Tom BillionaireChapter 2 Montauk
- 2 years ago
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Gingerly, I lay back against the plush pillows of the king-sized bed, getting myself comfortable before extending my right arm out into a curve, creating an inviting spot for Cassandra to recline against me. She accepted, pillowing her head against my chest before reaching back to pull my arm around her in a tighter hug. And together, we exhaled in welcome relief.
All was quiet in our spacious room. I'd gotten the Prestige Suite at the Sofitel Marseille Vieux-Port. And within five minutes of entering, I'd banished Captain Leclerq and all of his staff to get the hell out of the entire suite. I wanted nothing more to do with this whole mess.
Although the French officers shadowing me had been neutralized at Gare de Lyon, analysis of the security camera footage had eventually shown my unconscious body being dumped onto a TGV express train bound for Marseille. Captain Leclerq and his officers had immediately come after me, taking up positions in key areas and using their informant network to try and zero in on my location.
The French police had gotten a partial trace during Sharpley's first ransom demand call to Taylor, while Cassandra and I were still holed up in our little closet. They narrowed our location down to the Vieux Port area. And the next time Sharpley called, Taylor had been instructed to keep him on the line for as long as possible to complete the trace.
So Taylor had first demanded evidence that we were still alive. And when that didn't take long enough, she'd launched into her derisive comments, claiming not to care whether or not we were returned and instead asking Sharpley to just kill us so she could collect the entire fortune. She'd kept Sharpley on the line, the cops completed their trace, and then they busted in with guns at the ready.
The FBI agents, Taylor, Vivienne, and Evania were now flying down in the private jet and would be arriving shortly. They had stayed in Paris, holed up in their hotel suite, watching things unfold from there. But as soon as they had evidence that we were okay, they'd packed up immediately to come join us. The plan was to fly home to New York from Marseille.
But until they arrived, it was just me ... and Cassandra.
"I love you..." I stated softly, leaning down to kiss the top of her head while running my fingers through her freshly-washed blonde hair.
"Love you..." she mumbled, snuggling her face deeper against my chest. Wanting to feel the touch of my skin, she reached up and dragged the collar of my T-shirt down. But it wasn't enough, and she wound up pushing the hem of my shirt upwards until my entire chest was exposed and she could lay her cheek against my right pec.
I chuckled, her eyelashes tickling me as she blinked. And I felt an old stirring as Cassandra and I lay in bed together, me half-naked.
It had been a very long time since we'd been like this, excepting that one night in our closet prison. But we weren't trapped any longer, and I could feel my body flushing as my warm affection for this gorgeous creature flooded through my veins.
I wasn't the only one to notice. Cassandra hummed, idly kissing my chest, perhaps out of habit from the many times she'd lain on it over the years. Her hand roamed up and down my abs, my muscles taught and semi-defined after years of Rebecca working me into six-pack shape. And then her hand drifted a little lower, gliding over the bulge in my cotton lounge pants.
I groaned softly, feeling the rush of blood going south into my loins. But the instant I groaned, Cassandra's hand went tense, and she pulled it away from my crotch.
I knew immediately that something was wrong. And I was already sitting up as Cassandra quickly rolled herself away from me, curling herself into a ball.
"Cassandra..." I said softly, wincing as I remembered what had happened to her scarcely an hour ago.
As much as she loved me, and as much as she enjoyed the feel of my touch, Cassandra had been raped. There had been no time for her to recover from that yet, and I knew I had to be very careful with her.
"I'm sorry," I murmured, as if that would do any good. "I'm ... I'm here..."
Without looking, she reached a hand back, seeking out mine. Instinctively, I offered her my left hand, and she grabbed it, pulling my arm around her. "Just hold me," she whimpered very softly, so softly that I barely heard her.
"Okay," I said, nodding even though she couldn't see me. I slid down the bed, moving myself into a spooning position. Moving slowly, I let my legs come up behind hers, ensuring that I could touch her without making it seem like I was coming on top of her, like I was trapping her. And once I settled in behind her, I wrapped my left arm around her a little more tightly while adding again, "I'm here."
"Just hold me," she repeated.
So I did.
Even though it was only mid-day, Cassandra and I still fell asleep. Our exhaustion had nothing to do with the time zone or number of hours we'd been awake. The sheer ordeal of being kidnapped, held at gunpoint, and then caught in the middle of a firefight had taken its toll on us. And I didn't want to even think about where Cassandra's psyche was at after the rape.
By the time we awoke, everyone else had arrived and was waiting for us in the suite's living room. While we'd slept, someone had brought in both my suitcase and the one Taylor had thoughtfully packed for Cassandra before leaving Montauk. The sight of her own clothes put a smile on Cassandra's face, and she went into the bathroom to change and freshen up. Ten minutes later, the two of us emerged.
"Ohhh..." Taylor sighed and smiled, immediately jumping out of her chair and coming over to Cassandra. The two women hugged fiercely, rocking together while Taylor blubbered apologies for what had happened, saying it was all her fault. And Cassandra just patted her back, reassuring the brunette that it was okay and that things weren't her fault.
Vivienne, expectedly, came straight to me. She leaped into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist with all the exuberance of a 23-year-old girl who thought her boyfriend had been this close to death. And Evania was immediately by our sides, hugging us together.
Taylor then released Cassandra. Vivienne saw my wife coming over to us, and immediately dropped her feet onto the ground. Almost embarrassed, she backed away, sliding her hand into Evania's as the pair of them gave me and Taylor some room.
My wife simply stepped up to me, taking my face in her hands and giving me an intense look before sliding her hands around the back of my head and giving me a firm kiss. Wordlessly, she then slid her face down so that she could rest her cheek against my shoulder. And she hugged herself against me while crying ever so softly.
"Don't you ever do that to me again," Taylor whimpered.
