Life Diverted (Part 1: Childhood)Chapter 25: Ghost free porn video

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November 1971, age 16

The remainder of my time in the United Arab Emirates was rather less stressful than the morning of our little war. In retribution for Dan setting me up for a fall, Sheikh Maktoum had him shackled and carted off to prison for ritual torture. I’m kidding. He insisted we join him at his father’s palace for lunch as honoured guests. His father was the Emir of Dubai, a very wealthy man, second only to the Emir of Abu Dhabi in the UAE. We ate well and built a useful relationship for the future.

Tuesday, Iran invaded Greater and Lesser Tunb, as predicted. Loud condemnation followed, with a protest filed at the United Nations. But somehow, nobody mentioned Abu Musa. At noon there was a ceremonial transfer of command from the British Army, and by the end of the day, they’d mostly packed up and flown out. Dan and I also flew home that afternoon, leaving the place in safe hands.

The next morning I staggered to school bleary eyed, but at least I was back in Britain in time to open the first door on my Advent calendar. Best month of the year!

December’s social calendar peaked at the premiere of the latest Bond: Diamonds are forever. The downside was that I had to figure out who to take as my date. I had invited all my mates to come along as usual, and Caity would be surrounded by her gaggle. I was stunned and a little hurt when Harry declined my invitation. When I pressed him, he told me, “I haven’t got a date to go with.” I worked out what that really meant, and it made me sigh. It can’t have been easy being gay at his age in the 1970s. Despite saying he could go without a date, he stuck to his guns. I thought about saying I wasn’t taking a date either, but with everyone else having a partner, that might have seemed odd. The last thing I needed was Rupert Murdoch running another story about me in his paper.

Finding a date was solved by Peter, as usual. He had unceremoniously dumped Jacqueline a few weeks earlier and found a group of three friends to accompany me, Tommy and Pete. That worked out nicely with no expectations attached. Meanwhile, my 13-year-old sister had her hooks well into Simon, her long-term friend-not-boyfriend. I think the ‘not boyfriend’ thing was to stop me worrying about their relationship. If so, it didn’t work. They were both well into puberty now, and while I liked Simon, I regularly threatened him with bodily harm should he ever let his hormones take over.

We did the premiere at the Empire Leicester Square this time, as we apparently owned it. It had belonged to Mecca, the bingo and dance hall company, which we’d bought, stripped of several valuable properties, and sold on. The Empire’s basement dance hall had been closed, and the building was gradually being converted into Britain’s first multiplex.

I made a point of seeking out the producer, Mr Broccoli, after the film. Two years earlier I’d ranted about On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. This time I gushed, making it clear how pleased I was with the new film and, hopefully, repairing our relationship a little.

Christmas was perfection that year. With Charlie and his mum down to stay, I had everyone I cared about there and no major worries on my mind. It was probably the happiest I’d felt in years.

Things turned a bit surreal on New Year’s Eve, as that was when the honours list was released, and the papers were full of it. (Not much else to report at that time of year.) All of them seemed to mention my MBE, as my age made me a novelty. Some were kindly, talking about our charities, some ... well, you can guess what Murdoch’s lot had to say.

We saw in the new year in style with a party at the house, our friends and their parents joining us. Despite having to suffer numerous silly questions about the MBE, we had a great time and the security guys put on a firework display in the garden at midnight.

At the end of the holiday when Charlie left, his mum promised that she’d bring him down for my investiture at the palace, whenever that might be. A package of information came from St James’s Palace a few weeks later, and the ceremony would be early-March. But it would be Prince Charles, not the Queen. Bit of a letdown, really.

At the end of January 1972 came a horrible event I couldn’t stop: Bloody Sunday. The foreknowledge made me sick. Similarly the car-bomb that would follow in February as retribution, but for different reasons. The latter I could have stopped with an anonymous phone call to Crimestoppers. But if I had, the Official IRA might have planned another bomb, perhaps bigger, and perhaps jeopardising the permanent ceasefire that would come in May. So Dan and I sat watching the events on the TV news, feeling ill together.

In February, Dan flew off to St. Moritz in Switzerland, for an important trip. He planned to bump into a German chap named Andreas Pavel, who had invented a belt-worn portable cassette player with personal headphones. Dan planned to ‘notice’ the ingenious device while the guy was testing it around town, and strike up a conversation. Dan would, of course, immediately see the potential of the product and offer Pavel a contract. We would tweak it, patent it and sell it: the Walkman.

