Lonely twenties A quick swipe
- 4 years ago
- 38
- 0
As Lisa stood there tenderly wiping all the come off my shaft and balls, I remembered what she'd told me much earlier when I had first agreed to move in. She indeed wasn't mom ... nor was she my wife. Hell, even Kathy never did what she was now doing to me. She was in fact my sister. And what she was doing now, was indeed something my sister would do. Something she had always done, taken care of me in her own unique way. Though this was something that was certainly unique, cleaning up her brother's cock after he'd just finished wanking it off in front of her. Though admittedly, the fact that her tits were still hanging out wasn't exactly sisterly.
"Thank you again John," she said sounding more like a sister as she once more planted another kiss on my forehead. Thinking back on that, it was rare that I ever remember kissing her on the lips at all. Usually always on the cheek, or if on the lips ... it was always one of those really quick "smooch" kisses. But if Lisa was to kiss me first, it was usually always on the forehead. The thing was, as she did that ... leaned forward, her breasts literally came into direct contact with my face. I remember kissing one, though to be honest, I don't remember which one. The fact she didn't react to my doing that either way was curiously interesting as well. And I was even a bit shocked at myself for having done so. It was almost automatic for me. It was just there, and I sweetly, softly and quickly had kissed it. Not even on the nipple, just somewhere on the breast as she stood back once more, and then retreated back up the stairs carrying the cum-coated washcloth she'd brought down with her after telling me goodnight.
"Night sis," I responded in kind, sitting there still feeling the tingle of my thoroughly washed dick. What had happened between us still seemed surreal. In all the years we had known one another, even after all the semi-frank intimate discussions we had had together through the years, including on occasion discussions we'd had and shared about various sexual problems in our respective marriages. Never once ... had I sat back and entertained sexual thoughts regarding my sister. And I would have been willing to bet, Lisa hadn't entertained any of me either. And now ... less than ten minutes ago, we'd both been sitting here watching one another masturbate. Would it be something we'd both come to regret? Have guilty thoughts about for letting it happen? Would what happened eventually ruin what we'd only recently managed to bring together. The closeness of a relationship we'd once shared.
I soon after went upstairs to bed myself, walking past my sister's closed bedroom door. The lights were off as evidenced by the darkness coming from beneath the door. I stopped briefly, considering whether to knock on her door or not, and then thought better of it, walking down the hallway towards my room.
I didn't get a hell of a lot of sleep that night.
I had eventually dozed off yes, but it was a very restless sleep. Waking the moment I heard her bedroom door open and then close, followed by footsteps heading down the hall towards the stairs. I sat up in bed, too wired ... unable to sleep any more.
"Might as well face the music," I told myself. Now that time had passed between us, I had a pretty good idea that if there was a problem now, I'd see it almost immediately in my sister's reaction and attitude. She'd always been that way. You could tell a storm was brewing long before she ever told you why, or what was troubling her. I swore her blue eyes turned gray just before the shit ever hit the fan.
I was curious as to what color they'd be this morning.
It was rare that I ever had to go into work on a Saturday. Open only until 2:00 anyway, usually my shop foremen could handle whatever situations might arise. Only if they couldn't did they ever call me. After taking my morning piss, I threw on a clean pair of boxers, but then slipped into an old bathrobe of mine. I didn't want to give the mistaken impression that I was anxious to go anywhere by getting dressed. But I also didn't want to make any other assumptions either, especially showing up downstairs in the kitchen wearing only my boxers. Slipping on the new pair of slippers Lisa had purchased for me, I headed down stairs to check out the color of her eyes, and see if there was any hint of what might be going on inside her head. I could already smell the coffee brewing by the time I entered the kitchen area. Lisa had already taken down two mugs out of the cupboard and was just then placing them on the table when I entered.
"Thought I heard you. Coffee should be ready in just a couple of minutes," she said smiling. She was wearing the same "comfortable" looking tee she had had on last night, though she had changed her panties. These were a light blue. But ... that was all she was wearing. Once again those same hard nipples of hers were clearly defined beneath the material of her tee. It was difficult not staring at them as she walked back over with the pot, pouring us each a cup. "Sleep well?" She now asked, though continuing before I could respond to that. "I sure as hell did," she grinned. "But then again I always do after having a really nice orgasm," she freely said.
