extra scrutiny. As for the 'sexy cars', I'm perfectly happy with my crummy little car. It gets me where I need to go without any extra fuss."

"OK, no dropping you off in my BMW in my short skirt by the front door," Allison agreed with a smile. "But what about picking you up at the back of the parking lot in a nondescript car like Shani's?"

Alex sighed heavily, setting his knife and fork down, his breakfast still unfinished. "Believe me, a bunch of sexually frustrated boys and girls would notice someone they'd never heard of socializing with a bunch of beautiful women. It's still better keeping you at home, or even better, off working somewhere so you're not waiting for me to come home every afternoon."

"You're always complaining," Cate observed walking in the door. "Me, I'd be tickled pink if a bunch of hot guys were waiting for me to arrive home every day, and I'm not so sure I'd be so quick to chase them all away."

"I'm hardly chasing them away," Alex informed her. "But this is more a safety issue to keep us all out of trouble. After all, what would happen if the local paper reported about me like Albert Rodriguez did? Dad might be out of a job and we might even be shamed out of town."

Cate replied with a simple shrug, unconvinced the rest of them had to worry quite a much as Alex was.

"So it K for old plain pepple like me to pick you up," Anh replied, sitting down now that she'd finished with breakfast and joining in on the teasing.

"No, I don't want to see any of you at school. I want to keep my school life separate from my personal life—especially because so many people are depending on me."

"Me gree with Allison," Anh replied, clearly enjoying herself. "You no fun!" However, the fact they all laughed demonstrated they weren't serious about it.

"You know, Anh, you're really picking up the language pretty quickly," Cate observed as she grabbed a plate of breakfast herself. "You haven't been holding out on us have you?"

"Me? No, I just practice now I need ... communicate," she replied, striking Cate how she struggled with simple English phrases and words, but had no problem pronouncing a word like 'communicate'.

"The key," Allison reminded Alex, "was to get all the young female cuties talking about you. I'm pretty sure we've accomplished that, so if you play your cards right, we won't need to repeat it. But you need to strike while the iron is still hot. Otherwise, someone may have to stir the pot a bit more," she concluded with another wicked smile, which I frowned at. I was tempted to lecture them again, but didn't see any real point in it. I was already gaining enough of a reputation around school, and I still wanted to keep under the radar for the rest of my time there.

"Well, I'm done. Cate, you'd better grab something to eat on the run, 'cause I'm out of here. I figure if I stay any longer, someone is likely to hatch yet another plan to embarrass me!"

Cate scrambled to grab some breakfast, but laughed all the way out the door, certainly not helping my outlook any, though I liked the fact that everyone could take my laying down the rules without getting upset. Despite the teasing, I was pretty sure they wouldn't try anything else. At least nothing like they'd tried before. I'd just have to wait and see what they thought of next.

Once again I found myself the center of attention at school, apparently the news of yesterday's events having made the rounds. Cate's group wasn't that well thought of as most of her friends weren't very popular being the bookish sort, so having gone off on them seems to have won me even more points with most people. Even so, I was sure my notoriety would pass quickly, as things in school usually do. Pretty soon someone else would do something and everyone would completely forget who I was again. I could hardly wait for that to occur.

Cate and I sat with Betty during lunch again and detailed more of what we were looking for in people like her. I asked her to try to evaluate people for possible emotional responsiveness, especially close family members, since these abilities seemed to run in families. We also warned her she shouldn't spread this information too widely, as it would likely be met with disbelief, and I wasn't looking to attract a lot of attention. But I assured her it was OK to discuss it with her parents. I was sure her parents would just tell her I was crazy, but I wasn't worried. Poor little Betty was hooked, but I planned to help her as much as I could.

It was between 5th and 6th period when, standing by my locker, I noticed someone standing over me. Looking up I saw one of the football players. Not being a fan or someone who attended their games, I wasn't sure who he was, but he was glaring at me. He wasn't overly tall, though clearly taller than me, but he was still huge. He had a wide chest and thick arms. His face was actually nice except it was so twisted in his scowl it was hard to find it attractive. He had a much darker complexion than Shaniqua, with his hair done up in braids that were tied together behind his head. Always one to confront trouble first and ask questions later, I jumped in with both feet.

"Yeah?" I asked, sure I'd stricken fear in his heart with my sharp-witted response, causing a slight grin to appear on my lips.

"Stay away from Kitty!" he warned ominously. He was clearly hoping to intimidate me, but being a big people watcher, always watching instead of actually interacting with them, I knew the unwritten rules of interpersonal conduct that others might not. I knew he wouldn't actually be able to do anything to me unless I reacted to him first. There are a lot of unstated rules of conduct, one of which is that you don't punch someone without a perceived provocation without looking like a nerveless ass. All I'd have to do to avoid a fight was to keep my attitude light and not threaten him, while making it clear I wouldn't be taking any of his shit.

"Who's Kitty?" I asked, actually having no clue who he was referring to.

"Don't act stupid with me. Kitty Washerstein," he stated, reacting like I had to be a complete idiot to not recognize who he was referring to.

"Sorry, doesn't ring a bell," I replied, turning back to my locker to remove the notebook for my next class. Once I got it, I turned back to him as if this were just a casual conversation. "I take it she expressed an interest and you think I'm invading on your territory?" He looked at me strangely. This didn't seem to be playing out like he had originally planned.

"Yeah," he replied, sounding less sure of himself. "Leave her alone or you'll be sorry," he reemphasized, trying to reassert his dominance.

