Lonely In Tokyo With Two Puppies free porn video

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At first I got a big English mastiff, a strong dog to make me feel safe at home. He had thick muscles, little fur, and black vacant eyes, with a serious and set expression always on his face to match. He was to make me feel safe, I repeated to myself when picking him out nervously at the local breeder…but from the beginning he was so much bigger than me. Trying to pull on his lead as I walked him back to my apartment through the bustling city, he just seemed to have a mind of his own, his head and gaze somewhere else, and he moved only when he wanted. His thick red collar never even seemed to move when I pulled, that’s how weak I felt. I’m quite a petite girl, still pretty and youthful-looking at my age – I feel much younger, always – with my hair long and a fringe just above my eyes. I got quite embarrassed standing there in the city centre, as he kept stopping, and I waited for him to want to move again; I knew my cheeks were flushing a burning red, and maybe people stared. I would lightly pat him on the head every now and then in these moments, to ease my own nerves and make it look like I was still in control, that there was a reason for this, even if it was in the middle of a busy walkway, but I’m thinking that now and it doesn’t even make any sense.

Now I had frightened nights at home; Tut – I named him – would stand in shadows, and I’d curl up behind my covers, having forgotten to shut the bedroom door, praying he wouldn’t come closer, and looking after him after he’d left, wondering if I shouldn’t follow. I left his food bowl by the door, and started eating breakfast in my locked room, bowls of pre-made rice on the bedside cabinet. He was so tall; up to just beneath my breasts when he stood really proud. I’d never felt that feeling of loneliness more profoundly, and the fear so palpable in my apartment as I did then. My apartment is only a few rooms, and each quite small too; his presence and shadow took up so much of that space.

I got myself a little Pomeranian friend, because I was terrified, just the next day, panicking – and more than ever I needed that friend. Tento was the most adorable and poofy little thing I’ve ever owned, and he could just eat me right up - quite big for this breed, though still very small. My second friend – I couldn’t just rid of Tut, what an awful person that would make me, I could never let an animal get hurt, or anyone – would curl asleep on my belly and was so light he rose and sank as I breathed. We ate berries and I gave him little doggie chocolate treats the size of his tiny mouth that he gobbled up, and would then yip up and bounce around the room. He made me giggle and smile, and blush and knot back my hair behind my ear. I knew I’d bought two males, and I didn’t really know much about dogs – were they alphas, I worried, and would they fight for control of the apartment – but I’d always preferred the company of boys at school and even later at work, just for some reason. That’s what I told myself. I don’t really know if that was a conscious decision or not. I loved to make Tento feel good; I would scratch his little head, and he’d yip and get as close as he could to a bark, and sink into my belly, with his eyes rolling up into his head and his little tongue hanging out as he panted softly and eventually gave in to being just wonderfully happy.

We were alone in my room one evening, with the door locked from Tut who I couldn’t stand being stared at by but couldn’t shake from my thoughts either, after a lot of evenings in the dark, me lazy and scrolling through social media, laughing at the smallest good things I could find – scrolling quickly past the distressing or annoying (unless they really grabbed my annoyed attention) – with my pyjama buttons undone. I sprinkled some chocolate treats for Tento onto my belly and breasts as a plate for him to pick up off of – and my skin tickled electrically, I jerked – Tento… I held him before knocking him off my belly. He was startled by my sudden movement, but I’d felt so awful and cruel – “I’m so sorry, my big, strong boy! Oh, I’m sorry, Tento, sorry, sorry!” and I stroked his head furtively, fearful I’d hurt him. He seemed annoyed almost – I didn’t know what to do, but then he’d forgotten it and was licking chocolates off my chest and breasts again. “EEK” I shuddered, muffling myself with the back of my hand. I couldn’t push him off; he just went away, picking off chocolates with nonchalance, with all his happy attention and interest on that small task. I had to admit something awful; I knew why I was buying those dog…. No, that wasn’t it. I panted small and childishly, far too loudly, as Tento, picked up every last one, and after the last I pulled him straight in and close, and held him close to my face, whispering good boy, good boy, secretly my heart racing now it was over, and so thankful it was over. And then he was licking my face in tiny tongue licks. I wanted to suck his cock. Fuck. Fuck! My hand went to his sheath, then quickly no, away, rubbing my hand against my skin. Why was I so lonely? Why was I like this? These dogs were so happy, they didn’t deserve this. I thought of Tut, and his serious, unchanging expression, that heavy, muscular and drooping body, and those beedy eyes, that glossy look that looked everywhere and nowhere, and I didn’t know if it was looking at me or not. I wanted to have sex with him. With both of them.

