Nowhere Man Book TwoChapter 10
- 3 years ago
- 27
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“Are you ready for a roller coaster ride, Andrea?”
Not waiting for an answer I soared upward, making a big sweeping, hammerhead turn – like the crop-dusters use. We came out of the turn and fell from the sky in a path that looked as if we were going to slam into the earth’s surface. I had no idea how fast we were moving but the scene below was a blur as I leveled off. We were maybe a hundred feet above the ground and flew parallel all the way to the new mobile home.
We were still moving at the near rocket-like speeds we had traveled in the long dive to earth. Then I turned upward into a vertical climb. I felt Andrea clutching me tighter, screaming as her orgasm slammed through her body, shaking her as we soared straight upward. I turned back again, making another hammerhead turn as we saw Savana and Adam driving the van into the yard.
Andrea was screaming constantly as she held me tight and banged her naked groin against my thigh while she gripped me. We settled to a slow, smooth landing, my feet touching first then hers as she slumped to the ground laughing hysterically. Savana ran to her, pulling her to her feet. They were both laughing and dancing. Adam was gripping my right hand as if he was trying to shake it off.
“What do you make of all this Adam, any ideas to begin with?” I was so hyped, it was all I could do to stay on the ground, now that I’ve learned I have the ability to fly.
“I have a million running through my head. All of this is so hard to put into perspective. This will take a lot of documentation and research. I hope you have some beer, I need to cool off and settle my nerves.”
Savana told him, “I bought plenty when I was in town. Let’s go in, have a few and try to put our heads together.”
We were still naked but that was nothing compared to what was on our minds at this moment. Andrea went to the rear of the van and pulled out two large duffel bags. I grabbed one and we went inside to sit across from Adam at the kitchen table. Savana set a beer in front of us, as Adam began talking... “Andrea, we’ll need to take samples of the water from the surface of the lake, then samples near the meteorite. We’ll also need to take the temps at both sample points.”
“Boyd, we’ll need an axe, or a pick of some kind to take some samples of the heat hardened sand where the meteorite is resting.”
“Savana we’ll need some zip-lock bags if you have them, to gather samples of leaves and ashes around the home place here.”
“I bought some quart size zip-lock bags in town earlier, Adam.”
“Boyd, we need to record your pulse, temperature, respiration, and blood pressure so we can compare to normal. Actually, we need to do this for all of us and keep a chart as we continue to work on this. We need to record our height and weight as well.”
Andrea told him, “We’ll do this now Dad, as we go over our thoughts for the day.
Then she spoke to Savana, “Savana, will you help me with the temp and pulse? I’ll get the blood pressure.”
While Savana and Andrea were busy for the next thirty minutes or so, taking our vital signs, Adam and I kept up a stream of what-ifs and – did you see.
“Adam do you think it’s merely some sort of anti-gravity in my body – somehow giving me the ability to fly?”
“Boyd, at first I thought that was it. But if that was so, you as well as the rest of us would be on the ceiling now. This has nothing to do with gravity. It has to be something about your metabolism. Something that makes you totally unrestrained by Earth’s gravity ... Then, there is the propulsion you possess that makes you soar as fast as a speeding bullet, almost as if you really are Superman ... We may know more when Andrea gets your vitals recorded.”
I asked him, “What about the changes in your leg muscles, which deteriorated years ago?”
“I have no idea, except to say there has to be some sort of mysterious, magical healing powers in the water, or in the presence of the meteorite itself. That part is nothing compared to the powers you have gained from the meteorite, or the meteorite and the water combined.”
“What if we were to take some of the water to a hospital and let a patient drink it, or wash with it?” Savana offered.
“We could do that. We need to find someone whom we know is totally paralyzed, or even in a coma.”
“Adam that would, in itself, be a near miracle ... If in fact we did this and a patient was immediately healed or cured of a sickness or injuries,” I added.
I could tell Adam’s mind was running over as he spoke, “We need to use caution as we experiment with these elements. We could be found out and you’d lose your entire property to the government if they ever got wind of it. We know what a mess they’d make of this. It would be fifty years before this was used in public research, much less in private lives. We need to get newspapers early tomorrow from Oklahoma City to see if there is any mention of sightings of the meteoroid by the general public.”