"Well, thanks for letting me know she's interested," I replied to his threat in a pleasant voice and a nice smile. "I didn't realize it before. That was really nice of you." He just looked at me for a second before figuring out what to say next.

"I'm not telling you she's interested. I'm warning you not to get involved!" he blustered.

"Yeah, I got that," I replied, closing my locker, seemingly not paying him any attention while I was actively watching him out of the corner of my eye, trying to determine how he was reacting to me. "The whole 'I'm a big jock and you're supposed to be afraid of me' vibe kind of gave that away." We'd already begun to attract quite a bit of attention. If I was intelligent I'd just let it blow on past, but I just wasn't in a mood to put up with much anymore. He obviously wanted me to react in a particular manner so he'd know what to do. I wasn't doing what he expected. Instead I was confounding him, which was something he wasn't used to.

"Look creep, stay away from her, or else!"

"Or else what?" I asked, turning back and addressing him directly. "You'll impress her with your witticism and obvious intelligence, as well as your gentle manners? I take it that approach hasn't worked yet, has it?" This clearly got to him. Although I was sure he wouldn't throw a punch, apparently this was a bit much and he reacted by shoving me back with his large, beefy hands, sending me backwards onto my ass. Being limber and spry, I simply tucked and rolled, something I'd learned in gymnastics when I competed earlier, and ended up immediately back on my feet, facing him with a cocky little smile on my face.

"So, did that make you feel any better? Did pushing someone a hundred pounds less than you make you feel like a big man?" I prompted. The kids around us started crowding around. They were sure there was going to be a fight. I hated to disappoint them, but that certainly wasn't my intent. I just wasn't about to be cowed when I didn't even understand the initial accusations. I wasn't quite that easily intimidated.

He was clearly upset by my flippant attitude and had no idea how to respond to my light banter. He was having trouble putting together a coherent response to my comments, but he knew if he lost it and punched me it'd be all over the school that he was just a mindless brute who couldn't hold a simple conversation. He was hoping I'd either try to avoid a confrontation or else try to fight him. The approach I was taking just didn't fit into his pre-established playbook.

"Ha, just go home to your old lady girlfriend," he sneered, finally coming up with a comeback.

"Really, that's the best you can come up with?" I asked, tilting my head and grinning at him, as if examining him from a new and more humorous angle. "It's hardly the kind of comment that'll offend me or require me to defend my honor. I happen to like beautiful women. I'm not overly concerned with prestige, nationality, language or age.

"Look, I'll talk to this, what was it, Kitty?" I continued, offering him a lopsided olive branch. He didn't respond to my question, simply looking at me with a frustrated expression. "Anyway, I'll talk to this Kitty and try to work things out. OK? Anyway, I don't mean to be rude, but I've got to get to class."

Despite my bravado I didn't turn away. I wasn't about to turn my back on this creep. That'd just be too easy. Just then the bell rang. People hesitated momentarily then began shuffling away a bit at a time, still trying to see if this was going to escalate. Eventually my opponent, even though I wasn't aware who he was, reluctantly backed down, turned and headed off to class. As he retreated he mumbled, "It's not like there aren't plenty of girls talking about you. Shit, even my sister's ranting about you."

Smiling, I locked my locker and turned as well. Grabbing a random kid I asked, "Just who the heck was that?" He just stared at me like he couldn't believe me.

"That's Bulldozer," he replied. "His name is Darrell Jones. He's the..." He lost me when he started describing his role on the high school football team. I really didn't care about that.

"Thanks," I told him. "That's all I needed to know."

Asking around, I finally found out who this Kitty Washerstein was. I didn't manage to talk to her that day, but I'd try to soon.

"What the hell did you get into today?" Cate asked when we met up in the parking lot after the final bell.

"What do you mean?" I asked, playing dumb as I climbed into the driver's seat.

"I heard you almost got into a fight with Bulldozer Jones. I heard he knocked you down but you just brushed it off and got back in his face and told him you were going to date whoever you wanted."

"That wasn't quite how it played out," I told her, not exactly denying any of it.

"Alex," Cate sounded exasperated, "Bulldozer is one of the biggest guys in school."

"Yeah, I noticed. He is fairly large. Not overly bright but fairly bulky."

"Alex, I hate to tell you this, but you aren't exactly large enough to go getting into fights with whoever you feel like."

"I wasn't going to get into a fight with him," I patiently explained. "We just had a little talk, that's all."

She stared at me like I was crazy. "That's your idea of a calm talk? What was to keep him from pummeling your face?"

"Well, there are certain rules involved in public fights that—"

"And what do you know about fighting, Alex? Your only fight so far ended up with you flat on your back in a backwoods community in New Orleans."

"That only happened because I was distracted. Besides, it all worked out in the end, didn't it? In this case, it was hardly a fight," I protested. "He simply shoved me and I rolled and stood up again. No harm done. If anything, he looked silly for trying to push his weight around against somebody a hundred pounds lighter than he is."

"Alex," I could literally hear Cate's voice travel up an octave or two in her recital of my name, "he could have creamed you! What were you thinking?"

"He didn't do anything. All in all, he's just a sweet guy. While I'm not too impressed with his approach, I kind of like him. Of course, he's gonna have to refine his interpersonal skills some."

"Alex, don't antagonize him." Cate seemed to like to repeat my name when she was worried about me.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything. I didn't even realize who the girl was when he first started talking about her. As a result I didn't have a chance to talk to her yet."

"Alex!" Cate yelled.