Also in February came the grand opening of two new properties. First was our new research campus in Cambridge, which we called Silicon Fen. All our various research teams moved in, and Andreas Pavel soon quit his day job and joined them. Second was a new studio lot in Borehamwood, Britain’s answer to Hollywood. The town had three neighbouring studios, one of them belonging to MGM. At 130 acres, it was the largest of its kind anywhere in the world and had seen countless big-name stars on its stages. But MGM had had a mass sell-off of the family jewels (even selling Dorothy’s ruby slippers — sacrilege!), so we bought the place. They sold it to a housing developer for £2.5 million. It turns out, that was us. We’d spent the last year refurbishing the place and installing the latest equipment, and it got its grand re-opening to much fanfare (and grinding of teeth from MGM).

Then in March came my investiture to the Most Excellent Order of the (former) British Empire. I was allowed three guests, so I was taking Dan, Caity and Charlie. (I don’t think Uncle Will was too impressed with that.) We each got invitation cards with our names on, signed by the Lord Chamberlain. Mine had ‘Finnley Harrison MBE’, which was the first time I’d seen my name like that.

The tradition at these things was to wear morning dress: top hat and tails. That seemed a bit extreme to me, so I would wear my suit. Caity had a nice dress that was suitable, and Charlie’s mum had dragged him off shopping in Sheffield to buy a boy’s suit. When they arrived the night before the shindig, he insisted on he and I dressing up to show everyone our matching suits.

Walking through the gates of Buckingham Palace and onto hallowed ground was quite something. We walked through the archways, under the front section of the palace, and through the courtyard to the grand entrance. My guests were then shown to the ballroom, while I was put in another room with the other recipients. I have never felt more out of place!

When the time eventually came for my name to be called, all I had to do was walk up to Prince Charles without tripping over my feet, wait as he pinned the little medal on me, and then shake his hand. He said something complimentary about our charities, and then I was moved on. That was it. Time for some photos outside, then off.

Anatoly Volkov of the KGB sent me a card offering his congratulations, but I didn’t let that spoil my day.

“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Fiiiiiinn”, fuck their singing was awful! “Happy birthday to you!”

It wasn’t my birthday, but my party was the weekend beforehand as the day itself was mid-week. This year we had hired a hotel ballroom and had it decked out as a casino. There was a central dance floor, and game tables around the edge. For a bunch of 16 and 17-year-olds who were too young to gamble properly, this was truly cool.

Seventeen in Britain was when you could get behind the wheel of a car for the first time. More importantly, it was when I could get my pilot’s license. I’d been flying solo for ages and looked forward to being able to take passengers with me.

I got presents from my family at breakfast, and was intrigued when Dan’s card said ‘present to follow later’. I had my usual Wednesday flying lesson that afternoon, and when I got to the field, I knew what Dan had done. He was stood there waiting for me, a bright yellow biplane behind him bearing an RAF roundel.

“You bought me a Tiger Moth?!”

“Happy birthday, Finn”

I was a bit overcome and grabbed him for a man-hug. He was an arsehole sometimes, but he had his good moments.

So my flying lesson that day was not quite what I expected.

Business-wise, everything was ticking along under Dan’s watchful eye. There weren’t any big acquisitions that year; it was more of a ‘batten down the hatches’ year in preparation for the approaching recession. But there was one meeting Dan asked me to attend. He needed a ‘good cop’. I would have preferred it the other way round, but hey.

We shook hands with Sir Donald Stokes, head of the British Leyland Motor Corporation. His company was a competitor to Rolls-Royce, but we were there as friends. Dan and Don were on first name terms.

“So, what brings you to my neck of the woods, Dan?”

“I’m afraid I’m here to spoil your day”, Dan replied. “Hear us out, and don’t forget that we’re on your side, alright? Finn...”

“Sir, your creditors are worried. They have a lot of faith in you personally, but they’re worried about some of the things they hear about British Leyland.” I made it sound apologetic. And true, which it wasn’t exactly. “So one of the banks asked us to investigate what’s going on, not just because we have knowledge of the industry from our other holdings, but because we have shares in your company and a vested interest to see it do well.”

Dan took over. “We’ve had a team dissecting your company to get a good look inside. We’ve had forensic accountants looking at your publicly available books, people talking to your staff and unions, people working undercover in your plants, people talking to your dealers, people inspecting a wide sample of your vehicles to assess quality control, and, most importantly, people canvassing your customers. The report does not make easy reading.” He handed it over. “It demonstrates that British Leyland has a good heart, but a rotten gut.”