I spoke up quickly, “I’ll get up early and be in Oklahoma City before daylight and still be back here before the sun comes up.”
“Boyd, you’ll have to be really careful with that. If you happen to be seen flying or even spotted on radar, you could be filmed or worse, followed back here and found out,” Adam cautioned.
“I’ll fly just above ground level and be sure to set down in a deserted area to get the papers.”
“I’ll leave that up to you. I know you’ll want to try out the long-range aspect of your flying ability.”
Savana told me, “You can’t fly naked Boyd. You need to at least use the Spandex bike shorts I bought you today.”
I laughed, as I spoke, “Good idea, I’d hate to get windburn.” They laughed with me at the thought of that.
Andrea suggested, “Boyd, we need to find a way for you to carry some of the lake water with you wherever you go. Just to have in an emergency – for you as well as whatever emergency you may encounter.”
“Boyd, what about that fanny-pack canteen of mine? Will that work? I saw it in the garage on a shelf,” Savana suggested.
“For now, we’ll make it work but we need to keep our eyes out for something I can fasten to my arms or legs, like a strap-on container.”
Andrea had a great idea. “What if you wore a suit, sort of like the Navy Seals wear? You’d have pockets and pouches like cargo pants.”
“We need to look into that idea,” Adam agreed.
Savana even suggested, “I think we need to have a disguise for later when Boyd does venture out further, just in case someone has a camera phone aimed at him at the wrong time.”
Adam agreed, “Good idea, Savana. You and Andrea come up with something that Boyd agrees with, he’s the one who will wear it. He sure doesn’t want to be recognized and he may want to think about having more than one disguise.”
Andrea was holding her hand on her naked belly when she said, “This beer is making my tummy feel uneasy. I’m going to get some cold water. Anyone else want some?”
Savana agreed, “I feel the same way, Andrea ... I’ll take some water. There’s some ice in the ice bin already, I saw it just now.”
I needed another beer, I was still trying to calm down. “I’ll have another beer ... Adam, you want another one?”
“Sure ... I needed that one. I was about to go into a logical meltdown with the things we’ve seen already. Common sense tells us that what we’ve witnessed already is NOT supposed to happen on planet earth.”
I looked over to see Savana and Andrea talking as they poured their water. Then, each of them were rubbing and feeling each others belly, as if they were having problems.
“What’s wrong Savana, are you and Andrea not feeling well? You’re not getting sick are you?“
“I could swear I felt my tummy move, as if there’s a baby inside me! I said something to Andrea and she said she felt the same thing.”
Savana turned to Adam. “Adam ... Is there a possibility we could both actually be pregnant with our babies developing this fast?”
“With what we’ve witnessed out here today, I would hesitate to say no. We need to check both of you out.
“Get my stethoscope out, Andrea and come over here so I can listen for a heartbeat.”
Adam held the stethoscope to his daughter’s tummy ... his eyes popped open wide as he looked at me, then Andrea.
“Come here Savana!”
“ ... Boyd, you’re gonna be a daddy ... TWICE ... No, make that four times,” he said, listening to Savana’s belly. Savana and Andrea were hugging at the news.
“I don’t have any idea how this could be, but each of you have two heartbeats in your bellies, other than your own,” Adam told them.
I stood to hug Savana, and Andrea looked at both of us. I held my arms out to her and she stepped into our embrace.
“We’re going to be a family,” Adam said, bumping his beer bottle against mine.
“Adam, if the babies are this far advanced in no more than two hours, how long would you say their pregnancies will last?” I asked.
“My best scientifically calculated guesstimate would be – three to four weeks.“
“Daddy, do you mean we could possibly have babies within a month?”
“I’m basing that on ten percent of the total weeks of a normal pregnancy ... In approximately two hours, each of you have gone from being impregnated, to having twin, developing fetuses in your womb.”
“Oh-My-God, Andrea! I hope we deliver on the same day,” Savana said.
“When the time comes, I want both of you lying on your back in the exact same place you were today when you had Boyd’s seed planted inside you,” Adam said.
“OH YES ... but what if the babies aren’t like us and can’t stay under without breathing?”