"What? When someone tells you that someone is interested in you, it's only polite to ask about it, isn't it?" That seemed to flummox her. "Besides," I continued just as innocently, "he also mentioned that his sister was interested in me."

"Alex, you've got to be kidding! Do you want to get the crap beat out of you? Did you decide you didn't get beat up enough down in New Orleans?" Cate reiterated. Given Cate's reaction, I was wondering what I would be facing once I got home.

"Don't worry about it, he's not going to do anything. Besides, I'm not looking to cause him any trouble. He just let me know that a couple of potentially cute girls are interested in me."

Cate groaned, but quickly figured out that pushing me about it was just likely to make me act out even more. That's the best thing about intelligent women, they eventually realize the futility of trying to change a guy's basic personality. Stubbornness and spite are two of my strongest traits.

When we got home, Cate immediately stormed into the house. I rushed to catch up with her and got in the house just in time to hear, " ... and then he said he was not only going to chase the girl, but that he's going to go after his sister as well!"

Apparently Cate had encountered my normal welcoming committee, as both Allison and Shani were standing there, staring at me. I knew Natalie was out checking a few places in Carbondale today and wouldn't be arriving until later. It didn't take long until Anh came out as well, and my mother wasn't far behind.

"What you do fight at skool?" asked Anh. I guess once you're a mother, the mothering instinct never leaves you. Still, it was strange to be getting this response from her when my own mother was standing quietly beside her.

"Honestly, it sounds worse than it was. He was just warning me off of getting involved in someone he's interested in. Personally, I don't think he's had much luck with her himself."

"Mom, Bulldozer hit him and knocked him over!" Cate protested, applying to a higher authority.

Mom simply cocked her head at me, waiting for my response.

"He never hit me. He got frustrated since I never gave him an opening. He simply shoved me. I rolled it out and stood up. Actually, I think he lost points for showing how little control he had and how ineffective his threats were."

"All the more reason for him to pummel you!" Cate insisted.

"Nonsense, there are rules to these sorts of things," I reminded her.

"And what would you know of—" Cate begin getting excited again.

"Cate, you've had your say," our mother interrupted. "It sounds like Alex knows what he's getting into. After all, it's his neck on the line if he misjudges this. Alex, do you have this under control?"

"Yes, Mom, I believe I do."

"And may I ask what you hope to get out of antagonizing him?"

"He mentioned not one, but two different girls that are interested in me. Since I'm looking for girlfriends, I figured it'd make sense to start with girls that are already interested. I'm trying to avoid those that are only interested because of any rumors about me."

"That sounds reasonable. Girls, if you'll handle anything else," she said, wiping her hands of the whole thing and returning to the other room.

Cate simply stared at her retreating form. "Wha ... What just happened? Alex, maybe you really do have some kind of unnatural influence over her."

"Nonsense," Shani replied. "Alex has clearly thought this out. True, it may have been an off the cuff decision, but he's had time to think about it. Anh and I both agree that he needs to learn to trust his natural instincts, and this is clearly the case here."

Cate then turned to Allison, who simply shrugged her shoulders, showing she agreed with everyone else.

"Don't you all understand what could happen to him?" she asked the room at large, hoping to find a sympathetic ear.

"Yes, we're all aware of it. However, we have faith that he can handle himself. You may want to consider where your priorities lie, Cate. Are they in protecting Alex from everything in his life, or in helping him grow and learn how to influence and assist others?" Shani asked her. Cate simply growled and stomped up the stairs leading upstairs to our bedrooms.

"I just don't want to see my favorite brother get hurt, OK?" she called as she disappeared from sight.

"You sure you know what do, Alex?" Anh asked me.

"As sure as I can be, but I feel pretty secure in what I'm doing. Yes," I answered.

"Good. Call us if trouble you get," she insisted as they all welcomed me home.

"Hey, Alex," Becky said after she called me later that evening, "I just wanted to tell you I've been working overtime trying to arrange some basic tests for you. I think I can arrange some simple ones this weekend, just to rule out a couple of things that I don't think are responsible for what's happening. Anything else will probably require access to some expensive hospital tests, and those would require a medical diagnosis."

"Hey, I understand. Thanks for arranging what you can. Do you have a timeframe in mind yet?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking about 10:00 a.m. Saturday morning. I'll call with the details, though. Oh, by the way, you remember when Melinda asked if she could help? Well, I thought of something that would be right up her alley. I figured if there's anyone else like you around, they'd likely be some news of it on the web. I think I'll have her try to do an extensive internet search for anyone talking about the kinds of things you described. I know this doesn't really need your approval or anything, but I just thought I'd let you know before I talk to her about it."

"That's fine, Becky. I'm sure Melinda would appreciate the chance to get her hands dirty in, uh, internet dirt, as it were. I've been wondering about that myself. I find it hard to believe that I'm the first person in the whole history of mankind ever to have this particular ability!"

"There is that," she laughed. "Anyway, I'm talking on the company's dime so I'd better ring off. I'll talk to you later," and she proceeded to finish the conversation.

"You know," Cate said, breaking her silence the next morning when we walked to the car, intending to drive to school a little earlier than normal, "I've been rethinking my response yesterday."

"Your response?" I asked as I unlocked the door, not clear what she was referring to.

She sighed, glaring at me like I was being intentionally dense. "About you purposefully putting yourself at risk," she answered before turning to address me directly. "I think I can understand everyone else's point now, and while I still don't like it, I think I can live with it. After all, as everyone says, it's your life, and you have to decide how you're going to live it."