Sir Donald was now ashen.

My turn. “Sir, we’re here to give you a sneak peak at the report before it goes to your creditors tomorrow. The report makes clear that you’ve made real progress in turning the company around since it was created. But BMH was almost bankrupt when the merger happened, and all their old problems are dragging you down. There’s a list of recommendations in that report, and we honestly believe that the company could have a bright future if they’re implemented.”

Bad cop again: “You’ve got five different brands of family car competing with each other. You’ve got three brands of sports car, two brands of executive car, and two of those compete in dual categories. Top of the task list is rationalising your product line. Next, you’ve got to sort out your union problems once and for all. You’ve got identical cars being built in two factories, seventy miles apart because your Austin workers refuse to build Morris badged cars and vice versa. Quality control is appalling! We found one car with a permanent rattle, took it to pieces and found empty beer cans inside the door frame! Presumably drunk by your workers inside the factory. And your management structure is chaotic. Too many people doing the same jobs. Too many people reporting directly to you. And you’re a military man! What happened to chain of command?!”

I provided a calming tone. “The point is that there’s nothing that can’t be fixed. The good news is that your customers like your products and generally forgive little problems. So when your creditors start calling tomorrow, tell them that you wholeheartedly back our recommendations and you’ll be putting them to the board.”

Sir Donald replied glumly, “The board will never support me after reading this. I’ll be out.”

“I don’t think so,” I told him, “because you can also tell them that you’ve negotiated a deal with us to license two new car designs and a new engine that runs on unleaded petrol, gets far more miles to the gallon and will help save the planet.”


“Yes”, Dan replied. “The prototypes are in the car park.”

“You’ve built them?!”

“We have”, I replied. “We needed to be able to test the engine on the road. There’s a Mini-on-steroids, and a mid-sized family car we’ve been calling the Montego.”

“But they come with strings attached”, Dan insisted. “You implement every one of our recommendations. Otherwise, the company is doomed. There’s no point in us licensing our work to you in that case.”

He was looking at the page of recommendations. “You want us to retire the Austin and Morris marques altogether. Sell Triumph and either Jaguar or MG? The unions will go nuts!”

“The list isn’t negotiable. I wouldn’t advise asking your creditors to take sides, either.”

“And I suppose you’d be interested in buying the brands we sell off?!”

“Yes, but only if it’s an open auction. We have a reputation to protect, and you need the maximum funds to clear debts and fund new lines.”

“And when should I expect to find this leaked to the press?”

I answered, “That depends on how loyal your board is. It won’t come from us. Like I said, we have a vested interest in your success. And so do your creditors.”

Dan smirked, “On the other hand, if there’s someone on your board who causes problems, just let us know. Being a newspaper proprietor does have its perks.”

At Easter, I took Charlie camping. He had loved sailing the previous summer, so we were going to the Lake District. We had booked into a camp site on the banks of Ullswater, which had its own boats available. The weather cooperated about half the time, alternating between glorious sunshine and light drizzle. We managed to capsize at one point, which I’m sure panicked Ewan. The water was fucking cold, and I swore in front of Charlie, but that served as comedy enough to distract him from being wet. We both had life jackets on, and righting a little boat like that isn’t too hard.

The summer term went well until I went and got myself suspended. In retrospect, I was pretty stupid. Not because I stood up against a guy who was bullying a younger kid, but because I hadn’t figured out it was a set-up.

It was between lessons when a guy right in front of me deliberately bumped a younger kid. I was on autopilot when I yelled “HEY”, and reached to stop the kid from falling. Somehow, I managed to knock the older guy, and he went tumbling.

One of the guy’s two friends yelled, “Don’t hurt him” at me, which of course brought a teacher running. Then began the circus!

We all ended up in the deputy headmaster’s office, including Ewan, who’d been right behind me. The bully claimed he’d accidentally bumped into the younger kid and I’d gone mental, pushing him over and making threats. His two mates backed him up. I gave my version, confirmed by Ewan. Then the younger kid was asked whether he thought he’d been knocked accidentally or deliberately, and he went with the former. Why, I do not know. The kid also said he hadn’t seen how the other guy ended up on the floor and didn’t remember any threats.