“I think you can throw all the fears about what if and what may be, out the window. This is a new age. A new era of mankind,” Adam stated.
“Savana, they’ll all four be born swimming and it wouldn’t surprise me if they came to the surface flying,” Andrea laughed.
“We better hope they don’t realize they can fly for a while. We’ll never keep them on the ground and all hell will break loose when they’re seen,” I told them.
“Daddy, do you think you’ll ever get your virility back, like you have the muscles in your arms and legs?”
“I’m afraid not Andrea. I was subjected to a lot of experimental drugs in my youth. My parents never gave up on me being normal. We traveled all over the world seeking cures. I was chemically castrated in Austria with an accidental overdose of a drug that was strictly experimental. I’m not just sterile, I have no testicles. The drug they used on me, chemically castrated me. Believe me, if I had a choice, I’d have chosen the strength in my arms and legs be restored. I can live without an erection.” Adam laughed, but I knew he was serious.
“But you swam across the lake, and walked today, Adam. We were on the pill this morning and now we’re both pregnant,” Savana refused to think he would never get his virility back, with the changes we’ve seen today.
“I still have my legs and arms ... the Polio would be easily reversed under the right circumstances, such as we encountered at the lake. This is what my parents had searched the globe for and it came here from somewhere out in the universe, or maybe even from another universe. I’m thankful I have this much. I would imagine that the effects of the meteorite on your body more than overcame the effects of the pill on your reproductive organs.”
“Daddy, I hope you don’t mind that Boyd, Savana and I became sexually involved in just one afternoon here. You know better than anyone, Boyd is the only man I’ve been with.”
“I want you to have kids, Andrea ... You’ve given up most everything in your life, taking care of me. I want to have grandkids and I want to help raise them. I hope we can all be together, right here on Lightfoot Ranch,” Adam said as he hugged his daughter.
I told them, “We’ll build a large house over near to the lake. One big enough for the four of us and at least eight kids. We need to do a lot of legal research on all this. If what we’ve seen in one day is any indication, we’ll be the largest caregiver in the world by this time next year.”
“Then let’s be a non-profit organization and never charge for a cure or recovery we may be able to provide any man, woman, or child,” Adam suggested.
“I like that idea! I have enough oil and gas wells to support us and all our kids, and it looks like we have a lake full of serum to provide healthy lives all over the world,” I said.
Savana and Andrea made a big pot of spaghetti and served it with French bread covered in garlic butter, one of my favorites. When we’d eaten and cleared the table, the talking, planning and making suggestions as to how to put all this together, continued.
“Boyd, I’m going back to the lake at daylight. I may be there by the time you get back. I want to get an early start, then Savana and Andrea can come over when they get up. We need to examine the soil, plant, and animal life around the lake. I want to take samples of the oil coming from your wells in that area also...
“ ... I have seen large pieces of meteorites cause oil, minerals – even precious metals like gold and silver ore deposits – come to the earth’s surface if the impact is strong enough.”
“Well, it sure felt like an earthquake when it passed over. We thought the storm shelter was going to spew from the ground,” Savana told him.
“I want to check out your horses and your dog, Custer. We need to have some documentation of how they survived also,” Adam said.
“I can tell you now, the three of them can run faster than ever before,” Savana told him.
“I’m going to get a shower and turn in. This has been a very happening day in my life and I want to get an early start tomorrow ... Savana, where do I sleep?” Adam asked.
“You take the bedroom and bath up front, we’ll sleep in back.
“ ... Andrea, you can choose where you want to sleep. There are four sets of bunk beds built into the middle bedroom. This must have been built for a large family.”
“I want to sleep with you and Boyd ... That is, if you’ll let me.”
“I was hoping you would. I want us to be as close as two mothers can be, who carry the same man’s babies.”
Adam told me, “Boyd, you be gentle with these girls, they’re both carrying my grandkids.” He was still laughing as he turned toward his room.
“You’d better be worried about Boyd, Daddy,” Andrea answered. She hugged Savana as they went back to the bedroom we would share until we built our new home. While they were in the bedroom, putting sheets on the new bed, I took my shower. When I was through, they went to the shower together.