I wasn’t going to. I’d had sex before, a few times, at college and then a little after. Not for a long while. I fed Tento a little grain or two of rice from my secret breakfast bowl on the bedside table, ready for tomorrow morning. The morning routine now was the feed, the rush of clothes, the quick unlock then slow and small creek open of the door and then the quick bolt to the front door before Tut could be stirred from his luxury matted dog bed in the corner. Like a king, or emperor ruling the kitchen and living space. I was leaving half an hour early now, because I knew he woke with the sun through the big glass wall-windows, and I had to sit in a quiet spot on my phone or trying anxiously to read at a bench outside the subway whilst the time went past, and then go to work. I really hated myself, deep down. I felt lonely; I felt like talking to people always went badly. I’d been trying to work on it, but being so scared meant it took me lifetimes to make the smallest steps – and that meant, most times, it really felt like little had changed at all. Tut I had given a little thin blue collar, that hung gently in and amongst his fur. He really was the sweetest thing. But, even as those beedy eyes looked at me in wonder, all I could think about was making him my fucktoy. I wondered what it would take – I’d seen girls on the internet do it with seemingly no incentive, but then I read a lot about having to use food. Maybe I’d let him lick me on purpose.

The door creaked open. No – it was locked! Tut’s shadow. I just froze. Tento was still licking my face, and giving out occasional yaps! of glee. I couldn’t make out Tut’s face – but he walked forward, calmly, slowly, with slow purpose. I didn’t know what he wanted. I was so scared. “Come here, boy” I said quietly – so quietly, did I even say it? A little louder “Come here boy” – and then he’d leapt onto the bed. He was so tall. He was so strong – and handsome. He was twice the size of me. Oh god… he dove his nose slowly, almost deliberately, under the bedsheet covering my lower half. I didn’t understand what was going on. What was he suddenly doing? And now? Had I been…

I yelped, a thick red tongue against my crotch. I could feel the stagnant, sour taste of my pussy juices as he licked them up, so eagerly. “Tut!” I screamed, I don’t know if in rage, in fear, in ecstasy, in desperation and relief and oh my god, stop. He was so strong. I think I was starting to cry. Would my dog rape me? I muffled myself with the back of my hand, but the spare grabbed the fur on his head and held him there. Please, you big boy, stop – don’t, don’t stop. Tento was still licking my face, and he licked uncomfortably at my eyelids, at the salty tears before they even had a chance to leave. I reached out now and held onto the bedposts; and suddenly Tut had leapt forward, pushing his face into mine, thrusting at my lower end with his hips. I could feel each rib through his skin, as I think I pulled his body close, then he found himself, and ground into me, with fastness and desperation, pouring his heavy dick into my crotch, and I couldn’t breathe. I’d missed something out deliberately in this story; I had forgotten to myself that this wasn’t the first time. All the porn I’d watched had gotten confused with reality. Coming home and spending hours building up the courage to go into the kitchen, and then going to Tut’s bed and tickling his head, then his belly - lower, lower. Had that really happened? I wanted to go to his bed as he slept and gently suck him off, the mighty emperor being served by his concubine bitch. I don't care how that sounds.