"Get yourself kidnapped," she sniffled before pulling her head back and pouting. "You do, and I will seriously just let them kill you so I can take all your money, got it?"
I barked a short laugh, and soon Taylor and Cassandra were chuckling along with me. It was then that I saw there was one more person in the room, and Special Agent Farnsworth stepped forward.
"Hi, Barry," Cassandra sighed, opening her arms for a hug.
Rather stiffly, the dour agent moved forward and let Cassandra hug him. But he stepped back almost immediately, looking decidedly uncomfortable. "I'm glad you're safe," he said, the catch in his voice betraying his emotions despite his attempts to appear stoic.
Cassandra beamed, her smile lighting up the room. "Thanks to you and your team."
He nodded and then looked ready to bolt.
But before he could, Cassandra asked, "Where is everyone else? Jonathan told me Agent Reddick and a few other field techs were with you."
Farnsworth shrugged. "Agent Reddick is at the local prison keeping an eye on Mr. Sharpley. His associates were French nationals, so they're under Captain Leclerq's jurisdiction now. But we're working out the paperwork to extradite Sharpley to the U.S., and that'll take a little time."
Cassandra blinked. "So you won't be returning with us?"
Farnsworth shook his head. "We'll have to arrange a later transport. So this is goodbye for now. I'll stop by the house to brief you once we've gotten all the legal matters sorted out."
Cassandra smiled and then stepped forward, enveloping the agent in a warm hug that he wasn't expecting. But this time, instead of just stoically taking it, he actually smiled and patted her back. And he blushed when the gorgeous blonde turned her head and kissed his cheek, letting her lips linger for a few extra seconds. "Thanks, Barry. For everything."
"Just doing my job, Ma'am." Farnsworth touched his forehead in a casual salute/hat tip, and then came over to me to shake my hand.
"Thank you, Special Agent Farnsworth," I stated firmly, emphasizing his full title.
"Take care of yourself," he replied before glancing at both Taylor and Cassandra. And then he added, "And them."
I watched his lingering looks and grinned. "Sure thing."
As picturesque as Marseille was, both Cassandra and I really wanted to get the hell out of there. So after a quick catered lunch on the balcony overlooking the harbor, we took limos to the airport and boarded the Gulfstream jet. And soon we were in the air heading for America.
I'd taken two transatlantic plane rides in the past month or so. The first one had been from Athens to New York, when Cassandra had first come to fetch me home. And the second had been just days ago, flying off to Paris to rescue Cassandra.
Both times, I'd been conscious of the unspoken pecking order that had developed among the girls accompanying me. Through veiled looks or merely confident movements, these women self-organized who was sitting where, and it was no different for this flight home.
I had a regular seat on the plane. It had been my seat for both the previous trips, with Cassandra by my side for the Athens-return and Taylor with me for destination-Paris. But Cassandra didn't lead me to it this time. Instead, she pulled me directly over to one of the long sofas built lengthwise along the side wall, one that sat three people with recessed seatbelts in the cushions. Cassandra put me in the middle, and then dropped herself into the spot on my right. Taylor followed, sitting down on my left.
There was an identical sofa facing the first one across the aisle, so that six people could comfortably have a conversation. But rather than sit down there, Vivienne pulled Evania with her to the table towards the aft part of the cabin. She sat down in my regular seat, immediately buckling herself in. And then she sighed and stared out the window.
I sat there and pondered the way my life had turned out. In many ways, it was just the way I had once hoped for ... desperately ... after my world had fallen apart. After everything we'd been through, here I was back on my private jet with Taylor under one arm and Cassandra the other. Taylor's scar would never fade — and I was sure the memories of what had happened to Cassandra wouldn't either — but we were together again.
At the same time, I'd picked up two new important people in my life along the way. They'd played an important role in getting me back to this point, and I couldn't discount the contributions they'd already made. And with them on my mind, I flicked my eyes over to Evania and Vivienne.
Both women were watching me intently. Evania had a patient expression. She actually seemed energized by all the zipping around we'd been doing lately. She'd handled all the arrangements of going back and forth to Europe, completely in her element. And the look in her eyes told me she looked forward to serving me in any way I deemed fit for the foreseeable future.
But Vivienne gave me a pained look. I saw the longing in her eyes, the desire to be beside me, cuddling up next to me. I had to be killing her inside not to be with me, and yet she knew that it wasn't her place.
I felt for her. I felt guilty for uprooting her from her home, taking her away from her friends, and dragging her back and forth across the globe. We'd become as intimately close as any two people could become in ... what ... five weeks? And to go so suddenly from being my clear #1 to a distant ... what ... third? Fourth? It had to hurt.
If we were to continue with our relationship, we would have to work things out. I still owed Cassandra much more love and attention, especially after what she'd just been through. But I also owed it to Vivienne to make the effort to keep our relationship intact.
I knew I was going to have a problem very soon. Three days ago, I was all set to abandon the Jonathan Kwong life, to live as Tom Eriksen with Vivienne and Evania. All three of us believed our world together would be happily ever after.
But then everything imploded. Reality had forced its ugly head into the mix, and I'd jetted away to rescue Cassandra. Now I had to deal with both lives. I couldn't keep BOTH of them; there was a simply too great a divide between my Tom Eriksen life and my Jonathan Kwong one. But it was a problem I couldn't deal with right now. Cassandra needed me, and indeed she was pulling my right arm around her shoulders and cuddling herself into the crook of my shoulder.
I would have to make a decision about my Tom Eriksen life very soon. I'll get it worked out, I told myself. I've still got some time.
But I was wrong. Time was up.
"Mr. Kwong, sir?"
I was startled from my reverie by the voice of Matthew, my limo driver, coming over the intercom. After landing in the afternoon at the airfield and transferring to the stretch limo with tinted windows within the privacy of an enclosed hangar, we'd emerged to find scores of paparazzi lining the fences as we tried to drive out.