“Tomorrow, I’ll be in there with you. It’s big enough and when we build the new home, we’ll have a shower as big as a room so the three of us, all the kids and their grandpa can shower together.”
“Boyd, I like the way you think,” Andrea said.
“Andrea, how soon after we give birth can we become pregnant again? I want our kids to grow up close together in age,” I heard Savana ask as they were showering.
“Normally about six to eight weeks minimum, but we may never again talk about what’s normal, now that this has happened. We’ll ask Daddy for his opinion on that. I wish we could make love within two weeks after we deliver and have eight babies in less than ten weeks.”
I heard them talking like two school girls before a date – talking about what to wear or where to go. I heard them turn the water off and my erection jumped to attention. When they walked into the bedroom naked, their long hair still wet, their skin a golden – honey brown, I reached out my arms for them.
After close to an hour of making love to these hot and horny women, I fell back on the bed exhausted but with a feeling like never before in my life as they crawled up on either side of me, pressing their warm bodies against me. Their legs were over mine and their hands clasped together on my chest.
We slept this way until I awoke with the urge to get up and get started. I looked at the clock on the wall with the green numbers glowing, 3:00 am. Time for me to get going. I was so excited about this, I felt the adrenaline begin rushing through me as I stretched my Spandex shorts up over my legs and buttocks.
Savana had gotten me a black, long-sleeve pullover Henley and I pulled this on too. I grabbed the fanny pack canteen from the table and went out the door. Custer was waiting for me and I patted his head, letting him inside to find Savana.
I haven’t given so much as a single thought about trying to fly from the ground until now. The few times I’ve flown, I flew from the water. I wasn’t sure how to do this, so I ran as fast as I could and leaped into the air.
Actually, I was prepared to fall flat on my face – but in no time I was at the lake. The adrenaline was really pumping as I swooped down close to the smooth glassy surface to fill the canteen. I never slowed as I pulled up and slipped the canteen back in its holster, snapping the Velcro.
I could see the lights over Oklahoma City, far to the east from this altitude and banked to my left, kicking my legs. The morning air was cool and though I heard no wind noise as I flew, I could see the lights on the ground come and go beneath me – I knew I was making good time. I figured at least eighty miles cross country, as the crow flies, to Oklahoma City.
I gave another two kicks and saw the lights below me flash, passing beneath me faster. I knew I was making really good time now. I need to get Adam to check me with a radar gun of some kind so I can at least calculate time and distance when I travel like this in a hurry. I looked down to my right and saw I-40 below, with cars headed to the city and others headed west to Amarillo, Texas. I didn’t want to get into a highly populated area, so I flew parallel to the interstate.
I flew over the fastest vehicles as if they were sitting still. I was flying about a hundred feet off the ground. I sure didn’t want to hit any power lines or trees. I could see the tall communication towers scattered across the terrain, with their red lights blinking lazily and I easily steered clear of them. I was near the city limits of Oklahoma City in only a matter of minutes and began looking for a shopping center, or better, an all night convenience store where I could get a paper.
I spotted what I wanted on a side street a few blocks off the interstate and flew in closer for a first look. There was a small deserted parking lot behind the store and I dropped quickly into the shadows next to the building. I stood against the dark side of the building and waited for a few seconds. Seeing no one, I walked around to the front. I had three, one dollars bills and went inside to get change for the paper racks out front.
The clerk looked me over, but never said a word as he handed me three dollars in quarters for the three ones I gave him. Just as I thanked him and turned to leave, two young men walked in. I started around them and one pulled a gun on me. The other one walked to the cashier and asked for all his money. The man was telling him that he’d just deposited all over a hundred in the floor safe and there was hardly anything in the register worth being arrested over. This apparently wasn’t good enough, he rapped the clerk across the side of his face with the barrel of his revolver.
The young man next to me turned to see what had happened and I slapped the gun from his hand. He made a dive to retrieve the gun but I kicked it out of his reach.
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Hi everyone. I m tony cash a daily reader of ISS. I love stories here. Today I m posting my own story . This story involves myself, my cousin sister and my mami I.e. my mothers brother’s wife. Lets start the story . The story starts back when I was in 12th standard. I was at that time 18 years old and was happy with my life. I always wanted to fuck my mami since I was 13 and I knew everything abt sex. That day I was visiting my sister to take some notes. When I rang the bell my mami opened the...