I noticed her eyes. I swear they were bluer than I had ever seen them.
She sat sipping her coffee looking at me. "You don't have to go into work today do you?" She asked.
"Ah ... no. Not unless somebody calls me," I informed her. "Why? You need me to do something?" I asked wondering if there was some chore she had asked me about, and that I had perhaps forgotten to do or something.
"Yeah, there is something I would like you to do ... or rather let me do," she said stoically, looking serious.
I sipped my own coffee now, looking at her. "And ... that is?"
"I want to watch you come again. Only this time, I'd like to see it a lot closer up, and maybe even ... do it myself."
My sister was full of all kinds of surprises. "Gees Lisa," I stammered not sure of what I should be saying to that. "I mean ... shit, last night..."
"What about last night? You having misgivings about it?" She asked only now looking worried.
"Well no, I mean ... not really no. I just think that maybe last night was, you know ... one of those spur of the moments."
"More like a sperm of the moment," she quipped once again trying to lighten up the suddenly tense situation. Though it worked, as it usually did. Her often crass manner, never failed to get a chuckle out of me.
"It was that wasn't it?" I answered her back chuckling just a bit. "But you know what I'm trying to say here Lisa," I said getting a bit serious again. "It was admittedly hot watching you ... but Jesus sis ... I am after all..."
"Yeah, my brother. I know. But think of it in these terms," she said standing up to grab the coffee pot in order to pour us both another coffee. Before doing that however, I sat there watching her as she reached the counter, then reaching down, and in one swift yank, she pulled the tee shirt she was wearing up and over her head. Only then turning around, coffee pot in hand, with her tits hanging out. "You finally get to see these just about any time that you like, and for no other reason but they're there. And I don't mind at all you're seeing them ... or even touching them, or..."she winked. "Kissing them some more if you want to."
"So ... she had realized that," I thought to myself.
"Think of it in this way John," she now continued. "We're not really doing anything. Nothing more than what we both wanted to see or do when we were younger, though neither one of us would ever admit it back then. So ... here we are, we're older and wiser now. But more importantly John, we're living together. And we're bound to run into certain intimate situations from time to time. And ... we're both normal functional human beings with desires and urges just like everyone else. So, now we have the opportunity to more or less explore those old feelings, and do so with complete honesty and understanding towards one another. Hell, I'll be the first to admit it John. I'm curious about you. I enjoyed seeing you, watching you. And I want to see more of that. I'm not saying let's run upstairs and fuck John. All I'm saying is, I wouldn't mind doing what we did last night from time to time. Sort of keep the edge off, and keep my sanity so to speak. You know what I mean?"
"I think it's already too late for that."
She glared at me, and then laughed. She knew I was teasing her. "You might be right. I think I've already lost my mind, or going insane ... or eventually would have, had I not gotten a refresher course in what it's like to see a man's nice hard cock again. Like yours was," she said. "Like it's hopefully getting now," she paused once more looking at me. Me ... looking at her luscious, freely exposed tits.
"It is."
"Well then? You're probably going to be jerking it off again soon here anyway, so you just might as well let me watch you when you do. Or ... let me do it for you," she added hopefully.
"That's it? That's as far as it goes then right?" I asked having already given myself into this ... to her, to what I now knew we'd probably be doing from time to time. The thought of which suddenly seemed perfectly normal, perfectly acceptable, and more than all right. "As long as we didn't take it much beyond that," I found myself telling myself, wondering if I believed it even as I considered the words.
"That goes for me too you know," she then added. "So if you want to touch me a little, you can. Or kiss my tits again," she grinned. "Or even suck them some ... I like, and miss feeling that."
I missed it too, and told her so.
"Would you like to suck one of them now?" She asked.
I couldn't believe she was actually asking me this as I sat there nodding my head yes. She grinned from ear to ear, slid her chair over next to mine, and cupped one of her large breasts offering it to me. "Be my guest," she said pleasurably. Trembling, I reached over taking it in my own hands, and then gingerly bent over and began nursing it.