I'd sighed in resignation at the flashbulbs popping en masse as they tried to penetrate the car windows. The special tint I'd gotten was reflective, so the photogs weren't doing anything but blinding themselves, not that they would stop or anything. And I was staring out at them when Matthew called for my attention.
"Yes, Matthew?"
"Miss Ashlyn just called. She says you should turn on the TV."
Both Cassandra and Taylor looked over at me. They were seated to either side of me in the back of the limo. And Evania and Vivienne ahead of us also turned around to look at me. Shrugging, I motioned for Taylor to push the entertainment system controls on her side of the car, and she turned on the 30-inch monitor on the wall separating us from the driver.
"The blogosphere is buzzing with new reports coming from both our European sources and key personnel inside the FBI investigative unit. We've confirmed that in the past 48 hours, an absolute whirlwind of events have taken place involving the now infamous Jonathan Kwong and his longtime personal assistant Cassandra Cooper.
"A few days ago, TMZ released startling footage revealing that a disguised Jonathan had paid a visit to his estranged wife, ex-supermodel Taylor Brynn, at a Malibu rehab center. Shortly after, it was announced that Taylor had left the clinic, and was presumed to have returned to the Kwong's private estate in Montauk, New York.
"But contrary to what we believed then, Montauk was not Taylor's final stop. Our FBI sources have confirmed that just before Taylor was released, Jonathan's assistant Cassandra Cooper was kidnapped by none other than the fugitive executive Robert Sharpley, who just last year stole over four billion dollars from the company. Miss Cooper was presumably held for ransom, and our European sources now tell us that when Jonathan's private jet flew away two nights ago, both Jonathan and Taylor were aboard as they headed for Paris to mount a rescue attempt.
"What followed is a story that you won't believe, with a standoff that ended in bloody gunfire. So don't go away. We'll have the juicy details after the break!"
The screen cut to commercial, and Taylor put the sound on mute. I simply buried my face in my hands and muttered, "You've GOT to be kidding me."
"How could they know?" Taylor sighed.
"The FBI is a big, BIG government entity," Cassandra sighed, her Aussie drawl making her seem even more jaded. "National secrets are one thing. I'm sure you could get executed for divulging that stuff. But protecting the privacy of the rich and famous?"
The three of us griped about that for a few minutes until the Celebrity Sightings broadcast came back. Unfortunately, the French police wasn't much more airtight. The breathy reporter announced that I'd been kidnapped, and then the both Cassandra and I were rescued in a firefight that wounded several French police and claimed the lives of three kidnappers. It had all happened only a few hours ago. But word could shoot across the Atlantic Ocean much faster than even the fastest private jet could fly.
"Matthew, get us home," I barked, jabbing the intercom.
"Sir, we're in front of the gates now," he said. But then he explained apologetically, "And so are they."
I looked up. In the intervening ten minutes of broadcast, we'd driven to the front gates of the Mansion estate. But just like at the airfield, there was a horde of paparazzi blocking our way.
"'Encourage' them to move," I growled.
"Yes, sir," Matthew replied. He promptly honked the horn, a special one I'd installed that was deafeningly loud. And then stepping gently on the accelerator, he nudged the front bumper forward and into the crowd. At the first touch of knees buckling, the crazed photogs began to move out of the way.
With travel and the time zone change, it was about 5pm. Security radioed to tell me they'd caught two trespassers with bigass zoom lenses jumping the fence. I rubbed my forehead again, thinking that after everything I'd been through, couldn't I please just have some peace and quiet for a little while? I'd nearly died a few hours ago ... Cassandra had nearly died. Why wouldn't these people just leave me alone?
But of course they wouldn't leave me alone. It was their job to hound me. And whether I'd agreed to be hounded or not, my fame had been the price to pay for my inheritance. Plus, it was like Taylor had once told me: "You don't want paparazzi stalking you? Stop fucking supermodels."
She'd said it in jest at the time, but there was more than a grain of truth in her words. If I'd just settled into a quiet life with Taylor in some rural destination, my life would have been far less complicated. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet had gazillions more money than me, but then they didn't go around to high society parties and leave with a couple of extra hot women under their arms. No, I had to go jet-setting to exotic locales with Taylor, Cassandra, Ashlyn, Charlotte, and a half-dozen of their friends. I had to get photographed in compromising positions with many different women who weren't my wife. And that kind of lifestyle was of somewhat high interest to the people who enjoyed watching Celebrity Sightings. It was my fault. It was the lifestyle Jonathan Kwong had chosen, believing that the rewards (and pleasures) were worth it.
And even though I'd run away from that lifestyle, it would forever haunt my past.
Time was up. And now I had to make a new decision: After everything that had happened, what did I want to do with my life now?
Even though I'd slept quite a bit during and immediately after the kidnapping, I hadn't slept on the plane ride home. So I was feeling pretty tired when we finally got to the house and went inside. As expected, the whole household was there to greet us.
My mom was the first to grab me and hold onto me, complaining in Cantonese about heart attacks and making her worry while simultaneously professing her relief that I was alright. To my right, Cassandra's mother was doing the exact same thing to her daughter.
Edward actually hugged me, and so did Dorothy. Ashlyn, Charlotte, and even Karl were quite excited to see us safe and sound. Kaitlyn cried. And Jeff gave me a "manly" pat on the back. Plus, in general, everyone circled around Cassandra to tell her how happy they were that she was okay.
And then I got to scoop up Joey as my little girl sprinted from her mother's arms over to me for a big hug.
But the rounds of "welcome backs" faded. As terrifying as the situation had been, we'd only been gone for a couple of days. And the impromptu party started to break up.
