Teenage Tokyo Street Fighters & Fuckers: Part 2 free porn video

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Also I was trying to eat my apple as quickly as possible, which was almost done with.

“There it is!” I heard her announce. I looked beyond her to see the sight of the courtyard in the distance, a few less than a block away. I took the last bite of my apple and chewed. It was time to speed things up.

“Alright. Full speed ahead. Let’s make a run for it!”

I never finished the sentence. Out of nowhere someone plowed into me from my left, instantly knocking me down and on my back. Parts of the apple I was chewing flew out of my mouth on contact, the core in my hand flying through the air and landing just in front of Terri, who, if it weren’t for that interruption would’ve kept on running, slid to a stop and spun around. The collision left me seeing stars a bit, but I shook it off and looked up to see who I ran into.

“Geez,” I moaned, “couldn’t you at least help someone up after you knock him down?”

“I don’t have time for this. Out of my way!”

I couldn’t get a clean vision of who it was, but it was definitely a guy, wearing dark clothing. Without saying anything else he rushed on across the street, safely crossing traffic.

‘Hey, are you ok Terri?”

“I was just about to ask that,” came Terri’s voice. The two of us looked on towards the door of the store, laying eyes on a middle aged woman who appeared to be the owner. I got to my feet and shook my head once again.

“Who was that guy...?”

“That man just went and robbed the store...” she solemnly replied. Both Terri and I gasped at that. A robbery? That’s why he was in a hurry.

“How much do you think he got?” I asked.

”I’m not sure. About.... 12000 yen, I think, “ said Terri

Damn. That’s a pretty big haul. We nodded at each other without saying a word to one another, then looked at the woman.

“Don’t worry about it. We’ll get him for you!” Terri yelled over the busy street.

We ran down the alley after the robber.

“He’s got to be around here somewhere...” Terri murmured. “He’s just got to.”

“Yeah... No way could he have gotten far. I can feel it. He’s close.”

I might not know his face, but I saw his clothes. Plus, the alleyways that rested behind the store across from the scene of the crime were pretty narrow. Unless this guy was Spider-Man in disguise, he wasn’t going anywhere. To be honest, this was the first time that either of us was in a place like this. It sure wasn’t a place I’d like to be in either. There was litter all over the ground that we crumpled under our sneakers. There was an intoxicating smell in the air that I couldn’t put my finger on, but wasn’t very interested in knowing what made it either. It all gave off a bad vide to sum it all up and it made my heart beat a little harder.

“Ugh...” I groaned, feeling a wad of something sticky cling to the bottom of my red and white sneakers. I didn’t want to know what it was, either. “Terri, let’s make this quick. I know for a fact we’re late for school now.”

“Yeah. Not only that, but this place is creeping me out,” said Terri.

I took a deep breath after that. “At least I’m not the only one who thinks that...”

Since I was ahead of Terri at the time I was first to try out the next turn around a corner. By this time we were pretty deep within this wooden ‘maze’, but I could sense that we were right on his tail. The moment I looked over the edge of the building that we were next to, I gasped and jumped back behind the wall again, startling my friend.

“Huh? Alex, did you-“

“Shhh!” I hushed. “Take a look.”

As I said that, Terri leaned over me, putting a hand on my chest for leverage and balance, and looked for herself. After a second, she stood up straight.

“It’s him alright...” she whispered. “He must be checking if the coast is clear or something... but why would he...?”

“Doesn’t matter. He might be waiting for someone to do some business with or make a getaway. If that’s the case, then we better do something before it does happen.”

“Right. So do you have a plan?” said Terri. I could see the stress on her face.

I took a moment to think it over. We had two choices. Either we wait for events to unwind and possible have to deal with his buddies as well, or we take the initiative and beat him down, get the stolen money and head back to school without wasting too much time. I gave Terri a firm look as I made my decision.

“I say we go and get him.”

Terri’s eyebrows arched up, smiling. “Now that I can deal with.”

“You ready?”

“Just a sec...” Terri slipped her hands into her skirt pockets. I smirked. I knew what she was going for. We bother equipped our hand guards that we used for street fighting and dropped our book bags on the ground. Terri then went on to say while looking over the corner again, “He hasn’t moved much... He must be waiting for someone. Ok. Now or never. Let’s do it.”

“I’ll go first... He owes me an apology...”