As I sat there sucking on my sister's tits, there was a bit of a surprise for both of us. Suddenly I could taste this sweetness, and realized I was actually sucking mother's milk from her breast. I sat up looking at her in surprise, squeezed her breast again, specifically her nipple, and saw several bubbles of milk appear around her extended gland. Lisa giggled almost embarrassedly.
"It never really went away," she informed me. "Since I tend to play with them so much, whenever I'm masturbating, it keeps them stimulated, and keeps producing milk. Hope you don't mind ... Jack ... Jack, loved it," she said obviously choked up a little as she said that.
I'd never tasted it myself. But found it intriguing, interesting, manipulating her nipples once again, this time with enough force that she actually sprayed a little, making her laugh. "Wow!" I exclaimed, once more leaning over to recapture her tit in my mouth, sucking her milk as she placed her hand on the back of my head, pressing me against her.
"Hard to express in words how that feels," she said softly. "You ... sucking my breast. The sensation of that, drawing the milk out through my nipple. It's like there's a direct line from that, all the way down to my ... my cunt!" She said using the more vulgar term, but I knew in her using that, saying that ... she was alerting me to just how aroused she was becoming. "Or more specifically, my clit!" She then added to that. "God that feels good John, really good. Sometimes ... I could even have or experience a mini orgasm just from having my tits played with and manipulated like this," she moaned softly still holding my head against her breast, almost feeding it to me as she held it within her own hand now as well.
I was hard as a fucking rock, which her hand soon discovered as she dropped it down into my lap, easily locating my stiff phallus, fondling and squeezing it as a nice fat dollop of lubrication flowed from the tip. I felt my sister's fingers spreading it about the head, teasing me, pleasuring me in ways I had long forgotten.
"Fuck sis ... fuck!" Was all I could say.
"I know," she whispered back saying nothing more, though pushing me away then as she suddenly stood up. "Come on John ... I need a shower, and so do you," she said slyly.
"Shower? Together?" I asked incredulously as she now took my hand in hers, pulling me up out of my seat.
"Sure ... why not? We both need one, at least I do."
"I've ah ... I've ah ... never done that."
Now it was my sister's turn to look at me in stunned surprise. "You're kidding me right? You and Kathy never once took a shower together?"
"Don't laugh Lisa. But no ... we didn't. There's a lot you don't know. Don't get me wrong here, I loved her very much. But our sex-life was far less than perfect. About the only time we ever did do anything was during the week just before her period. And then if I was lucky, we'd maybe have sex two or three times that week. It was almost automatic with her, like clockwork. It got to the point where I got pretty good at guessing when her period was coming, and started anticipating that it was almost "sex-week" as I came to call it. Though even that was again like I said, less than what I had always wanted or hoped for. Most of the time she'd let me know she was in the 'mood' by standing at the foot of the stairs in one of the few somewhat sexy negligee's she actually owned. After seeing her, she'd head back upstairs to the bedroom. By the time I got there, she was in bed, with the lights off. I rarely saw her actually naked, only a handful of times really in all the years we were married did she consent to 'day-light' sex. And even then, she was usually wearing something. So seeing her totally naked was usually by accident."
We had reached her bedroom as she led me inside towards her own private bathroom. Far larger than my own, with both a tub and a shower. The shower itself big enough to accommodate four people as she leaned in turning the water on, adjusting the temperature.
"I'm sorry. I had no idea John," she said after listening to me. "I always thought you and Kathy had as intimate and passionate of a relationship as Jack and I did. Even the few times we spent together, Kathy didn't seem shy about openly discussing things with me, so I just assumed that she was a little bit like me in that regard."
"She was good at fooling people. Including me sis," I told her as she stepped into the shower, me following. "I sort of stretched the truth a little about the cucumber thing. She didn't actually do that for me ... I actually caught her using it." Lisa laughed at that, already beginning to soap me up, though purposely refraining from washing my now somewhat flaccid cock as I stood there beneath the spray.
"Ok, explain that one to me," she asked.