I'd been carrying Joey on my left hip for a while, and she got antsy to be put down and go in search of other things to entertain her. I let her go, and Evelyn quickly took the almost 2-year-old over to the family room and her toys.
After waving goodbye, I headed for the stairs, fully expecting Cassandra and Taylor to come with me. I was tired, and so were they. And I already had visions of the three of us taking a big shower to clean up and then falling into bed.
But it was not to be. Taylor waved me on, saying, "Go ahead, Johnny. We girls need to talk first."
"Huh?" I frowned, giving my wife big puppy dog eyes.
She chuckled and shooed me away, huddling together with Cassandra and Ashlyn. "It's barely 5. Don't worry; we'll both be up there soon. Take a shower and relax or something."
Bad memories of the last time Taylor had come home popped into mind. I'd wanted her to come to my bed, but she'd chosen to bunk with Ashlyn instead. "Do you promise you're coming?" I asked with worry. I still remembered not only how she wouldn't come to my room the night before flying off to Paris, but how she wouldn't let me touch her even during the four-way on the plane.
Taylor's eyes twinkled and a knowing grin spread across her face. "Yes, I promise. Now go!"
I pouted, but nodded. And in the end I went upstairs alone.
I entered the Master Suite alone. I stripped and went into the bathroom alone. And I went and took a shower alone.
For all the reports of me collecting a "harem" around me, I most certainly was not a harem-master. It wasn't in my nature to dominate the women around me, as much as we might enjoy some role-playing from time to time. Tom Eriksen had been a little more demanding, never forgetting that HE was the billionaire and all the girls around him either employees or "guests" whose price for going on the joyride was being at his sexual beck and call.
But I wasn't Tom Eriksen anymore. I was Jonathan Kwong again, and I didn't have that kind of dominant relationship over Taylor, Cassandra, or any of the other girls from my past. I might've been able to fetch Evania or Vivienne to come to me for company, but at the same time, I didn't want to. Taylor had promised me she would be coming soon. As intimately comfortable as she'd been with me ever since reuniting in Marseille, we hadn't ACTUALLY gotten back together. And I didn't want to do anything to screw that up.
Fortunately for me, Evania didn't share that same concern.
I emerged from the bathroom completely naked, as was my custom. I'd dried off completely, but didn't need the veil of modesty that a towel around my waist would have provided; not in the comfort of my own home. It was habit. I didn't even bother to really look ahead of me as I meandered over to my walk-in closet, looking for something comfortable to lounge in until my ladies returned. So it was a great shock to me when I found a gorgeous, stacked Greek brunette standing in my way.
"The green? Or the blue, sir?" my valet inquired, casually oblivious to my nudity. She held up a clothing ensemble on hangars in each hand, a cotton button down in a greenish plaid with matching pants in her left hand, and a short-sleeved blue shirt in an ash pattern with coordinating blue-gray pants in her right. "Or something else entirely?"
"What are you doing here?" I asked in surprise.
She arched an eyebrow and looked down, as if she'd somehow disappointed me. "My job, sir."
For four months, Evania had helped me dress. Scratch that, for three and a half months, she'd helped me dress. The first two weeks, she was really more travel agent/assistant. But after I'd started calling her my valet, she'd looked up the term and gotten a serious kick out of the traditional "dressing assistant" definition of the role. And it didn't hurt that dressing me usually involved copping some feels or tumbling into bed before I got fully dressed.
I exhaled, feeling bad. "I know. I'm sorry," I apologized.
She looked up at me with big, liquid dark brown eyes. "You have no need to apologize to me, sir. I am here to serve you." And without another word, she dropped both outfits onto the floor and knelt at my feet. Reaching her hands up, she grasped my naked buttocks, and exhaled a hot steam of breath against my semi-rigid cock. "You're exhausted. And I don't believe you've had relief in days."
"Ungh," I groaned, feeling my balls twitch. She was right. With the kidnapping and all, I hadn't gotten off since Taylor's impromptu foursome on the flight to Paris. And as my valet took my cock in hand, I felt myself growing rapidly.
"Evania..." I breathed, worried about Taylor.
"Shh..." she soothed. "This won't take long. I am only here to assist you." And then she slurped my cock into her warm mouth.
"Unnnghhh," I groaned again, this time far more gutturally. I could feel my dick had completely rigidified, fully elongating inside her mouth with a few inches sticking out.
Evania rolled her eyes up, staring adoringly up at me while she began to bob her head back and forth, taking more and more of me into her with each breath. I felt my cockhead nudging against her throat. And just before I got in, she pulled off me completely and asked, "Please tell me ... please, sir?"
I knew what she wanted. Feeling a little of Tom Eriksen coming back to me, I grinned and ordered, "Pare mou mia pipa."
Her teeth shone bright white, and then were quickly tucked away as she sucked me in all the way to the root, taking my cock deep in her throat until her lips were sealed up around the base of my shaft. And still staring right into my eyes, she hummed, letting her throat muscles vibrate exquisitely around my sensitive glans.
"Oh ... FUCK, Evania," I growled. I slid my hands into her hair, feeling her thick curls flowing through my fingers. I held her head in place and thrust a couple of times, fucking her face for my pleasure and knowing she enjoyed it just as much as me.
"Mmm..." she mumbled for the few moments when my dick was NOT in her throat, catching her breath and letting her eyes sparkle to express her delight. Pulling back, she let her lips and tongue dance around my head, lavishing attention on its sensitive nerves while her right hand clenched around the rod, jacking me with my favorite corkscrewing motion.
"Efharisto..." I moaned, thanking her for this brief respite after all my anguish. "Efharisto..."
"No ... thank you," she moaned, staring up at me. "Just let it go. You know I want it. Let it go for me."
She'd promised it wouldn't take long, and she was right. After only a few short minutes, I felt my balls begin to boil. And with her fingertips caressing them, Evania felt it too.