Tento had to jump off and had nowhere to go. Tut didn’t care; he just pounded, caressing into his bitch, his huge body rocking the bed, creaking and shaking, and breaking my tiny little body. I slammed back and forth against the wall, knocking my head against it, and it cracked, brains and blood spilling out, that’s how it felt. My pelvis crushed into dust, it was tight agony, he wound his thick dick into me, joining us, and I just about held on in the middle of the rape, and more than anything I couldn’t admit still that I’d bought him just for this; I’d bought specifically a former breeding dog, just in case, just because I thought he might be more receptive then. He didn’t care how much he was fucking me. The bed knocked into the beside table, spilling my rice everywhere, and Tento jumped down to eagerly lick it up. He was still riding, and I realised - he didn’t love me; he just wanted a masturbation toy. I had some chocolates left from the bag and reached for them, as I groaned and he panted and yelped in domination and satisfaction, growling at his concubine conquest, and I started feeding the chocolates shakily up to him, as he ground away at me, and I was trying to mush them into his face between his growling teeth, trying to get his love like I had Tento’s so delicately. Instead all I could really do was weakly thrust back at him with my hips. I tried to latch my legs around his body a few times, but they kept falling back down – I was too small, my hips less wide than his body, and I just let him keep going as my eyes rolled back, and so did his – I was vaguely aware of Tento on my face again, and I don’t know if I’d jacked him off or what, but I remember his tiny dick face fucking me, as he jammed it in with ecstasy, and all three of us were a bond.

The knot was growing in Tut, and I wanted nothing more than to be pregnant with his puppy-babies - he was getting more and more excited, his face screwing up and squinting, and I was in love with it just then, all my worries gone, giving myself up to my master - and then Tento, my little Pomeranian, came hot and sticky white semen down my throat, as he yipped loudly. Finally Tut howled, and his knot bulged thick and wedged in me, and my body was then hot from the dog semen exploding into my belly all at once. There was panting as they slowed and stopped, and both my boys had conquered me. Tut’s heavy body slumped happy on to of me, still in me, crushing me like a huge yellow blanket, as his eyes wavered and then closed in sleep and satisfaction – and in his little doggy dream my big boy still hammered away at me, now just little small, arching thrusts. I had my arms around him and caressed his back, and hugged him close, still knotted. I smiled, and massaged Tento's head as he curled up on me, the cum pouring from my lips. Then my eyes drifted too, and I blacked out.

I woke up the next day and didn’t go into work. I felt ashamed and naked – happy to admit what I’d felt, strange that it had been real. Another day passed, I got the courage to face my dogs; they’d slept on the floor and bed, Tut on the bed, Tento on the floor. I was allowed with the emperor as his concubine on the bed. That was a ridiculous thing to say. I thought that would be the end of all of it; the next day, I let Tut fuck me from behind. It was very quick; he woke up, I realised what was going to happen from what he felt and what I really felt, and I bent down and he leapt up. He was just a desperate and dirty little dog, but I loved him. We had a lot more sex in the next few days and weeks, but it felt more natural and mature in that time. I changed jobs, quitting the one I had. I had no friends there, no life.

Tento was a lot more reticent and not much into sex – he was too sweet; I wonder if it was just the excitement the other day that had gotten him into it. Still, I told Tut to leave us be a couple of times, and we just hung out, or occasionally I got him to open up – we even went missionary one time, and he hammered away all excited and happy, thinking he’d done such a good job afterwards. I praised him and rubbed his little head, which he seemed more excited about than the sex and leaving his small seed in my virgin body, and gave him chocolate treats and we cuddled as I fell asleep to online videos. Tut was a more stoic man; he knew his place, and around him I knew his. I didn’t know how long such a relationship could last; though it gave me the courage to finally get out and try new things. I love my two boys, my two dogs, and they and their sex changed my life and world; but I could never share this story with anyone before now. I know what a lot of people might think; and I know a lot of people might take things the wrong way. I was lonely and unhappy, and their red dicks gave me a chance. I might even want to take a human again someday, if I feel brave enough for it. But not yet. Walking Tut at the park and travelling the city with him has been a dream. It’s a strange, and maybe a lonely life, with just my two dogs and me, their bitch, but hey, I am a bitch, and I do take and love their cocks – and you can sue me for it.


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Teenage Tokyo Street Fighters Fuckers Part 2

Also I was trying to eat my apple as quickly as possible, which was almost done with. “There it is!” I heard her announce. I looked beyond her to see the sight of the courtyard in the distance, a few less than a block away. I took the last bite of my apple and chewed. It was time to speed things up. “Alright. Full speed ahead. Let’s make a run for it!” I never finished the sentence. Out of nowhere someone plowed into me from my left, instantly knocking me down and...