Terri gave me the go ahead and I started to sneak up on him. My heart started to beat harder as I moved slowly up behind the robber, hugging the wall. The brick wall silently scraped against my gloves, but there was no way he could hear it. As I got within a few inches from him I held my breath. I didn’t know who this guy was, but he’s going to apologize to me one way or another....

I took my right hand, ducked down to the ground silently... took a pause to get my sights ready... and swung...


However, and surprisingly, a sharp blow landed right between my eyes. I cried out as I stumbled backwards, falling down to the ground a bit. I managed to find my balance, however, and stood up fully, holding my face with my hand. I saw through my fingers that his elbow was out... How did he know I was there?

“Heh... What’s the matter? Don’t you want to introduce yourselves to me like you’re known for, Alex Martin and Terri Shannon?”

I heard Terri gasp after hearing our names called. “How in the world do you know our names?”

The guy in front of us chuckled. “You Terri are the hottest little cunt in Tokyo. That’s why I arranged this little get-together. I wanted to meet you for a while, now.”

“So... you... robbed that innocent store... and ran out at that time on purpose... so you could meet Terri?” I asked. “That’s obviously pretty underhanded, isn’t it?”

He just shrugged in response to me. “I guess I was bored... but now that you’re here, we can begin.”

For the first time he turned around to face us. He had short brown hair and near perfect skin, save for the weird scar that ran next to his left eye.

“What do you mean by ‘let’s begin?” I asked.

“You’ll see... Come at me. I know you want to. After all... I did make you late for your little class, now didn’t I?”

My face twisted in disgust. Not that I cared for his motives (or rather lack of for that matter), but I was pretty annoyed and with good reason.

“You owe me a fucking apology...” I muttered, my arms tensing as I folded my hands into fists. “Doing all this just for kicks... No decency at all. It’s people like you that really tick me off.”

“Oh, please... All I’m hearing from you is talk but no action. Give me a break I haven’t got all day.”

Ok. That was it. With that, and I sprinted towards him.

“It’s about time you learned who you’re really dealing with, pal!”

Like a bat out of hell I threw one fist after another as I got close. If he wanted a fight, then he was sure going to get it. As he started to dodge my attacks, I started to vary my patterns. I aimed for his chest, head, and stomach... Even his arms, but I wasn’t feeling my moves land. He couldn’t be that good...

Wait! An opening! In a heartbeat I threw my shoulder into his body. Yes, it hit! The blow knocked him back, but not down. Just when I was about to capitalize on that, it happened again. Something hit me right in my cheek, and it made me reel back, throwing me off my momentum. How is he doing all this?

I managed to recover in enough time to see him move towards me. On instinct I blocked high for a hit to my face. Practically a millisecond later a fast fist found it was to my side, making me break my guard. A blow to my stomach made me drop my head, then a hard attack sent me flying into the wall behind me.

“Hah... H... He’s so fast...” I panted, trying to collect my breath. I looked up and gasped to see him quickly closing the gap between us. I tried to react but by that time he was already leaping towards me, ready to strike...


Thank my lucky stars. Terri was right there to pick him off with her version of the Dragon Punch. As he fell onto the ground Terri, in turn, stood in front of me and got into a ready stance, using her arm to block the sudden cloud from the ground from her nose.

“He’s got speed... Too much if you ask me,” she noted. “If we attack him head-on, he’s going to counter whatever we throw at him.”

“Damn...” I swore, getting myself off the fence and back into my stance. “If that’s the case... then he can’t counter what he can’t see.”

“I get you... Double team, then?”

“Terri, you read my mind.”

As we talked strategy, the guy in front of us jumped to his feet. We looked at him then stood side by side, ready for anything to come our way. Obviously he must have thought this was funny, for he gave a smirk in response.

“Ah... the classic two on one scenario... I suspected no less...”

As he took one step towards us, Terri tightened herself, ready to react on impulse.

“You guys think that you’re one the same wavelength, huh?” he continued, beckoning the two of us, “Let’s just see.”

“Gladly!” Terri replied. Her sneakers squeaked loudly as she shot forward ahead of me to test her luck against him. As she gave her set of attacks and our adversary blocked and evaded, I came up from the side to prepare my cut off attack. At the same time, I swept at his legs and Terri aimed high with a strong kick. Our strategy paid off. He jumped my attack but got knocked into his chin by Terri’s sneaker. From there, she jumped up after him in pursuit and started a string of attacks while in midair before smacking him back down with a strong sledgehammer blow.