"Give it to me," she moaned, parking her face just beneath my cockhead while she continued to stroke my shaft. "Let it go."
I groaned, seeing her pretty face in prime explosion distance. So often, Evania sucked me to completion inside her mouth, swallowing every drop I had to give. Now, she was presenting herself for a facial, eagerly anticipating my creamy load to splatter all over her skin. And knowing how much spunk I'd probably built up over the past couple of days, I breathed deeply and got ready to let fly.
"Fuuuuuck!" I roared as I felt the first contractions begin. My dick retracted backwards, like a pirate-ship cannon blasting away. And from the tip of my cock came a jet of semen that spurted out as if from a fire hydrant.
"Gahhh!" Evania gasped as she was coated from forehead to right cheek, a thick line of cream settling onto her face.
"Ungh!" I grunted as the second jet took off, aimed by her still-stroking hand.
"Yes!" she squealed, another line splashing diagonally across her nose.
"Ngh! Ngh! Ngh!" A third, then fourth, and fifth spray launched out of me, a little bit even going into her gaping mouth. But most of my cum wound up on Evania's face, a few strings in her hair, even. And with gleeful abandon, she stroked me with both hands, pulling more and more cum out until she was absolutely covered from hairline to chin.
And then with my legs buckling, I actually fell flat on my ass to the floor.
Giggling, Evania clapped her hands and tried to blink to make sure she could still see. Her left eye was painted shut, and she had to drag a finger across the lid to clear it enough to open. She popped the finger glob of jizz into her mouth, humming as happily as when she had my cock in her mouth. And then she sat back on her heels, catching her breath from the momentary exertion.
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Tom sat in the back seat of the car moodily as it wove its way down the dusty road, glancing over the shred of paper that he blamed for his current predicament. As a 18-year-old, he found the idea of being forced to stay at a summer camp while his parents were taking a long business trip to Europe ridiculous... but, his parents were relatively old-fashioned, and didn't think that anybody younger than 70 should be at home alone, it seemed. Plans had been for him to stay with...
Chapter 16 SALLY SEDUCES TOM, SUE LEARNS THE STORY OF TOM & MARY ANN Thanks for reading my series, ‘Tom & Sue & John & Debbie!’ If you haven’t read Chapters 1-15, please do so before reading this chapter, otherwise, you’re going to miss a lot of the details as each chapter builds on the previous chapter. The series, ‘Tom & Sue & John & Debbie’ is a story about sports, sex and romance. The story plot centers on the adventures of two high school girls during their senior year and continuing...
An upset Melissa come running to find Tom who was just emerging from the women’s restroom with the company’s librarian. ‘Tom, Tom.’ ‘Melissa, calm down. Armageddon is not scheduled for today.’ ‘Tom, Tom. Mrs Stokes has arrived and is with the partners. You and I have been called to them.’ ‘Oh good. We can snare this one for you darling.’ ‘What?’ ‘You’ll do the work. I’m employed as the ideas guy. I’m not required to work.’ ‘Oh, I think I understand what you mean. Will we survive this?’ ...
Two weeks after arriving in New York, Tom moved into a studio apartment. His salary impressed him, being far more than what he thought he was worth. He relaxed when Jed told him he paid people what he thought they were worth and he was receiving excellent feedback about Tom from clients who were being charged huge money for advertising services. Tom was a real hit within Jed’s family and surprisingly after that punchy start, he and Carl were beginning to become real pals. And then Tom blew it,...
“I have huge nipples.” Stated Trish, looking up from Tom’s tight testes. “There’s only one kind of regular brassiere I can wear that I like that covers my nipples well.” Trish said as she assessed the size of her areolas.” “Yes, you do have huge nipples,” replied Tom repositioning himself on the couch so his head was level with Trish’s breasts. Once again, Trish’s nipples were the center of the universe. Trish was a strange self centered sexually compulsive bitch. Tom...
CHAPTER 6 An irritated older guy was standing at reception waiting for a receptionist to appear when Tom entered the dingy offices of Benson, Michaels and Struthers PR. ‘May I help you sir?’ ‘Do you work here?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘I own Robinson’s Clearance House and had advertised heavily to promote the clearance of a line of five gallon ceramic pickling pots. We’d ordered 150 pots but they failed to arrive on time and this morning a container of 1500 was dumped outside our premises. It’s a complete...
I edited and rewrote some lines in this story. This story was written to see if there are genres that I can write that I have no experience in, and make it real enough for people to enjoy. I was surprised at how well people received my story. Thank you in advance for reading my work. Tom ((((((((((At the End of part 1))))))))))) When we last left Tom and Morgan, after the death of her mom and a drunken interaction with her Daddy, they were both having fantasies about each other. Morgan was...
Tom sat looking at the wedding invitation. Shona had met a divorcee businessman and they’d fallen for one another in a big way. Apparently the couple a long time and began the relationship with an interest in marriage and that had led to the inevitable. Tom had asked Marion who he’d been running with lately to accompany him but she was apologetic, saying she was actually married and her husband would arrive home at the end of new week. He called for Fiona at Briscoe Partners but she had left...
If you haven’t read Chapters 1 through 3 yet, I suggest you read them first to pick up details not included in this chapter. * * * * The phone rang and Dad said, ‘Sue, its Tom.’ Suddenly I realized I was only dreaming—Christmas was still three weeks away! I answered and told Tom, ‘I just had the most horrible dream—I was pregnant and it was Christmas Day. Tom I’m really scared.’ Tom said, ‘Just relax—you’re not late! Look at the sports page—it’ll cheer you up!’ I asked, ‘What’s it...