"Well, thanks for th... ," I started to say before she wrapped me in a hug, effectively shutting me up.

"Good luck with whichever crazy thing you try," she said, releasing me and stepping back. "I won't try to control you, and from now on, I'll support you no matter how demented it is."

"Uh, thanks?" I asked, unsure exactly what kind of response she was expecting.

"Is there anything I can do to help? Besides calling the paramedics if it all goes south, that is," she replied with a playful smile.

"Well, if anyone asks, just play the whole thing down," I suggested as I opened my door to unlock hers, even though it looked like she wasn't ready to get in yet. "I don't need anyone making a fuss and embarrassing Darrell. To be honest, I think I was so assertive with him yesterday simply because I was so fed up, but I'm feeling better now," I reflected, not bothering to mention it was because of a combination of things: the tremendous boost to my ego from having multiple women telling me how wonderful I was, knowing I had a mission in life and mostly, simply not caring what anyone in the school thought anymore. Altogether, I didn't feel like I'd be the easy pushover I had always been before. Besides, I liked speaking up for myself.

"OK, I can do that," she answered, climbing into her side of the car. "I'll also spread the word to my friends. Hopefully we can save Darrell's fragile ego."

Once I entered the school, I asked around until I found Kitty's locker. By the time I found where it was, it was already too late to talk. I considered speaking to her during lunch, but most people eat with their friends, and I knew better than to ask a girl out in front of a crowd of her friends. So instead I waited until everyone was leaving at the end of the day. I managed to catch her as she was headed for the door.

"Hey, Kitty," I said, flashing her my best smile. However, she quickly glanced left and then right to see who might be near enough to overhear us.

She was pretty, but not what I'd describe as gorgeous, so she might have been overlooked by a lot of the typical high school guys. She was thin with short hair, I mean really short hair, almost shorter than mine, and I kept mine pretty close to my head. She had large expressive eyes with thin eyebrows and a big grin that made you think she was always teasing, with surprisingly full lips. She was almost as pale as my sister was, clearly not an outdoor type. She wore a simple tank top that revealed a fair amount of a moderate sized chest, with these really cute blue stone earrings. I could definitely envision escorting her out someplace romantic.

"Hey, Alex, isn't it?" she asked with a shy smile, finally allowing herself to flirt with me, though she still seemed a bit ill at ease.

"Yeah," I replied, gently steering her outside where we could speak in private. "I managed to run into our common friend, Darrell Jones. He mentioned that you might be interested in me." She just looked at me, blinking in surprise.

"He told you that?" she asked, not quite believing such a thing would ever occur. I took it she was familiar with his personal style of interpersonal communications.

"Well, not in so many words, but yeah. So, is there any chance you might want to go out sometime?"

"Aren't you afraid Darrell might get upset?" she pressed, trying to figure out my angle.

"Darrell? Nah, he's a pussycat," I assuaged her. "Although, I have to tell you, I think he's interested in you as well. Honestly, I got the impression you might not be too impressed with him, but I think you should give him another chance. He kind of tries to project this tough guy image, but I think there's a bit more to him than that."

"Are you serious?" she asked, clearly not believing I could be.

"Sure, I'm always serious. Except when I'm not," I teased.

"So are you asking me out or asking me to ask him out?" She was confused by the whole discussion.

"Both. I think you should go out with both of us and honestly determine who is a better match for you."

"You must be pretty sure of yourself," she exclaimed as she picked some lint off of my shirt for me.

"No, I just want what's best for everyone involved. He seems interested but isn't very good in the social skills department. He tends to come on a little strong. I just figured maybe I could talk you into giving us both the benefit of the doubt." She looked me in my eyes, something I missed from dealing with my girls.

"What will your other girls think about you going out with me?" she asked me archly, stressing the fact she already knew I had other interests.

"Oh, you might be surprised. My sisters are bound to like you," I assured her.

"No," she replied, rolling her eyes at my denseness. "I meant all those women that followed you back from New Orleans."

"Oh, them," I replied, as if I simply hadn't thought of them having any impact on the discussion. "Again, you'd be surprised. They're honestly interested in what's best for me. True, they're interested in me as well, but they kind of want me to spread my wings a little first."

"Spread your wings?" she asked, needing a little more information to figure out what I was implying.

"Well, I hate to talk about what someone else told me in confidence, but I think they'd understand it in this case. They've told me that they firmly believe in first love, and that they didn't want to take that away from me. So they sent me out to find out about it on my own. Now, I don't really know you from Eve, but you seem interesting and I'd like to find out more about you. It may be that we hit it off. Then again it may be that you hit it off with Darrell instead. There's really only one way to find out, isn't there?"

"So wait, your multiple current girlfriends want you to lose your virginity to someone else?" she gasped in disbelief, making several assumptions and skipping to the specific question we both knew I was talking about.

"Well, you're assuming I'm a virgin, but you're correct in that. I know it's a bit odd, but they're really interested in my best interests. They think first love is a big deal, and I think I agree with them. I'd like to experience it firsthand. Again, I'm not promising anything, but I'd like to go out with you."

"And after we finally agree to 'do it', then what? You run back to them?" she pressed, her doubt about the entire enterprise clear in her tone.

"No," I gasped, shocked at the suggestion, "I'm not that kind of guy. If we hit it off, and if you decide you want to make some sort of commitment to me, then we'll sit down and discuss various things. One of which is our backgrounds. Mine happens to include a few women who care for me deeply. So I'd express my desires. You scream and shout and issue demands and we try to compromise. Depending on how convinced I am that you feel for me, we work our issues out. That's how relationships work."