"Well, the plain and simple truth is this. Something that always did frustrate and confuse me Lisa. It wasn't like she was exactly frigid or anything. Aside from the time we only really did it was during sex-week, I know for a fact she masturbated a lot. I actually caught her doing it a number of times, though she vehemently denied it even then. Even when it was almost too obvious to do so, even then she still did. But there was one time when things were really slow at work. My own car needed some minor work done, so I had decided to keep the crew busy at least, not just standing around, and had them work on my car. Slow as it was, I then decided to take the afternoon off, caught a bus and went home. Obviously not expecting me, I came in the back way. I knew that it was pretty close to her 'time', so I was sort of in hopes of surprising her, enticing her perhaps into having one of our rare daytime romps. Well, she surprised me actually. I found her, sitting there in the living room, watching the TV, masturbating. Though at first, I didn't know she actually was. I mean picture this sis. There she was, wearing one of the few business skirts and blouses she owns, complete with having the matching jacket on. Only her feet are propped up against the edge of the coffee table. Her blouse is mostly undone, her large breasts fully exposed, which was my first clue that something didn't look right. Though that's when I noticed the subtle movement of her hand down between her legs, and knew she was playing with herself ... masturbating. But the really weird part of all this was, she was watching a fucking soap opera Lisa! Not even porn, not some sexy or racy movie even ... a fucking Soap opera! Anyway, it was about then I saw her remove what I now discovered was a cucumber. Like I said, I'd tried a number of times to suggest sex-toys, by way of trying to spice up our sex-life a little. She said that she didn't want to get "hooked" on something like that. And that she preferred the real thing anyway. And yet ... here she was, sitting on the couch in her business attire, fucking herself with a giant-sized cucumber, watching a Soap opera. I mean, I know I'm not hung, or anything like that. But if she could only really get off with monsters like that inside her, no wonder..."
I noticed then there was actually a tear in my sister's eye as her hand finally found me, though holding me gently, not even really stroking me yet, just fondling my cock delicately. "Like I said John, I'm sorry. I had no idea. And it's not like you're puny in that regard either," she said now stroking my dick a bit more forcefully, enticing me once more. "Trust me, I know. Jack wasn't even quite as big as you are, and he was more than adequate in that department, and certainly knew how to use it in satisfying me. So if Kathy thought of you as being less than enough for her, that was her problem. But I can assure you, she never went outside your marriage looking for something else either. I would have known that, sensed that if she had."
"Oh, I don't doubt that for a minute sis. I know she never cheated on me, though I almost wish that she had in a way. Her secret masturbation episodes, especially when I confronted her with them after catching her, drove me nuts. Her denying that she did, when it would have been more arousing and exciting for me to hear her actually admit that she did, or had instead. But then seeing her ... seeing her like that, obviously off in some sort of weird twisted fantasy, well ... it was almost too much for me."
"Well, everyone has fantasies John. I certainly do too. And I daresay, that some of mine could be considered weird or twisted as you say, even more so than Kathy's was. But yes ... I do agree with you on the other hand, the fact she denied having them or more importantly at least sharing them with you, does seem a little strange. I mean ... well, Jack and I enjoyed some pretty sick or twisted pillow talk from time to time. And I'll be honest with you John, you know how much Jack liked you, considered you more a friend than his brother-in-law."
At first I got a big English mastiff, a strong dog to make me feel safe at home. He had thick muscles, little fur, and black vacant eyes, with a serious and set expression always on his face to match. He was to make me feel safe, I repeated to myself when picking him out nervously at the local breeder…but from the beginning he was so much bigger than me. Trying to pull on his lead as I walked him back to my apartment through the bustling city, he just seemed to have a mind of his own, his...
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Introduction: julie and sally with Timmy Lonely Julie Chapter 3 Sally and 11 year old Timmy were on the beach past near the flat of Timmys School matron Julie. Timmy was staying with Julie for the summer while his parents and her husband were abroad. Julie was 29 and the night before had introduced Timmy to masturbation and they had watched each other shit and cum. Not wanting Timmy to get too attached to her, Julie had got her friend Sally, a blond also 29, to take Timmy out to the quiet...
Note: This story is a transgender erotic romance involving a dominant male and a shy, but very dirty, submissive t-girl. It's relatively long, it's a slow burner, and it's emotionally involved. It's told from the t-girl perspective. It is not a quick jerk-off story; however, if you're willing to embark on the journey, it gets filthy towards the end.If you're looking for a tale where a t-girl dominates and fucks a guy, this is NOT the story for you. The t-girl here is very submissive. If you...