As he plummeted towards the ground, I was there and waiting. Sorry to disappoint, but you’ll hit the ground when We say you hit the ground! I gave him a dual punch, one going down and the quickly followed with an uppercut, then I finished it by spinning my back towards him...


...and blew him away with a strong fire kick while propelling myself forwards. I flipped as it connected and Terri and I landed on the ground at the same time as our ‘buddy’ dropped on his side on the pavement, sliding a bit before finally stopping.

“Give up yet,” Terri asked, “Or do you want to get beat up some more before our next class?”

The guy responded by spitting on the ground while getting to a kneel. He threw his head up elegantly, his hair flapping up as he did so, and smiled at us.

“Trust me, the party’s only begun, I’m here to fuck your cunt bitch.”

I managed to hear Terri mumble, “You sick bastard...” I agreed with her. He was obviously a pedophile as well as a robber. I quickly shook off that thought of this jerks tongue on Terri’s pussy and focused on him. No matter who he was, I wasn’t going to let him get away.

Something instantly went off on my senses and I blocked. A half-second later I was under heavy attack. The guy literally shot off dust as he rocketed off the ground and aimed all his attacks on me. I don’t know how I was able to block all his attacks at that speed. Some hits did land but I still managed to hold my defense.

After a hook, I suddenly didn’t feel any attacks. I looked above my arms and saw him prepare another attack. He must have thought that he could throw me off with a pause. I kept my arms up and prepared myself...

...and my eyes instantly grew to twice their size before closing tightly. Pain racked throughout my body and I instantly fell to my knees. Tears fell from my eyes as I moaned loudly. The fucker had kicked me in the balls.

I sensed him about to say something, but it was cut off by Terri’s yell as she drew his attention away from me with an attack. As I fully crumpled to the ground, trying to recover, I saw the two of them square off. Terri was a bit shorter than the person we were fighting, but it didn’t matter to her.

“You fucking bastard, that’s not fucking fair!” she shouted, throwing a right hook to his face. However, he was too quick for that. He seemed to move in a blur as he simultaneously parried the attack and threw his own fist to her cheek. My eyebrows twitched as Terri fell back, almost fully to the ground exposing the red crotch of her panties.

Immediately his speedy hand was there ripping at the crotch exposing her hairless pussy lips which were surprisingly wet.

Terri rolled and was on her feet, “You sick fuck!” she screamed.

I had to take my time on getting up to not strain myself. If I did, game over for me, and Terri wouldn’t last long due to his speed. The sound of metal hitting the ground rang through my eardrums as I witnessed the guy miss an ending to a combination string of punches, Terri barely dodging it and making him knock down the cans. Garbage spilled all over the place, and Terri gasped, jumping away from it to prevent it from getting all over her. She shouldn’t have done that, for she paid for it with a hard elbow to the stomach, making her curl up and kneel on the ground. It was her immediate groan that made me forget about my present state and made me focus on getting up and helping her out.

The fucker had his hand on her ass, as she lay immobilized.

I rose to my feet, ignoring the protest my groin area was giving me then set my sights on him. For once he stood still, switching his focus between me and her.

This was it. I had to strike quickly or else this battle would keep on going, and I didn’t want to spend another second with this guy. Without another thought about it, I dashed close, readied myself then threw all my weight into my fist.

No where to go, pal... You’re mine...



Wait a sec....! Where did he....? AH! Terri! Wait! Stop! DON’T!!


It was the single most humiliating moment throughout my history of street fighting. Not only that, but it was my greatest mistake. He dodged me... and before either I or Terri knew it, we found ourselves victim to the other’s attack. We both stumbled back, dazed from the sudden turn of events. Dammit, why did that have to happen now?

“Time to claim my prize!”

The wind seemed to slap at my cheek... then a sickening powerful kick to my tender balls. A second later I was totally laid out on the filthy pavement. Groaning and gasping, seeing bright stars, I decided to at least get up on all fours to recover. I wasn’t going to let him have the satisfaction of beating me. No way I’d let him...

Huh...? What? What’s wrong with me? I.... I can’t move!

“Hehehe... I guess it’s just you and me Terri slut?”

No way... I knew I could withstand more than this. There was something wrong... Something HAD to be wrong... I could barely move any part of my body. My head, my arms, my legs... Not even a finger! Come on... Get up... Get up...!