Now, you’d think that the deputy head would take the word of an adult. Yes? No. Apparently, when that adult was an employee of my family, his word counted for nothing as he would be bound to take my side. So the deputy head decided he didn’t much believe either of our stories and sent us both home with one-day suspensions.

Same as Life Diverted (Part 1: Childhood)
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The Last Ghost

The emperor's Ghosts started with three thousand young men willing and eager to serve. We were not sworn in as normal, we gave oaths of fealty to the emperor. We started basic training and that was when they gave us the drugs and other chemical treatments. That was when we began to die. Three thousand started and twelve weeks later three hundred graduated, the rest died. We were stronger, faster and smarter. We began the advanced training; flight, weapons, martial arts, intel and reentry...

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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 21 A Friendly Wager

July 1971, age 16 I love Los Angeles. I love the buzz, the beaches and the bikinis. On the other hand, I hate California’s age of consent law. I hadn’t really expected to be bedding anyone during this trip, but when I saw one particular young lady appear by the hotel pool, she got a definite rise out of me, and suddenly the law was an annoyance. The girl was probably a little older than me and well developed in a good way. And her two piece swimsuit was barely legal. She certainly knew how...

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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 5 The World Cup

One evening during January 1966, Grandpa took me into his study and told me about a new business deal he was doing. He was trying to add another leg to the company octopus. A leg that would build aeroplanes. He told me about a famous company, Rolls-Royce, that was planning to buy another company, Bristol Aeroplanes. Rolls wanted to expand by adding Bristol’s engine division to their own. The thing was that Bristol also owned twenty percent of another big company, the British Aircraft...

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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 15 Flying High

January 1970, age 14 Double dating didn’t end up being as bad as I’d feared. Peter had been going out with Jacqueline since the OHMSS premiere, so we became a foursome. Ellie and Jacqueline together worried me a little as they seemed to feed off each other’s wildness, but we kept our next few dates on pretty safe ground. Ellie wanted to go back to the penthouse — that wasn’t happening so I lied, saying I’d got in trouble for using it last time. The thing that I took away from the meeting...

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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 19 The End Of The Beginning

March 1971, age 16 My O-Level exams were scheduled to begin the second week of May and stretch into the middle of June. O-Levels (and the equivalent CSEs taken by the less academically able) were the qualification you got at the end of twelve years of education, age 16. It was the milestone where many left school. If you wanted to enter the next phase of education, namely two years of A-Levels and potentially university after that, it was absolutely critical you pass your O-Levels. The...

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Life Diverted Part 2 AdulthoodChapter 2 Privacy

April 1973, age 18 It was the Sunday after Easter, the penultimate day of April. The last of the chocolate eggs had been demolished, so it was much like any other lazy Sunday. Except, it was also the day after the ‘incident’ with Caity and Simon. Conflicted was the word of the day. On one hand, I had completely flipped-out, losing self-control in a borderline psychotic moment. Okay, that’s an exaggeration. But at the very least, I had lost my cool and acted without thinking things through....

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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 18 Charlie and Reginald

December 1970, age 15 Two days after Christmas, Dan, Harry and myself were on the road north to Sheffield. We had debated bringing Harry’s mum but decided it was kinder to leave her in ignorance. When we reached our old home town, it felt like old times checking into the usual hotel. It was two Christmases ago that I was last there, back when Grandpa was still alive. That meant it had also been two years since I’d been to my parents’ graves. I resolved to fix that. The surveillance op was...

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A Very Friendly Ghost

The abandoned house at the end of the lane was not occupied. Joe had ascertained that by observing it for several days. Since he was new in town he hadn't asked anyone about the house. After all even though he went to the park on an almost daily basis it seemed that no one would associate with him since he was the new kid in town. They weren't rude about it but at the same time none of them would let him join their games. He watched pickup games of tag, baseball and basketball; once he even...

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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 16 An Adventure

Day 1 — London to Weymouth Here beginneth the diary of my summer in Europe, late July and August 1970. It was just Harry, Ewan and myself on the trip, as neither Peter nor Tommy had been allowed to go. I was severely pissed off about that at first, but family holidays had already been booked which I couldn’t legitimately argue over. I would miss having Pete as a confidence-boosting wingman with any girls we might meet, but alas, it was not to be. Hey ho. The start of our expedition was a...