2 years ago
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Teenage Tokyo Street Fighters Fuckers Part 1

“Zzzzzz “Bzzzzzzz...” Slap snooze button again! “Zzzzzzzzzzz...” “Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” “Oh fuck, I’m going to be late!” This was the way most mornings at the Shannon family started, but this would not be a typical morning. I was at the second floor, most of my clothes already on for school, looking at my watch as I stood at the door of the bathroom. I smirked. 7:35 A.M. I love how Terri exaggerates. School doesn’t start until 8:30, but I guess I could’ve been...

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Intro by gay gangbang in Tokyo

I had known a smallest 20 something guy in Japan. He had come to my English school to check out lessons, but decided not to sign up, but I kept running into him on the train. I assumed he was gay, but later found out that he wasn't - he wanted an American girlfriend - so I just assumed he was gay and didn't know it yet. A couple of months passed, and during the summer holiday when the country all but shuts down he showed up at my doorstep. I was surprised to see him, and invited him in for a...

3 years ago
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A present from Tokyo

Chantelle hated Tokyo. The meeting that she’d planned for so long was a complete bust. There was supposed to be equality in Japan but no-one had gotten round to telling the Japanese that. There were glass ceilings everywhere. She’d seen perfectly competent women being forced to serve Tea to complete idiots just because they happened to be male. It had made her bridle which hadn’t helped when her hosts noticed it. The meeting went cordially enough, there were lots of smiles and...

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Three days in Tokyo Day 1

Three days in Tokyo Day 1 By The Old Sailor This is as good a place as any to remind you that there is something very erotic about having a cock between your lips, and feeling the shaft glide over then and the head brushing over the roof of your mouth as it slips deeper into your mouth. The heat of the shaft, the taste of the pre-seminal fluids, the knowledge that you are giving pleasure just as you is receiving it. And there is the frequent tap of the balls on your forehead as you...

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Futanari Ghouls in Tokyo

Kaneki Ken sat at a table in one of his favorite coffee shops in all of Tokyo, a small place by the name of Anteiku. A barely touched cup of coffee laid on the table in front of him. It wasn't unusual for Kaneki to ignore his coffee, but it was usually a book that distracted him from his drink. He had a book with him, as he always did, but today, and for the past several days if he was being honest with himself, it was a girl who distracted him. Or a woman, rather. She was far too well...

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Tokyo Wolves

You moan in frustration as the shower clicks off about a minute before you were ready for it. The damn water rationing was even more stringent in Japan than it was back home. You push your hair - longer and thicker than you were used to - out of your face and step out of the stall. You shiver as the cooler air of the bathroom assaults you and quickly towel yourself dry. Then you wipe the condensation from the mirror and look at the face in the mirror. It is not the face that you grew up...

2 years ago
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The Tokyo Tussle Unfinished Project

Author's note: this story is unfinished and will remain unfinished, but as I start my next story I wanted to publish it anyway. I very much like the idea of an erotic wrestling story set in the "game mode", where certain choices will lead to different options down the line because the reader is either winning or losing the fights. However, I bit off more than I can chew with this. I had this system set up for fighting 3 different girls one after the next, with each character having certain...

3 years ago
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They make everything in Tokyo

"My name is Lieutenant Colonel Maki, of His Imperial Majesty's special security branch within the Imperial Army, under the ministry of National Public Safety. In cases as uncommon as these, it?s not without precedence for the local Prefectural Police to hand matters over to the National Police Agency, and for them to hand it over to us." He hadn't even closed the door in the interrogation room as he delivered his introduction in all seriousness and with all due understanding for the gravity of...

Mind Control
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Tokyo, rush hour, everybody is trying to get home after a long day’s work. With hundreds of other travelers I am pushed inside a subway train and end up squeezed tightly against a young Japanese woman. I feel anxious, not being able to move, I wait for claustrophobia to set in like it does every day in such situations. But then, suddenly, I feel calm, the soft noise of the train, its vibrations, people talking around me, everything disappears and there is only, you! Your body pressed tightly...