Terri sent a look of concern my way and it was a mistake. He punched her hard on he side, an immobilizing blow, she fell like a sack of noodles to the street.

Over top of her, he looked down and laughed. He unzipped his pants and pulled out an enormous cock.

He took off his jacket and wrapped it around his arm into a roll and effortlessly lifted Terri’s hips and placed the roll underneath. I tried to scream to call for help but my voice didn’t work either.

“No... no don’t ….please don’t...” came Terri’s straining voice. “Take the money go...”

“I told you it wasn’t the money I wanted bitch it was you.”

I wanted to close my eyes but I couldn’t even do that. I watched horrified as this fucker ran his cock up and down Terri’s pussy lips.

“Fuck you are worked up, you little slut, wet and ready to fuck. Tell me you want it, you hot little bitch.”

“Never, you piece of shit,” there was defiance in Terri’s voice, but an instant later she was whimpering as the bastard rammed half of his cock inside her.

“Fuck I knew it, a fucking virgin!” her turned to me, “You are a fucking girl, I curse you with it. I am fucking your true love and you an only watch…a girl is what you are and what you will remain.”

He pointed his finger at me and a flash of light moved from his body to mine. I passed out and when I awoke the bastard was fucking Terri hard and fast and she was groaning as if in pain, I could see blood on his cock and on Terri’s cunt lips, still I could not move, I felt so, so different, oh god I was passing out, and my eyes fluttered as I saw the man empty a load of cum all over Terri’s beautiful face. No, was my last thought as I passed out again.


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THE WALKING FUCKERSIt was supposed to be a weak RNA strand thatdisabled the enemy then withered. The vector virus had other ideas.It found a single, mutated Ecoli bacteriumand mated with it.Military “Intelligence” had finally fucked us all.“M0m will be furious with me,” I thought, lying in bed,trying to figure how I'd refuse the “corrective” surgeryand not get kicked out of the house.The alarm clock beeped.“I'm 18, why NOW?? I grew up this way! NO, mom, NO!”Fifty rehearsals in my head.I...

4 years ago
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Tokyo Symphony Ch 03

Terry couldn’t draw. Every time he tried to the blank page stared back at him, virgin white, and all he could think about was whether Mika would call him. When he had met her, he had experienced a huge spurt of creative energy, and now that she was gone the well was dry. Terry guessed that maybe all that shit about muses was right after all. He drifted through the next day, pacing around his room like he was going somewhere, continuing his diet of instant noodles, deflecting Naomichi’s...

3 years ago
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Tokyo Symphony Ch 06

The shoujo magazine’s office was a world removed from the cramped bedrooms and convention halls that Terry associated with comic production. It was on the eighteenth floor of a towering dark green office building, and staffed by the same army of cubicle-dwelling salarymen as all of the other businesses. As he passed by their workstations he noticed that every one seemed identical: computer and phone in exactly the same spot, pictures of families that all looked the same all facing at the exact...

3 years ago
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Tokyo Symphony Ch 02

Ryan Bradshaw wasn’t entirely sure what to do with Sakura’s assignment. It felt like a bomb that she had lobbed across his desk and into his lap, all with that innocent smile on her face. It was a provocation, he was sure. For a routine end-of-year creative writing assignment, Sakura had submitted a translation of the first chapter of a novel she was writing, one she had loudly talked about with her friends in class. They all were sure it was brilliant, without seeing a word of it. It was a...

2 years ago
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Tokyo Symphony Ch 04

They sat there in little stapled magazines, surprisingly real. Their titles read School Hearts in English (it was originally going to be Entwined Hearts, but Naomichi insisted that no one in Japan knew what ‘entwined’ meant). The first issue’s cover was graced with an image of Yui, the second’s by one of Sakura. The covers were done in black and white, partly to attract attention and partly because they couldn’t afford any more colour ink. Every couple of minutes Terry would take a moment to...

3 years ago
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Memories of a Mortician Part 5 updated Indigested BeautyTokyo HangoverA Bad Idea

INDIGESTED BEAUTY Hot babe so pretty Swallowed but not digested Slimy you emerged I have seen all types of cases over the decades but non as bizarre as the following. The fact that the victim was young and pretty only made the case more memorable to me. One afternoon in 2009, my assistant (who I usually assigned to the male or older female cases) ran into my office telling me that we?ve got something never seen before. I went into the embalming room and saw a body lying on the lab...