"Says the relationship expert who's still in possession of his virginity," she smirked.

"Yeah, so he says," I laughed. "Anyway, they won't try to interfere. As I said, they're interested in my exploring life on my own. They won't bother either of us or attempt to undermine me."

"And you wouldn't have any trouble with me dating Darrell at the same time?"

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3 years ago
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Welcome to the neightborhood Part One Introductions

Ellen watched in disbelief as her daughter, Samantha, ‘Sam’ to her friends, dashed down the stairs. She had ten minutes to get to work and she’d only woken up five minutes ago. Apparently her alarm hadn’t rang, but Ellen knew her daughter – more likely she’d forgotten to set it, or completely ignored it. Samantha ducked into the kitchen, offering a quick, ‘Thanks for waking me! Gotta’ go!’ while pawing at a slice of toast. A moment later, she was gone, leaving a tutting Ellen in her wake....

2 years ago
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My sex life with my husband virtually ended when he had a serious car accident. For better for worse and all that, but I never expected that I'd have my last fuck in my early thirties. After I'd nursed him back to some sort of health he was very good in using his fingers and tongue to make me come, and I really appreciate the effort he puts into that, but I missed having a cock fuck me. One night after a few too many drinks, and he asked me if I was happy with our sex life, I admitted that I...

2 years ago
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Welcome to the neightborhood Part One Introductions

Ellen watched in disbelief as her daughter, Samantha, 'Sam' to her friends, dashed down the stairs. She had ten minutes to get to work and she'd only woken up five minutes ago. Apparently her alarm hadn't rang, but Ellen knew her daughter - more likely she'd forgotten to set it, or completely ignored it. Samantha ducked into the kitchen, offering a quick, "Thanks for waking me! Gotta' go!" while pawing at a slice of toast. A moment later, she was gone, leaving a tutting Ellen in her wake. Her...

4 years ago
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Parallel Quests 1 Introductions

Chapter One - The Dragon I'd been flying for hours, longer than I should have been. I needed to find a place to sleep, or else I'd land somewhere on accident and somebody would find me. Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere... There! A large field, with a small lake. It was at least seven miles away from a town, and didn't look too important. Hopefully, I could get some sleep there. My eyelids were already trying to forcibly close themselves on me, so I really needed to sleep. That lake...

1 year ago
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CH 1 My name is Steve Jones, I live in southern Wyoming with my wife, Lindsey, and my two beautiful daughters Emily, and Carolyn. Having two daughters and no son might sound crazy, but it's actually a lot of fun. Soon after my wife and I got married, we bought some land in Wyoming, and live there on about 100 acres. We have great privacy to explore our sexual conquests, and live the BDSM lifestyle. Lindsey and I met in Colorado and got married about two years later. After buying a house, we...

4 years ago
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Stolen Smile Chapter 1 Introductions

I shut and locked my truck and briskly walked towards the collection of handsome brick buildings, dropping my keys in my jeans, and taking a deep breath, I was nervous and excited. I have never considered myself a ladies’ man, and up until this point, online dating had been a fools errand. I will be the first to admit my online flirtatious skills are somewhat lacking which made the events of the past week leading to this moment all the more surreal. A week ago while lying in bed I had...

2 years ago
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Family EnslavedChapter 10 Introductions

"Deep breath," I smiled at Katrina, teasing her just a little as we sat in the car. "Yeah," she nodded and her gorgeous eyes widened playfully, but there was real fear beneath that mask. We were sitting in the driveway at my parents' house and it was time at last for the whole family to come together. Katrina was a part of my family now, and had been for some time, but this moment had taken four years to arrive and I understood her anxiety. I chided myself for waiting so long, it was...

2 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 21 Uneasy Introductions

I was a bit worried about being late so I immediately started jogging. I was passing the next door when I heard Morgan shout. “Hey! Mark, what’s the hurry?” I turned back to see Morgan jogging down the corridor. I choked back a laugh as I shook my head and slowed down until he caught up. “I figure being late sets a bad example,” I replied. “And this matters to you,” Morgan said with a nod. “Do you want to wait for Jason and Jessica?” “They know to get to a meeting on time,” I said. “I...

4 years ago
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The ArrangementChapter 2 Introductions

I was fairly hung over the next morning, though not the worst I’d ever been. The ship was at sea that entire first day, steaming towards our first port of St. Thomas. I cleaned up, promised myself I’d drink less today, threw on a bathing suit and headed out to the pool, figuring I could sweat the toxins out of my body. One advantage of being by myself, the only one I’d found so far? It was fairly easy to find a single available lounge chair, second row back from the pool. I plopped down on...

3 years ago
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Gym ClassChapter 1 Introductions

Matt Barker watched as Miss Beverley greeted the freshmen girls with locker assignments and other paperwork outside the girls' locker room. He was doing the same outside the boys' locker room. He was only mildly distracted by some of the more nubile students in her class. There were a few, however, that he could not avoid watching as they walked by, like the nicely proportioned blonde with a long ponytail and swivel hips whom he was sure he had seen somewhere wearing a lot less. He was...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 433 SingleMinded Marks Initial Introductions

Friday, July 25, 2008 I became a god at midday, and by dinnertime even the never-before-contacted, single-minded Marks had been connected to my network. One second they were living a so-so life, the next second they're told they're a God of the Universe who'll soon be linked with over a trillion other god-minds and they'll have astonishing abilities. It took them a few hours to get used to it - the other minds helped - and to have their links increased all the way to them being full...