She sat alone. Stark naked, all huddled up with her arms wrapped around her knees. She sat on the chair with her face and head obscured by her shoulder length, unkept hair. A perfect picture of solitude, but nothing was perfect. Far from it, she had been crying for the past hour. Susan had had a tough life. Being brought up by a single uncaring parent, she had more than her share of heartbreaks and hurdles over her thirty-two years. She never seemed to be able to get a break and now with the...
Straight SexNabha Kasthuri is a lonely housewife. She is not alone, she has a husband and a college-going son. Yet she feels lonely. Maybe that’s because her husband lives far away in a city for work reasons. He visits her only twice a year. Meanwhile, her son, although he lives with her, is out of the house for the whole day. So she spends her dull day cleaning, doing household chores, watching TV or talking to neighbors who are very old. Nabha is a young attractive woman. Despite being a mother to a...
Hi guys, this is my second sex story on ISS got good reviews for my this story kindly give me feedback on . I provide service in Delhi. Any ladies who are alone and feel lonely can contact me. Full satisfaction and pleasure will be given. Jin logo ne meri pehli story nhi padhi unhe bta du . Im tall dark person having a good body and looks are good too. My height is 5’10. Will give you pleasure like you see in the porn movies. Yeh baat uss time ki hai when I completed my B.Com and came to...
Hi readers, hope you are doing well and have already caught the first part of lonely kastury (http://indiansexstories2.net/lonely-kasturi-part-i/2011/03/) In case you wish to send review comments or suggestion drop me an email at Now I am back with part 3 as I am not able to find part 2 (lost while ISS was having this server problem) but promise to find it and post asap. But till then here is part 3 so that you can enjoy this lovely but lonely housewife in her private moments. Don’t forget to...
The lonely man sat by the window of his apartment. Looking out, dreaming of distant far away lands. He dreamt of many women holding him, loving him. Anything thing that made him forget his real life. The life he hated with all of his heart. Many nights he would cruse the Heavens above for giving him the life and the miserable body he had. He had been born on a cold, rainy day in July. The doctors knew something was wrong from the start of his mothers' pregnancy. But, nothing had ever been...
Sally and 11 year old Timmy were on the beach past near the flat of Timmys School matron Julie. Timmy was staying with Julie for the summer while his parents and her husband were abroad. Julie was 29 and the night before had introduced Timmy to masturbation and they had watched each other shit and cum. Not wanting Timmy to get too attached to her, Julie had got her friend Sally, a blond also 29, to take Timmy out to the quiet beach nearby and suggested she also get Timmy to cum – first by...
Sally and 11 year old Timmy were on the beach past near the flat of Timmys School matron Julie. Timmy was staying with Julie for the summer while his parents and her husband were abroad. Julie was 29 and the night before had introduced Timmy to masturbation and they had watched each other shit and cum. Not wanting Timmy to get too attached to her, Julie had got her friend Sally, a blond also 29, to take Timmy out to the quiet beach nearby and suggested she also get Timmy to cum – first by...
Julie was exhausted after her intimacy and then orgasm with 11 year Timmy who she looking after for the 4 week summer holiday of the school of which she was Matron. She was only 29 but the emotion of watching Timmy shit and later cum had tired her out and then when she uncontrollably held him to her breast while she masturbated on the lavatory with him looking down at her hand just a foot away from his face, had left her wondering what on earth came next. She sent Timmy to the bed in her...
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Remember how it was for you? Living alone, eating alone and sleeping alone… just being alone? Well that’s me. After work I came home after stopping at my favorite burger joint drive through, and ate alone. No television and no radio turned on and after dinner with clothes changed I sat at the computer and read the news. I even checked out the ‘strange news’ while occasionally sipping what was left of a large coke. No dishes to wash because I did them yesterday. No clothes or bedding to wash,...