2 years ago
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Memories of a Mortician Part 5 Indigested BeautyTokyo Hangover

INDIGESTED BEAUTY Hot babe so pretty Swallowed but not digested Slimy you emerged I have seen all types of cases over the decades but non as bizarre as the following. The fact that the victim was young and pretty only made the case more memorable to me. One afternoon in 2009, my assistant (who I usually assigned to the male or older female cases) ran into my office telling me that we’ve got something never seen before. I went into the embalming room and saw a body lying on the lab...

1 year ago
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Intro by gay gangbang in Tokyo

I had known a smallest 20 something guy in Japan. He had come to my English school to check out lessons, but decided not to sign up, but I kept running into him on the train. I assumed he was gay, but later found out that he wasn't - he wanted an American girlfriend - so I just assumed he was gay and didn't know it yet. A couple of months passed, and during the summer holiday when the country all but shuts down he showed up at my doorstep. I was surprised to see him, and invited him in for a...

2 years ago
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A present from Tokyo

Chantelle hated Tokyo. The meeting that she’d planned for so long was a complete bust. There was supposed to be equality in Japan but no-one had gotten round to telling the Japanese that. There were glass ceilings everywhere. She’d seen perfectly competent women being forced to serve Tea to complete idiots just because they happened to be male. It had made her bridle which hadn’t helped when her hosts noticed it. The meeting went cordially enough, there were lots of smiles and...

3 years ago
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Three days in Tokyo Day 1

Three days in Tokyo Day 1 By The Old Sailor This is as good a place as any to remind you that there is something very erotic about having a cock between your lips, and feeling the shaft glide over then and the head brushing over the roof of your mouth as it slips deeper into your mouth. The heat of the shaft, the taste of the pre-seminal fluids, the knowledge that you are giving pleasure just as you is receiving it. And there is the frequent tap of the balls on your forehead as you...

2 years ago
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Futanari Ghouls in Tokyo

Kaneki Ken sat at a table in one of his favorite coffee shops in all of Tokyo, a small place by the name of Anteiku. A barely touched cup of coffee laid on the table in front of him. It wasn't unusual for Kaneki to ignore his coffee, but it was usually a book that distracted him from his drink. He had a book with him, as he always did, but today, and for the past several days if he was being honest with himself, it was a girl who distracted him. Or a woman, rather. She was far too well...

4 years ago
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Tokyo Wolves

You moan in frustration as the shower clicks off about a minute before you were ready for it. The damn water rationing was even more stringent in Japan than it was back home. You push your hair - longer and thicker than you were used to - out of your face and step out of the stall. You shiver as the cooler air of the bathroom assaults you and quickly towel yourself dry. Then you wipe the condensation from the mirror and look at the face in the mirror. It is not the face that you grew up...

1 year ago
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The Tokyo Tussle Unfinished Project

Author's note: this story is unfinished and will remain unfinished, but as I start my next story I wanted to publish it anyway. I very much like the idea of an erotic wrestling story set in the "game mode", where certain choices will lead to different options down the line because the reader is either winning or losing the fights. However, I bit off more than I can chew with this. I had this system set up for fighting 3 different girls one after the next, with each character having certain...

2 years ago
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They make everything in Tokyo

"My name is Lieutenant Colonel Maki, of His Imperial Majesty's special security branch within the Imperial Army, under the ministry of National Public Safety. In cases as uncommon as these, it?s not without precedence for the local Prefectural Police to hand matters over to the National Police Agency, and for them to hand it over to us." He hadn't even closed the door in the interrogation room as he delivered his introduction in all seriousness and with all due understanding for the gravity of...

Mind Control
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Adventure With Sex Bomb Teacher Sneha In Tokyo 8211 Part 1

Hi, my name is Arjun and I am from the beautiful state, Kerala. I joined Indian army an year ago. I was an average looking guy but due to the extreme training, my body became a lot more sexier which also resulted improving the overall appearance. Now, without wasting more of your time, let’s get straight into my beautiful incident. This happened recently when I came home for vacation after my one year training in the army. For a few weeks, I was very busy with family matters like marriage and...

3 years ago
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Tokyo, rush hour, everybody is trying to get home after a long day’s work. With hundreds of other travelers I am pushed inside a subway train and end up squeezed tightly against a young Japanese woman. I feel anxious, not being able to move, I wait for claustrophobia to set in like it does every day in such situations. But then, suddenly, I feel calm, the soft noise of the train, its vibrations, people talking around me, everything disappears and there is only, you! Your body pressed tightly...