Introduction: This is part 3 of my Slutty Teen Slave story. Enjoy! I awoke, groggy and unfocused. I sat up slowly, causing Jessica to move in her sleep. A small smile played across her lips. Turning to look at the clock, I cursed under my breath. It was already 6:28. There was still so much for us to do. My feet sank into the carpet as I crossed the room. I pulled on my pants as I stepped out into the hallway. I had a call to make before the festivities could begin. I could already feel my...
Carla and Georgina : a TG Love Story By Dani2 1 Georgina, whose given name is George, rests on her knees and elbows, sighing and moaning as Carla teases the tiny opening of her ass with with her rock hard shecock. Georgina is dressed in a lacy white bra, a matching garter belt, lacy topped white stockings with seams up the backs, and white 4 inch heeled pumps. Carla is dressed indentically, except in black. Carla...
Jillian held him tight, but he had no desire to move anyway. His pulse pounded alone in his ears, but their rapid breaths flowed together, in when she breathed out, out when she breathed in. She didn't stir under him, only held him and breathed. The experience of being with her had changed everything. His wounded pride was healed somehow. The stone heart he'd carried in his chest since Chloe had left was beating again. They had taken and given from each other until the moment when all was...
Melody Parker: she’s barley-legal and, finally, Melody is on a gloryhole dick hunt! Today, though, Melody’s super horny! Her eighteen-year-old hormones are on overdrive, and just look at her, scouring for Spring Thomas DVD’s at an adult bookstore! Spring is Melody’s hero! Melody aspires to be Spring. She knows all about gloryholes, too, and once she proves to the clerk that it’s legal for Melody to be in the store, he’s escorting Melody back to the video...
xmoviesforyouChapter Four by Simon Fear The time was 2:15 AM. The living room of the old Selmer Place was pitch black as was the rest of the house. The only light within the house came from the 45 inch screen T.V. that the Logan Family owned. The soft blue screen glowed, the movie that had been in the DVD player was over. Mrs. Logan and her daughter Ashley had fallen asleep on the hide-a-way bed/couch. They were still only clad in their towels, but Ashley’s towel had come open during the night...
Marcy's Wish By Conrad Lee Marcy Steele had lost her boyfriend to another woman a girl by the named Shelly Mitchell. Marcy hadn't been the best-looking girl this she granted to Jason but she wasn't unattractive either, in fact she had gotten into fairly decent shape for Jason's sake, and was always at the gym just to please him. She resented that now, though she was in great shape she was still heart broken and wanted revenge on her former beau whatever the cost, at...
I’ve been out partying and my inhibitions are lowered. All night I’ve been out wearing a dress which is too tight to wear any underwear. Its also quite short and being almost exposed like that is really arousing. I get into a taxicab, its at least a 20 minute ride home. I catch a look at the driver in the rear view mirror, he’s watching a couple of girls go by, I can figure he’s kind of sleazy. I start imagining how he’d react if I flashed my pussy or my tits and I get instantly wet and turned...
"Well, they certainly taught you one hell of a painful lesson" said Olga, the ugly tough who had just whipped her. This seasoned prisoner was sweating from every pore after her exertions, despite the night chill. She was standing over her recent victim and examining her handiwork. The new girl was certainly in a bad way. Clemmy had been warmed up herself, but she was still shivering feverishly from the after effects of the beating, which had brought her out into a cold sweat. "You must...
I arrived to find I was the youngest by at least twenty years among the grey suited grey haired men sat around the big boardroom conference table, and I was the only woman. Normally when I enter a room full of men I get that exciting little thrill from sensing their attention. I'm mid thirties, brunette, with a good figure and legs that I thought my white blouse and pencil skirt just above the knee were showing off nicely. This time I got just a subdued "Good morning Mrs Sanders" from the...