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The day was a lazy one. 11 year old Timmy was exhausted by his sexual experiences with Julie and Sally and slept for much of the day on the sheets stained with his semen and the girls juices from the night before. It was a hot summer day and Julie and Sally sat in the garden mostly talking about the discovery that they turned each other on and had had great orgasms fingering each other. Neither thought of themselves as Lesbian but it was obvious now that they were both at least bi-sexual...
After the tiring events on the beach Julie and Sally, both 29 and Timmy who was 11, were so tired that they quickly fell asleep in Julie’s big king size bed.. Julie on the left, Sally on the right and Timmy in the middle between them. None wore any clothes. As Julie said when they went to the bedroom “after all we’ve all seen each other naked”. Drifting off to sleep Julie turned to the middle and slipped her arm under Timmy’s shoulders and snuggled into his bum. Sally turned outwards with...
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SeductionOkay, long story short, because I've been pretty lonely lately and also wanting to feel needed and appreciated, I cleared my schedule the other day so that I may go to the 15th Avenue Theater in the suburbs of Chicago and stay for as long as I had to in hopes of filling that void. However, as chance would have it, I received a text from "Boss Lady" stating she wanted me to go in around "noon-ish" and that she would message in a while with more details.Well, noon came and went and I hadn't from...
Lonely VacationComing up from the pool you slip out of your bikini, admire your smooth hard body in the mirror before stepping into the shower......Feeling the force of the water against your body you are about to start washing when the door opens.......She presses her body against you and you feel her nipples harden.....her freshly shaven lips press against the taught skin of your perfect butt..... Her hands move smoothly, cleaning every part of your incredible body..... Sliding her hands...
Lonely Fam!ly FucksThis is a story about a desperate fam!ly that was all alone. The mother left the father about a year ago, the son was always single and the s!ster had been single for about 4 months and they were having no luck hooking up. They didn't know why. They were a good looking fam!ly.Stan (the father) had short dark hair; very clean cut. He had broad shoulders. He kind of looked like your typical gag card poster boy for over the hill. You know the ones where there's a hot guy on the...
Internet.By day I am a working professional but by night you will come to realise I am quite the sexual deviant. This is my story of a recent experience I had. My name is Suzie and I live and work in central London and have done for about 3 years now. Moving here on my own was a challenge in itself but also very difficult to make any decent friends. This is when I came to realise the wonders of the internet. Passing countless hours either chatting to strangers or browsing through the copious...
cumcraverbottom's Blog Lonely night at home with a 2 foot dildoIt all started one night, my wife was working the seasonal 2nd job and she had been too tired as of late to service my cock when I needed to cum. I had dropped her off to her 2nd job and thought about stopping by the local adult store to look for a good porn movie to watch. I arrived at the store and looked over many good titles, finally settling on one with men cumming from monster dildoes shoved up their asses. Looking at the...
Lonely VacationComing up from the pool you slip out of your bikini, admire your smooth hard body in the mirror before stepping into the shower......Feeling the force of the water against your body you are about to start washing when the door opens.......She presses her body against you and you feel her nipples harden.....her freshly shaven lips press against the taught skin of your perfect butt..... Her hands move smoothly, cleaning every part of your incredible body..... Sliding her hands...
I’ve waited all day for this. I’m in my bedroom, the curtains are closed. I strip naked: necktie, shirt, trousers, socks. I look at myself in the wall mirror. I’m just in black briefs. They bulge over my penis and balls, even though I’m not erect. I slip my briefs down my thighs and let them fall. I look in the mirror again: hairy balls well-filled with semen, four inches of penis hanging limply down. But even as I watch my penis starts to rise in anticipation of what’s to come!I pick up the...
Hi Guys, my name is Karthik and I am from Hyderabad. I am working in a MNC and simultaneously I am a professional masseur. It has more than an year’s time that I choose this as my secondary profession. I learnt the art of a perfect professional massage from one of my chat friend whom I have met in a social networking site. She helped me understand the pressure points of a human body and how to massage to relax them. If anyone in Hyderabad is looking for a decent professional massage send an...
This story is based on some true events.Names changed and all.My name is Chad James.I have a nice business as a home repair specialist. I could fix about anything, or had other specialists who I could contact and I would handle the job. I worked in fairly wealthy neighbor hoods. I am 20, single, tall and slim and have sandy blond hair. I have a baby face, and lot’s of people think I’m as young as 16. I’m a ’cool’ guy to most women and I have no problem getting girlfriends, sometimes to many.I...