2 years ago
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European Girls in Tokyo a strange experience

'Can I buy your panties?'I smiled, trying not to appear offended, I would be a liar if I said I did not know what he was on about.We were in Tokyo, down in Ginza, a very upmarket shopping area, with wealthy Japanese men, and a seedy little nightclub. There were a group of us girls, all stewardesses, and to be honest, we came here for sex, and any gifts, yes I enjoyed whoring myself, and why not, I was tall, beautiful, statuesque, a healthy need for sex, and fucking horny, sitting with theses...

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Tokyo SymphonyChapter 3

Terry couldn't draw. Every time he tried to the blank page stared back at him, virgin white, and all he could think about was whether Mika would call him. When he had met her, he had experienced a huge spurt of creative energy, and now that she was gone the well was dry. Terry guessed that maybe all that shit about muses was right after all. He drifted through the next day, pacing around his room like he was going somewhere, continuing his diet of instant noodles, deflecting Naomichi's...

4 years ago
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Tokyo SymphonyChapter 4

They sat there in little stapled magazines, surprisingly real. Their titles read School Hearts in English (it was originally going to be Entwined Hearts, but Naomichi insisted that no one in Japan knew what "entwined" meant). The first issue's cover was graced with an image of Yui, the second's by one of Sakura. The covers were done in black and white, partly to attract attention and partly because they couldn't afford any more colour ink. Every couple of minutes Terry would take a...

2 years ago
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Tokyo SymphonyChapter 6

The shoujo magazine's office was a world removed from the cramped bedrooms and convention halls that Terry associated with comic production. It was on the eighteenth floor of a towering dark green office building, and staffed by the same army of cubicle-dwelling salarymen as all of the other businesses. As he passed by their workstations he noticed that every one seemed identical: computer and phone in exactly the same spot, pictures of families that all looked the same all facing at the...

4 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 3 Descendant of Tokyo Samurai Myoujin Yahiko

The day after Kenshin defeated the Sword-bearing Police, rumors flew and people gathered in the Kamiya Kasshin dojo. Kaoru: Wow, there's more than fifteen people here! The Kamiya Kasshin school is revived! Kenshin: This isn't good. Kaoru: Huh? Kenshin: Excuse me, everyone. I'm not originally from this school, and I'm not taking any pupils, so if you came because you saw the disturbance yesterday, I'm sorry, but please leave. (Kaoru stands staring at an empty yard.) Kenshin: Well,...

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A Goth Girl and the Three Wise Fuckers

My name is Bry and I work as a receptionist in a large corporation. I am outgoing in my personality, but it wasn't always the way. I had a pretty rough time of it in high school. I was a bit short and chubby and certainly not one of the 'cool k**s', and was constantly teased. I was very nerdy in my bland prescription glasses. The girls were always worse than the boys with their insidious taunts. My big breasts made sport uncomfortable, but I soon learnt that they had significant advantages in...

2 years ago
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Indian Fighters John ShiplyChapter 8

Shiply and his fighters had hardly gotten themselves situated on the roof when the first arrows came flying in. John said, "Don't waste yer ammunition shooting when they're out of range. Wait 'til ya kin be shore of yer shot." About a minute later, there was a boom from down below as one of the hide hunters fired his .75 caliber rifle. Two Comanches actually fell to the ground from this one shot. There was a lot of cheering from within the shed and on its roof as this remarkable shot...

4 years ago
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Indian Fighters John ShiplyChapter 1

"Damn! Look out, boys, here they come, again! Let the bastards git close enough ta be sure yer shots count. We don't want ta run out of powder afore we run out of Injuns! "Captain" John Shiply (the title was honorary, bestowed by his men) kneeled, ready to fire his Dragoon Colt when the Comanches got close enough. It could make a nasty wound beyond 25 yards, but no man could say he could reliably hit his target beyond that range. The .44 caliber bullet would make a nice hole in whatever...

3 years ago
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The lovers and the fighters

The breeze felt cool against his sweat covered chest, as he looked out over the city of Aven. His mind wrought with guilt about his actions the night before.He had long since accepted that the profession of a whore was one bourne of great neccessity, as all campaining soldiers needed an outlet for their desires as they were far away from their wifes and families, with nothing but the laws of the conquerors to control them. If left unchecked good men would turn to the foulest deeds possible,...