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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 23 Big News And Big Business

July 1971, age 16 After a week at Glastonbury, two weeks in the States and a brief excursion to Africa, I was looking forward to home comforts and my own bed. I was also hotly anticipating the following Monday morning when I would start flying lessons. There were two weeks left of July (flying in the mornings, company stuff in the afternoons), followed by our usual three-week family holiday at the villa in Italy. But all those wonderful plans went to shit with the news that Charlie and his...

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Life Diverted Part 2 AdulthoodChapter 4 Croquet

July 1973, age 18 I was woken by someone banging on my bedroom door. “WHAT?”, I yelled from within my bed covers. The door opened, and Dan stepped inside looking annoyingly fresh and awake. “It’s past nine”, he told me. “Ewan mentioned your idea of doing something high visibility today to draw the press away from the villa. That seems a good idea to me, so get your lazy arse out of bed, eh?” I wanted to tell him to go do something rude to himself, but he had a point. “I’ll be down in a...

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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 14 Dating

December 1969, age 14 My bad mood lasted the rest of the year. Thankfully none of the press overheard my rant at the cinema, or it really would have been a mess. The reviews of the film were not great, and personally, I was glad the history books said it would at least earn back its production costs. A commercial hit it was not. My prolonged bad mood was the product of several things. First and foremost was the four-month dry spell without a blowjob to relieve my tension. Obviously, I...

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Life Diverted Part 2 AdulthoodChapter 9 Trauma

July 1974, age 19 Monday 15th July was the day of the Cypriot coup. But it was the following day that my future shrink would describe as my ‘traumatic episode’. It was nothing to do with staging a little war for television ratings, or the lingering guilt about the loss of Ewan’s arm, or my complicity in any number of the other questionable acts. Those would at least have been rational. On Tuesday the 16th, I discovered that I’d lost my baby brother. Or, at least, that’s how my brain...

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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 24 Cry Havoc

September 1971, age 16 To quote Ernst Stavro Blofeld, we were about to inaugurate a little war. It would be brief and relatively bloodless. Hopefully. Perhaps more of a skirmish. Its purpose was to make the defence solution my company was providing to the Emirates utterly indispensable. It would take place on Monday 29th November, so we had the best part of three months. The villain of the piece: Iran. But first, the small matter of going back to school. When we got our new timetables the...

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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 8 Battle Plans

21st December 1966, age 11 & three-quarters Christmas looked like it was going to be a pretty miserable time. The story the orphanage staff told us was that Harry had been in a fight. Someone had stolen Harry’s watch, the prop from Thunderball that Sean Connery had given him. Harry had confronted the presumed thief, and that older kid had thrown the first punch which led to the police being called. The coppers, unsurprisingly, had far better things to do with their time. But the...

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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 4 Running while others walk

May 1965, age 10 The next few weeks established my routine that would last for years. I would drag myself out of bed in the morning (I’ve never been a morning person), wolf down my breakfast, go to school (where I would try my hardest but not get anywhere fast), be entertained by Peter, come home, swim, do homework, watch television (which I had only discovered since living with Grandpa), hear more stories demonstrating my grandfather’s clinical insanity, and go to bed. One addition to that...

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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 9 The Awkward Year

July 1967, age 12 It was the summer of love, apparently. The London suburb of Wimbledon didn’t seem to be any more or less loving than normal, but I did at least go and buy the Beatles record Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, which became the soundtrack to the summer. I spent lots of time singing along to Lucy in the sky with diamonds and With a little help from my friends, learning beyond doubt that my singing voice was best saved for the shower! As the school year gradually drew to a...

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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 6 An Ugly Future

August 1966, age 11 In the summer of 1966, Jimmy Savile was already a well-known figure. He had been the face of ‘Top Of The Pops’ since it began on television in 1964 and had been on the radio even longer. I had watched the show every week since discovering television a year earlier, so for me to find that this man that I was in awe of was actually a prolific child abuser was a hell of a shock. As Grandpa sat behind the old oak desk in his study, a look of recognition came over him, and he...

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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 11 Requiescat In Pace

April 1969, age 14 I heard Dan pounding up the stairs at full pelt, and he was at my side within seconds. Another security guy followed him, speaking into a walkie-talkie, and moments later Mrs O’Keef gripped me firmly by the arm and led me out of the room. For a lady in her late fifties, she was surprisingly strong. Caity had also appeared and was asking what was going on. All I could say was: “It’s Grandpa”. A few minutes later I heard an ambulance siren and then there were ambulance men...