3 years ago
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European Girls in Tokyo a strange experience

'Can I buy your panties?'I smiled, trying not to appear offended, I would be a liar if I said I did not know what he was on about.We were in Tokyo, down in Ginza, a very upmarket shopping area, with wealthy Japanese men, and a seedy little nightclub. There were a group of us girls, all stewardesses, and to be honest, we came here for sex, and any gifts, yes I enjoyed whoring myself, and why not, I was tall, beautiful, statuesque, a healthy need for sex, and fucking horny, sitting with theses...

2 years ago
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Tokyo SymphonyChapter 3

Terry couldn't draw. Every time he tried to the blank page stared back at him, virgin white, and all he could think about was whether Mika would call him. When he had met her, he had experienced a huge spurt of creative energy, and now that she was gone the well was dry. Terry guessed that maybe all that shit about muses was right after all. He drifted through the next day, pacing around his room like he was going somewhere, continuing his diet of instant noodles, deflecting Naomichi's...

4 years ago
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Tokyo SymphonyChapter 4

They sat there in little stapled magazines, surprisingly real. Their titles read School Hearts in English (it was originally going to be Entwined Hearts, but Naomichi insisted that no one in Japan knew what "entwined" meant). The first issue's cover was graced with an image of Yui, the second's by one of Sakura. The covers were done in black and white, partly to attract attention and partly because they couldn't afford any more colour ink. Every couple of minutes Terry would take a...

2 years ago
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Tokyo SymphonyChapter 6

The shoujo magazine's office was a world removed from the cramped bedrooms and convention halls that Terry associated with comic production. It was on the eighteenth floor of a towering dark green office building, and staffed by the same army of cubicle-dwelling salarymen as all of the other businesses. As he passed by their workstations he noticed that every one seemed identical: computer and phone in exactly the same spot, pictures of families that all looked the same all facing at the...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 3 Descendant of Tokyo Samurai Myoujin Yahiko

The day after Kenshin defeated the Sword-bearing Police, rumors flew and people gathered in the Kamiya Kasshin dojo. Kaoru: Wow, there's more than fifteen people here! The Kamiya Kasshin school is revived! Kenshin: This isn't good. Kaoru: Huh? Kenshin: Excuse me, everyone. I'm not originally from this school, and I'm not taking any pupils, so if you came because you saw the disturbance yesterday, I'm sorry, but please leave. (Kaoru stands staring at an empty yard.) Kenshin: Well,...

4 years ago
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Lonely twenties A quick swipe

Bella was three years out of college and was already experiencing some of the lows, being far away from her friends and in a big city. Already approaching her late twenties, she made great money and on top of that, had the sexy looks. Bella stood at five-eight, had tanned skin, brown hair, brown eyes, and looked exactly like Allison Stokke.The money came at long hours, often asking her to work for over fifty hours a week. Going out was not much of an option for her as she was at a lack of...

3 years ago
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Adventure With Sex Bomb Teacher Sneha In Tokyo 8211 Part 4

Hi all! It’s me Arjun and I am back with the story. First of all, I apologize for the delay and I hope you will forgive me. I recommend newcomers to take a look at my previous chapters before reading this one. Now let’s get started, shall we? After the intense blowjob, we took a break and chatted for a few minutes. M: That was one hell of a blowjob. S:  I am glad you loved it. M: Guess you have a pretty good experience, huh. S: Not that many but yea you could say that. In the meantime, we had...

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Adventure With Sex Bomb Teacher Sneha In Tokyo 8211 Part 3

Hey there, everyone. It is Arjun and I am back with the third part of the story. For the new readers, I suggest you to start reading from the beginning for better understanding. Let’s get straight to the story. After the intense session in hot springs, I and my teacher Sneha went to a hotel to have dinner as we were quite hungry. The hotel was small but beautiful. The walls of the hotel were painted with animals and nature. The ambiance there will make you feel right at the forest. Relaxing...