3 years ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 2 Introductions

When the screaming and whimpering turned to silence I switched to defensive mode. I was now without Cosmo’s eyes watching my back plus I was at a crime scene, so additional caution was indicated. I pulled my Glock and grabbed up all 4 machetes into a bag I carried for that specific purpose - it would not leak blood. Next I surveyed the scene like a CSI. There were four lifeless bodies - three in parts - and one very attractive loose end. My rules said I should not leave a witness, except she...

2 years ago
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LovingChapter 2 Introductions

Carol and I had met in our last year of grad school. We were both finishing up our PhD's in Anthropology and I think I fell in love with her the first time I met her. I know I fell in lust with her but, if not instantly, love followed shortly. She was amazing, gorgeous, brilliant, sexy, funny and God could she fuck... if she didn't have it, it wasn't necessary. She of course felt the same way about me or at least she was kind enough to say so and it sure seemed like it was true. We had a...

3 years ago
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Harding HouseChapter 2 Formal Introductions

Kate's version. After speaking to Billy on the phone I had to go to bed, I was so worried, where was Bradley? His parents had tried to get the police to look, but they said that they couldn't do anything for 24 hours, but I knew they'd never find him anyway, at least not yet. I knew that, HE, had Bradley, whoever HE was. I could still feel the touch of his hands on me, I couldn't help it, I was lying in bed and I slipped my hand under my nightdress and panties, touching that place, I...

4 years ago
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HaremChapter 8 Introductions

Each girl was instructed to put a leather hood on. The attachable gag and blindfold were in place. One at a time the girls were brought to a large playroom and instructed to kneel and wait. Once all five girls were kneeling I had them remove the blindfold and gag. Eve was kneeling next to me. I began to explain how Eve was now responsible for their care. They were to obey her as they would obey me. Failure to obey her would be just as bad as failing to obey me and would be punished just as...

3 years ago
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Trying to Be Normal12 An Interesting Second Date

I was anxious the next day, Friday, both because of my upcoming second date with Chalise, and also because I was curious how they’d both take what they’d experienced yesterday. I wondered whether it may just have been enough to push them over the edge, going from ‘interesting’ to ‘scary’. Allison informed me that she and Shani would be working on preparing and sending their resumes to Ryan for his consideration. I asked if she was possibly putting him into an uncomfortable area, essentially...

1 year ago
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Interesting Immie Intimately 1 13

Interesting Immie is only one of many models making me fall for Her Hottiness, only from hearing & watchingInteresting Immie is first feature in my mind-blowing series of tributes to tantalizing great gals at Abby Winters I offer my dear readers the first of favourite femmes feature sweet sexy shows with women her age she fanciesI offer my dear readers more of such seductive teasing tributes to those great girls who make my mind moaning...

2 years ago
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An Interesting Profession Part Four

An Interesting Profession Part Four By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet eighteen years of age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. I had agreed to be put into a temporary chastity device to keep Grant and...

2 years ago
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A Very Interesting Request

I received a very interesting request one day via private message. A woman who had been reading my stories and viewing my favorites here wanted to chat. I may be old and crazy but I am not dead, so the easy answer was, “Of course I would!”. We found a mutually acceptable time. We spoke at length on many topics before she got around to her true desire for conversation.She said she lived very close to me. She was very much interested in talking in person. It was important for her if I would be...

3 years ago
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An Interesting Job

"Buy me one of those."An attractive woman, maybe mid-thirties slid into the stool next to me at the hotel bar. She was dressed in an immaculate black business suit matching her dark, slightly curly hair, and carrying a long thin leather bag. She caught me glancing at her thighs as her slightly too short skirt rode up and quirked her lips at me."Well?"I signalled to the barman for another two single malts."Here for the conference?" I asked in a weary tone."Long day?" she asked, sipping her drink...

2 years ago
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An Interesting Job

"Buy me one of those."An attractive woman, maybe mid-thirties slid into the stool next to me at the hotel bar. She was dressed in an immaculate black business suit matching her dark, slightly curly hair, and carrying a long thin leather bag. She caught me glancing at her thighs as her slightly too short skirt rode up and quirked her lips at me."Well?"I signalled to the barman for another two single malts."Here for the conference?" I asked in a weary tone."Long day?" she asked, sipping her drink...

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Kates Interesting Week

Kate’s Interesting Week By TromPart 1 – Kate’s Humiliation My name is Kate Crichton, I was a high school Junior in a typical, boring Midwestern suburb, and I lived in a decent neighborhood alone with my parents, since my brother went away to college the year before. I'd been busted a few times by the cops for minor alcohol related issues, and because of this, my parents didn’t trust me alone in the house. This caused what would become the most interesting week of my life. My dad always had a...

3 years ago
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Interesting Assignment

"Well," said Heather, "anything interesting today?" I looked at her sharply, momentarily wondering what she knew. But then I relaxed. She was merely making conversation and her question was perfectly innocent. We sat at the bar, and for my part, I was there merely to relax rather than to find interesting guys. Interesting was the word she used, and I wondered if it applied to my days' experience. I recalled the day. Melissa and I on assignment, driving out to that place, miles out to the...

4 years ago
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An Interesting Profession Part 2

An Interesting Profession Part Two By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet of legal age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned all night long, not being used to sleeping on...