Before either of them could speak, Mrs. Williams came around the corner. ‘For Heaven’s sakes, don’t just stand there,’ she said taking Charles by the hand. ‘Kathleen, you can’t have him all to yourself.’ Mrs. Williams was in charge of the girls and along with Mr. Buxton, kept Stanhope up and running. It was their job to make sure everything was done and done right. Mrs. Williams had been there as long as Charles could remember and he had heard both his father and mother comment on what a fine...
Having previously enjoyed my lustful dalliance with my first cross-dresser, the thought of him clad in beautiful lingerie was an image in my mind that I could not shake for weeks. I had discovered my liking for women's underwear in my teens when I used to visit my grandmother, and she always had beautiful stockings in her hosiery drawer. I would slip them on when I would stop overnight, delighting in their feel, the smell of the smooth nylon as it encased my teenage legs. Sometimes, I would...
We slept late, if you could call it sleeping. We just went from napping to fucking to napping again until morning when we both fell asleep hard. When I woke up the sun was shining bright, high in the sky, and Javon's arm and leg were wrapped around me, holding me close. My pussy was an absolute mess, my ass and thighs sticky and wet.“C'mon, baby. Lets shower,” I cooed as I wiggled around against him and kissed him. He drowsily responded okay as we dragged ourselves out of the bed.We finally...
Wife Lovers100% fiction! My is indian, and she has the nicest ass, when she wears her office knee skirt. This one wonderful monday morning, she enter's my room at 6 in the morning and wakes me up to tell, "Sweetie, I have to go to Sudbury Ontario for three days. Our neighbours will take care of you, just ask them for help." So I fall asleep, but as she leaves the house, I hear the hard bang of the door as it closes behind her. Minutes later, not sure why I did it, but I walked to my mom's room. Her...
First TimeI looked around and saw two rough looking characters by the elevator. One had a shotgun in hand and the other had what looked like a Colt AR15. I knew everyone in the restaurant was in deep shit. I shoved and pulled the girls over to the cover of a serving station that was next to our table. This would hide them from view. I had to think a moment. It didn't take very long. I pulled the Glock 27.40 cal from the waistband invisible holster I kept it in the small of my back. I do have a permit...
So horny, so driven by lust. Like most boys that age, all I thought about was sex. Although I’m not sure if most boys had the urges that I felt. I wanted to pleasure men, at that young age I was exactly sure how to, I just knew I wanted to be with them. I had found a “Playgirl” magazine a few months before and even then my young cock ached as I looked at the pictures of naked men, Their beautiful, soft cocks looked so manly, so amazing. Looking at those pictures gave me feelings and urges I...
So I after finishing my exams in Delhi, I returned to my home town for the vacation. I decided to do something productive and thought to learn driving in the holidays. I told my father about this. He said okay and he told me no need to go to any driving schools, you can learn with our driver in our car. I liked the idea and agreed to it. Our driver is a middle-aged person of between 30-40 years, married. I have a pretty good figure with fair complexion. I always used to wear shorts in my house...
Note : This story is completely My 18 year old sister and our next door neighbor Susy have been lez playmates for years. Susy is a 18 year old high school student at an all girls catholic school. Sis has made sure that Susy remains pure until she's 18. Sis has also kept me her virgin pure sex toy ever since we were young teens. I'm now 20 and Sis wants me & Susy to be her virgin mistress Sister? Especially when she ties me up and tells all about what she does with her innocent & constantly...
IncestComfortable Comfortable by Carmenica Diaz
Jenny had her share of wine at dinner in Bridgeport, and we arrived nervously at the video store at 10pm sharp. It was crowded and as soon as everyone saw the two of us, all the guys basically chased us to the back where the booths were. We secured a buddy booth that fortunately had a nice lock on it, but creeps were constantly trying to get the door open. Neither Jenny nor myself had ever experienced anything like this–we were quite scared and thought about calling the whole thing off. Soon...
Insect Act By Sister Good morning dear friends, I live alone at barnala. I am a male of 24 Yrs, 5’7” height medium built. Any unsatisfied aunties who live at barnala (punjab ) can contact me at my e-mail The story takes back to 14 yrs where I was a kid of 10yrs, I have an elder sister who name is shilpa. Our age gap was 8yrs, so she was 18 at that time. Well built 5.2” height, I don’t know how to measure boobs but my hands were insufficient to hold them, they were big. Ours is a simple...