Hello everyone. It’s an amazing website for those who love to read erotic stories and share their experiences. I have read a lot of stories on this site, and also found many stories convincing. Anyway I would like to share a very sweet, warm and erotic experience I recently had when I was on leave in Bangalore. My name is Vicky. Original name if Vikram. I’m 30 years old and love to spend my time alone in a peace. I also like to meet people with varied interests. Monotonous routine bores me...
My husband was posted at abroad those days and for months I was alone in my home town. We used to talk everyday but due to different time zones that was limited to once or twice a day that too was growing formal day by day. Soon I started feeling bored and depressed of my situation and taken to chatting to other guys in the internet. Being a lady I got a lot of friend request and chat invitation and I kind of started liking the kind of attention. I accepted a few and chatted with them...
Hi readers. This is your JJ, I feel happy to post a Sunday submission something which has been interrupted in the recent past. This is again is a lesbian story which revolves around a lonely women and her secrete desires. Once women reach the later side of 40’s she gets dumped in the society in which we currently live except for the odd adolescent guy who wants to screw a matured lady. Women have their own problems when it comes to sex. The narration below belongs to a Chennai woman who has all...
LesbianIt was a slow, rainy Saturday. Regina was lonely. She had just moved into town two weeks ago, away from her home and family for the first time, and was eager to make friends. Day after day, she existed in a growing rut of work, to home, to work again. She was not looking forward to spending the day alone when the mail came. Searching through the bills and junk mail, Regina noticed a legal envelope that wasn't addressed to her. Eager for any excuse to get out of her apartment, Regina quickly...
When Albert Hiribango was told that there was an American tourist in his town who was looking for a lift to the capital, he initially had mixed feelings. On the one hand, he felt it was his Christian duty to give a helping hand to anyone in need, and he knew there were many out there who would be less ethical than him in extending this hand. On the other hand, he feared that his general loathing for America and all it represented would prevent him being the ideal host. His worries were further...
Life was going on and I was driving down to Texas with a load of paper products. I was stopped by a parade route going down the street to where I was taking my paper load. A couple of college students came up to my truck and starting yelling obscenely at me. "You're responsible for global warming. You killed thousands and thousands of our trees. You're polluting our environment." What the fuck? What the hell were these idiots talking about? I was about ready to get out of my truck with...
"Ungh Ungh... Oh jesus, fuck me!" she cried as her hands gripped the chair and I slammed my dick in and out of her tight cunt. It was three days later and I was in my Math teachers apartment screwing the shit out of her. She was a friend of a friend of my mom's and had set up the whole episode with me fucking my mom wearing a mask so she wouldn't know. "Oh god... That's it." "Tell me..." "Oh god Duncan, you should hear her talk about you. I was hanging out with Patty Johnson......
The driver came to my door to deliver the package of some things I had ordered earlier. As I signed for the package he reached down and put his hand on my crotch. "I know John," he said. "Do you? Do you also know that those who enter this door become my slave to be done with as I please? John and Ed are both here at this time. I was just about to give them a whipping. Are you sure you want part of that?" He replied, "I am so lonely. I have no one to care for me. I am up for almost anything." I...
Group SexI hope you all enjoyed this series thanks for reading. Also thank you Celibacy For Jealousy and luvtaread for their help editing The next day, Kim and Brett discussed the future. Kim said she was going to work on her upcoming album in Chicago to be closer to him. They also agreed that they would tell his family about who Kim really was. Kim also said that she was going to go through an image overhaul for the second album. It turned out she had been talking to Viv, who, as her former agent’s...
At the age of twenty-five, Eva was feeling a unique kind of quarter-life crisis which needed outside help. Eva had moved to Los Angeles from the suburbs of Atlanta in order to pursue a career in modeling. While she was five-foot-ten, Eva had somewhat of a “soft” figure with a body that wasn’t necessarily overweight but more of what some consider “thick”. Eva had brown hair, somewhat pale skin, and looked exactly like pornstar Rucca Page.The stress of her modeling career not taking off had...