2 years ago
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My Wife and our most interesting Sex Life

Here is some history about us if you have not read some of my wife's fantasy's and some of the things I have actually done to and with this incredible woman I am married to. We are an old couple now and do not do all of the wild and crazy things we use to! I still want to but she not so much anymore! Part is do to health problems and has gained some weight and this has not helped! But I cannot complain, If I never get another blow job or hot piece of bound ass I will still be so far ahead...

2 years ago
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My Wife and our most interesting Sex Life

Introduction: Some history about us I met this most incredible young woman back in 1962 after making a wrong turn into what I thought was a friends driveway! Please read the Virgin posted with my other stories on this site as it is also true and how we met! Here is some history about us if you have not read some of my wifes fantasys and some of the things I have actually done to and with this incredible woman I am married to. We are an old couple now and do not do all of the wild and crazy...

2 years ago
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Tim And Abbie 35 An Interesting Evening Adventure

Monday mornings always seem to come too soon.  After the busy weekend working in the yard and taking the time to play, it seemed to arrive even sooner.  Tim and Abbie wake to return to the work world.  They are a bit sore from spending most of Sunday outside cleaning the front yard, cutting the grass, and getting some plants from Les to begin their renovations.  Not to mention the breaks they took for mutual enjoyment.Both are starting nice tans from being out in the sun.  Tim’s face is already...

4 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 12

After listening to his grandmother’s complaints for many minutes Matthew manages to calm her down and enter into a serious dialogue on the issues raised in her monologue. Matthew opens the discussion with, “Right, Gran. As I see it you’re upset because you see a very good business opportunity to save a lot of people’s jobs and improve Grace Entertainment is being avoided due to in-house politics by my uncles because they don’t want Uncle Don to look better as a replacement for George as the...

4 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 53 This should be Interesting

Allison had brought up some interesting questions. Looking at it now there was a lot we still didn't know just because we hadn't really been making any effort to study and discover what I could do. Somewhere along the line we had stopped trying new things. What she was asking seemed like very simple and basic things. I made a mental note to talk to her and Bob about setting aside some time to discover things like this. Shannon may have some insight as well. I didn't want to involve Rebecca...

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House arrest is interesting when mom got it

I left home like so many boys did to enlist in the military at 18. I knew from a young age that I would enlist just like my father had. Part of me was doing it in his honor of sorts. He was killed in action in Iraq in 2004 when I was a boy. Life adjusted and continued as best it could for a few years after that until my 18th birthday approached. My poor mother was a wreck after dad died and became a house hermit for the rest of my time there. We weren’t very close but she always did what was...

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One Interesting Happy Hour

It was payday Friday and as was the norm, my best friend, Debbie, and I were on our way to happy hour at our favorite bar. Debbie and I had been working in the same office for the past three years and had become the closest of friends. We told each other everything that was going on in our lives, our family dramas, our problems at work and even the intimate details of our love lives. Every Friday after we got paid, we would go out for our little girls’ night out, have a few drinks and chat...

2 years ago
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Collecting Clothes Can Be Interesting

Collecting Clothes Can Be Interesting When I came home three days early from a month long trip to Europe for my company I didn’t expect much because I hadn’t told anyone that I was coming early. I wanted it to be a surprise. It certainly was a surprise. I had taken a taxi from the airport. When I entered the house the first thing I found was a blouse on the floor just inside the front door. I picked it up. Then I found another blouse and another one, going down the hallway. As I...

3 years ago
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An Interesting Day

My name is Robert, but my friends call me Bobby. I just finished up my first year of college at the University of Alaska. At this point, I think I’ll be a business major, but I really don’t need to know which way I’ll go yet. I still have three more years to decide what I'll major in. I really enjoyed my first year. I made a lot of friends. There were lots of crazy parties with women who wanted to have sex. I hooked up with a bunch of them. I’m not dating anybody seriously. I really just want...

1 year ago
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Finding lots of interesting things in the cedar chest

My name is Doreen and I’m eighteen years old. I just graduated high school and I'm enjoying summer vacation, before starting college in the fall. I live with my mother and my stepfather, Claude. They have been married for the last three years. My father and mother's marriage did not work out. They were always fighting and both of them just fell out of love with each other. My father is always at work and traveling. I see him mostly on the weekends when he's in town. Claude and my mother met...

4 years ago
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A very interesting afternoon

Well here is another story of an adventure we had. It was again at our favorite vacation spot in Cancun Mexico. We had been there for a few days and met a few new people already, Amanda was being her shy self at first but by this time she was flaunting everything and teasing both the guys and gals we have been hanging around. It was a bit of a dreary day and by mid-afternoon it was sprinkling but we decided to stay at the pool bar and drink with some friends.Along came a couple we met a few...

3 years ago
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One interesting week Part 1

This is part one of three, of a interesting week its no secret, well of course its in my bio on this profile that i enjoy escorts, working girls, prostitutes, hookers, whatever you want to call them, and this week i broadened my horizons and visiting some prostitutes in Manchester, however more on that in part two and three.Its always interesting to find some additional cash before payday and to find a decent opportunity to see one of the escorts saved in my list on adultwork. One in particular...

1 year ago
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Read on i guarantee its kinda interesting

hi, my name is Spard and I have a very complicated, weird, disgusting, bad, successful, interesting sex life. depends on on.. i guarantee, you'll be hook up.and it all started when i was 13 years of age when i had my first sex to this 18 year old girl who is the campus 'pokpok'. literally all you have to do is to ask her if you can fuck her, if you look good face and body, she'll say 'yes' the only difference is, she ask me. i said yes.i did while i have a 16year old GF which i had a...