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Tokyo Symphony Ch 05

Sakura’s disappearance was abrupt and unexplained. She was missing, like a visible hole, from the last-day-of-school party, showed up late to all her exams in a wrinkly uniform and greasy hair, then brushed off Natsumi when she tried to talk to her afterwards. At the post-exam party (Natsumi sometimes felt her life was nothing but a procession of identical parties) Sakura was again missing in action, leaving Natsumi to drift around with Hayato, enduring his awkward flirtation and puppy-dog...

4 years ago
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Teenage Tokyo Street Fighters Fuckers Part 3

Groaning...? Where was it coming from...? Where am I...? Geez... My head is pounding... I... Uuuuugh.... Wait... that was me groaning... I had a wrecking ball swinging inside my head.. Just what happened anyway? “Hey, look who’s waking up...” “Well... wouldn’t you know it...? It’s about time. I was tired of waiting on this one to wake up.” Who... was that...? Damn it, why can’t I focus? Wait... Let me open my eyes... I was greeted...

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Tokyo Bitch Boy

That night I fantasized about 1san blowing me while I beat off. The next day I canceled my plans and called and invited 1san over, he said okay and would call 2san. They arrived at about 1 with beer. We sat and they started peppering me with more dirty language questions. 2san asked if I had ever played a game called Bitch Slap Five. I had never heard of it but claimed they had read that it was very popular among boys in circle jerks who weren't getting laid yet, in America. They explained...

4 years ago
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Surprise Adventure in Tokyo

My name is Emi Haneko Adams, a twenty-six year-old fourth generation American, half-Japanese on my mother’s side and half-American on my father’s side. My parents met at USC in the 1970s while my mother was an exchange student. With my ‘hapa’ (half-Japanese) features, I was sought after during my teens and early twenties as a popular model in Japan, Hawaii, and California. I starred in countless ads for fashionable clothing, cosmetics, and more recently, high-end lingerie. It helped that I was...

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Teenage Tokyo Street Fighters Fuckers Part 3

Introduction: Alex and Terri get there cum-uppence in more ways thabn one. Uh…? Groaning…? Where was it coming from…? Where am I…? Geez… My head is pounding… I… Uuuuugh…. Wait… that was me groaning… I had a wrecking ball swinging inside my head.. Just what happened anyway? Hey, look whos waking up… Well… wouldnt you know it…? Its about time. I was tired of waiting on this one to wake up. Who… was that…? Damn it, why cant I focus? Wait… Let me open my eyes… I was greeted with the sight...

2 years ago
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Tokyo Ghoul

"Man, you're hopeless. You can't take her to a bookstore on the first date." Hide tells you "Why not? She might think it's an awesome idea." you argue "Look, don't do it. Trust me. She'll think your lame." "Then I'll take her to Big Girl for hamburgers." Hide laughs at your remark "I'm being serious, Hide. Quit laughing." "I know. That makes it even funnier. You can't take her to a place called Big Girl." he says "Since when are you the expert? Fine, and where would you take a date?" you...

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Tokyo Mirage Session

Itsuki enters the office of Maiko Shimazaki the hot ex model sits behinder her desk. He needs all his willpower not to constantly look at her cleavage. As usual she wears a white blouse with a lot of cleavage. "Hi Itsuki" she says

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Three days in Tokyo Day 2

As I mentioned in the previous story, after our extended session of mutual sucking that ended in an almost simultaneous ejaculation, Ken and I drifted off into a deep sleep. When I awoke the next morning, Ken was gone, but all his gear was there, so I figured he had gone down for breakfast, or coffee. I got out of the bed, made my way to the bathroom, turned the water on, took a leak, and stepped into the shower. I lathered myself up from head to toe, stepped out of the flow from the shower...

Gay Male
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Tokyo Valentino Atlanta glory holes

I went again ! OMG. I got dressed up in my sluttiest hot pink outfit with blond wig and red lipstick. I had on my sky high sparkly heels and a hot pink pearl necklace. I stepped out of my car in broad daylight and walked to the front door. I hesitated and acted like I dropped something bending over and exposing my hot pink panties to all the guys in the parking area ! I sent a message out that I was ready to used like a slut. I payed my entrance fee and walked in. I immediately pulled my skirt...

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