He mets a girl, Tori. Tori is a 18 black bombshell. Black hair. Green eyes. D chest, small waist and a bouncy butt. She takes Tom virginity and he is in love with her. They begin having sex on a regular basis. One night Tori tells Tom to come to her house, he arrives at midnight. As soon as he is inside she commands him to strip, excited by her aggressiveness Tom is naked in seconds. Tori tells him to turn around and put his hands behind his back. She handcuffs him, and blindfolds...
The true story of our first meeting with Tom, an on-line friend from Atlanta. The comical bit about "tit happens" actually happened and is a fond memory of that meet.Tom, Our First Meeting We’d been talking to Tom for sometime on an online contact site. Tom was from Atlanta and we lived in the UK and, even though we spent a lot of time in the States our paths had never crossed. There wasn’t a lot Tom didn’t know about us and he’d seen plenty of pictures of my wife fucking and sucking other...
CHAPTER 7 Lit by flickering candlelight in the restaurant, a trace of lipstick on his upper lip, Thom said, ‘Together at last.’ ‘Yes our missed lunch engagement because of the chemical spill and then me being sent to Austin for three days. I was beginning we weren’t destined to meet again. You can inspect the apartment when we finish up here and see if it meets your requirements. ‘Does it have a bed and a sturdy sofa?’ ‘Yes of course.’ ‘Then it meets my requirements.’ Jane finally worked...
If you haven’t read Chapters 1 through 4 of this series, I suggest you start at the beginning. You’ll get more out of this story if you do. * * * * * * Sally asked, ‘Sue, did you and Tom use the ultra-thins every time you fucked this weekend?’ I said, ‘Yes. We both don’t want the worry ever again.’ Steve and John came back to the house so we quit our sister chat. John turned on the TV and the ESPN sports was on. He yelled, ‘They’re interviewing Coach Lewis at the Superdome.’ We all ran...
Our hero in this story is Tom, a thirty something ex soccer player, who now travels around the world picking up odd jobs for friends or people he has met over the years. He retired when he ruptured his Achilles tendon but he keeps himself in good shape. Oh, and he loves the ladies! Part 1 Tom has been asked by Maggie, a long term friend, to help out on a hen party adventure weekend at her country house hotel in the south of England. He arrives at around 5.30 pm at the end of a hot summers...
If you haven’t read Chapters 1 and 2 yet, I suggest you read them first to pick up details not included in this chapter. *** We woke up finally around 11:00AM and while I cleaned up I noticed some cum around my pussy lips. I thought I’d cleaned everything up last night, but either I failed to or else some cum oozed out of my pussy during the night and onto my lips. I was beginning to get worried-Tom had not pulled out in time and it was my fertile time of the month! We checked out of the...
Dear Readers, If you haven’t already read Chapters 1-8 of this series, Tom & Sue John & Debbie, I suggest you do so. Readers will follow the fictitious characters while they take the reader on a roller coaster ride filled with sex, sports, and romance. Each chapter builds on the previous chapter and without reading the previous chapters the reader will miss out on a lot of detail regarding the characters and the story plot. I hope you enjoy my series, ‘Tom & Sue John & Debbie.’ DISCLAIMER:...
IntroductionI have checked and double-checked this story for errors and typos but I have dyslexia so can’t always spot them. If you do spot any mistakes, I apologise, as I know they can be infuriating for some, and I do hope it doesn’t stop you enjoying the story. If you do spot any mistakes, leave a comment and I will correct them.PrologueOur hero in this story is Tom, a thirty something ex soccer player, who now travels around the world picking up odd jobs for friends or people he has met...
Tom and Joyce ? The Early Days As Tom watchedthe last of Watson Watson's ten-inch cock bury itself between the welted cheeksof his wife, Joyce, who was bound spread-eagle fashion to the bed, he thoughtabout the first time he had ever laid eyes on her. You talk about a mess. Thatwas Joyce. He had beeninvited to a sorority pledge event to check out the new meat. Although no scholar,Tom was well known on campus thanks to his impressive cock and his naturaltalent for using...
Tom knew that his relationship was going nowhere fast. It had got to the stage now, whereby he would come home after a hard day at the factory, say hello to his partner, Jane, and sometimes all he got was a grunt, never mind a passionate kiss.He was only thirty-six, for goodness sake, certainly not ready for the pipe and slippers and pottering around the garden routine. He had offered to help in the house but was told that his help was not bloody wanted. Sex, passion and anything like that went...
CheatingSeries: Tom Welling SeriesTitle: We Finally MeetSummary: Something incredible happens to me tonight right after I am done with work.Rating: NC-17Disclaimer: Only own the other character, which will remain nameless. That's right, no Jan! Now you can imagine YOURSELF in the story... if you're male. Feedback: Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes* Even if it shocked you, or it was totally ridiculous.Note: This will be very different from the other fics. I won't disclose any other name, and will write in...
Tom was 37 and was looking for a place to live. His wife had kicked him out of the house because of his porn addiction. She caught him several times on web sites reading stories looking at pictures and once she had caught him masturbating with a water melon on the kitchen table. Tom tried to explain he had read a story online about using a watermelon that was sun warm. His wife decided enough was enough. She did not think sex was that necessary or desirable. She divorced him and basically...
Series: Tom Welling SeriesTitle: My sister's BoyfriendSummary: Something incredible happens with my sister's boyfriend when I stay over at my sister's. Rating: NC-17Disclaimer: Only own the other character, which will remain nameless. That's right, no Jan! Now you can imagine YOURSELF in the story... if you're male. Feedback: Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes* Even if it shocked you, or it was totally ridiculous.Note: This will be very different from the other fics. I won't disclose any other...
DISCLAIMER: All characters appearing in the series, ‘TOM & SUE JOHN & DEBBIE,’ are fictitious, as they do not exist. Any resemblance to a real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental, and should not be construed to associate a real person, living or dead, with the scenes or events described within the series ‘Tom & Sue John & Debbie.’ I hope you enjoy my story Reverse Cowgirl. * * * As I lay in bed relaxing, Tom was downstairs watching the NBA playoff games and I noticed the date,...