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Well This is Interesting

Please review. I usually get criticized for not completing my stories, which honestly I do on purpose, because the goal is to fire up your imagine. But I will give in to critics this time and add several more parts to this if you would like. Well This Is Interesting I confess that my life became easier and more fun, not to mention interesting, after we discovered my husband got aroused by my panties. We found out by accident one evening after some rather passionate love making. We...

3 years ago
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An Interesting Evening 8211 Meet the Stripper Neighbour

There were just the six of us at Tony and Val’s place that evening, myself and my wife, Sue, and our friends Pete and Annette. We had known Pete and his wife for ages, but Tony and Val had only moved into the area a few months back. They had invited us round for a meal and a “get to know you” chat. I should have said – we were all fairly close neighbours in the same road. We had had a great meal and the wine had flowed throughout the evening. The conversation had been interesting, but had...

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An Interesting Day

"But how am I supposed to do things?" you whine as I wrap the rope around your wrists. Joined together in front of you, your two wrists are bound together, firmly, but you have some flexibility left. He smiles wickedly back at you. "That's your problem," He growls as he finishes the knot between your wrists. Your hands are now secure in front of you. He gives your ass a smack and tells you to go about your business for the day. Today, all day, you will be in bondage. Your hands will be...

4 years ago
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An Interesting Day

My name is Robert, but my friends call me Bobby. I just finished up my first year of college at the University of Alaska. At this point, I think I'll be a business major, but I really don't need to know which way I'll go yet. I still have three more years to decide what I'll major in. I really enjoyed my first year. I made a lot of friends. There were lots of crazy parties with women who wanted to have sex. I hooked up with a bunch of them. I'm not dating anybody seriously. I really just...

2 years ago
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An Interesting Profession Part 3

An Interesting Profession Part Three By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet eighteen years of age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. My employment as a model was to end soon, due in part to the completion of...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 6 May You Live in Interesting Times

March 7th, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “I don’t THINK so!” Jessica laughed when Kara told her about Penny’s request. “Why not?” Kara asked. “It’s not like they haven’t been together before.” “That’s true,” Jessica replied. “But Steve’s little friend has designs beyond just getting herself screwed silly. And that’s a big red flag.” “Not to mention the fact that she works for my company,” I said. “So you didn’t put her up to this?” Jessica asked. I chuckled, “No way. I’ve known that Penny...

3 years ago
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Cat and Mouse Nine Interesting Vignettes And Two New Quests

Cat and Mouse: Nine Interesting Vignettes and Two New Quests By Bluto WEEK 13 "The Bronx Zoo, boy, it's been a long time since I visited here, I still remember when all da animals was in cages.? What did you say the purpose of dis expedition was again?" Tony Bass wasn't exactly a nature lover, but when Cat, Lupe and Micki told him they were going to visit "The World's Greatest Zoo" he eagerly joined the excursion.? With no more baby-sitting duties, he had abundant time on his...

2 years ago
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An Interesting Direction

The water ran down her in multiple rivulets both narrow and wide, flattening her hair to her and accentuating her curves. With her eyes closed, her face was tilted upward to be splashed directly with the hot spray. Her right leg was purposely bent forward, hiding the treasure nestled between her thighs. ‘Raise your hands up as if you’re about to cup them together to catch the water,’ I instructed, and she easily complied, her bent arm largely obscuring the profile view of her breasts to make...

2 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 2 High School Things get interesting

There is nothing quite like the first day of high school. Okay, later in life college and the first interview for a real job might come close. Fast food and video game attendant don't count. I mean like, interviewing for your new job in a legal office. Yeah, the first day of high school is, well, horrible! I mean, it's cool; you're hot stuff now, in the big leagues. New school, new teachers, real classes, girls... oh yeah, girls. Big girls, with like, big girl parts and tight jeans and...

4 years ago
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Interesting TimesChapter 11

The day starts as most Sundays do now. Around ten thirty things change when two people walk in to speak with Matt. He recognises the faces but he can’t remember where from until the first introduces herself as his local state member of parliament and the man as the member for one of the Sydney electorates who’s also the current party leader for the government; the party leader isn’t always the premier because it’s more of a party management position. They’ve a short talk about how happy the...

2 years ago
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An Interesting Turn of Events

"You ready to go?" I asked Audrey? "Ready" she replied as she climbed on her 4-wheeler. Audrey and I were out on a piece of property owned by a friend of mine and were 4-wheeling. We often did things like this. Audrey had been my friend since I was nine, about ten years. She was a bit of a tomboy and liked to do outdoor stuff like camping or hiking or, like now, 4-wheeling. She wasn't gay, that much I knew after a decade of knowing her and being her friend, but she certainly...

4 years ago
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A night of DJing takes an interesting twist

Before I get into much of the story let me describe myself. Names Mitch, I’m 5’10” with brownish-black hair, and while I’m not the most muscled guy around I could hold my own in a fight. Most of my body weight was natural muscle. Mainly in my chest and shoulder areas. I’ve had more than one lady comment on my broad shoulders and my stamina in bed. I’ve never been super big as some of the other guys. 7” dick and about an inch and a half thick. Too me I laughed at the “jar-heads” that thought...

3 years ago
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One interesting week Part 2

This is part two of a three part story of a interesting week i had, so i had decided to take a trip up to Manchester to watch football (soccer), but also thought well its probably time i broadened my horizons and see a escort up north, and then started the research to find a decent escort or "massage palour" during my stay, and came down to a short list of about 3-4 locations, which all depended on the rota of the women.So i took the train from London to Manchester, and then checked into my...

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