TabooYet my heart was just not in it that day, even the video games I used to distract myself with. I blew out a long sigh and tossed the controller to my side on the empty space of my couch. It was in that moment I had keenly felt the loneliness I was trying to escape from. I sought out my phone for comfort, opening it up to the myriad of social media and dating I had been using. I swiped through pictures of my old friends who I no longer had any real connection with, tormenting myself with the...
"Well amigo, what better way to spend time during a pandemic than going home?" asked Trent."I am only visiting for family to make sure they are okay," replied Kash.Trent and Kash were heading back to Atlanta for different reasons due to a pandemic that had hit the country. Kash was originally from Georgia, going to high school and college in the state. Trent was originally from Florida but his family had bought a house in the Atlanta suburbs. The two had become friends by meeting at a...
HardcoreLife is fucked , I am working and looking after my 3 children, the men in my life have disappointed me greatly, I have been let down constantly by them. Verbal and physical abuse has been a constant of which I no longer tolerate - seeking an intervention order against my last companion if that's what you would call him - fucking creep. I am now into my early forties, luckily still have my looks although some age lines showing. My body is holding up well after the birth of my kids, you...
"Yeah I mean I will check to see what's up," said Kay, a bit exhausted."Careful, remember, he does get around and there is a reason for it," replied Brent, warning Kay."From what I hear, he only goes for white women so I'll be okay," said Kay."Yeah well, tastes change, you never know about guys like that," replied Brent."I'll be okay Brent, he is only a floor down in this apartment," said Kay, hanging up. Covered in sweat, Kay had just finished an intense workout and was going to...
Hardcore“Yeah give it a nice wiggle, thank you. Oh yeah baby!” said Lisa, groaning and standing up as the wet middle finger made its way into her anus. The beauty was naked along with her lover, now standing over him.Lisa was on the trip with Arvan and a couple other coworkers for a project but the virus had shut down all travel. The group was stranded in a smaller town without much to do and to make matters worse, it was shut down. Along with Arvan and the crew, Lisa worked for a massive corporation...
HardcoreI strip naked and got comfortable. The laptop beside me and some lube made my night go by quickly. I must of really got a good one in because I passed out as soon as I was done cumming. It wasnt long before I was woken by the spoiled princess licking at my fingers. She must of smelled the peanut butter and decided to help herself. Hmm peanut butter. I grabbed some out of the jar and put a little on the tip of my cock. Then grabbed Lady and let me make her way towards the smell. Such a greedy...
After getting a beatdown in a bar fight, the twenty-eight-year-old Ravan had signed up for a Mixed Martial Arts gym along with his friend Quinn. Ravan stood at around six-feet tall and looked almost exactly like singer Zayn, not too threatening at all which led to him occasionally being pushed around. Quinn was Ravan’s friend who looked a lot like Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter. The two met each other when out at a bar talking to random women.Being the age he was, Ravan did not want marriage...
Hardcore11 year old Timmy and his school matron, 29 year old blonde Julie and her friend also 29 but a brunette Sally were lazing in chairs in the hot garden , waqiting for the new additions to their house party to arrive. It was about 5pm when they heard the school van at the end of the path leading through the woods to the cabin. Timmy wore swim shorts and the women had on loose T shirts and bikini bottoms. They strolled towards the sound of voices and met the newcomers – two boys aged 14 and the...
General 10 The Five of them were exhausted after their shit-fest and then a beans meal - and when they got back to the cabin they collapsed onto the big king bed and fell asleep in seconds. Betty, 52 year old wife of Ken was on the outside cuddled up against little 11 year old Timmy. Sally was in the middle then Julie and the big black body of Ken on the outside. Ken and Betty had to leave in the morning and Julie had agreed that she would “look after” three more of the pupils at the...
“We saw you shit sitting on her knees” Sally said but what happened then ??” Timmy told the whole story of watching Betty wetting herself and how her husband Ken was a tall black man – and how he had fucked Betty while Ken masturbated in her mouth – and then, a bit proud of himself, Timmy dropped his shorts and showed the girls his shit covered penis and balls with the white sticky semen of Ken still visible. “ She actually shit all over me when she came” Timmy said and now they both...