Thanks for reading my series, Tom & Sue & John & Debbie! If you haven’t read the previous Chapters, 1-10, please do so before reading this chapter. Otherwise, you’re going to miss a lot of the details as each chapter builds on the previous chapter. Chapter 10 gives the readers a ‘hint’ as to what will happen to the characters as they continue to take the readers on a roller coaster ride filled with sports, romance, and sex. I hope you enjoy the series and I appreciate your votes and comments. ...
A deal was struck. Tom would live with Shona and he’d work in the company’s weakest area — female apparel. She was already aware that Locus Thongs (Didn’t he mean Lotus Thongs? Shona had smiled) were currently the market leader. The two partners greeted Tom’s recruitment with sighs. ‘Shona occasionally comes in with a stray,’ Ben yawned. ‘Earn your salary and you can fuck her till she’d blue in the face for all I care.’ Tom grabbed Ben by the shirtfront and would have popped buttons had Ben...
If you are looking for well-written pros, them my stories are not for you. They are based on the things I have fantasised about throughout my life so are not meant to be realistic or factual. They are about good, hardcore sex, not romance and so are meant to be fanciful and raunchy; even ‘raw’. If it can happen in porn films it can happen in my stories so don’t read them and then leave smart arse comments about what teens do and don’t say or 10-inch cocks being ridiculous (Google Jonah...
I edited and rewrote some lines in this story. This story was written to see if there are genres that I can write that I have no experience in, and make it real enough for people to enjoy. I was surprised at how well people received my story. Thank you in advance for reading my work. Tom Tom and Morgan, Growing Together, chapter 1 A Father/Daughter Story... She was only sixteen years old when first she heard the word Cancer in her house. The house that she lived in with her mother and...
Jenny and Tom woke up the next morning, both naked from the previous night's passionate lovemaking, with big smiles on their faces. As they moved closer together, Jennys size 36D tits pushed against Tom. When they were close together Jenny noticed that something was sticking in her that was hard. As she reached down to find out what it was, she felt it was Tom's cock."My God, you are so hard. Well, I can't have that, I am going to have to do something about it before we shower and go down for...
CheatingNota: decidí cambiar los capítulos para que se más fácil de leer para el lector y para mí de organizar. Todos los personajes son mayor de 18 años. 100% ficticio. " ¡ QUE DIABLOS HAS DICHO! " " eso mismo, que tu eres hijo de el Dios del amor y el sexo Eros " ************************* Definitivamente el no esperaba que su día terminaría de ésa forma, es más parecía de lo más normal y aburrido para el. Tom Losers era un joven de 19 años que cursaban el primer año en la universidad, huérfano desde...
Mind ControlSeries: Tom Welling SeriesTitle: Shooting the first episode of the new seasonSummary: Something incredible happens after finishing shooting the very first episode of the new season.Rating: NC-17Disclaimer: Only own the other character, which will remain nameless. That's right, no Jan! Now you can imagine YOURSELF in the story... if you're male. Feedback: Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes* Even if it shocked you, or it was totally ridiculous.Note: This will be very different from the other fics. I...
This is the story were I had sex with my for first time a threesome.The names are Tom and lee with me rekkkaa ok .It happened when we all decided to have sex knowing about each others willingness for have gaysex. Tom and Lee wanted have sex first as I was young among us they said i have no experience so they said me to watch them have sex with each other.Tom stood up and opened his legs and showeed his to Lee and smiled athim all of us were naked and horny Lee came behind tom stood behind him...
GayHe wanted them to marry but she was doubtful. This story is entirely fictional. Tom Cassavettes was sprawled in a canvas chair reading the book list of the university course he was about to attend. The afternoon sun was hot and the air was humid enough to be stirred with a spoon when his thoughts were disturbed by a shrill voice. He followed the sound and saw a disembodied head visible over a hedge way above then with eyes squinting in the strong light finally identified the speaker. It was...
Thanks for reading my series, ‘Tom & Sue & John & Debbie!’ If you haven’t read Chapters 1-14, please do so before reading this chapter, otherwise, you’re going to miss a lot of the details as each chapter builds on the previous chapter. The series is a story about sports, sex, and romance. If you enjoy these activities, I hope you’ll enjoy the series. DISCLAIMER: All characters, appearing in the series ‘Tom & Sue & John & Debbie’ are fictitious, as they do not exist. Any resemblance to a real...
Tom and MaryI was on vacation staying at a very nice hotel. I was lounging by the pool getting some sun and watching all the hot women. This one particular woman walked by and caught my eye because she was an older woman. Her hair was very short and totally grey. She was wearing a one piece bathing suit and she looked amazing in it. Her face was tanned and weathered and I figured her to be at least in her early sixties although her body looked much younger. I was watching her walk by and she...
It was a shock to Tom. He was a man who’d looked after himself and his family all his life. A loving husband and a devoted father. Life had dealt him a bitter blow when his wife, the mother of their daughter Karen, had left and Tom decided that he would just enjoy himself from then on. Karen was, by that time, married and off his hands so he could do as he pleased and with whom he pleased and there were many ladies who pleased him immensely. Not least of whom was Annie Davies, a woman of...
We’d been talking to Tom for sometime on an online contact site. Tom was from Atlanta and we lived in the UK and, even though we spent a lot of time in the States our paths had never crossed. There wasn’t a lot Tom didn’t know about us and he’d seen plenty of pictures of my wife fucking and sucking other guys. My wife and I were involved in the MFM side of the lifestyle, and I was hoping that when we finally met him, Tom would be added to the long line of guys we’d had fun with. Last year it...