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Indian Fighters John ShiplyChapter 6

It turned out that the woman was an accomplished seamstress, so she thought that she could make a decent living with that after her nest egg ran out. Her husband had been a prosperous merchant in Philadelphia, but, as a Quaker, had wanted to escape the turmoil of the big city. Unfortunately, they had run afoul of the Comanches. John helped them find a boarding house, and the militia left on patrol the next day. John had found the woman attractive, but knew that there was no way they could...

2 years ago
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Suspended Mouth and Pussy Fuckers Part Two

Mouth and Pussy Fuckers Part Two I quickly go to work as Tony cums all over your face, leaving his hot juices on and in your mouth and hair as I tie your arms to the wooden supports and your body to the tee piece, spreading your legs wide and securing them so you cannot move. I then attach the cabling and the electric hoist which lifts and holds you horizontally, about a metre off the surface of the bed. You are totally available now and unable to do anything except take the pleasure about to...

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Little Fuckers

Diane walked into the front room of her apartment, blinking the sleep out of her eyes and smoothing her fingers through her blonde locks.  After three weeks of a hard push at work, she finally had a long weekend as a reward, and she was determined not to sleep it away.  That didn’t mean she was awake enough to start breakfast, though.  She picked up the remote to the television and sat down.A moment later, she screamed when the couch suddenly tilted forward, and to the left.Upon catching her...

1 year ago
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Suspended Mouth and Pussy Fuckers Part Two

Mouth and Pussy Fuckers Part Two I quickly go to work as Tony cums all over your face, leaving his hot juices on and in your mouth and hair as I tie your arms to the wooden supports and your body to the tee piece, spreading your legs wide and securing them so you cannot move. I then attach the cabling and the electric hoist which lifts and holds you horizontally, about a metre off the surface of the bed.You are totally available now and unable to do anything except take the pleasure about to be...

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Flying Fuckers Pt 1

Flying fuckers pt 1 As you all know promotions in the paki air force are based on a pilot’s performance both in the air and on the bed! Often this involves not only him but his entire family chipping in to help with his promotion. This story involves the family of Wing Commander Sohail Khan helping with his promotion by helping his reporting officer Group Captain Shaukat Ali help himself. Sohail Khan is a dashing officer in the flying wing of the Pak air force, Shehnaz his wife is a beautiful...

3 years ago
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Gay Male Cage Fighters Fuck 1 Erotic Gay Male

Caucasian male cage fighter friends in their late 20’s betrayed each other and had sex with each other behind each others backs. They got in trouble with law officers who blackmailed them for sex. When his ex-boyfriend crashed in and discovered the law officers blackmail red-handed and his best friend and lover’s sexual betrayal, all sexual hell broke loose! This last August 2nd, 1:30 p.m., near Friendswood, Indiana, a small town just outside Indianapolis, (part of the U.S.A. mid-west), Aaron...

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Lonely in Tokyo with Two Puppies

At first I got a big English mastiff, a strong dog to make me feel safe at home. He had thick muscles, little fur, and black vacant eyes, with a serious and set expression always on his face to match. He was to make me feel safe, I repeated to myself when picking him out nervously at the local breeder…but from the beginning he was so much bigger than me. Trying to pull on his lead as I walked him back to my apartment through the bustling city, he just seemed to have a mind of his own, his...

2 years ago
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Tokyo Symphony Ch 05

Sakura’s disappearance was abrupt and unexplained. She was missing, like a visible hole, from the last-day-of-school party, showed up late to all her exams in a wrinkly uniform and greasy hair, then brushed off Natsumi when she tried to talk to her afterwards. At the post-exam party (Natsumi sometimes felt her life was nothing but a procession of identical parties) Sakura was again missing in action, leaving Natsumi to drift around with Hayato, enduring his awkward flirtation and puppy-dog...

2 years ago
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Tokyo Bitch Boy

That night I fantasized about 1san blowing me while I beat off. The next day I canceled my plans and called and invited 1san over, he said okay and would call 2san. They arrived at about 1 with beer. We sat and they started peppering me with more dirty language questions. 2san asked if I had ever played a game called Bitch Slap Five. I had never heard of it but claimed they had read that it was very popular among boys in circle jerks who weren't getting laid yet, in America. They explained...

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