IncestMy name is Gabriel, 22 years old, and I am a teacher, Science teacher at that. I’m not really that tall, I stand at around 5’8 to 5’10, not really sure, but last I checked I was 5’9. I have a not so muscular body, but not really that skinny (although I prefer to be a little skinny), with six pack abs that you won’t notice easily because I haven’t been working out lately and I hope it doesn’t disappear, with a not-so-white skin, my skin’s tanned because I like to be outside, but I’m not really...
The TV Show 8 Simple Rules and its characters don’t belong to me. I receive no monetary compensation for the writing or posting of this story. All characters appearing in the story are eighteen years old. After Bridget and Kyle broke up, Kerry went out with Kyle. While Bridget was mad at her younger sister Kerry, it was Kyle that was made out to be the scapegoat. It all started when The Horror Train pulled out on the rails behind one of the Detroit suburb Hardees. Bridget, the pretty long...
My name is Ricky.I was eleven when this events started.My father, who was addicted to alcohol used to be very rough with my Mother and me.He would often beat us up. We had a tea stall in front of our house. A gentleman, Uncle Paul used to come daily to our stall.His house was close by.After his wife died without any children, he used to live alone in his big two storied house.One day he asked my father if he could look for someone to come and work in his house as a maid.father said mother could...
Incest*Everything here is fiction.*Title: Club Gomorrah.Chapter Three: The New Girl.Blond hair falling gently over soft skin. The headset was tight on her, her lips stretched around the cock shaped gag filling her mouth as another helping of chemicals hormones and artificial cum were pumped and eagerly swallowed, feeding her freshly grown 32D breasts. The mixture had both stripped her of any strength she may once have had and repurposed her flesh for more suitable areas. All body hair was removed...
First please pop along to my photos as I have just uploaded some from summer and some from last night.The reason I suggest you do, will give you an image as to what transpired that day. I have more photos of the man in question, and his actions.I sailed out to one of the many small islands in the Baltic and was left there to be picked-up later that evening.The small islands are a great retreat if you like to be alone as there are thousands to land on, sometimes you have one to yourself.However...
My sensual wife rose her body very slowly, before lowering herself down his dark shaft again. Anita’s head tipped back and she squeezed her firm boobs, teasing her own nipples. She opened her eyes, lustfully admiring the chiseled ebony body of her lover beneath her spread thighs. Balancing skillfully on her black stilettos, Ana began picking up the tempo as she rode him. Gently biting her red lips, she slid upwards slowly almost to the end of his length, before plunging herself downwards,...
For me learning about sex started early in my youth, and the first time I seen any action was walking in on my parents doing it. I got the long talk and all my questions were answered the best it could be. I didn't think much about sex afterwards, but being 11, there is not much to think about. When I was 14, sex started to be a thing that I thought about a lot. It didn't help that I saw my parents couple times. The very thing that started my little tale is the hot Milf who just moved in next...
Carter has taken a trip to LA to visit an old friend from high school. She has married a hot rich European guy who gives her everything she desires. Just as Carter is about to leave, her friend brings her a last minute surprise. Some beautiful red lingerie that matches her own. Once they are both wearing the gorgeous outfits, her friend confesses that she has always been attracted to Carter and its not long before he two girls are becoming intimate. When her husband walks in unexpectedly,...
xmoviesforyouPenelope Kay is hot and ready to try new things in her life. Jonathan Jordan has got what she needs a big black cock. Penelope reveals her perfectly perfect tits. Jonathan loves playing with her boobs. She takes off the rest of her bodysuit to show her flawless pussy. He rubs her until Penelope is wet and ready to take a massive cock. She rips off his pants to see his heavy junk. Penelope takes as much of his manhood as she can in her mouth. He breaks in her tight pussy. She moans in delight....
xmoviesforyouYou had just finished your first year of college, and you were back at home for the summer. The first few weeks you have done nothing but exercise, relax, sit around at home watching T.V and going out getting drunk with your buddies. All the while you were contemplating whether to return to school next semester, or take half a semester off for a road trip across the country. One day your mom suggested that maybe you could earn some extra cash by calling up one of your Aunts to see if they need...