Lisa and Tom are a pretty wild couple. Although they plan to marry right after graduation, college hasn’t taught them a thing about being faithful. Don’t get the wrong idea, Lisa would never run around behind Tom’s back; she doesn’t have to! “Lisa, if you’re going to cheat on me at least let me get off by watching you!” Tom wasn’t kidding. Lisa had a feeling that he wasn’t just dropping hints either, he wanted to see her in action and soon! Lisa is a knock out! At 5’8” and 115 pounds, this...
InterracialTom and Silkie have been teasing each other for weeks about sex they are both so aroused by the story she told about her birthday, Now the teasing is a thing of the pastNo Anesthetic for Love@2014 Sylvia had been groping me a little before she finished telling me the birthday story. Now we were in her bed, in the soft April afternoon light, with no place that either of us had to be anytime soon: Silkie was still sittting across the room, fully clothed: "I can't believe that you didn't have your...
If you haven’t read Chapter 1 yet, I suggest you read it first to pick up details not included in this chapter. The series, ‘Tom & Sue John & Debbie’ is about sex, sports, and romance as the fictitious characters take the readers on a roll coaster ride with each chapter building on the previous chapter. The story plot centers on the adventures of two HS senior girls who are best friends, but come from different social and economic families. One is a star basketball player from the poor side of...
This is a true story concerning the beginnings of what lead to an itch in my brain that even now triggers sexual stimulus when the need arises. I am a thirty five year old well adjusted woman with just one kink - a secret fascination for canines! I am not sure when it happened in my childhood or which event started the ball rolling so to speak. My first encounter that made me realize that my loyal border collie had other feelings than just to be fed or patted happened when I was about 13. My...
It was summer so we had all day and most of the nights to just hang out. We sat in front of a school, walked to the stores or roamed in the woods nearby. Some nights we would get an older guy from our neighborhood to get us beer. We would go to the woods and have a fire and get drunk. Still, no action for us guys. Oh well, it was summer and we were having fun. One day Tom and I were in the woods with our bb guns just walking around shooting stuff. We came up to a fort that some older...
Tom's bare ass is right in front of me. I'm trying to stare at it without looking like I'm staring at it. The sound of the showers muffles the jovial conversation of the more confident guys up ahead, already getting clean while we are still queueing. We're all stood totally naked, flecked with mud, in an orderly line; as our coach ordered. As we're stood there, silent and covering up our crotches from our classmates, I have to concentrate on stopping my boner from popping out from between...
Gay MaleWhen my long-term relationship ended I decided to move to a remote one-horse village. Business in the place consisted of one shop across the road from me on the main road, a pub about one hundred metres away on my right, and my gallery. There were also about forty homes scattered about and a population of no more than one hundred people living there. My decision to open the gallery was that the village was on a tourist route and also housed ten full-time artists. The artists only opened their...
Gay MaleSeries: Tom Welling SeriesTitle: The BartenderSummary: Something incredible happens to me tonight when I go to the pub.Rating: NC-17Disclaimer: Only own the other character, which will remain nameless. That's right, no Jan! Now you can imagine YOURSELF in the story... if you're male. Feedback: Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes* Even if it shocked you, or it was totally ridiculous.Note: This will be very different from the other fics. I won't disclose any other name, and will write in...
Being a full-time student and working two jobs has it's downside, you haveno personal life. However, as the youngest for 4, I got the short end ofthe financial aid stick. I knew that I wanted to explore Education as aprofession, but being a gay man I was unsure o whether that would be a goodidea. It wasn't about me being unsure of whether I would be hot for astudent, it was about whether I could stand them. As I explored this optionwith my advisor, she suggested that I do a field day at a...
“Comfortable, Dad?” Karen asked as her father eased himself as best he could with both arms and a leg in plaster and a a face that looked like it had gone ten rounds with Audley Harrison.“Yes, love,” Tom said. “Sorry to be dumped on you like this.”“It’s not a problem, Honestly! If I can’t look after my old dad in his hour of need, what kind of a daughter am I?”“A good one. You always have been. Especially when your mother went. I don’t know how I’d have coped.”Karen bent over and gave him...
Series: Tom Welling SeriesTitle: CockpitSummary: Something incredible happens in the cockpit of Smallville Airlines.Rating: NC-17Disclaimer: Only own the other character, which will remain nameless. That's right, no Jan! Now you can imagine YOURSELF in the story... if you're male. Feedback: Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes* Even if it shocked you, or it was totally ridiculous.Note: This will be very different from the other fics. I won't disclose any other name, and will write in first-person....
Tom's pillow part1 Margaret was on the last year of college.After she'd get her degree in Social studies, she'd return to her hometown and her family until a job opportunity arose.She was walking home from another class that day.The sun glistening on her skin and her long brown hair, same color as her eyes.It was another day waiting at the bus stop.She dressed casually whengoing to campus,usually blue jeans and a t-shirt with some bands name on it.She was one of those girls that didn't have...
Thanks for reading my series, ‘Tom & Sue & John & Debbie’! If you haven’t read the previous Chapters, 1-12, please do so before reading this chapter, otherwise, you’re going to miss a lot of the details as each chapter builds on the previous chapter. The series, ‘Tom & Sue & John & Debbie’ is a story about sports, sex, and romance. The story plot centers on the adventures of two high school girls during their senior year in high school and continues through their freshman year in college. The...
Tom was an old friend of mine. He has deep blue eyes and had bright blond, fluffy hair that darkened as we got older. He was beautiful, a Simpsons loving geek and my closest friend. As time went on my thoughts of him would involve a lot more nudity... And rubbing! The fuzzy, warm feeling in my chest and the tightening feeling in my pants helped me realise I wasn't straight. But he was. And I'd learn that this can put a strain on your friendships. You get over it and move on, but sometimes, the...
Gay Male