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Do You Believe in Ghosts

“I told you, Jeff, I’m a skeptic.” “I’ve traveled the world, been to the sites of war crimes, genocides, murders, hotel fires, and I’ve not once, NOT ONCE seen a ghost.” “My offer still stands. One million dollars to anyone who can prove to me that ghosts exist.” “Look, Mr. Palmer...” “Call me ‘Jay,’” he interrupted. “Jay, you didn’t get to be a wealthy man by being gullible, but...” Jay interrupted again, “Cut the flattery. You’re saying that you can show me ghosts in Bangkok, and I say...

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Perverted Ghost

You are a ghost. A male ghost and is rather perverted. Unlike other ghosts that like to haunt people, you don't care about that shit. You only want to do what you've fantasized long ago. You want to possess a female body. Being male is cool and all, but it seems like females always have it easy. That's why you want to try out being a girl once in a while. And maybe you can find a new life along the way? First of all... Who are you?

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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 13 One Small Step

July 1969, age 14 So my fifteenth summer was an interesting time. We played strip revision twice more, but with the proviso that we not go beyond oral sex. A few of the group were frustrated with that rule, but I was strangely relieved. The downside was that the knife-edge excitement of the first time was gone. In any case, the exams were soon over so the whole revision group came to an abrupt end, at least until the next year. In the last few weeks before term finished, I competed in the...

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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 3 Under the doorstep

When Monday morning came, I was more than a little nervous about starting a new school. I went down to breakfast wearing my new uniform: grey knee-length short trousers, white shirt, gold and navy striped school tie, navy jumper with a patch sewn on with the school crest, and a school cap. Caity was already there wearing the same uniform (skirt instead of shorts) and told me that Mrs O’Keef had tried to teach her how to tie her tie. It looked alright, so I guessed that Mrs O’Keef had done...

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Good ghostbad ghost

"My goodness!" she said going to the car " how did you know that would happen?" The answer is of course, I didn't know. During the next year, there were a few minor happenings, once when coming down the steps at school, I stopped on the stairs, looked around to see what made me stop and went to the railing for support the rest of the way donw. A boy I didn't know came down the stairs tripping at the exact place where i went to the tailing! Someone had spilt an oil or simular on the...

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I thought today had been a little off, what with everyone, even teachers ignoring me all day, but I didn't piece it all together until I walked into a door on my way to fourth period English. Or rather I walked through the door. I stood there in shock as one second I was walking and the next a door flung open and I had passed through it. Then it all came back to me. I was riding my bike to school and I heard a car honk and the next thing I know I'm chaining up my bike in front of the school. "I...

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Christens Ghost

The night was late. Christen had just gotten home from a crazy night out, the end being topped off with an Ouja board ritual. She walked into her room, shaking her head and laughing and the silly idea of what she did. 'If this really works, you can go up my ass and possess me.' Sarcasm was way to obvious. She stops at her bed, stripping clothes away until nothing covered her body. Before she crawled into bed, her stomach let out an absurdly noisy, and long running growl. Eyes widen as her hand...

Mind Control
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Can a ghost

It was the ideal cottage, we had looked at many btu this one was what we wanted. I was situated about a half mile from two villages and had been modernised inside and yet had its 16 th. century outside remained, a thatched roof , four bedrooms and a large lounge and also a nice sized study. I checked that the phone line could take a broadband connection so that I could use my computer for my business which I conducted totally at home. My wife was overjoyed when we managed to purchase the...

Adult Humor
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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 12 Pushing Boundaries

June 1969, age 14 The summer of ‘69 was when I really perfected being rebellious, and I wasn’t the only one. I was a teenager, so it was in the job description for me. I don’t know what Caity’s excuse was. After an intense couple of weeks of Uncle Will’s petty meddling in our lives, things had reached boiling point. Caity and I had zero respect for the man, so we settled on a new strategy: we completely ignored him. He could shout and scream at us all he liked (and did so extensively) but...

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Life Diverted Part 2 AdulthoodChapter 3 Midnight

July 1973, age 18 It was late Monday night by the time I arrived home from Italy. I had spent the whole journey deep in thought. Stewing, as Ewan put it. Dan had waited up for me, but when I sank into an armchair across from him, I didn’t know what to say. Eventually, he interrupted my thoughts. “Come on, Finn. Talk to me.” I shrugged and told him, “I’m angry at myself”. He looked surprised. “Why? This wasn’t your fault.” “Oh don’t worry, I’m angry at you too. There’s plenty of blame to...

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